Everything is governed by the law of cause and effect. Everything that happens has a reason. Each effect has a specific cause

What are our thoughts, or, more precisely, where do they come from? What is motivation and where it usually leads us. Can you be happy without motivation? Does karma exist and what is the law of cause and effect? What is the cause of suffering?

In order.

What is this world in which we live, everything that surrounds us?

Have you ever wondered why people with whom you communicate, whom you meet on the street, events that take place in your life came into your life. Perhaps they do not just happen to you?

Problems, disappointments, stresses follow us at every step. And they won't leave us so easily. They won't leave on their own. People who, perhaps, are not very pleasant to us, will not disappear from our lives either. They need help to do this. We must ourselves want it.

How? This is another question. The main thing is that we ourselves must be willing and do something. Thinking that everything is accidental and will disappear by itself, you will not achieve success. There are more and more problems, there is not enough time for everything. And to whom I am telling this - you yourself perfectly understand everything.

If you want to admire the night sky on the river bank, then you should at least leave your house and go to the river.

And then she will appear in your life. Should appear the source of this action is you... Do you want healthy body - you have to make it yourself. Etc. The law of cause and effect. , you need to want to, get up and go towards happiness. Least.

If it is raining from the sky, it means that there are clouds above us. There is a reason for this, there is something that caused it. The waves in the ocean are created by the wind. Its strength and power can lift the water column. He was their cause. Otherwise, we will see complete calm and absolute silence.

Whatever happens in nature, in the world as a whole, does not just happen. There is a reason for everything.There is a source - there is its consequence, or its consequence.

Because there is a reason that triggered the mechanism that created this event that arose in your life.

The energy that permeates everything on our planet is one. Everything obeys the same laws. God created the world perfectly and without flaws.

The flaws were created by man.

God created a perfect world. You need to strive to love him, not change

People do everything in their own way, they try to improve what cannot be improved.

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The law of cause and effect always works.

There are reasons for everything. We are not only the force that can solve the problem, but also create it. The responsibility for everything that happens in our life lies only with us.

There are no exceptions here, as in everything in nature, of which we are a part, although we have probably completely forgotten about it.

What do you mean there are no exceptions?

We are the source not only all the events, all the problems, sorrows and joys of your life. But also responsible for the people we meet on our life path, for their problems and concerns. They are part of our life and, taking full responsibility for your life, we take responsibility for that too.

The outside world is a reflection of our inner world, its projection is the embodiment of thoughts, feelings, experiences, past experience. If your thoughts are filled with evil, irritation, discontent, then this is the reality they create. If love lives in our thoughts, then the reality around us is filled with love. In my opinion, this is fair.

Life is a projection of our soul.

Nothing in the world exists apart from us. In fact, it turns out that the world around us, the reality in which we live, is our own creation. Creation of our mind. Everything is within us. Everything that we see with our eyes, all the events in which we participate are inside us, which is why they happened.

And if you do not like something in another person, it means that this quality is present in you, or something inside you created it in him. I think it's easy to understand.

If you can heal in yourself, you can heal it in another person, or this person will simply leave your world. Everything that happens in you simultaneously happens in the souls of millions of people. It's interesting to realize this. Our life, everything that happens in it - people, events, feelings, emotions - is 100% our responsibility.

Don't put it on other people, don't blame anyone. Because no one is to blame.

And what happens is not necessarily your fault, but your responsibility. We cannot fully understand and realize much that is happening inside us, we cannot always control our thoughts, so we should not always blame ourselves.

What are our thoughts, on which so much depends?

We will not talk here about. Let's ask the question a little differently. Where do they come from? I don't think many of us have asked ourselves this question. After all, we ourselves create our thoughts and ourselves decide what to do with them.

But is it all that obvious?

In the 70s - 80s of the last century, the American psychologist Benjamin Libet conducted research on our brain. He tried to understand how conscious our decisions are and whether they are conscious at all.

And he came to very unexpected conclusions... Deep brain activation occurs earlier than we are aware of what we want to do. The signal appears before we wanted to do something.

How do you imagine the process of moving your fingers? The intention immediately arises to move our fingers, then we agree with this desire and move. But the results of Libet's research do not support the traditional view of such seemingly simple things.

Before the intent to wiggle your fingers appears - Before that! -activity occurs in the brain. That is, our desire is not conscious and arises under the influence of the subconscious. You can do many things after thought and intention arise, but thought is created in the subconscious without your participation.

Believing and accepting such information is not easy. Much has not yet been studied and remains beyond the frame of our understanding. And this research is also not a dogma, it is rather superficial and incomplete.

But it gives us ground for thinking that everything is not as simple as we imagine, that we need to think more broadly. To change your life, it is important to move forward, discover and comprehend new laws of the universe. And think about the fact that thoughts may not always depend on us worth it. And there is nothing wrong with that.

So, probably we are not completely in control of our thoughts, but they come to us from the subconscious.

But why are these thoughts coming? Why do we think about this?

The answer to these questions may lie in the concept, known to many - karma. Everything is subject to karmic law.

One way or another, but our life is to some extent predetermined. But this predestination was created by us. The main key points are known that can occur in one direction or another.

But higher powers push us towards what we must experience and experience - work off your karma. That is, there is probably an external control lever or, more correctly, a direction, a person. If we accept the moment that thoughts can come to us from the outside, without our participation.

But karma is primarily an action. And not vice versa. It is in our power to create our future with the help of the present. Through the motivation and desire to do something good now, we create for ourselves better life in future. In this life or the next, but the law of karma always works.

I would not blindly believe that a person is unconscious and every small thought is given to him from outside, from the subconscious. This research is rather superficial. What do we know about the subconscious, about the structure of our soul and structure the spiritual world? Almost nothing. Therefore, we certainly cannot speak unequivocally about the processes taking place from there.

But we just have to take into account the ambiguity of this world that we see. And to understand that there is something invisible that somehow affects the processes taking place here. That we are an inseparable part of it.

And everything we do will not go unnoticed. The Invisible Hand will guide us whether we like it or not. To direct where we need, where we deserve. But it might be worth relying on her rather than resisting. And do everything that depends on us, gaining the necessary experience and learning the lessons, trying to become better. Thus, you change both yourself and the world around you.

Take the time to take 5 minutes of your time to read. Perhaps these 5 minutes will change your whole life.

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The law of karma is also called the law of retribution or the law of retribution. But retribution, as can be assumed by the meaning of this word, happens only for something and can be either a consequence of some reason in the past, positive or negative, or the result of an act committed in the past, good or bad. Thus, the law of karma, or the law of cause and effect, is such a law by which cosmic justice is realized, which every cause leads to a corresponding effect and every action to the same result.

If it were not for this law, there would be no justice in the Universe, there would be no higher truth. And if there was no justice and truth, the universe could not exist. But the Wisdom of the Creative Reason laid the foundation of the Universe solid foundation - cosmic justice, implemented by the law of cause and effect.

It is impossible to imagine a universe that could exist if it was based on injustice. Only the inviolability and immutability of the foundations give a guarantee of eternal existence. All human endeavors that do not have justice and law as their foundation are short-lived and invariably perish.

A man of the Western world and the Christian worldview usually believes that he receives rewards for his actions from God, who watches his every step, every action and immediately assigns either a reward or a punishment. This is one of the errors of the Christian worldview, devoid of knowledge of the foundations of Being.

If we imagine that a person receives reward for his actions not by the action of the law of cause and effect, but, as the teaching erroneously teaches christian church, the wise and all-good Lord knows this, the discrepancy between the epithets that the church ascribes to the Lord, and those actions that the Lord reveals himself, is striking.

Indeed, if the wise Lord pardons a bad person all his life, giving him all the blessings of life, and punishes the good all his life, depriving him of the most necessary, then in such actions of the Lord there is neither wisdom nor justice. Human consciousness has never been able and can neither come to terms with such justice of God, nor understand his actions.

A man of the Western worldview is still perplexed about the incomprehensible actions of his God and the rewards that he, in his opinion, undeservedly sends him, despite the efforts of the church to explain the injustice of God by punishment for the sins of the fathers, which in reality never happens, because those the fathers of whom the Old Testament speaks, we ourselves are in our previous incarnations. Even less convincing is the teaching of the church that God punishes a person in advance, in advance, for nothing, in order to give him eternal bliss, and when these arguments do not convince a person of the justice and wisdom of the Creator, then everything is covered by the formula: “The ways of the Lord inscrutable. "

The ways of the Lord remained inscrutable for those who did not try to comprehend them, who did not try to know what were the mysteries of the Kingdom of God, about which Christ and the apostles spoke, who made their wretched invention true, and declared the great truth a lie. But whoever has made an effort to comprehend the ways of the Lord, he knows that a person does not receive rewards for his deeds from the Lord, that the Lord is not engaged in spying on who is doing what, but the wise cosmic law marks every human act, every word, every his thought is in the corresponding worlds of causes, which will invariably and inevitably lead in the same worlds to the corresponding consequences that will return to a person either in the form of punishment and suffering, or in the form of happiness and joy.

He who has comprehended the ways of the Lord knows that the justice that the teaching of the Christian Church speaks of and which, in its actual presence, would be the greatest injustice, does not exist in the Universe, that if a person lives a happy life, then he deserves it with his previous good life, and if he leads an unworthy life, then he prepares for himself future suffering, that the one who suffers in life and the one who enjoys life will equally reap what they have sown.

It can be argued that no being, even the highest, starting from man and ending with the One whom people call God, could realize the highest absolute justice in the way that the law of cause and effect does it.

Now let's imagine the Heavenly Father, who must reward people - his children - for their deeds and actions. Could the Heavenly Father have remained deaf and implacable to the requests of a person who sincerely loves Him and knows how to turn to Him with requests for forgiveness of his faults? Probably, not. The Heavenly Father would act in the same way as any earthly father does - he would give more to the one from whom He Himself receives more. But here lies the possibility of injustice.

If there was a similar order of things, then the less loved person might be punished for the same act for which another would be forgiven. In addition, he would receive generally less against his beloved, because he does not know how to ask, does not know how to remind of himself. Thus, the more loved one would enjoy a certain advantage and could use his advantage for his own benefit and for the disadvantage of the Other, as is often the case in the relationship between parents and children.

But what is permissible from the point of view of human relations, relations between living beings with feelings and hearts, is inadmissible from the point of view of cosmic justice. Cosmic divine justice cannot allow anyone to be left out in any way, so that for the same act one person can be punished and another forgiven. The highest cosmic justice rewards everyone according to his deeds and acts as a reverse blow: good for good and evil for evil.

Therefore, it is not a Being who rewards people for their actions, even if it is very high, even if God Himself could be asked, but a blind law that does not have a heart or feelings, which cannot be begged or begged for. A person cannot give anything to the law in order to receive more from it, he cannot love it and cannot count on reciprocal love from the law. A person can only obey the law or not obey it. A person can position the law in his favor only by obeying the law, or make it his worst enemy by breaking the law.

Ancient science and ancient religion, which were familiar with the secret Teaching, depicted the goddess of justice - Themis - in the form of a woman sitting blindfolded and holding a balance in one hand, a sword in the other. A more beautiful, more complete and understandable symbolic representation of the law of retribution is difficult to imagine. Greek Themis spoke ancient greek what the modern Christian does not know, that the reward for works is done not by the wise Lord, but by a blind and at the same time reasonable law. It is the highest cosmic justice that can be implemented only with the help of the law, which, having weighed everyone's work on the scales, will put the appropriate reward or reward or punishment on the other side of the scale.

A religiously-minded Christian can pray to his God from morning to evening, he can repent of his sins even every day, he can break his forehead, bowing to the ground, but he will not change his fate one iota, for the fate of a person is formed by his deeds, which are by law karmas will be brought to a corresponding result, and this result will not in the least depend on prayers, or bows, or repentance. “There is no need to ask the Deity. One must bring the best thing to oneself, "says the Teacher in the New Teaching (Leaves of the Garden of Moria, vol. II, § 111).

If a person, having come to his neighbor, broke a valuable vase or trampled flowers in his garden, then how can repentance, bows and requests for forgiveness help? Instead of a broken vase, it is necessary to return the whole and restore the trampled flowers, and only then will the broken justice be restored.

The word karma comes from the Sanskrit word Kri, which means to do, and Eastern philosophy understands by karma not only the results of our work and the consequences of our deeds, but also the work itself. But since we are always doing something, we always create our karma. We are engaged in mental labor - we create karma; we cultivate our garden - we create karma; we are engaged in trade - we create karma; indulge in pleasures create karma; we indulge in laziness and do nothing - we create karma. Everything we do creates karma, either good or bad, depending on how we do it.

“It is generally accepted that karma is the will and reward for the course of our life. It is also customary to look at karma as retribution, but also in true meaning karma is labor. Do not limit the work of the spirit workshop, and you will see the effect.

When the spirit is seduced by Maya and manifestations of self-gratification, then a hammer and the development of straight-knowledge are needed; when the SPIRIT is blinded by the radiance of wealth and does not see its impermanence, and thinks that an ingot of gold leads to happiness, let us remember all the threats of disease and destruction ”(Infinity, Part I, § 20).

Our earthly well-being and the successful continuation of our evolution depend on how we create our karma. When a person is seduced by Maya, that is, he chases illusions, when he sees his happiness in an ingot of gold, then karma hits him with its hammer to awaken straight-knowledge in him, that highest sixth principle, which gives an understanding of the unreality of earthly goods and the reality of eternity and Infinity.

Let everyone remember his illnesses, which threatened him with death, all his misfortunes, all catastrophes and destructions, and he will see that all this is the operation of the laws of evolution, which, by blows from the outside, awaken and require a response from the human consciousness from within.

Thus, the law of karma, together with the law of reincarnation, create our evolution, being our engines upward to perfection. Therefore, knowledge of these laws is just as necessary for our Spiritual existence and development, as food and breath are for the physical existence.

In order to have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe law of karma, it is necessary to understand what evolution consists in, what is the path that a person follows in his development.

The main task of evolution is to master matter and spiritualize it in order to transmute it from a lower state to a higher one, for matter, being inert and chaotic by nature, seeks to absorb and destroy highest state matter - the achievements of the spirit. Man is the transmutator to whom this cosmic task is entrusted.

Since humanity is currently at a turning point in its evolution, when a change of eras and the transition from involution to evolution take place, then at this point of the limit of immersion in matter, the action of the karmic law reaches its maximum development and is what we experience on ourselves in the present time.

“It is generally known that before the beginning of Satya Yuga, the roll of karma rolls up especially quickly. One may ask: why do many crimes and blasphemy seem to remain without punishment? There are many reasons. First, people like to judge by thunder, but not by lightning. The second - you can not notice how gradually the circle of events turns around. The third reason lies in the impulse and in the old karmic connection ”(Hierarchy, § 364).

“Observe how each action is reflected in the fluctuation of karma. It can be seen how betrayal in all forms causes the rapid formation of karma. You can learn a lot from such observations. How sad to see people harming themselves! One can observe how the echidna affects the inner being during these self-defeats. Nothing can avert the consequences, for cause and effect are too close. Thus, it is only possible to protect oneself with the fire of the heart and to cleanse the channel that carries the infection ”(Hierarchy, § 365).

The creation of karma began from the moment when matter in human essence took precedence over spirit, when he finally lost his higher abilities and when there was a separation masculine from the feminine and from an integral essence, man turned into a half soul, which happened in the middle of the third race of our cycle.

The legend of the separation of the masculine from the feminine is found in all religious teachings. In the Book of Genesis Moses explains this event in such a way that “The Lord brought deep sleepand while he slept, the Lord took one of Adam's ribs and made Eve out of it ”(see Gen. 2: 21-22). The Talmud explains it differently: “Husband and wife were in the beginning one body and two faces. Then the Lord cut their bodies in two and gave each of them a backbone. "

“But the doctrine of half-hearted souls has a foundation and, as it were, ends with the androgyne symbol. All androgynous symbols aim to indicate the need for two Principles in the Cosmos in all its manifestations for life and balance. But all the legends about the affinity of souls are based on a great truth, for the unity and fusion of the two Principles are laid down in the Primary Law. “...” During differentiation, the Beginnings are separated, and the disunited Beginnings are carried away into distant spheres; and the magnet inherent in the Beginnings must, during eons of transformations and transmutations of purification, collect and unite the separated Beginnings. This is the great Completion or Crown of the Cosmos ”(Letters from E. Roerich: from 5. 5. 34).

Only then, with the separation of the Beginnings, what happened according to church teachings is called the Fall and expulsion from paradise, but according to the occult division of a spiritually perfect person into two imperfect ones and the beginning of the creation of a person's karma.

Having become half-hearted from a whole man, man became more active and active, which was necessary for his further evolution, but his activity and activity, not restrained by the opposite principle, directed exclusively at satisfying the needs of his new nature and new desires and passions that appeared, gave rise to the desire to seize and acquire, developed egoism in him with a whole series of evils accompanying egoism. Only then, having cognized evil, man began to create his karma.

Man's creation of his karma will continue as long as the separation of the Beginnings continues, until the person realizes that the complete peace of mindfull of unclouded happiness, which he seeks in the opposite beginning, he can achieve only when he again merges with the divided part of his essence, that all his attempts in this direction, in the course of his numerous lives, were nothing more than an illusion, were a pursuit behind a mirage, because, apart from disappointment and suffering, except for bad karma, they did not bring him anything. Then the striving for a related beginning, which gave rise to his activity and the karma associated with it at the beginning of his path, will turn into a striving for perfection, which alone is capable of leading to good results.

The growing consciousness of a person also puts forward, as the most powerful factor in his actions and actions, his free will, the significance of which in a person's awareness of his karma is enormous. Free will is given to man. He can follow his path as he finds necessary and correct. All the influences of the elemental forces of nature on a person, all the guidance that he uses from the Higher Beings, never touch, never force his free will.

In return, along with free will, a person is given an inner magnet that invariably shows him when he is on the wrong path. This magnet is the heart. As a result of ignoring the instructions of this inner magnet, suffering arises, sent to man by the law of karma.

Thanks to the presence of free will in a person and the influence of the elemental and rational forces of nature on him, a person always oscillates between his opposite poles, that is, between his higher self and his lower nature.

These constant frictions and fluctuations, the constantly renewed struggle between the higher and lower nature of man make him the creator of his own content, his own inner essence, but at the same time the creator of his karma or his destiny, for every decision of his, right or wrong, every act, good or evil, every desire and every thought, selfish or unselfish, will create corresponding consequences in the respective worlds, and all this together what is taken will create that complex of conditions, create the karma that will determine his future incarnation.

But only a few select natures immediately take the right direction and go their own way, without deviating to the side. Most of one fallacy falls into another. The lower nature of man often prevails and confronts him with true path, to which the higher directs. Often, regardless of and disregarding the general course of evolution, people set themselves special tasks, choose special ways in which they think to achieve their special goals. An overabundance of self-importance and a lack of knowledge give rise to a lot of mistakes, for which you have to pay.

But cosmic laws do not make mistakes. Karmic law Inevitably, every error created by man makes its own correction, which is expressed as a consequence in the form of suffering, for the eternally vigilant invisible judgment acts automatically, like a back blow, bringing suffering for a mistake, for a right deed - joy.

Suffering will follow every mistake of a person invariably until he understands that it is impossible to violate cosmic laws, until he understands that there is only one path leading to truth. The multitude of ways in which people think to reach the truth is nothing more than a multitude of mirages, which are all unreal and all end in suffering for a person. But suffering is man's main teacher. Only a person taught by suffering finds the only way that leads him to the truth.

The main drama of human life is that, in addition to the well-known and understandable laws physical world, there are laws of the spirit, incomprehensible and known only to a few, and, at the same time, the freedom of the human will: to fulfill them or not to fulfill them.

The will of man, which does not conform to the laws of the spirit and is directed by the egoistic motives of his lower nature only to satisfy its needs, expresses its motives and desires in various forms, in certain actions. But as long as these forms and these actions violate the law of the spirit, they are doomed in advance: forms - to destruction, and actions - to causing him suffering.

Thus, ignorance of the laws of the spirit on this part of the path of human evolution is for him the cause of various karmic connections and a source of constant suffering. And until he knows these laws and violates them, he will suffer, for he will create his own bad karma; he will be governed by the law, and he will be a slave to that law.

Opponents of the laws of reincarnation and karma as the main argument against them put forward the fact that the suffering that a person experiences in his current life for the deeds of his previous livesabout which - about lives and deeds - he knows nothing and does not remember anything, there is injustice that it is cruel to punish a person and not tell him what he is punishing for.

Such people who think so should be reminded once again that there is no such thing as injustice in the universe. What seems to us to be unfair is the result of our misunderstanding. A person with his limited mind is not able to comprehend the full depth and wisdom of cosmic laws, especially such an all-encompassing and all-embracing law as the law of karma. All cosmic laws are aimed at the good of man, but this good is not the good of the present moment, but, perhaps, of a very distant future. But on the other hand, it will be a truly eternal blessing, which will overshadow all ideas about those imaginary blessings that a person could imagine at the moment.

Human life takes place simultaneously in three worlds: in the visible physical and invisible - astral and mental. In each of these worlds, a person manifests his activity, in other words, creates his own karma - either good or bad: on the physical plane - by his actions, on the astral - by his desires, on the mental - by his thoughts.

Common to all types of karma is that every cause causes an effect in the same area, in the same world. Each force manifested by man acts in its own sphere. Each crop brings its own harvest. Good and evil, constant in the physical, return in the form of good and evil in the physical. The same is in the sphere of desires, or in astral world, and in the realm of thought, or in the mental world.

This shows that karma is a very complex phenomenon. The threads of karma stretch from the highest to the lowest, intertwined not only with those people with whom we live at the present time, but also with those with whom we have lived and with whom we will still live.

“Sometimes you can imagine the most complex laws by means of the simplest devices. The law of karma is complex, but take a Rumkorf coil or other cylinder wrapped in electrophoretic wire and you get a visual representation of karma. The current runs indestructiblely in a spiral, but the safety winding is exposed to all external influences, and each thread touches the thread of the previous turn, bearing the consequences of the past. Thus, each hour changes karma, for each hour evokes a corresponding past. In this way, you can touch a whole line of past manifestations.

But the same graphic image shows how the seed of the spirit is intact and, striving upward, it holds the shell, without fear of the past. Truly, karma is terrible only for those who are drowning in inaction, but an aspiring thought is freed from the burden of the past and, like a heavenly body, aspires without repeating the path. Thus, even with a rather heavy karma, useful liberation can be manifested ”(Hierarchy, § 294).

The complexity of karma is further aggravated by the fact that, while paying and receiving old debts, we constantly make new ones, for which we will also have to pay off someday. But from this it is impossible to deduce the conclusion that since a person adds a certain amount of new karma to the remaining karma from previous lives with each life, then it, constantly increasing, can never be eliminated. This assumption would be wrong.

“In each life, a person can extinguish that part of the old karma that overtakes him in this incarnation, and, of course, he immediately starts a new karma, but with expanded consciousness and purification of thinking, he can quickly get rid of the karma accumulated by him, and the new one generated they will have karma already highest quality... In addition, the old karma will no longer be so terrible to him, for the purified thinking, the purified aura reacts in a completely different way to back blows. And thus, a person can get out of the seemingly enchanted circle of karma, but, of course, only earthly karma, which binds him to the earth, for karma cannot stop as long as consciousness, thought exists. Karma, proceeding in accordance with the cosmic laws, will infinitely increase in its quality, entering new circles and leaving them, and so on to infinity ”.

“Karma is a disease of the past, healing from it in the future. Precisely, those who wish to free themselves from the past can strive into the future. Striving with the whole being protects from falls. An example is moving celestial bodies. "..." Karma can be changed by unrestrained striving "(Hierarchy, § 290).

One should not think that karma, once created, must certainly be completely eliminated. As it was said above, by unrestrained striving forward towards perfection, a person can overtake his karma, and it will not overtake him. Only one who has stopped in his development receives a full shower of karma.

When a person, striving for perfection, develops his spiritual forces, directing them for the benefit of evolution and for the good of his neighbor, he not only extinguishes all his karma, but relieves all of humanity from the consequences of bad karma. IN general karma there are chains, but man forges these chains himself. He can pull them tighter, but he can loosen them or throw them off completely.

“Precisely, motionless, stillborn desire is the chains of humanity's imprisonment. None other than themselves being bound in unreleased fetters. Either indiscretion or someone else's karma brings in the infection of desires, and a person, instead of movement, loses all mobility.

Look at those standing by the wailing wall. What made them cut their way? What forces turned them away from contemplation and knowledge of the world? The smallest, almost indistinguishable desire weighed down on them and closed their eyes. How monotonous their world has become! Like a worm, desire sucked their energy.

Desire is a worm and chains. Desire is sparks and wings. The liberated one flies in cognition. The enslaved weeps in despair ”(Agni Yoga, § 259).

Some of the karma that a person creates with his current life is extinguished in that same life. Some part is postponed until the conditions are created for its repayment.

There are incompatible types of karma that cannot be eliminated in one and the same body, but require different physical bodies for their manifestation. Sometimes obligations are formed in relation to some people who must meet for this. Sometimes karma must be realized among a certain people or a certain social position, for once a foundation was laid for this kind of karma.

Karma is created not only by each person separately, but also by different kinds of collectives. Therefore, in addition to individual karma, a person can have family, group, party, national, state, planetary karma.

Individual karma is the main, basic, decisive, therefore it affects both the generation and the repayment of all other types of karma. In Cosmos, everything is connected, everything is intertwined with each other, and nothing can be dismembered from one another. By harming or helping oneself, a person harms or helps others, therefore, individual karma cannot be separated from other types of karma, and a person's participation in group, racial, etc. is directly related to individual karma and is the result of individual characteristics and individual karma of a person.

Group karma, as the name itself shows, is formed by actions and aspirations to achieve some goal by society, family, a certain class, in modern society - by party, etc. All who took part in the formation of this kind of karma will have to meet not only with their opponents, whom they have caused some harm, but also among themselves, in order to unravel those knots of karma that were once tied.

The collective karma of large collectives, like the state and the people, is formed by the desire of a given people or state to achieve the goals of the state and the people for centuries and generations. The collective karma of such large collectives plunges peoples into collective calamities such as war, in which each suffers as much as he was guilty of creating the conditions that caused the war.

According to the time of appearance, karma is: incipient, mature, accumulated.

Incipient karma is a seed for the future, it is what we create with our actions, desires and thoughts in the continuation of the current life. From the incipient karma, the consequences of actions are extinguished in the same life, the rest we reap in future lives.

Mature karma is that part of the total amount of accumulated karma, which is determined by the karmic law for us to fulfill and eliminate in the current life. It must be outlived and changed and cannot be postponed.

Accumulated karma is one that, for various reasons, could not be eliminated or redeemed, since it requires special conditions for its redemption. The accumulated karma is available for change. Most of it consists of a person's inclinations, thoughts and impulses, which can be strengthened or weakened.

Since a person's life, as already mentioned, takes place in three worlds and in all these worlds a person manifests his activity, i.e. creates his own karma, then with his departure from the physical world, earthly karma, the karma of action, ceases, and the karma of higher worlds, the karma of desires and thoughts, comes into force. In essence, all types of karma, of which fate is formed and on which the entire evolution of a person depends, have their origin in his thought, for both desire and deed are different manifestations of the same single, great and creative, and destructive force.

When a person passes from the physical world to the Subtle, or astral world, he falls into that area of \u200b\u200bhim, to which his earthly development has reached, for Subtle World consists of an innumerable number of areas, into which souls of the corresponding stages of development are attracted. If during his lifetime a person denied the existence of invisible worlds and recognized only one physical, then his posthumous karma will consist in the fact that he will wander in the same darkness in which he was in physical condition, and the same unconscious and dark will have to be born again, for human consciousness develops only in the embodied state.

“Karma applies to all actions, to all Worlds. Just as karma can be accelerated, so it can lengthen. Aggravation of karma is reflected not only in next life, but all intermediate states will depend on the aggravation of karma. The Subtle World is so connected with the earthly that it is necessary to deepen thinking in this direction. He who understands the meaning of the connection between the two Worlds will preserve his earthly actions. Care for all energies will help the striving spirit. The main reason is the lack of understanding of the truth of spatial life: everything is transmuted, everything is redeemed. They correctly pointed out the law of karma, namely, the law of karma in infinity. Namely, striving to infinity and possibility to infinity. On the path to the Fiery World let us affirm a conscious attitude towards the law of karma ”(Fiery World, Part III, § 99).

In the Subtle World, one can observe semi-conscious or even unconscious posthumous states, but only in those cases when spirituality is asleep or absent; also in those cases when a person in his earthly lives did not develop in himself higher abilities and thus broke the connection with his spiritual centers, which give us the true immortality of the God-man. Therefore, those who believe that with death their eyesight will open and they will know everything are deeply mistaken. A person can only learn what he was striving for, being in an embodied state, for everything requires the order of the spirit, a conscious aspiration is necessary, which creates the necessary conditions for this.

“The transmutation of the centers intensifies creative energies, which are necessary for the transition to the Subtle World. Each spiritual striving gives its deposits, which take the form of subtle energies during the transition to the Subtle World. It is so important to aspire to the Higher Spheres. Delight of the spirit and joy of the heart give those energies that feed the subtle body. Of course, only a feeling saturated with higher impulses gives the necessary energies. You need to understand that imperil and gross earthly desires give their own grave ulcers, which the spirit must heal in the subtle body. Ulcers of the spirit are transferred to the Subtle World if they are not eliminated on Earth. Liberation from physical shell does not mean deliverance from spiritual ulcers. When the spirit realizes before its separation from the Earth, how it manifested its energies, then consciousness can redeem a lot, but consciousness must be directed to the thought of Higher Worlds... Even the most serious criminal can be directed towards understanding heavy karma, but for this it is necessary to transmute social conditions. Thus, on the path to the Fiery World one must accustom oneself to the idea of \u200b\u200btransmutation of centers, for liberation from the body is not liberation from spiritual ulcers ”(Fiery World, Part III, § 103).

If a person, freed from ecclesiastical delusions, can accept into consciousness that all types of karma are his own generation, that his whole life, both earthly and posthumous, is the result of his karma, that, therefore, exclusively he creates his own destiny and his own evolution and that no God and no gods have anything to do with it, only then will he embark on a path that brings him closer to true understanding foundations of Being.

“Forces manifested for the Service of Light do not invade karma, as some who are not initiated into the power of karma think. The Forces of Light observe human actions, giving direction, but not invading life. There are many examples of this. Messengers appear, warnings are sent, directions are given, and paths are indicated, but the choice of appointed statements is strained by human will. Thus, the phenomenon of cooperation between two Worlds is saturated with these concepts. Namely, the initiative of the spirit can bring one closer to better karma. The same can explain why the Forces of Light do not stop the spirit from different actions, which often violate the assigned. People often wonder why different paths are not indicated? They also wonder why the Messages are approved through different channels? They are perplexed - why the Forces of Light do not prevent different currents? Let's answer - the Forces of Light never invade human karmas. This law must be remembered on the path to the Fiery World "(Fiery World, Part III, § 104). “The law of free will often does not allow Us to indicate a phenomenon that seems unclear. The same law indicates our crossed paths, when free will directed the heart towards the heart ”(Fiery World, Part III, § 105).

If the Forces of Light, by virtue of the law of free will, do not invade human karmas, then, obeying another great cosmic law, the law of sacrifice, They often take upon Themselves the karma of human errors, delusions and crimes, free mankind from the burden of its karmic consequences, appearing, like Christ, by those Redeemers who appear in the world from time to time to give the necessary impetus to evolution for the population of the planet.

Complexity of conditions modern life and its growing unscrupulousness, when the common good is always sacrificed for personal good, and the ease with which the rights of another person are violated and their duties are violated, create an extraordinary complexity of karmic relations. This complexity and confusion of human relations is becoming more and more threatening every year, making life more and more unbearable and tightening people's karmic ties more and more, tighter.

If we delve deeper into the current situation, it becomes clear that the complexity of life and the complexity of karmic conditions, which have increased in the same progression, has reached such a limit when, by ordinary, normal methods, tightly drawn karmic knots cannot be untied and extraordinary measures will be required.

Just as a carbuncle, dangerous to human life, cannot be cured by compresses and rubbing, but requires the intervention of a surgeon, just as the threatening growth of human karma may require harsh and decisive measures. The karmic law has the ability to cut the too tightly tightened Gordian knots of human relations with its sword with periodic catastrophes, after which humanity, purified in the fire of suffering, begins a new, happy life based on knowledge of its laws, that is, on love and truth.

There have already been such examples in the history of our Earth. After the sinking of the last remnant of Atlantis - the Poseidonis Islands - to the bottom of the ocean, which happened nine and a half thousand years before the birth of Christ, our Aryan race began such a renewed, happy life, free from those delusions and sins that caused the death of Atlantis.

Until now, we have spoken of karma as the consequences of our actions, the results of our deeds and our work. What should be our job for the results to be good?

It is wrong to think that if we do nothing bad and fulfill our duties, then we are already creating good karma. Karma is a phenomenon so complex that every detail and all attendant circumstances have an impact on its formation. It is not only how we performed our work that matters, but the motives and motives of our work that guided us in doing so. Very useful work can be done, but if the motives for the work were not pure, then the work itself loses its value.

But a person without motive usually does not undertake any work. The main motive force that prompts a person to undertake any work is always this or that motive, this or that motive. One person works for money and wealth; the other for the sake of glory and honor; one - for the sake of science and art; the other for the love of his wife and children. But whatever motive a person has in mind when undertaking this or that work, this motive connects a person.

He who helps his neighbor not for the sake of love, not for the sake of relieving his suffering, but for the sake of vanity, in order to hear the praise of his kindness, binds himself. Of course, gratitude and praise for kindness may follow, but there should not be such a motive. Anyone who does good deeds in order to earn the favor of God, in order to go to heaven, he ties himself up. Of course, every good deed will return to a person sooner or later, in one form or another, but he will incarnate until he learns to do his job without personal motives, until he understands that work should be for the sake of work, but not for the sake of its results.

Disinterest in the results of one's work is the main condition for creating good karma, but since work without any motive would be hard labor and a person cannot work without a motive, it is necessary to point out that the only motive that does not bind a person and does not create for him bad consequences, there is work for the benefit of evolution and for the common good. The Bhagavad Gita says:

“Every act you do for yourself will turn its effect on you yourself. If it's good you will have to carry good consequencesif it is bad, you will get bad results, but any action done not for yourself, whatever it may be; will not turn its action on you. "

Any work is valuable insofar as it lacks personal motives, for the presence of such motives always creates karma. "What good is it to a man if he gains the whole world, but hurts his soul," Christ said (Matt. 16:26), indicating with these words that the desire to gain material goods, that is, personal motives, bring harm to a person, that is, karma.

On the basis of personal motives, an attachment to property has been created, which is the most important factor in the creation of a person's karma. Desire to acquire property; struggle for acquired property; protection from attacks on their property; attempts on someone else's property. How many crimes, how many violations of the laws of the cosmic, divine and human, and how many all kinds of karma have accumulated around the concept of property ?!

That's exaggerated great importancewhich is attributed by modern mankind to property rights cannot be called correct. It is the result of ignorance of the laws of evolution. When a person believes that he lives on earth once, then it goes without saying that he wants to live this one-of-a-kind life, possibly, from his point of view, more fully, with all the comforts, for which he strives to acquire all kinds of property to furnish this unrepeatable happy accident with all the comforts available to him.

But even this point of view turns out to be untenable if we take into account that human life on earth lasts only a few decades and spend the best and conscious part of this short life to acquire property at the cost of all sorts of efforts and sometimes even crimes, property that, when dying, cannot be taken with you - is not logical, not clever, not expedient.

It would seem that every believing person who recognizes the existence of God should understand that if God is the Creator and Creator of everything that exists, then He is also the Lord of everything that exists, including that property that a person considers his property, but which is in reality, the property of the Creator and Lord of all that exists.

If, as the Lord Christ said, “your hairs on your head are all numbered” (Matt. 10:30), then the same property is given to us, which we consider our property: one - five talents, another - three , and to another - two, depending on our ability to own it. And until a person learns to take care of all property, both his own and someone else's, he cannot expect to receive possession of large property, for both his own and someone else's property is the property of the Creator.

Therefore, it is correct to look at our property as the property of the Creator, who gave us a part of his property for temporary not possession, but management during our temporary stay on earth, and not as an owner, but as a manager of God's property, which we owe. , not wasting, but improving, surrender to the one to whom He points.

“It is good to understand the ownership of things without a sense of ownership. It is good to have things in order to take care of them and even fill them with a good aura with the thought of passing them on to others. The manifestation of the hand of creativity lives in the house without attachment to property, and the improved will carry joy further; and the sign of the hand of the giving will be preserved continuously - this is the justification of things. Understanding this solves the most difficult question.

I speak for the world, for the main destruction of the world is from attachment to non-existent property. To tell this to a new people means to cure the fear of old age. The phenomenon of ownership without property will open the way for everyone without a conventional legacy. Who can improve, he owns. This applies to land, forests and waters; all the achievements of mechanics and of different kinds inventions are subject to the same. It's easy to imagine how it will work folk artespecially knowing that only spirit gives the best solution. Questions will stretch to the hearth of the spirit, what is the best? And the sword of the spirit will smite all guile. Indeed, it is profitable to do better. The law is simple, like everything in the spirit ”(Leaves of the Garden of Moria, vol. II, § 92).

Property, as the very meaning of this word shows, is acquired by a person mainly for himself, because if a person is forced to leave his property and transfer it with his death to others, often to outsiders, it is only because he cannot take it with him. Thus, the acquisition of property for the vast majority of modern humanity is the main factor in the creation of karma. Every act of a person, every desire and every thought aimed at acquiring property creates bad karma for him and binds him to the earth and to everything earthly with strong chains.

Expanded human consciousness sees property as an invention dark forceswho knew that nothing could bind a person so tightly to the ground as by giving him property. It is not for nothing that Christ said: “It is easier for a camel rope to pass through a needle's ear than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God” (see Mark 10:25), for where a person's wealth is, there is his heart.

The bottom should be the same as the top. Cosmic laws do not know such property rights as human laws do. The only inalienable eternal property that never diminishes, is never lost or disappears, is human consciousness. He who possesses such property can consider the entire Cosmos, with all its Infinity, as his property, for he has the ability to draw from this inexhaustible Source everything you need, when you need it and how much you need. To the owner of such property, it will seem ridiculous and pitiful a person's attachment to a piece of land or to a house built on this piece, which by the first natural disaster, the slightest underground shock, turns into nothing, into a heap of rubble.

The new era requires a different attitude towards what people call their property. The teacher, coming to the aid of human misunderstanding and knowing man's steadfast attachment to property, proposes to own his property without a sense of ownership, to own it, but not to consider it his own. Just this. But such a change in the consciousness of a person, in his view of property, will have beneficial consequences on his evolution, for it will free him from many severe karmic consequences that are inextricably linked with those views on property that exist now.

“So feeling generates energy. Energy can create what is called property. What about this property? We know about renunciation, but if something already exists, how can we recognize it as non-existent? Besides, wouldn't it be destructive? So let us call on the Teacher again and mentally pass on to Him this embarrassing burden. He also knows how to convey our mental gift above. This is how we solve property problems. So the very name is leaving, and we remain the custodians of the property of the Hierarchy. After all, we can read the books of the Teacher; the Teacher shows permission to live in His house, admire His things and eat the fruits of His garden. Thus, the Name of the Teacher will remain with us relentlessly, and we will smile, wiping the dust from the objects that have been entrusted to us by the confidence of the Teacher. People do not know how to deal with property, for they do not want to understand the meaning of the mental transformation of the earthly plane into the Subtle ”(Heart, § 281).

One of the purposes of karma is to create a person's character, and since our life consists mainly of the little things of everyday life, how much character has already developed in a person can be seen from the way he performs his work, especially his everyday small affairs: good or bad , in good faith or carelessly, with or without love.

Every big business is made up of small things, just like a big building is made of small bricks. If the bricks are flawed and flawed, then can a building built from such bricks be durable? Until a person learns into all his work, even the most insignificant and the lowest, to bring all his skill and apply all his diligence in order to do it with the perfection available to him, until then he cannot be called to perform more responsible tasks and not can be put in conditions that will put it in a prominent place. His karma will not allow him to do this.

Therefore, everyone should be great in their place. “It's not a place that makes a person, but a person is a place,” says a Russian proverb. Man is called to work, and there is no work that could humiliate a man. No matter how low his work may seem to a person, a person can elevate him by his conscientious attitude towards him. The execution of lower labor is a step for acquiring necessary qualities and correct attitude for work in general and preparation for more lofty work.

The Teaching says that the most ordinary person can accomplish a great deed, a great feat, if placed in the conditions of necessity, but he cannot be called a hero. A hero is one who is great in small things, who goes in the right direction, without diminishing his energy and breaking all the obstacles he meets on his way, both great and small. For a modern hero and a modern understanding of heroism, one impulse is not enough, for an impulse does not tolerate a break, but duration and constancy of tension are necessary, aspiration is necessary.

The work should be free, without coercion. Love for work creates detachment from the results of work, for after finishing one work, thanks to love for work, a person will start another. Work, rightly understood, is to replace prayer. If a person turns every work of his into a great service to the One, from which everything originated, then such work turns into prayer, into constant, most real, most correct, bringing the most rapid and good results.

You shouldn't just wait for a reward for your work, because those who expect rewards for their good work should be ready to receive punishment for their bad work. The only way to avoid punishment is to refuse a reward. The reward will come by itself, and much better than thatwhat a person could imagine.

Although the suffering that a person experiences due to the action of the karmic law is deserved, one cannot deny help to a suffering person on the pretext that such is his karma and he must suffer.

If one took such a hypocritical point of view, then one of the most valuable pearls would be removed from the world - compassion for one's neighbor. The world would return to an animal state. We should not be interested in what and why a person suffers. The karmic law leads to a corresponding effect of any cause. He can neither change nor cancel the investigation. In order for the light not to shine, it is necessary to extinguish the source of light, in the same way, in order for the law of cause and effect not to produce effects, it would have to destroy itself.

Thus, the law of causes and effects cannot make any change in the effect, it cannot alleviate the suffering of a person and no one can do this, not excluding the Highest Beings of the Cosmos. But what is done by a person can only be changed and canceled by a person, the same or the other. When a suffering person is brought by his Leader to such a person who can help him, it is precisely in order for it to be provided to him.

Helping another, we always help ourselves. If a person rendered help to a suffering person, he rendered double help: to himself and to another; refused to help him - caused double harm: to himself and to another.

“Help each other, hear! Help in both small and great. Help is a knock on the future. You don’t know where the drop that filled the cup was! The heart, burning with help, is Our heart. So now you can enter into a time that is terrible for the ignorant and brilliant for those who know ”(Hierarchy, § 434).

When a person opened up his consciousness and, having cognized the wise cosmic laws, he at the same time cognized the unity of life and his connection with it, when he cognized the laws of the spiritual world and changed his life according to these laws and set not personal egoism, but serving the general as the goal of his life. good, only then does he stand firmly on his feet. Only then does he become the master of his fate, he consciously creates his evolution and does not commit acts that create bad karma and retard its development.

Then he goes to the third part of his evolutionary path, to the divine-human path, when, as it is said in the Light on the Path, each person is his own path, both Truth and life. Then he becomes, in addition, the light for those in darkness and the Truth and the path for others, for he who has passed the path and cognized the Truth can indicate both the Truth and the path to others.

When a person achieves all this, when he reaches perfection physical body he will spiritualize and refine so much that he will make him obey the slightest desire of his will, directed and guided by the higher self of man, then, according to Emerson, “his hands will touch the stars, he will see through the earth, he will understand the language of birds and beasts and will to respond to the thoughts of heaven and earth, when the latter will converse with him, "for as his past is immeasurable, so the future has no limits.

Hello readers of the site. In this article, we'll talk about the law of cause and effect.

Asserts that any consequence that happened in your life has its cause. This law is so important that it was called steel law. It states that everything happens for whatever reasons, regardless of your knowledge of them. Nothing is accidental. We live in a fairly well-coordinated universe governed by strict laws, and a clear understanding of this plays a vital role in accordance with any other principle or law.

Asserts that there are certain reasons for and that there are also certain reasons for. There are specific reasons for and illness. There are certain reasons for and unhappiness. If there is a consequence in your life that you would like to multiply, then you need to follow its causes and repeat them. If there is some effect that you do not like and you would like to get rid of it, follow its causes, and then mercilessly deal with them.

This law is so simple that because of this, many people do not pay enough attention to it. People continue to do or not do the same things that, as a result, disappoint and make them unhappy, and begin to blame other people for their problems.

Recklessness is defined as "Doing the same thing in the same way and expecting different results." We are all in some area seen doing this kind of occupation. We should sincerely admit this trend and overcome it.

The Scots have a proverb that states: "Better to light one weak candle than curse the darkness." Better solution will sit down at the table and understand the reasons for their difficulties, rather than become discouraged and annoyed about them.

Proverbs Solomon writes the following phrase in his book: "What goes around comes around". This version of the law of cause and effect can also be called the law of sowing and reaping. He claims that you will only reap what you have sown, and that what you reap today is the result of sowing in the past. If you harvest another crop in the future in any of the areas of your life, then you need to sow other seeds today. Of course, this primarily applies to the seeds of the mind.

The most important thing in the application of the law of cause and effect (differently sowing and reaping) is this: thoughts are causes, and conditions are effects.

Your thoughts are important reason conditions of your life. In your experience, everything began with a specific thought - yours or someone else's.

All that you have now and what you will become is the result of the work of your thinking. By changing the quality of your thinking, you will also change the quality of your life. Cheating in your outer experience will link up changes in your inner experience. You will only reap what you have sown. You are already doing this.

The whole beauty of this immutable law is that by adopting it, you will receive absolutely full control over your own thoughts, emotions and results. By using the law of cause and effect, you bring harmony into your life along with the law of control. You will immediately feel much better and happier. You always get what you put into life. And the contribution will always be under your strictest control.

The law of cause and effect

Everything that happens has a reason. Each effect has a specific cause.

We all live in a world subject to certain laws. Nothing happens by accident or just like that. Any event has a cause, regardless of whether we know it or not. Each effect has a specific cause. Every cause or action has this or that effect, whether we understand it or not, whether we like it or not, whether we know about it or not.

According to the Law of Cause and Effect, happiness and success are based on concrete effects and results. This means that if you are clear about a specific result, you can probably achieve it. Here you can draw an analogy with a ship that has a steering wheel. With the help of the steering wheel, you can control the ship and swim wherever you want. But if your goals are vague, you are like a ship without a rudder - you seem to float, but you don't know where.

Success is not a miracle or winning the lottery. And it's not a matter of luck or luck. Any event occurs for a specific reason, for a specific action. When you know 100 percent what you want, you just need to know the actions of those people who have achieved it before you and repeat them, and over time you will achieve the same results as they did.

In the Bible, the Law of Cause and Effect is referred to as the Law of Sowing and Reaping: As you sow, so will you reap.

Isaac Newton called this the third principle of motion. He said: For every action there is an equal opposite reaction.

For a person's life, the Law of Cause and Effect can be formulated as follows: Thoughts are causes, and life circumstances are effects.

In other words, thought is creative. Your thoughts are the primary creative forces in your life. With your way of thinking, you create your own world, what surrounds you.

For example, right now you can go outside and change your surroundings. Likewise, you can take a specific action that will help change your life.

All people and situations that you meet in your life have only the meaning that you give them in your thoughts. And when you change your way of thinking, you change your life, sometimes in a split second!

The most important principle personal and business success is a simple statement: your future is determined by what you think about most of the time.

Your feelings and reactions are not determined by what is happening to you, but by what you think, what is happening to you. Your circumstances and conditions are not dictated by the outside world, the circumstances of your life are generated by your inner peace.

You always have the freedom to choose. By and large, no one is forcing you to think, feel, and behave the way you do. Rather, you choose your emotions and your behavior by choosing your attitude to the world around you and what is happening to you.

Fortunately, the style of explanation is not innate but acquired. This means that it can be changed. Your way of explaining the world around you for yourself depends only on you. You can interpret your experiences in such a way that you feel like a happy optimist rather than an angry, irritable pessimist. You can choose to react in such a way that your responses are constructive and effective. It's up to you to decide what they are. And you are always free to choose.

Your thoughts and feelings are constantly changing. They are instantly influenced by the events around you. For example, when you receive good news, your mood instantly brightens up and you feel more positive about everything around you. If, on the contrary, you unexpectedly receive unpleasant news, you can instantly get upset, become angry and unhappy with everything, even if this news is inaccurate or false. Your reaction is determined by how you yourself interpret the event.

How to Immediately Apply the Law of Cause and Effect

1. Explore the most important parts of your life - family relationships, health, work, financial position - and trace the causal relationships between what you think, say, feel and do and the results you get. Be honest with yourself.

2. With complete honesty with yourself, reflect on what you really think about your role in the life you live. Think about how your thoughts in all areas of your life generate and sustain your present situation. What changes could you make to your thinking in order to improve some aspect of your life?

3. Control your thoughts. Constantly keep in your subconscious the main goal that is currently in front of you in the first place. Analyze any of your actions from the point of view - How does it bring you closer to your goal?

Laws of Success in Life - Law of Faith

The meaning of the Law of Faith is as follows - what you truly believe in becomes your reality. And vice versa - if you don't believe in something, it will never happen to you.

Your actions are always based on your worldview and views. Your beliefs are like a sieve that only lets through the information that fits them. You don't always believe what you see; rather, you see what you already believe. Your brain discards information that contradicts what you choose to believe, whether your beliefs, your prejudices are based on facts or fantasies.

This can explain those situations when a person, after circumstances happened to him that went beyond his imagination, cannot remember anything. The brain and consciousness refuse to fix what is beyond human understanding.

But are all those beliefs and views correct, are all your attitudes beneficial to you. I think that most of them, if not harmful, are certainly useless.

Most of our reasoning is based on prejudice

The word prejudice means judgment ahead, when we come to a conclusion in advance, before receiving any information, or even in spite of, in contrast to it. One of the most effective strategies for success is not to judge people or events until you have enough information to make an informed decision. In particular, you should not judge yourself and your abilities ahead of time. Your most deeply rooted ideas about yourself and your potential may be completely false.

The most harmful views are limiting beliefs. The so-called barriers that prevent you from realizing your plans. They take place if you think that your possibilities are limited by something. For example, you may consider yourself less talented or less capable than others. You may think that others are better than you in some way. You can fall into a common trap of underestimating yourself and settling for a fraction of what you are really capable of.

These limiting beliefs act like brakes on your potential. They limit you. They give rise to the three main enemies of personal success - doubt, fear, and reluctance.

Think back to yourself when you needed to do something new. How many doubts and fears your brain immediately gave out, and this in turn led to a reluctance to do anything. They paralyze you and make you hesitate when you need to take reasonable risks, without which your true potential will not be revealed.

In order to ensure your progress to move forward and upward in life and in business, you must constantly challenge your limiting beliefs, overcome these barriers. You should categorically reject thoughts and assumptions that you are limited by something. You must accept as a fundamental principle that you are an unlimited person and that what others have achieved can be done by you.

The fact is that the vast majority of people have an equal opportunity. If someone has achieved great success, this is largely due to the fact that they have developed their innate talents and abilities to a greater extent than you. They learned those laws of life before you and applied them to their life and work. And everything that anyone has ever achieved, you can probably achieve too. You just need to learn how to do it.

1. Learn to control your thoughts. You need to free your mind from doubts and fears. Imagine there are no limits for you. What great achievement would you dare to dream of if you knew for sure that you would not fail? If you had the money, talent, skills and connections you need, what would you choose to do in your life, who would you choose to become, and what else would you have?

2. Challenge the beliefs that hold you back. Most people are blind in this regard. They need frank information from someone who knows them well and who will be honest with them. Turn to a person you know and whose opinion you value, and ask him if he does not notice any beliefs in you that may prevent you from more fully disclosing your potential opportunities.

3. Cultivate positive thoughts. Instead of fear - a thirst for new achievements, instead of doubts - figure out how best to do it. In any case, look for a solution, not an excuse.

The law of expectations

Your expectations are your future. What you expect, what you think about, comes into your life.

You choose the direction of your life by thinking and talking about how things will go. When you confidently expect good things, good things usually happen to you. If you are expecting something bad, you are usually not disappointed here either.

But due to the prevailing stereotypes in society, the main shade of the expectations of most people is negative. Hence, most of the problems that the overwhelming majority of humanity has.

Your expectations have a huge impact on the people around you and on events. What you expect from people and current situations determines your attitude towards them more than any other factor, and others, like a mirror, reflect this attitude of you, positive or negative, back to you.

This may explain the miraculous recovery of hopeless patients who were given pacifiers as medicine, but said that this was a new medicine that would cure them. And this belief in doctors created a positive expectation of recovery, which in turn led to a complete healing of the person.

IN personal life what you expect from your employees, bosses, customers, and even your future tends to come true. Your expectations of good or bad have a powerful effect on people and events, they attract exactly what you expect!

The universe doesn't care if you want what you expect. Its logic is very simple - if you think about it most of the time, then this is exactly what you want. She doesn't care if it's good or bad for you. She just lives up to your expectations.

How can this law be immediately applied

1. Change your thinking. Expect the best! Assume the best intentions on the part of everyone you interact with. If something happens contrary to your expectations, try to find out the reason.

2. Analyze your expectations for all areas of your life - family, work, yourself, health. If there are negative expectations somewhere, replace them with positive ones.

3. Control your expectations. On initial stage it will be very difficult for you to replace the positive with the negative. But negative expectations are just a habit that you can easily get rid of if you want to. Gradually, you will replace all your expectations with positive ones.

Law of attraction
Law of attraction

The Law of Attraction is this: You attract into your life what your thoughts are about.

Your thoughts and expectations are formed from you as a living magnet, which attracts everything that corresponds to them - situations, circumstances, conditions, people - everything that is necessary to turn them into reality.

Thus, the main secret that the law of attraction contains is this: think about what you want to achieve and drive away any thought about what you do not want.

The Law of Attraction is one of the greatest laws of life, which in to a large extent explains successes and failures. They wrote about the law of attraction in ancient Egyptian mystical schools, three thousand years before the birth of Christ. It is so powerful, all-pervading and all-encompassing that it affects everything you do, think, and feel.

Thus, everything you have is magnetized by your thoughts and expectations. Everything that you think about most of the time, that you expect the most, comes into your life. This is the main meaning, which contains the law of attraction.

Any thought has energy. The universe does not care whether the thought is positive or negative. The logic is simple - if you think about it, then you want it.

Accordingly, it is given to you. Unfortunately, the universe does not have feelings and filters that would fulfill only thoughts that are positive for a person. Therefore, the correct use of the law of attraction is as follows - Avoid any negative thought. Think not about problems, but about solutions.

You can change your life because you can change your thoughts, change your expectations. You are not a finite set of characteristics and patterns. Everything that is in you, you can change or improve yourself.

You have probably heard more than once: A fisherman sees a fisherman from afar, Like is drawn to like, What you need needs you. All these are different forms of expression, which together form a holistic law of attraction.

Your thoughts possess magical power... This is a peculiar form of psychic energy that travels at the speed of light. Thought is capable of penetrating any obstacle. That is why it happens that, for example, you think about a person who is at a great distance from you, and the next moment the phone rings and this person is on the wire. Your thoughts connected with that person the very moment they entered your head.

How you can immediately apply the law of attraction

1. Start by carefully analyzing yourself, your thoughts and expectations. Try to analyze the situation in which you are now and those your thoughts and expectations that led to this. But be objective. Don't try to evade or embellish yourself. If this is difficult for you, ask your loved ones for advice - they will be able to give a more accurate assessment.

2. Ask yourself a question - What can be changed to improve the situation in the future? In order for the law of attraction to begin to operate, it is necessary to draw up an image of the future and a plan to achieve it.

3. Start changing your life according to the answers to this question.

4. Avoid sources of negative information - televisions, newspapers, people around you. Any negativity blocks the law of attraction and your connection with it.

5. Consider any negative situation not from the position of its possible unpleasant consequences, but from the point of view of finding a solution to resolve it.

Other laws to help increase the effectiveness of the law of attraction in your life.

Law of conformity

Everything around you is a reflection of your inner state.

You can never reach in outside world that which you do not have inside. If you have no desire to act, most of your thoughts and expectations are negative, you will never be successful.

But if you want to change something in your life, you must start by changing some of the inner aspects of your inner being.

Your main task in life is to create within yourself the sensual equivalent of what you would like to experience in reality. The fact is that you cannot achieve anything in the outside world until you first create an analogue of it inside.

That is, if you want more positive in your life, make your thoughts and expectations positive.

This is difficult for most people to accept. Many people believe that their life problems are caused by other people and external circumstances. They are shocked and angry when told that they themselves are the creators of everything that happens in their lives. They want others to change, but they do not want to change themselves.

There is only one thing in the world that you can control and change at your will - your way of thinking. However, when you are in complete control of your thinking, you gain control over all other aspects of your life. Thinking and speaking only about what you want, and refusing to think and talk about what is undesirable for you, you become the creator of your own destiny.

How can this law be immediately applied

1. Analyze your thoughts and expectations. Which ones are positive, which ones are negative? Look around you for examples that the world of your outer experiences is a reflection of the world of your inner thoughts, emotions and beliefs. Be honest with yourself.

2. Write your goals down on paper. Start creating positive expectations about these goals. Focus your mental efforts not on what is stopping you, but on how to achieve it.

3. No one can limit your thoughts. Therefore, change your mental habits - learn to think in a creative way.

The laws of life

Our existence has its own laws of life. Whoever follows them has everything he wants. Those who violate the laws of life drag out a miserable existence.
And many people are asking the following questions. Why are some people or companies more successful than others? Why does someone constantly achieve more and more new successes, while the other is marking time? Why do some people do brilliant career, occupying more and more new positions, moving from one company to another, moving forward and upward all the time, earning much more moneyearning higher salaries and advancement much faster than others? Why do some have the energy of life in full swing, while others - like a squeezed lemon?
You can get answers to all these questions if you study and implement the laws of life in your existence.

But there are still a number of questions. Why do others have to constantly change their place of work, or even sit without it, all the time worrying about whether there is enough money to live? Why do so many people feel uncomfortable within themselves? Why do so many people, as Thoreau once wrote, live in quiet despair?

After all, most people have the same set of conditions and characteristics, but someone goes far ahead, and someone is left with nothing. Why is this happening?

There can be only one conclusion here. Successful people have understood and understood the laws of life. And they apply them in their lives. If you follow the laws of life, your life develops in the right direction, that is, forward and upward. If you break it, it means that the path to success will be closed until you start doing it the way it is in nature.

Ignorance of the laws of life does not absolve one from responsibility. In the same way as a stone thrown into the water will certainly fall there, obeying the law universal gravitation, and will not fly up, so a person who observes the laws of life will develop in the right direction.

It doesn't matter if you know about them or not. It is important how you follow them. All problems and failures in a person's life occur as a result of a violation of one or another law. But without knowing this, it is difficult to change anything.

Therefore, study the laws of life and apply them. And your success will only be a matter of time.
The laws of life that will expand your consciousness and help make your life more successful.

Time - Laws of Management

Time is the most valuable resource of any person.

Time is the only thing that a person cannot stop, accumulate or return.

Having lost money, you can always earn it, having lost your health, you can restore it to a certain level, but losing time - you can no longer do anything.

Time flows at a rate of 60 seconds per minute, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and the future life of a person will depend on how it will be used.

There are no advantages here and there cannot be - the time is the same for everyone.

The most important difference between a successful person and a failure is the efficient use of your time.

Starting out adult life, most people have equal opportunities, but after 5-10 years there is a gap in living standards, incomes, and so on.

Someone says that they were just lucky, or they already had connections or rich relatives.

But, in fact, the only difference here is in the use of your time.
Successful people know the secrets of the time.

The psychology of people is such that they begin to value something only when they lose it.

When they have it, they just don't notice it.

Most people live like this - they don't value time at all.

And it turns out as in that saying - If youth knew, if old age could.

If we conduct a survey among older people, then the overwhelming majority, having the knowledge that they have now, would live their lives in a completely different way.

And only a small part would have lived their lives in the same way - these are exactly the successful people.

Losers waste decades of their lives on ineffective and ineffective activities. And in the end, at the end of their lives, they have nothing to remember.

Therefore, any person who wants to become successful simply must learn to value their time.

Every second of your time is more valuable than any wealth on earth. And wasting your time on empty and ineffective activities means stealing from yourself.

Using your time wisely is a direct path to success. You can do a lot in one day, achieve impressive results, or you can just sit on the couch watching TV.

And success is exactly what comes from such days. If you do something every day to improve your life and achieve success, then sooner or later you will achieve your goal.

But if most of your time is wasted, then you will not see success.

Therefore, learn to value your time, acquire the skills to use it effectively, increase your productivity and your success will find you.

Most Valuable Capital Law

Your most valuable capital is increasing your productivity and productivity per unit of time.

The more you succeed, the more results you achieve in the same period of time, the greater your success awaits.

Continuously improving yourself and your skills to make better use of your time should be the most important thing for you on your path to success.

The most successful people, the highest paid people are, first of all, those who know how to work more productively and achieve more serious results with the same time investment. Successful people can do 5, 10 times more than ordinary people. This helps them achieve success.

But here it is impossible to reach any level and then rest on our laurels.

Developing effective time management skills should become your habit.

The world is changing, the amount of information grows and doubles every year. Therefore, to maintain your effectiveness, you must keep yourself in a temporary tone, that is, constantly improve yourself.

1. Identify your key knowledge and skills that will help increase your productivity and effectiveness.

2. Constantly work to improve them.

3. Keep your eyes open at all times to find opportunities to improve your performance in a timely manner.

4. Don't stop there. A person lives while he develops. As soon as you start to slow down, you will be thrown back.

5. Learn to value time - each day move towards your success.

Leverage law

Human resources - psychological and physical are limited by time.

No matter how expert and professional you are, you will not be able to stretch the time.

But by putting all your potential in one direction, you can achieve incredible success.

Often people spend years of their lives developing secondary skills, or acquiring unnecessary knowledge altogether.

The result is a person who knows everything about everything, but superficially.

And what results people achieve in the end with this approach everyone knows - at least 80% of people want to improve their lives.

One thing must be understood - it is impossible to be effective everywhere, always and in everything.

It is much easier to achieve outstanding results in any one activity by using the law of leverage.

That is, choose a fulcrum, make every effort to it and achieve success.

By spraying your efforts, you become a machine gunner, shooting in all directions.

Yes, you might hit someone somewhere. But if you calculate the efficiency, then it will be extremely low.

By investing your efforts in one point, you become a sniper who clearly sees his target and is able to hit it.

How to take action immediately

1. Choose one, maximum two areas of your activity that will give you the maximum result.

2. Make a list of actions to develop them.

3. Concentrate maximum attention and effort on this.

4. Do not let anyone or anything distract you from moving towards your goal.

5. Periodically analyze your progress - make the necessary adjustments based on new experience and knowledge.

The law of priorities

What is priority is ranking something in order of importance.

In relation to achieving success and more efficient use of time, it can be described as follows - At one point in time, you must do the most important matter and make every effort for this.

The ability to prioritize your activities is the key to success.

Most people are engaged in what they like best at the moment, to which the soul lies more.

There is nothing worse than doing well what is of little or no value at the moment.

The inability to separate the wheat from the chaff leads to the fact that most people are ineffective in their lives.

They put off important things for later, when the mood is up or the stars are formed. As a result, important matters become urgent when they have to be dealt with literally here and now. The result of such an execution is obvious - it is far from ideal.

The speed of your progress on the path to success and the effectiveness of the time you use depends entirely on the ability to single out the most important things from a multitude of tasks and start doing it immediately, regardless of desire, mood or bad weather.

Doing everything at once, or doing something simpler first is the path to mediocre achievements.

How to take action immediately

1. Start planning your activities.

2. Make a to-do list and rank according to the degree of importance - the most important one, which will give the greatest result at the moment, if done.

3. Learn to do only the most important thing at one point in time - hit one point.

4. Do not dissipate your efforts on several tasks - the effectiveness of each will be lower than when doing one task.

5. Do not be distracted until you complete the task and get the desired result.

Planning law

Nothing saves time like planning your activities.

Many people know about this, have heard even more, but few people really do it.

Working in any company, you probably saw the development plan of the company, and perhaps took a direct part in drawing it up.

This helps to choose the direction of development, foresee actions in the event of an event, analyze achieved results.

But few people carry this habit into their personal lives. And completely in vain.

Your life is much more important to you than the performance of any company. There are many companies, but you have one life.

Therefore, if you really want to become successful, learn to plan your time and actions.

This skill will allow you to do more with less time, achieve better results and move faster on your path to success.

Planning helps to streamline your life, gives it meaning and direction, helps get rid of chaos and disorganization.

Don't be afraid to spend time planning - a clear goal and a detailed plan are at least 50 percent of your success.

How to take action immediately

1. Today, make a plan for your personal life for the next 3-5 years - write down your dreams, desires, what you want to have at the end of this period.

2. For each item, create an action plan to achieve it.

3. Put real time achieving your goal.

4. Start doing something after making your plan every day.

5. Review your plan periodically using the knowledge and experience gained.

Practice law

If you want to make better use of your time, improve your core skills.

What distinguishes a professional from a beginner is that he can do exactly the same thing faster and better.

The experience gained by him, on the basis of practical actions, allows the specialist to spend less time and effort while maintaining the quality of work.

Therefore, one of the most important steps the way to make better use of your time is to get as much practice as possible.

Let's look at this using computers as an example.

Now imagine workplace it's almost impossible without a computer. E-mails are sent daily, documents are typed, and so on.

That is, the overwhelming majority of people use their computer every day for work.

And what percentage has the skill of touch typing - think the percentage is small.

It takes a month to learn to print blindly - and your printing speed will increase by an order of magnitude and save time.

That is, having spent once a month to acquire the skill of touch typing, you will then save yourself time all your life every time you need to type something.

Now calculate how much time you can save on this skill alone - and there are many others.

How to take action immediately

1. List your core skills.

2. Write an action plan to improve each one.

3. Start improving them, starting with the most important thing - gain more experience, knowledge, practice.

4. Use the free time to increase your efficiency.

5. Do not rush, but also do not slow down - exercise translational motion forward to your dream.

The law of renewal

Everything flows, everything changes. And man is no exception.

By setting certain goals and objectives, over time, one part becomes unnecessary, the other is achieved, the third is transformed into other goals and objectives.

And often the burden of old experience and knowledge does not allow a person to move forward. A person consciously or unconsciously drags this unnecessary junk onto himself, thinking that it helps him in life.

But in order to achieve something new, you need to acquire something new - new knowledge, habits, experience, and so on.

And for this it is necessary to get rid of old savings, which in most cases become obstacles to success.

Let's say you decided to improve your health. You started to run, go to the gym, but continue to smoke - do you think you will be able to become healthier without giving up your old habit?

Or 10 years ago at the institute you were taught one thing, but today it is already ineffective. What do you choose - continue to be ineffective or discard the old and gain new knowledge and experience.

Today, human life is full of changes and success will be achieved by those who timely notice new trends and will be able to competently use them in their interests.

How to take action immediately

1. Keep your eyes open - look for new areas and opportunities.

2. Analyze which of your knowledge and experience is already out of date.

3. Take action to correct the nonconformity - acquire the necessary skills.

4. Constantly review your goals and objectives - perhaps you continue to strive for something that no longer matters to you.

5. Focus on the main thing - time is not rubber and you will not be enough for everything and everyone.

The law of succession

The consistency of your actions is very important in life.

The correct sequence leads to success, the wrong one can lead to nothing or even to negative results.

The choice of where to start and how to continue is entirely in your hands. You can read books, take advice from a more experienced person, but the choice of the sequence of actions lies with you, and accordingly, the responsibility for the results of this choice will also fall on your shoulders.

What does it take to make the right decision?

First of all, you need to learn how to manage your time and be able to plan it.

You must present the ultimate goal, what you want to achieve. And already from this complete image, from the presentation of the picture as a whole, draw up a list of sequential actions based on your knowledge and experience.

Naturally, you cannot foresee everything. But you can definitely plan the first step. And then, after completing this first step, you will receive new information that will allow you to take the second step and so on.

No one has yet been able to foresee everything. But anyone can imagine the ultimate goal and take the first step towards success.

How to take action immediately

1. Determine your ultimate goal - clear, specific, limited in time.

2. Make a plan of sequential actions to achieve it.

3. Take the first step.

4. Make changes from time to time based on feedback and lessons learned.

5. Continue to act until the goal is achieved.

The law of remuneration

Today it is no longer enough to do your job just well.

The efficiency, quality and speed of your activity are at the forefront.

The more efficient your time is, the more reward you will receive.

Hence the difference in the salaries of successful people and losers.

Regular employees measure their monthly salary.

The richest and most successful calculate their earnings in hours, and some even in minutes.

The more efficiently you start using your time resource, the more results you manage to achieve per unit of time, the higher your income will be.

Thus, the fastest and effective method an increase in remuneration is an increase in the quality of spending your time.

Today any company strives to switch to payment for performance results.

Nobody wants to hire an employee and pay him just for being in the workplace.

But any company is ready to pay for a real result, regardless of the time spent on it.

How to take action immediately

1. Shift your emphasis towards the result. Your task is not to spend as much time as possible, but to achieve your goal. The better and faster you do it, the more your income will be.

2. Constantly develop your knowledge and skills, analyze your activity and increase its effectiveness.

3. Increasing the quality of the time used will reduce the time spent on solving one problem, which will make it possible to increase your productivity, that is, to solve more problems in one period of time.

The Law of Coercive Efficiency

Unfortunately, time cannot be stopped, rewound or stretched.

You have 24 hours a day - nothing more, nothing less.

And how you use them will determine your progress on the path to success.

People have two extremes. They either try to do everything at once, that is, cover everything that can be done and accomplished, or they stretch the execution of one task over several days, when it can be done in a few hours.

But if you really want to be successful you need to learn coercive efficiency.

Doing everything at once, you may achieve some results in each of the cases, but their effectiveness will be low.

By stretching one case, you will most likely achieve the target efficiency, but start other cases.

Therefore, the best principle here is the golden mean.

You should only be doing one thing at a time that is most important at the moment. This is the kind of thing, the implementation of which will give the greatest result.

But you should not stretch it - you need to make every effort to achieve the fastest result.

Therefore, you must learn to identify such things and devote all your time to them until you complete them without being distracted by secondary tasks.

How to take action immediately

1. Start by making a to-do list.

2. Prioritize each task, dividing them by urgency and importance.

3. Do only one most important thing at a time.

4. Do not allow things from the important category to fall into the urgent category.

5. Do not let anyone or anything distract you from the task.

The law of concentration of efforts

Focusing your efforts on a single task saves execution time and improves the quality of the result.

The performance of any person is evaluated by results, and not by the amount of effort expended and hours spent at work.

You can spend days and weeks doing some kind of work, but still not achieve the desired result.

And you can achieve the desired result by spending a few hours.

The whole secret is that greatest effect you get when you put all your knowledge, experience and efforts into one place. This allows you to use all your potential to solve this particular problem.

By doing several things at once, you are simply unable to achieve the same efficiency per task. You have to spend additional time on entering a situation when switching attention from one case to another. Several tasks will constantly revolve in my head, distracting from each other.

All this reduces your overall efficiency at times.

An analogy can be drawn here with felling a tree.

Think - when will you cut it down faster?

Option 1- You will focus the blows of your ax in one place.

Option 2 - You will hit randomly.

I think the answer is obvious.

Now imagine that you have to cut down several trees, that is, solve several problems.

Option 1 - You run from one tree to another and hit randomly

Option 2 - You take on one tree, put all your efforts at one point, cut it down and only then take on the next one.

Where will the result be faster and more effective?

How to take action immediately

1. Learn to prioritize things.

2. Do only one thing at a time, the most important thing that can give the maximum result.

3. Focus on results.

The law of clarity

A clear presentation of your goal saves a lot of time at the stage of achieving it.

Everyone wants to be happy, rich and successful, but only a few really invest in these concepts clear, concrete, definite goals and objectives.

Most people are like a ship sailing in the ocean of life, no one knows where, no one knows why, and no one knows why.

Their dreams are so superficial that when asked - What are your goals - they begin to fall into spatial rantings about the meaning of life.

Now think about who will reach his goal faster - a person who knows where to go and what to do, or a person who has a vague idea of \u200b\u200bhis desires.

The answer is obvious - as long as you wallow in a sea of \u200b\u200buncertainty, you will not become a successful person.

Ask yourself two questions once and for all - What do I want and Why do I want it.

Want to be rich - And how much money do you need to feel financially independent - 1 million, 1 billion ... Why do you need so much money - what will you do with it? Etc.

In each of the significant areas of your life, determine the level, the goal, the achievement of which will matter to you.

The answer to this should be a list of actions to achieve your goal. It is actions, not your desires or hopes.

How to take action immediately

1. Identify the significant areas of your life - finances, family, health, and so on.

2. In each area, set a clear, specific goal that will make you feel rich, happy, healthy, and so on.

3. Make a list of actions to achieve your goals and the results you want to achieve.

4. Set a timeline for achieving the goal.

5. Start implementing your plan as soon as you complete it.

6. Do something every day that brings you closer to your goal.

7. Periodically evaluate your progress by comparing the results achieved and the goals set.

Timeliness Law

As the well-known saying goes - A spoon is good for dinner.

Time is the main word in the 21st century.

The speed of life has increased significantly and is growing every year.

Today, success is achieved not by efficient ones, but by efficient and quick ones.

Now it's not enough just to work well - you have to deliver maximum results in a short time if you want to be successful.

It is the timeliness of solving the problem and achieving the required result by the appointed time that underlies any success.

Therefore, you must do everything to make the most of your time, saving it where possible and wasting the freed up time moving forward.

You simply have to constantly look for ways to improve efficiency in your work - any experience, knowledge, skills and abilities that will help reduce time while maintaining the quality of the result.

How to take action immediately

1. Refocus your activities to achieve maximum results in a short time.

2. Constantly develop yourself and your skills.

3. Manage your time - learn to control it.

Competence law

Most easy way to a more efficient use of time is to increase your knowledge and skills, that is, to increase your competence.

Successful people have reached such heights because they continue their education throughout their lives.

They realized that the knowledge gained at school, institute and other places is not enough to constantly move forward.

If you analyze any loser, you will immediately notice that he seems to have stopped in development. Everything he has gained over the years of his life is simple mechanical experience, which simply cannot produce a growth effect.

And today, when the world has entered the information age, constant self-development has become even more relevant.

What worked 5 years ago is no longer so effective today, and in some cases leads to negative results.

Therefore, in order to constantly be on the crest of success, it is necessary to constantly develop, gain new knowledge, expand your worldview and horizons.

It is this approach that will move you forward, open up new opportunities and horizons and allow you to achieve more and more noticeable success.

How to take action immediately

1. Identify the key areas of your activity, increasing competence in which will lead to maximum results.

2. Start working on them today - develop, improve your qualifications.

3. Do not stop there. Look for new knowledge and skills to help you achieve even greater results.

Hello friends!

In today's article, I will share with you my thoughts on what it means law of cause and effect... Understanding the operation of this law seems to me one of the most important realizations.

In physical, i.e. tangible area, we very well understand the operation of this law: if we need light, we press the switch, if we want to eat, we cook our own food. If we want to lose weight, we go in for sports.

First, in any case, there is an action, then the result of this action follows.

"What you sow is what you reap" - so it says folk wisdom... And perhaps this phrase describes the principle of cause and effect better than any other comparison.

The law of cause and effect is an irrefutable law of nature. If you break it, then you clear up the trouble. The sooner you begin to act on this principle, the better for you.

We all know that any action is preceded by a cause. This cause is the main core that we must consider in order to understand the effect.

Those who ignore this step live by trial and error and with the belief that everything that happens is just an accident. This course of action is simply not effective. The very discovery of the error brings nothing, unless you investigate its cause. Such people live with the firm conviction that everything in life is determined by chance and that there is a destiny that must be obeyed. They believe it's already outlined own pathto be followed.

But I argue that everything has a reason and is not a pure coincidence. Likewise, every success has a reason - a thought that gave him an impetus and which allowed the circumstances to arise that became the reason further actionwhich in turn caused other triggers. At the end of this whole chain is success!

To understand how success became a reality, you need to justify its reason. Those who base their successes and failures on chance make a big mistake: they become addicted!

Why 99% of all lottery players don't have it? Because they only rely on chance.

What do such people hope to get as a result of winning? A happy and fulfilling life? 6 correct numbers out of 45 will give them a happy life? Perhaps this will make their life fulfilling, but not happy in any way. Because you don't need 5 million to be happy. The happiness of this sort is already in finished form in bottles, for 100 rubles.

Please do not confuse randomness with unintentionalness. There were many discoveries and achievements in the world that were not the result of some kind of planning. But that still doesn't make them the result of chance.

As soon as the reasons for such consequences become known, they become explainable and cease to be random. The randomness model exists only in our head. Just because we cannot explain something to ourselves, we have no right to label it as an accident. Remember the words of Buddha who said, "The worst of evils is ignorance"?

What do you think, was the universe created by chance 4.6 billion years ago? If you answer yes or suppose that this is possible, then I can also tell you that you went to work with the same chance of accident, once you accidentally completed a puzzle or accidentally graduated from university, so that later you would just accidentally work in this profession 20 years.

There are no accidents, friends! working!