Haircut for long hair for a rhombid face. Face forms: oval, square, pear, rhombus, etc. What does "want" the average length

Persons are different: round and square, oval and triangular. And there are in the form of a diamond. Today, the female site will tell you how to choose the right hairstyle and accessories so that the owners looked stunning.

Brilliant face: distinctive features

We choose the hairstyle and haircut for the face "Brilliant"

You do not cost you wear bangs. In the extreme case, you can afford a small bang, a combed side.

It is impossible clean hair back - So you will only emphasize your face form. Therefore, prefer haircuts and hairstyles that close cheekbones.

Here are some more tips:

  • Make a probor in side, and never in the center.
  • Prefer middle Lengthhair.
  • Do not be afraid highly short.
  • Can afford hairstyles and haircuts with a certain geometry.
  • Do not create excess volume on the top.

Choose glasses for the face "Brilliant"

For your harder it is to choose points. They should be the same width as your cheekbones.

Try oval or square Points. Well, if the top edge of the points is bent up under eyebrows. Also try two-color rims. And the glasses with color transitions will make your face visually more oval.

Choosing Hats for the Face "Brilliant"

Selecting this accessory, remember one thing: you need to make your forehead wider. Therefore, try hats with wide fields.

We choose earrings for the face "Brilliant"

You need to choose earrings that will add widths to your chin. You will fit earrings, narrow founding and wide at the ends. For example, earrings in the form of droplets, pears, triangle or oval.

Select the form of eyebrows for the face "Brilliant"

You will suit you round or a little pointed Form of eyebrows. How, for example, y. So you can narrow the protruding cheeks.

Tips for applying makeup for the face "Brilliant"

Creating your image with cosmetics, remember that you have wide cheekbones and narrow chin. Therefore, to make a face more oval, You need:

  • apply dark tone On the outer side cheered, towards the upper edge of the ear.
  • lighter tone Use on the chin and forehead that visually make them wider.
  • concerning Rumyant, then overlap them directly on the cheekbones, but so that they do not lay below the tip of the nose, and lead them towards the middle of the ear.
  • when applied Lipstick Or brilliance emphasize your natural lip shape.

If you -

We continue the conversation about various forms of the face, and today we have a diamond-like face.
We apply to people in the form of rhombus such persons who have the widest line - the line of cheekbones, the chin is narrow, the LBA line is noticeably already than cheekbones.

Actually, from an oval form, which is considered an ideal, a rhombid face is distinguished by this displacement of the widest line - not at the level of the eye, but along the line cheek. It is worth noting that now the face with pronounced cheekbones looks no less important than oval. Special techniques of sculpture in make-up are developed, emphasizing cheekbones, haircuts and hairstyles, focusing terrain.

However, if you want to adjust the shape of a diamond person, bringing it to oval, then the main task is to visually expand the forehead and chin, and level the width of the cheekbone. If the ratio of the length and width of the face is less than 1.6, then additionally needs to lengthen the face. The increase in length is always well replaced by the error of the form: the longer the person, the less pronounced cheekbones, the main thing is not to rearrange.

So, what are the ways of correction of a diamond person?

Haircuts and hairstyles.

Hairstyle can help you in the correction as follows:
- High hairstyle with a volume of roots will help lengthen the face;
- Hairstyle in width must match the width of the forehead, but the width of cheek. That is, the volume is necessary not only on top of the forehead, but also on the sides - this will help expand and balance the narrow forehead;
- Lush oblique bangs, laid out, will also help visually expand the forehead;
- Hairstyle with elongated strands along the face will help lengthen the face as a whole and will bind outstanding cheekbones;
- Lush curls and an extra volume near the chin of Taks will help expand it.

So, in relation to haircuts.

If you wear short haircuts, try pixie - this torn haircut, if you put it volumetric, as it were whipping your hair, perfectly adds volume in the top of the head. If you wear a bang - give preference or very short or oblique bangs.

Bang is very desirable if the hair growth line has a clear narrowing of the forehead up. Bang will help hide it, and her absence will emphasize the diamond shape of the face even more.

If you wear middle-length hair, then the most optimal two types of hairstyles are most optimal: either smooth asymmetric square with an angle or elongated bob on straight hair or graduated square or bob and curly hair.

In the case of smooth straight hair, clear lines of haircuts hide cheekbones and visually slightly lengthen the face. In this case, asymmetry is preferred - oblique sample, different length of strands, oblique bangs.

If you prefer curly hair, then the main thing in your hairstyle is the volume. Graduated square and proper styling will create the necessary amount of hairstyles from the roots and along the entire length of the hair. This balances the cheekbones will add the width of the forehead and chin.

If you wear long hair, then in the case of a diamond-shaped face, bulk curls are almost always preferable to straight hair. If you have straight smooth hair - try to lay them not direct sample, with the volume of roots (not just on top, but also on the sides), and be sure to leave strands along the face. For such a hairstyle, a haircut is a ladder.

If your hair curly, or you are ready to lay them in large curls, consider the cutting version with a cascade. If you wear a bang - then with oblique bangs and an asymmetrical sample, if not, then with direct surgery and strands of the face.

Collecting the hair into a hairstyle, try to stick to the same principles: the volume of the roots, strands at the face, if the hair is removed from the face - then preferably the asymmetric hairstyles. It can be braids, bundles, tails, most importantly - volume and easy negligence.


The main task of the glasses in the case of a diamond-like person is to smooth the difference between the cheekbones and the forehead, ideally making the difference in their width of invisible.
Choosing glasses, focus on the width of the cheekbone: points should not be already than cheekbones.
It is better to avoid forms of frames that taper up. However, the rims with a clear expansion like aviators and weifarers can also play a bad service: if you choose them in a width of cheekbones, then the difference with the width of the forehead can be very large, and instead of disguise you will get the opposite effect.

The optimal option is a rectangular or rounded frame, selected in the width of the cheekbone, with a height of about the level of cheekbar to the eyebrows, or the rim of a complex shape, for example, a feline eye.

If you wear corrective glasses - pay attention to whole-boring large rims. It can be a nonsense or cat eye.

Choosing sunglasses, try large glasses in a bright, contrasting frame, possibly - with colored lenses or gradient staining of lenses. For a diamond-shaped face, the Grande, Cat Eye, Large Masks may come.

The form of eyebrows for a diamond face in principle can be any - from a straight to the wing of seagulls with a strong break. We recommend to stay on the modern form of eyebrows, with a small break. Pay special attention to the fact that the eyebrows are not short - preferably long eyebrows, wide and bright, accented. This will help visually expand the forehead and balance the wide line of cheekbones.

One of the trends of modern makeup is underscounted by cheekbones. This is what you should not do if you have a diamond face. You should not apply a dark tone under the scarlet and dry the cheekbones, in your case it will emphasize the geometry of the face.
When the face correction, the dark tone can be applied along the contour of the face in the cheekbone area to slightly reduce their width. It is not necessary to use it on the forehead or chin, if there are no other reasons for correction.
The light tone is to highlight the center of the forehead, quite widely, thereby expanding it, the back of the nose, the central part of the face and chin. Expanding accents using a highlyera, be careful: rather glare on the forehead, eyes, on the back of the nose, above the upper lip. Additionally, you can try to put the light glare on the sides of the forehead and on the chin, but it is very individual, and should be selected taking into account the peculiarities of the face.
Blushes apply on the apples of the cheeks and gently sneak to the temples, diagonally, as if drawing the eight: a smaller and brighter loop is located on the apple cheeks, big and well-neased - on cheek.

A makeup with an emphasis on the eyes, either on the eyes and lips at the same time, looks good on the rhombid face. However, even if you chose the first option, the lips necessarily need to work so that they have a clear shape and saturated, albeit natural color - otherwise the emphasis only in the upper part of the person can create an illusion of the egg-shaped form.


The headdress, as well as the hairstyle, performs the function of creating an additional volume in the top of the head. In the choice of its size, you need to navigate the width of the cheekbone: the headdress should not be already, and better - somewhat wider.

If you wear hats, try models with medium and high tulle and medium or wide fields, better - straight or raised up. It can be Fedor, Panama, or even a surcharge or a cowboy hat. The main thing - Tula should not be already than your cheekbones. If the hat has straight fields - we carry it, shifting on the back of the head.

The caps also have to choose volumetric, textured or large mating. If you wear bini - let it be a soft, well-drepropy knitwear that does not cover the head, but will fall soft folds. Berets are also suitable, high dads from natural fur and analogues.

The form of a person can be divided into six main types: oval, elongated, rectangular, square, round, triangular. There are more detailed classifications containing ten (as in the picture shown) and more options, but they are all special cases of the main. There are faces in the form of pears, rhombus (diamond), heart, etc. Consider the most common forms and select hairstyles for them.

1. Oval

The proportions of the face repeating the geometry of the oval is rightfully recognized as ideal. The outlines are smooth, harmonious, without angular. Representatives of all other types have to use various stylistic and hairdressers to visually approach this perfect form.

5. Round face

"Belolitz, a circularities ...". The pretty round face looks very attractive. It is difficult to resist the charm of Cameron Diaz, admires beauty, Kirsten Dunst, Nicole Richie ,. But there is no limit to perfection. The desire to ideal, which for the form of the face is an oval, did not go around the church.

This type is characterized by widely arranged cheekbones, a small rounded chin, convex cheeks. The distance from the forehead (hair growth line) to the chin commensurate the distance between the cheekbones. The adjustment of such a person is in the audience elongation.

Holders of long hair is easy to do with the help of falling wavy strands, partially hiding cheeks. It is very relevant asymmetry, shifting accents. And, of course, high hairstyles that visually pull face. If the hair is curly from nature, not necessarily straighten them. It is enough to drag long curls to mousse, not letting them turn into a curly cloud, and let them fall into a natural wave.

An ideal option for medium hair is a kara. However, from the abundance of varieties of popular hairstyles should only be chosen to pull face. First of all, it is a kara lengthening to the chin, or sent to the cheeks strands. A variety of asymmetric kares look very modernly and advantageously.

Short haircuts need to be selected with special care, because the probability of emphasized the roundness of the face, and not hide it. Pixie haircuts are allowed, having sufficient volume on the top of the top. And once again, I will rescue the almighty asymmetry, successfully masking imperfection of the feature.

Lunolic (following the rhetoric of the Eastern poets) it is necessary to avoid small curls forming the halo around the face, combed back and tightened into the tail of the hair, flat top, volume in the cheek area, hairstyles with oval circuits. Bangs are desirable oblique, torn, asymmetric, if long or before eyebrows, then definitely extended.

6. Triangular face

Another geometric figure to which many people are similar - a triangle. Its foundation is a wide forehead, the vertex is a narrow chin. Looking at the wonderful faces Naomi Campbell, Natalie Portman, or, penetrate the thought that every form of a person, incl. And the triangular, has its own charm and attractiveness, and the task is hairstyle - to emphasize the best in appearance, setting the shortcomings.

To bring the face of the triangular form closer to oval, it is necessary to disguise the forehead, visually reducing it, and smooth the sharp transition to the chin to which the volume must be added. To achieve this goal, the hairstyles of trapezoid silhouette are chosen, expanding to the bottom.

Long, freely hanging hair give, starting with ears, volume and soft waviness using a styler. Or they can be removed behind the ears, and the ends tweak with large lush curls focused in the chin and neck area. For hair, the middle length is suitable with a hound up tips. The sample may be side or central.

The haircuts are preferable feminine, smooth, without clear lines (sharpness in the face and so grabs), not too short, volumetric chin. The ends of the hair is better to profine, which will make them lure.

Do not be suitable for the triangular face form hairstyles, smoothly combed at the temples (stressed the speakers) or back (open the disproportionate forehead). Short haircuts "under the boy" must be excluded not to strengthen the male component. Do not fit lush haircuts ending next to the ears. They will visually increase the already relatively large upper part.

Bangs perfectly soften contrasts, hiding forehead and making focus on the bottom of the face. They must be long, straight or oblique, from short need to refuse, as well as from lush, curled.

7. Rhombid face form

Among the celebrities with a diamond-shaped face, Jennifer Aniston can be distinguished, Lisa Churou.

8. Face Form Heart

With a heart-shaped face among stars, Katie Holmes.

Rhombus is one of the most complex and beautiful face form. He attracts views, causes interest, makes an image noticeable. The owner of Roma is Holly Berry, Moritz, Ashley Green, Cher, Madonna and Kate Hudson. They also know exactly what haircuts for a diamond face will be able to hide the shortcomings of appearance and emphasize her dignity. Let's take an example from them!

Face Features Rhombid Form

The rhombid face is distinguished by high and fairly wide cheekbones, pointed chin and rather narrow forehead. The hair line remains semicircular. The rhombid face is very often called the "diamond" and "diamond". The main task of the ladies in the face of such a form - to narrow the cheeks as much as possible and slightly expand the forehead. It brings the "diamond" to the ideal "oval".

Important Council from the editorial

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, it is worthwhile to pay shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - in 96% of the shampoos of popular stamps are components that poison our body. Major substances due to which all troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Coco Sulfate, PEG. These chemical components destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, lose their elasticity and strength, the color dull. But the worst thing is that this nasty falls into the liver, the heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to abandon the use of funds in which this chemistry is located. Recently, our edition experts had an analysis of the resiluphous shampoos, where the first place was taken by means from Mulsan C COSMetic. The only manufacturer of fully natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend to visit the official online store if you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the shelf life, it should not exceed one year of storage.

What exactly can not be done?

Look at this photo - it will allow you to understand what exactly you cannot do for a diamond face!

For a diamond lyrics are not at all suitable:

  • Haircuts opening the area of \u200b\u200bthe neck and chin;
  • Hairstyles in the area of \u200b\u200bcheekbones - they will further expand the central part of the person;
  • The direct probor - increases the length of the face and focuses on the narrow chin;
  • Short haircuts without bangs;
  • High hairstyles;
  • Styling with smooth combed hair;
  • Very lush volume from above, especially if you do not wear bangs.

Right haircuts for diamond shape

What hairstyle is suitable for "rhombus"? We offer you an overview of the best options!

Long hair haircuts

Lush curls covering cheeks and falling on shoulders, look just luxurious and perfectly suitable for a diamond face. But remember, you should not grow long hair, to then remove them for your ears - it will only attract attention to disadvantages. As for the probor, it must be the side or diagonal. Also suitable hairstyles with the amount of chin or top of the ears. They will make a slightly narrow forehead and chin.

Another successful choice will be a cascade and ladder. If the hair is straight, make braid sample. If you want a central one, you need to turn strands.

Haircuts on medium hair

The average hairstyles for the diamond litter are unlikely to do without traditional models:

  • Kare - smooth, graded or asymmetric, with a mandatory angle. Hair is better to pull out the iron, giving them volume in the top of the head. However, you can make waves - they are also relevant;
  • An extended bob - the raised round of the haircuts will open the swan neck, and the elongated front strands, falling on the cheekbones, will hide all the flaws of appearance;
  • Haircuts on curly strands - will give odds to any option and perfectly emphasize all the advantages of the face.

Short hair haircuts

Girls with short haircut and thin hair perfectly fit a lush straight bang with elongated edges. However, any bulk bangs look at such a face. The main thing is not to make them smooth and too flat.

Another option for a short chapels - styling with volume from above (Pixie or Garson). Make it very simple - just put a little mousse on the hair for the styling and raise the brushing up, making a careless effect. Also, the rhombus can decorate the classic bean with bangs before the chin.

In this video, an interesting hairstyle for a diamond-shaped face is presented:

Hairstyles for a diamond

The diamond form is demanding of styling. You are fine:

  • Horse tail - position it on the back of the head and lift the root zone with a thin tip of combs;
  • The beam is low or medium, but not on the top. In mandatory, release several thin curls from the face. This stylish laying is perfectly combined with bangs;
  • Spit is asymmetric, with an unscrewing, free weaving and large curls near the face.

Makeup for a diamond

Not only good haircuts for a diamond person will help to correct the form of a rhinestone, but also the right meyk-up. Its main goal is to increase the lower jaw, reduce the cheekbones and give the outline of the oval. To cope with the task, follow these tips:

  • Dark tone base or powder - outer side of cheekbones. Move the brush from the center of cheekbones to the ear tip of the ear - this will allow you to visually narrow the middle area of \u200b\u200bthe face;
  • Light powder or base - chin and forehead;
  • Blushes - they are imposed by a soft line towards the middle of the ear. Choose gentle pastel tones;
  • Very carefully decide the boundaries between powder, blush and tone base;
  • Stress the lips and eyes - this will allow you to distract attention from flaws. If the lips are thin, take advantage of light lipstick - it will make them more plump;
  • Special attention is paid to creating eyebrows shapes - stop on a soft arcuate line with a small break. But straight eyebrows are categorically contraindicated - they will make cheekbones even wider.

To pick up the perfect hairstyle for a diamond person, you need to balance the narrow chin, reduce the width of the cheekbone and the excessive length of the face. This is further described in more detail.

First we define what is strictly prohibited

  1. Try not to do haircuts that do not leave hair in the neck and chin area
  2. Too much volume from the region of cheekbone will expand the central part of the face
  3. The sample in the middle increases the length of the face, so it is also excluded
  4. Short haircuts without bangs is taboo
  5. Avoid excess volume at the top. Especially if you don't wear bangs

Compare the wrong and proper hairstyle for a diamond.

For short hair

Try to combine a short haircut with oblique bangs and side surgery. The bangs shorten the length of the face, and the side probor visually increases the narrow forehead, while focusing on the eyes.
Note that short haircuts with laid up hair do not suit you. So how to lengthen the face, making it not proportional.

Hair Middle Long

For the average long rules, all the same: add volume in the forehead and chin. Ideal a torn haircut with oblique bangs.

For long hair

Avoid only direct probor without bangs, otherwise only your fantasy. All variants of curly hair look very beautiful and feminine.


The most bang is suitable for a diamond person. It is better to make it a lush volumetric. Bang can be worn as direct and slightly on the side. Also, you are suitable oblivion to the chin level.
Note that smooth and flat bangs are not your option.

What hairstyles have stars

Rhombid face of Taylor Swift, Felicity Huffman, Selma Blair.

For girls with a diamond-shaped face, the presence of high and wide cheekbones, which are harmoniously combined with a sharp chin and a conical forehead. The most narrow sections of the face is the lower jaw and forehead. Usually, the hair grows along an uneven growth line.

The main task of girls with a diamond face is to make a visually wide forehead and narrow the cheekbones. Such a trick helps to give the face to the form of an oval, which is considered the benchmark. This effect is easy to get due to the right hairstyle and makeup.

Sometimes the diamond shape is called diamond or diamond - in principle, both are true.

Haircuts and hairstyles for a diamond

If the hairstyle for a diamond-shaped face is chosen correctly, then wide cheekbones are easy and simply hidden by hair. Fluffy curls are very attractive, which fall across the cheeks on the shoulders. It should not be released very long hair and all the more bothering them back - it will make even more cheekbones and allocate all flaws. More appropriate is the oblique probor, and not even in the center.

Girls-owners of this form of a person need to avoid haircuts that attach the volume in the field of cheekbones. And the volume in the field of ears or in the chin area will be by the way. This will allow to expand visually the forehead area and chin. The perfect hairstyle are medium length hair with oblique surgery and curled hair in the chin area. In general, for the average hair length, you can pick up a lot of different hairstyles that are expanding below. Read more on video:

Lovers of short hair recommended a lush smooth bang round or semicircular shape. It allows you to expand the forehead. It is not necessary to make a smooth smooth bang, it is the most advantageous exactly lush bangs. It is allowed to combat bangs on the side. A visual example is a bob haircut with a bang side to a chin or any other short haircut, volumetric above. With the help of cosmetics for hair, they can be carelessly hidden.

Makeup for a diamond

The main goal of creating makeup for the PM with a form of a rhombus is to reduce the cheekbones and increase the lower jaw, giving the face more oval outlines. Here's how to do it:

  • to put the dark powder or the tonal base to the outer side of the cheekbone, in the direction from the center of cheekbones to the top area of \u200b\u200bthe ears, since it is the dark base that makes the face narrower;
  • the light base or powder is applied to the forehead and chin;
  • blushes are superimposed by the line on the cheekbones until the middle of the ear;
  • rushes choose soft, gentle tones;
  • between the blunders, the powder and tone base is recommended to do very carefully to do it so that there are no strips and sharp transitions;
  • to visually distract from flaws, it is necessary to emphasize the lips and eyes;
  • thin lips can be expanded visually with light lipstick or lip gloss;
  • the form of eyebrows should be soft arcuate, or with a light break, in no case do not need to make straight eyebrows, as they will make the cheekbones very wide.

How to choose glasses with rhombus face

For this type of face, it is quite difficult to choose glasses, but not impossible. The main part of the selection - glasses must be the same width with cheekbones. Based on this, the rule it follows that glasses need to look for large, wide.

For such a form of the face, square glasses or large oval are excellent. Winning glasses with a slight bend look at the top, as this will allow you to visually expand the forehead. It is not better to choose a rim, but color or brilliant.

No need to buy very small and narrow glasses - they are easily lost on the face.

The diamond shape of the face is still called a diamond. Of course, in this case, much more pleasant to carry out a parallel with jewelry than with some rhombus. But still, the diamond form is far from being considered correct in terms of harmony. And competently chosen hairstyles for a diamond face will help bring the idea to ideal.


Accidents will help determine if your face applies to this type. Stash your hair back or collect in the tail and go to the mirror. It is possible to determine by the photograph if the curls do not fall on the face.

The rhombid form can be described as follows. Narrow forehead, and a small chin, which is slightly compressed in the corners. Girls with such a face there are depressions in the temporal area and a blurred hair line. All these disadvantages make it difficult to choose hairstyles that must hide imperfections and bring the face form to oval.

Secret ideal for "Diamond"

The correction of the person with hairstyles must be directed to the visual narrowing of the protruding cheekbones, the expansion or disguise of the forehead. Locks should smooth out an excessive angularity, and not emphasize it.

So what are the hairstyle approach a diamond face? All that give volume in the field of chin. Girls low growth will suit the styling, which, on the contrary, open the neck, but do not emphasize the flaws - these are tails, nodes on the back of the head and all sorts of weaving.

What is strictly prohibited

The rhombid face very spoil the hairstyles that are even more expanding the cheekbones and narrow the forehead. These are long hair, crushed after the ears, and any styling with the volume at the level of the central part of the face. Such options will increase the cheekbones even more.

The sample in the middle is also excluded because it extends the face. Also, hairstyles should also be avoided, which do not leave hair in the chin area and neck and give extra volume on the top. This is especially true of stacking without a released bang.

Lush ladies will not fit complex styling with many details. The focus is best done on conciseness. The miniature girls with a diamond-shaped face type can hairstyle can choose almost any. But the harmonious things look smoothly combed curls and short haircuts.

With a small head, volumetric and bulky laying are contraindicated. "Larous" and short sports hairstyles will also look inappropriate.

Choosing bangs

If the choice fell on a short haircut, then the bang must be. It will be good to look straight, semicircular forms, but certainly magnificent and volumetric. Flat and rare bang is not an option for a diamond-shaped face. Also perfectly suitable elongated and oblique strands on the forehead. They greatly grab the angular features of the "diamond".

For long hair

The owners of luxurious long hair are recommended to leave them out of them, so that they fall on the shoulders. To remove the front strands behind the ears or bother back, as already mentioned, it is definitely not worth it. These options are maximally discovering cheekbones, demonstrating flaws. It is also not suitable for a diamond-shaped face for long hair hairstyles with a central or direct smooth surge.

The diamond shape is perfectly played by lush curls and small waves, which visually soften the features and increase the width of the chin. In combination with the oblique probor, some asymmetry and playfulness in the image is obtained. Also, stylists actively use the lasy haircut, in which the curls of different lengths are framed.

In general, with any hairstyle, whether it is an ordinary tail, a bundle or shell, you need to make a braid sample and produce strands in the area of \u200b\u200bthe temples. On long hair it can be done with one or both sides.

For hair of medium length

Locks to shoulders are considered the most suitable in terms of the length of the face of the diamond form. You can only twist the tips to the chin level or a little higher above it, and excellent stying is ready. They will also be good hairstyles for a diamond-shaped face in the form of lush curls with an uneven surge. Ripped careless haircuts should also be honored.

Perfectly increase the chin and add rude outlines. The image is obtained feminine and stylish, especially if you add the volume on the tips. Only you do not need to spoil it by combing strands and open forehead.

For short hair

Hairstyles on short hair look sophisticated if you choose a good option with barely catching volume on the top of the top. It can be obtained as a result of a multi-layer haircut and branch. Stylists recommend a little closer to the curls from the roots using special mousses.

Hairstyles for a diamond face in a shortbob style and also perfectly hide disadvantages. But only provided that the bang will be a side and well profiled. With such options, the image will be released more air. Live and semicircular bangs are allowed to constantly lay a large round brush.

For curly curls

The owners of the diamond face form and curly hair can be said, lucky. With long and medium curls, they practically do not need to do anything, because the nature has already awarded to everyone. Small waves and large curls are considered the key to the ideal laying for a diamond type. It is only necessary to make braid samples to bring the hairstyle to mind.

The volume of curls or light waves visually bales the outlines of the face. And oblique samples visually narrows a wide forehead.

If you have straight hair from nature, and you dream of a perfect hairstyle for a diamond face, you should not despair. A variety of curls, sparing curlers or persistent chemical curling come to the rescue.

In a diamond face, unusual and complex hairstyles look very impressive. Therefore, the owner of this type of appearance may be plenty. We only provide general recommendations for which you can rely on when creating your unique image:

  • If you love pigtails, make asymmetrical and wide feeding weaving. Just do not forget on both sides to release several strands. They can be as stranded, and put into large curls.
  • Konsky tails and their derivatives do not tie too high. Be sure to release thin curls on the sides and create a very small volume of the roots. The tips of the hair can be left straight or put in the waves.

Hairstyles for a diamond-shaped face with beams can be both low and high. Only in no case should not post the "Gulki" on the Makushka itself. And again, the curls released on the sides are very appropriate.


Given all the recommendations, you can summarize that for the face of the diamond form ideal is the next hairstyle - hair length to shoulders, with a slashing site, laid in curls at the chin level. The bangs should be lush and also combed one way. For this option, you can pick up a lot of hairstyles that would expand the book.

Girls with a diamond face need to remember that it is worth avoiding strict and perfectly smooth stacks. The hairstyle should always have a notice of negligence and a bit of unfaithfulness.

If you are still in doubt about choosing an image, pay attention to popular personalities and their hairstyles in the photo. Jennifer Aniston, Taylor Swift, Kate Hudson, Selma Blair, Feliciti Huffman and Victoria Beckham, has a rhombid person. The last celebrity is generally considered an icon of style, so it can be safely relying on it.

In contact with

A diamond form of a face or a licho-rhombic - a sign of stubbornness and purposefulness of their owners. That is why you can be sure that such ladies will find what helps them become perfect beauties and find their beautiful image. After all, stubbornness aimed at the right track gives striking results. And the desire to goal is always welcome not only at work, but also in personal life.

Distinctive features of a diamond

Smoothly shook your hair and look at yourself in the mirror. If you see that the forehead and chin are the most narrow places of your face, the lines of hair growth is incorrect, and the cheeks are wide enough - you have a diamond form of a "business card".

Yes, you have certain features in appearance, which is considered to be disadvantages. But is it if it can be easily eliminated with completely simple techniques, one of which is the right selection of haircuts and hairstyles?!

  1. Bang is not exactly your option. If I really want - let it be oblique, combed on the side. So you hide a narrow forehead and visually narrow the wide sections.
  2. Smooth or combed hair back - not your option. Choose a hairstyle that closes the cheekbones. So you approach the desired oval.
  3. Short and ultra-screwed haircuts do not fit categorically. Your length is medium.
  4. For long and medium hair below the chin, choose a braid sample. No need to focus on, making it direct and central.
  5. When choosing multi-layer haircuts, do not make the volume on the top of the top. This will extend the upper part of the face even more.

We choose haircuts and make hairstyles. Short hair

If you prefer short haircuts - try "Pixie". This is a haircut with ripped strands, which, with proper laying, will give the opportunity to make the volume at the top of the head, hiding a narrow forehead.

Bang is better to make oblique and short, laying it a little careless, but not opening completely forehead.

If the hair growth line has irregularities or irregular shape, the bang will help to hide this flaw. Kosy and laid on the side, it also visually narrows the line of wide cheekbones.

What does the average length "want"?

Hair medium length is below the chin and to the shoulders. With such a long, you can experiment, creating a variety of images. You can be a young inexperienced seductive or a fatal beauty - depends on the hairstyle that will do on such hair.

  1. Care. It can be smooth and asymmetric, necessarily with an angle. Hair in this option is better to pull out, giving a rounded shape at the top to hide a narrow forehead.
  2. Care with graduation It should create a volume at the top, smoothly fall aside on the cheese and tips a little curly. It is such a decision to hide all the problematic places of your appearance.
  3. Bob elongated on straight hair. The raised head will help to make the neck literally swan, and elongated strands, gently and smoothly flowing along the chests, hide their width.
  4. Bob on curly hair Will give odds to any hairstyle for a diamond-shaped face. You can emphasize exactly the places that the most winning and hide problem. But the volume in the area of \u200b\u200bcheekbones is unacceptable.

Long hair

The owners of long braids during a diamond-shaped person need to firmly know one rule - by your ally in the struggle for the beauty and the correct proportions will be curls.

If you prefer straight hair - make a braid sample and achieve the volume of the roots, and all the head. And straight strands pull the waterfall along the cheekbone. The most suitable embodiment for such hairstyles will be the "ladder" or a multi-layer haircut.

If you are ready to spend a few more time from the mirror and curl large curls - use the Cascade haircut. Feminine and attractiveness will be your satellites.

If the bang is also oblique and elongated, laid by the wave. If without it, the braid sample and strands along the face. But necessarily the volume of the roots.

Inaction hairstyles for the "diamond" person

Want something unusual and complex - please. After all, simplicity is not your way.

Principles are the same as in haircuts:

  • the volume of the roots;
  • strands at the face;
  • oblique elongated or long bang, combed on the side;
  • large curls or waves.

You can braid a wide braid with a transparent weaving. But it is better to make it asymmetric and release a few strands on the sides. They can be both straight and frighten by major curls by the face.

Konsky tail Do not make too high. Create a volume of roots and certainly strands.

The bundle can be both low and medium in the height of the placement on the head, but in no case on the painter. And again strands.

As you can see, you are not only a "diamond" woman, but also an aristocrat. After all, the animal curls have always been a sign of belonging to a high class in the middle ages.

Five rules to create a perfect image

"There is no ugly women," said the classic. And he was absolutely right. And if we talk about today, when the beauty industry offers us a great many options for the correction of appearance, then the sin does not take advantage. And the very first thing you need to choose those that can be made independently, without much difficulty. You just learn to apply what the nature gave you, a little improving it.

And we do this way in this way:

  • Making a high hairstyle with the scope of the roots, we achieve proportional to elongate the face and visual correction of wide cheekbones.
  • Any hairstyle should match the width of the cheer. Then you will achieve equilibrium in proportions and expand the narrow forehead. That is - the volume we create not only need forehead, but also on the sides.
  • Bang will help expand the narrow forehead if you give her pomp and put a message. But it must certainly be oblique.
  • Extra long strands along the face are welcome in any hairstyles. Such a reception will help make a face oval and balances wide cheekbones and narrow foreheads and chin.
  • Large lush curls in the chin area and an additional volume, created using a multi-layer graded haircut, will make a narrow chin wider.

That's all the secrets for the "diamond" person.

Remember, cute ladies! You really are diamonds, just do not collect yourself.