Hair curlers: how to use them correctly to get a good result. How to properly wind hair on curlers-papillotes

Papillotes: how to use?

Papillots are the progenitors of all modern hair curlers. For curling hair, papillots were also used by our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers. Yes, yes, you heard right, it was the great-grandfathers - in the nineteenth century, when curls were especially fashionable, the representatives of the stronger sex twisted their hair on papillots. Let's take a closer look at what papillotes are and how to use them.

What are papillotes

Papillotes are small soft tubes used to curl hair. Initially, papillotes were made of paper. To fix the papillote on the hair, its edges were bent and twisted together. But such papillotes were not always able to be securely fixed, since the paper ends broke off easily, so their design was slightly modified. In improved papillotes, a strip of paper was wrapped around a woven ribbon, the ends of which were tied with a small bow. They were replaced by factory papillotes made of polyurethane or foam rubber.

Benefits of papillotes over other hair curling products

  • Papillots, unlike hair pans and hair dryers, do not burn hair, so you can use them daily;
  • Papillots, unlike perm, do not violate the structure of the hair;
  • Papillots differ from hard curlers in that they allow you to get more natural curls, without bends and kinks. In addition, the papillotes are soft, so it is quite possible to sleep with them.

How to use papillotes

  • In principle, hair of any length can be wrapped on papillotes, although the best results are obtained on long and medium length hair;
  • For a complete curling of hair, hairdressers advise purchasing (or making) two dozen papillotes, although a dozen papillots are enough to curl only the ends of the strands;
  • On papillotes, you can wind strands to the very roots or only to the middle of the hair - it all depends on what kind of hairstyle you want to get as a result of their application;
  • The papillotes should be wrapped only on freshly washed hair, the curls will not hold on dirty hair.


  1. Wash your hair and dry it. Do not wrap wet hair on papillotes - in a tightly curled state, they simply will not dry out. Some manufacturers in the instructions for papillots advise winding completely dry hair on them, but this is still not worth doing, since dry hair "remembers" its shape very poorly. The best option for curling is slightly damp hair.
  2. Thoroughly comb through damp hair, if your hair is very "unruly", apply a little styling product (mousse or gel) on it and use a comb to distribute it over the entire length of your hair.
  3. Divide your hair into several large sections, and use a hairdresser's hair clips to separate them.
  4. Then use a comb to separate the smaller strands from them and wind them on the papillotes one by one. It is more convenient to do this starting from the forehead, then you should wind the temporal and occipital strands and strands on the crown.
  5. Press the tip of each strand with your fingers to the surface of the papillote, pull the strand of hair and slowly rotate the papillote with both hands, winding the hair tightly around it to the length you need. At the same time, make sure that the tip of the strand does not break out from under the coils of hair. When the hair is wrapped around the papillote, fix it on the hair - tie the ribbon tightly with a bow or twist the flexible plastic ends together.
  6. For high-quality curling, keep the papillotes on your hair for at least four hours, but if you are going to sleep with them, put on a hairnet or tie a thin kerchief.

We tried to tell you in detail how to use papillots, but if you still have any questions, read our articles.

Papillots differ from ordinary curlers not only in appearance. They are absolutely harmless to hair, easy to attach, curl hair of any length. And most importantly, they are very soft, which makes it possible to sleep well and get up in the morning with gorgeous curls. How to use such a hairdressing accessory?

Wash your hair, blow-dry your hair or pat dry with a towel. The more moisture there is in the hair, the cooler the curls will be. We calculate the time that we are ready to spend on styling: wet long strands may not dry out overnight. And if we wind it up with dry hair, we get light waves. We start curling from the bottom. Separate the strand, comb it, apply a little styling product or sweet water. We wind the papillote tightly, from the ends to the roots of the hair, fasten the tourniquet with a knot or a bow. To prevent straight hair from interfering with work, we pin them in several places. Pay attention to the thickness of the selected papillotes: small ones will create a voluminous hairstyle, and when using large curls, they will come out large. In the case when you only need to curl the ends, wind the papillote up to the middle of the hair length.

We place the papillotes in a checkerboard pattern so that no obvious parting is visible in the finished hairstyle. We tie the head with a scarf or a special mesh, wait for it to dry.

We untwist the papillotes in the same sequence as we wound them. We do this very carefully, without tugging or pulling out the hair. The result should be bouncy, vertical curls.

We separate the curls a little with a comb with large teeth or fingers. The brush cannot be used as it will create a fluffy dandelion effect. When the curls are in proper position, we spray them with a weak hold varnish. Our goal is to get the most natural hairstyle, so we use styling sparingly.

In addition to the convenience and simple rules of use, papillots, it turns out, are also very affordable. They can be made independently from paper, fabric, foam rubber. The use of hand-made hair curlers is no different from factory counterparts. After a few sessions of curling, you will have an excellent skill, and papillotes will become an integral part of life.

Lovers of curls know that there are several ways to get them. For this purpose, you can use a curling iron or tongs, but curlers are safest. Papillotes are one of their varieties. They are familiar to many from shop windows. But ladies are in no hurry to buy papillotes, because not everyone knows how to use them.

What are they?

Before modern materials appeared, such curlers were made from paper and fabric. This method can be used even today if it is not possible to purchase ready-made hair curlers. The photo clearly demonstrates how they look. Surely every woman has seen them at least once.

Modern hair curlers are made of foam rubber or special flexible plastic. It is clear that the second option will be a little more expensive, but it will also last longer.

For reliable fixation on the hair, a wire is located inside each papillote. It allows you to twist them in different directions and bend them at any point.

In the assortment of shops you can find curlers-papillotes of different sizes. Most often they have a length of 20 to 25 cm, this is quite enough to wind both a thin and a wide strand. And the diameter varies from 8 to 15 cm, which allows you to get both lush and small curls, and light waves.

The material of the products does not deteriorate from exposure to hair styling chemicals.

What are the benefits?

  1. Doesn't harm hair. After all, papillote curlers do not require exposure to high temperatures on the hair. In addition, they do not tend to break their hair, because they do not have clamps.
  2. No special hair curling skills are required.
  3. Suitable for all hair types and lengths.
  4. They are cheap, so they are available to every woman.
  5. It is comfortable to sleep with them, since such curlers do not have solid elements.
  6. The curls are as natural as possible, because there are no sharp bends in the hair.
  7. As a rule, a curling made with the help of papillotes lasts a little longer.

How to fix on hair?

This question is of interest to everyone who is going to buy them or has already purchased them. How to properly wind papillote curlers so that the hairstyle is perfect? To do this, you will have to fulfill several conditions:

  • separate one strand of washed and dried hair of the size that is necessary;
  • wind its tip in the middle of the papillote;
  • continue twisting to the desired length, you can stop in the middle of the strand or continue to the very roots;
  • Cross the purchased papillote in the form of a pretzel, and tie the one made by yourself.

Disadvantages that can repel the use of curlers-papillotes

This item is indispensable. So what does this list include?

  1. For the first time, you will have to practice winding up. Not everyone succeeds in fixing the papillote on the strand the first time.
  2. Long enough time for styling. And it is better for them to stay on their hair for the night, then the curling will be more reliable.
  3. Not the most aesthetic look at the head with curlers rolled up. This most often does not fascinate members of the opposite sex.
  4. Homemade hair curlers fall apart after use. They will need to be reassembled before the next use, and some will even be redone. In addition, they are very limited in diameter.
  5. If you buy foam rubber papillots, then the wire from them very soon begins to crawl out. This is annoying. In addition, it causes a lot of inconvenience. The ends of the wire scratch your head. And when unwinding, hair clings to them.

How to get natural waves with their help?

This hairstyle is perfect for creating a romantic look. And it can be used for everyday use. How to wind papillote curlers in order to achieve such an effect?

First, the hair must be dry and clean. Secondly, it is not recommended to use a styling product. It will strengthen the result, and natural waves will not come out on the hair.

Thirdly, leave the papillotes on the head for a time that should not exceed two hours. Otherwise, the hair will curl more than necessary for this effect.

Fourthly, you need to remove the curlers by gently unwinding them.

How to make graceful curls with the help of papillotes?

This technique is required to style the hair for the holiday. Any solemn occasion is an occasion to learn how to wind hair on curlers-papillotes with the most long-lasting effect.

The first thing to do is to moisturize your hair or just not completely dry it. Then you need to treat them with styling foam.

The second condition is to leave the curlers for as long as possible. The best solution would be to go to bed with them.

The third requirement is that the curls should not be combed. To separate them, you need only spread fingers.

The fourth step is to use hairspray. They will need to spray the finished styling.

Small papillotes will produce fine curls. In addition, the hairstyle with them will turn out to be very lush.

You can twist curlers-papillotes to the very roots or stop in the middle of the strands. The curling effect will vary. You can experiment depending on what effect you want to achieve.

Curling should start from the bottom of the hair. For this, it is better to secure the upper ones with a comfortable hair clip on the crown.

Female representatives love to experiment with their image. Sometimes, these are colossal and daring changes, and sometimes, a new styling is enough. The look of girls can be easily transformed thanks to all kinds of curls. If you know how to wind your hair on papillotes, then you don't even need to go to the salon for this, but create charming curls at home.


What are papillotes

Papillots are such curlers that look like foam rubber tubes with an elastic wire inside. They come in a wide variety of sizes, volumes and lengths. They are easy to use.

In addition to this plus, papillotes have some more advantages:

  • availability due to an affordable price;
  • reliability of fixation on the head;
  • thanks to the soft foam rubber, they are comfortable to wear on the head, and they do not cause discomfort even during sleep;
  • unlike other methods of curling, such curlers do not harm the hair;
  • it does not take a lot of time to create a hairstyle, it is enough to wind the curlers and go to bed, and in the morning get a ready-made amazing hairstyle;
  • papillotes are considered optional ready-made curlers bought in a store; they can be created from any available means, for example, fabric or newspapers. As a result, the curls are no worse, and using them is no more difficult than the usual ones.

Curls wrapped on regular papillotes

It is necessary to twist the curlers on clean strands, therefore, before creating curls, you need to wash and dry your hair. This can be done naturally or with a hair dryer or towel.

On dry hair, steep curls are not obtained, but only light waves are formed. The more moisture on them, the better the curls will be taken.

Therefore, you should calculate the time for curling, because too long wet strands will not have time to dry overnight.

Based on the number of papillotes in the package, it is necessary to determine the thickness of the strand so that they are all the same. The curlers are rolled up, starting from the ends of the strands... To do this, you need to moisten them with styling product and gently twist them to the very roots.

The free edges of the papillote should be tightly bent inward or twisted in a knot, which will allow it to stick well to the hair.

If you take thin curlers, you get a lot of small curls. The larger the volume of the curler, the larger the curls will be.

So that after removing the curlers, the hair on the crown lies beautifully, when winding the tools, it is necessary stagger... You should not adhere to a certain parting. To make it more comfortable to feel with papillots, a special net or a regular scarf is put on the head.

After the required time, when the hair is completely dry, the curlers are removed in the same order, as well as screwed up. After removing the curling tools, you should get elastic vertical curls, as in the photo.

It is not worth separating the curls with an ordinary comb - the hair will acquire an untidy fluffiness. You need to do this either with your fingers or with a comb which has very large teeth.

After styling the curls in the way you want, the hairstyle must be sprinkled with hairspray with strong hold. You need to use it in moderation so that the hairstyle looks as natural as possible.

Curls on homemade papillotes

The advantage of homemade papillotes is that every time you twist strands on them, you will get new, unusual curls. The hair curling technique will determine their appearance.

So, how to use papillotes from improvised means?

To begin with, you should prepare identical scraps of fabric of such length so that you can twist curls on them from beginning to end, and there is room for tying the edge into a knot or bow. If there is no fabric, you can take tubes of the same length, twisted from newspapers.

Washed and dried hair is divided into identical strands, and you need to divide them horizontally.

You need to twist curls on a piece of fabric from below... To prevent the tip of the hair from gagging, it must be secured by folding the fabric in half, and then curling the curls.

The advantage of such papillotes is that they are very convenient to use and do not injure the structure of the strands. To get beautiful voluminous strands not from the hair roots, the papillots need to be twisted to mid-length... This will allow you to create a natural hairstyle that will not at all look like a perm with finished products.

So that the hair does not get tangled and does not fall out of the twisted strands during sleep, you need to put on a special spiderweb mesh.

In the morning, you need to gently unravel the strands without tangling your hair and separate the resulting curls with a fine comb. Fix with varnish. So the curls will last a long time and look very impressive.

Papillots have been used to create a beautiful and lush hairstyle since ancient times. The ladies of the court made paper or cloth filaments, onto which the hair was subsequently wound. It is not so easy to style with papillotes, because it requires hair preparation and knowledge of nuances.

What are papillotes?

Papillotes are a kind of curlers made of soft elastic material. Previously, these accessories were made from paper, fabric and other available materials. The definition of "papillote" comes from the French language. The original meaning of the word is "a paper tube that you put on something."

Photos of similar accessories look different. Soft curlers are produced in several versions, which differ from each other mainly in material.


The main types of papillotes:

  • paper;
  • fabric;
  • plastic (made of foamed plastic);
  • with Velcro.

Types of curlers: 1. Velcro, 2. Hot rollers 3. For vertical curls, 4. Paralon curlers

The first two options can be really made at home from improvised means, but the others can only be bought in a store. Paper and fabric curlers are not durable, that is, they are enough for only 2-3 applications. Plastic straws and Velcro accessories are more stable, comfortable and functional. With their help, it is easier to get curls of different sizes. Such curlers are also made of foam rubber (the material does not differ in characteristics from foamed plastic). Store accessories may vary in color and size.

Features of use

The scheme of using papillotes of the boomerang type

Benefits of using papillotes:

  1. Soft material. You can sleep with the tubules, they do not interfere or press on the scalp. Elastic and pleasant material is their main advantage.
  2. Natural effect. Soft accessories help the fair sex to acquire natural curls. This hairstyle will not look pretentious, which will allow you to wear it every day. With the help of the straws, you can make a fashionable beach style that creates the effect of disheveled hair by the sea breeze.
  3. Security. Papillots do not injure the hair, unlike any thermal wave. The hair will not deteriorate, even if a woman does her styling every day with the help of curlers.

They have only one significant drawback - time costs. A woman will have to walk with curlers on her head for four hours (possibly more).

How to wind the papillotes?

How to use papillotes correctly? Top tip: prepare your hair well. Regardless of the desired effect and the length of the hair, the hair must be moistened and covered with a fixative before styling. You can use regular mousse for extra volume and a fixing spray. The tool must be checked: the duration of wearing the resulting curls will depend on its durability.

For short hair

The technology of curling the curler itself is completely uncomplicated. If you have short hair, then you will need no more than 10 small papillotes.

Thin curlers help create expressive curls, while thick curlers help create natural curls. When choosing accessories, it is important to be based on the desired result.

A step-by-step guide to styling:

  1. Prepare and divide all hair into three sections. Each piece needs to be re-divided into several smaller strands. The complex process justifies itself by creating more pronounced curls.
  2. You should take one strand and twist it on a papillote. You need to twist from the middle (grabbing the tips) to the base. The straightened tube must be placed perpendicular to the strand of hair (closer to the ends).
  3. It takes 3-4 hours to keep soft tubes on short hair. After that, apply varnish, and only then remove the curlers. You need to unwind accessories carefully so as not to spoil the curls.

Hair that is too wet should not be rolled up. They should be slightly damp for the effect to be durable and beautiful. If the strands are wet, then the curls will not work at all.

Long hair

Long hair allows you to create any hairstyle. In order not to get too hung up on styling, you must first apply mousse to the hair roots for volume. This will help to make not only beautiful, but also lush curls.

Instructions for creating styling:

  1. Long hair will also need to be divided into sections. If the hair is thick, then it is better to take large tubes.
  2. You can create a slight curl just at the tip of the strand. To do this, twist the curlers, starting from the middle of the strand.
  3. You need to wear straw accessories for 5-7 hours.

After removing the curlers, the strands need to be gently combed in order for the hairstyle to look natural and soft.

How to curl beautiful curls?

A beautiful curl will require three basic rules:

  1. You need to curl your hair with curlers before going to bed. The longer the tubes are on the hair, the more durable and beautiful the hairstyle will turn out.
  2. It is impossible to deviate from the basic technology of using tubes. First, the curlers are applied to the lock, then the ends are screwed onto it. Only after that you need to twist the tube up to the roots.
  3. The tubules should be carefully removed, starting from the base and moving to the ends of the hair. This is the only way to get a beautiful curl.

It is not difficult to wind your hair at home, the most important thing is not to take too large a lock. This is another important condition for home curling.

For large, expressive curls

In order to get voluminous and expressive curls, you need to take large or medium-sized curlers. They should not be very thick, since the severity of the curls depends on the thickness of the papillotes.

All hair will need to be divided into 7-10 sections, depending on the length and thickness of the hair. After that, you should curl each strand and immediately varnish it. You do not need to take means of strong fixation, so as not to glue and weight the curls.

How to make do-it-yourself papillote curlers?

Methods for making homemade papillotes:

  1. You will need to take a fabric, linen is best. Several strips should be cut from a piece of cloth (20 cm long and 3 cm wide). After that, you need to take the resulting flap and twist it into a tight flagellum.
  2. Thick paper can be used instead of fabric. From paper, you should also twist the flagellum until it becomes dense. You need to wind your hair on paper papillotes, and then fix them with hairpins.

Soft fabric curlers tied at the ends. Therefore, the ends of the tissue flagella should not be too tight.

With these tips, you can get beautiful strands at home. Any woman can create the effect of Hollywood or natural curls using papillotes.