What do babies like at 3 months. Development of own speech. Causes of insufficient weight gain in a child

So baby is 3 months old. In appearance, this is still the same crumb, only gaining 2-3 additional kilograms and plus / minus 10 cm in height. However, according to the development of 3 month old baby very different from that helpless baby who came home from the hospital. What should a child be able to do at 3 months? Let's look at the main points of development that the baby may have already reached by this age.

1. At 3 months, children begin to become more and more familiar with their bodies in the surrounding space. First of all, this can be expressed in the fact that the baby begins to spend more and more time lying on his tummy. He no longer just keeps his head up, but more or less confidently leans on his hands and elbows, raising his body. Sometimes children can do so-called. "boat", i.e. raise both the head and legs at the same time, without leaning on the handles. Of course, it is difficult to lie like this for a long time, but this is not necessary. This position speaks of the increased confidence of the baby in relation to the control of his body.

2. Gradually, by the age of 3-4 months, the baby begins to slowly move, lying on his stomach. Those. if he is interested in something, he can change his position relative to the horizontal plane. So far, the child cannot have much confidence in this movement, because he hardly crawls. Rather, he may try to crawl, but so far his body is too heavy to move due to the strength of his arms and legs.

However, don't be surprised if, after leaving your child turned to one side, after a while you find him turned 180 degrees or more. Therefore, be extremely careful when leaving your child on a bed, mat, or other surface from which they may fall. Be sure to insure one way or another (we cover the baby with thick pillows, through which he definitely will not crawl).

3. The kid is an excellent swimmer. At least, if there is no opportunity for him to swim, then swimming ceases to cause him fear or displeasure. Now the problem is to take the squealing and smiling child out of the water.

Our baby almost did not take a bath as such until this age. He did not lie on his back at all, he went into a scream. But, at the same time, I swam almost all the time while swimming (with my mother's help). Recently, we bought a special bathing circle for him, which is attached to the baby's neck, thanks to which he can move independently in the bath. From that moment on, absolutely everything has changed. The kid laughs, smiles, swims (on his own!) on his chest and on his back, pushes off with his legs from the bottom and walls of the bath, sometimes he turns over from his back to his chest and back. The main problem now is to take him out of the bath.

4. The child is actively learning colloquial speech. Here, probably, the main role is played by mom and dad. The more conversations are held with the baby on any topic, the more poems, songs, etc. are read to him, the more often he should have a desire to say something in response.

In one of the articles on the site (What a child should be able to do at 2 months), I wrote that our baby almost never said “aha”, no matter how much we asked. But now everything has changed. She puts her fist in her mouth and talks incessantly. There are “agu”, and “bo”, and much more that cannot be described, but it is very pleasant to hear.

5. Probably one of the most pleasant skills of 3-month-old children is the ability to laugh. used to be a child he only smiled, and now he laughs if he really likes something.

Here we should also mention the less pleasant, but probably necessary ability to squeal. It is interesting to observe how the baby with constancy is getting better and better at this business.

On the this moment our baby learns to do it in a very high voice (the wife jokes like a peacock from the Munchausen cartoon). So far it has not worked out, but perseverance is to be envied.

6. This month, children are increasingly getting to know the surrounding space. That is why it is believed that the baby should prefer to lie on the tummy. In this position, “scanning” surrounding objects is much more convenient than lying on your back. And that is why you should be wary if the baby prefers to stay lying on his back.

Our baby (unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you look) is used to often being in the arms of his parents. And he loves very much when you turn him back to you and bring him to the window. I don't know how far he can see, but he can see the cars below, seemingly endlessly. You have to be patient (I mean).

7. At 3 months or a little later, the baby can already (with support, of course) stand on full foot without pointing your toes. In general, he no longer tries to “walk” (raise his leg) as soon as he touches the surface with his feet. It is possible that your baby is already perfectly and straight on his legs. It seems to let him go, and he will stand on his own, but this, of course, cannot be done, because. the spine is not strong enough yet. But with support, and especially in the water, this position is already given to the baby without any problems.

8. Your toddler may be doing a lot more (or a little less) of the things mentioned. I was and remain in the position that the child does not owe anything to anyone. If you don't learn now, you will learn tomorrow.

However, there are some points in the development of babies that should alert parents. In this regard, it is proposed to familiarize yourself with short video, which, in addition to the general skills of children at the age of 3 months, mentions the main points that parents should pay close attention to.

At 3-4 months of life, a newborn is marked by an intensive increase in growth and weight. The child eats and sleeps most of the day, while the body adapts to a new environment for him. Some parents think that during this period their child does not need communication and development. This is not so, however, the baby's need for psychological, social and physical activity becomes noticeable only by the end of the 3rd month of the baby's life.

During this period, the baby begins to show an active interest in his surroundings, bright or moving objects, people's speech, sonorous sounds. He noticeably reacts to the appeal of adults to him and their interest, consciously smiles, recognizes significant adults, especially his only mother.

At 3 months, the baby is already becoming funny and playful, able to recognize people close to him, constantly requires attention. He is also ready to perceive new objects at the suggestion of mom and dad.

Does this mean that a child at 3 months old is able to improve himself without the competent help of adults (see also:)? Being in a social environment, up to a certain level, the child is able to develop independently. During this period, he learns according to the principle "I do as you do." He learns the stereotypes of adult behavior and their ways of emotional response, but if you do not devote time to play activities, in the future it will have Negative consequences. Therefore, many caring parents they wonder how not to miss the moment for the development of a particular area and correlate their expectations with the capabilities of the baby.

Development of the motor sphere

The development of coordinating skills at 3 months is just beginning:

  • The child learns to control own body. The baby is already moving a little freer and smoother. He stretches, stretches out his arms and legs, reaches for toys and grabs them, unclenches his hands.
  • Bright objects and toys that you can chew on and that you can ring, begin to interest him.
  • He can lie on his tummy for quite a long time, raise his head and upper part body resting on the forearms.

From three months old, the baby is preparing to crawl and sit, makes attempts to roll over, some babies can already do this. During this period, your child is interested in their arms and legs. Can play with legs. Objects that can reach are subjected to palpation and inspection.

If parents have the financial ability, they get expensive complex toys for their 3-month-old babies, but there is no particular need for this. The child needs simple and bright things with which the mother can successfully deal with him.

Toys for a baby at 3 months old should be bright and eye-catching, as well as completely safe. He will be happy to feel them, try on the tooth, pull the handle and reach for them.

Outdoor games for the development of the baby's body

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During the waking period, the baby should be offered toys that are convenient to grab (for example, with rings):

  • If it is a rattle, the baby's handle with the toy in them can be shaken to show him how to rattle.
  • If the baby takes and holds the toy well, you can show how to transfer the toy from one hand to the other. Over time, he will understand exactly what movements lead to the appearance of melodic sounds.
  • Toys should also be hung above the crib (bells, noisemakers, objects different shapes and structures). Children begin to distinguish the shape of an object and its individual details.

What to teach a baby at 3 months?

  1. To learn to crawl in front of the baby, they put a toy he loves, for which he will enthusiastically reach out, the baby lies on his tummy, while the mother allows the baby to rest his legs on his hand.
  2. The following developmental game helps to learn coups: the baby is placed on the back, and with the hand that the mother puts under his shoulder, the baby is swayed and turned over (see also:).
  3. To train the muscles that a growing little man will need to sit, they put him on his back, take him by the handles and bring him to a sitting position, then gently lower him onto his back, swaying slightly. You can watch the video on how to do the exercises correctly, or ask the local nurse or doctor for help.
  4. At 3 months, the child may be prescribed a massage, which will be carried out by a specialist. Such a massage will help eliminate hypertonicity, strengthen weakened muscles (if such a phenomenon is observed) (we recommend reading:). More about this in the video school of Dr. Komarovsky:

Development of the sensory sphere

Any sensors are able to develop only if they are involved. Having got used to the environment, which is already more of interest than frightening, the baby, like any person, ceases to perceive familiar sounds as something noteworthy. They turn into habitual noise for him.

Therefore, in order for the sensors and the brain centers that process their information to work, it is necessary to change sound stimuli from time to time, that is, change rattles, give toys with different melodies. This will help not only to entertain and make the child laugh, but also to exercise with the baby, developing his hearing.

A three-month-old baby perfectly singles out the voice of his mother and actual adults from the general sound range, when he addresses him, he revives, moves more actively. Basis for development sensory sphere baby are:

  • conversation with the baby (description of the process of dressing or external environment);
  • singing children's songs;
  • patting on the surface to the beat of the music;
  • listening to children's songs;
  • use in the classroom of noisy, whistling, squeaking objects.

Talking mother with baby or singing lullabies for him is a significant component of close relationships. Even if it seems that the child is not yet able to grasp the meaning, it is worth knowing: he focuses on intonation, on those feelings and energy that are invested in words

Sensory development games

At home, any activity for the baby can be turned into a playful and developing one. For children of this age, it is very important to learn to perceive the world around them:

  • touch;
  • smell;
  • see;
  • hear.

At this age, the main way of knowing the world around us is analysis. tactile sensations. That is why it is very important to offer not only bright toys, but also different in form and material:

  • wood;
  • plastic;
  • the fabric is the most diverse, from fur to calico;
  • live leaves, real vegetables, etc.

When dealing with a baby, you must definitely comment on your actions. For example, you can say this: “This is a cube, it is solid, yellow color, plastic", it is also useful to show parts of the body and faces of yourself and him, naming them, etc.

Good for small children and busy mothers baby mobiles on the crib. The musical options are especially interesting. The movement of the figurines attracts the attention of the baby and can take him during the waking period, while the mother is doing important things, and soft melodies can even lull the baby to sleep.

Every game in which the child touches, touches and feels something is great for developing his brain activity and fine motor skills

well forgotten old

  • good at it age period games that have deep historical roots, for example, "white-sided magpie" - this is a "training" for the baby, and massage, and a way to stimulate certain areas of the brain.
  • "Ladushki" train attention, coordinating functions and memory.
  • "Ku-ku" is often madly in love with children, the game can not only entertain your child, but also trains the cognitive functions of the brain. In the world modern technologies these are simple but useful games undeservedly forgotten.

One of the most exciting activities for little man at three months is the study of his limbs. He is able to devote quite a long period of time to looking at his hands or playing with his legs. In order to turn gaming activity in the training, mom will need a little imagination. Colored socks with different animals or faces will be great helpers. They can be worn both on the feet and on the hands.

Some children enthusiastically examine colorful fabrics, some actively feel them, while others simply take pictures, training coordination, developing accuracy of movements. However, spending with a three-month-old baby is useful and interesting activities It's important not to overdo it. If the child is tired, sleepy, or simply not in the mood for classes, reschedule them for another time.

For a quarter of a year, the baby changes a lot both externally and psychologically. From a thin, swollen newborn, the baby turns into a cute toddler who has learned a lot. Every day, he continues to grow rapidly, acquire interesting and funny skills, surprising his parents with new skills.

Developmental norms for a child at 3 months

There are established and agreed medical institutions standards reflecting the physiological and emotional condition babies at a particular age. Child development at 3 months of age is indicated for healthy children whose mothers do not have bad habits, adhere to the recommendations of pediatricians regarding and caring for the baby. Important to consider individual characteristics each baby and do not panic with minor discrepancies between normal and real indicators.

3 months old baby - development, weight and height

The standards under consideration depend on several indirect factors:

  • weight and length at birth;
  • type of food;
  • genetic data.

Domestic and foreign standards, reflecting how much a child weighs at 3 months, are slightly different. According to world medical standards, body weight should be:

  • 5-8 kg - boys;
  • 4.5-7.5 kg - girls.

Additionally, the development of a child at 3 months shows an increase in his growth:

  • 57.3-65.5 cm for boys;
  • 55.6-64 cm for girls.

An important parameter is the circumference of the head of babies:

  • 38.1-42.9 cm - male;
  • 37.1-42 cm - female.

Baby at 3 months - development and nutrition

Babies need to eat well to grow and gain weight. If the baby eats special blend, it is necessary to strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations indicated on the packaging or in the instructions. For infants enjoying breast milk, on-demand feeding is recommended. The number of daily applications is 10-12, at night the baby may get hungry 2-4 times.

It is important not to add anything to the menu when the child turns 3 months old - the development of complementary foods does not provide. There should not be any fruit juices or liquid purees in the crumbs' diet, even if the mother has or has other problems with lactation. In 2-3 days, milk production stabilizes, otherwise you can temporarily (or permanently) transfer the child to the mixture.

At the described age, the baby still sleeps a lot, up to 17 hours a day, but if he is awake, he behaves actively. How does a baby develop at 3 months:

  • rolls over on its side;
  • being on the stomach, can lean on the forearms, holds the head well;
  • carefully considers objects;
  • monitors moving objects;
  • examines his hands and feet, touches his face;
  • understands where it comes from loud noise, turns in the right direction;
  • tries to coordinate hand movements;
  • tastes everything (pulls into the mouth).

Sometimes physiological development a child at 3 months accelerates a little. Some children confidently grab bright toys and can hold them in their fists, roll over from their stomach to their back and vice versa. There are babies who are able to pronounce syllables, combining drawling sounds with consonants, “walk”, “coo”, especially if you talk to them affectionately.

Mental development of a child at 3 months

Babies in this period become very sociable and friendly, they willingly make contact even with strangers, they try to keep the conversation going in their own way. What does a baby do at 3 months:

  • sincerely and loudly laughs, smiles broadly;
  • recognizes the faces of the parents;
  • copies sounds;
  • imitates facial expressions;
  • shy;
  • thinks when he sees something unusual;
  • acting up to get attention.

The baby knows how to show joy, interest and discontent. The development of a child at 3 months suggests that he is pleased with the attention of others, so the baby does not wait for contact to be established, but tries to establish it on his own. The little one purposefully looks for faces, looks into the eyes, babbles and breaks into a smile. He takes special pleasure in watching his mother, even if she does not play with him, but simply appears in his field of vision.

Premature baby at 3 months - development

"Impatient" kids are also actively growing and acquiring new skills, but a little later. It depends on when you were born infant- 3 months, development occurs with a shift by the time that the baby had to spend in the womb. A “precocious” baby may weigh a little less and be inferior in height, but psychologically such a baby is progressing on a par with full-term babies.

It is too early to talk about serious violations in a quarter of the year, so it is important not to worry prematurely. There is no clear list of skills that a child must learn for 3 months - development (what he should be able to do and do) proceeds individually for each baby. A lag is considered if the reflexes of the newborn do not disappear in the crumbs and a high muscle tone. In such cases, it is necessary to contact an experienced neurologist, he will conduct research, evaluate the physiological and psychological parameters of the baby, and prescribe appropriate treatment.

How to develop a child at 3 months?

The progress of children depends on the efforts and amount of time that parents devote to them. The rate of development of a child at 3 months is an indicator of the care and love of mom and dad. To acquire the necessary physical skills, you should deal with the crumbs daily. different exercises encourage him to take action. How to develop a baby at 3 months:

  1. Place the baby on the tummy more often.
  2. Place bright and attractive toys next to the baby so that he wants to reach out and touch them.
  3. Massage and knead the feet, palms, fingers of the crumbs.
  4. Gently stretch, bend and unbend the arms and legs.
  5. Bathe in a full adult bath, swimming improves muscle motor skills and coordination.
  6. Let the child feel and examine interesting items(from different textures emitting sounds, luminous).
  7. Turn on rhythmic music, sing and dance with the little one.
  8. Often call the baby by name.
  9. Make faces, show the baby “faces” so that he wants to copy them.
  10. Smile at the little one, laugh with him, praise him for his achievements.
  11. Help to study parts of the body and face, touch them with your fingers.
  12. Holding the baby in your arms, carry it around the rooms, pay attention to bright objects, talk about them.

3 months old baby - development and games

The sociability of the crumbs at this age helps parents work on his physical, social and emotional skills. How to play with a 3 month old baby:

  1. Hide your face behind a wide scarf or palms, clearly ask: “Where is mom?” Remove the "screen", joyfully say: "Ku-ku!" Repeat the steps, but next time hide the child's face.
  2. Show a bright large toy, wait until the baby notices it. Slowly move the object in the field of view of the baby so that he follows her with his eyes.
  3. Take a rattle and make some noise with it next to the baby, ask: “Where does it ring (thunder, ding-ding)?”. Wait until he turns back the right side, show the toy.
  4. Approaching the child’s face, pronounce simple sounds and words (“aha”, “yes”, “boo-boo”, “mom” and similar), stimulating him to repeat.
  5. Put the baby on the tummy, place the toy that interests him in front of him. Substitute your palm under the heels so that the baby can push off with his feet and reach for the object.

In this article:

Not only young parents, but also pediatricians are interested in the physical development of the baby. Every month, during a visit to the children's clinic, the baby passes control weighing and measurement of growth. According to pediatricians, the weight of a child at 3 months depends on proper organization feeding and care, and physical health crumbs.

Average indicators of weight and height for children who have reached the age of three months are determined according to the schedule, which was compiled by WHO specialists. Finding out if the child has deviations in or everything is going well is not difficult - just compare his weight with the criteria indicated in the table.

Normal weight and height of a baby at 3 months

In the first 3 months, weight gain in infants should be 200-250 grams weekly. That is, by the first month of life, the baby should weigh about 800 grams more than on the day of his birth. At 2 months, this figure should be approximately 1.6 kg. And, accordingly, in 3 months average weight the baby must be 2.4 kg larger than its birth weight. If a newborn was born with a weight of 3 kg, then at 3 months the child weighs more than 5 kg.

Sometimes kids do not fit into the "average schedule" and gain more or less than the designated norms. There is nothing wrong with this, since the height and weight indicators given in the table can be called conditional.

The body weight of the baby should not have strict framework or criteria, because each child is individual.

After weighing, the pediatrician compares the weight of the child with the norm of 3 months according to the table. This allows the doctor to determine the level of physical development of the baby. Indicators of height and weight "less than average" and " more than normal”, in harmony with each other, may indicate that the child is simply small by nature or, on the contrary, large. If growth indicators are not combined with body weight indicators, this should be paid attention to.

Comparative analysis of the main parameters

The average height and weight parameters of a child at 3 months according to the table are:

  • 55-62cm height;
  • 5200-6000 gr weight.

For 3 months of life, the baby should gain about 2400 grams and grow by 8.5 cm. Of course, these are average figures, and they may vary.

The main thing is not to violate the proportions of the torso, head and limbs in infants.

It is these parameters that allow you to monitor the normal physical development of the child.

Does the weight of breastfed babies differ?

The pediatrician tracks the weight of the baby, who is on, from birth. Many mothers are completely unreasonably worried about the apparent thinness of the child compared to. These worries are completely unfounded.

When given mother's milk as the main food, babies always gain more slowly and less, and this is normal. In the case of breastfeeding, you do not need to strictly rely on how much a child should weigh at 3 months according to the WHO table. It is more important to evaluate such criteria as the baby's body weight at birth, the quality breastfeeding how the baby takes the breast, etc.

On average, babies who receive breast milk in the third month of life gain from 170 to 245 grams per week. As a result, the total increase per month can be only 600 grams.

Most pediatricians insist that if a baby breastfeeds 10-12 times a day, willingly sucks milk for at least 20 minutes, pees at least 12 times a day, stool he has normal consistency and color, and the baby himself is active and cheerful - there is nothing to worry about.

Many mothers make the mistake of starting a baby from the age of three months. Nowadays, pediatricians advise not to rush into this and give new products from 6 months of a baby's life. At 3 months for normal weight baby is enough nutrients and trace elements found in breast milk. If it is not enough, the baby is prescribed a complex of vitamins and minerals additionally.

If a child at 3 months weighs more or less than normal

Most young parents note that it is by the age of three months that the baby becomes more rounded. Puffy cheeks, folds on the arms and legs, a well-shaped tummy - all these are indicators of the formation of metabolism. But in some cases, a child of 3 months gains little weight or, on the contrary, adds very quickly, not fitting into the criteria of the norm. Why is this happening?

Causes of insufficient weight gain in a child:

  • underfeeding . The most common reason associated with a shortage breast milk in a nursing mother. Daily volume mother's milk for a baby of 2-4 months should be at least 1/6 of his body weight. To find out if the baby has enough milk, before and after feeding for 24 hours, it is necessary to calculate the amount of food entering the body. If there is a problem of underfeeding, you need to consult with a pediatrician about the choice adapted mixture, which will replace the missing amount of food.
  • Pathologies . A child at 3 months may not gain weight due to illness. For example, the usual one causes nasal congestion, as a result of which the baby can only breathe through his mouth. This significantly interferes with feeding - it becomes difficult for a baby to take a breast or a bottle. In addition, the baby can persistently refuse food if on its mucous membrane oral cavity Candidiasis arose. In such cases, it is required to treat the underlying diseases and not try to force-feed the baby.
  • zinc deficiency . The lack of this trace element in a woman's body during pregnancy can lead to the birth of a child with a lack of body weight, even if the birth was on time. During lactation, every mother should continue taking multivitamin complexes. For artificial babies, zinc-based preparations are introduced into the diet.
  • Individual composition of the child . The spread of weight values ​​among newborns can vary by a factor of two! There are both record-breaking babies with a weight of more than 5 kg, and miniature crumbs with a body weight of 2.5 kg. If one of the parents of the child has a naturally thin physique, underweight the baby is not a pathology, provided that the rest of it physical development corresponds to the norm.

Causes of excess weight gain in a child:

  • overfeeding with artificial mixtures;
  • adding sugar to the mixture or drinks for the baby;
  • violation of the rules of feeding;
  • genetic predisposition to be overweight;
  • endocrine diseases.

You can find out from the table above how much a child weighs at 3 months. If the baby scored 15% more than the average, most likely we are talking about overweight body or obesity. In this case, the baby has pronounced deposits of fat in the abdomen and thighs. Sometimes this specific completeness is an individual hereditary feature and subsequently disappears. But in any case, it is necessary to consult with a pediatrician.

The consequences of obesity in infancy insidious. In the future, the child may develop chronic digestive problems and cardiovascular system, arterial hypertension, tendency to gallstone and urolithiasis, type 2 diabetes, sexual dysfunction, flat feet and more.

If the baby is gaining weight quickly as a result of overfeeding, it is recommended to offer him a less concentrated milk formula and reduce the frequency of attachment to the breast, replacing them with partly supplementing the baby. boiled water. Of course, such actions should be discussed with the doctor.

Young mothers should be easier to relate to possible discrepancies in the main parameters of the child - height and weight - with the average figures. If the baby develops according to age, is physically active, eats with appetite and sleeps well, is interested in environment, does not suffer from problems with defecation and urination, and doctors do not find pathologies in him, which means that everything is in order with the child.

Useful video about height and weight in children

In the third month of life, the baby is still rapidly developing in all directions. Literally every day brings something new: new discoveries, new skills and events. More and more things bring joy to the baby, he is open to the world and, above all, to people.

He is already able to communicate with adults. No, of course, these are not words yet, but facial expressions and cooing to the beat of the voice, you can even track the intonation with which the baby communicates.

Development table

How long should a baby sleep?

Every day, less and less in the daily routine of the newborn takes sleep. Now night sleep is only 10 hours, and feeding breaks are also reduced to two to three. daytime sleep it is also shortened to three times an hour - one and a half.

But this is not surprising, because there are so many interesting things around, and everything needs to be studied, tasted, touched. Where is the time for sleep?

Development of the sense organs at this age


The baby is no longer just happy when he sees his mother. Now this joyful smile bestows everything around, but especially faces. And it doesn’t matter if they are human or painted - the child immediately responds to a smile with a smile.

Observation of objects still remains main way of learning world, only it gradually changes its character. If earlier kid just watching the movement or bright spot, now he peers, studies and remembers not only general image toys, but also small parts, color differences.


Hearing is also improving. New skills appear: for example, to a favorite song, a child can begin to walk, as if singing along. By the way, now he already has his favorite songs and poems, so make sure that the baby listens to good music. Familiar or liked sounds are quietly distinguished from all the others, and their sources are easily found by sight.


Yes, already at three months the baby has a new sense organ - the sense of smell. And now even in his sleep he can recognize mom by smell. Therefore, it is not recommended for nursing mothers to use perfumes or creams with strong smell. The child may not recognize her and even refuse to eat. Strong chemical odors can also trigger an allergic reaction.

Tactile sensations

Now the baby has little hugs and looking at objects. The world is known through touching the palms, pulling up and sucking. Do not worry that the child puts everything in his mouth - this natural process studying the surroundings.

Pay close attention to what your child is learning. Out of ignorance, he can put a small object into his mouth, and this is already fraught with serious dangers. It is also necessary to properly wash children's toys to prevent unwanted bacteria from entering the body.

What can a 3 month old baby do?

By the age of three months, the baby already performs quite a lot of actions, has many skills. He actively communicates with his parents, smiles at the faces around him, and interacts with various objects.

The crib begins to limit his activity, as new opportunities for contact with the world appear.

Baby already can hold his head independently, therefore, if you put him on his tummy, he will try to rise on the handles, tearing off not only the head, but also the shoulders with elbows from the surface. This allows him to more closely examine the objects lying in front of him.

Turning over from back to tummy and back also does not cause him much difficulty.

Pay close attention to security. The baby is now showing physical activity, and without proper control can easily be injured. In no case do not leave him alone on the changing table or sofa, remember, now the baby can easily roll over and fall.

And the baby can now lie on its back for a long time and study its own hands. Spread them apart, suck your fingers, just look at them. And some children already at this age are trying to reach their legs.

You can help the baby faster master the acquired skills. For this there is whole line exercises.

    During the usual morning exercises, stimulate in the child the desire to roll over. To do this, while he is lying on his back, take your right leg in your hands and throw it to the left, as if giving impetus to the whole body for a coup. Later baby master this action on his own.

    Pediatricians offer a set of exercises for gymnastics with a baby at this age. Don't ignore them, do them carefully. Gymnastics will help strengthen muscles and provide harmonious development bodies, and hence new actions will be easier to master.

    Place your baby on your tummy more often. And so that physical education brings him pleasure, use the game developing rugs.

How to play with a 3 month old baby?

What to do with a three-month-old baby? Use your waking hours to study new items, skills.

Turn the familiar massage in interesting game. For example, useful finger massage can be accompanied by songs and jokes

Example: chi - chi - chi forty, cooked porridge, fed the children ... Knead each finger and say a rhyme. And don't forget to smile.

Rattle games- what is needed in three months old. Offer your baby various pieces of cloth, rustling pieces of paper. Try placing his pens in a bowl of peas or grits. Just be careful that he doesn't shove small items in the mouth Such games promote the development of motor skills and help in understanding the nature of materials.

Show bright, large images animals or birds, painted faces. Be sure to say out loud everything you see. On the wall next to the crib, you can also place such pictures, the baby will be happy to look at and study them.

Put bright socks or bells on your baby's legs or arms. He will study them, move his arms and gradually learn to control them so that they constantly fall into his field of vision.

Offer the child a doll or an animal with a face, it's good if the doll smiles. He will first look at her for a long time, and then he will begin to smile back at her and try to communicate.