What can I do to make him think of me. How to make a man think about you all the time. Consequences of magical actions

Well, let's just say, it's not a positive question. To think, to waste time on hurting another with whom nothing connects you anymore.

But I will not now say that we must go further. That people on the Path can come and go and that's normal and everything in this direction.

Today I'm going to talk about just that. desire, make you regret or make you suffer without you.

This is an all-consuming desire when you cannot switch and think about something else. You cannot live here for your own sake, moving on, enjoying the new and interesting, but live to make someone else feel bad. Even for a second, but that's bad.

I will take revenge and my revenge is terrible!

Wow, it’s already breathtaking when you start dreaming about how very sad he will be, maybe he’ll even crawl on his knees and ask for forgiveness, or he’ll go, send all his friends to hell and get drunk from grief to “green snot” that he missed such a You, and he will not see more happiness in life. Now NEVER!

And such satisfaction comes. True, mostly in dreams. But even the forces appear and the desire to act for the sake of it.

I dreamed how He would see me by chance on the street. I’m all so “unearthly”, I look perfect, for some reason it’s in pink business suit(then Tom Kleim was still in fashion, it seems, and this brand had a wide variety of costumes).

He will see and regret. I didn’t need a “turn everything in the ass” relationship. It was clear that this was all, that the roads were different, that there were no prospects, and so on. But I really wanted to feel sorry for whom I lost. I didn’t spend a lot of time on it, but the picture itself regularly returned to me. I am impossibly beautiful, and he is suffering.

But in fact, everything turned out exactly the opposite: I was suffering and, quite cheerfully, he. And that bothered me the most: how can he enjoy life without me. And even more so when I feel so bad.

That's when I realized master recipe How to Make Your Ex Regret a Breakup!

I then understood it very clearly!

Nothing hurts the pride of another so much as Your Happiness without Him.

Over time, I became convinced that it's easy great recipe: be happy and all!!!

You don't need to do anything special. You do everything for yourself.

To begin with, when it is difficult to switch to something, you can simply purchase external manifestations happy person.

What kind of person is happy? What does he look like?

Well, it’s unlikely that this is 120 kg with shortness of breath and a bag in a dress, which fit. So I go to harmony in all ways.

Then, it is hardly a person who has nothing to do. So I fill my time with everything that I just need and do it only with even better quality. Quality increases satisfaction.

We go further. It is unlikely that a happy person has sadness, melancholy on his face, and evil and evil on his lips. snarky jokes. So I remove all this, and in order to switch to the good, I just watch more good and funny movies and read what resonates with me now.

Sooner or later I accept funny stories as something that is always on the tongue, and not the caustic barbs that always seemed witty.

Here you can list a lot more, but the main direction, I think, is already clear.

And I got so carried away: sports and proper nutrition to be in best shape. visiting libraries and writing a bunch of works (including for money), but I’m free, now there’s a lot of time, and I took two more part-time jobs for myself: money is needed for beauty and ....

Then, somehow, the thought came that I would never be able to find out whether he suffered, even if he suffered. He won’t start crying and really crawl on his knees right there right away. And therefore I will not get satisfaction from this). It was both funny and annoying.

It’s funny because I realized that if a man started behaving like that, then I would not experience anything other than “unpleasant”. Well, what kind of a man is he who lets out tears, snot, but calls and persuades on the phone. Where are the deeds, dignity, inner strength !!!

And it's a shame, because how could he not be hurt, as he did to me.

At first, pictures of my revenge often came, the scripts changed how it would all be. Either I meet him alone, then I’m already with a guy better than him and he sees us and starts biting elbows... my imagination did not let me down and I didn’t invent a lot of things for myself.

And at the same time, she did not forget to move in the direction of her own irresistibility and employment.

This is what saved me. In pursuit of revenge, I earned money, gained experience and found new interesting acquaintances. There is no love. Haven't found it then. She wasn't ready to let anyone else in.

Impossible to love when busy with revenge.

It is a rule or even a law. Do not expect love in your life if all your thoughts are directed to "make someone else suffer."

But in the end, I was no longer interested in doing everything for the sake of this goal. The goal has simply outlived itself. But still, it was she who became the reason for my big movement and for pulling herself out, literally by the hair like Baron Munchausen, from crazy inner pain and suffering.

This is how I got out of that state. I don't know if he ever regretted exactly our relationship. Or forgot immediately, plunging quickly into others. I don’t know if he remembered me at least sometimes, as I wanted then, or if he didn’t have time for it ... But I didn’t care for this for a very long time.

I have learned to be happy. Herself. I attract to myself exactly what is in me. It didn't happen to me again. I passed my lesson. And she went on.

You could probably say it's simple. Everything ingenious is simple. This is what we make it difficult for ourselves.

And all you need is: be happy!!!

A happy woman is always a mystery. Everyone wants to be near happy woman. Well, or at least closer to it. And not with a boring sufferer

And her happiness attracts everyone like a magnet. What does she know and what does she have that makes her feel so good. And everyone wants them to be just as good. That is why he is drawn to happy women.

The same rule, by the way, works great in existing relationships. But there are other nuances and completely different storiesJ. And somehow I will write about it.

By the way… I never bought a pink suit! Although in my dreams he was stunningly handsome and sat on me so well. But, apparently, it was intended only for revenge. That's why I don't need it in real life.

Wish you all the best.

Wisdom and strength to move forward and forward!

I have already started enrolling for free training. "how to get 10 new acquaintances with worthy men"

learn to attract only the worthy! find out what's wrong and change your life.

and I'll be happy to help you


In a person's life there are different situations. Sometimes, having met an interesting young man, you really want him to constantly think about you, or having a quarrel with your loved one, there is a desire that he misses you and takes the first step towards reconciliation. In this case, you can help special conspiracy. To make a guy bored, you just need to carry out a simple ritual.

A conspiracy to make a guy miss (read at home)

For the ritual, you do not need any special magical props. You just need to use your imagination. Imagine that you and the young man you are interested in are standing opposite each other, and look intently into each other's eyes. Imagine how invisible ropes bind you together. After that, lightly biting the tip of the tongue, read the plot:

“I bite my tongue, I call on the thoughts of the servant of God (name). Think of me night and day, constantly imagine the two of us. Just as a person cannot live without water and food, so you cannot find a place for yourself without me. As I said, so be it. Amen".

A conspiracy to make a guy miss (read on photo)

If you have a photo of the one you are interested in young man, then with the help of it you can also perform a ritual that will help you make the guy miss you.

It is necessary to carry out the ceremony after sunset. You must be alone in the room. Sit at the table, put a photo of your loved one in front of you. FROM right side light a church candle from it. Looking at the photo, say the following words:

After reading, blow out the candle, put the photo under your pillow and go to bed.

A conspiracy to make a guy miss (read at dawn)

Another effective ritual to be done in the morning. Get up early in the morning, go outside and stand barefoot on the grass, and now read the following plot:

A strong conspiracy to make the guy miss and think

This ritual should be performed on a full moon. When it gets dark, open the window and, looking at the moon, read these words:

Read the plot three times, then cross yourself and say:

“As I said, so be it. Amen!".

Another popular and quite effective ritual is the longing of a guy, which can be done at home using a ripe red apple for this. The fruit must not be wormy. Cut an apple in half and put a note with the name of a loved one in it. Then connect the halves together and, holding the apple in your hands, read:

“As this apple will dry, so will the servant of God (name) miss the servant of God (name). Amen".

Tie the apple with red thread and place it in the sun. The more it dries, the stronger guy will mourn.

Video: a conspiracy to make your loved one miss you

Scientists conducted an experiment and calculated how many times a man and woman in love think about each other during the day. Under the terms of the study, the lovers had to record the number of memories of a loved one. The results were quite predictable. Women thought about the object of their love from 20 to 60 times, and men - only 4-5 times. Psychologists explain such a striking discrepancy by the fact that men concentrate on current affairs and do not spray on several tasks at the same time, even if it is pleasant to the heart. With women, it's different. They are able to do many things along the way, and still keep a bunch of thoughts or memories in the background. It is impossible to physically force a man to think about himself. But you can always use psychological, energy and even magical techniques that will help you settle in your thoughts, and therefore in the heart of your beloved man. It remains only to choose the methods acceptable to you.

Psychologists advise to influence the subconscious of a man, having developed in him a certain dependence on himself and his presence in his thoughts:

  • Cats and mice. Men are susceptible to riddles and intrigues. If they are cleverly “turned”, it turns on a man, arouses his curiosity. For this reception, of course, you need a man who is already interested in you. flirt, interesting communication and a couple of dates - that will be enough to start a game of "cat and mouse" with him. After warm communication, disappear from the life of a man for a couple of days. The instinct of the hunter will wake up in him, and he will not be able not to think about you. But here it is important not to overdo the intrigue, otherwise the man will regard this as a "dynamo".
  • Associations. In psychology, creating pleasant associations with memories is called anchoring. You can “anchor” your man by associating yourself with some pleasant event in his memory. For example: cinema, movie, kissing on last row cinema hall. Every time a man sees the main characters of this film in the media or hears music, he will involuntarily recall those passionate kisses with you. Smells too the best way evoke memories. Before meeting a man, put a couple of drops of persistent, pleasant and popular perfume on your wrist. Let the man get used to your scent. Further, wherever he smells it, the smell will securely fix the association with you in his memory.

  • Codeword. Pick up unusual word(not too common in everyday life) and call it, for example, sex with your man. During or after sex, say, "This is divine!" Repeat the word every time and accustom a man to it. Use this "code" when you want to call your loved one Nice memories. For example, write him a message about what a divinely delicious cake you had for lunch. This word will forever be assigned to you in the mind of a man and, having met him in Everyday life, he will unconsciously remember you and what this word means personally for your couple.


What are grown-up men most afraid of? Of course, being abandoned for someone else. Therefore, if you want to force your boyfriend a little bit, start ignoring his calls, pretend to be very busy and stop pestering him with questions of this kind: - where are you; - why didn’t you call for a long time; - how was the working day, etc. Do not take an interest in his work. Sooner or later, a man will notice your behavior and start asking counter questions.

Change yourself. Buy new erotic lingerie, clothes, bag, shoes, make fashionable hairstyle etc. Of course, your transformation will not go unnoticed. Here again, everything will depend solely on your behavior. Do not focus the attention of a man on yourself openly, "on the forehead." Let him speculate, puzzling over the one for whom you started all this. After all, the first thought that will arise in your chosen one will be that women will not throw money away just like that.

Ask your husband or a good friend to give you a lift sometime. When explaining with your own, mention casually that you did not come by taxi. Everything else, of course, is not worth talking about. Let your boyfriend come up with the ending of this fairy tale himself.

The easiest way to make nervous - mysterious sms or calls from a secret admirer. You can again ask for help from a friend from the outside. By the way, even yours can send sms. Act out as if these messages or calls took you by surprise. While filming, say standard phrases ("I'll call you later. Busy" or "I can't communicate right now") or just hang up the call. Depending on the temperament of your man, he can reach the boiling point both immediately and after several such calls.

In order to find out true attitude to yourself guy try this radical remedy: tell him you're pregnant. Depending on how he reacts, it will become clear to you how to proceed. If your significant other chooses to disappear, you're better off. But if in response you hear love confession, take this man for Khimki and take him straight to the registry office.


  • when a guy is nervous

A difficult situation can make anyone nervous. it normal reaction. However, sometimes it leads to the fact that a person falls into a stupor, is afraid and cannot do anything. In such cases, it is necessary to get rid of nervousness.


One of the most effective ways To overcome nervousness and stop being nervous lies in regular meditation. It is quite difficult to master this practice, but it gives excellent results. Retire to a quiet place and sit in easy chair or lie down. Try to relax as much as possible and calm your thoughts. To completely relax your mind, you need to try to stop the thought process. This is the most difficult part in the practice of meditation. If you can't do this, try focusing on various parts your body and breath.

Not less than effective tool combat is yoga. This practice is widely used all over the world and is great for relieving stress, panic attacks, nervousness, etc. The practice of yoga is breathing exercises that help calm the mind. Sit in comfortable position close your eyes and try to slow down your breathing. This will help you relax your body and mind.

The reason for the nervousness of some people is their habit of constantly controlling everything. If you notice this in yourself, tell yourself that there are things that are beyond your control. You cannot keep track of every aspect of your life. There will always be mistakes and failures in your life, and that's okay. No need to try to avoid all possible problems.

Impossible to know what special person thinks about you. But it is always important for a woman that the man she likes thinks only about her. Such thoughts visit every lady, but how to realize your desires? How to make a man think about you from a distance? Below are effective advice: from simple recommendations, to active actions and psychological tricks. Use these techniques - and the man will not go anywhere from you.

Standard Tips in this matter are

Let us know about ourselves regularly. The effectiveness of such a recommendation is not very high, but it can help, so to speak, in the long term, when he just gets used to the fact that you are always there.

Try to wear sexy outfits to meet these people: Short skirt, tight dress, skinny jeans - consider that half the battle is done. By the way, experts have proven that tight-fitting jeans for men are considered the sexiest clothing of the 21st century.

Give him some kind of present, it is desirable that he can hang it around his neck or on his arm. This will allow you to unobtrusively remember you every time. A few things in the form of a coffee cup will also help him think of you every morning while he enjoys his "invigorating" drink.

Send him in the morning funny sms. This is not only an opportunity to express yourself, but also a gift in the form of positive emotions for all day. And it's worth it.

If you work in the same institution, then ask the man how his morning went, what is his mood, how is he doing?

Have an effect on his friends. Try to listen to other people, and you will definitely find out about their problems. And if you can help to the best friend your man, then consider that you already have an assistant who is on the same level as his mother. If his friends are the only case of absolutely problem-free people, then surprise them with your beauty and erudition.

But there are more "advanced" ways. The following describes 7 very effective ways which can make a man think about you almost constantly, and one in particular effective methodology, from which he can generally lose his head 🙂 So:

Method 1: Jealousy

In itself, the feeling of jealousy is not the most good emotions, but good helper for woman. In this case, it is advisable not to go too far, but to flirt a little with another man. You can not even with another man, but only with your smartphone ...

The human psyche of both sexes is arranged in such a way that if the time has come for jealousy, then it will make a person constantly rage thinking about the “object” of his worries.

Method 2: Delicious Dinners

This veiled psychological game has been played by women for hundreds of years. Naturally, dinner should take place in a pleasant atmosphere: subdued lights (but candles are not required and not even desirable), pleasant music (but not necessarily classics), good film(not necessarily romantic) - and most importantly, very tasty food (after all, my mother always said that the way to a man lies through his stomach - and, as always, she was right). At the same time, it is not necessary to be some kind of culinary guru, you can even order ready-made pizza or sushi in your favorite cafe. The main thing that pleasant sensations from tasty food, pleasant atmosphere and comfort are strongly associated with you. Therefore, the center of all this action should be you in all your best seductive magnificence.

This will make a man mentally returning to such evenings to think first of all about you and wish it again.

Method 3: Closer-Further Method

This way to intrigue a man just drives him crazy. You just keep your loved one at a distance. First, treat him with sympathy, and then turn on the “cold”. And then it's up to him. He sits and thinks, what did he do wrong, where did he go wrong, and so on. If you play the game very skillfully, the result will not keep you waiting. The main thing is not to flirt too much, otherwise the bait will fall off the hook.

Method 4: Friendly

And it consists in building a common cause, wherever common interests. Let's say he goes to the gym - it's time for you to sign up there. And useful, and the man will always be in sight. He likes to run in the morning - wear sneakers. At the same time, your actions do not look intrusive, because you do everything “for the company”, on an individual basis. And since you are together so often, then the man will have an interest in you, he will want to know as much as possible about you.

Method 5: Listening

If a woman knows how to listen, and does not constantly chatter about her problems (you still have time), then this is pleasant and cannot but cause positive feelings in a man. Do you think only you need a "vest" in which you can "cry"? At first you will become just a friend to him, and then you will become closer to yourself. loved one!

Method 6: Make him "lose" you

This is just the moment when a man will definitely start thinking about you from a distance. Disappear for a while after some event where everything was so perfect for you. Don't call him or pick up the phone when he calls. It always works 100%. Wait a couple of days, and then declare yourself in a relaxed manner. Dial his number first and ask how you are. During communication, remember how good you once were. And then end the conversation - let him think.

Method 7: Both useful and non-standard

Borrow money from a man, but think about how much he can give so as not to cause him confusion. This courageous method will begin to work when you give him the money exactly on time with words of gratitude as if he saved your life. Make him a hero - men love it.

Psychological Mind Games - Anchor Technique

There is one secret psychological technique It is called "anchor". Its meaning is that regularly, day after day, you do the same action (smile at him when you pass by his office, send SMS at the same time in the morning, etc.). Develop a stable habit in a man within a couple of weeks.

Then we take the “closer-further” technique, when you just turn on the “cold”. And then he does everything himself: he thinks why you stopped writing to him, what happened, maybe it's the reason? The main thing is not to overdo it so that your young man does not start to twitch at your voice and laugh nervously at your smile. It is worth knowing everything in moderation.

A whole heap useful action can make your man think about you hourly. At the same time, it is important to make creativity, creativity and eccentricity in business. Yes, and remember that it is better not to repeat yourself, so as not to be ridiculed or branded as crazy. We wish you good luck in conquering the man of your dreams!