Pharmacy ointments for dry skin of the hands. Dry skin of hands - what to do and how to treat it at home with creams, masks and vitamins. A balanced diet for dry skin

One of the most common cosmetic problems that the female half of humanity has to face is dry skin of the hands. The causes of dryness are hidden behind the loss of moisture that our skin needs. Lack of moisture leads to the fact that outwardly the hands become rough, dry, covered with cracks and redness. How can we help our hands, which have to redo so many things in a day? Is it possible to achieve a lasting effect and get rid of dryness for a long time?

Causes of dry hands

Dehydration of the surface of the hands can occur under the influence of external and internal factors. External factors can be as follows:

  • the influence of natural factors: direct sunlight, frosty air, strong winds, etc.;
  • low humidity in the room (for example, in winter when the heating is on);
  • frequent exposure to detergents on the skin of the hands (soap, detergent, washing powder, cleaning solutions, etc.);
  • ignoring hand skin care products, or incorrectly selected products.

Internal factors are reasons that hide inside the body itself:

  • skin problems, allergic reactions;
  • metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, thyroid hyperfunction);
  • lack or poor absorption of retinol (vit. A);
  • hereditary skin diseases;
  • age-related changes in the skin;
  • anemia, dysbiosis.

Why is it important for us to know the causes of dry skin? If the cause is not eliminated, then the treatment may be unsuccessful, and no means, even the most expensive ones, will help. Therefore, before proceeding with the elimination of the problem, it is necessary to remove the causative factor of poor skin condition.

Dry skin on the palms

The skin surface on the palms is most exposed to external influences - after all, this is the main working surface of the hands. The appearance of flaking, redness and dryness on the palms is not uncommon.

Small light scales on the palmar region may indicate a deficiency of vitamins (for example, A and D).

If the dryness and peeling of the skin of the hands are pronounced, then a fungal infection can be suspected, or an exfoliative form of keratolysis - a condition in which the skin becomes dry and flaky for no apparent reason.

However, the main reason for dry skin on the palmar surfaces is a lack of moisture. Think maybe you need to pay attention to the detergent with which you wash your hands (especially if you use antibacterial soap - you cannot use it for a long time). If you replace such a soap with a cream-gel or other special moisturizers, it can have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

Avoid hypothermia by wearing gloves in cold weather. If no way of dealing with the problem helps, consult a doctor: dryness can also be a sign of eczema and other dermatological problems.

Dry skin of the hands and feet

Adult patients often complain of dry and rough skin on the heels and elbows. This is possible, because in these areas the skin has a thicker stratum corneum, so more attention should be paid to these places.

What to do besides using emollient cream and other skincare products?

First of all, reconsider your diet - your diet should be fortified with fatty acids. You should eat fatty fish, avocados, homemade sour cream and milk.

Choose a mild detergent or shower gel and wash gently, paying special attention to dry areas. After showering, be sure to treat your skin with moisturizer or lotion.

It is important to consider that the skin surfaces on the legs and arms can become dry even in some pathologies. This can be a manifestation of psoriasis - the palmar-plantar form of the disease, which is characterized by itching, dryness, and peeling of the skin. It can also be a symptom of dermatitis, in which both the skin layers and the sebaceous glands are affected. In these situations, complex therapy is likely to be required - which means that you need to consult a doctor for advice and treatment.

Dry skin of the fingers

When the skin becomes dry on the fingers, this is one of the symptoms of a lack of moisture in the outer layer of the epidermis. Epidermal tissue is the outer stratum corneum, in which, as a rule, a very small amount of water (no more than 20%) is retained. If the body is not sufficiently hydrated, then the epidermal layer, more than other tissues, feels this moisture deficit. As a result - inhibition of metabolic processes, slowing of tissue nutrition, dryness and dullness of the outer layers. At the same time, the condition of the nails may worsen.

In addition to the fact that when dehydrated, the skin becomes dry, it becomes more vulnerable to various bacteria and microbes, which can penetrate through the formed cracks and cause various skin diseases.

Unfortunately, dry fingers are a very common condition most common in older patients. Due to age-related changes, the skin requires regular intensive care. Already in middle age, the use of hand protectors should become a daily necessary ritual, as well as the obligatory care of the body and skin on the face.

Dry skin and cracked hands

If the hands become dry, and small cracks and "clues" appear on the surface, then, first of all, one can assume a deficiency of vitamin substances and a disorder of the function of the sebaceous glands. What factors can provoke this condition:

  • frequent hand washing, especially with hot water and detergents;
  • using alkalis, aggressive detergents and cleaning agents without wearing protective gloves;
  • metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, thyroid disorders);
  • hypo and vitamin deficiencies, lack of nutrition, long and strict diets, unbalanced diet;
  • environmental influence (prolonged exposure to wind, frosty air or ultraviolet radiation);
  • natural age-related changes.

To remedy the situation, it is important not only to find effective cosmetic hand care products. Among other things, nutritional adjustments should be made:

  • eat a lot of greens, fruits, berries, vegetables, natural products;
  • pay attention to the sufficient content of vitamins of group B, E, A and ascorbic acid in products;
  • drink at least one and a half or two liters of water per day;
  • avoid completely fat-free foods.

In addition to diet, try to lead an active lifestyle: walk in the fresh air, avoid stressful situations, get good rest, devote enough time both to work and to sleep and rest.

Dry hands and redness

The appearance of both dryness and redness on the hands can be the result of various reasons.

  • Illiterate care, or lack of hand care, can provoke not only redness and peeling, but also the appearance of bubbles and dermatitis. Remember that in the summer, your hands need to be hydrated, and in the cold season, nutrition. Therefore, choose care products depending on the needs of the skin. Do not neglect gloves during the winter.
  • Using chemical detergents for washing dishes or washing without gloves can also lead to dry spots and stains on your hands. Do not be lazy, try to protect your hands from harsh chemicals. After doing your homework, be sure to apply an emollient cream to your hands.
  • An allergic response of the body can manifest itself in the sun's rays, medicines, food, and cosmetic preparations. In cases of allergy, in addition to redness and flaking, itching may be present. See your doctor: they will help you find the provoking allergen, and then prescribe effective antihistamines.
  • Dermatological problems can also cause redness and dryness of the skin. This may indicate the development of psoriasis, dermatitis, lichen, eczema. In such cases, you cannot do without the help of a dermatologist.

Remember that skin problems are not always harmless: in some cases, this can indicate a serious illness.

Dry hands in children

In children, the outer layer of the epidermis can dry out for many reasons. Among such reasons are frequent water procedures, increased water hardness, early refusal to breastfeed, inappropriate nutrition of the mother during gestation or in the lactation period, gastrointestinal diseases (in particular, the intestines), the use of inappropriate bathing products, etc.

It should not be forgotten that the surface of the child's skin is extremely thin and sensitive, as a result of which there is a reaction to absolutely any irritation. Even ordinary baby talcum powder can dry out the skin surface. In addition, the sebaceous glands in the smallest children may not yet be sufficiently developed.

Should the baby's overly sensitive hand skin be treated? As a rule, over time, when the function of the baby's glands returns to normal, the condition of the skin surface normalizes on its own. If this does not happen, consult your doctor: it may be necessary to reconsider the diet of both the mother and the baby. In some cases, your doctor may recommend special baby creams or ointments.

Dry skin of the hands and face

Very often, the skin on the hands and on the face is dehydrated at the same time. This phenomenon is especially common in women who actively adhere to various diets for weight loss. This situation is considered in two ways:

  • A woman adheres to a very strict and strict dietary diet in which the body suffers from a deficiency of proteins, vitamins and minerals.
  • The patient uses specific drugs to get rid of extra pounds, which have, among other things, diuretic and laxative properties. Under the influence of such drugs, not only excess fluid, but also the fluid necessary for the body is removed from the body, as a result of which tissue dehydration occurs.

Given the possible reasons, in such cases, it is possible to recommend drinking a sufficient amount of liquid (at least two liters), as well as diversifying your diet with all kinds of low-calorie vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries, fermented milk products and natural fresh juices. Strong tea and coffee are best excluded - they have a diuretic effect and only increase the symptoms of tissue dehydration.

Dry skin between the fingers

When the skin dries up in the spaces between the fingers, a variety of reasons can be suspected. However, most of them are associated with a lack of hand care (or improper care), with the general condition of the body, with living conditions and professional activities, and nutrition. If a woman washes or washes dishes without gloves, then between the fingers residues of washing powder or detergent accumulate, which subsequently appear in the form of dry skin.

Also, interdigital peeling can be a consequence of a lack of vitamins in the body (groups B and A), as well as a symptom of a fungal infection.

What can be done to prevent the interdigital spaces from drying out?

  • After washing your hands, dry them thoroughly, paying attention to the areas between the fingers.
  • Wear rubber gloves when washing or washing dishes.
  • You cannot leave your hands wet, and even more so, go out in this form on the street.
  • It is not recommended to be without warm gloves in frosty weather.
  • It is important to choose the right product (cream or ointment) for your hands and use it regularly.

Hands require care no less than the skin on the face or other areas of the body.

Severe dry hands

Increased dryness can cause diseases of some internal organs, for example, liver, intestines, thyroid gland.

Disorders of the thyroid gland are manifested by apathy, lethargy, constipation, dehydration of the skin and cold extremities. The thyroid gland is treated by a doctor after a thorough diagnosis.

Disorders of the intestines also affect the condition of the skin, since with intestinal problems, the absorption of vital nutrients and vitamins for the body is disrupted. A person can eat right and even take additional vitamin and mineral complexes, but there will be no result, since the necessary substances are not absorbed and leave the digestive tract in transit.

With liver diseases, patients often complain of symptoms such as pallor and dryness of the skin, heaviness in the hypochondrium on the right, loss of appetite, and bouts of nausea. Hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver is a serious illness and is treated only by a specialist. However, before you can draw any conclusions about severe dry skin, you must undergo a medical examination.

Dry hand treatment

Treatment for dehydration of the surface layers should be treated based on the underlying cause of the condition. For example, if it's all about the lack of proper hand care, then you need to provide it: buy a good cream, scrub, mask to restore moisture to the skin, and use these products regularly.

If the poor condition of the hands is caused by any pathology, then you should consult a doctor and treat a specific disease, be it diabetes, dermatitis or enterocolitis.

  • it is useful to include in the menu foods that contain enough vitamins - these can be vegetables, cereals, nuts, herbs, fruits;
  • it is advisable to cross out sweets, chocolate, caffeinated drinks and fried foods from the diet;
  • it is important to get rid of bad habits - do not smoke or drink alcohol;
  • it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water per day - clean, non-carbonated, without additives;
  • a good effect can be achieved with a simple massage of the hands and palms with the use of a moisturizer - this favors the flow of oxygen and improves tissue trophism;
  • in winter, do not forget about maintaining optimal air humidity in the apartment, as well as the fact that you should go outside in mittens or gloves.

How to eliminate dry hand skin?

If your skin is dehydrated, avoid using regular soap; try switching to a cream soap that contains a nourishing agent that softens the epidermis.

  • After washing your hands, be sure to dry them thoroughly with a soft towel.
  • If you wash your hands in warm or hot water, then complete the procedure with a cool rinse - this will activate blood circulation in the surface tissues.
  • When going outside, remember that your hands should be dry, and in cold weather - in mittens.
  • After your morning hygiene, as well as at night, do not forget to use a moisturizer with glycerin.
  • Going outside in the heat, use a cream with UV protection.
  • All household chores associated with water and detergents, carry out in protective latex gloves.
  • The use of a scrub will not be a superfluous procedure - this helps to eliminate dead skin scales.
  • If you have the time, after applying the cream to your hands, it is useful to put on cellophane gloves for about half an hour.

Remedies for dry hands

To restore the water balance of the skin, you can also try folk remedies. The most popular of these are masks and hand baths.

Using masks:

  • 1 tbsp. l of warm vegetable oil mixed with 1 tsp. any cream and ½ tsp. lemon juice. Mix the mixture and distribute it over the skin of the hands, put on gloves on top. We use such a remedy at night, once a week;
  • beat the egg white, add 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, apply on hands for about 15 minutes, then rinse with water and fix the effect with a moisturizer;
  • we put our hands in warm oatmeal seasoned with vegetable oil for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, wash your hands in warm water;
  • separate two yolks, mix with 2 tbsp. l. natural honey and the same amount of vegetable oil. Distribute the mixture over the skin surface and wait for the mask to dry. After that, wash off the mass with warm water.

Bath use:

  • dip the brushes in a warm chamomile infusion for about 20 minutes. You do not need to wash off the infusion: just dry your hands and apply a moisturizer on top;
  • heat the whey to + 40 ° C, dip the brushes in it and wait for about 20 minutes. After that, dry your hands;
  • dip the brushes in warm vegetable oil.

Essential oils can also be added to the baths at your discretion. Bergamot, mint, lavender, citrus, clove oils are suitable for procedures.

Anti-dry hand cream

  • Hydroactive cream with triple action (Hydro active) is a regenerating agent for sensitive skin of the hands, as well as for improving the condition of nails. Protects the skin from the harmful effects of detergents and cleaning agents.
  • Velor cream (Kalina concern) - intensively moisturizes and protects hands, eliminates minor scratches and cracks. Contains chamomile extract, glycerin and vitamin F.
  • Cream "Salon spa" moisturizing and smoothing, contains kelp, fucus and silk. Gives the skin surface tone, removes peeling, eliminates lethargy, nourishes.
  • Doctor Sante Cream "Delicate Silk, Nourishment" cares for sensitive and flaky skin, does not leave an unpleasant feeling of stickiness or heaviness after application. It is a clever combination of intense moisturizers and plant waxes.
  • Homemade Recipes - Emollient Cream contains peach oil and royal jelly. The combination of these ingredients relieves inflammation, inhibits age-related processes, and helps to retain moisture in the surface layers.
  • Handson Bio-Moisturizing Cream deeply moisturizes the outer skin. Contains herbal extracts of angelica and lungwort plants.

Ointment for dry hands

  • Ointment "Boro Plus" is a universal cosmetic ointment that eliminates the cause of inflammatory elements on the skin surface, deeply cleanses and optimizes local metabolism, restores the function of the sebaceous glands.
  • Ointment "Radevit" is a combined anti-inflammatory and regenerating agent. Reduces itching, softens and moisturizes the skin while maintaining the protective function of the surface layer. Contains retinol, tocopherol and ergocalciferol (vitamins A, E and D).
  • Ointment "Bepanten" 5% remedy based on provitamin B5 (pantothenic acid). Provides restoration of the skin, accelerates metabolic processes in tissues, strengthens collagen fibers, perfectly moisturizes. Helps with cracks, scratches, inflammations, etc.
  • Ointment "Neutrogenia" restores the protective layer, preventing moisture from leaving the epidermis. Intensely moisturizes, provides a feeling of comfort, is easy to apply and absorbs well.
  • The ointment can be prepared independently: for this, use a mixture of salicylic ointment and glycerin, or mix equal parts of ammonia, medical alcohol, glycerin and distilled water. This mixture is applied to the skin surface several times a day. You can add essential oils or pharmacy capsules with an extract from sprouted wheat to the composition.

Vitamins for dry skin

To restore the moisture balance and nutrition of the skin, it is important to replenish the supply of vitamins in the body. This can be achieved by increasing the proportion of fruits and vegetables in the diet, or by starting to take multivitamin complex preparations. This will allow not only to put the skin in order, but also to strengthen the body as a whole. What drugs are suitable for treating dry skin?

  • Neurovitan is a complex preparation with vitamins of group B. It is taken in a course from 2 to 4 weeks. You can take up to four tablets a day.
  • Vitrum beauty is a specially selected complex of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. When taken regularly, it improves the condition of nails, hair and skin, stimulates metabolism and accelerates the elimination of toxic substances from the body. Usually take 1 tab. up to 3 times a day.
  • The alphabet of cosmetics is a drug that combines all the most necessary trace elements and vitamins to resist hypovitaminosis and micronutrient deficiencies in the body. Take 3 tablets a day, with an interval of at least 4 hours.
  • Supradin Roche is a multivitamin complex that takes into account all the body's needs to restore the beauty and health of the skin and mucous membranes. The duration of treatment is at least a month. The dosage is one tablet once a day.

Today in the pharmacy you can buy a lot of products that eliminate dry skin of the hands. But it should be remembered that a deterioration in the condition of the skin can happen for various reasons: keep this in mind when choosing a cosmetic or therapeutic agent for hand care.

  • Dry skin: the main signs
  • Causes of dryness
  • Seasonal care
  • Hand baths
  • Diet rules for dry skin
  • Preventive measures
  • Care products overview

Dry skin: the main signs

Dry skin can be caused both by a genetic predisposition and by external factors - the use of poorly selected cosmetic products or harsh weather conditions.

Dry skin does not retain moisture well, since its natural protective layer - the hydrolipid mantle - is damaged. Especially often areas with thin skin suffer from this problem: eyelids, hands, neck, décolleté.

Causes of dryness

If we are not talking about atopic dermatitis or eczema, then there are several reasons for dry skin of the hands.

    Frequent hand washing with aggressive cleansers and use of germicidal gels (especially important for doctors and nurses).

    Using household chemicals without gloves.

    Too frequent use and, as a result, violation of the integrity of the protective barrier of the epidermis.

    Work with chemicals, solvents and other aggressive substances.

    Extreme weather conditions: heat or, conversely, severe frost and icy wind.

    Low room humidity is a common winter problem, as the air tends to be dry when the central heating is turned on.

To prevent dry hands, wear gloves when cleaning and washing dishes. © iStock

Proper care for dry hands

Hand care is not limited to cream alone, especially if you only take it out of the drawer in an emergency. An uncomplicated care regimen will help keep your hands in top condition.

    Note, how do you wash your hands and how often do it. If dry hands are a recurring problem, or if your job requires you to wash your hands many times a day, swap out your classic bar or liquid soap for a more gentle, creamy cleanser.

    Important limit contact of the skin of the hands with household chemicalsfor example when washing dishes: use gloves or replace products with moisturizers and hypoallergenic ones.

    A hand scrub is not very popular, but it does not hurt to get one. Regular (a couple of times a week) exfoliation removes dead cells of the epidermis and makes cells renew faster. The skin not only becomes softer and softer, but also better perceives the beneficial substances that are included in the subsequent care products.

    Hand cream should stand on the bedside table of every woman (you can put the second in your bag, and the third in the office desk drawer). Without it, the skin of the hands will age ahead of time.

    As an emergency procedure for quick recovery, use hand mask: it can be either a special product or any greasy cream applied in a thick layer. Wear cotton gloves on top.

Use hand cream several times a day © iStock

Seasonal care

As with face care, the hand care regimen changes with the seasons.

  1. 1

    This is the most difficult period for the skin, when frost and a piercing wind outside are combined with dry indoor air. Remember to wear gloves and keep a nourishing hand cream with you. And as an emergency measure, apply emollients to rough skin.

  2. 2

    A hassle-free season only if you are not in a dry and hot climate. A moisturizer will help to clean up your hands, plus don't forget about cuticle oil.

  3. 3

    Autumn and spring

    Characterized by a changeable climate, on cold days, focus on nourishing the skin, on warm days, on moisturizing.

Hand scrub makes the skin softer and softer © iStock

Hand baths

Before applying the cream, you can give your hands a 10-minute sea salt bath. A teaspoon of salt is enough for a small container: it nourishes the skin with trace elements and moisturizes it.

After the bath, do not wipe your hands dry, just blot them with a towel. Then apply the cream.

A balanced diet for dry skin

Scientists have not yet come to a consensus on the advisability of taking vitamins to improve skin condition. Today, doctors believe that a person should receive the necessary substances with food. Therefore, the universal advice is to adjust the diet so that the menu maintains a balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

    It is considered to be a universal evil, but in fact we are talking about fatty acids, thanks to which the skin looks healthy and radiant. Fatty acids are found in foods such as vegetable oils, seeds and nuts, some types of fish.


    They are known to be rich fresh vegetables, berries and fruits... Although, according to the latest scientific data, the content of nutrients in frozen fruits is not much less. The champion in the concentration of vitamins and minerals can be called spinach, which is rich in vitamins B, C, E, iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium. However, all leafy greens incredibly beneficial to skin health.

Preventive measures

These tips will help prevent unpleasant flaky hands - so take note of them.

  • Clean up the house and wash dishes strictly with gloves.: cleaning products (even if they are not marked "avoid contact with skin") contain a high concentration of aggressive surfactants (surfactants). This will not harm dishes and plumbing, and the skin of the hands will definitely dry out.

Human hands require special attention and careful care; in the absence of it, problems such as excessive dryness and peeling arise. But sometimes skin irritation is the result of a serious illness. Therefore, excessive dryness of the hands cannot be ignored; if it occurs, appropriate measures must be taken in a timely manner. You can restore your skin to a healthy look at home, following certain recommendations and using traditional medicine.

Causes of drying out of the skin

To successfully eliminate the problem, it is necessary to identify the causes of peeling of the skin. Eliminating them will help speed up the healing process. Dry hands can be caused by the following factors:

  1. 1. Harmful effects of weather conditions. In most cases, the skin is very dry and flaky after prolonged contact with direct sunlight in summer and after being outdoors in winter without gloves. Windy weather and excessively dry air in the apartment also negatively affect the condition of the skin.
  2. 2. Lack of vitamins. Avitaminosis occurs due to the lack of adequate nutrition. Skin problems are caused by a lack of vitamins A, C and E. People on a diet often experience cracked hands. The occurrence of such painful wounds is dangerous for the development of dermatitis and other skin diseases.
  3. 3. Improper hand care or lack of it. If a woman does not use suitable cosmetics, then skin problems cannot be avoided.
  4. 4. Prolonged contact with hard water, household chemicals. Various detergents, bleaches and dishwashing detergents irritate the skin of the hands, causing it to dry and flake.
  5. 5. The presence of chronic diseases. Problems such as too thin and dry skin on the fingers, the presence of severe itching are symptoms of diseases of the internal organs.
  6. 6. Anemia. This cause of skin problems often occurs in women during menstruation and pregnancy, in people in the postoperative period.
  7. 7. Allergic reaction. In most cases, it occurs on hygiene products - soaps, shampoos, shower gels. Also, allergies can be the result of taking medications. Often the use of drugs for weight loss leads to problems in the form of peeling of the skin.
  8. 8. Hormonal disruption. This cause of skin problems is typical for adolescents during puberty and for women during menstruation, pregnancy and menopause.

Excessive smoking and alcohol addiction lead to premature aging of the skin. It is for this reason that many men experience peeling of the skin.

Important: if even a high-quality oily cream does not help to cope with dryness after prolonged use, and it is impossible to independently determine the reason why the skin on your hands is constantly drying and peeling, then you should consult a doctor. It is extremely rare that such problems are a symptom of diabetes mellitus, dangerous liver and kidney pathologies, and disorders in the digestive system. Independent action in such cases can further worsen the condition of the skin, and untimely medical assistance can lead to a complication of the disease.

If the child's skin is peeling, then an urgent need to visit a pediatrician.

Therapy with folk remedies

To treat dry skin at home, various baths, masks and compresses are used. The most effective folk remedies for dryness and flaking of the skin are shown in the following table:

Means Application rules
Olive or vegetable oilIt is mixed with warm water at the rate of 3-4 tablespoons per 1 liter of liquid. You need to keep your hands in the finished solution for 10-15 minutes
PotatoesIt must be welded in a uniform. The finished potatoes need to be peeled, crushed thoroughly and a little milk added until a thick slurry forms. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin for 20-25 minutes. Potato broth is used for trays. You should hold your hands in it for at least 15 minutes
Cabbage juiceIt is recommended to put your hands in the juice of pickled cabbage for 15-20 minutes
EggsTo prepare a medicinal ointment, you need to combine 1 egg yolk with honey and olive or vegetable oil (1 tablespoon each). The resulting composition is applied to the skin for 15 minutes.
Saline solutionTo prepare it, you need to dissolve 2 tablespoons in 1 liter of water. You should hold your hands in the resulting solution for about 15 minutes
GlycerolIn half a glass of warm water, add 1 tablespoon of the product and the juice of half a lemon. The resulting liquid must be gently rubbed into the skin
AloeIt is recommended to thoroughly treat problem skin with plant juice and leave for 10 minutes
Infusions of medicinal plantsChamomile, calendula, nettle and sage will help restore the beauty of your hands. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials with 2 cups of water, insist for half an hour and strain. Hands should be kept in the resulting liquid for at least 10 minutes. It is recommended to carry out the procedure twice a day.
Milk serumKeep your hands in warm liquid for at least 20 minutes
Sour creamIt should be mixed with honey in proportions of 1: 3 and applied to the skin for 10 minutes.
BranAn infusion is prepared from them. To prepare it, half a glass of bran must be poured with 2 liters of boiling water. In the cooled infusion, you should keep your hands for 15-20 minutes
CarrotFresh vegetable needs to be grated. To half a glass of grated carrots, add 2 tablespoons of sour cream and vegetable or olive oil. The resulting product is applied to the skin for 20 minutes.
BananaIt is used as a mixture for a mask. To prepare the product, you need to carefully grind the banana with a fork, add 1 tablespoon of honey and butter or cream to it. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin with massaging movements, trying to rub in the mass. It is recommended to hold the product for at least 15 minutes.

After any bath or mask, you need to rinse your hands with clean warm water, wipe the skin dry and moisturize it with a fat cream.

The use of the above means will help in the shortest possible time to get rid of the dryness of the skin and its peeling. A positive result will be noticeable after 3 days. The total duration of therapy should be at least a week.

Prevention of dry hands

To avoid dryness and peeling of the skin in the future, you should properly care for your hands. Leaving does not take much time and effort. The rules to be followed are shown in the following table:

Measure Execution
Protect hands from harmful weather conditionsGloves must be worn in frosty weather. Do not go outside in cold and windy weather with wet hands. Before going out into the fresh air in sunny weather, it is recommended to apply a cream to the skin. It will create a protective film, which will prevent damage to the skin
Humidify the air in the apartment with a spray bottleSuch a measure will prevent the skin from drying out.
Eat properlyA complete diet will help to avoid vitamin deficiency. The daily menu should include meat and fish, dairy products, vegetables and fruits.
Use special gloves when in contact with household chemicalsThey will help to protect the skin while washing dishes, wet cleaning, and washing. When choosing rubber gloves, you should focus on a product with a fabric lining, since contact with rubber also negatively affects the condition of the skin
Wash your hands properlyIt is necessary to wash your hands in warm water, and then rinse them in cold water. This will help improve blood circulation. After washing hands, dry them thoroughly with a towel.
Choose only high-quality hygiene productsAll soaps, shampoos and shower gels must be of high quality. The composition of high-quality hygiene products that have a gentle effect on the skin contains glycerin
Take good care of your handsIt is necessary to daily abundantly moisturize the skin with a fat nourishing cream - at least 2 times a day and each time after contact with water. A hand scrub should be used at least twice a week to help unclog the pores of the skin. You also need to carry out such cosmetic procedures as baths and masks. It is recommended to use them at least once every 3 days.
Prevent the development of chronic diseasesIf you have any health problems, you should immediately take appropriate measures. If you feel worse for no apparent reason, you should consult a doctor. Such measures will help to detect a latent disease at a very early stage of development and prevent its transition to a chronic stage.
Limit contact with possible allergensHaving a tendency to peeling of the skin, it is important to prevent the occurrence of an allergic reaction to various irritants
To refuse from bad habitsQuitting smoking and drinking alcohol in moderation will promote rapid skin regeneration

Adhering to the simple above recommendations, you can not only preserve the youthfulness of the skin of your hands for a long time, but also improve your overall health and significantly increase life expectancy.

Japanese geisha seduced men not only with beautiful outfits and clever speech, but also with well-groomed hands. In the art of seduction, hands played one of the main roles. When brewing tea, an experienced geisha could enchant with a wave of the sleeve of a kimono, exposing a sleek brush.

"Shagreen leather" dry fingers and even cracks - this is how the brushes of many modern women look. You can't be tempted with that.

How to deal with this? The algorithm is as follows: we find and eliminate the cause, provide supportive care for the hands. Get down to business!

Did you know that there are no sebaceous glands on the palms? Sebum, which is a natural protective lubricant, is not produced here. Fortunately, the palms are sweaty.

Moisturizing sweat, which protects the skin from drying out and cracking, is produced by sweat glands, and they are more than abundant on the palms. Over 400 per square centimeter.

However, dry palms of the hands, as well as dehydrated hands in general, are common. Here I washed the dishes without gloves. I didn't wipe my hands dry there. I heard about ultraviolet light, but forgot ... Let's discuss in more detail the causes of dry hands.

  • Household chemicals

Any household chemicals destroy the skin of the hands. Do not have any illusions about dishwashing detergents labeled "balsam". If there is no one to shift responsibilities around the house, fight with everyday life, armed with gloves.

  • Fluid deficiency

The reason for dry hands can be hidden in the diet. Not only people who drink little water suffer from dehydration, but also those who abuse drinks that drain the body, such as tea and coffee.

  • Heating season

Protective cream and mittens on hands before going outside in winter - everyone has learned this lesson firmly (or not all?). But many people forget about the destructive effect of heating devices. In winter, you need to protect your hands with cream at home.

  • Ultraviolet

The sun doesn't just dry out the skin. It makes her old. On sunny days, even in winter, do not forget to use a cream with UV filters. It is good if the composition of such a cream contains not only the SPF factor, but also the PPD indicator, which determines the protection from the rays of the spectrum A.

  • Hot water

Hot water is pleasant, but harmful. High temperature water depletes the hydrolipid mantle. Rule: water - warm, wipe your hands - dry.

  • Paper work

Continuous contact with paper is another threat to hand skin. The paper is a sponge that absorbs grease and moisture. What to do? Change work or use nourishing cream before, during and after it.

  • Fat deficiency

Another popular "internal" reason is the restriction of the menu on fat. Multivitamin complexes with vitamins A, E, C and fatty acids (fish oil, Omega-3) will restore the disturbed balance of fats.

The use of antibiotics, laxatives, diuretics affects the condition of the skin of the hands. Dry spots on the hands can indicate an allergic reaction, problems with the digestive system, thyroid disease, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema ...

Now it's clear why you shouldn't pour liters of moisturizers onto your hands without understanding the essence of dryness. If a visit to the doctor has confirmed that there are no “internal” reasons for concern, and all organs and systems are functioning properly, make adjustments to your environment and include cosmetic care.

How to save hands from dryness and flaking - an overview of gels, masks and creams

One can only sympathize with them. On the "head" of the hands, almost devoid of natural protection, a cart and a cart of misfortunes fall down. Meanwhile, hands are a woman's calling card. And not because Coco Chanel said so. And before the great milliner, they expressed significant words about hands.

What if the pens strive to ruin the reputation of a well-groomed lady? To care about them. And wisdom is not needed here. Just wash, feed and protect them properly.

My: dry hand wash gel

Soap with a high alkali content washes, of course, "to a squeak," but it also turns the skin into parchment. Output? Replace aggressive alkaline soap (especially antibacterial!) For pH-neutral soap with high quality surfactants.

Look for the label “for dry and sensitive skin” on the label, and in the composition - caring oils and vitamins. You can cook "soap without soap" yourself, and in case of permanent dryness, you even need to. Substantial savings and consistently high quality.

We feed: homemade masks for dry hands

If your hands are dry and cracked, the delicate gel will not be enough. Like a repairing shampoo that is not enough for dry and damaged hair. Masks are a fundamental step in caring for dryness in any location. 2-3 masks a week - and sleek pens.

All that is needed for the procedure is a little time (15-20 minutes), cling film and mittens (or silicone gloves) and your favorite TV show. We share the recipes for the most popular and effective hand masks below.

  • Oil mask for hands . Oils do an excellent job with dryness. Especially wheat germ, almond, olive, cocoa and shea. If a hands are dry and cracked, pay attention to sea buckthorn. All liquid oils are heated in a "bath" before use, solid oils are heated. To heighten the effect, you can squeeze a couple of Aevita capsules into the oil.
  • Oatmeal hand mask. Can't stand oatmeal? Into her arms! Cook porridge from flakes, add honey and spread. For hardened skin, cook porridge in milk and butter.
  • Egg hand mask. What to do with the yolks left over from the meringue? Mix with honey, olive oil and apply to hands. Proteins are not suitable for nourishing dehydrated skin of the hands - they tighten and dry.
  • Paraffin bath for hands. Paraffin therapy is remarkable for its high moisturizing, cleansing and leveling properties. All materials and step-by-step instructions are available. The result is on the verge of a salon. You will find out what flawless skin is right after the procedure.

Paraffin therapy for dry hands

Protecting: creams for dry hands

Be under no illusion. On a schedule, nourishing your hands with masks and ignoring daily care products will not solve the problem of dryness. In the morning, in the evening, before and after exposure to aggressive environments, we rub the cream into our hands. You can also goose fat, as was done in Russia - natural product and 100% organic. From the assortment of industrial creams, it is worth taking a closer look at the following "bestsellers".

  • Neutrogena Intensive Recovery Hand Cream

Want to solve problems quickly and efficiently? Intensive recovery cream from the Norwegian formula line is called “first aid”. The cream is formulated for intensive care of very dry, cracked or chapped skin. Chamomile extract solves the problem of flaking. Panthenol and Vitamin B5 deeply moisturize. Glycerin creates a moisture-trapping barrier. Bisabolol accelerates healing and regenerates damaged areas.

  • Velvet handles, "SOS Recovery" hand balm

Do you think you can get out of any difficult situation without harming your wallet? You are right in at least one thing - problematic hand skin can be restored on a budget. The professional restorative line from the Velvet Handles brand is a direct confirmation of this. Cream-balm with silk extrapon, allantoin, vitamins A and E quickly restores the integrity of the skin and moisturizes it for a long time. Connect other products of the line to the care - lotion, oil and soap.

  • Organic shop, Irish SPA manicure hand cream

Fans of budgetary but “organic” solutions should pay attention to the light cream-gel with the exotic name “Irish SPA Manicure”. It's hard to say what relation aloe extract, flaxseed oil, beeswax and vitamin E have to Ireland, but a complex of active ingredients can really provide care and moisturizing for hands and nails. 98.9% of ingredients of natural origin. BDIH certification. And a very affordable price.

  • JSC Retinoids, ointment for dry skin "Videstim"

For the development of Videmstim ointment, Retinoids CJSC was awarded the Platinum Ounce - the country's main pharmaceutical prize. A water-based ointment with a shock dose of vitamin A is not just a care, but a treatment for a wide range of skin diseases, from cracks to dermatitis. And not only the skin of the hands.

  • GUAM, intensively nourishing oil cream "Inthenso"

Cream from the Italian brand GUAM with seaweed, shea butter and almond oil is useful when there is no time to conjure over “grandmother's” recipes, but you want to please your hands (and not only) with intense moisturizing. GUAM will quench the thirst for hands, reminding once again that our body and water are indivisible.


Hands of impeccable beauty were important, but not the main attribute of a geisha. The most difficult thing was to have a seductive aura, which only a few could boast. Those who possessed this "weapon" were the most desirable and expensive geishas. When caring for your hands, do not forget to cultivate grace, modesty and tenderness.

It takes a lot of time and money to care for your face and body, but they are not the only ones who need high-quality and regular care. Well-groomed hands are the hallmark of a successful person: not only women, but also men. In the modern world with a deteriorating ecology, weather conditions and an aggressive environment, it is important to prevent chapping, cracks and irritation in time, which have an unattractive appearance and limit performance. Dry hand skin treatment at home. Is dry hand skin treatable at home? Quite. But first, it is worth identifying the factors that provoke the appearance of dryness, and then - to deal with the elimination of the consequences.

Most often, it is the delicate skin of the hands that is exposed to unfriendly factors. Unpleasant consequences can occur even as a result of once forgotten gloves. From the list of factors provoking dry skin, first of all, you should pay attention to the weather conditions. In winter, the cold season, the epidermis is stressed, thickens and hardens, and the hot sun accelerates the aging process and promotes dehydration.

Daily use of detergents and household chemicals without proper protection gradually destroys the top layer of the skin, stimulating the development of allergic reactions, irritation, inflammation and cracking.

Incorrectly selected care products or their complete absence does not affect the skin of the hands in the best way. The condition is influenced by nutrition, maintaining water balance and taking vitamins.

Attention! Dryness of the skin may be due to a hereditary predisposition. With this option, the selection of care products must be approached with special care.

What to do if your hands are dry?

The epidermis cells of the hands contain a small amount of moisture and a small amount of sebaceous glands, which is why the skin is prone to dryness, and requires regular moisture.

The main care task will be to keep the palms clean and wipe them dry: the remaining water, for example between the fingers, has an unpleasant property, evaporating, to take up the skin's own moisture and dry it. Hand washing should only be done with mild soap or lotion.

In addition to the cream, which must necessarily contain shea or almond butter, nourishing masks should be added to daily care. It is better to avoid products with glycerin, because after a short moisturizing and smoothing peeling, it can only worsen the situation.

Before using household chemicals or with prolonged contact with water, it is imperative to wear rubber or vinyl gloves.

In cold weather, keep your hands warm, and do not forget about protection from snow and wind. In summer, sunscreen should be applied to the skin to avoid the unfriendly effects of the sun.

Attention! Cosmetologists advise using the cream after any contact with water and various antibacterial agents.

What vitamin deficiency affects skin condition

Avitaminosis or lack of vitamins causes both health problems and affects the appearance. The condition of hair, nails, skin depends on the presence of certain substances and trace elements in the body. Dry hands can be caused by a deficiency of vitamins A, E, and C.

Vitamin A regulates natural skin hydration, its rejuvenation and thickness. Vitamin A deficiency contributes to the appearance of flaking and loss of elasticity. Regeneration and healing of the skin depends on the amount of vitamin E. In case of deficiency, redness appears around the nails, and the nails themselves begin to exfoliate. The skin of the hands loses its elasticity, wrinkles appear, and the cracks do not heal for a long time.

Vitamins of group C are responsible for the production of collagen, with a shortage of which signs of aging appear early, the skin becomes flabby and less durable, and the sensitivity to ultraviolet light increases.

Diseases causing dry skin

Dry skin on the palms can be a sign of a systematic or emerging disease. Symptom is considered with prolonged manifestation, localization and frequency of occurrence. Dehydration leads to general dryness of the skin, to avoid this you need to drink from 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day.

Hypervitaminosis or vitamin deficiency are equally dangerous and lead to unpleasant consequences. Peeling ways occur due to prolonged use of medications, endocrine imbalance, fever and fungal infections.
Skin diseases lead to problems, which include:

  • allergy;
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • dermatitis.

Attention! Only a doctor can confirm the diagnosis and presence of the disease. Once dry areas on the body do not indicate the presence of a disease, but can only indicate improper care.

Where to start treatment

If the case is not particularly neglected, dryness will help to eliminate a change in diet and the use of daily water intake. The diet should include food rich in vitamins and microelements, as well as drink a course of the vitamin complex. If you suspect the presence of a disease of various types of dermatitis, first you need to cure the root cause, and then deal with the consequences.

External signs - peeling, tightness, redness and irritation, can be corrected with cosmetics. It is necessary to use the cream 2-3 times a day. Special nourishing masks and baths will help, the action of which will not only eliminate the manifestations of xerosis, but also strengthen the nails.

Treatment of dry skin of hands at home with pharmacy products

You can carry out the procedure for getting rid of dry skin with wound-healing and emollient creams sold in a pharmacy. The composition should contain vitamin E, D-panthenol and various oils. Such products restore natural protection and start skin regeneration, heal microcracks and prevent their re-formation.

Wheat germ oil, almond oil, avocado and sea buckthorn oil are useful for preparing masks and baths, they can also be applied salt. Vitamins E and A are also available in liquid form.

Attention! Any pharmaceutical product is not only cosmetic in nature, but also medicinal. The choice should be approached carefully, taking into account the composition and age category.

Traditional recipes for treating dry skin of hands

In addition to creams and lotions, compresses and wraps should be done to prevent the progress and development of xerosis. Simple procedures can help and reduce the treatment time several times.

Oil wrap

Vegetable, flaxseed, almond or wheat germ oil must be heated in a water bath and, soaked in 2-3 layers of gauze, applied to dry areas. It is better to wear cotton gloves on top for convenience.

Sour cream compress

Mix 1 cup sour cream, egg yolk and lemon juice. Moisten gauze in the resulting mixture and apply it to the peeling area, cover with a film or bag and wrap in a towel. After 20 minutes, gently wipe off the residue with a cotton pad.

Peeling with honey

Such a tool effectively fights flaking and moisturizes at the same time. To use it, you just need to dilute the honey with water and rub it into the skin with the help of massage. After that, it is worth rinsing the brushes, wiping them off and using the cream.

Coffee peeling

To combat flaking, coffee grounds or ground coffee are useful. Dilute them with oil and massage your hands with a scrub, rinse and apply moisturizer.

Baths for the treatment of flaking and dry hands and feet

Baths are designed to soften and moisturize the skin. The composition may vary, but the actions after are the same: wipe your palms and apply cream to consolidate the effect.

Potato broth

The water in which the potatoes were boiled is extremely useful. After waiting for it to cool, it is enough to lower your hands or feet into it for 15-20 minutes.

Glycerin bath

  • add a tablespoon of glycerin and the same amount of ammonia to warm water;
  • keep brushes in the resulting mixture for no more than 15 minutes.

Celery decoction

Boil the celery root and put your hands in the cooled broth for 20 minutes.

Bran decoction

  • pour half a glass of bran or bread crusts with two liters of boiling water in a small bowl;
  • wait until the broth has cooled, and dip your hands in it for 20 minutes.

Chamomile decoction

The bath will have a soothing effect on irritations and cracks and will help them heal. For her, you need to insist a tablespoon of chamomile flowers in a liter of boiling water for 15 minutes. Brushes in this broth should be kept for 20 minutes.

Sage bath

A bath of sage infusion has a calming effect, the duration of which is 15-20 minutes. Having brewed 2 tablespoons of leaves in 400 ml of boiling water, strain through a sieve and, after cooling down, put your palms in the bath. In the same way, you can prepare a plantain elixir with similar properties.

SPA procedure

Put clove, bergamot, grapefruit, orange or basil oil in warm water, dip the brushes for a quarter of an hour. After that, use a mild scrubbing agent and apply an oil wrap.

Masks to treat and prevent dry hands

Dry skin of the hands is prone to sensitivity and allergic reactions, so shop and pharmacy ready-made masks may not be suitable for moisturizing it due to the composition. To avoid irritation due to intolerance to the components, it is worth using homemade masks, the preparation of which can be controlled.

Potato mask

Boil the potatoes until tender, crush and add 2 tablespoons of milk to the mass. Apply the mixture to your hands and leave for 20 minutes.

Mask with honey

Mix the egg yolk with 20 grams of honey and 40 mg of butter. After application, rinse with warm water for 15-20 minutes.

Aloe mask

Aloe juice is an excellent disinfectant and soothing agent. Leaving it on your hands for 15 minutes, you can significantly reduce the healing time of cracks and reduce inflammation.

Sour cream mask

Mix three tablespoons of sour cream with 20 grams of honey and apply on dried skin of hands. Wait a quarter of an hour and rinse.

Nourishing mask

Dilute a mixture of honey, oatmeal and glycerin with 2 tablespoons of boiled water (one tablespoon of each ingredient). After application, wash off after 25 minutes. This mask can be left overnight, after putting on cotton gloves.

Attention! Masks and baths eliminate only external defects and are used for prophylaxis, preventing the appearance of a serious illness. They need to be applied 1-2 times a week.

Paraffin therapy at home

Paraffin therapy consists in transferring the heat of heated wax to the skin and accelerating metabolic processes, saturating with oxygen and improving vascular tone.

Treatment wax can be purchased at a pharmacy or a specialty manicure store. Old Soviet candles will do as well.

To carry out paraffin therapy at home, you will need instructions:

  1. Melt 2 kg of wax with a water bath until liquid. At this stage, you can add a couple of drops of aromatic oil.
  2. To protect against burns, the skin should be covered with cream.
  3. Dip your hands into a container with wax, hold for 3-5 seconds and remove.
  4. Repeat immersion 5-6 times to thicken the wax layer.
  5. Once the wax dries up a bit, wear plastic gloves first, then woolen gloves to keep warm and maximize the benefits. Leave on for 30 minutes.
  6. After removing the paraffin, use a nourishing cream.

There are no restrictions on the frequency of paraffin therapy. The procedure does not have an aggressive effect and only benefits. In winter, it can be done 2 or 3 times a week and enjoy the appearance of well-groomed and velvety hands.

Attention! The frequency of carrying out does not matter, but there are a number of contraindications associated with the presence of wounds on the hands. It should be borne in mind that aromatic oils can cause allergic reactions, so it is better to test them before adding them to wax.

Paraffin therapy cannot be carried out in the presence of:

  • open wounds, scratches, cuts;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • irritation and allergic reactions.

The best creams for dry hands

The range of products designed to combat dry skin is astounding. To select a suitable product, it is worth following certain rules that greatly facilitate the choice.

First of all, you need to proceed from your own needs and characteristics, not paying attention to advertising. Having studied the condition of the skin and determined the tasks that the cream should perform, the choice will become easier and more thoughtful. It will not be superfluous to look through the reviews.

In the composition of the cream, you should look for various oils, D-panthenol, herbal extracts, water or hyaluronic acid. It is better to avoid silicones and parabens: they leave behind a sticky film, preventing the skin from breathing, and are not completely absorbed.

Attention! An illiterate product will worsen the condition of the skin and can cause serious problems.

Cracked fingers with dry skin causes and how to treat

Fissures in the fingers and palms are called breaks in the skin, which have different depths and widths. In addition to the unattractive appearance, they are painful and, without intervention, become provocateurs of infections.

Most often, the folds of the fingers are prone to cracking, since the layer of epidermis there is quite thin and very mobile. Causing noticeable discomfort, cracks limit the movement of the hand, constrain motor skills and make it difficult to perform familiar actions. In chronic manifestation, such a problem requires the abandonment of most household work.

Reasons for cracking:

  • chemical exposure;
  • lack of hand care;
  • the presence of contact dermatitis (both acute and chronic);
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • fungal infections.

In addition, dry eczema can provoke cracks: it is characterized by severe itching, soreness, the presence of crusts and large areas of peeling. Small and abundant foci of cracking speak of psoriasis, with which the skin in the affected area becomes dry and dense, similar to calluses. Cracks often appear in diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction and ichthyosis.

Even in the presence of these factors, the epidermis is not always prone to cracking. They are provoked by special risk factors. Due to the weak work of the sebaceous glands, dry skin is present in children. In middle-aged women, due to changes in hormonal levels, the epidermis becomes thin, prone to irritation.