Celebrate the new year with your beloved. How to celebrate the New Year together with your loved one. Family gifts for the new year ideas with photos

Every year the time comes and each of us thinks about when, where and how to spend the holiday beloved by millions - the New Year. Some want to spend this magical night with their soul mate, someone, remembering their childhood, to celebrate New Year's Eve with their family and loved ones, and others - to come off in a cheerful company of friends. Having chosen with whom and where you will go on the night of December 31st, you should not forget to think over a small scenario in order to surprise and please your loved ones, not forgetting to pamper yourself.

So you have decided that you want to spend New Year's Eve with your loved one in a cozy home environment. It's time to start conquering his festive spirit and the right to share with him “the best New Year of my life”!

  1. First you need tune in the right mood ... Therefore, on the eve of the festive bustle, take your loved one in an armful and head to the nearest fair. There you can not only drink aromatic mulled wine, a bite of honey and gingerbread, but also look for home decorations and take part in various competitions. After eating your fill, you can take a short walk, enjoying the views of the evening city, decorated with thousands of lanterns. The ice skating rink is also worth a visit: even if some of you do not know how to skate, this will be a good reason to learn, because there will be reliable support nearby. After walking a lot, visit some institution so as not to start decorating the house on an empty stomach. Upon returning home, take a breath, choose the right music (where without your beloved "Jingle Bells" and Frank Sinatra), lay out all your New Year's toys and start creating magic, transforming your home.
  2. Dress up the tree together ... Let it be special this year, just for the two of you. In addition to the usual Christmas tree decorations and tinsel, you can hang your joint photos, your favorite sweets, tangerines and other trinkets that are important for you two on its fluffy twigs. Yes, it will not look like the cover of a glossy magazine, but it will be the best Christmas tree in your life.
  3. Decide on the menu for the festive table. You shouldn't cook so much that the table breaks. It can be several appetizers, one main course, and fruit. This amount of food is quite enough for two, especially if you are counting on a romantic continuation. The main thing is to agree on the menu with your beloved so that everyone is satisfied. If you decide to order food, then take care of this in advance in order to avoid misunderstandings, because on New Year's Eve, food delivery is simply overwhelmed with orders.
  4. Together doesn't mean boring! Not everyone needs a big company to have a great night. Imagine, you are just the two of you, snow is falling outside the window, the tree is glowing with hundreds of lights, cozy festive music is playing. The whole house is only at your disposal. You shouldn't spend all the time in front of the TV, looking for a decent TV show. Better to come up with a magical world where every room in your home will have its own atmosphere. Your kitchen can turn into a chic restaurant at the foot of the lava by replacing the lamps with candles, adding a dash of imagination. So the bathroom has turned into a jacuzzi, somewhere in the tropics. What's going on on the balcony? It's Santa's house in Lapland! One has only to write down your wishes, put them on a plane and launch them into the snowy distance, and they will come true right away. Dream, play, have fun. Feel the magic again that did not leave you during all the winter holidays as a child.
  5. A little romance has not bothered anyone yet. When planning your joint holiday, do not forget that your loved one will be next to you. Prepare a surprise for him, which will include: you, your soul mate, dim lights, sexy, perhaps even themed, lingerie, candles, some fruit and chocolate, dancing and lots of kisses. The hot night is ready. Happy New Year!
  6. Gifts to be! Agree in advance that you should present gifts to each other. Let it be cute socks with snowmen or a candle scented with pine needles, but their presence is a must. Arrange a quest for each other: hide your gifts, write notes with tips and leave them in different places. The hidden clues will help you find the next ones, and so on until the gift itself. And regardless of the gift, you two will be incredibly pleased to finally find your cherished treasure.

It doesn't matter if there is one person or a whole crowd next to you, the main thing is the role of these people in your life. Spending the New Year even together, the fun can flow over the edge, the main thing is that the person who shares this night with you understands and loves you.

How to have fun celebrating the new year with your family:

It is customary to consider the New Year as a family holiday. After all, no matter how far your loved ones are, no matter how rarely you communicate, on New Year's Eve, everyone gathers at the same table. The magic of the holiday is felt from the very morning, when the children are keen on decorating the Christmas tree, mom and grandmother prepare various goodies, and dad and grandfather prepare the festive table and light the fireplace. Everyone helps each other, has fun and waits for the others to be pleased with gifts. But the New Year with your family can be spent both at home and outside the city or in nature.

at home

Why do many people choose to celebrate the New Year at home? Because it is, first of all, comfort. You can cover all the windows with snowflakes, dress up in pajamas, wrap the cat in New Year's "rain", steal food from the refrigerator that says, “Don't touch! This is for the New Year, ”and in general, do whatever you want. At home, you and your family will always have something to do: look at the family photo album, remembering the past years, decorate gingerbread cookies together in the form of New Year's attributes, play Crocodile and a lot more.

  • What kind of New Year is it without mom's signature salad? A holiday at home is wonderful because every year the very dish that is familiar from childhood appears on the table. And it, of course, is prepared only on this night, because it is special.
  • Each family has a movie that they watch on December 31st. Even if it has already been watched "to holes" and you know all the dialogues by heart, but this day would not be so wonderful without it. So do not forget to set aside an hour or two for the film show this year.
  • On holiday, everyone puts on their best outfits. But you can set a new trend in your family. Pajama party! Although the beautiful half of your family will deny for a long time, because they have been choosing this dress for so long, but with your persistence, this New Year will be the most comfortable in your family. And what wonderful photos will turn out, and needless to say.

outside the city

A small country cottage with a huge Christmas tree in the backyard, what could be more magical? It's certainly good at home, but at least once it's worth trying to get out somewhere on New Year's Eve, taking your whole family. You can play snowballs, make a castle out of snow, cook your favorite meals over an open fire and warm yourself by the fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa. And after you celebrate the New Year, dress warmly and head out to explore the surrounding area. You can bump into your neighbors, make new acquaintances and even get on a holiday in another country (who said that your neighbors cannot be hot Spaniards or harsh Finns?).

In addition to a separate cottage, you can stay in a country complex. There you will be offered not only a cozy house, but also a festive menu and entertainment program. If you are traveling with children, do not forget to check the presence of an animator. This will not only help to captivate children, but also have great fun for adult family members.


New Year is associated with something warm and cozy. But what if your family has a craving for everything extreme and unusual? How, then, to celebrate this holiday without indulging in all these home gatherings?

  • Take your family and go to nature! To the top of a mountain, to a forest thicket, to the shore of a lake or a snow-covered beach - whatever you choose from this, with the right preparation and love for everything unusual, this will be the best New Year in your life.
  • Go for New Year's adventures to ski resorts, or to famous farms and villages. Arm yourself with thermoses with hot tea and meet New Year's Eve on the shore of the lake or even the sea. Or the winter berths of Russian beaches are always at your disposal.
  • Wherever your family decides to celebrate New Year's Eve, you will always be comfortable and fun. After all, everyone has family traditions, in which some innovations can be made to create a festive mood.

How to celebrate the new year with the company at home

The list of guests is already ready, the apartment is decorated, gifts for all friends are already under the tree, all that remains is to prepare a whole mountain of food and figure out how to entertain everyone. Sound familiar? This is how the New Year passes for every hostess who is waiting for her friends to visit. But it is possible to cardinally replay everything.

  • Divide areas of responsibility. Do not drag everything on your fragile shoulders, because the holiday is common, therefore you need to involve everyone. One of the guests will be in charge of entertainment (come up with contests and rewards); the other will bring along sparklers and firecrackers; appoint a third as a bartender, who will monitor the availability of cocktails during the next toast, and let each of the guests bring along their signature dish. And it will be easier for you to cook, and each of the guests will find at least one favorite dish on the table.
  • If, nevertheless, you decide to take on the entertainment part, then be sure to take with you a couple of games for the company. Twister, Alias, Jenga are some of the most popular games for the company. Do not forget about the good old Crocodile or the lottery. But it would be better to come up with a game corresponding to your company: for someone the New Year's quiz is perfect, for others it will be more interesting to play mafia, and for vocal lovers - karaoke is the best option. When choosing contests and games for a New Year's company, take into account the age and characteristics of each, so as not to leave someone without a festive mood.
  • Another great idea would be to have a theme party. You can choose one of the countries and, observing its New Year traditions, immerse your friends in its culture. In India, for example, New Year is considered a festival of lights. Buy candles, Christmas garlands and let the whole house shine with hundreds of lights. Or arrange a real Brazilian carnival: with music, half-naked bodies and feathers.

The main thing is not to try to do everything alone. Discuss, plan, prepare costumes - all this will help your whole cheerful company celebrate the New Year like never before.

Where you can have fun celebrating the new year together ideas

For those couples in love who have decided not to celebrate the New Year at home, we offer several places where you can spend the outgoing year:

  • New Year's themed parties. Many establishments organize various parties on the night of December 31st, both for New Year's themes and for various others. Thus, you can visit both the Agent 007 party and the fabulous property of the Snow Queen, and visit the holiday in Hong Kong without leaving the city. Choose the scenario that you two like and have a fun New Year.
  • Celebrate the New Year extreme. Go to a ski resort. There you will completely plunge into the atmosphere of a winter fairy tale and you can drink champagne, making a wish, on the top of the mountain.
  • Santa in swimming trunks. Choose the Côte d'Azur you like and get ready to celebrate the New Year in a bikini. Let it be a winter holiday, but how can you deny yourself the pleasure of soaking up the sun with your beloved?
  • Around the world. Book a comfortable cabin on a cruise ship and go ahead, conquer the sea. Festive program, dinner prepared by the best chefs, the ocean, you and your significant other - what could be more magical.

The best restaurant in town, a magnificent beach in Mallorca or a liner in the Atlantic Ocean - whatever you choose, the best gift is by your side anyway. Love each other!

A short script for celebrating the new year in a company at home

  • First of all, distribute responsibilities among the guests. Make a menu for the festive table, taking into account the signature dish of each of the characters at the celebration. When guests arrive, invite them to take some photos in a specially prepared corner with New Year's decorations. Let everyone have a memory of this day (all the more, after the holidays it will be possible to compare the photos before and after the feast, and laugh enough). Start with light snacks and drinks, gradually moving on to something more serious.
  • To maintain a festive mood, play a game with the guests - Situations. Divide into teams. The host asks you to find a way out of the situation, for example: "You forgot to buy crab sticks for your salad, and the stores are no longer open." Opponents at this time ask tricky questions. At the end of the game, the host will decide who was more inventive.
  • Having met the New Year, with a glass of champagne, and having tried all the dishes, you can safely go outside, light sparklers and start up fireworks. Then go to the city Christmas tree and share the holiday with a large part of your city.

Family gifts for the new year ideas with photos

Sometimes choosing gifts for each family member takes too much time and effort. In this case, complex gifts for the whole family come to the rescue, which can be not only practical, but also quite pleasant.

  • A set of dishes for the whole family. This gift will help to decorate not only festive feasts, but also to diversify the usual family dinner.

  • Coffee maker. If your family cannot imagine their morning without a cup of aromatic coffee, please them with a convenient and high-quality device.

  • Identical pajamas. This cute and cozy option is suitable not only for a married couple, but also for a large family with a good sense of humor.

  • Family portrait. Order a portrait of your entire friendly family. It can be drawn from a photograph (if you expect to make a surprise) or from life, but this will take a lot of patience and endurance.

  • Theater tickets. Indulge your loved ones with a few hours of cultural entertainment.
  • Basket with sweets. In this case, both adults and children will be happy. There will be enough sweets for everyone!

When choosing a gift, remember about your family and friends. The main thing is to put a piece of your love into it, and it doesn't matter if it is a tea set or a family trip, your attention is more important for the family.

New Year's games for children and adults

Here are some more New Year games that both adults and kids will love.

  1. "Mysterious box". For the competition, you will need a festive box in which you can put anything: from Christmas tree decorations to items of clothing and dishes. Participants, asking leading questions to the presenter, must guess what is in the mysterious box. You can also put various souvenirs and sweets in it to give them to those who guess this item.
  2. Secret Santa. On New Year's Eve, each of the guests pulls out the name of the one for whom he will have to make a gift. It can be some kind of trinket, or some kind of deed. The main thing is that the person for whom you are secret Santa does not figure you out. At the end of New Year's Eve, you can discuss who "suspects" whom.
  3. "Guess how much." Prepare a container filled with, say, sweets in advance. Place in a visible place for guests to inspect its contents. The guests' task is to guess how many sweets there are. Everyone writes down their guess and puts their answer in a special box. At the end of the evening, announce the winner, who will be the one closest to the actual number. Guessed candies can be used as a gift.
  4. "Who am I?". Each of the participants is given a card with the name of a famous person. The participant cannot read his card, but must stick it on his forehead. Next, each asks the neighbor a leading question, which can only be answered Yes or No, in order to find out who he is according to the card. The winner is the one who guesses his celebrity faster.

New Year is a truly magical holiday that touches the souls of not only children, but also adults. You decide how and with whom to spend it, what to present to loved ones and what dish to serve on the festive table. This article only presents some options that will help you make this holiday better. Happy New Year and Christmas Holidays!

Video: "How to celebrate the New Year?"

Tired of celebrating the traditional New Year with family and friends? Do you want to diversify the standard set of salad "Olivier", the TV show "Blue Light" and a noisy company? Or maybe you finally found each other and this is your first New Year together? Be that as it may, celebrating the New Year together is very romantic and unusual. We will tell you how to make a memorable holiday in the article.

A festive night dedicated to each other will surely be remembered for a lifetime. The main thing is to create a New Year's atmosphere and think over the script.

How to celebrate the New Year together?

It is very interesting to celebrate the New Year together with a loved one. However, this does not mean at all that such plans do not require special preparation. There are certain rules here too. By following them, your romantic New Year will be enjoyed by both.

The main thing is that the desire to celebrate the New Year together was mutual. If one wants a noisy company of friends, the holiday will not work. Here you will either have to persuade your soul mate or look for a compromise solution.

The holiday will not work by itself. You need to prepare for it. Think over the scenario of the New Year in advance. The perfect start is a candlelit dinner in festive attire.

  1. Prepare together for the upcoming celebration. Buy symbolic decorations, think over the New Year's menu, decorate windows. If you have an artificial tree, be sure to buy some natural branches to bring an incomparable fir scent into your home. Make a New Year's playlist and start listening to it a week before the New Year, thereby tune in to the desired mood.
  2. As we mentioned earlier, come up with an action plan. Spontaneity is good, but still the New Year requires a script. For example, you can dine at a candlelit table, then please your neighbors and yourself with fireworks, and then return home and spend the rest of the night in a more intimate setting. An alternative to the traditional scenario is New Year's in the bathroom. You can stock up on scented candles in advance, decorate your bathroom, and prepare light meals.
  3. The New Year's menu is an important item. New Year's Eve together, of course, will save a woman from having to cook a ton of dishes. However, you cannot do without cooking at all. Prepare something unusual. Prepare snacks. Treat yourself to foods you rarely buy.
  4. Don't forget about gifts. Prepare small surprises for each other. It is best to personalize a gift or give something that the other half has been asking for for a long time Santa Claus.

Whichever way you decide to celebrate the New Year, stick to a festive dress code. Women should do their hair and make-up, men should put themselves in order. In the classic version with a candlelit dinner, a festive dress for a woman and a suit for a man are required.

Romantic New Year Ideas

It is not necessary to celebrate the New Year at the table. There are many other options. For example, if both of you are ice skating, it will be very romantic to celebrate the New Year at the city skating rink. Bring strong (warming?) Drinks with you and enjoy the festive fireworks, winter night and each other's company.

Have you ever celebrated New Year's at sea? If not, then such a variety will undoubtedly suit your taste! Go to the beach at night. The sound of the surf, a kaleidoscope of stars, the rustle of palm leaves, a loved one nearby - what could be more romantic?

Or maybe both of you value simple home comfort? Then a good New Year's movie, a warm blanket and mulled wine will suit you. You can cook some kind of romantic dish. For example, chocolate fondue.

New Year's will be unusual in a hotel or in a private house somewhere outside the city. The change of scenery for New Year's Eve is very symbolic. Perhaps this will not be the only favorable change for your couple in the New Year.

Have you decided to celebrate the New Year with your significant other? This idea deserves to be implemented, but it should be properly prepared. Note that New Years are often celebrated with family, so you can try to start creating your own traditions. In addition, there is an opinion that, as you meet the year, you will spend it, with whom you will meet, with that, respectively, you will spend. It is not surprising that a girl can dream of celebrating the New Year with her beloved man. However, what aspects need to be paid special attention to? How can you make a holiday truly meaningful and worthy?

Important rules for celebrating the New Year.

Celebrating the New Year together is a truly romantic idea. In this case, the offer may come from a guy or from a girl, because this no longer plays a big role. The most important thing is a sincere desire to meet the coming of the next year just together. If someone dreams of being with friends, and the other - only with his soul mate, a real, pleasant holiday will no longer work. Thus, when planning to celebrate the New Year together, you do not need to put pressure on your soul mate, based only on your desires. Paying increased attention to the peculiarities and preferences of your partner, it becomes possible to understand the advisability of celebrating the New Year together.

Important rules.

So, the first rule is a mutual desire for spending time together. Otherwise, even the option that you are alone will not play in the best way for your relationship. There is no need to be offended if the partner is not yet ready to celebrate the holiday together, because many representatives of the stronger sex may perceive this option as an encroachment on freedom. For this reason, panic is not required, because the man actually loves you, but is still afraid to move to a new level of relationship. In addition, some men need an audience and want to prove themselves at the holiday, so you cannot convince that the holiday is best spent alone, without unnecessary witnesses. Even if you force your partner to take the right step, the pleasure will not be obtained.

You must be ready for initiative and joint preparation. However, it is the fair sex who should take on most of the responsibilities. This is due to the fact that men practically do not take into account the decor and design of the room, but the peculiarities of the atmosphere largely depend on this. It is best for a man to offer global, important issues for solution. For example, a representative of the stronger sex should think about how to make enough money for the New Year to successfully organize a festive event. Try to keep your beloved man aware of all your plans and features of organizing events, but you do not need to ask for advice on any occasion if you do not want to quarrel. For example, you can decide which napkins are perfect for New Year's table. Moreover, the man will appreciate all your efforts and will be able to tell his friends and relatives about them. Do not be afraid to be independent in preparing for the New Year. This rule also needs to be taken into account if you decide to celebrate the long-awaited holiday together.

Every woman dreams of holding the perfect festive event, as a result of which there is a desire to think over numerous nuances and create a decent hairstyle, choose a beautiful outfit, and develop the perfect menu. In addition, there is a desire for a man to appreciate all the efforts made. Pay attention to the fact that men think in global categories, therefore they cannot pay attention to all the patterns of glasses and napkins, and other nuances. In this regard, there is no need to be upset that there is no opportunity to hear pleasant compliments, although you tried. Of course, the third rule may seem strange, but it also needs to be taken into account. When organizing a gala event, try to pay attention to your preferences. If you mark inconsistencies somewhere, there is no need to be upset or worried in advance. A man will not admire the fact that the patterns are in harmony everywhere, but will fully enjoy communicating with you. Moreover, you need to value your relationship with a man and not expose them to risk.

However, the fourth rule also exists. You should try to choose interesting surprises that will make New Year's Eve magical. Even if you have lived together for many years and do not know how you can surprise a man. The most important thing is to show your imagination. For example, you can prepare new dishes that have not appeared on the holiday table before. You can choose a beautiful and suitable outfit for yourself, even if it does not suit your style. For example, if you usually wear short dresses, go for a long and fluffy one. Try to please your beloved boyfriend with worthy surprises.

You need to prepare for the New Year.

So, you have managed to understand the important rules for preparing a solemn event, but at the same time you must take into account additional recommendations that have an important role in the result.

Features of preparation.

Prepare for the fact that you must start preparatory activities in advance in order to successfully complete all the tasks. The most important issues need to be discussed with your boyfriend. You can see examples of similar questions.

1. Which tree will be used: artificial or real?
2. When will you go to the supermarket to buy food for the festive table?
3. What do you need to give to loved ones?

The ideal option is to complete only 1 task every day. Try to attract your loved one whenever possible. In this case, each of you will be able to feel the festive mood in advance, and on New Year's Eve, be sure to plunge into the holiday. In addition, joint affairs will make the relationship more open and close. You may even be able to talk about which gifts are your dreams. Still try to prepare for the New Year together, despite the fact that men focus on important, global ones.

The holiday should start on the morning of December 31st.

Try to successfully complete your household chores on December 30th. In this case, it will be possible to devote the last day of the year to a joint pastime and rest.

You can have breakfast together and share an essential oil bath. After that, go for a walk in the snow-covered city, visit the cinema at the appropriate session or at the New Year's performance.

After you return home, you can present a small present to your beloved man. An interesting option is to hide the gift right on yourself, if the size of the selected presentation allows it. Have a fun and exciting hot-cold game. Each correct answer should be rewarded with a kiss.

Decide on an idea for a festive event.

The classic option is a candlelit dinner. Most likely, your beloved man will give preference to just this option. In fact, you can step back from the classic version and celebrate the New Year in a special way.

Maybe you already dream of visiting some country? Try to find on the worldwide network the features of celebrating the New Year in the country of interest, and then - to translate all this into reality. Try to decorate your apartment in a special way, choose special outfits and even cook national dishes. You can even give presents based on the traditions of the country of interest.

You can organize a pajama party. In this case, beautiful pajamas will be the best gifts. What's more, you can prepare light yet delicious snacks. Choose a few films that you would like to watch. You can choose pictures that will surprise each other.

Even if you decide to organize a classic dinner, try to decorate the room in a special way and make the table setting beautifully. In addition, gifts can be original. Joint New Year will be special only if you can choose non-standard solutions and translate them into reality.

We take care of the outfit and hairstyle.

Many representatives of the fair sex are sure that at home you can refuse a festive attire. In reality, this turns out to be a serious mistake. Don't act like that! Choose a beautiful dress, create a hairstyle and stylish makeup. Moreover, a man should put on beautifully. Try to put beautiful dishes, a candle and New Year's napkins on the festive table.

Dinner can be light.

You don't need to eat to the full if you want to continue New Year's Eve. You can make a couple of light salads, meat or fish. Instead of a greasy cake, it is best to make cupcakes or jellies.

You must create an original menu. Be sure that this option will definitely be appreciated.

Do you know the culinary preferences of your beloved man? So, you need to cook his favorite dishes.

There is no need to tell in advance what dishes you plan to cook. Try to pamper your beloved man without telling what you are planning to cook. It is best to realize your plans in reality, to show your culinary skills. Remember that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

You can even buy some of the delicacies you've been dreaming of for a long time.

We are preparing a surprise.

You can prepare a special surprise for your beloved man. For example, you can organize an unusual home show with your participation. Sign up for oriental dances in advance, rehearse them, and then show your skills in front of a man. Based on your interests and wishes, you can fantasize.

Get busy writing letters of the future.

After the chimes strike, you can take a piece of paper and write wishes, hopes for yourself and your couple. No need to read each other's confessions. It is best to seal the confessions in a common envelope, and then remove them until the next holiday, the onset of the new year. You will definitely set yourself up for the fact that the wishes should be realized. In addition, you will be able to create a tradition of your family.

Entertainment should be.

You must make sure that the entertainment is not a problem. You can watch your favorite movies, old photos, or organize dances. Don't be shy. The most important thing is to have fun. Let the joint New Year bring many pleasant and special emotions. If you wish, you can organize contests and games. Let's say you can choose popular melodies and dances, then drag the leaves at random and try to perform a dance number.

If you wish, you can follow the route that the first date took. In this case, you need to dress warmly. Perhaps such a pastime will allow you to enjoy activity and romance for the next year.

You can find costumes of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, buy souvenirs and gifts. Guess why? That's right: go on a visit without warning. Your close friends and family will undoubtedly be satisfied.

Only you can decide what kind of entertainment you should have on your New Year.

Maybe go to the dacha?

Are you the happy owners of the summer cottage? You can go to the country house and celebrate the New Year there. At the same time, there should be an opportunity to enjoy a fireplace and a blanket with pillows, beautiful music, tea or coffee, wine. Romance will only be felt if the cottage is winter-fit. In addition, you need to clean up your country house in advance. Try to take into account the many nuances, wanting to be 100% satisfied.


You can organize a photo session and video shooting. Be sure that you will definitely look at these records many times. Thinking about how best to celebrate the New Year with your beloved boyfriend, you need to try to realize all your dreams and wishes, showing a responsible approach.

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New Year is a family holiday. Each of us has a moment when we want to hold this celebration not in a noisy company of friends or relatives, but alone with a loved one. It is very important that this desire is mutual - then the holiday promises to be pleasant!

But how to celebrate the New Year, so as not to ruin everything at the last moment? How to give joy to yourself and your soul mate? Celebrating at home has its advantages:

  • Cozy and familiar environment;
  • Everything obeys your desires;
  • Budget option, tThe level of celebration depends only on you;
  • Together, you can afford much more than in a company;
  • No special outfits, hairstyles or makeup needed.

If all the preparations for the holiday are shifted to you, then tips and interesting ideas from our article will help your organization of the New Year.

You will need:

Create New Year's mood together

Be sure to prepare for the holiday together! The New Year mood appears in the process of decorating and creating a festive atmosphere. If you do everything yourself (decorate the Christmas tree, apartment, cook everything without your partner), then your half may not have a feeling of involvement in this joyful action. In any case, plan everything so that at this moment you are alone.

Start preparing in a week, maybe a month. Go to the Christmas markets, pick and friends. Pack nicely. Let your favorite New Year songs play at home. The main thing is that you do everything together!

Exchange gifts

Gifts are a mandatory attribute of the New Year. You need to figure out how to hand it over.

  • You can hide a thing in your clothes and play hot-cold. This will spice it up 🙂
  • You can hide a present within the apartment and give the cute a drawn card or message, where the location of the "treasure" is encrypted.
  • Hide the gift, but do not give a clear code of where it is. Provide your loved one with clues. You can hang them all over the apartment, or indicate in each of them how to find the next one. The purpose of the latter will be the gift itself!

Holiday script

Throw a pajama party

Down with formal suits and tables. Climb into bed with pre-purchased snacks and watch New Year's movies and lights all night!

Romantic setting

Just imagine: the smell of cinnamon, tangerines, dim and flickering candlelight, bubble bath ... You can organize such a festive evening. The intimate atmosphere of the celebration will for a long time emerge in the imagination of a loved one with a desire to repeat.

Party by nationality

Please select a suitable country. This can be the place where you would like to go together. Decorate the apartment and prepare meals according to its traditions, find matching costumes. This is a great alternative to your regular holiday!

You will find more ideas in our article on how interesting it is to celebrate New.

Apartment decoration


It is they who create the atmosphere of fabulousness and celebration! Let the garland hang from the ceiling, on the walls, on the windows. The New Year's mood should creep into every corner of your home!

Don't forget about the tree

Let her stand in the center of the room. Place coniferous twigs in a vase, filling the room with the scent of the forest. Decorate with toys, rain - let everything shine and shine! Try to get around the trivial ways to decorate the Christmas tree. Better to choose one.

Snowflakes on the windows

You can also hang them on the windows! Or paint a New Year's composition on glass with special paints. Rejoice yourself and give a festive mood to people passing by your house. You will find interesting ideas if you follow the link.

Make a miracle orange

Stick dried clove buds into the orange to create a pleasant scent for the whole house.

Don't Forget Gift Socks

Hang them around the apartment, arrange New Year's figures, hang rain, decorate the apartment with bright balls.

Play Christmas songs in the background. They will give you the right mood.

Make an original menu

On New Year's Eve, it is enough for two to cook a few “signature” dishes.

An approximate menu, which will be enough for two people, while it will look solemn.

  1. The famous Olivier salad. On our website you will find 1001.
  2. If you want something exotic, try making sushi. The instruction is also on the website.
  3. Men are usually “meat” gourmets. You can also make cold cuts.
  4. Some light salad. For example, chicken with pineapple and sire.
  5. Canapes with red caviar are suitable for snacks.
  6. Do not forget about sweets on the table, where can you go without them in romantic affairs. Make fruit cuts or fruit salad. You can make a cottage cheese dessert or you can do it.
  7. For alcoholic drinks, choose a bottle of red wine or traditional champagne. You will not want to sleep from him for sure, but create a romantic mood by 100%.

And the most important thing. Try to cook enough food so that you only have enough on New Year's Eve. Don't eat last year's meals in the New Year 🙂

Prepare an unusual surprise for your soul mate

Add passion and fire to the celebration - dance for your man. Prepare a belly dance or striptease - these very beautiful and sensual dances will remain bright moments in your memory.

You can also organize a Christmas photo session the day before together. Do not open and look at the photos before the holiday. On New Year's Eve, you can see them for the first time. Believe me, it will be full of pleasant emotions, there will be something to laugh at and something to remember.

Contests for two

Think in advance what you will do after the president's speech and the chiming clock, so as not to get confused and not bored during the celebration.

  1. Play something. These can be board games, cards (add an intimate background for more interest) and “original” prizes or the fulfillment of any desire.
  2. Write on pieces of paper what you expect from the coming year. Let everyone trace their dreams and hopes. Hide the notes until next New Year. Then you can check if everything came true.
  3. Have a dance marathon! Put on music and dance. No genre or style restrictions - it's just your evening. For interest, you can write the names of the dances on pieces of paper, pull them out in turn and perform the chosen dance.
  4. If you have karaoke, start singing. The main thing is not musical talent, but a fun duet.
  5. Having had fun, danced, and exchanged gifts with each other, it remains only to fall asleep together in an embrace in the morning and wake up in the New Year. Happy New Year to you!

New Year is a family holiday and therefore, if you are not successful, then there is nothing wrong with spending it together, in a family circle.

It is better to think in advance about how to celebrate the New Year together with your husband, so that your holiday will be fun and interesting.

There are several options for celebrating the New Year together for your husband and wife: you can celebrate the holiday at home, you can order a table in a cafe or restaurant for New Year's Eve, or go to celebrate the New Year in another city or even a country. And what, after all, the choice is large enough, so who can forbid you to fulfill this desire?

Of course, the most common and simple solution to this issue for the majority is to celebrate the New Year together with your husband at home. Do not think that this is trivial and boring, because even at home you can have a good time and make your holiday unforgettable.

It is best if the preparation is carried out together with the husband: you need to clean up, decorate the Christmas tree, prepare a festive dinner, set the table.

Even though the two of you will be together, this is not a reason to stay in your everyday home clothes. Try to dress smartly, but at the same time, be comfortable. It will be very helpful if you acquire carnival attributes for yourself and your husband (masks, funny ears, etc.).

To celebrate the New Year, you and your husband can go to any nightclub by booking a table in advance. Choose a program that is interesting for both of you. As a rule, clubs announce them in advance. The New Year's program and music will not let you get bored, at the same time, in an unfamiliar crowd, you will actually be alone.

You can also order a limousine for a specific time. After dancing to your heart's content, grab some champagne and enjoy the beautiful views of the city at night from the windows of this luxurious car.

Another equally popular idea of ​​celebrating the New Year with her husband is to rent a room in a holiday home for a couple of days. During this time, most establishments hold festive programs with performances by artists and the organization of a delicious dinner.

You don't have to cook or clean up in the morning after the holiday. In your free time, you can visit the pool, sauna or just walk. The only thing is that you need to book a room no later than a month or two, otherwise you risk being out of work.

If you decide, then this is also a very good option. You can escape from the snowy winter and celebrate the New Year together with your husband in a romantic setting under palm trees. This will help you renew your relationship and look at it from the outside.

These are just a few options for how to celebrate the New Year with your husband. The scenario of the holiday depends only on your preferences. Maybe you want to spend the whole New Year's Eve hugging on the couch watching your favorite comedy, and at this moment you will be truly happy. After all, the most important thing is that your loved one is near. And with it you can go to the ice slide, and to the dacha with an inoperative fireplace.

Happy New Year to you!