The girl does not go on a date: what to do to pull it out to meet. The girl refused a date

Do you offer a girl to go walk, but she refuses to you? How to behave in this case, because the refusal strongly affects the emotional state, and hope for future relationships with a girl decreases.

If the girl refused to date you - Causes

To say what reason is used most often for the refusal of the meeting, it is impossible, since each particular case is very individual.

Employment: The girl can refuse to go with you to walk on a date by the simplest reason, it is busy more important things. It is not necessary to think that refusing to you in a date, the girl is flawed and does not want to be friends with you, no, it is impossible to think so, because every person has such situations when he is really busy and cannot find free time for a walk. We recommend reading

Desire: Perhaps the girl is not ready to go with you on a date, because she does not want to go anywhere. There are days when I want to sit at home so that no one touches and not bothered, as they say, feel like potatoes in a dark far corner, where no one. Maybe it is at the moment when you invite the girl to walk, she has such a potato mood.

Sympathy: And of course, another option, why the girl refuses to meet, and he is that the girl has no sympathy and attraction, that is, a walk with you will not give her any joy. Actually, this is the worst option when the girl refuses to go walk with you.

If the girl refused you in a date - what to do

First of all, having received a refusal of a girl in a date with you, you should not pour and swear with a girl. The best option will keep a good relationship and calm tone to tell her that you are very sorry, and you will count on to meet her next time.

Another important action must be understood why the girl refuses to meet, because of the employment or lack of desire to meet with you. To do this, you need to compare facts, so if you have ever met more than once, and this is her first refusal to meet you, then, most likely, it is really busy, although it will be good if the girl tells you than it is so important. Do not be afraid to ask her about it, this is quite a normal question. If the girl refuses to meet with you, and the refusal of meetings is not the first, but the reasons for her employment seem to you with complete fiction, then most likely, she has no interest to walk with you. In this case, if you like the girl, do not back down just like that, seek her and maybe one day she will change his mind. We recommend reading

A small advice if the girl repeatedly refuses to meet you! Look around how many more beautiful and gentle girls walk around you, you just need to make a small step to the side and you will see how the world is full of female paints, as much around lonely girls looking for such a wonderful person as you. So is it worth a time to waste the time that rejects you, losing your happiness?

What if the girl does not go on a date? How to pull it out to meet and seduce?

When it comes to a real meeting, she for some reason "merges", coming up with excuses. What if the girl does not go on a date? How to pull it out to meet and seduce?

Sometimes these questions are very difficult to find an answer. Especially if you consider the fact that it is the most sophisticated ways trying to create obstacles. Moreover, without explaining the reasons why it happens.

And in order for you to persuade her to meet, you need to understand ...

Why a girl doesn't go on a date

And the reasons may be different. This may be, by the way, and first date. And maybe the second and third date.

Cause №1. She is afraid of you

Yes, there are still such girls who are afraid of everything and everyone.

If the girl under the present moment there was little dates or in previous meetings with guys, she behaved stupid and unattractive, it is not surprising if she will avoid meeting you.

Others will be afraid of you due to the fact that you are "some strange." Most often it happens precisely because you have the most fears that are in certain moments make you behave strangely.

Cause # 2. You have a chance, but she does not want to encourage you

An interesting reason for itself is the reason for which the girl can refuse you in a date.

If it is conventionally divided by all the stages of seduction into two stages, then the first will be "like interesting, but I don't know," and the second - "I am constantly thinking about him."

Most guys do not possess sufficient skills to quickly go to the second stage. They are assessed to some extent to the girl, but she still refuses them.


Yes, because she perfectly understands that if he goes to a meeting, he will give him to understand what she likes. And then he will start calling her every day and try to seduce. And it is at all for nothing.

Therefore, it is easier for her to refuse now. Although the guy in this case still has a chance to please her.

Cause number 3. You don't like you

The easiest reason.

Moreover, you can now think "how so, because she is happy to communicate with me! So I like me! "

But this is not the interest that makes them come to meetings.

The girl has two needs.

The first: the need for warm feelings (friend).

Second: the need for a sexual partner (guy).

If she is pleased to communicate with you, but when it comes to dates with a sexual tint - refuses, this is a clear sign that you got into the first category. The category of friends with whom she is comfortable and interesting to communicate - no more.

What to do with all

For the first two reasons, there is one universal solution: to study the seduction of girls at a serious level, learn to interest them already during dating, as well as cause an attraction during communication by phone.

Moreover, developing these skills in itself, you can completely get rid of the problem of refusing dates.

As for the third reason, it is already somewhat more complicated here as you have already got into the so-called "friend's zone". It is because of this that the girl does not go on a date. What to do to get out of this "friend zone"?

Your task is to change your behavior from what is now, to another - sexually attractive. To do this, you need to make a sharp "further" (cool to it, to communicate without enthusiasm, as if you were unpleasant to communicate with her), as well as call her jealousy and feeling your demand for the opposite sex.

These emotions can be called enough. If you have each other in your friends in contact, then take a photo with other girls and lay out them. Let it begin to jealous you. At the same time, you must remember that you need to keep the "distance", continuing to communicate with it as if it is no longer so interesting to you as before.

And only then, when she starts to show a clear interest to you, you can slowly begin to answer her with reciprocity. The keyword here is "slowly".

Despite the simplicity of recommendations on what to do if the girl does not go on a date, it is difficult to stick to them quite difficult. Everything rests on your nature. Weak guys may, and begin to apply what I told now. But soon their weakness will begin to appear again, and then everything will go to the cat under the tail. As they say, it's not in knowledge, but in the power of the Spirit that allows you to bring these knowledge to life.

Updated 21 Nov 2015.. Created 02 Feb 2015.

Hello is Lesha dock.

In this article we will talk on this topic " The girl does not go on a date»

And now I will answer a letter of a guy who sent me a letter with his question.


i will personally answer you

My Personal Mail: [Email Protected] (everything is free)

But his letter:

Hi Lesha. I read articles, thank you for knowledge. Situation: I am removed for 25 years with a girl of 18 years old. I got constant pulling her on dates, for 2 months of our relationship, on its part there is no initiative in meetings. Every time I take her call, she has no mood, and she shifts everything for tomorrow, after a couple of my psychos, she still agrees to go, and we walk, we have a great time, she is always satisfied.

Every day I write sms good morning And good night, recognition in love, etc. He says that he loves me and is very jealous of everything, but every time she tries to dodge from meeting me, for me, herself, not at the request, deleted all the boys from social networks.

A lot of complexes, accuses that I do not like her, But at the same time I do enough for herTo see this love. Communicate with me loves exclusively by SMS, telephone conversations tries to avoid, recently. Previously, before you began to meet, I waited for my arrival, because The girl from the family of friends, and how began to meet her began to shit it, roughly speaking.

I need advice, how to act in this situation, because i have not seen her for several daysAnd on my invitation to go take a walk she responds with refusal. Those. I regard it as unwillingness to see, there are thoughts about parting, even though I love, but I fed to me. And by the way, he writes to me sms, when not seeing, solely in the morning "Good morning" and in the evening before bedtime, the day of the desire to communicate, she has no. What should I do?

If you also want to get an answer to your life situation associated with the girl, personally from Lesha Doc, then boldly subscribe ( form below)

So, let's understand in this situation.

What can be said about the girl and its actions?

Girls youngsters (16-18 years old) brain works as follows: The girl perfectly understands that she is young, beautiful, and create relationships at this age is stupid. Since she still does not know what he wants, plus it will need to learn, build an unreal career, etc.

In other words, A man will really limit her freedom And will not give to develop in the male plan. But at the same time, such youngsters want male attention, compliments, sex without commitment and interesting pastime on cafes, cinema, etc.

And so the girl and dreaming among these 2 lights And it can not decide that it is more important for it in this life stage.

Plus, she knows that men are very much and everyone wants her, since she is beautiful and young. And to choose from a variety of men, she constantly holds, meetings, walks, etc. And once, the girl chose a boy with whom you can sometimes stroll, but at the same time she is not sure about it and continues to search and dates with other men.

And so that the guy does not jump from the hook, since he has no replacement, she writes him funny sms as she loves and missesAnd herself at this time holds dates with others. That is why, the girl, never takes the phone, and stupidly screaming SMS under the table on a date with another boy.

And even if she finds a perfect guy, she will still not build relationships with himShe will receive experience, conduct experiments on it, study male psychology to then be armed and prepared.

What do you need to do the guy?

It is necessary to understand that in 90% of cases, youngsters do not need any relationshipThey are just interested in male society, it is interesting to gain experience of communication, to gauge, boast of their beauty, smell and nothing more.

The guy, he took this girl seriously and counted, what exactly should you create a serious relationshipBut he hardly calculated in his arguments and therefore it suffers and does not understand what's the matter.

Remember one fine rule the real man no one will dynamizeSince he is always one step ahead of the girl. He sees a challenge, who is this girl and whether to spend the 2nd date with it. And such youngsters he reckles in 5 minutes of communication.

The same guy for 2 months of relations, so still nothing and did not understandAnd continues to develop themselves with hopes and illusions that someday they will all get better, and it will come out for him.

This article is only a small part of what is on my siteHere there is a lot of useful and practical information on this and other topics you are interested in. You can immediately use this information to be successfully used in practice with girls without losing your time.

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If you have a question for me, write, i will personally answer you

My Personal Mail: [Email Protected] (everything is free)

What do guys talk about articles:

"Lesha, from the moment I started reading your articles, I strongly changed my life. If you use your advice, not only relationships with girls are changing, but in general, all life. Now I live like a man, and girls feel it)) "
Egor, Moscow

"Thank you so much, Lesha !!! Tips from your articles are useful, they change their own psychology and mood to peace and girls. Now in my life everything has changed dramatically. Thankful to you!"
Maxim, Ukraine

"Alexey, thank you so much for what you are doing. You help people find each other, breaking all stereotypes of behavior guys with girls. After your advice it becomes easier to communicate with girls and live as a whole. It turns out that everything is simple!) "
Kostya, Minsk.

If the guy invited a girl on a date, and she refused immediately or after a while, then this, of course, is very unpleasant and sad, but it is quite possible to survive. Perhaps the girl has any reason, and she really can not meet on the appointed day and time. In this case, you can hope that the date will still take place, only on another day. This is a very everyday situation. The second option is possible when the girl does not want to meet with you at all. There will be nothing can be done. Although if you continue to communicate or face school, college, there is still a chance to conquer her trust.

However, what to do at that very moment when you get a refusal of a date? Nothing special. Take a refusal of dignity. You can say a girl that I wanted to have fun with her time, which is very sorry that the meeting will not take place, but you will find something without it. In this case, you will save self-esteem, and the girl can in the soul and regret that he refused to date. In addition, such a conversation cannot be considered a complete gap and there is a small chance to preserve the relationship. If you never see you again with this girl, you will not regret your behavior too - you were at the height. Perhaps someone heard your conversation and you came correctly, taking a refusal of dignity, and answered, observing tactfulness and politeness. The reputation of pleasant and skillful in human communication is always beneficial. If you are easier from this, you can then delete the phone number of the girl from the phone book. All emotions later. By the way, I restrained regretting about parting and politely saying goodbye, people suffer less from breaking relations than with silent separation or scandal.

In the life of every person a lot of meetings and parting. Maybe this girl seemed the best, but if she refused to meet, it means that you are not so suitable for each other. Look at the life of cheerful, it will pass a little time, and you will really meet your only and unique.

You normally communicate with the girl. It seems you already know her. But here you make a step forward, inviting her somewhere and she refuses you. What if the girl refused to date? Is it worth inviting more or no longer need to try? Of course, a lot depends on the situation itself. But there are some points that you need to know.

Why did the girl refused to date?

If you normally communicated, but then it went to failure, that is, several reasons:

  1. She wants to send you in. Quite possibly!
  2. She fastened, frightened and so on. Unlikely, but happens;
  3. She had a bad mood, she just said at random;
  4. It is actually something important.

To check what is the reason in fact, you should ask her to directly. If she says some excuse, like "I will be busy", then you must trace how true it is true.

If she said that she has a boyfriend, you don't like it and or something else, it is better to go further. If you enter into the fight, then you just break your heart.

Is it worth inviting her again?

In fact yes. In any case, you need to make sure that it actually sewned you. Therefore, it is worth waiting for a while, somewhere a couple of days (but not too long) and no matter what happened again to invite it.

She can start you asking why you are so meticulous. You can tell her that you are the perfect person and you are terribly scary from what she can miss you. After all, another such chance will not be for her.

But the likelihood and failure is great. If she says that he has already said and repeats once again that "no", then send it to hell and go on. Invitation to the third, in the fourth and fifth time is already annoying and stupidity.

What if the girl does not go on a date?

According to statistics, any struggle in such a situation is meaningless. If she immediately wants to go with you, she will go, even if her house burns. If she does not want, no one will force it.

But if you do not want to lose it, you can try to talk with her on the Internet, to convey your position to her, to tear it up or give her something. It works, but really rarely.

There is also a "military trick." You need to tell her that this date will be friendly and thus take Franzon. On a date you can climb to kiss it. Often this is how experienced seductors do. But it is necessary to act decisively, otherwise it will not work.

Do not catch up

Many guys are diverted on one girl. They hope at all costs to make her go exactly with them. The girl begins to quickly understand and use such a privilege.

If one did not go with you, then boldly go to another. Then go to the third and so on. Know the price. If you run after one, then you will make yourself cheap. And then you will be hard in a relationship with the opposite sex.

Failure in a date is cool. After all, so you get experience. Much worse, do not solve and be silent at the sight of a girl. Look at the problem from this side, and you will be better.