Alcohol changes appearance. Effect of alcohol on female reproductive function. "Grocery set": nose - potatoes, lips - dumplings

The image of a person with a cocktail seems attractive enough, but alcohol does not bring anything good in itself: it does even more harm than you might think. For years, experts have debated the benefits and risks of drinking alcohol. Moderate drinking will not bring immediate consequences, but then you will notice them - appearance will especially suffer. According to scientists, alcohol causes more than sixty different diseases. Read on for a list of common effects that alcohol can have on your body when you drink regularly. Perhaps he will make you reconsider your habits and become the motivation for giving up alcohol.

Premature aging

Alcohol is the most aggressive on the skin. If you want to grow old before your time, you can not limit yourself. Drinking too much alcohol deprives your body of fluids. You have probably noticed how thirsty in the morning after a fun party. This is because alcohol slows down the production of the antidiuretic hormone vasopressin. As a result, the kidneys work twice as hard to get rid of excess fluid, and the internal organs become dehydrated. The skin is the largest organ of the body. A regular state of dehydration affects her extremely negatively, over time she will look wrinkled - others will think that you are much older than you really are. If you want to avoid this, stay away from alcoholic beverages.

Loss of beautiful curls

Dehydration affects not only the skin, but also the condition of the hair. Dry and lifeless hair breaks off faster, split ends appear on them. There are many beauty products available to combat dryness and split ends. But what if the problem you're trying to solve with shampoo could be solved by cutting out alcohol? A large amount of alcohol causes a lack of zinc in the body. According to scientific data, almost fifty percent of alcoholics have little zinc in their bodies, which can lead to hair loss. Other problematic factors can be low levels of vitamins B and C, as well as elevated estrogen levels. All this affects the hair extremely negatively and deprives them of their beauty.

The redness of the face means not only that you are drunk

When you drink alcohol, your face may turn red, but it's not because your skin is trying to look like a pink cocktail. This is a phenomenon called rosacea. It can cause permanent damage. Excess alcohol changes blood flow to the skin, causing an unhealthy facial appearance. This is because under the influence of alcohol, small blood vessels in the skin dilate, more blood rushes to the surface. Sometimes, as a result, the vessels burst and the capillaries are destroyed. Not only the face can become red - the vessels in the eyes can also be irritated. If that doesn't scare you, you should know that bloodshot eyes are just the beginning. Regular alcohol consumption can lead to blindness. This happens when alcohol gradually disrupts the ability of the pupils to dilate and destroys the connection between the eyes and the brain.

Persistent bloating

The party started not too long ago, but is the bodycon dress already squeezing your waist too much? This is because the body, which loses fluid and electrolytes due to alcohol, begins to accumulate the water that you drink. The more you drink, the more often you need to go to the toilet, and you start to sweat more. The body begins to compensate for these processes, accumulating the water that still remains - as a result, your stomach, arms, legs, face and other parts of the body will be swollen.

Violation of the usual routine

After a long night with alcohol, you are unlikely to make the right decisions for your body - for example, you may want to eat a whole pizza alone. Some people return home exhausted or unwilling to wash their face or brush their teeth. If this happened once, the problem will not arise, but the constant repetition of such a situation leads to the development of acne, tooth decay, gum disease and other personal hygiene problems. Be sure to remove makeup before bed every night. Proper facial care ensures that the skin is beautiful and hydrated.

Liver damage can be fatal

Liver diseases are accompanied by symptoms that seriously impair appearance, in addition, they are deadly. Don't ignore dark circles under bloodshot or even slightly yellowed eyes.
In addition, it is worth paying attention to the rash on the body. Liver damage manifests itself through many signs, so keep an eye on your condition if you know you have been drinking excessive amounts of alcohol.

Alcohol and body odor

After a long night in the company of alcohol, your body begins to emit an unpleasant odor. Yes, it is directly related to alcohol. According to research, ten percent of the alcohol consumed by a person leaves the body through the sweat glands, breath and urine. Keep this in mind if you wake up after a party next to another person. The scent of your body can make the strongest impression.

Beer belly is a very real phenomenon

Studies have shown that drinking alcohol can lead to weight gain, but this does not happen to everyone. People who occasionally drink a glass of wine will not suffer from excess weight. If you drink much more often, it is likely that you will gain weight solely due to alcohol. This is supported by scientific data.

Constant fatigue creates problems

Alcohol can affect how soundly you sleep. There are obvious reasons why lack of sleep manifests itself in your appearance - your eyes seem tired, in addition, a lack of strength will not allow you to properly get together and put yourself in order in the morning. In addition, many destructive processes will take place inside you.
According to research, lack of sleep leads to weight gain. It is very important to sleep well - while you sleep, the body regenerates your heart and blood vessels, strengthens your immune system. All this can also affect how you look and how you feel.

What is important to know in order to maintain appearance?

Over the years, alcohol has become quite a common drink. If you celebrate something, you celebrate with a drink. If you are sad, you drink. If you want to forget someone after a breakup, you use alcohol. Whether you're happy or sad, alcohol is something that's hard to hide from. If you plan on drinking, drink consciously. Studies have shown that to maintain appearance and health, you should always drink in moderation, in addition, drinking plenty of water before and after drinking alcohol.
In addition, you need to choose the right drink - alcohol with a minimum of chemical additives will suit you. Eat something carb before the party so you don't get drunk too quickly. Take care of your skin - wash off your makeup before going to bed. You can even take vitamins. Also, don't forget to brush your teeth to prevent plaque buildup in your mouth overnight. If you take all the necessary measures, your appearance will not be affected by the alcohol you drink.

A person who abuses alcohol is visible from afar. When close to a drunkard, an unpleasant smell is felt and incoherent speech is heard. But even if he is washed and dressed in expensive clothes, his posture, appearance, and especially his face will betray a real alcoholic. Especially brightly negative influence of alcohol is shown at women. From this article you will learn how the face of a drunk changes and what are the reasons for such metamorphoses.

The effect of alcohol on the body

In today's world, alcoholism remains a huge problem. Every third person addicted to alcohol will die prematurely. According to statistics, 2.5 million alcoholics die every year in the world, and 75 thousand in Russia, which is five times more deaths than in 10 years of the war in Afghanistan. Girls are especially terribly addicted.

Although the vast majority of people have not tasted alcohol, they have not become drunkards. However, reality shows that the problem is not receding. There can be many reasons:

  • stress;
  • imitating bad company;
  • nervous tension;
  • for relaxation.

In order not to become an impetus for the beginning of the fall, the characteristic appearance of an alcoholic will become visible in the shortest possible time, and, most likely, the changes will become irreversible.

Facial redness

One of the main external signs is the constantly red face of an alcoholic. In some places, the skin takes on cyanosis, even in culture there is a connection between a red nose and alcohol. This is due to the special effects of ethanol on the human body. When it gets inside, the blood pressure in the vessels rises, the pulse quickens. The heart pushes blood to the arms, legs, and also to the head.

The constant load on the vessels and capillaries wears them out, due to which some branches of the system become clogged. As a result, this results in the appearance of bruises, red spots and bruises. And to some areas, the blood cannot deliver oxygen and then the face becomes purple or blue.

Due to microruptures of the capillaries, the face of an alcoholic is covered with red nets or "stars".

At times, alcoholism makes the skin appear yellowish. Such a sign appears even if a small amount of alcohol has been drunk. This is due to a violation of the outflow of bile. Improper diet and problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract leads to jaundice. It is inherent in almost half of drunkards.


In addition to changing skin color, alcohol also affects the shape of the face. Many have experienced the puffiness that accompanies a hangover. If at first everything returns to normal, then the more and more often a person drinks, the more time is needed for rehabilitation. There comes a point when nothing can be changed. At the same time, a woman, as well as a man, will not be able to hide the puffiness with cosmetics. Appearance cannot be corrected even in a photo using various editors.

Such metamorphoses occur for one simple reason - the body is trying to remove the poison with the help of liquid. Moisture is required for the chemical processes that break down the ethanol molecules. In addition, when alcohol is ingested, it begins to destroy brain cells, vascular walls and nerve endings. All this is garbage and needs to be removed somehow.

Because of this, the water-electrolytic balance of the body is disturbed, leading to dehydration. This process happens very quickly and signals are sent to restore the normal level of fluid, prompting the alcoholic to drink a lot. However, regardless of the amount of water absorbed, thirst does not go away, dry mouth remains for a long time. This is because it is difficult for the body to absorb the incoming resource.

As the body remembers recent dehydration, it begins to store water to deal with a similar problem if it occurs again. For storage, subcutaneous tissues are used, which swells the face, arms and legs.

Is how alcohol affects the appearance of a woman different from the metamorphosis of a man? Undoubtedly. The metabolism of the female body is different from the male, it also has smaller reserves of moisture. As a result, dehydration and swelling of the face occurs faster and lasts longer. So, a nice woman can turn into an unpleasant alcoholic in a short period of time.

One of the signs of female and male alcoholism is hanging "bulldog cheeks".

Associated appearance changes

In addition to such vivid manifestations of alcohol dependence, there are other unpleasant effects. So, after dehydration, although the body stores moisture, the skin becomes dry and begins to crack and peel off. With the loss of moisture in the upper layers of the skin, wrinkles appear ahead of time and gradually they become more pronounced. The process of deepening the nasolabial fold is accelerated.

Expression wrinkles quickly appear near the eyes and spread all over the face, appear on the forehead and neck. Unlike age-related aging, such folds on the face are deeper and sharper. After a year of regular alcohol abuse, the eyelids swell, the superciliary arches swell and sag. The appearance of an alcoholic cannot be corrected even by the most expensive cosmetic procedure or surgery.

Impaired blood circulation is not able to bring enough nutrients to the hair follicles. Therefore, hair becomes dry, thin and brittle over time. Men get bald.

A drunkard can be easily recognized by his eyes. In addition to weighted and swollen eyelids, the incision of the eyes becomes smaller, tears constantly flow. At the slightest tension, redness is visible, characteristic dark circles appear around. For women who abuse alcohol, swelling of the nose and lips is also characteristic. They become rough, fleshy and do not add beauty in any way.

All of the above becomes visible on the face after a year or two of systematic alcohol abuse. The worse the quality of the alcohol, the faster the characteristic features will appear. But make no mistake, even the most expensive drink containing ethanol will eventually affect the appearance. He will make a beautiful alcoholic out of a beautiful woman or a man. There is no way to avoid the consequences, and most often such consequences will remain for life, even if you quit a bad habit.

Alcoholism, health, beauty are incompatible concepts. The face of an alcoholic, even in a sober state, looks puffy, facial expressions and gestures are inhibited, coordination is impaired, the gait is uncertain, and the posture is stooped. The appearance of a drunkard makes him 10-15 years older than his biological age. Even facial features change - after seeing the photos before and after the development of addiction, it is hard to believe that this is one person.

The mechanism of influence on appearance

Even with a single use of alcohol, changes in appearance appear, allowing you to accurately determine the state of a hangover - a swollen, “rumpled” face, unhealthy skin color, bags under the eyes. Causes of pathological changes in the appearance of alcoholics:

  • Alcohol affects the hydration process, causing dehydration.
  • Together with water, minerals and vitamins are washed out of the body.
  • Alcohol leads to a decrease in oxidoreductase, impairs oxygen metabolism.
  • Alcohol slows down the endocrine system. For example, testosterone levels in men who abuse alcohol are 18–20% below normal.
  • Ethyl alcohol provokes a deficiency of vitamin B1, without which neurons in the brain of an alcoholic die.

These processes are provoking factors for the development of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, cirrhosis, hepatitis, heart failure, gout, pancreatitis. These diseases have characteristic symptoms, expressed in a change in the appearance of a drunken person.

Psychological and mental deviations change the appearance of an alcoholic. Due to the use of alcohol, dementia and depression develop - mental deviations and “emotional failures” (unjustified euphoria or apathy), a changed facial expression, gesticulation, and manner of speaking allow to recognize pathologies.

Characteristic features

Visual changes occur regardless of the type of drink consumed. The only difference is in the rate of degradation: stronger and lower-quality products (vodka, whiskey, cognac - especially their surrogates) spoil the appearance of an alcoholic twice as fast as excessive drinking of wine.

With early alcoholism, external changes are mild. If you do not know what a person is drinking, the primary signs can be confused with manifestations of a cold, fatigue. At the initial stage, during periods of sobriety, a person’s face looks “rumpled”, sad, exacerbations of skin diseases are possible.

The second stage is characterized by obvious changes in appearance, which cannot be written off as “just not healthy”. In addition to external symptoms of diseases, there are signs of social degradation - an alcoholic stops combing his hair, shaving, washing.

The last stages of addiction are accompanied by severe forms of diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis, pathologies of the digestive system, central nervous system). Violations of the work of internal organs are reflected in appearance. There are symptoms that are characteristic only for advanced alcoholism - severe swelling of the face, a swollen reddened nose, spider veins on the cheeks.


Despite the general dehydration, the alcoholic has swelling of the face, arms, legs. This is a sign of a violation of the water-electrolyte balance and stress response of the body. The body makes “reserves” - it slows down lymphatic drainage, any amount of water does not flow out of the tissues, but lingers.

It does not matter how much water alcoholics drink - even if they use the prescribed norm, moisture is not consumed, but deposited in the tissues. This causes not only a defect in appearance, such as puffiness of the face, but also a general aging of the body.

Peripheral edema of the legs is a sign of dangerous diseases that have developed against the background of alcoholism: phlebothrombosis with microemboli, abdominal ascites, alcoholic cardiomyopathy. The swollen face of alcoholics is a symptom of heart or kidney failure. In the first case, the outflow of moisture worsens, since the heart muscle does not have time to pump blood; in the second - in the body there is a failure in the exchange of potassium and sodium salts, which affect the water-electrolyte balance.

Color of the skin

The change in appearance is associated with the negative effect of alcohol on blood vessels. The pressure in the veins, arteries and capillaries increases, the vascular walls stretch. Intensive blood flow occurs to the limbs and face of an alcoholic - from this the skin acquires a pink tint. With micro-ruptures, “asterisks” appear - spots of scarlet color, mainly in the region of the nose and cheeks.

Dark circles under the eyes help to recognize an alcoholic. Such a defect in appearance occurs due to:

  • improper lymphatic, venous outflow (darkenings have a reddish color);
  • lack of oxygen (circles are gray or greenish);
  • kidney disease (an alcoholic has yellow circles);
  • heart failure (brown or black spots under the eyes).

A blue nose is another feature of appearance. Alcohol leads to gluing of red blood cells that clog small vessels. Since there are many of them in the tip of the nose of alcoholics, it swells, acquires a scarlet or bluish tint.

Other signs

Due to a violation of the absorption of water, the skin of an alcoholic is dry, flaky, and itchy ulcers may appear. The hairstyle changes - the hair becomes brittle, falls out in tufts, a tendency to baldness appears. Mimic wrinkles appear on the face, appearance makes a person much older than his age. The voice becomes hoarse.

You can identify an alcoholic by the specific tension of the frontal muscle, while the nasolabial, cervical muscles are relaxed. From such an appearance, the face looks downcast, oblong, the person seems angry, sad.

With the development of cirrhosis and hepatitis, in addition to circles and bags under the eyes, an alcoholic will experience yellowness of the face, palms, and eyeballs. This is how the appearance changes due to a violation of the outflow of bile. If thrombosis of the vessels of the eyes occurs, constant lacrimation appears, the protein turns very red, the eyelids swell.

Features of changes in men and women

Both the appearance of women and the appearance of men change from alcohol - the symptoms for both sexes will be the same, the difference is only in changes in the muscle and subcutaneous fat layer (“habitus”). An alcoholic, compared to a male drunk with a similar experience, looks more puffy. The reason is that in women, the subcutaneous fat is looser, superficial, which determines an increased tendency to swell.

In men, body changes are explained by the effect of alcohol on testosterone production. With androgen deficiency, the appearance becomes slender, the muscles lose their tone. With beer alcoholism, fat is deposited according to the female type (on the hips, buttocks, chest), the stomach grows.

Is it possible to return the previous view

After giving up alcohol, the body cannot recover instantly. Some pathologies are irreversible, so you should not expect that after the treatment of addiction, the former beauty and youth will return.

Appearance will improve after a couple of years, but many facial and figure defects can only be eliminated with the help of doctors. Massage and lymphatic drainage are recommended for fluid outflow, muscle stimulation. Laser procedures help to remove spider veins. It is possible to stabilize the tone of muscle fibers with the help of biomicrocurrent therapy.

In addition to physiotherapy, former alcoholics are helped to restore their face and body by adjusting their diet, taking vitamin complexes, and playing sports. The main condition is never to take alcohol, even in small doses. If an alcoholic starts drinking again, then you can not dream of improving your appearance.

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Have you noticed how easy it is to identify a drinking person by their appearance? You look at him and often you can’t even tell what exactly betrays an alcoholic in him, but all the same, his passionate love affair with alcohol is obvious to you. Why is that? It's simple: alcohol abuse greatly affects how you look - of course, not in a good way; moreover, it is reflected in many details, which together add up to a certain “alcoholic appearance”, which is well recognizable by everyone you meet.

The degree of influence of alcohol depends on intensity and duration of use. For example, the consequences for the appearance of a short but intense binge - severe swelling, inflamed eyes - look intimidating and eloquent, but quickly pass, especially if binge drinking is extremely rare with a person. The consequences for the appearance of chronic but moderate use are different: this is a gradual deterioration of the skin condition, set, early wrinkles. The greatest and worst influence on appearance is exerted by chronic and intensive use of alcohol, that is, in fact, alcoholism in its classical form.

Despite the fact that women the consequences of alcoholism manifest themselves faster and are generally more noticeable, all the “prints of alcoholism” are also characteristic of men. And if a woman's face and hair suffer more, then a man's more noticeable changes occur with the body. Bad news for men who are convinced that their regular visits to the coveted beer racks in the supermarket will only add charm to their brutal beauty: beer kills yours more than all other alcoholic drinks.

Alcoholic transformations

Skin problems. With the skin, alcohol does everything bad that it can. First, the pores expand and appear more visible; combined with the roughness of the skin, it all becomes like a super-attractive porous substance. Secondly, wrinkles appear and multiply rapidly - first, mainly around the eyes, and then on the entire face and neck. Thirdly, the face acquires an unhealthy shade. Most often it is a piggy shade of pink or feverish redness on the cheeks, a little less often - a dull gray complexion, giving a feeling of fatigue. Fourthly, red vascular asterisks and age spots appear, because of which the face looks stale, unkempt.

Edema. Edema is an indispensable companion of any lover of alcohol. They are especially insidious in that they not only last for a long time, but also accelerate the formation of wrinkles. The skin, often subject to swelling, becomes dry, wrinkled and flabby. Edema can be local (bags under the eyes) and global, in which your entire face and body looks swollen, swollen, like a waterskin. An unattractive sight that betrays you with your head - especially for those who like to drink alcohol late in the evening, on the eve of a working day.

"Loss" of face. Unobvious, but serious transformation: loss of clarity of the oval of the face. The person’s face seems to be spreading, the skin on the cheeks and jaw sags, the whole face “flows”, like a clock in the paintings of Salvador Dali. A face that has lost elasticity and clarity of shape looks much older - and this defect is extremely difficult to eliminate (except perhaps a circular lift will help). If a person is genetically prone to some kind of age-related changes (for example, all relatives develop “bulldog cheeks” over the years), then this defect will appear much earlier with the feasible help of alcohol.

Deep wrinkles. Another sign of "alcoholic appearance" is excessively deep and noticeable mimic wrinkles and folds. For example, there is nothing unnatural in the nasolabial folds, but over the years they gradually deepen, become more noticeable - and this makes your appearance more mature. If you are, the nasolabial folds will deepen much earlier, already after 1-2 alcohol experiences. The same applies to weighted eyelids, overhanging eyebrows, wrinkles on the forehead and neck. All this would have become noticeable on your face at 50-60 years old, but if you drink, you get the same picture at 30-40.

"Panda Eyes" No offense to the pandas will be said, but some similarities really appear - due to dark circles around the eyes, flabby eyelids, swollen lower eyelids (a consequence of frequent swelling). The eyes themselves also suffer: in alcoholics, the eyes are often narrowed, watery and easily redden from the slightest exertion. Together, all this significantly worsens the appearance of the upper part of the face, which looks tired and sickly.

Deformity of the nose and lips. The alcoholic red or gray nose, sung in urban legends, is not a myth, but a cruel reality: due to problems with blood vessels, the nose of a person who abuses alcohol often acquires an unhealthy shade. Sometimes this color is kept permanently, and sometimes it appears when a person is cold or has just taken on the chest. In addition, the nose is often deformed - it becomes more fleshy, shapeless, even increases in size. Approximately the same thing happens with lips, especially women's: they lose their shape, look swollen, swollen, have an unhealthy shade. These deformations make the face rougher and very loudly indicate your predilection.

Hair thinning. Due to circulatory disorders, hair often suffers - it becomes dull, thinner, broken, thinning. Alcoholism can also speed up the hair shedding process in genetic alopecia. To abuse alcohol for a long time and at the same time maintain good thick shiny hair is an almost impossible task.

Weight problems. In principle, weight problems can go in the opposite direction: experienced alcoholics often lose their appetite and cravings for food, after which alcohol becomes almost the only source of calories for them. The result is skin and bones. But more often with the abuse of alcohol, on the contrary, they gain weight - both because of its high calorie content, and because of the loss of control over their diet and physical activity.

Violations of posture, gait, coordination of movements. Alcoholism is also reflected in the whole figure of a person, his body, manner of moving, gesticulating. A person controls his body worse, which is why he moves awkwardly, angularly or uncertainly, sometimes too aggressively, abruptly. Or, on the contrary, it is excessively inhibited. The gait does not seem smooth and confident, the person does not keep his posture, may be very stooped or look sideways in general - without having any diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The main direction in which alcohol acts, affecting the appearance of a person, is acceleration of aging. Without exception, all alcoholics and in general people who are excessively fond of alcohol look older, decrepit, worse than their years.

In youth, people with a special passion organize themselves the reception of alcoholic beverages. Frequent use is both ignorance of the consequences of taking low-grade alcohol, and the result of the need for socialization, and a means to forget about problems for a while.

However, the problems themselves - in particular, with health - only accumulate.

And if a stroke or cirrhosis of the liver is still quite far away, then appearance regular intake of alcohol affects quite quickly.

First of all, the skin suffers, especially in girls.

Dry skin

Alcohol is poison. The body understands this well and seeks to get rid of it as soon as possible. The liver begins to actively process alcohol, and the kidneys begin to remove decay products from the body. Therefore, alcohol has a pronounced diuretic effect.

As a result, any libation party ends with severe dehydration. Moreover, the human body is arranged in such a way that the first water leaves the subcutaneous tissue. And, paradoxically, dry skin is the eternal companion of a drinking person.

What does it look like dry skin? Less smooth, less fresh. Small wrinkles appear, and existing ones become more noticeable.

rapid aging

Regular alcohol consumption destroys the stores of vitamins C and E, which help maintain collagen- a protein responsible for skin elasticity.

What do they look like changes? The oval of the face loses its clarity, and in some areas the skin sags. In addition, alcohol reduces the skin's ability to regenerate, and the recovery period after any damage is extended for a long time.

Red - brake light

Alcohol dilates blood vessels, therefore, at first it causes a bright blush in a person. But alcohol abuse, on the contrary, disrupts blood circulation, red blood cells stick together in the blood, and skin cells begin to experience a lack of oxygen.

What does it look like skin abusing alcohol? The face becomes purple-red. If several capillaries are completely clogged with clots of red blood cells, then a microstroke occurs under blood pressure - a rupture of the capillary. One by one, and on the face - first of all, on the nose, where the number of capillaries is especially large - a purple vascular network appears.

Be a man!

Women who take care of their appearance should understand that alcohol, and even more so its abuse, causes changes in the body that are difficult to compensate for with cosmetic procedures.

“Alcohol leads to a restructuring hormonal background in a person. In women, the level of male hormones becomes higher, ”explains Sergey Chub, Ph.D.

What does it look like result? The skin becomes rougher, with pronounced pores, difficult to cosmetic disguise.

The face of alcoholism

When alcohol abuse becomes a disease, all of the above symptoms intensify and new ones appear. If the simple use of alcohol dehydrates the skin due to the increased work of the liver and kidneys, then regular abuse leads to disruption of the kidneys. The result is swelling, bags under the eyes and a general puffiness of the face.

The source of other signs is in neurological changes. Some muscles of the face relax, while others, on the contrary, are constantly in good shape, forming a kind of mimic pattern. There is even a special term - "the face of an alcoholic".

What does it look like? A characteristic feature of such a face is the tension of the forehead with the flaccid relaxation of most of the other facial muscles, due to which the face takes on an elongated appearance.

The eyes of an alcoholic seem to be wide open and sunken at the same time. This is due to the weakening of the circular muscle of the eye and the tension of the muscle that lifts the upper eyelid. In addition, the upper part of the fold between the nose and upper lip is deepened, and its lower part is smoothed out. The nostrils are dilated, the lips become thicker and less compressed.

What to remember

Alcohol makes people ugly even when its effect on health is not yet very felt. Dry, porous, flabby skin is a clear sign that it's time to tie.