What to say when proposing to a girl. A marriage proposal to a beloved girl - in prose

In the article you will find variants of words and phrases in order to make a marriage proposal to your beloved woman.

What to say when proposing to a girl to marry: 25 best options, best words, speech

The proposal "hand and heart" is the most pleasant and best that a girl can hear in her direction. But at the moment of excitement and awareness of all responsibility, a man can “lose words”, get confused in thoughts and convey to his beloved something that he didn’t want. Therefore, it is important to carefully prepare in advance for the proposal, having thought through all the words, compliments and the smallest subtleties of the event.

To help men and young guys, there can be “blanks of words” and “templates of phrases”, a kind of “ready-made marriage proposals” that women of any age, status, at any stage of a serious relationship must definitely like. The main thing is to find exactly the option that suits you.

TIP: Re-read all templates carefully, choosing a few “best” ones. After that, be sure to rehearse them, saying aloud to yourself or your friend (to get his opinion). Of the options offered, you should dwell on only one that most of all breaks you into sensuality.

What to say to propose to a girl to marry:

  1. Expensive! I look at us and see a strong, trusting, good relationship between a man and a woman. I see love and understanding. I hope that something more, beautiful, eternal can grow out of this relationship. I'm talking about family. Throw away all unnecessary thoughts, doubts and tell me honestly, do you agree to marry me? I promise to protect you, protect you, give only goodness and always serve as a support for you in life.
  2. Darling! I finally understood what I want. I want to say "thank you" for all your affection, love and tenderness that you give me every day. For all this I promise to reward you with my attention, respect, devotion. Tell me, darling, can you believe in my words and will you decide to link your life with me? Will you marry me?
  3. Darling! Today I want to celebrate your beauty. You are beautiful as always, but today I see the most magical features in you. You are a real goddess from a fairy tale. I dare to ask you today, how do you look at linking our lives and going further together, hand in hand? Don't you want to marry me?
  4. (Girl's name)! Our relationship with you has already been tested by time, by many actions and people. I believe that you and I are an ideal couple, and therefore we can exist as a family. Please imagine if this is possible in your opinion? I love you very much and invite us to get married!
  5. My girl! How many pleasant and tender feelings you evoke in me! I look at you and notice how all the kindest and best traits that can be found in a woman have been embodied in you. How I want to admire you for many more years in a row, for myself to distinguish you from the crowd of other people. You are special to me and I want to offer you “my hand and heart”. Do you agree?
  6. Expensive! How I value our relationship! Thank you for everything that you do for me and for what you are ready for me. I really want to please you and know that you are only mine. Therefore, I want to offer you a marriage. Do not rush to answer, weigh the pros and cons before answering. I love you incredibly and if you agree to me, I promise to meet all your expectations!
  7. Darling! You are a beautiful woman, a wonderful hostess and the kindest person in the world! You know, I think you are perfect and I want to make you the most important proposal in my life - to marry me. I don’t know yet whether you agree or not, but I can promise you in advance to be a devoted, loving and truthful husband who, out of happiness, carries his beloved in his arms and “turns mountains for her sake”.
  8. My bunny! You are a ray of light in a dark kingdom. You are the hope where not a drop of faith remains. I love you because in any situation you find a positive side and the right decision. I dare to invite you to tie our lives in marriage, because I am terribly afraid of losing you. I want to see you every day in my house, wake up in the same bed with you and share all the sorrows with joy. Do you agree?
  9. My beloved woman! I have a little gift for you. Here, look at this little burgundy box. You probably already guessed what is inside. Tell me, darling, are you glad to receive this particular gift from me? This little ring contains all my love and gratitude to you. It is a symbol of my great love and an offer to marry me.
  10. Darling! You are very beautiful, even if you don’t think so yourself, believe me, I see your beautiful features and my heart rejoices. It's so good that we once met and this tender, warm feeling arose between us. Darling, I want to ask you just one question that will decide the fate of our relationship with you. Do you agree to marry me?
  11. My precious! Like the purest diamond for me, your presence in life. Thank you for shining rainbow light on my every day. What can I give you in return? Love, respect, friendship? No! I want to please you with something great! So, honey, I intend to ask you if you agree to marry me?
  12. My treasure! Having met you once, I no longer wanted to part with you. This desire does not leave me to this day, because all the best female and human traits have come together in you, as if in a kaleidoscope. Darling, I want to justify all your hopes and give you a wonderful life, so think about it and answer me the most important question: will you marry me?
  13. (Girl's name)! Now it is a little difficult for me to speak, but still, I want to tell you important things. You and I have been together for many years and we should change something in the status of our relationship. You make me madly happy as a girl, but I want more! I want to see you every day in my house, share with you a table, a bed, a roof, my joys, my sadness, my loneliness. I try to imagine myself living without you and I just can't. Darling, be so kind and after thinking a little, tell me: will you agree to marry me?
  14. My girl! Let's take a look back at the years we lived together and notice how colorful and happy they were. You know, it seems to me that you and I are the perfect combination and a great couple. How long do you think we can maintain this warm relationship with you? I'm sure forever! I have so much love for you that it inspires me to be faithful, faithful, happy. I am afraid of losing this "thread" and therefore I can offer you only one thing - to get married. You agree?
  15. Sun! For me, you are bright colors, warm light, sweet treats, pleasant music, good memories. You are the best thing that could happen to me in this life. How joyful it becomes to me when I look at you, when I listen to you, when I think of you. It is difficult to imagine a life in which you would not be next to me. I want to thank you so much and give you this little souvenir as a token of gratitude. Open the box and say, looking at this little ring, do you agree to put it on your finger and tell me "yes"?
  16. My tender! You are the most feminine, affectionate and sweetest creature on earth! I would like to know that there are still many fabulous days ahead of us, filled with love and passion. Together you and I are very fun, easy and interesting. Tell me, my sun, do you want to associate with me more than one day? I am ready to step on the next stage of the relationship and find a wife in your face. Do you agree to marry me?
  17. My beloved! You are very beautiful, you charge me with positive emotions and give me joy every day, every day. Thank you for your support, female attention and the storm of feelings that I live with you. I have one small proposal and I hope you will approve of it. Just say yes or no to me ... Do you agree to marry me?
  18. My affectionate! I just can't imagine another person next to me. That is why I am increasingly thinking about how to somehow transform our relationship, making it better, warmer. I want a family and children. These are my most cherished desires. Will you help me find this happiness, because I see only you as my wife?
  19. Dear (girl's name)! You are special. You are wonderful. You are beautiful. Until now, I have not met anyone like you. Among many people, I single out you, because the qualities that you possess bribe me as a man, fascinate me, fall in love with me. I feel happy next to you! That is why I want to ask: how do you feel about me? Do you love me as I love you and do you agree to marry me?
  20. Kitten! I look into your kind eyes and am moved. Thank you for the affection you give me. In return, I try to give you attention, compliments, gifts. But all this is not enough. Therefore, accept my life and faithfulness as a gift. I suggest that you marry me so that you can spend many fabulous family days together with our children, do you agree?
  21. My dear creation! You are more valuable than money, gold and precious stones! You are the most precious thing in the world for me! I am extremely glad that you and I met and struck up such a sincere relationship. Let's imagine our life in the future: a cozy home, small children and a lot of joyful events. Do you like this fairy tale? I'll tell you a secret that this is my dream! Will you agree to marry me?
  22. Darling! God only knows how much I love you. Not the sweetest candy in the world, not the brightest star in the sky, not the most expensive diamond in the Universe, will not be able to convey my feelings! Do you agree to accept my love and share it with me? I want to offer you my "hand and heart". Will you accept?
  23. My beauty! Thank you for paying attention to me one day and agreeing to go on a date with me. Since that special day, I have become the happiest person in the world. Now I want to make you happy and I am making you a special offer - an offer to tie the knot. I promise to give positive to you every day, do you agree?
  24. Little hare! Smile one more time. I love your smile so much. She inspires me and gives me joy. Thank you for confidently considering me your boyfriend, your loved one. For me, you are more than a human being. You are my reason for living. Today I want to confess to you what I think about our relationship. I want a family! And you?
  25. (Girl's name)! Let's get married?! I understand that you are confused by my words, but I love you so much that I can no longer hide it or keep my feelings a secret. God, how much you mean to me! Therefore, do not hesitate with the answer and boldly tell me: "yes" or "no"?
How to make a marriage proposal?

How to write a girl - marry me: words

In some cases, huge speeches can be replaced with just a few words, the most significant and effective. What exactly should be written (whether it be an inscription on the pavement or words in a letter), it is important to choose those words that will reach the very heart.

Options for labels:

  • Marry me!
  • Be my wife!
  • I love you! Will you marry me?
  • Say me Yes!
  • Will you marry me?
  • Will you be my wife?
  • Let's have a wedding?
  • Be my bride!
  • Will you agree to marry me?
  • I love you! Please marry me!
  • Merry Me!
  • Say me YES!
  • Let's be a family?

Options for letters:

  • Understand my excitement and accept my feelings. Love you so much. Marry me, I beg you!
  • I am lost in words and cannot find the courage in myself. I want to make you a marriage proposal. Will you accept?
  • I suggest you get married! It's that simple and fast! Agree!
  • I finally found the courage to say: MARRY ME!
  • I have a proposal for you. Promise you will accept? Marry me!
  • I expect only a positive response from you. Say: will you marry me or not?
  • Sorry I can't put it into words. I'm afraid of getting rejected. But if you agree, I will turn the world around for you. Do you agree to be my wife?
  • Darling! I am writing to you with a simple but important question. It is very exciting and scary. Will you agree to marry me?
  • Don't say NO! I will not survive! I want to propose you a wedding. Do you agree to become my bride ?!
  • Be mine forever! I want to marry you!
  • Give me your answer: will you marry me or not?
  • I love you more than life! All my thoughts are about you. I will only ask you one thing: will you become my wife?

Video: "Crazy options, how to propose to a girl?"


What words do they say when they propose to a girl?

    When proposing to a girl, men say different words. Someone immediately hints at marriage, while someone comes in from afar. For example like this:

    • you are the best;
    • you are the most beautiful;
    • I like you;
    • I'm in love with you;
    • I can't live without you;
    • I need you like air;
    • marry me;
    • be my wife.

    All these phrases or a few of them always sound at the moment when they make an offer. And without this you can’t.

    It seems to me that now many young people make a very thoughtful proposal and there are very creative options for such a presentation.

    And the words can be different, they often say that they want to live in joy and sorrow together with their beloved until they have gray hair and make up in one day.

    They can say about love and that they cannot imagine their life without their beloved and suggest that she marry him.

    Usually, a person who really loves is very worried at the moment when he offers his hand and heart.

    And the most important thing is that his words are sincere and come from the very heart. Then the proposal will be accepted.

    My husband told me after a month of our acquaintance that he is my prince really without a horse. Marry me. I said there is no money to build! In the end, after 7 years of marriage, I had to marry him so that the child does not rewrite. Apparently fate! We live until so far for 27 years

    Nothing like this. In fact, when a girl is proposed to, in fact, she is ready for it. Because it was she who all these (years) (months), at least days, brought you to this. Because be courageous, admit that as one of the heroes of the movie DMB said, you do not choose the oath, but the oath chooses you. For a variety of reasons that women think that only they understand. In general, the phrase My love, take your passport for our date near the registry office tomorrow. Don't ask why . This phrase is a million times more effective than an offer to go to the amusement park again. I say it exactly, based on experience.

    You can say something in different ways, the main thing is that the words come from the heart. Here's how to say when proposing:

    1) I want to spend my whole life only with you, marry me;

    2) Let's get married, I realized that I only need you;

    3) Let's make all decisions together, cope with difficulties and rejoice in general happiness, marry me;

    4) I want to make the most beautiful girl / woman the happiest, be my wife;

    5) Darling, come on now, from now on, we will always be together.

    Of course, this is usually a deliberate act - a marriage proposal. And that is very often given to a man with great difficulty)))

    But in books and novels this happens more often spontaneously - as a manifestation of the greatest and highest love. And there are many beautiful words.

    Of course, there is no need to quote other people's poems. It is better to tell the girl something sincere, to tell about your feelings, albeit in a brief form, believe me, she will remember this for the rest of her life - You have become special for me. I want to see you next to me every day .... I want you to become my wife ....

    The usual words, marry me, the most sincere and not pompous.

    Usually, at the moment when it comes time to propose, the guy and the girl understand each other even without words. The couple has special phrases, words that are understandable only to them. They call each other in a special way.

    When proposing, the following phrases are often spoken / used:

    • We are connected with you by the same destiny;
    • I cannot find happiness without you;
    • I want to live with you the rest of my life;
    • You are my half;
    • Etc.
  • In my opinion, any options will do, you can think of others. In my opinion, in this case, the main thing is to feel that the girl has matured and is ready to reciprocate. Believe me, in this case, the right words will be found by themselves.

    The classic of the genre is “Will you marry me?”. Or you can say not with a question, but with the statement Be my wife! or paraphrase in the question Will you become my wife?

    And do not forget to say that you love her and cannot live without her!

    At the same time, get down on one knee, take her hand, after opening the box with the ring for the proposal. Before that, you can give a bouquet.

    But this is all standard, if you want, you can add something of your own, present the proposal in an original way.

    My current husband said, “okay, if you want, then come on”. That is, in fact, I made an offer to officially register the relationship. And, I must say, exclusively from a practical point of view, so as not to bother with the distribution of property. Real estate, general business, even inheritance issues - everything is much easier if there is a prenuptial agreement. Both of us will not attach any importance to the stamp in the passport. And I think for any couple it does not matter which words will sound if both of them want to spend their whole lives together.

    Probably the most pleasant thing is when it is done in a fit of the heart, that is, the feelings themselves, strong emotions. Sincere feelings cannot be replaced by anything.

    They say the words that your heart prompts, and it is the main advisor. And then the brain turns on, God forbid, it’s not too late. Emotions usually take precedence over consciousness.


How beautiful and original to propose to your girlfriend to marry: ideas, phrases, words, speech

A marriage proposal is an important step for which you need to properly prepare. How to propose in marriage and where - read in this article.

A marriage proposal is one of the brightest moments in a woman's life, which she will remember for the rest of her life and will tell her friends and colleagues with rapture and tenderness.

It is important that this moment was truly intriguing, filled with your feelings for the chosen one and showed that you are exactly the man who deserves her hand and heart. We will talk about how to make an offer correctly in this article.

How to make an original marriage proposal to your girlfriend: useful tips

Modern women, although they have become completely independent iron ladies who build their careers, drive cars and carry iron in the gym, still remain romantic natures who expect something touching from you, a man. And if you made an offer to your beloved, including all the imagination and originality, and heard a modest agreement without tears of joy in your eyes, your proposal failed miserably.

If your beloved was not moved to tears by your revelation, then the confession was unsuccessful.

First of all, you need to find out if your half is ready for such a decisive step or in her immediate plans there are no thoughts about a wedding.

Perhaps she is one of those who want to first build a career or graduate, and only then create a family hearth. Having carefully probed the soil, you will understand whether now is the right moment to make an offer or whether it is necessary to postpone it indefinitely.

If the relationship has reached such a climax as a marriage proposal, then you probably know about the preferences of your chosen one and she at least once, at least in passing, mentioned what this moment should be like. If your loved one shared her dreams and desires, then you must definitely make them come true.

How to properly prepare for a marriage proposal?

Long gone are the days when one could simply propose to become a wife and solemnly hand over the coveted ring. Today's young ladies consider it a fetish to be extraordinary in everything and be different from others - give your beloved a magical moment of a fairy tale, which she will never forget.

It is necessary to make an offer so that the woman will remember it forever.

In order for the marriage proposal to be original and touch your beloved, you will have to sweat a lot:

  1. Choose a good date - it must be a significant day, for example, her birthday, Valentine's Day, any date that is important for the two of you
  2. Prepare the required attributes - ring, champagne, flowers
  3. Make an action plan - plan where, when and under what circumstances you will propose
  4. Get support - your lover's mom or best friend can help you with the preparation and organization

Do not forget that the place where you say the words cherished for your woman will be incredibly important. If you do not have iconic places that have a meaning that is understandable only for you and your beloved, then you can choose just a beautiful place that will have a romantic mood.

It is very important to find the right place for the marriage proposal.

If the budget of your plan is unlimited, then you can make an offer on the seashore, but even in a cozy home atmosphere, a marriage proposal can be made unforgettable.

What not to do when proposing to get married?

As already mentioned, a marriage proposal for a woman is an incredibly important event, and if you make a fatal mistake at this moment, it may even become a reason for refusal. When you ask for your hand and heart, you can't:

  • by the way to say: "Marry me"
  • during such important words to be distracted, chew, talk to someone in parallel - there is only the two of you in the entire Universe and there is nothing more important than the words you are going to say
  • make an offer over the phone, via SMS - only with the evil eye on the eye, lovingly looking into the eyes and tremblingly squeezing her hands in his
  • being drunk is an exciting moment, but throwing a couple of glasses for courage is absolutely unacceptable. So you show your disrespect for your beloved.
  • make an offer in bed - a marriage proposal happens once in a lifetime (at least with you), so let your beloved be beautiful at this moment, and not disheveled and sleepy
  • hiding the ring in food - perhaps in the movies it looks beautiful and extremely romantic, but in real life a ring hidden in a dessert can be a reason for a visit to the dentist. Besides, it's corny and not impressive at all.

Don't hide the ring in food

Often times, men make the mistake of proposing in the wrong place. For example, it is completely wrong to propose in the house of a beloved, accompanied by her family. You can embarrass her, so it is better to say such important words in private.

If your woman does not like everyone's attention, then you should not make an offer in a crowded place where all eyes will be on her, for example, on stage during a concert or performance.

When making an offer in a crowded place, evaluate what will be the reaction of the chosen one.

In the event that the girl did not respond with a quick agreement, but said that she would think about the proposal, you should not get upset and make claims, make a scandal and break the dishes. This decision is very important and the fact that a woman wants to think it over does not mean that she doubts you.

How beautiful to make an offer in spring: words, phrases

Spring is the time of love, a time when pheromones are in the air and hearts are filled with romance. It is very good to make an offer in a favorable spring time. If your beloved loves animals, then she will be impressed by the offer in the dolphinarium.

Propose marriage at the dolphinarium

Agree in advance with the dolphinarium staff on the account of the fact that you are going to propose to your beloved woman. Do not tell her anything about the upcoming, you can only mention that you have prepared a surprise. Arriving at the dolphinarium, the girl will think that this is a surprise and will happily indulge in fun with smart mammals.

At a convenient moment, when the girl comes out of the water, and you stand nearby, the dolphin will bring a box with a ring. When she takes it in bewilderment, then you will be presented with a bouquet of flowers (this should be agreed in advance). With flowers in your hands, make your favorite proposal:

“Sunny, today is a special day and I have prepared for you something more than a trip to the dolphinarium. Today I want to offer you my heart, which will love you selflessly, and a hand that will become a support in the life through which we will go together, hand in hand. If you agree to become my wife, then take this ring. "

Speak words coming from the soul - the beloved will appreciate them

“Life is impossible without love, but only mutual feelings give strength to move forward. The meeting with you was not accidental - you are exactly the woman with whom I want to share everything. I love you and I ask you to become my wife. "

How beautiful it is to propose to get married in the summer: words, phrases

Summer is a time of vacations and a fabulous vacation, and it would be foolish not to take advantage of such a good opportunity to propose to your beloved. If you are planning a joint trip to the sea, then it is there, on the shore during sunset, that you can make the most memorable and romantic act.

Offer by the sea

Invite your loved one to swim in the sea at sunset. At the same time, prepare everything you need in advance:

  • ring
  • champagne
  • glasses
  • flowers

Prepare in advance the place where everything will happen: spread a blanket on the sand, scatter rose petals everywhere (even if the weather is a little windy, this will only enhance the effect). When you and your soul mate arrive at the scene, you must immediately fill your glasses and only then say the words prepared in advance:

“This sea is boundless - you cannot see its shores, it stretches far beyond the horizon. My love for you is also boundless. You lit up my life like sunshine and made me happy. I realized that without you I am nobody, to be myself I need you next to me, forever. Darling, will you become my wife? "

“Life before you was a gray fragment in which there was nothing. With your appearance, I was born again, felt all the joy of life, found happiness. You are my half, a part of me, without which I am incomplete. This ring is endless, just like my love. Will you accept this symbol of boundless feelings that will bind us together for the rest of our lives? "

Saturate the beach with rose petals to create a romantic mood

How beautiful to make an offer in winter: words, phrases

There is something fabulous in winter and it would be a sin not to take advantage of it. In winter, you can make an original marriage proposal that your soul mate will not be able to forget.

Every girl believes in a fairy tale, even somewhere deeply deep in her soul. A great idea to make an offer would be the idea to come to the window of your beloved ... on horseback. You can make an offer in this form in a public place, but then you cannot do without the help of outsiders who will lead her to the right place at the right time.

Fabulous marriage proposal

Order live music. Not necessarily an ensemble of violinists and a choir, but romantic accompaniment should be present. Let the violinist play a gentle melody, and at this moment you will drive up to the window of your beloved on a beautiful noble horse with a huge bouquet of red roses.

When the beloved comes closer, then the horse can be left alone - he played his role - then it is very important to say the main words. Here are some examples:

“Darling, with your appearance my life has changed dramatically. It made sense, every morning I wake up with the thought that I am the happiest man in the world, because you are with me. Today I want to give you a fairy tale that together we will compose and build throughout our lives. A life that we will spend together. Darling, do you agree to become my wife? "

Remember to get down on one knee

“Today is the most exciting day of my life. It depends on your decision whether I will become the happiest or the most unhappy in the world, because life is impossible without you. You are my air, without which I simply cannot exist. Please become my wife. "

“When I met you, I thought that it is simply impossible to love with such force. Every day I fall in love with you more and more and if you decide to leave me, like a madman I will not be able to find peace until the end of my days. You are my treasure, the most valuable thing that can be, dearer than life itself. Will you become my wife? "

Of course, such words must be spoken while kneeling in front of your beloved and holding a ring in your hands.

How beautiful to make an offer in the fall: words, phrases

In the fall, you can make an offer using fallen leaves. Decorate the clearing in advance and lay out the words "Marry me" from the leaves. After that, invite the girl for a walk and lead her to the decorated meadow. When the girl notices the words, it is necessary to say what is in your soul:

“I want to make you the happiest girl in the world and make your dreams come true. To do this, you must be near in grief and joy, illness and health. I promise that I will love you as much as I do today and carry my feelings through the years. Do you agree to become my wife? "

If you are on vacation, then sand is suitable instead of leaves, with which you can put words

“Darling, I thought for a long time what is the meaning of life and realized that my meaning is you. You are exactly the one with whom I want to go through my whole life hand in hand. Be my wife."

In fact, it is not at all necessary to memorize the proposed phrases. Speak from the bottom of your heart, express your feelings and the girl will definitely appreciate it. And it doesn't matter how much money you spend to make a beautiful proposal - even at home on the couch it will be unforgettable if you put your soul into words and actions.

the proposal may be the most ordinary - the main thing is that it is sincere

How beautiful it is to propose at home with your beloved: words, phrases

If appropriate, the proposal can be made at home. The option to do this in front of parents and other relatives smacks of the Middle Ages - if you still want to solemnly ask for the hands of the girl's parents, then before that you must make an offer to her personally and in private. Only after her consent can one go to "woo" the bride.

If you live with a girl together, be sure to arrange a romantic dinner in order to make a beautiful marriage proposal. To do this, decorate the room with rose petals, flowers, hearts, light candles, turn on slow lyric music.

Organize a romantic dinner

Dinner does not have to be prepared with your own hands - you can order food or pre-purchase. As a last resort, you can get by with fruit, candy and a bottle of champagne. It is unlikely that after the offer is made, the girl will wake up a brutal appetite and she, most likely, will not appreciate your culinary abilities.

When the girl recovers a little from the unexpected surprise in the form of dinner, proceed to the main thing. Pour champagne into glasses and kneel down with the ring. Tell her about your feelings and desire to be together:

“You are a dream come true, this is how I imagine the ideal girl. You know how to love, you know how to forgive, you can create comfort and take care of loved ones. I think you will become a great wife and mother, loving and reliable. Will you become my life companion? "

You can make an offer during a toast - it will be original and unexpected

After the girl gives her consent, you can take the marriage license from her parents. It is not at all necessary to do this, but if you know that the mother and father of the girl are disposed towards you and they will be pleased with such a gesture, then why not.

Choose the right moment and invite your beloved's parents to visit or visit them yourself (only when it is convenient). During dinner, raise a toast:

“Today I would like to express my gratitude to you for such a daughter - she is the embodiment of kindness, beauty and tenderness. Only wise and caring parents could raise and educate such a girl. It was difficult not to fall in love with her and I could not resist her charms. Moreover, I cannot imagine my life without your daughter and I want her to become my wife. "

How beautiful it is to propose in a public place, in a restaurant: words

If your companion is not afraid of everyone's attention, then you can make an offer in a public place. You should not choose such places as the subway, market, supermarket and other impartial gatherings of people. The effect of the proposal in them will be blurred by people pushing and hurrying about their business and noise.

Public offer

It is better to choose a restaurant or cafe for such an important event. It would be nice if this place was iconic for you - for example, if you met there or like to visit often. Agree in advance with the administrator that you want to propose to the girl and ask for help.

Remember to prepare well:

  • order a musician to play the violin or accordion
  • buy a bouquet of flowers that you will give to your beloved and let the waiter bring it into the hall at the right time
  • order the girl's favorite dishes and champagne
  • ask for candles to be lit on the table (if appropriate)
  • take care of the table decorations

Marriage proposal in a cafe

When the waiter brings a bouquet of flowers and fills the glasses, and the musician plays touching quiet music, you can say the main words:

“Today I invited you for a reason. I want to tell you, probably, the most important words in my life. I want to tell you how dear you are to me and how important you are in my life. I cannot understand my existence without your eyes and a gentle smile. Darling, you are everything to me and I want to see you next to me as my wife. Will you marry me?"

After that, get down on one knee and offer the girl a wedding ring.

A romantic mood can be created anywhere, because between people in love it exists even in everyday life.

There are many ways to propose to your girlfriend. This can be done anywhere and in any form, the main thing is to do it from the heart and be completely sure that in front of you is exactly the woman you need.

It is not at all necessary to go on a trip to Paris in order to create the desired romantic atmosphere - it is enough to put all your feelings into words. Sometimes a simple but sincere marriage proposal is much more effective than a whole theatrical action.

Video: How to propose to a girl?


❶ How to make an offer correctly


If your relationship has lasted long enough, the girl probably thinks about living with you from time to time. Try to discuss with her future family life - tell us how you imagine her and ask what the girl expects of her. Agree that you both want to live together.

Try to make the very proposal to marry memorable - ask the girl's hand when she does not expect it, so that your proposal will come as a surprise to her. In order to make the proposal more romantic, you can give the girl an engagement ring as a sign of the seriousness of your intentions, having previously found out her jewelry preferences and finding out what size of rings she wears. Try to choose an unusual place in order to invite the girl to marry you - for example, you can invite her for a walk where you met or where you like to be together.

If you have a good relationship with the girl's parents, ask them for her hand - this traditional method of engagement will be pleasant for both the girl and her parents, who will undoubtedly have respect for you. In addition, you can kneel on one knee, asking for the girl's hand - this romantic gesture will be remembered for a long time.

Bring ingenuity and originality to your proposal. In addition, the girl will be pleased if you justify your desire to marry her - tell me what she means to you, and what it means to you - to start a family, and why you would like to spend your whole life with her. Make this moment intimate and personal - don't propose in front of other people. During the marriage proposal, you and your girlfriend should be alone, and only then can you please your friends and loved ones with the news.

Don't make common mistakes when proposing to a bride-to-be - for example, don't follow a popular pattern and don't hide your wedding ring in a girl's dish at a restaurant. In the movies, it looks romantic, but in fact, the girl may need the help of a doctor.

Also, never propose at noisy events such as concerts and sporting events. The girl will not be able to concentrate on your words, and the moment will be lost. In addition, you should not propose to your girlfriend if you are dating only recently. To begin with, you need to get to know each other better, make your relationship more stable, in order to understand if you really want to connect your life in marriage.

Finally, if the girl didn't tell you "Yes" right away, don't worry - give her time to think. If she loves you, she will eventually consider your proposal and agree.

If you decide to call your beloved in marriage, but out of excitement you do not know how to do everything well and where to start, then our memo is especially for you. It will help to gather thoughts into a bunch, and will into a fist, and you will understand how to proceed further.

Check goals

Before planning a wedding, you should make sure not only that you love each other, but also understand how similar your ideas about future life together are. Because if in the future it turns out that you want absolutely different things in some fundamental things, then the breakup will become the most likely ending of your story.

It is very important that your opinions coincide on issues such as

  • the place of your further residence (city or village, apartment or house),
  • the time of the appearance of children in your family and their number,
  • planning the budget and expenses (who will be responsible for this, how will you make decisions about large purchases),
  • how much money do you need to be happy and who will earn it,
  • how much time will you devote to work, and how much to your family,
  • how household chores will be distributed in your house and is your attitude towards everyday life generally compatible (eating habits, cleaning frequency, etc.),
  • the role of your parents and your other half in your family life.

It is advisable to somehow find out the answers to these questions. Mismatches even on a couple of points can cause serious problems in the future.

Make an offer unexpectedly

If you and your beloved have discussed all of the above issues, then, most likely, she already guesses about your intentions. Nevertheless, you need to try to make the very moment of the marriage proposal come as a complete surprise to her. So you will give her unforgettable vivid emotions - and this is very important for a girl. Get creative with this point.

Pick up a ring

Perhaps the most difficult thing is choosing a ring. You cannot buy it with your beloved, otherwise the surprise will not work. And choosing it yourself will be very difficult. You need to guess not only with the size, but also with the model. The ring should be beautiful and comfortable, because you need to wear it before and after the wedding. If it is quite easy to find out the required size of the ring (ask your friends or your mother, find out "by chance" in a conversation), then choosing the right model is not an easy task.

Several points can become a guide here.

See what kind of rings your girlfriend wears in her daily life. If she doesn't wear rings at all, then you better choose some very calm, practical model with one small stone. She is unlikely to appreciate rings with weaves, relief, unusual shape, because wearing them still needs to get used to. Let it start with something simple and convenient. Moreover, laconic rings are very beautiful.

If a girl wears many different rings in her life, then pay attention to what color, size, shape, style they are, and choose something similar for her so that the ring is in harmony with her other jewelry and image in general. At the same time, of course, it should differ favorably in some way from the existing jewelry.

Hear what she has to say about randomly seen jewelry and rings, a lot can be understood from fleeting phrases.

As a last resort, you can involve your mother or girlfriend in choosing a ring.

Choose a day

Some people think it's great to propose on some holiday - a birthday, March 8 or New Year. This approach also has opponents. Here, in fact, the decision is yours. On the one hand, if you propose on a holiday, then your girlfriend will associate this holiday with this important event for the rest of her life. It's not bad. But many want to choose a separate, seemingly unremarkable day for the marriage proposal, and make it special.

You can wait for some special day in terms of nature and weather. For example, when the first snow falls or when a real golden autumn and Indian summer comes, or when poplar fluff flies, or an apple tree blooms. And "tie" your proposal to the surrounding beauty and romance.

Choose a place

The place where you propose should be beautiful, romantic and memorable. If you don't have one in mind, you will have to look for it.

Come up with a speech

When you propose, you don't just need to ask, "Will you marry me?" It is necessary to beautifully tell the girl about your feelings for her, about what she has changed in your life, what she brought into her and why you choose her. Your speech should not be too long, as long as it comes from the heart. If you're afraid you won't be able to tell, write her a letter on pretty paper and give her an envelope.

Mark the event

After the emotions have subsided, you need to celebrate the event together. Sit in a restaurant, have a picnic or walk in nature, watch a movie. Spend your time in a way that pleases you.

Share the news

First of all, it is advisable to tell the parents about everything and ask them for blessings. It is very touching even now, when the days of parental conspiracy about the future of children are over. It is better for those closest to communicate such news in person, and not by phone or even more so on social networks.

    When proposing to a girl, men say different words. Someone immediately hints at marriage, while someone comes in from afar. For example like this:

    • you are the best;
    • you are the most beautiful;
    • I like you;
    • I'm in love with you;
    • I can't live without you;
    • I need you like air;
    • marry me;
    • be my wife.

    All these phrases or a few of them always sound at the moment when they make an offer. And without this you can’t.

    It seems to me that now many young people make a very thoughtful proposal and there are very creative options for such a presentation.

    And the words can be different, they often say that they want to live in joy and sorrow together with their beloved until they have gray hair and make up in one day.

    They can say about love and that they cannot imagine their life without their beloved and suggest that she marry him.

    Usually, a person who really loves is very worried at the moment when he offers his hand and heart.

    And the most important thing is that his words are sincere and come from the very heart. Then the proposal will be accepted.

    My husband told me after a month of our acquaintance that he is my prince really without a horse. Marry me. I said there is no money to build! In the end, after 7 years of marriage, I had to marry him so that the child does not rewrite. Apparently fate! We live until so far for 27 years

    Nothing like this. In fact, when a girl is proposed to, in fact, she is ready for it. Because it was she who all these (years) (months), at least days, brought you to this. Because be courageous, admit that as one of the heroes of the movie DMB said, you do not choose the oath, but the oath chooses you. For a variety of reasons that women think that only they understand. In general, the phrase My love, take your passport for our date near the registry office tomorrow. Don't ask why . This phrase is a million times more effective than an offer to go to the amusement park again. I say it exactly, based on experience.

    You can say something in different ways, the main thing is that the words come from the heart. Here's how to say when proposing:

    1) I want to spend my whole life only with you, marry me;

    2) Let's get married, I realized that I only need you;

    3) Let's make all decisions together, cope with difficulties and rejoice in general happiness, marry me;

    4) I want to make the most beautiful girl / woman the happiest, be my wife;

    5) Darling, come on now, from now on, we will always be together.

    Of course, this is usually a deliberate act - a marriage proposal. And that is very often given to a man with great difficulty)))

    But in books and novels this happens more often spontaneously - as a manifestation of the greatest and highest love. And there are many beautiful words.

    Of course, there is no need to quote other people's poems. It is better to tell the girl something sincere, to tell about your feelings, albeit in a brief form, believe me, she will remember this for the rest of her life - You have become special for me. I want to see you next to me every day .... I want you to become my wife ....

    The usual words, marry me, the most sincere and not pompous.

    Usually, at the moment when it comes time to propose, the guy and the girl understand each other even without words. The couple has special phrases, words that are understandable only to them. They call each other in a special way.

    When proposing, quickly speak / use the following phrases:

    • We are connected with you by the same destiny;
    • I cannot find happiness without you;
    • I want to live with you the rest of my life;
    • You are my half;
    • Etc.
  • In my opinion, any options will do, you can think of others. In my opinion, in this case, the main thing is to feel that the girl has matured and is ready to reciprocate. Believe me, in this case, the right words will be found by themselves.

    The classic of the genre is “Will you marry me?”. Or you can say not with a question, but with the statement Be my wife! or paraphrase in the question Will you become my wife?

    And do not forget to say that you love her and cannot live without her!

    At the same time, get down on one knee, take her hand, after opening the box with the ring for the proposal. Before that, you can give a bouquet.

    But this is all standard, if you want, you can add something of your own, present the proposal in an original way.

    My current husband said, “okay, if you want, then come on”. That is, in fact, I made an offer to officially register the relationship. And, I must say, exclusively from a practical point of view, so as not to bother with the distribution of property. Real estate, general business, even inheritance issues - everything is much easier if there is a prenuptial agreement. Both of us will not attach any importance to the stamp in the passport. And I think for any couple it does not matter which words will sound if both of them want to spend their whole lives together.

    Probably the most pleasant thing is when it is done in a fit of the heart, that is, the feelings themselves, strong emotions. Sincere feelings cannot be replaced by anything.

    They say the words that your heart prompts, and it is the main advisor. And then the brain turns on, God forbid, it’s not too late. Emotions usually take precedence over consciousness.

A marriage proposal is an important step for which you need to properly prepare. How to propose in marriage and where - read in this article.

An offer of marriage- one of the brightest moments in a woman's life, which she will remember for the rest of her life and will tell her friends and colleagues with rapture and tenderness.

It is important that this moment is truly intriguing filled with your feelings for the chosen one and showed that you are the one a man who is worthy of her hand and heart. We will talk about how to make an offer correctly in this article.

How to make an original marriage proposal to your girlfriend: useful tips

Modern women, although they have become completely independent iron ladies who build careers, drive cars and carry iron in the gym, but still remain romantic natures, expecting something touching from you, a man. And if you made an offer to your beloved, including all the imagination and originality, and heard humble consent without tears of joy in my eyes- Your proposal failed miserably.

If your beloved was not moved to tears by your revelation, then the confession was unsuccessful.

First of all, you need to find out is your half ready for such a decisive step or in her immediate plans there are no thoughts of a wedding.

Perhaps she is one of those who want to first build a career or graduate, and only then create a family hearth. Carefully probing the soil, you will understand whether now is the right moment to make an offer or whether it is necessary to postpone it. For undefined period.

If the relationship has reached such a climax as a marriage proposal, then you for sure you know about the preferences of your chosen one and she at least once, at least in passing, mentioned what this moment should be like. If your loved one shared her dreams and desires, then you must definitely make them come true.

How to properly prepare for a marriage proposal?

Gone are the days when it was possible just propose to become a wife and solemnly hand over the coveted ring. Today's young ladies consider it a fetish to be extraordinary in everything and be different from others - give your beloved magic moment of a fairy tale that she will never forget.

It is necessary to make an offer so that the woman will remember it forever.

In order for the marriage proposal to be original and to touch the beloved will have to sweat a lot:

  1. Choose a good date- it must be a significant day, for example, her birthday, Valentine's Day, any date that is important for the two of you
  2. Prepare required attributes- ring, champagne, flowers
  3. Make a plan of action- plan where, when and under what circumstances you will make an offer
  4. Get support- the mother of your beloved or your best friend can help you in the preparation and organization

Do not forget that the place will be incredibly important where you say the words cherished for your woman. If you do not have iconic places that have a meaning that is understandable only for you and your beloved, then you can choose just a beautiful place that will have a romantic mood.

It is very important to find the right place for the marriage proposal.

If the budget of your plan is unlimited, then you can make an offer by the sea, but even in a cozy home atmosphere, a marriage proposal can be made unforgettable.

What not to do when proposing to get married?

As already said the marriage proposal an incredibly important event for a woman and if you make a fatal mistake at this moment, then it may even become a reason for refusal. When you ask for your hand and heart, you can't:

  • by the way to say: "Marry me"
  • during such important words being distracted, chewing, talking with someone in parallel- there are only the two of you in the entire Universe and there is nothing more important than the words that you are going to say
  • with make an offer by phone, via SMS - only with the evil eye on the eye, with love looking into the eyes and tremblingly squeezing her hands in his
  • to be drunk- although this is an exciting moment, throwing a couple of glasses for courage is absolutely unacceptable. So you show your disrespect for your beloved.
  • propose in bed- a marriage proposal happens once in a lifetime (at least with you), so let your beloved be beautiful at this moment, and not disheveled and sleepy
  • hide the ring in food- perhaps in films it looks beautiful and extremely romantic, but in real life, a ring hidden in a dessert can be a reason for a visit to the dentist. Besides, it's corny and not impressive at all.

Don't hide the ring in food

Often times, men make the mistake of proposing in the wrong place. For example, it is completely wrong to propose in the beloved's house, accompanied by her family. You can embarrass her, so it is better to say such important words in private.

If your woman does not like everyone's attention, then you should not propose. in a crowded place, where all eyes will be fixed on her, for example, on stage during a concert or performance.

When making an offer in a crowded place, evaluate what will be the reaction of the chosen one.

In the event that a girl did not answer with quick consent, but said that she would think about the proposal, do not get upset and make claims, make a scandal and break the dishes. Such the decision is very important and the fact that a woman wants to think it over does not mean that she doubts you.

How beautiful to make an offer in spring: words, phrases

Spring- it's time for love, a time when pheromones are in the air, and hearts are filled with romance. It is very good to make an offer in a favorable spring time. If your beloved loves animals, then her the offer in the dolphinarium will impress you.

Propose marriage at the dolphinarium

Make an agreement with the dolphinarium staff in advance that going to propose beloved woman. Do not tell her anything about the upcoming, you can only mention that prepared a surprise. Arriving at the dolphinarium, the girl will think that this is a surprise and will happily indulge in fun with smart mammals.

At a convenient moment when the girl comes out of the water, and you will stand nearby, the dolphin will bring a box with a ring. When she takes it in bewilderment, then you will be presented with a bouquet of flowers (this should be agreed in advance). With flowers in your hands, make your favorite proposal:

"Sunny, today special day and I have prepared for you something more than a trip to the dolphinarium. Today I I want to offer you my heart, which will love you selflessly, and a hand that will become a support in the life through which we let's walk together, hand in hand... If you agree to become my wife, then take this ring. "

Speak words coming from the soul - the beloved will appreciate them

« Life is impossible without love, but only mutual feelings give strength to move forward. Meeting you was not accidental - you are exactly that woman with which I want to share everything. I love you and please become my wife. "

How beautiful it is to propose to get married in the summer: words, phrases

Summer- it's time for vacations and a fabulous vacation and it would be foolish not to take advantage of such a good opportunity to make a proposal to your beloved. If you have planned joint trip to the sea, then it is there, on the shore during sunset, that you can perform the most memorable and romantic act.

Offer by the sea

Invite your loved one to swim in the sea at sunset. Wherein Prepare everything you need in advance:

  • ring
  • champagne
  • glasses
  • flowers

In advance prepare the place where everything will happen: spread a blanket on the sand, scatter it everywhere rose petals(even if the weather is a little windy, this will only enhance the effect). When you and your soulmate arrive at the scene, it is immediately necessary fill glasses and only after that say the words prepared in advance:

“This sea is boundless - you cannot see its shores, it stretches far beyond the horizon. My love for you is also boundless. You lit up my life like sunshine and made me happy. I realized that without you I am nobody to be myself I need you by my side, forever. Darling, will you become my wife? "

“Life before you was a gray fragment in which there was nothing. With your appearance i was born again, felt all the joy of life, found happiness. You are my half a part of me without which I am incomplete. This is to the ring is endless, like my love... You will accept this symbol of boundless feelings that will bind us together. until the end of life?"

Saturate the beach with rose petals to create a romantic mood

How beautiful to make an offer in winter: words, phrases

There is something fabulous in winter it is a sin not to take advantage of this. In winter, you can make an original marriage proposal, which is your soul mate will not be able to forget.

Every girl believes in a fairy tale, even if somewhere deep, deep in the soul. A great idea to make an offer would be the idea to come to the window of your beloved ... on horseback. You can make an offer in this form in a crowded place, but then without help from outsiders that will lead her to the right place at the right hour is indispensable.

Fabulous marriage proposal

Order live music... Not necessarily an ensemble of violinists and a choir, but romantic accompaniment should be present. Let the violinist plays a gentle melody, and at this moment you will drive up to the window of your beloved on a beautiful noble horse with a huge bouquet of red roses.

When the beloved comes closer, then the horse can be left alone - he played his role- then it is very important to say the main words. Here are some examples:

“Darling, with your appearance my life has changed dramatically. It made sense, every morning I wake up with the thought that I am the happiest man in the world, because you are with me. Today I want to give you a fairy tale that we will compose and build together throughout life. A life that we will spend together. Expensive, Do you agree to be my wife?"

Remember to get down on one knee

“Today is the most an exciting day in my life... It depends on your decision whether I will become the happiest or the most unhappy in the world, because life is impossible without you... You are my air, without which I simply cannot exist. I beg, be my wife."

“When I met you, I thought that it is simply impossible to love with such force. Every day I fall in love with you more and more and if you decide to leave me, like a madman I will not be able to find peace until the end of my days. You are my treasure, the most valuable thing that can be dearer than life itself. You will you become my wife? "

Of course, such words must be spoken, kneeling in front of your beloved, and holding a ring in his hands.

How beautiful to make an offer in the fall: words, phrases

In the fall, you can make an offer using fallen leaves. In advance decorate the glade and lay out the words from the leaves"Marry me". After that, invite the girl for a walk and lead her to the decorated meadow. When a girl notices the words needed say what is in your heart:

“I want to make you the happiest girl in the world and fulfill your dreams. To do this, you must be near in grief and joy, illness and health. I promise that I will love you as much as today and carry my feelings through the years. You agree become my wife? "

If you are on vacation, then sand is suitable instead of leaves, with which you can put words

“Darling, I thought for a long time what is the meaning of life and realized that my meaning is you. You are exactly the one with whom I want to go through my whole life hand in hand. Be my wife."

In fact, it is not at all necessary to memorize the proposed phrases. Speak from the heart, express your feelings and the girl will definitely appreciate it. And absolutely no matter how much money you spend to make a beautiful proposal - even on the couch at home, it will be unforgettable if you put your soul into words and actions.

the proposal may be the most ordinary - the main thing is that it is sincere

How beautiful it is to propose at home with your beloved: words, phrases

If applicable, the proposal can be done at home. The option to do this with parents and other relatives smacks of the Middle Ages - if you still want to solemnly asking for the hands of the girl's parents, then before that they must make an offer to her personally and in private. Only after her consent can you go "Woo" the bride.

If you live with a girl together, then be sure to have a romantic dinner, in order to make a beautiful marriage proposal. To do this, decorate the room with rose petals, flowers, hearts, light candles, turn on slow lyric music.

Organize a romantic dinner

Dinner does not have to be prepared with your own hands - you can order food or pre-purchase. As a last resort, you can get by with fruit, candy and a bottle of champagne. It is unlikely that after the offer is made, the girl will wake up a brutal appetite and she, most likely, will not appreciate your culinary skills.

When the girl recovers a little from the unexpected surprise in the form of dinner, proceed to the main thing. Pour champagne into glasses and get on one knee with the ring... Tell her about your feelings and desire to be together:

« You are a dream come true, this is how I imagine the ideal girl. You know how to love, you know how to forgive, you can create comfort and take care of loved ones. I think you will become a great wife and mother, loving and reliable. Will you become my life companion? "

You can make an offer during a toast - it will be original and unexpected

After the girl gives her consent, you can take the marriage license from her parents. This is not necessary at all, but if you know that the mother and father of the girl are disposed towards you and they will be pleased with such a gesture, why not.

Choose the right moment and invite your beloved's parents to visit or visit them yourself (only when it's convenient). During dinner, raise a toast:

“Today I would like to express to you thanks for such a daughter- she is the embodiment of kindness, beauty and tenderness. Only wise and caring parents could raise and educate such a girl. It was it's hard not to fall in love and I could not resist her spell. Moreover, I cannot imagine my life without your daughter and I want to she became my wife. "

How beautiful it is to propose in a public place, in a restaurant: words

If your companion is not afraid of everyone's attention, then you can do offer in a public place. You should not choose such places as the subway, market, supermarket and other impartial gatherings of people. The effect of the proposal in them will be blurred. people pushing and hurrying about their business and noise.

Public offer

Better to choose for such an important event restaurant or cafe. It would be nice if this place was iconic for you - for example, if you met there or like to visit often. In advance agree with the administrator that you want to propose to the girl and ask for help.

Remember to prepare well:

  • order a musician to play the violin or accordion
  • buy a bouquet of flowers that you will give to your beloved and let the waiter bring it into the hall at the right time
  • order the girl's favorite dishes and champagne
  • ask for candles to be lit on the table (if appropriate)
  • take care of the table decorations

Marriage proposal in a cafe

When the waiter brings a bouquet of flowers and fills the glasses, and the musician plays touching quiet music you can speak the main words:

“Today I invited you for a reason. I want to tell you probably the most important words in your life. I want to tell you how dear you are to me and how important you are in my life. I do not understand my existence without your eyes and a gentle smile. Darling, you are everything to me and I want to see you next to me as my wife. Will you marry me?"

After that, get down on one knee and offer the girl a wedding ring.

A romantic mood can be created anywhere, because between people in love it exists even in everyday life.

Exists tons of ways to make an offer beloved girl. This can be done anywhere and in any form, the main thing is to do it from the heart and be completely sure that this is the woman in front of you that you need.

It is not at all necessary to travel to Paris in order to create the desired romantic atmosphere- it is enough to put all your feelings into words. Sometimes a simple but sincere marriage proposal much more spectacular than a whole theatrical action.

Video: How to propose to a girl?

Ideally, every relationship between a man and a woman should lead to a wedding - this is a natural result. A serious young man must definitely come up with how beautiful and romantic he will propose to his soul mate. Not all modern young people have the gift of eloquence and can prepare a touching speech in which they will brightly and beautifully tell about their feelings.

If you have no idea how and what to say when you propose to a girl, then in this article you will learn everything about this issue. Enjoy reading!

The ambience plays a role

Before you come up with what words to say when you propose to a girl, you need to think over to the smallest detail the situation and atmosphere. Believe me, it plays a big role in how you will please your beloved. Someone prefers that it was a romantic dinner in a restaurant (although you can always figure out something special at home). Someone likes everything to happen in nature, especially if it is a warm season outside.

In addition to the right place, it is worth thinking over the plan of the event for this important evening: what will you do, what will be the mood and atmosphere.

It is advisable to create an additional romantic atmosphere, decorate the room with candles, flowers ... Rose petals are the most relevant solution for decorating a space for such a wonderful event.

Ring selection

If you are thinking about what to say when you propose to a girl, then you have already prepared a ring. You didn't think that you can make an offer without a ring, just like that, in words? This only happens in films, but in real life a girl may well be offended by such an irresponsible approach. Perhaps this bitterness of resentment will remain with her for life ...

Remember: before you come up with what words to say to the girl when proposing, you need to choose a ring!

What it will be is an individual aspect, everyone can choose according to their requirements.

If you still do not know the size of your lover's finger, then hurry up to scout it out in advance. For example, admiringly ask her: "What are your little fingers! And what size do they have?" And the girl will gladly answer you for such a compliment. If you do not have the opportunity to find out from her personally, then look in her casket for the main rings that she wears, and use them to buy the one that will become the most important in her life.

Not sure how to deal with cheating? Read this section! Puzzling over how to deal with a relationship crisis? Then you are here!

What do girls like?

Now it is worth considering in more detail what words should be said to a girl, because the fairer sex, as you know, love with their ears. Therefore, you need to choose words carefully, in advance, carefully.

Here are some basic tips to help you make your engagement night special:

  • Start a conversation with how your life has changed since the moment you met her ... It works extremely effectively on girls, which has been tested on a large number of people. If you do not know how to propose to a girl, then feel free to start with the history of your relationship. To say that only after the beginning of your relationship, life suddenly took on meaning - this is the best way to melt even the coldest heart;
  • If you are thinking about how to propose to your girlfriend what to say, talk about your feelings. Tell me how your knees shake with excitement when she is around. How beautiful she looks, even sleepy and without makeup (and this point should be especially noted). That you are ready to look at her all your life until old age, that is why you want to unite yourself by marriage with her;
  • Talk about children, that it's time to think about the continuation of your kind, and only in her face you see the real mother of your children;
  • The most important thing is to say all this sincerely, because if you decide to make an offer, then you really feel all this, you just cannot say it in your own words. The sincerity and truth of your feelings is an important condition for such a romantic evening to develop as a result into a happy and healthy family.

Now you know what words you need to say when you propose to a girl, the main thing is to be natural and not memorize everything.

If you really want to be prepared, then you can safely prepare a speech in advance: write it down, if you are afraid to forget, and repeat it until the most important moment of your relationship.

Romantic beginning of a future family

Remember that the words that are spoken to the girl during the proposal, then become the stories of your future family. Your children will be told about exactly how you proposed, what you said and how you looked at that moment. At the moment of a wonderful romantic evening, you are making the history of your future family, so this aspect must be approached as carefully and responsibly as possible.

If you use the advice of our article, you can do everything at the highest level so that the proposal is a pleasant memory for a lifetime.