Components of a healthy lifestyle. Compliance with personal hygiene. Rational distribution of time.

A healthy lifestyle is a person's lifestyle that is aimed at improving health and preventing disease. In other words, a healthy lifestyle is a list of rules, the observance of which will maximize the preservation and strengthening of health (both physical and mental). There is even a special science about a healthy lifestyle - valeology.
Let's take a look at the main components of a healthy lifestyle.
1) Proper nutrition
A sage once said, "We are what we eat." And it's hard to disagree with him. A person's diet should have a balanced amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which means that the foods you eat should be varied: your diet should contain both animal and plant foods. You should not eat a lot of fried and browned food, as with this method of cooking, almost all nutrients are destroyed. A person's diet should include a lot of vegetables and fruits, legumes, giving energy, strength and vigor. It is very useful to consume dairy products. You need to drink a lot (you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day). Indian yogis constantly walk with a container of water and take a sip every 5-10 minutes, as a result of which they live long and have very good health. You should not drink the famous carbonated drinks, especially the sweeter ones.

This requires public and private planning of the community to include conditions such as public safety, parks and gardens, community centers providing various types of physical activity, etc. The level of physical activity of the population is in the cultural sphere of the country and the people. Over the past 20 or 30 years, Canadian society has experienced a progressive migration of people from small towns to large cities and has had to offer various opportunities for physical activity to the 40 population.

Foreign society, white, Anglo-Saxon and Protestant, has become a multicultural, multiracial society, becoming culturally more physically active 40, which shows that physically active is a social and cultural fact. If we want to minimize the prevalence of a sedentary lifestyle in our society and the lives of our children, youth and adults, we must act from the earliest school years. There are not enough teachers for their students to complete physical education tasks. 14 There is an unmistakable sign for removing the so-called "orthopedics of teaching": the student's pleasure when he is able to complete the task, appropriating the Knowledge, implying in its practical embodiment, which leads to bodily pleasures.

2) Locomotor activity
You don't have to be an athlete and exhaust yourself with training to provide your body with optimal physical activity. Sometimes morning exercises for 10-15 minutes can provide you with a boost of vivacity for the whole day. For those who work in the office and lead a sedentary lifestyle, it is recommended to walk more, if possible, run in the morning. You can go swimming, yoga or dancing. By doing these exercises at least 3 times a week, you will be able to keep your body in good shape.

It has already been proven that school experience is important for getting used to classes. Ferreira 43, in her work on citizenship, argues that school is not just a space for conveying content, but also for creating habits and developing relationships. Powell and Dzinger 44 stated that although the determinants of being physically active are not yet known, participation in school sports and physical education during childhood and adolescence is often cited as contributing to an active lifestyle in adulthood.

DeMarco and Sydney 19, Canadian researchers, recommend that schools develop and stimulate aerobic activity because they are more related to health, in addition to honestly prioritizing rest, play, teaching the benefits of regular physical activity as one of the factors that influence on the quality of life, along with other factors such as: housing, basic sanitation, employment, freedom, etc. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has developed guidance based on specialist literature at the municipal, state and national levels, with ten university experts and volunteers in health, education, and healthcare Physical activity programs targeting 45 youth.

3) Hardening
Hardening helps to increase the body's resistance to diseases and adverse environmental influences. The most common methods of hardening include a contrast shower, rubbing with cold water, swimming in cold water, sunbathing in summer.

4) Quitting bad habits: smoking, alcohol and drug use
It is better, of course, that they do not appear at all, but if it so happens that they do take place, then you need to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Strengthening the notion that regular exercise correlates well with an adequate level of quality of life, scientists say that little physical activity is associated with other negative health behaviors in adolescents and adolescents 42; Young people and adolescents must be prevented and encouraged to be active if we are to control health care costs, reduce the incidence of chronic degenerative diseases and improve the overall quality of life for the citizen.

Brazil, with aggravated social injustice, must return to a huge mass of children and young adolescents their rights to school, play and public space for active physical leisure. Practitioners of the exercise area should try, through school, to have young people incorporate into their social modes of action with pleasure. As children and young people, parents should be educated about the many benefits that come from participating with their children in physical activity programs. 41 After the family, this is one of the functions of the school.

5) Compliance with the regime of rest and work
A good sound sleep is the key to good rest and recovery. The optimal sleep duration for a person should be 6-8 hours. Excessive sleep is harmful to your health, and if sleep is insufficient, then fatigue accumulates, which leads to the depletion of the internal reserves of the body. Therefore, the optimal daily number of hours of sleep contributes to your long and healthy life.

Physical activity programs in school and in physical education classes can help children and adolescents understand the benefits of regular physical activity, not only from a physiological perspective, but also from a cultural perspective, 47 physicality, self-esteem and autonomy 23.

If physical education in school has one of the goals of allowing students to understand the cultural, physiological, biomechanical, socio-political, economic and pedagogical determinants of sports practice and physical exercise in general, this will contribute to building an active and healthy lifestyle. 48.

6) Personal hygiene
Sweat and fat, which is secreted by the glands of the skin, together with external pollution, creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogens and, subsequently, the development of diseases. Therefore, you must keep your skin clean.
Other equally important components of a healthy lifestyle include:
- mental and emotional stability;
- safe behavior at home and on the street, which will avoid injury and other damage.
- sex education and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases;
- environmentally friendly behavior, etc.

Physical activity campaigns in Brazil are still rather timid, with few programs and campaigns for the population, as well as surveys to assess the level of physical fitness of the population. Some attempts have already been made; however, we know there is a long way to go. Approximately 2,000 people were interviewed in 12 cities, with 67% of the respondents being “casual exercise users”. 28 According to Nahasa, 28 although the Agita São Paulo program indicates a sedentary rate of 80% in the population, this is a pessimistic estimate and raises doubts about the instruments used.

A healthy lifestyle and its components is a lifestyle or lifestyle aimed at improving and strengthening the human body, preventing various kinds of diseases, and maintaining health at the proper level. This is how it is advisable to interpret this concept. I agree with the opinion of representatives of the socio-philosophical direction that this is a global problem of society.
Many people speak differently about a healthy lifestyle and have their own opinion on this matter. People want to be healthy, but most people don't. And it should start with your own thinking. I, in turn, want to talk about the concept of healthy lifestyle in more detail and note the main points.

The quality and validity of the tools used do not take into account, for the most part, differences in age, gender, ethnicity, social and educational level of individuals. 49 Most of these instruments apply to men and are sensitive to more Moderate and intense, but forget about the lighter activities of daily life, which, because they are intermittent, also make it difficult to assess energy expenditure.

There is a trend towards a higher prevalence of levels of sedentarism when adulthood begins, and this young adult population tends to be apparently healthy due to the absence of symptoms, although this group tends to present risk factors that could potentially lead to hypokinetic illness. As a result of the increasingly widespread sedentarism, this population group tends to gradually decline in fitness, health and quality of life.

It is known that 50-55% of our health depends on ourselves - on our lifestyle. The environment consolidated its impact on health at the 20% mark. Our precious depends on genetic predisposition by 18-20%, and only 8-10% - from the state health care system.

Those data of this statistics, which, it would seem, should have been higher, turned out to be the lowest. It is worth considering.

This population, especially those over the age of 25, rarely uses medical services and probably no longer visits their former pediatrician's office and is not attentive to preventive medicine. A deeper understanding of this issue by health professionals and, in particular, physical and sports medicine professionals can make a significant contribution to better orientation and advice to the public.

Age is not an obstacle: personal experience. Physical activity and quality of life. Changes in fitness and all-cause mortality: a prospective study of healthy and unhealthy men. Forty Years of Progress: Physical Activity, Health and Fitness. In: American College of Sports Medicine 40th Anniversary Lectures.

Educational psychologists look at a healthy lifestyle and its main components from a different angle. Scientists of this link consider the foundations of a healthy lifestyle from the point of view of human consciousness, his psychology and, of course, motivation, without which it is not always possible to achieve the desired result.

In turn, our valiant doctors have their own professional view of all this, but there are no rigid boundaries between these or those points of view, and there never will be. Indeed, together they pursue a single good goal - the improvement of the human body.

Office tool for exercise counseling and prescribing in primary health care - test test order. Physicians' correlations “prevention-related practices” results from a health survey of medical women.

Physical Activity and Public Health - Recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American College of Sports Medicine. Physical activity, exercise and fitness: definitions and differences in health-related research.

Components of a healthy lifestyle

Without going into details, I will write briefly about the main components of a healthy lifestyle.

  • Healthy habits and skills (instilling them from childhood; quitting harmful smoking, drug use and alcoholism).
  • (most importantly, it should be moderate).
  • Active life (it is clear that this includes sports and physical education, active rest).
  • Hygiene (there is both personal hygiene and public hygiene, the ability to provide first aid).
  • Emotional well-being (we control our emotions, guys).
  • Intellectual well-being (perception of new useful information for its further application; motivation and thinking filled with positive).
  • Spiritual well-being (we are charged with optimism and set goals for ourselves).
  • Environment (we study the influence of its beneficial and harmful factors on our body).
  • Social well-being (interaction with people, communication skills).

Mountain view: Mayfield, 3rd. How to Implement Physical Activity in Primary and Secondary Prevention: A Statement for Health Professionals from the American Heart Association's Risk Reduction Task Force. Q: American Academy of Physical Education Materials: New Opportunities, New Paradigms?

Exercise as a cardiovascular therapy. Physical inactivity among doctors. Exercise, Fitness and Health: A Consensus Statement. Quality of life and pharmacoeconomics: an introduction. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven. Physical activity and health-related quality of life.

A healthy lifestyle and its components, or rather, a detailed consideration of them, carry all the knowledge we need that will undoubtedly help in the formation of not only good health, but also a strong personality.

Now answer the question for yourself: "Do you want to be full-fledged and fully perform all social functions, take the path of gaining longevity, actively participate in all forms of life (family, leisure, household, social)?"

Health status and quality of life in elderly patients: does the difference make sense? The main components of fitness are attitudes towards physical activity and lifestyle. The answer is after bed rest and after exercise. Implementation Statement: Manuals and Recommendations for Physical Activity Programs for All Americans.

Physical Activity, Fitness and Health: Research and Practice. Assessment of physical activity in daily life. Strengthening children's participation in physical activity. The importance of assessing health status in an aging society. Track physical activity and fitness throughout your life.

"Oh sure!" - you will answer. But will your response be followed by any specific actions aimed at improving your health? It's up to you. Do not forget that no one can help you as much as you can.

Get to know and start your healthy lifestyle!