Close the pores on the face at home. Ice cube treatments. Home cryotherapy to shrink pores

Many women know firsthand how enlarged pores on the face look and how difficult it is to hide them even with makeup. Unsuccessful attempts to hide the defect with powder or foundation is far from the only problem. Inflammation, accumulation of dirt and grease are just some of the troubles that women with enlarged pores face. One should not put up with a defect - home procedures using simple masks will make the skin smoother and prevent inflammation and rashes.

Pores on the face

Before proceeding with the procedures, you need to find out the reason why the pores expand - with its elimination, the defect will become less noticeable, and it will be quite easy to cope with it. The most common culprits here are the sebaceous glands, which actively produce fat. Along with manipulations to narrow the pores, it is recommended to use agents that reduce the production of fat, otherwise you will not have to wait for good results even after regular procedures.

The best remedy to tighten pores while reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands is a clay-based mask:

  1. Knead blue clay (25 gr.), Be sure to make sure that no lumps remain in it - they can provoke irritation on the sensitive dermis.
  2. Heat the cream (20 ml) in the microwave, add to the clay, stir.
  3. Melt honey (15 g) in a bath with boiling water; there should be no sugar grains in the bee product.
  4. Combine the clay mass with warm honey, squeeze the juice from the lemon slice directly into the mixture.

Apply the composition to problem areas of the skin of the face, do not touch the areas of increased sensitivity (near the lips, eyes). Leave the mixture for a quarter of an hour, usually the clay begins to dry out during this time, so it will not be difficult to remove it. Wash off the mask with warm water, wipe the dermis with a herbal decoction that has tonic properties (brew 15 g of chamomile inflorescences with 100 ml of boiling water).

The procedure is carried out twice a week. If the sebaceous glands are not working too actively, you can reduce the number of manipulations - use a clay-based composition once a week.

How to get rid of enlarged pores on the face at home

There are many tips on how to remove enlarged pores quickly and for a long time in home cosmetology. Most often, masks based on plant components - vegetables, fruits, are used for these purposes. Before getting rid of blemishes, even if gentle masks or lotions are used, it is imperative to find out why the pores are expanding. If the reason is not in the activity of the sebaceous glands, but in the lack of nutrients or moisture, you will also have to fight this problem.

Face mask: grape, lemon

A remedy made from grapes will help to remove wide pores and enrich the tissues of the skin. It is recommended to carry out the procedures several times a week, after a month the question of how to deal with the defect will not arise.


  1. Mash a few grapes with your hands or a fork.
  2. Add juice squeezed from a lemon wedge to the fruit mass.
  3. Stir, use immediately.

Apply only to problem areas. Citrus juice is quite aggressive and can cause discomfort on sensitive skin, so first make sure that there is no reaction - apply a few drops of acidic liquid on your wrist and wait 1-3 hours.

Face mask: protein, strawberry, starch

If you ask a lover of home remedies for skin care how to quickly tighten pores, she will certainly recommend using a strawberry-based mask. The results will be noticeable after the first application of the composition, and simultaneously with the effect on the pores of the dermis tissue, they will receive a considerable portion of vitamins and useful elements.


  1. Puree 3-5 strawberries.
  2. Add 20 gr. To the fruit mass. starch.
  3. Beat the protein in a dense foam, gently place in the strawberry mixture.

Apply to areas where large pores are visible in a thick layer, leave until the protein begins to set (this will happen in 16-20 minutes, depending on the juiciness of the fruit). Remove, use warm water for washing.

Narrow pores on your face once and for all at home

How to permanently narrow wide ugly pores that cannot be hidden even with makeup? There are several recipes for masks that, due to their effectiveness, are especially popular among women.

Face mask: Protein, honey


  1. Rub the egg white into the foam.
  2. Send honey (20 ml) to a water bath, stand until the product becomes liquid.
  3. Grind honey liquid with 20 gr. corn flour.
  4. Add a little protein foam.

Distribute to problem areas where large pores are visible. Leave for half an hour. Carry out the procedure using the product 1-2 times a week.

Face mask: yeast, peroxide

For women who have not only porous skin on the face, but also an uneven shade, it is recommended to use a yeast-based product. It is important to use a pressed, not dry product for preparing the composition.


  1. Mash 30 g in a small container. fresh yeast.
  2. Add soda (15 g) and peroxide (5 ml) to the yeast gruel.
  3. Stir the mass, leave for a quarter of an hour at room temperature.

Apply the composition only to areas with large pores. First, make sure that the composition is harmless by testing - apply to a sensitive area of ​​the body. Leave the mixture to act for half an hour. It must be removed with a decoction of linden or chamomile, which have a calming effect (brew 200 ml of boiling water, 20 g of plant materials).

Face mask: avocado, sea salt, oatmeal, honey

A rapid narrowing will occur when using a mask in which avocado is the active ingredient. The tool is expensive, but effective - it will be possible to get rid of the defect in just 3-5 procedures, the interval between which should be five days.


  1. Turn oatmeal (20 gr.) Into a fine powder; it is better to use a coffee grinder for this.
  2. Grind the avocado (50 gr.) In a blender.
  3. Melt honey (15 gr.), Combine with avocado puree.
  4. Mix honey mass, oatmeal flour, add sea salt (10 gr.). If there is no sea salt, it is allowed to replace it with an ordinary food product, the main thing is that it should not contain iodine.

Apply the composition to the skin of the face for a quarter of an hour with a cotton pad. Remove with cool water. You will not need tonics after the procedure - the avocado perfectly soothes and does not cause irritation.

Face mask: cottage cheese, honey

For owners of dry dermis, a cottage cheese-based mask is perfect, which moisturizes the skin and smoothes porous skin.


  1. Rub low-fat cottage cheese (50 gr.) Through a sieve, there should be no grains in it.
  2. Melt honey (20 ml), use a water bath for this, add to the curd mass.
  3. Add 3-5 ml of lemon juice or peroxide to the composition.

Apply the product to the face, distribute evenly over problem areas, leave for 15-17 minutes. Remove, apply nutrient or tea tree oil.

Do you have a feeling that nature is not fair to you? Why exactly are you suffering from enlarged pores on your face, visible to the naked eye? In fact, even world famous pop stars and TV divas often puzzle themselves over how to narrow pores on their faces. We see them on screens in full dress, with makeup and several layers of corrective agents on their faces, and in real life these are ordinary women who have the same skin problems as most girls.

Enlarged pores are most common on oily skin.

The most famous example is model Cindy Crawford, who, at the height of her fame, tried her best to avoid taking close-ups with the camera. Cindy was the owner of a very oily and porous skin, which is why the star had to desperately fight for the matte and even tone of her face.

As a rule, enlarged pores are found in women with oily skin. The view, frankly, is not ethical, in addition, dust, dirt and the secretion of the sebaceous glands constantly accumulate in the enlarged pores. From this, the pores are clogged, inflamed and a person has blackheads (comedones) and acne.

Factors Contributing to Pore Enlargement in Women

Cosmetologists believe that the most vulnerable part on the face is the so-called T-zone (the area of ​​the forehead, wings of the nose and chin). It is in these areas that skin rashes and pore enlargement are most often observed. This factor is characterized by the fact that the T-zone area is abundantly supplied with sweat and sebaceous glands.

If enlarged pores are not treated at the initial stage of appearance, then complications in the form of an oily sheen, rashes and pustular formations may develop later. Agree, there is little pleasant. Such skin looks unhealthy and has an earthy tint. Healthy skin has an even tone, moderate dullness and a peach-pink hue.

Facial pores can expand for a variety of reasons, but the most common are:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • abuse of sunbathing (under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the skin dries out, thereby the sebaceous glands produce even more secretion, which clogs and expands the pores);
  • hormonal surges in the body (puberty, taking birth control pills, pregnancy, abortion, menopause);
  • living in industrial-polluted regions;
  • abuse of fatty and fried foods;
  • the use of low-quality decorative and caring cosmetics;
  • excess application of foundation and compact powder.

How do some factors affect the enlargement of pores?

If you take a close look at the skin on your relatives' face, you may notice that they have enlarged pores. Thus, you can know for sure that you are genetically prone to such a cosmetic defect.

Lovers of visiting tanning salons should be aware that prolonged exposure to direct ultraviolet rays contributes to keratinization of epidermal cells, as a result of which they remain on the surface of the skin and cause pores to expand and become inflamed.

Hormonal surges in the body of women are caused by puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, lactation and menopause, which also provoke enlargement of the pores of the facial skin.

How to take care of your face skin? Basic principles

For the skin to have a healthy appearance, it is necessary to provide it with proper and step-by-step care. Care products must be selected according to the type of skin. As a rule, enlarged pores are more common in women with oily skin, but also in women with combination skin.

Oily skin has a glossy appearance, has an earthy gray tint and is often inflamed. Such skin must be thoroughly cleansed and moisturized. In addition, steam your face several times a week and deeply clean clogged pores.

Taking good care of your facial skin will help restore your skin to a healthy appearance, but be prepared for this to happen immediately, you need to be patient. The key to healthy facial skin is the obligatory washing in the morning and evening, if necessary with the use of gels and foams for washing, the use of scrubs and peels, and the moderate application of decorative cosmetics. When using the latter, women should remember that in no case should you go to bed without cleansing your face of foundation and powder! Never, in whatever condition you are, you can not leave decorative cosmetics on your face until morning. This factor is the first to provoke the expansion and clogging of pores. The owners of enlarged pores are partly to blame for the occurrence of this defect.

There is no such way in the world that can shorten the enlarged pores at one time, but the consistent performance of some manipulations will allow you to achieve the desired effect in a short time.


When the pores become clogged with dust, sweat and sebaceous secretions, this promotes the active multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms, which can lead to the appearance of rashes. The inflamed pores look even bigger. That is why a thorough cleansing of the skin of the face is very important. Wash your face daily morning and evening with cool water, foams or gels appropriate for your skin type. Thus, you have a double effect on the skin - the gel flushes the accumulation of dirt and sebum from the pores, and cool water helps to reduce sebum secretion and somewhat narrow the enlarged pores.

Skin with enlarged pores needs a thorough cleansing


After thoroughly cleansing the skin, rub the face with a toner. Do not neglect this stage of care, as the toner evens out the surface and skin tone, and also prepares the pores for further moisturizing cream application. Another little trick is to apply the toner to your skin not with a cotton pad, but simply with your fingertips. When applying tonic to a cotton swab, we, in fact, tones not the skin, but cotton wool. Try the above advice and you will see the difference! And the consumption of cosmetics will be significantly reduced. After toning the skin, be sure to apply a moisturizer. Yes, don't be surprised, oily skin also needs hydration.


For the skin to have a healthy appearance and the pores to "breathe" a woman should use a facial scrub twice a week. This procedure helps the skin to better absorb the beneficial and moisturizing components of the face cream. For enlarged facial pores, where inflammation and acne often appear, it is better to use scrubs based on salicylic or glycolic acid.

Face masks

The good effect is visible after using the face mask. A properly selected mask completely removes excess oil from the pores and accumulated dirt. Facial masks made of cosmetic clay are especially effective. Mix clay with hot water to a creamy consistency, add chopped chamomile herb or a couple of drops of calendula alcohol tincture there and apply on your face. Such a mask must be left on the face until it dries completely, and then gently, without stretching the skin, rinse with warm water.

using masks you can cleanse the skin

Anti-aging cosmetics

Aging and aging of the skin is one of the causes of pore enlargement. To prevent this cosmetic defect, you need to use good anti-aging cosmetics that are appropriate for your age and face type. A properly selected product restores collagen fibers and maintains skin elasticity for a long time.

Microdermabrasion procedure

Microdermabrasion is a procedure characterized by exfoliation of the deep layers of the skin, which significantly reduces the enlarged pores of the face. It is important to remember that it is impossible to carry out such a procedure at home, only a beautician can perform microdermabrasion.

Steam bath for the face

The steam bath is especially useful for those with oily skin with enlarged pores that are clogged with comedones (sebaceous plugs). For the best effect, you can add medicinal herbs (St. John's wort, chamomile, sage, coltsfoot) to boiling water. The face is steamed, and all the dirt comes out of the pores well. This bath should be done for no more than 15 minutes, then rinse your face with cool water and wipe with an ice cube. The effect after steaming and ice is simply amazing - the skin gets a healthy look, and the pores are significantly narrowed.

Steam promotes skin rejuvenation

Important! Scrub and steam baths cannot be used with pustular eruptions on the face. Wait for them to heal and only then proceed to cosmetic procedures.

Shrinking pores at home

Before heading to salons and resorting to expensive beauty treatments, try making your own skin care products. Below are some examples of natural and skin-friendly recipes that work on pores as well as expensive salon treatments.

Applying a tomato juice mask

Tomato mask not only helps to tighten pores, but also lightens age spots. The mask is prepared just before application. To do this, you need to take a ripe tomato and remove the seeds from it. The vegetable is mashed and the gruel is applied to the cleansed skin of the face. After 10 minutes, the mask is washed off with cool water and a moisturizer is applied to the face. Tomato juice noticeably narrows the enlarged pores right before our eyes. You can make such a mask no more than 1 time a week.

Egg White Mask

This mask helps to reduce sebum secretion and tightens enlarged pores. To prepare the mask, you need to beat one egg white and add a few drops of lemon juice to it. The mask is applied to cleansed face skin, wait until it dries, and apply a second layer of protein. After the mask has dried, rinse it off with warm water and apply a moisturizer.

Another alternative to such a mask is egg white with the addition of orange juice. To prepare such a mask, you need to beat 2 egg whites and add a few tablespoons of orange juice to them. This mask not only narrows the pores well and reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands, but also improves the complexion.

Baking soda

Baking soda is known for its exfoliating and cleansing properties. To prepare a soda mask, you need to lather a cotton swab with washing gel and sprinkle the cotton with soda. With such a cotton swab, you need to thoroughly massage the problem areas of the skin, and then leave the soda foam on the face until it dries completely. After 15 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm water. The effect is clearly visible immediately after the procedure - the pores are significantly narrowed, and black spots on the face become lighter and less noticeable. The weekly application of these soda masks will help get rid of acne and blackheads forever.

How does diet and lifestyle affect skin condition?

If you have problem skin on which enlarged pores are clearly visible, then you should carefully study your diet. Abuse of fresh baked goods, strong coffee, chocolate, fatty fish and meats, smoked meats and marinades provokes enlargement of pores and the appearance of blackheads and acne.

Drinking a sufficient amount of clean drinking water (at least 1.5 liters per day, provided that a person has no contraindications in the form of heart failure and edema) can work miracles with the skin. The pores are cleansed, the skin gets a healthy look and tone, fine wrinkles are smoothed out.

The inclusion of grains, fresh vegetables, fruits and citrus fruits in the diet slows down aging and the loss of skin elasticity.

Excessive use of sunbathing can negatively affect the general condition of the skin: lead to its drying out, as a result of which the sebaceous glands will secrete secretions even more intensively, thereby contributing to the expansion of pores. On sunny days, apply sunscreen to your face before going outside.

Daily moisturizing of oily skin of the face leads to the normalization of the sebaceous glands, thereby improving the general condition of the pores. Starting the fight with enlarged pores, you need to be patient, since the result will not be noticeable immediately. Treatments such as microdermabrasion or chemical peels can tighten the pores on your face faster, but they are very expensive and can only be done by a beautician.

Regardless of what type of skin nature has awarded you, you need to learn to care for it from a young age. It is especially necessary to carefully monitor the skin of the face in adolescence, since it is the skin that tends to change its type and structure.

The problem of enlarged pores worries many women who have oily or and is especially aggravated in the hot summer. It is quite possible to narrow the pores on your face, only you need to do this, taking into account the peculiarities of your skin type.

Reasons for the appearance of enlarged pores

Before answering the question of how to narrow pores, you need to understand the reasons for their appearance. The first and most important reason is disturbances in the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the facial skin. This can be due to either a hormonal imbalance - increased testosterone production, or age-related changes, as a result of which the level of testosterone production decreases, as well as the skin tone worsens. In other cases, the appearance of enlarged pores can be caused by a cream that contains lipid-replenishing components. Quite often, the cause of enlarged pores is an improper diet containing a large amount of fats, carbohydrates, spices and alcoholic beverages. These substances and products stimulate sebum production and lead to enlarged pores.

How to shrink pores?

Narrowing of pores is a step-by-step work. First of all, the skin must be properly cleansed. Particular attention should be paid to cleansing in the summer. To regularly use the following products:

Daily - for your skin type;

- (after washing);

Pore ​​tightening masks and peels - about 2 times a week;

Scrubs - 2 times a week;

Professional facial cleansing in the beauty parlor (once a month).

How to shrink pores using homemade products?

Lemon juice

Cleanses the skin and helps to tighten pores. Dilute fresh lemon juice with a little water, wipe the problem areas.

Essential oils

For these purposes, it is recommended to use oils of rosemary, mint, citrus oils. You can prepare a mixture of oils: use 5 ml of jojoba oil as a base, add mint oil - 1 drop, lemon oil - 1 drop. The mixture must be infused for at least 7 hours. The oil should be applied to the face for 15 minutes and then removed with a napkin.

Herbal decoction ice

It perfectly tightens pores, tones the skin. To prepare it, you just need to pour decoctions of herbs such as chamomile, mint or freshly brewed green tea into ice molds.

Pore-tightening masks

Various masks give an excellent effect for narrowing pores.

Clay masks are a very popular and time-tested method of cleansing oily skin; they absorb excess oil secreted by the skin and tighten enlarged pores. White or dilute in a small amount of water to a creamy consistency, you can add aloe juice to soften the skin.

Orange mask

Use a wooden spoon to chop and crush an orange wedge. Apply the resulting mass to the skin of the face, cover with a paper towel and hold for about 15 minutes. Wash off with cool boiled water, then apply a moisturizer.

Lemon oat mask

Whisk 1 add lemon juice - 1 teaspoon, 1 teaspoon lemon pulp and chopped oatmeal. All components must be thoroughly mixed, the resulting mask is applied to the cleansed face for 25 minutes. The mask is removed with a napkin moistened with warm water.

Protein mask

This mask is extremely popular because it not only helps to tighten pores, but also brightens age spots and smoothes wrinkles. Beat the white of one egg until foam forms, add lemon juice (1 tsp) in small portions and continue beating. Apply the resulting foam to the face, when it starts to dry, apply the next layer of the mask. The mask is washed off first with warm water, then with cool water.

Now you know how to shrink pores in different ways. Experiment and choose the one that suits you best.

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How to get rid of enlarged pores on your face

There are four types of skin: dry, combination, normal and oily. Those with oily skin are somewhat lucky - they don't need to worry about additional hydration. This type is less prone to aging, wrinkles appear much later than those with dry or normal skin. In winter, sebum protects the face from the negative effects of low temperatures and cold winds.

However, excess fat production provokes the growth of bacteria. The consequence of this is blackheads, acne, inflammation. Oily skin is characterized by enlarged pores and pronounced shine. How can you eliminate the negative features of oily skin and tighten the pores on your face? Let's answer these questions in detail.

First of all, you should understand the cause of this problem. Excessive sebum expands the pores, dirt and dust gets into them. Over time, impurities build up and blackheads called comedones form on the skin. This environment is conducive to the growth of bacteria that cause acne. In order to prevent the appearance of blackheads, you need to start performing a complex of cosmetic procedures as early as possible to narrow pores and reduce sebum secretion.

It is very important to perform the procedures not only regularly, but also in moderation. You should not constantly cleanse the skin with aggressive cosmetics, dry it out with alcohol-containing lotions. Such actions will only lead to worse consequences over time.

Causes of enlarged pores on the face

Hereditary predisposition. All cosmetic procedures can narrow such pores only for a short time, and proper daily care will help not to aggravate the situation.

Hormonal Disorders. First, the cause should be eliminated, an endocrinologist's consultation is required.

Gender. In men, the pores on the face are wider than in women.

Puberty, oily problem skin.

Exposure to unfavorable environmental factors, improper diet and bad habits.

Improper skin care and the use of substandard or inappropriate decorative cosmetics.

To successfully deal with enlarged pores, you need to adhere to the following rules:

1. You need to try to eat right, limit the use of sweet and fatty foods, semi-finished products.

2. It will be useful to adhere to the daily regimen, go to bed at the same time, avoid stress and overwork.

3. Periodically visit a beautician, do deep cleansing of the face using professional methods.

4. Regularly carry out cosmetic procedures to narrow the pores at home.

Healthy lifestyle and nutrition

Many people know about the health benefits of proper nutrition, but few adhere to such a regime. Treatment of problem skin should be started with a revision of the diet. It is necessary to completely exclude or at least limit to the utmost the use of fatty, fried foods, sweets, semi-finished products, products containing a large amount of food additives.

Preference in food should be given to cereals, vegetables, dairy products, lean meat, fruits. You should eat regularly, without overeating or starving. Many girls have oily skin when they eat a lot of sweets (cakes, pastries).

You can improve overall well-being and get rid of skin problems if you avoid stress and overwork. You need to rest more, play sports, walk in the fresh air, lead an active lifestyle. You can strengthen the nervous system by mastering some spiritual practices, for example, yoga, meditation. It is useful to do breathing exercises and light gymnastics.

Professional cosmetic procedures for pore tightening

Home skin care should be complemented by regular visits to the beautician for more effective action. Deep cleansing of the face can only be done correctly by a professional; it should include manual cleansing of the face and ultrasonic peeling. Then the beautician must apply a pore-reducing mask and cream.

In addition, there are physiotherapy procedures that help improve the condition and appearance of oily skin, restore the normal acid-base balance. These include: cryotherapy, electrophoresis, darsonvalization, galvanization, ultrasound therapy and some other cosmetic measures.

The darsonvalization procedure dries up the skin and tightens the enlarged pores. Thanks to its healing effect, it helps to treat acne. It is carried out with a dry mask. The method is based on exposure to high-frequency alternating current. Prolonged use may cause skin burns.

The use of galvanization provides an enhancement of the cleansing processes due to local stimulation of blood circulation. The method is based on the action of direct current. It should not be used if there are wounds and injuries on the skin.

Microwave therapy accelerates healing processes, destroys bacteria and shrinks pores. It is based on the action of an electromagnetic field.

Cryotherapy dries and heals the skin. The procedure consists in treating skin areas with liquid nitrogen. It has a pleasant cooling and soothing effect on the skin.

Chemical peeling - renews the skin, tightens pores and removes oily sheen. It is carried out in a cosmetology office by a qualified cosmetologist.

Microdermabrasion (mechanical peeling) - tightens pores, cleanses and smoothes the skin, removes fine wrinkles.

Shrinking pores at home

You can get rid of enlarged pores at home without resorting to the help of specialists. The greatest effect can be achieved if cosmetic procedures are carried out regularly. Even the most expensive beauty salons will not be able to shrink pores without basic daily care.

To get rid of enlarged pores on your face, you need to cleanse your face twice a day with a special gel for washing, preferably containing fruit acids. After that, the skin should be treated with a toner for oily skin. Compositions based on salicylic acid, cucumber or lemon juice have an excellent effect of narrowing the pores. You can buy this cosmetics in any store or pharmacy, preferably after consulting a beautician.

Oily skin does not need additional intensive hydration, but it also needs nutrition. Therefore, a day cream should have a light texture, a matting effect and should be appropriate for the woman's age. A night cream should be nourishing, but designed specifically for oily skin. You should be more careful in choosing tonal means and BB-creams, as these cosmetics clog enlarged pores and provoke the formation of even more skin defects. The concealer must be non-gummy and free of silicones. If necessary, you can use local corrective agents.

The courses should use serum with porosity effect once a day for 1-2 weeks.

Once or twice a week, use a homemade chemical peel or scrub and mask to tighten the pores. The scrub is best used with synthetic components, they do not injure the skin. Scrubbing elements of natural origin are crushed fruit seeds. They can injure the skin and provoke inflammation. Masks can be bought ready-made or you can prepare them yourself.

The advantage of self-made cosmetics is the guaranteed freshness of the product and natural composition. In terms of consistency, all mixtures should be thick enough so as not to spread over the face and not dry out. The composition should be prepared in glass or ceramic containers. Masks are applied to a clean face, left for 15-20 minutes. Then they are washed off with warm water and a thinning cream is applied. The use of masks allows you to quickly get rid of enlarged pores and prevent breakouts. They are most effective after deep cleansing of the skin with a scrub, acid or enzymes.

Homemade pore tightening mask recipes

Clay based pore tightening masks

1. Masks based on cosmetic clay

For cooking, use blue, white, black, green clay. You can buy it at the pharmacy. This product cleanses, tightens the skin and tightens pores. Masks are applied in a thick layer to cleansed skin. There are several simple recipes:

The clay should be poured over with warm water, mixed thoroughly to a thick consistency, evenly distributed over the face and left for 15-20 minutes until completely dry. Then wash it off.

Mix the clay equally with water and sunflower oil, add a little honey. You can enrich the composition with a few drops of any natural essential oil.

Combine clay with aloe juice, green tea and water. Such a composition perfectly cleans the pores, pulls out dirt from them. It also reduces the secretion of fat, removes shine, refreshes the skin, relieves inflammation and redness.

2. Porosity masks based on oatmeal

These products help to cure acne and rashes, eliminate redness and blemishes of problem skin, and tighten pores. Masks based on oatmeal are very soft and do not act aggressively on the skin, so they can be used without harm 2 times a week. It is not difficult to make such a cosmetic product:

Mix 1 tablespoon of pre-steamed flakes with the same amount of sour cream. Add a small amount of lemon juice. This composition cleans the face well, narrows the pores.

Combine the beaten egg white with 2 teaspoons of ground oatmeal. Add cucumber pickle. More effect can be achieved by including a spoonful of baking soda or an aspirin tablet in the mixture.

3. Masks for tightening pores based on eggs

This is a very effective remedy available to every woman. At the heart of such funds is egg white whipped to a dense thick mass, therefore such masks are also called foam masks. These formulations should not be used too often, it is optimal to use them 2-3 times a month. There are many options for making a foam mask:

Combine the protein whipped into a cool foam with grated plantain leaves. The resulting green mass narrows the pores well.

Add lemon juice to the egg white. You can also include a small amount of alum in the mask; you can buy these salts at the pharmacy. This remedy works well even on very oily skin.

Mix oat flour and whipped protein until a thick gruel is obtained.

Combine the beaten egg with aloe juice and a little steamed oatmeal. This mask will help remove excess sebum, shrink pores and remove impurities.

Stir in fresh fruit or berry juice with protein. It is best to use natural juice of currant, lemon, viburnum, cherry. Fruit and berry acid perfectly cleanses pores from impurities, and protein narrows them, preventing acne breakouts.

Combine egg white, beaten with a pinch of salt, and finely grated raw potato.

4. Tomato-based porosity masks

Tomatoes are very healthy and rich in vitamins and nutrients. Tomato masks help to normalize oily skin, remove redness and inflammation. Also, such a remedy stimulates the healing processes of small wounds. Apply tomato masks for 15-20 minutes, remove with warm water. You can use the beneficial properties of tomatoes as follows:

Cut clean tomatoes into circles, distribute over the face, excluding the area around the eyes. Top the mask can be covered with gauze. Such a remedy is the simplest and at the same time very effective.

Peel the tomatoes, chop with a grater or pass through a sieve. Include in the composition a little starch or finely chopped potatoes, a little olive oil. Stir the ingredients until a homogeneous thick gruel.

5. Honey masks to tighten pores

Masks based on natural honey help to shrink pores and reduce oily skin. You can prepare them in the following ways:

Combine two dessert spoons of yeast with liquid honey, add green tea, aloe juice or an ordinary face tonic.

Dissolve 4 tablespoons of honey in the same amount of sour cream or yogurt. To enhance the effect, it will be useful to add a little citric acid.

Grind 1 tablespoon of almonds in a coffee grinder, add a hot herbal decoction, which includes 2 tablespoons each of linden flowers, pine shoots, elderberries and chamomile flowers. Then add 1 teaspoon each of honey and flour. Apply the mask to your face and leave it on for 30 minutes.

To improve the condition and appearance of oily skin, tighten pores, get rid of acne and reduce shine, you need to regularly monitor the condition of your skin. It is necessary to combine professional beauty treatments and proper daily home care. It is important to adhere to a healthy diet, lead an active lifestyle. All these recommendations will help get rid of enlarged pores and reduce the oily skin.

Women with combination to oily skin often face the problem of choosing tonal products. Many creams and concealers, a couple of hours after application, simply fall into the wide pores on the skin.

How to shrink pores at home?

Often, silicone-based makeup primers are chosen to mask pores. These tools actually work wonders in the Photoshop style. The skin is smoothed and as if "blurred", and the foundation lasts until victorious. But we all know that the problem should not be masked, but solved.

Enlarged pores are a consequence not only of a specific skin type, but also of poor ecology, improper diet and personal care, smoking and alcohol, as well as bad beauty habits.

You need to understand that making wide pores completely invisible will not work, but narrowing them and bringing the skin to a normal state is quite possible. And we'll show you how to do it using natural products!

Egg white

Egg whites masks tighten and tone the skin and remove excess oil from the pores. Take one egg white, mix it with 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Stir until smooth and apply on cleansed skin for 30 minutes, rinse with cold water (this is important, the protein will roll in hot water). Do this mask 2 times a week. Egg masks are great for blocking pores and can also be used to treat virulent forms of acne.

Cucumber juice

Combine cucumber juice with cornmeal for a thick paste. Apply the paste evenly on your face and leave it on for 15 minutes, then rinse off with warm water. This mask not only helps to tighten pores, but also improves skin texture.

Tomato juice

Squeeze the juice of one tomato pulp and apply on face for 15-20 minutes. Tomatoes are high in acid and potassium, which can help reduce blackheads on the face and help tighten pores.

Cosmetic ice

Rubbing an ice cube onto your face and neck is one of the best and most effective ways to shrink pores. It also helps to reduce sebum production within a couple of hours, tone the skin, and even give a lifting effect. Make it a rule to do this procedure every morning after washing your face.

Baking soda has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help in treating acne and narrowing pores. Make a paste by mixing equal parts baking soda and warm water (2 tablespoons each). Apply the paste to your face and massage the baking soda into your pores for a minute with gentle circular motions. Rinse your face thoroughly with cool water. This treatment helps remove dead skin cells, dust, and other impurities. Soda regulates the oxygen content of the skin and regulates its pH balance.

Honey and sugar

We have already told you about the beneficial properties of honey. To narrow the pores, it is used as a scrub with added sugar. Take 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of brown sugar and mix them with a little lemon juice. Cleanse your face with your usual cleanser, scrub your face, and massage gently into areas with enlarged pores. Rinse off with warm water.

Aloe vera

Moisturizing your face with aloe vera juice helps to shrink enlarged pores. The juice cleanses and nourishes the skin and removes oil and dirt from even the deepest pores.

Clay masks help not only to tighten pores, but also to normalize the amount of sebum secretion. They perfectly cleanse the skin and also have whitening properties. After a course of clay masks, the skin visibly freshens up and begins to shine with beauty.


Parsley has excellent sebum-regulating properties. This characteristic makes it an effective treatment for acne and inflammation. Parsley has an astringent effect, helps unclog and tighten pores, detoxifies locally, and reduces redness and lightens acne scars. Chop fresh parsley finely to form juice. Mix 1 tablespoon of the resulting gruel with 2 tablespoons of yogurt, kefir, or yogurt. Apply the mask to your face, and after 15 minutes, wash off with cool water.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice also has an astringent effect. Thus, it helps to tighten skin and unclog pores. Lemon has been recognized as one of the most effective natural remedies for acne. For porous oily skin, a mask based on lemon juice and cream is perfect. To do this, mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with 1 teaspoon of cream and apply on face for 20 minutes. Then rinse with copious cool water. This mask not only effectively tightens pores, but also whitens the skin.

Simple remedies like this will help improve skin condition.