Quotes about the beauty of the bride on the wedding day. Aphorisms about love for a wedding

If only marriage based on love is moral, then it remains so only as long as love continues to exist. But the duration of the feeling of individual sexual love is very different for different individuals, especially for men, and since it has completely dried up or supplanted by a new passionate love, then divorce becomes a boon for both parties and for society. You just need to save people from having to wade through the unnecessary filth of the divorce proceedings.

There is no marriage without equality. A wife, excluded from all the interests that occupy her husband, alien to them, not sharing them, is a concubine, housekeeper, nanny, but not a wife in the full, noble sense of the word.

The advantages of polygamy include, among other things, the fact that it excludes the collisions with the wife's parents necessary in monogamy, fear of which keeps many from marrying. But, on the other hand, dealing with 10 mother-in-law instead of one is also not a particularly pleasant prospect.

A man is not the one who has a woman, but the one who protects her.

To get married is to halve your rights and double your responsibilities.

What is done in paradise, we do not know; but we know exactly what they don’t do there: they don’t marry and don’t get married there.

The honeymoon ends when the dog brings the slippers to the husband and the wife begins to grumble.

The bachelor does not know women at all; the married man knows them only through the mediation of his wife.

Get married no matter what. If you get a good wife, you will be an exception, and if you get a bad one, you will become a philosopher.

A man has no right to marry without first studying the anatomy and not making an autopsy of at least one woman.

You need to marry a woman whom you would choose as your friends if she were a man.

Marriage is distinguished by the peculiarity that idol worship ceases with it. When a man takes a closer look at his goddess, she again becomes a simple woman.

If I had not married, I would have been a different person. I would have remained the same aggressive scoundrel because that's all I knew how - to hurt other people.

To keep your husband, make him a little jealous; to lose your husband, make him jealous a little more.

I AM?! Marry ?! What are you doing ?! Even my hamster is dead ... And here my husband - such a responsibility!

Marriage is an original attempt to cut costs in half by doubling them.

All women want to get married, and everyone is ready to believe in love for one day in a white dress.

Yes, I'll set up such a wedding that you have never seen: I will dismiss the musicians from Moscow, I will go alone in four carriages.

I stick to the old rules. I believe that people should be married for life, like doves and Catholics.

A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife does not say.

One who marries because of wealth is selling his freedom.

Two rings are involved in the wedding ceremony: one is put on the bride's finger, the other is threaded through the groom's nose.

Young people are completely tragic; in marriage, they are combined with an eternal bond with their audience.

If a woman feeds a man some delicacies before the wedding, he still has time to change his mind.

Worse than a marriage without love can only be a marriage in which love exists only on one side.

Mom always told me: trust your husband, adore your husband and write down as much property as possible in your name

Again, someone's surrender is playing the wedding march.

In love there is a certain amount of romance, in an engagement there is none, because an engagement mostly ends in a wedding.

Marriage is a crime because it kills mystery.

The man feels seven years older the day after the wedding.

Women seek happiness in marriage; men put their own at stake.

The music of the wedding procession always reminds me of a military march before a battle.

Only a reasonable marriage is successful, only a reckless one is fascinating. Any other is built on base calculation.

In the life of every girl there should be not only a little black dress, but also a big white one !!!

Marriage makes us understand ourselves better, and this is not its least virtue, and also not its least flaw.

There is no rumor that comes up so easily and spreads as quickly as rumors about weddings.

It is high time to replace the marriage formula of love and fidelity with a declaration of readiness to wash dishes and take out the trash.

White represents joy. At weddings, women wear white, men wear black.

Marriages are made in heaven, but there they don't care if they are successful.

A wedding makes a man happy only in one case - if it is his daughter's wedding.

A wedding, no doubt, is a solemn event, for which it is important not only to prepare a good wedding gift, but also to pick up a special congratulation for the newlyweds. Not everyone can choose the right words on their own, but on our wedding portal, Wedding.ws, you will certainly find the greeting that you have been looking for for so long.

Greetings options for newlyweds based on quotes

Dear newlyweds! I want to raise this glass to the wise words of a talented French writer Jean Rostand. He said that a good family is one in which spouses forget that they are lovers during the day and that they are spouses at night. So let’s drink to make it so in your family!

On this day, we congratulate wonderful people with the beginning of family life! As one French writer named Frederic Stendhal said: "Love is a beautiful flower that grows on the edge of the abyss, and to pick it, people need courage and courage." Let's wish the young to remain as brave and fearless, because you managed to pick your flower and not fall into the abyss. May your love bloom forever for the joy of you and your future children!

I congratulate you on your wedding day! As Antoine de Saint-Exupery said: "Love is not when they look at each other, but when they look in the same direction." So I want to wish you that you always look in the same direction and only forward, achieving all your goals. Happiness, love and good luck in everything!

As the great writer Cervantes said: "Love has such glasses through which copper will seem like gold, poverty - luxury, and sparks of flame - pearls". So we wish the newlyweds that in their wonderful family all this can be seen with the naked eye!

As Omar Khayyam said:
In a moment, a moment - and life flashes by ...
Let this moment shine with fun!
Beware, for life is the essence of creation
As you carry it out, so it will pass!
May peace and happiness always reign in your young family!

Goethe wrote: "Everyone hears what he understands." So let's wish that our young people always hear each other!

As Stendhal once said: "The family is one of the masterpieces of nature!" Today you have created this wonderful masterpiece! Let your family life be filled with light and warmth, happiness and joy! Love you and good luck in everything!

One philosopher said: "There are many seekers in life, those who have found are difficult to find." Therefore, our newlyweds are the happiest people, because they found each other. Let your family hearth always burn with the same bright flame as your love is now burning in your hearts. Mutual understanding to you, love and devotion. For your happiness!

We hope that among our abundance of congratulations to the newlyweds, you have found the one that suits you best!

    Rida Khasanova

    Original statuses about the anniversary

    No need to write banal things like "We have a wooden wedding today." And, for example, you can write the status in a joking or poetic form.

    Examples of original statuses about the anniversary:

    • - Do you have a dream?
      - Was.
      - And now?
      - Now you are next to me. Happy wedding anniversary, darling!
    • Congratulations on your anniversary
      beloved man.
      Kind, smart and sexy -
      you are perfect for me!
    • So we lived for a year
      no hassle and no worries.
      There is no "mine" or "yours"
      we share everything in two.

    Cool statuses about the wedding anniversary:

    • Our wedding anniversary passed in silence as the restaurant had free internet.
    • We are celebrating our first wedding anniversary, and by this time my eyesight has deteriorated! I don’t see money!
    • Someone wants to forever remain in the heart of a man, in his thoughts and memory. And for 5 years now I have been on page 14 of my husband's passport.
    • A year ago, we were not afraid to take a risk, and now we will be happy all our lives!
    • I won't leave you, but you bear with me - we have a golden wedding ahead of us!

    Wedding Anniversary Quotes

    To tell everything about your lucky day - your wedding anniversary, you can use well-known statements famous people about family life.

    Honore de Balzac said: "One must believe in marriage as well as in the immortality of the soul."

    These are wonderful words for those spouses who want to emphasize that their love for each other will never die.

    You can just original declaration of love to your spouse using a quote Paula Sweeney: "I love being my husband's wife." Or in the words of Martin Luther King to emphasize that marriage is the daily labor of two people: “Chains will not hold a marriage. It will be supported by many tiny threads that have been sewn by people for many years. "

    Other quotes about the wedding anniversary:

    • True happiness is when, 5 years after the wedding, the butterflies in the stomach are still fluttering even from one glance.
    • Why is the wedding ring worn on the ring finger? Because it has a vein that leads to the heart. So you have been in my heart for a whole year.
    • Life is like a sensual dance of 15 years!

    Our senses are the same, as are the bouquet of red roses.

    Interesting hashtags and posts about the anniversary of living together

    The anniversary of married life is usually celebrated more widely and festively than the intermediate dates. These include: pink (10 years old), silver (25 years old), gold (50 years old) and others.

    On such days, you can congratulate your loved one not only with a gift and warm words, but also by placing a touching post about your wedding anniversary on your page on a social network

    Examples of such posts:

    • We are celebrating the wedding anniversary - this is a real holiday of sincere love, happiness and mutual understanding. May all the next years of our life pass in the same atmosphere of calmness and serenity as the previous ones. Our feelings are getting stronger and stronger every day, and we wish everyone in their lives to experience true love - such as we have.
    • My dear husband! I am happy to be with you for nearly 30 years. May God protect our family and our feelings. And I will always be by your side, giving you my love and gratitude.

    Such words about love can be supported by hashtags. to highlight the personality of the couple. For example, these hashtags:

    • # 25years together;
    • # SolovievsGoldenWedding;
    • # 10years in love.

    How to come up with hashtags for your wedding anniversary

    Social media users have been using hashtags for a long time, placing them under their posts. But creating an interesting, bright wedding hashtag is still in demand. This is explained by the fact that a personal hashtag will emphasize the individuality and creativity of the person who posted the post.

    So that the hashtag about the wedding anniversary does not get lost among many similar ones, you need to try to make it as original as possible. Do not limit yourself to names alone, for example #PashaMasha.

    It is better to combine both names and the date to be marked in one hashtag. To make the phrase readable, you can select words in it in capital letters... Examples:

    • # 21JulyLena Zhenya Print Wedding;
    • # WoodenWedding of the Ivanovs17;
    • # 1 anniversary of the Kuznetsov family.

    The more complex the phrase in the hashtag, the fewer people will see this photo or post.

    Do not use underscores or too many numbers. It is also not recommended to use words whose meaning changes if instead of the letter e you put the letter ё

    Hashtag in Latin you can write only if friends and guests of the holiday know the keyboard layout in English. If the majority of those invited to the anniversary do not have such knowledge, then it is better to leave the captions to the photo only in Russian.

    Good examples of wedding anniversary hashtags:

    • #GoldenWedding of the Ivanovs;
    • #MashaMaxForever;
    • # husband and wife 5 years old;
    • #RomancePaperAnniversary.

    Despite the fact that it was chosen to indicate an important date for congratulations on social networks: a cool status, a quote from a famous person or a post about love in prose - the most important thing is that all this comes from the heart, sincerely and with the best feelings about who these are dedicated to. the words. Be sure to personally congratulate your soul mate on the family's birthday and spend this day without the Internet, but enjoying each other's company.

    19 February 2018, 09:19

    I promised myself, but I don’t do it. Quite a lot of time has passed since the writing of the first part, but the continuation did not follow. It's time to correct this oversight. Of course, I try to add information necessary to create a wedding album (for example, a recently published article is directly related to the case). And today we ... no, it will not be another Photoshop lesson at all, but just a collection of words, poems, statements of love that I have collected for a wedding album.

    On the one hand, you think: what's so special about it? - typed in a search engine "statements of love" and voila! - all is ready. But it was not there. What do we see from these links?

    The lover is always ready to believe in the reality of what he fears.

    Love is the victory of the imagination over the mind.

    Who drinks from a single bowl
    Love and jealousy together
    He will inevitably drink
    Red drink of revenge.

    Love is the desire to achieve friendship of the one who attracts with his beauty.

    Love is characteristic only of a sane person.

    Don't beg for love, hopelessly loving
    Do not wander under the window of the unfaithful, grieving.
    Like beggar dervishes, be independent -
    Maybe then they will love you.

    This is how nature works: nothing enhances love for a person like the fear of losing him.

    How do you like it? I didn't like it, or rather, THIS is not suitable for placement in a wedding album. Of course, you need to look for and select the right ones. It is good if you have poems that are closely related or associated with your relationship - then there will be no problems with finding words when designing wedding collages. And if not? So let's search and write down ... choose and / or add your own. But only about love, about happiness, about a happy marriage, and not about jealousy, parting, torment of love and so on. Let's start ...

    Let's start with statements of love, there are a lot of them, so poems about love and aphorisms "we will read" another time.

    “Perhaps in this world you are just a person, but for me you are the whole world.

    "Here is my heart. It is full of love. This is the meaning of life.

    »The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that you are loved. W.Hugo

    »Love is omnipotent: there is no grief on earth - higher than her punishment, no happiness - higher than the pleasure of serving her. W. Shakespeare

    »There should be love in life - one great love in a lifetime.

    »Love is an invaluable gift. This is the only thing that we can give and yet it remains with you. L. Tolstoy.

    »Love is a lamp that illuminates the Universe; without the light of love, the earth would turn into a barren desert, and man into a handful of dust. M. Braddon

    »Love is the beginning and end of our existence. There is no life without love. That is why love is what the wise man bows to. Confucius.

    »There is no spectacle in the world more beautiful than the face of a loved one, and there is no music sweeter than the sound of a loved voice. J. La Bruyere.

    »Being loved is more than being rich, because being loved means being happy ... K. Thilier

    “The person you love in me is, of course, better than me: I'm not like that. But you love, and I will try to be better than myself. Prishvin.

    »Love is the only reasonable and satisfactory answer to the question of the meaning of human existence.

    "Beauty is not eternal - this is until evening; pure heart, love is eternity, without borders ...

    »Love is like the sea. Its width knows no shores. Give her all your blood and soul: there is no other measure here.

    »Where there is love no interpretation is needed, more beautiful than the words of two loving silence!

    »In this world, the only real happiness is a happy marriage.

    "Love comes to us ... in order to give strength to dreams, to give wings to our hearts, to open our eyes to all that is beautiful. Nyanin Alexey.

    »Love is not only physical communication, but also spiritual communication. D. Selinger.

    “Today I love you more than yesterday, but still half as much as I will love tomorrow.

    Henry Thoreau

    Francois Mauriac

    "No pretense can neither hide love where it is, nor show it where it is not ... La Rochefoucauld


    »In love at first sight, the most amazing thing is that it happens to people who have seen each other for years. Jean Anouille

    »Love is a joyful acceptance and blessing of all living and being, that openness of souls that opens its arms to every manifestation of being as such, feels its divine meaning. Semyon Frank.

    “To love means to experience pleasure when you see, touch, feel with all your senses and at the closest possible distance the creature that you love and that loves you. Stendhal

    »There is only one remedy for love: to love even more. Henry Thoreau

    “To love is to see a miracle invisible to others. Francois Mauriac

    "Without you, the end of the world is in my heart!

    »You can't really fall in love with a person with whom you never laugh.

    »In love - only two. The whole world around is scenery.

    “To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another. Leibniz

    »When a lover is angry with his beloved, it only leads to the fact that love becomes even more ardent and tender. Lope de Vega

    »Even the severity of the woman we love is full of endless charm, which we do not find in our happiest moments in other women.

    “They called me from Paradise and said that the most beautiful angel had escaped from them, but I did not give you away ...

    »Love is like a sponge; when a sponge is saturated with water, a whole sea can spill over it without adding a single drop to its contents. V. Hugo

    »Love is more precious than all treasures. She is a diamond that even kings cannot buy. She is the whole world, although she is hugged with two arms.

    "Love! - How immense in this sense! What an ocean in one tear! What a sky in one glance! What a storm in. one breath! What lightning in one touch! What eternity in one instant!

    »In love, silence is more precious than words. It's good when embarrassment binds our tongue: silence has its own eloquence, which reaches the heart better than any words. How much can a lover say to his beloved when he is silent in confusion, and how much mind he reveals at the same time. Pascal Blaise

    “When you love, you discover such wealth in yourself, so much tenderness, tenderness, you can't even believe that you know how to love so much. Chernyshevsky N.G.

    »When someone loves you, he pronounces your name in a special way. Your name is snug on its tongue.

    »Love for you fills my heart with joy, teaches me to be faithful to my convictions. And I offer you my heart, filled with sacred love, pure, and selfless boundless.

    »SHE is in everything: in the beating of hearts, in kinship of souls, in tenderness and care, in sincerity, in eternity, in a friendly handshake, in the arms of lovers, in her eyes, in the light of a night lamp, in the color of a butterfly, in the scent of wildflowers and the smell of ripe wheat, in the blue of transparent happy eyes, the wave of your eyelashes.

    Wedding aphorisms

    winged expressions for weddings

    Beat your husband with a teapot - the husband will be the boss!
    Everything is equally in the family: a tie for a husband, a fur coat for a wife!
    Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.
    Let's get drunk in smoke. So that there was happiness - young!
    Children are the flowers of life! Give me a whole bouquet!
    Another one did the trick!
    We wish the young couple to live golden before the wedding.
    A wife is not a mitten - you can't plug a belt.
    I got married myself - help a friend.
    Live among yourself like fish and water.
    Who goes where, and we get married!
    Who won't have fun. We won't let you get drunk.
    The son-in-law has a best friend, he is called father-in-law.
    Love is a ring, and y rings have no beginning and no end.
    Love is teppey, impatience - divorce.
    Newlyweds. Reduce the marriage rate in your marriage.
    At our wedding, the law is simple: Drink, have fun and sing.
    There is no need for treasure, since the husband and wife are in harmony.
    Do not boast about the marriage of the third day, but boast about the third year.
    No better friend than a faithful friend.
    Carry your wife in your arms ... until you sit on your neck.
    Well, mother-in-law does not whirl, give your son-in-law a Lada!
    From a kiss to a quarrel, one step, and from a quarrel to a kiss - a week, or even new boots!
    Do not gather more than three under the table!
    The way to a husband's heart is through his stomach.
    With a good wife, grief - half grief, joy - doubly.
    With a cute paradise and in a hut, but it's better if a hut in paradise.
    A wedding is a wedding in Africa too!
    Family is the key to happiness.
    A family without love is a tree without roots.
    Do not cool mother-in-law-mother-in-law - buy Zhiguly's son-in-law.
    Sober at a wedding is a spy.
    A good mother-in-law does not have a skinny son-in-law.
    For the union to be strong, the toddler is urgently needed!
    A brown-eyed (green-eyed, blue-eyed) girl languishes in this mansion.
    Someone has something, but we have a wedding.
    You feel good today - you are getting married today.
    All the same, you will not go anywhere from me. (Drawn toddler)
    We ask you not to forget, more often to shout "Bitter" to us.
    A good mother-in-law will not have a skinny son-in-law. (Mother-in-law feeds her son-in-law with pancakes).
    The professor's husband is nonsense, the student's husband is yes!
    Don't look for an easy life, you got married - not food!
    Hee hee hee, ha ha ha, we will rob the groom!
    Tili-tili dough - the bride lives here.
    Quit drinking, smoking, swearing - we will get married.
    Stop, groom! Don't move - your bride lives here.
    It's not enough to go to heaven, you also need to get settled there. (A hut, there is a refrigerator, TV, etc.).
    The husband is the king - the heel of the wife is his crown.

    Aphorisms of great people

    Unrequited love is useful for the poet's notebook: it fills the pages, emptying his soul.
    Unknown author

    One hour of love is a whole life.
    Honore de Balzac

    Any obstacle to love only strengthens it.

    Does love have anything to do with the mind!
    Goethe Johann Wolfgang

    If two people love each other, it cannot end happily.
    HEMINGUEY Ernest

    Women only love those they don't know.
    LERMONTOV Mikhail Yurievich

    We live and breathe, loving,
    But everyone loves only himself.

    Others think that old love should be knocked out with new love, like a stake with a stake.
    CICERON Mark Tullius

    Whoever does not forget his first love will not know the last.
    BURLYUK David Davidovich

    Any passion pushes for mistakes, but love pushes on the stupidest ones.
    LAROCHFUCO Francois de

    To love is not to look at each other, but to look in one direction.
    SAINT-EXUPERI Antoine de

    Love flees from those who chase it
    And those who run away are thrown on their necks.

    Love is always - if we don't lie, -
    Self-love. This is how light is created.
    LOPE DE VEGA (Lope Felix De Vega Carpio)

    Love and puppies are born blind.
    Swedish proverb

    Love does not reason; with wings and no eyes, she is the emblem of blind rashness.

    Love is born in admiration, lives in depression and dies in hysteria.
    BUCHARSKY Yuri Vyacheslavovich

    Love dies, in spite of the priest and the marriage vow.
    TEKKEREY William Mykpees

    Love is the only passion that recognizes neither the past nor the future.
    Honore de Balzac

    Love is a gross exaggeration of the difference between one person and everyone else.
    SHOW George Bernard

    Love, the only passion that is paid for with the same coin that it mints itself.

    Love, voluptuous bitter monster, from which there is no protection.

    Love ... is stronger than death and fear of death.
    TURGENEV, Ivan Sergeevich

    Dream and reality merge in love.
    NABOKOV Vladimir Vladimirovich

    A man falls in love with his eyes, but is disappointed with his ears.
    BUCHARSKY Yuri Vyacheslavovich

    A man usually loves women whom he respects; a woman usually only respects the men she loves. Therefore, a man often loves women who are not worth loving, and a woman often respects men who are not worth respecting.
    KLYUCHEVSKY Vasily Osipovich

    A man wants to reduce love to the level of pleasure, and a woman wants to increase love to the level of happiness.
    MELIKHAN Konstantin Semyonovich

    A man who speaks intelligently about love is not very fond of.
    SAND Georges (DUPIN Aurora)

    Men always want to be a woman's first love. Women dream of being the last romance of a man.
    WILD Oscar

    Love ruins people no less than the plague.
    GORKY Maxim (Alexey Maximovich Peshkov)

    Before a woman swears not to love anyone but her, she should see all women, or see only her alone.
    BUAST Pierre

    Parting is to love what the wind is to fire; he extinguishes a weak fire and fancies a strong one.

    Only the last love of a woman can compare with the first love of a man.
    BALZAC Honore de

    The mind looks with thousands of eyes, love looks with one.
    POLONSKY Yakov Petrovich

    The worst way to miss someone is to be with them and understand that they will never be yours.
    MARCES García Gabriel

    Man is not a beast or an angel; he must love not animalically and not platonically, but humanly.
    BELINSKY Vissarion Grigorievich

    What is love? This is a toothache in the heart.
    Heine Heinrich

    “Love is a beacon raised over the storm,
    Not fading in darkness and fog,
    Love is the star by which the sailor
    Defines a location in the ocean. "
    W. Shakespeare

    “Joy and sorrow, excitement of thoughts,
    A troubled mind with sweet agony
    A thrill of delight, a heavy sadness again;
    Happy is only the one who owns love! "
    I. Goethe

    “Love is… the high motivation of the individual to grow and mature, to become something within oneself, to become a kind of world, to become a world within oneself for the sake of another. This is a great, almost exorbitant demand, something that elects us and calls us to greatness. Love lies in the fact that two retire to protect, support and rejoice each other. "
    Rainer Maria Rilke

    "The beginning and weakening of love is felt through the difficulty we experience in being alone."
    La Bruyere

    “We always think that we are loved because we are good. But we do not guess that they love us because those who love us are good. "
    L. Tolstoy

    "The heart is in balance only on the razor's edge."
    Pierre Reverdy

    Most people are as happy as they choose to be.
    Abe lincoln

    Darkness cannot disperse darkness - only light can.
    Hatred cannot destroy hatred - only love can.
    Martin Luther King

    People are often lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.

    Do you know what a woman wants?
    To be treated like a queen; but she wants this from the king, not from the pawn.
    James robison

    Friendship is love minus sex and plus reasons.
    Love is friendship plus sex and minus reasons.
    Mason cooley

    Friendship is love without wings.

    Love may indeed be a disease, but, alas, not contagious.
    Hot Petan

    If you don’t love too much, then you don’t love enough.
    Louis de Petier

    Without falling in love, one cannot come to the conclusion that love does not exist.
    Alexander Kulich

    To be loved, the best thing is to be beautiful, but to be beautiful, you need to be loved.
    Françoise Sagan

    A woman is young as long as she is loved.
    G. Flaubert

    A woman has only one opportunity to be beautiful, but there are a hundred thousand opportunities to be attractive.
    C. Montesquieu

    Being a woman is a great step.
    Driving insane is heroism.
    (B. Pasternak)

    What is the smartest woman? The one that I want to thank even for the refusal.
    V. Klyuchevsky

    A woman's heart is a white sheet of paper: you never read anything on it, but you can write a lot if you know how to write on such material.
    V. Klyuchevsky

    Don't joke with women: these jokes are stupid and indecent.
    Kozma Prutkov

    Nothing gets in the way of a romance like a woman's sense of humor or a man's lack of it.
    Oscar Wilde

    We must give as we receive, willingly, quickly and without hesitation, because there is no nobility in giving away from hands.

    Love is a disease of tenderness.

    If by the age of forty a person's room is not filled with children's voices, then it is filled with nightmares.
    Saint Beuve

    If the art of having a conversation rose, the birth rate would drop.
    S.E. Lets

    Let a man be afraid of a woman when she loves: for she makes any sacrifice and every other thing has no value for her.

    Women have their whole heart, even their head.
    Jean Paul

    Those who praise women do not know them enough. Those who scold them do not know them at all.

    A beautiful and virtuous woman is a mirage that replenishes our great moral desert with bright lakes and shady alleys.
    J.-E. Renan

    If the vessel is not clean enough, whatever you pour into it will turn sour.

    You are contemplating a star for two reasons: because it sparkles, and because it is incomprehensible. But next to you is a deeper radiance and a deeper mystery: a woman.

    The woman worries about the future until she gets married. A man doesn't worry about the future until he gets married.
    Coco Chanel

    A man forgives and forgets, a woman forgives - that's all.

    Beware of a woman who has many friends, for they will constantly strive to destroy your marriage union, your "we". However, one friend is even worse: over time, she may become your wife.
    Cyril Connolly

    Forgiving is good, but forgetting is best.
    R. Browning

    Women are like flowers: one woman and one flower delight and delight; where there are many flowers in the room and many women, they produce a headache.
    M. Safir

    If a woman doesn't love you, she will make you pay for it; and if she loves, she will make you pay even more.
    R. Aldington

    Femininity is the quality that I most admire in women.
    Oscar Wilde

    “Yes” is a word that women can pronounce more easily with their eyes than with their lips.
    Paul Decursel

    Parting is to love what the wind is to fire: it extinguishes a small love, and inflates a big one even more.
    A.I. Kuprin

    It's bad if there is no one to take care of you. Even worse, if you have no one to care for.
    S.E. Lets

    Jealousy is the art of hurting yourself more than others.

    Robbers demand a wallet or a life, women demand both.
    Samuel Butler

    Men appreciate the most material thing in women - beauty, and women in men - the most ephemeral: reliability.
    N. Vekshin

    Love is not about staring at each other, but about looking in the same direction together.
    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

    We are responsible for those we have tamed.
    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

    Love, like fire, goes out without food.