A didactic game for artistic sensory education. Do-it-yourself didactic sensory education games for young children. Exercises for the middle group

Card file of games for the sensory development of young children preschool age

"Decorate the butterfly"

Teach children to group objects by color. To consolidate knowledge about the geometric figure of a circle, about the concept of many - one, large - small. Develop fine motor skills.


Butterflies different colors, cut out of cardboard, circles of different sizes and colors.

Game progress:

The teacher shows the children butterflies and says that they flew to visit them. She says that butterflies brought mugs of different colors with them and want children to decorate their wings. The teacher offers to help the butterflies. First, he asks each child to choose mugs of the same color from the four offered. At the same time, he offers alternately one or the other kid to choose mugs of the color they like. After all the children have chosen, the teacher gives them silhouettes of butterflies and offers to decorate them.

At the end of the game, the teacher praises all the children for decorating butterflies and making them even more beautiful.

"Fix the clothes of the rabbits"

Teach children to distinguish colors and use color names in speech. Strengthen the ability to recognize geometric figures and call them (circle, square, triangle). Develop fine motor skills of hands, color perception, attention.


Clothes silhouettes cut from cardboard geometric shapes.

Game progress:

A hare appears with a basket and cries.

Educator: Why are you crying hare?

Hare: I bought presents for my bunnies - shorts and skirts. And while walking through the forest, I touched a bush - they broke. (Shows shorts and skirts made of cardboard).

Educator: Don't cry, hare, we will help you. Children, let's pick up the patches and patch up the holes. What do the holes look like on skirts and shorts?

Children: triangle, square and circle.

Educator: Right.

The hare puts shorts and skirts on "hemp" (tables) on which patches are laid out in advance. Children come to the tables and carry out the task. The teacher asks each child what color the patch he put on, and what geometric figure it looks like.

Hare: Great children, thank you!

"Hide the mouse"

Continue to acquaint children with the six primary colors, teach them to distinguish between them. Develop responsiveness, attention, thinking. Consolidate knowledge about animals.


Demonstration: pieces of paper of six colors (20 - 15), in the middle is a white square (8-8), on which a mouse is drawn (a mouse's house), squares of the same six colors - doors (10x10), a large cardboard toy - a cat, a soft mouse.

Handout: such material smaller- colored sheets 10x8, white squares on them 5x5, colored squares.

Game progress:

Look, guys, what a little guest we have today. Who is this, right, mouse. How small, fluffy, gray she is. Pet her. Children take turns stroking the mouse.

Do you know where the mouse lives? In the mink. Who is the mouse hiding from? From the cat. Look if there is a cat somewhere, otherwise our mouse is afraid. Let's help the mice hide in the burrow? Now we will play the game "Hide the mouse" with you.

First, we will learn how to play it together. I have Myshkin's houses. I place three houses on a demonstration board, next to it I put six squares in six colors. You see in the window, mice are peeping out.

To hide the mouse, you need to close the window with a door - a square of the same color as the house, otherwise the cat will come and see where the window is, open it and eat the mouse.

I call three children in turn and invite them to close three windows in turn, find out if all or the windows are well closed.

If someone made a mistake, I call the child to correct it. I take out the cat, hidden earlier, which goes to "catch mice".

“I'll go and look for where the mouse lives here. Children have you seen the mouse? " The cat leaves without finding the mouse. Children are given one piece of paper - "mouse house" (I give leaves of different colors to those sitting next to them) and six squares of all colors. “Now hide your mice while the cat is sleeping. Choose from the squares that lie on your plates the square of the same color as the house of your mouse. "

When all the children have completed the task, the cat "goes hunting" again. I walk with a creeping step with a cat in my arms, walk through the rows and see who has a poorly hidden mouse. At the same time, I give the opportunity to the mistaken children. Correct the situation until the cat gets close to them. If the error is not corrected, the cat takes the paper with the mouse from the child.

Everyone played well today, everyone hid their mice, only some of the guys made a mistake (I indicate exactly what mistakes were made). Next time they will definitely hide the mice well.

Clothespin Games

The main goal of didactic games with clothespins is the development of fine motor skills of hands in young children.

Also, these games are aimed at developing the ability to compare and combine objects based on color.

In addition, playing with clothespins contributes to the development of feelings of their own movements and the formation of a positive attitude towards working together with an adult. They stimulate speech activity children.

Game progress:

Adult: Guess the riddle.

I'm floating under the bridge

And wag my tail.

Children: This is a fish. Adult: (shows a picture of a fish). That's right, it's a fish. Look at the picture and show where the fish has an eye?

Children show an eye

Adult: Where is her mouth?

Children show the mouth of a fish in the figure.

Adult: Where is her tail and fins?

Children show ponytail and fins.

Adult: Now let's make the fish ourselves.

Children need to choose clothespins that match the color and add a tail and fins to each fish.

Adult: Guess who it is:

On the back of the needle, long, prickly.

And curl up into a ball - no head, no legs.

Children: It's a hedgehog. Adult: (shows a picture of a hedgehog). That's right, it's a hedgehog. Show me where his eyes, nose, ears are?

Children show.

Adult: Let's help our hedgehog find the needles.

An adult gives the child a hedgehog blank cut out of colored cardboard, on which eyes, ears, nose are drawn, but there are no needles. Children attach clothespins to the back of the hedgehog.

Adult: (stroking a hedgehog on his new needles).

Ouch! What a hedgehog has become prickly!

And here is a new riddle.

The prickly, green one was cut down with an ax.

A beautiful, green one was brought to our house.

Children. This is a Christmas tree.

Adult: Yes, it's a Christmas tree, but it is crying. She lost all her needles. Don't cry, don't cry, herringbone! We will help you.

An adult hands out triangles cut out of green cardboard to the children. Children choose green clothespins from the box and "return" the needles to the tree.

Adult: (stroking the tree). Ouch! The tree has pins for splitting!

Adult: Where is the sun? It has lost its rays. What color are the rays of the sun?

Children. Yellow.

Adult: Right. Let's help the sun. Sunny, look out, yellow, highlight.


Learn to group objects by color.

Establish identities and differences in color of homogeneous objects.

Learn to understand the words "color", "such", "not that", "different".

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Do the children want to take a walk? We go for a walk to the music. We come to the clearing. Oh, where did we end up?

How did you guess? Right.

Grass, trees, flowers grow in the forest. These are not just flowers, but butterfly houses.

Now, I will give to each of you cardboard toy butterfly. Music sounds. Children, let's “fly” with our butterflies. And now the butterflies are tired. Let's put butterflies in our houses. Be careful! Each butterfly must sit on its own house. They planted.

The game helps in game form learn or practice learned colors.

You can repeat with leaves different color.

Lacing game

The game aid is aimed at the development of fine motor skills of the hand, refinement of finger movements, concentration of attention, contributes to the development of the accuracy of the eye, coordination and sequence of actions.

It is a good preparation of the hand for writing, trains perseverance, often such a game calms the child.

The development of the imagination is not forgotten in this game either: "sewing" conventional contours in association with real objects is the basis for the development of abstract thinking, generalizations of properties, "seeing the essence of an object."

I develop sleight of hand

I play with lacing.

I train logic

And fine motor skills!

"Traffic light", "Bear"

Encourage the child to independent activity; form a color representation, develop the skill of screwing caps.

To develop fine motor skills of hands, sensing skills, coherent speech.

Enrich your vocabulary.

Can be used following exercises with corks - children unwind and twist the corks from plastic bottles to their necks.

To fix the color, multi-colored plugs are screwed to the necks of the corresponding color.

Match cups to saucers

Teach children to distinguish colors and use color names in speech. Develop fine motor skills, attention.


Typesetting cloth, saucers and a cup of different colors.

Game progress:

Saucers were first brought to the store. The vendors put them on the shelves. They put these saucers on the top shelf (shows)

Which? (Answers of children).

On the bottom - like this. What color are they? (Answers of children). Is the saucer on the top shelf the same color as on the bottom? (Answers of children).

Then the cups were brought. Let's help the vendors match the cups to the saucers. They should be the same color as the saucers.

The teacher puts cardboard flat cups on the table. He instructs the child to pick up cups to saucers.

Approves the actions of the child, who, after looking carefully at the saucers, selects all the necessary cups. Asks what color they are.


strengthening and development of fine motor skills, visual - motor coordination; distinguishing objects by shape, color and material; development of perseverance


buttons of various sizes and colors; beads different shapes, size, material; wire, fishing line, thin thread.

The presenter invites the child to make beads. You can offer to make beads according to the pattern, and choose the buttons according to the shape and color. Perhaps the child himself can offer his own version of making beads. After that, the child starts making beads.

"Put the pieces in their places!"

Introduce flat geometric shapes - square, circle, triangle, oval, rectangle. Learn to pick up required forms by different methods.


Flat geometric shapes (circles, squares, triangles). Montessori insert frame.

Take the figurines out of the recesses and play with them: “Here are fun, colorful figurines. It is a circle, it rolls - like this! And this is a square. It can be delivered. And now the figures are jumping (dancing). " Then invite the children to arrange the figures “on the beds”: “Evening has come. It's time for the figurines to rest. Let's put them to bed in their beds. "

Give the children one figurine at a time and have them find a place for each one in turn. When the kids have laid out the figures, sum up the game: "Now all the figures have found their beds and are resting." Then show and name all the figures again, without requiring the children to repeat. This game can be repeated many times, each time changing its plot.

"Find a window for a figurine"

Teach children to correlate the shape of the parts with the shape of the hole.

The game is played with 3-4 children. The teacher lays out geometric shapes on the table and distributes cards to children with embossed offices. The teacher offers to consider the cards and circle the offices of the windows with your fingers.

What shape is right for your window?

If the child chooses the wrong shape, give the opportunity to make sure that it does not fit and suggest choosing the next one. When the child finds a suitable one, you should praise him, demonstrate to the other players that the window has closed and invite him to open and close the window several times on his own. Then next child selects a figure for his window.

Game "Magic Bag"

Purpose: To learn to determine the name of the smell of an object, to establish a relationship between an object and its smell; work on the ability to determine the name of an object, relying on the sense of smell, that is, the perception of smell.

In a bag made of any opaque fabric, fit various subjects that have a certain smell. These should be items that always smell the same (for example, lemon, apple, orange, flowers with a characteristic smell: geranium, lilac, rose; paint, fish, etc.). All these items should be in separate boxes with holes to exclude the possibility of a different (for example, tactile) perception of these items. You can also blindfold each child and ask: "What is this?" scented soap, baby cream or a bottle of perfume. For the correct answer, rub the child's hands with cream, perfume or give a flower that he correctly identified.

Game "Name the properties of materials"

Purpose: To learn to determine the name of the various properties of the material, to establish the relationship between the material and its sensation.

Demonstration material for the game: samples of materials that are different to the touch (smooth tiles, plastic, linoleum, velvet, terry cloth, fur, flannel) glued to cardboard.

Before playing, introduce the children to a variety of tactile materials. To do this, you need to prepare a couple of samples of materials that are clearly different to the touch. It can be smooth tiles, plastic, linoleum, velvet, terry cloth, fur, flannel. Stick the swatches onto square sheets of cardboard. Let each child play with the squares, feel them. Talk with the children about the different properties of materials, whether they are hard or soft, smooth or rough ... different types surfaces, mix the squares and give each child one sample. Will they be able to match a pair for this sample? Of course, children will be able to navigate not only with the help of tactile sensations, but also with the help of sight. But on initial stage this will not hurt, as children will be able to gain confidence in their abilities.

Then you can complicate the task. Have the children blindly try to pick up doubles. V in this case they will orient themselves entirely on the basis of tactile perception. While giving this task, ask the children to name the properties of the materials: hard, soft, smooth, rough.

Game "Assemble a Toy"

Purpose: To work on the ability to differentiate various geometric shapes, relying on tactile and visual sensations, that is, to develop tactile and visual perception.

For this game, you need to make a silhouette of some toy (hare, bear or doll) from plywood, foam rubber or cardboard, cut out the eyes, nose, mouth so that these parts can then be put into place. The earbuds can be painted in the appropriate colors. Children must independently find a place for each of the cut out parts, insert them into the slots for the missing eyes, mouth and nose. Add new ones gradually geometric shapes that are more difficult to distinguish (you can, for example, cut patterns on a dress on a doll or on clothes on toy animals). Have the children insert the cut pieces into the holes.

Game "Picture from figures"

For this game, you need sets of geometric shapes of different shapes (circles, triangles and squares) and two sizes (large and small) for each child: a total of 12 or 24 figures (2 or 4 figures of each type). These shapes can be made from cardboard or thin plastic. The teacher needs the same figures bigger size to attach them to the flannelgraph.

This game aims to develop the imagination and creativity children. At the beginning of the game, the teacher shows the children on the flannelgraph what drawings can be obtained if you put certain figures next to them. The teacher demonstrates to the children the method and procedure for constructing simple structures. After that, he invites the children to lay out other drawings from their figures that they will come up with themselves. The picture on the flannelgraph is removed so that children do not copy the finished image.

Game "Alternating flags"

Purpose: To work on the ability to differentiate geometric shapes of various shapes and sizes, relying on tactile and visual sensations, that is, to develop tactile and visual perception.

For this game, you need to prepare 4 - 5 triangular flags and rectangular for each child and the same number of flags pasted over with back side velvet paper to attach them to the flannelegraph, for the educator. Flags for children can be made of cardboard. The teacher says that the streets are decorated with flags for the holidays, but they are not hung up randomly, but in the form of a garland, where flags of different shapes alternate. For example, like this (an adult attaches flags to a flannelgraph so that rectangular flags alternate with triangular ones). The teacher asks you to tell him which flag you need to attach now: rectangular or triangular, and now, etc. After the children master the order of alternating flags, the teacher suggests that the preschoolers themselves make the same garland of flags that are on their tables. During the work of children, the teacher approaches each child and, if necessary, helps him to correctly unfold the flags.

Game "Hide the mouse"

Purpose: To learn to identify the name of various geometric shapes, to correlate the shape and size of the slots and inserts.

For this game you need silhouettes of houses made of cardboard. Mice are drawn in the windows of the houses. The windows on the houses are of different shapes: round, oval, square, triangular. You will also need window covers (figures of the same shape and size as the windows in the houses). There should be one set of these houses and covers for each child. The teacher shows the children in which houses the mice have settled.

They are now looking through the windows. Everyone has different windows: round, oval, square, triangular. These mouse windows are closed only at night, when they go to bed or when they see a cat nearby. Imagine that night has come and the mice need to close the windows. Take the caps and close the windows so that the shape of the window matches the shape of the cap, that is, so that the windows are tightly closed. (The teacher helps the children to choose the right covers for the windows.)

Okay, now it's morning, the windows need to be opened.

The day has come.

Suddenly, look who has appeared (the teacher takes out a toy cat) ?! We need to quickly hide the poor mice so that the cat does not eat them!

The kids again close the windows of the houses, but now they are trying to do it as quickly as possible.

The cat left because she could not find a single mouse. You can open the windows of the houses, let the mice admire the evening dawn. But then night comes again, the mice go to sleep, you need to close the windows.

Games - required element development and education of the child. Didactic games help to establish the relationship between practical and mental actions, which is important for children of any age: 2-3 years old, 3-4 years old, 4-6 years old.

Didactic game - kind educational activities organized in a game format. Classes implement the principles of playful, active learning, obey a set of certain rules, have a strict structure and a system of control and evaluation tools.

Didactic games for children 2-3 years old: how to develop a baby.

The games in question, like outdoor, musical ones, are created by adults (educator, parent) and are offered already in finished form... First, children master the game with the help of its developers, learn the rules, norms of action, and over time, after mastering the necessary content, they begin to play them on their own.

This kind of activity is one of the leading in preschool educational institutions, therefore, are used by educators at all stages of children's development: the first younger group (2-3 years), the second younger group (3-4 years), middle - 4-5 years, older - 5-6 years, preparatory - 6-7 years ...

Properly organized didactic games develop:

  • mental and cognitive abilities- children learn new information, generalize and consolidate it, expand their knowledge about various objects, phenomena surrounding reality, about flora and fauna. Memory, all types of attention, observation develops, children learn to express judgments and conclusions;
  • speech- the active vocabulary is replenished and updated in speech activity;
  • social and moral values- children learn the relationship between themselves and adults, between objects of living and inanimate nature, children learn to empathize, yield to each other, be fair, attentive to the other.

Usually, the games considered are divided into 3 main groups:

  1. Games with objects (toys)- are aimed at direct perception of a thing and action with it, therefore, the child gets acquainted with the characteristics of this object, its shape, color. When working with several toys, children can compare them with each other, find common and different. This type of task allows you to organize independent activities, develops the ability to occupy yourself and not interfere with others in the group.
  2. Board games- are aimed at acquaintance with the surrounding reality, flora, fauna, phenomena of animate and inanimate nature. Such tasks contribute to the development of speech skills, logic, attentiveness, teach modeling life situations, make decisions, train self-control skills.
  3. Word games- develop thinking and speech of preschoolers. At the heart of these games is speaking, which allows you to train the ability to solve various mental tasks: describe the properties and characteristics of things or phenomena, highlight their main features, compare different objects (phenomena) with each other, guess them by description.

Didactic games for children (2–3 years old or older) are conducted by an educator or parent, at the same time, he organizes activities through familiarization with the content and rules of the game, its course of action, through illustrative example how to play. The game ends with a summing up of its results and analysis, which allows you to identify the individual characteristics of children.

The benefits of didactic games

The games in question develop:

  • speech- children hear the speech of an adult and other preschoolers, therefore, vocabulary is replenished. In addition, the guys answer questions, describe something, reason, therefore, the available speech data are trained, they are being improved;
  • thinking- preschoolers expand their knowledge of objects, phenomena, flora and fauna, learn new information, can compare existing experience with the experience gained, train memory, logic, mathematical abilities;
  • Attention- children train the skills of listening and understanding what needs to be done, how to play the game correctly, therefore, they become more attentive, focused, know how to regulate their actions;
  • physical qualities- development is taking place motor system, children become mobile, active, learn to control their movements, manage them, the child's psyche is formed in terms of the ability to be active.

Development of speech

Didactic games aimed at developing speech skills are recommended to be selected taking into account the age indicator. Such activities replenish the active vocabulary of kids and teach them to highlight the sounds of pupils. senior group.

Didactic games for children 2–3 years old:

  1. "Wood". The goal is to develop the skill of using prepositions in speech, to activate the speech skills obtained earlier. Description - the teacher reads a short poem and visually shows that HA is from above, and UNDER is from below. After playing the action, he discusses with the children what else is ON and OFF. Text:

  1. "The doll is sleeping." The goal is to develop speaking and hearing skills. Additional props are a doll and a lullaby (bed). Description - the preschooler's task is to put the doll to bed: shake it, sing a lullaby, put it in the crib and cover it with a blanket. The next stage of the game - the teacher explains that while the doll is sleeping, you need to talk in a whisper so as not to wake her up. In this case, you need to bring the preschooler to a conversation, ask him to tell about something. The final stage is to announce that the doll has woken up and now you can talk in a full voice.

Classes for preschoolers 4-5 years old:

  1. "Where can I do what?" The goal is to develop the ability to use verbs in speech, listening skills, social and moral values. Description - children answer the teacher's questions: "What can you do on the playground?" (to relax, play, ride a slide, run, communicate, etc.), "What can you do in nature (in a clinic, in the country, etc.)?"
  2. "What, what, what." The goal is to develop the ability to use definitions in speech for various objects, phenomena, to activate the existing vocabulary. Description - the teacher names the words, and the preschoolers name the properties characteristic of these words in a chain. For example: a cat - affectionate, striped, fluffy; coat - warm, autumn, brown.

Games for the older group:

  1. "Vowel sounds". The goal is to develop the skills of separating vowel sounds from the composition of a word. Description - the teacher names a word consisting of one, two or three syllables (it all depends on the individual capabilities of the preschooler), children identify vowel sounds by ear and call them.
  2. "Superfluous word". The goal is development auditory attention, enrichment of vocabulary and clarification of lexical meaning. Description - the teacher names a chain of words, the task of the pupils is to find an extra word and explain their choice. For example: October, January, summer, June, August; jeans, dress, shoes, sweater, coat.

Development of thinking

Didactic games aimed at developing thinking will be useful not only for children aged 2-3 years, but also for the middle and senior groups. Competently organized classes contribute to the training of all stages of the intellectual formation of thinking.


  • visual-effective - the child establishes cause-and-effect relationships through the solution of simple practical problems;
  • visual-figurative - a preschooler establishes connections using a figurative representation of an object, phenomenon;
  • verbal-logical - establishment various links between words and concepts at a generalized (abstract) level.

Didactic games for children 2-3 years old: how to develop a child's thinking.

Tasks for the development of thinking in the younger group:

  1. "Who loves what." The goal is the development of visual-effective thinking, the synthesis of knowledge about animals. Description - the teacher lays out cards with representatives of the fauna and food for them, children are invited to feed each representative.
  2. "Words are reversed." The goal is development visual-figurative thinking, ability to analyze. Description - the teacher names the word, and the pupils need to name the opposite word: narrow - thick, long - short, etc.
  3. "Generalize the words." The goal is the development of verbal logical thinking, the ability to combine words into groups. Description - the task of children is to generalize the words given in the chain of the teacher. For example: a cow, a horse, a ram are pets.

Games for middle group:

  1. "Lost Toy". The goal is to develop thinking, ability to focus. Description - several toys are placed in front of the child, asked to look at them carefully and remember, then the preschooler closes his eyes, one toy is removed and asked to see which toy is hidden. This game can be complicated if the toys are interchanged, while the preschooler must remember in what order the objects were.
  2. Find the treasure. The goal is the development of logical thinking, spatial orientation, the ability to act according to the scheme. Description - an object is hiding in the room and a map of its location is drawn, the task of the children is to find the object using the map. The task can be complicated if you carry it out on the playground.

Exercises for older preschoolers:

  1. "Continue the word." The goal is to develop the speed of thinking and consideration. Description - the teacher names the initial syllable, and the child must come up with a word that begins with this syllable. You can complicate the task and offer to come up with several words per syllable.
  2. "Similar - not similar." The goal is to develop logical thinking, the ability to analyze, evaluate objects, phenomena, and argue for your answer. Description - the teacher arranges various objects in the room in advance, the preschooler's task is to find similar objects, describe what they have in common, prove his point of view.

Development of attention

Didactic games for children (2–3 years old and older) on the development of attention train the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, monitor the situation in the group, which in turn leads to memorization of the necessary information.

Exercises for younger preschoolers:

  1. "Lotto". The goal is training visual attention, thinking, speech development. Additional material- paired cards with pictures, one set of cards remains with the teacher, the second set is distributed to children (each with a card). Description - the teacher shows the card, the child who has the same picture quickly picks up his card and describes it.
  2. "Guess what to do." The goal is to train auditory attention, the ability to correlate one's actions with the actions of the teacher. Additional material - a tambourine, colored flags for each child. Description - the teacher picks up a tambourine, the children pick up the flags. If the tambourine sounds loudly, then the preschoolers wave flags, if it is quiet, they keep their hands on their knees.

Games for the middle group:

  1. "Buttons". The goal is to develop memory and attention, the ability to find ways of memorizing objects. Materials - buttons, chess board. Description - pupils are divided into pairs, each receives his own set of buttons. The first player puts three buttons on his playing field anywhere, the second player remembers the location of the buttons, the objects are covered, and the second player repeats the location of the buttons on the field, then the correctness of the task is checked. Then the players change, the second puts the buttons, and the first remembers. The game can be complicated by: 1) putting not 3, but more buttons, 2) setting the time for memorizing and reproducing the pattern.
  2. "Noisy Pictures". The goal is to develop involuntary attention. Material - cards on which various objects are depicted with lines. Description - children look at pictures with several images and should name the objects that are drawn there. Complicating the task: pupils first memorize objects, and then call them from memory.
  1. "Find differences". The goal is to train the ability to arbitrarily switch and distribute attention. Material - a card with pictures that have differences. Description - the child's task is to find all the differences. You can complicate the exercise by choosing images that differ in some detail.
  2. "Builders". The goal is to train observational abilities, distribution and concentration of attention. Material - cards with 4 drawings, pencil. Description - there are 4 drawings on the card - 1 fully completed, and in the other 3 there are no details, the child's task is to finish the remaining drawings so that he gets 4 identical images.

Development of physical qualities

Didactic games for children (2-3 years old and older) for training physical qualities are essential for overall development preschooler. Physical activity can be formed not only in physical education lessons, but also in a group or at home.

When doing the exercises, children learn to coordinate their movements, become more resilient and healthier.

Games for junior schoolchildren:

  1. Mirrors. The goal is to consolidate the ways of walking, jumping, running and other movements, developing the ability to come up with new movements. Description - children form a circle, they will be "mirrors", the leader stands in the center of the circle and demonstrates the movements, the rest repeat after him. Whoever repeats the best becomes the leader.
  2. "Mischievous ball". The goal is to develop the ability to throw sports equipment with two hands from the chest. Description - children stand at the intended line and perform actions to the accompaniment of a poem pronounced by the teacher:

We hug the ball tenderly

Let's push him off casually.

And now we will catch up together:

We need to take pity on him!

Exercises for the middle group:

  1. "Who quickly". The goal is to develop speed of reaction, the formation of the ability to hear and understand the conditions of activity, to perform all actions correctly. Description - divide the children into groups, put a hoop in front of the groups, the first from each column take the hoop, raise it above their head and lower it over the body to the floor, step over the projectile and go to the end of the column. The teacher carefully observes all groups and awards a flag to the one who performed the exercise correctly. The group with the most flags wins.
  2. "Mousetrap". The goal is to develop speed of reaction, the ability to navigate in new situations. Description - 2 groups are formed from children, 1 group - mice, from 2 groups 3 small circles are created - mousetraps, the task of children is to catch all the mice. The teacher is the host of the game, voices the actions: the mice run through the mousetraps, but as soon as the teacher says “Stop”, the mousetraps are closed, the caught “mice” become in a circle.

Tasks for older preschoolers:

  1. "Owl". The goal is to develop coordination of movement. Description - the group is divided into 2 teams - butterflies and bees, 1 child is chosen by an owl. At the command of the teacher - "day", the teams run around the clearing, "night" - all the children freeze, the owl goes hunting and takes those who have moved. The game ends when the owl catches 2-3 butterflies or bees.
  2. "Zhmurka". The goal is to train the ability to navigate in space. Description - the children form a circle, two players are chosen: one is blindfolded, and the other is given a bell. The task of the first player is to catch the second with closed eyes.

Card file of didactic games for the younger group of kindergarten

"What kind of object?" (playing with toys, objects) - children take out various objects from the bag and name them, describe the characteristics.

"Find the same items" ( board game) - children receive cards with several drawings, among which they need to find the same.

"Olya's assistants" ( word play) - the teacher takes the doll and asks the children, pointing to their hands: "What is this?" (hands), “What are they doing” (take, draw ...). And so about every part of the body.

Didactic games for learning colors for young children

Didactic games help to introduce preschoolers to the primary colors and their shades. First, kids learn red, blue and yellow, then orange, green and black are added to them.

Basic didactic games with children:

  1. Object games- children need to match the colors of two objects. For example: put colored pencils in jars with the appropriate color; make several colored pockets in a shoe box and put stones in them; plant a butterfly on a flower of the same color, etc.
  2. Board games- children need to pick up desired color to anything. For example: prepare stencils with fruits, trees, flowers and other objects and ask the children to choose the appropriate color from pieces of colored paper (apple - red, ball - yellow, spruce - green); pick up paper clips of the same color as the drawing.
  3. Word games- children need to describe what colors they see. For example: a teacher shows preschoolers a drawing and asks them to name the colors that the artist used. This task can be complicated if you use not just children's drawings, but reproductions of paintings.

After studying the primary colors, they move on to the study of shades, from light to dark tones. Here you can use independently prepared palettes and clothespins with flowers, give an assignment - pick a clothespin for the appropriate color of the palette; or collect a caterpillar from different shades, for example, starting from red to orange and yellow.

Card file of didactic games for middle groups of kindergarten

In the middle group, the card index of games can be compiled by topics:

  1. "Child and Health". To study the daily routine, children are invited to look at pictures with images of the daily routine and arrange them in order and comment: morning begins with exercise, breakfast, etc. This game introduces children to healthy way life, develops speech, attention and memory.
  2. "Healthy foods". Remember fruits and vegetables will help next games: children take out a dummy of a product from the bag and describe it (“this is an apple, it is round, red and smooth); the teacher names the characteristics of the fruit / vegetable, and the children guess it; children taste foods with their eyes closed and name them, say what the fruit / vegetable tastes like.
  3. "Dangerous Items". The purpose of these games is to introduce children to dangerous objects that should not be played or taken without the permission of adults. For example: the teacher prepares cards with dangerous and safe objects and asks the pupils to put them into two groups, explaining their choice. You can complicate the task by offering to tell the children what kind of injuries dangerous things can lead to (cut, bruise, etc.).

Card file of didactic games for senior kindergarten groups

Didactic games in older groups:

  1. Item Games: description of the properties of objects, finding common and different, comparing objects, posing problematic questions. For example, why does the oval not roll.
  2. Board-print games: math tasks - counting birds, animals, tasks for attentiveness, thinking - pick up objects for something (dress a girl / boy, set a table, put things in closets, etc.), find a pair for something, tasks for development social relations- study of various professions, ways of behaving in public places.
  3. Word games: naming a group of objects, phenomena, animals, plants in one word, a story about the profession of parents, guessing riddles, composing stories ("continue the sentence").

Didactic games for the development of coherent speech in preschoolers

The development of speech is one of the important tasks of pedagogy: the better a coherent speech is developed, the more successful child learns, as he knows how to form and formulate thoughts, knows how to use speech as a tool for communication and influence on other people.

Didactic games to help develop coherent speech:

  1. "Zoo". The goal is to develop coherent speech, the ability to describe a picture, and compose a mini-story. Description - children receive pictures with animals, their task is to carefully examine them, and then, in turn, describe the depicted animal according to the scheme: appearance, what it eats.
  2. "Good bad". The goal is to develop coherent speech, logical thinking, the ability to describe the heroes of a fairy tale, and build reasoning. Description - the pupils, together with the teacher, describe the characters of the heroes of fairy tales, find positive and negative character traits, argue for what they can praise this / that hero (for example, what is good about the fact that the Serpent Gorynych has three heads).

DIY didactic game

Didactic games for toddlers:

  1. "Feed the kolobok". The goal is the development of fine motor skills in children. Description - you need two small plastic container one of them should be round. Glue a funny face (kolobok) to the lid, make a hole in place of the mouth, put the beans in the second jar. The child's task is to feed the kolobok, i.e. put the beans in a jar with a mug.
  2. "Carnations and Gum". The goal is to train fine motor skills, visual, color and spatial perception, the study of geometric shapes. Description - cut out a square of the desired size from plywood, paint it, fix stationery studs at an equal distance throughout the space, the child's task is to create various geometric shapes using bank rubber bands, simple items(for example, spruce).

Classes with children of the middle group:

  1. "A box of sensations." The goal is the development of motor skills, imagination, the ability to identify an object by its shape. Description - take a shoebox, make two holes in the lid and sew fabric sleeves to them, put various items into the box and cover with a lid. The task of the children is to put their hands in their sleeves, find an object, guess and describe it.
  2. "Musical sweets". The goal is to develop auditory attention, memory, thinking. Description - put various objects in the eggs from under the kinder surprise - beads, cereals, paper clips, sheathe the blanks with cloth in the form of sweets (each sound must have a pair). The task of the children is to find pairs of identical candies.

Games for older preschoolers:

  1. "The world of flora and fauna". The goal is to develop the ability to observe, analyze, generalize, instill a love for wildlife, for respect To her. Description - cut out representatives of flora and fauna, glue on cardboard. The task of children is to consider a card with an animal or plant, describe it, highlight the main characteristics, etc.
  2. "Mosaic". The goal is the development of attention, logical thinking, color perception. Description - prepare various geometric shapes from colored paper, except for a circle. The task of the children is to make a mosaic of these figures in such a way that the same colors do not touch each other.

Didactic games allow you to develop everything important processes: speech, attention, thinking, imagination. Such classes are useful not only for children 2–3 years old, but also for the middle and senior groups. The variety of games allows the teacher to choose the one that will be aimed at the development of each child.

Video about which didactic games are necessary and useful for children

Didactic games for the formation of the syllabic structure of the word in children:

Musical and didactic game:

Do-it-yourself games for the development of speech breathing:

Sensory development of a child is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about external properties ah objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell, taste. The importance of sensory development in early and preschool childhood it is difficult to overestimate. It is this age that is most favorable for improving the activity of the sense organs, accumulating ideas about the world around us.

Sensory development games for toddlers are aimed at developing fine motor skills in the fingers, which in turn leads to improved performance. intellectual development, speech development. Sensory development, on the one hand, constitutes the foundation of the child's general mental development, on the other hand, it has an independent meaning, since full-fledged perception is also necessary for successful learning child in kindergarten, at school, and for many types of work.

Card file of didactic games on sensory education for young children (2-3 years old)

"Collect the pyramid"

Purpose: to develop the child's orientation in contrasting sizes of objects.

Materials: pyramid of 4 - 5 rings.

Methodical techniques: a pyramid is assembled from a large one, consisting of 8 - 10 rings. For children of this age, such a pyramid is assembled through one ring, that is, the difference in the size of the rings is more contrasting here.

"Folding nesting dolls with two inserts"

Objective: keep learning simple actions with objects that differ in size.

Didactic material: a set of three nesting dolls (for each child and adult).

Methodology: showing actions and comparing values different subjects accompanied by the words: open, close, small, large, less, more, this, not that.

"Close the windows"

Purpose: to teach children to correlate objects in shape and color at the same time.

Didactic material: 4 houses of different colors, with geometric shapes carved into them (windows).

Methodical techniques: close the windows in the houses with figures.

"Find the same"

Didactic material: three balls, three cubes of the same color and size.

Methodological techniques: the teacher invites children, while playing, to find objects of the same shape

"Let's dress a doll"

Purpose: selection of paired objects of the same color to the sample.

Didactic material: red and blue mittens.

Methodological techniques: the teacher invites the children to put mittens on the doll. Places 4 mittens in front of the children (2 red and 2 of blue color). Puts a red mitten on one handle, and invites children to wear it on the other. If the children have coped with the task, the game is repeated using blue mittens.

"Wonderful bag"

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the form (cube, ball, brick).

Didactic material: a bag with objects of different shapes.

Methodological techniques: identify objects by touch.

"Put it in boxes"

Purpose: to fix the attention of children to the color properties of objects.

Didactic material: multicolored boxes, yellow and green figurines.

Methodical techniques: the teacher offers the children to choose a yellow figure for the box of the same color.

"Pick a lid to the box"

Purpose: selection of items according to the sample.

Didactic material: boxes of various shapes (round, quadrangular, rectangular, triangular) and corresponding lids.

Methodical techniques: the teacher, holding the child's hand, traces the shape of the box opening with his finger. Then he shows the object, accompanying the action with a word. In front of the eyes of the children, he lowers the object into the corresponding hole. After that, he offers the children this task.

"Colored sticks"

Purpose: to fix the attention of children on the color properties of toys, to form the simplest methods of establishing the identity and color difference of homogeneous objects.

Didactic material: sticks of red, yellow, green, blue, white, black (10 of each color).

Methodical techniques: first, the teacher distributes the sticks himself, then invites one of the children to take any stick, see where the sticks of the same color are, and put them together, then do it with a stick of a different color too.

"Colored balls"

Purpose: to continue to consolidate the ability to group homogeneous objects by color.

Didactic material: colored balls, baskets.

Methodological techniques: the teacher groups the first two pairs by himself, laying out balls of one color (red) in one basket, and balls of another (yellow) color in another basket, then attracts children to the grouping.

"Ribbons for dolls"

Purpose: to continue to teach to fix attention on the size of objects and to form the simplest methods of establishing the identity and difference in color.

Didactic material: box with ribbons different lengths and colors, big and small dolls.

Methodical techniques: you need to dress up dolls: a large doll - big bow, to a little doll - small bow... For a big doll in blue dress choose a large blue bow, and for a small doll in a red dress - a small red bow (performed with the children). Then the children pick up on their own.

"Tie a thread to the ball"

Purpose: grouping items by color.

Didactic material: multi-colored circles (ovals), sticks of the same colors.

Methodical techniques: find a stick of the same color to the red circle.

"Stringing rings of decreasing size on the rod."

Purpose: to continue teaching simple actions with objects (removing and stringing rings), enriching the visual - tactile experience of kids. Didactic material: conical pyramid of five rings

Methodical techniques: on the table, all the rings are laid out in increasing order to the right of the pyramid. Then the pyramid is assembled in the appropriate order. An adult explains: “This is the most big ring, here is smaller, this is even less, but here is the smallest. " Having closed the pyramid with its top, he invites the children to move their hand along the surface from top to bottom, so that they feel that the pyramid expands downward: all the rings are in place. The pyramid is assembled correctly.

"Pushing objects of different shapes into the corresponding holes"

Purpose: to teach children to compare objects in shape.

Didactic material: a box with holes of different shapes, the size of the holes in the box corresponds to the size of the cube and the ball. It is important that the ball cannot go into the hole for the cube, and the cube into the round hole.

Methodology: the teacher shows the children a box with holes, drawing their attention to the shape of the holes. Outlining a round opening with his hand, an adult explains to the children that there is such a window, outlining a square opening, he says that there is also such a window. Then the teacher invites the children to alternately lower one ball at a time into the corresponding window.

"Funny Truck"

Purpose: to form an idea of ​​the shape, size of objects.

Didactic material: various geometric colored shapes (circles, squares, large and small rectangles).

Methodological techniques: the teacher shows how you can build a truck from the figures.

"Placement of round inserts of different sizes in the corresponding holes"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to compare objects in size.

Didactic material: inserts with large and small holes.

Methodical techniques: first, the child is offered an insert to close the large holes, after the baby has placed the insert in the corresponding socket, he is given a small insert for a small hole.

Clothespin games


Purpose: to teach to highlight and name the main colors, to choose the desired color according to the sample.

Didactic material: circle yellow color, clothespins in two colors.


Purpose: to teach children to make a choice in size and word; alternate in color and size.

Didactic material: planar images of a hedgehog and a Christmas tree, clothespins in green, white, black.

"Colorful little men"

Purpose: to teach children to design according to a model, to name the main colors and shapes, to contribute to the education of friendliness in children.

Didactic material: geometric shapes and clothespins.

"Funny clothespins"

Purpose: to teach children to take and open a clothespin correctly, to find its location by color.

Didactic material: a transparent container with colored stripes glued along the edge, a set of colored clothespins.

"Find the right patch"

Purpose: to learn to find identical geometric shapes (planar and volumetric).

Didactic material: geometric shapes.

Methodological techniques: the teacher distributes stencils of geometric shapes. Children choose a shape corresponding to the shape from a set, insert it into the slot.

Sensory development games for preschool children (3-4 years old)

"Decorate the butterfly"

Teach children to group objects by color. To consolidate knowledge about the geometric figure of a circle, about the concept of many - one, large - small. Develop fine motor skills.
Butterflies of different colors, cut from cardboard, circles of different sizes and colors.
Game progress:
The teacher shows the children butterflies and says that they flew to visit them. She says that butterflies brought mugs of different colors with them and want children to decorate their wings. The teacher offers to help the butterflies. First, he asks each child to choose mugs of the same color from the four offered. At the same time, he offers alternately one or the other kid to choose mugs of the color they like. After all the children have chosen, the teacher gives them silhouettes of butterflies and offers to decorate them.
At the end of the game, the teacher praises all the children for decorating butterflies and making them even more beautiful.

"Fix the clothes of the rabbits"

Teach children to distinguish colors and use color names in speech. Strengthen the ability to recognize geometric shapes and name them (circle, square, triangle). Develop fine motor skills of hands, color perception, attention.
Clothes silhouettes cut from cardboard geometric shapes.
Game progress:
A hare appears with a basket and cries.
Educator: Why are you crying hare?
Hare: I bought presents for my bunnies - shorts and skirts. And while walking through the forest, I touched a bush - they broke. (Shows shorts and skirts made of cardboard).
Educator: Don't cry, hare, we will help you. Children, let's pick up the patches and patch up the holes. What do the holes look like on skirts and shorts?
Children: triangle, square and circle.
Educator: Right.
The hare puts shorts and skirts on "hemp" (tables) on which patches are laid out in advance. Children come to the tables and carry out the task. The teacher asks each child what color the patch he put on, and what geometric figure it looks like.
Hare: Great children, thank you!

"Big and small balls".

Purpose: To learn to distinguish between color and size (large - small); develop a sense of rhythm; to pronounce words rhythmically.
Game task. Pick up balls for dolls.
Game rule. Choose the right balls by color and size.
The course of the game. The teacher allows you to consider balls of different colors (blue, green, red, yellow) and different sizes (large and small). Shows how they jump rhythmically, and says: Jump yes jump,
Everybody jump and jump
Sleep our ball
I'm not used to it.
The teacher brings out two dolls - a large and a small one - and says: “ Big doll Olya is looking for a ball. The little doll Ira also wants to play with the ball. " Invites children to pick up balls for dolls. Children select balls of the right size (for a large doll - big ball hic, to a little doll - small ball). The doll Olya is naughty: she needs a yellow ball, like her skirt. The doll Ira is also angry: she needs a red ball, like her bow. The teacher invites the children to calm the dolls: pick up the balls they need.

"Hide the mouse"

Continue to acquaint children with the six primary colors, teach them to distinguish between them. Develop responsiveness, attention, thinking. Consolidate knowledge about animals.
Demonstration: pieces of paper of six colors (20 - 15), in the middle is a white square (8-8), on which a mouse is drawn (a mouse's house), squares of the same six colors - doors (10x10), a large cardboard toy - a cat, a soft mouse.
Handout: such a smaller material - colored sheets 10x8, white squares on them 5x5, colored squares.
Game progress:
Look, guys, what a little guest we have today. Who is this, right, mouse. How small, fluffy, gray she is. Pet her. Children take turns stroking the mouse.
- Do you know where the mouse lives? In the mink. Who is the mouse hiding from? From the cat. Look if there is a cat somewhere, otherwise our mouse is afraid. Let's help the mice hide in the burrow? Now we will play the game "Hide the mouse" with you.
First, we will learn how to play it together. I have Myshkin's houses. I place three houses on a demonstration board, next to it I put six squares in six colors. You see in the window, mice are peeping out.
To hide the mouse, you need to close the window with a door - a square of the same color as the house, otherwise the cat will come and see where the window is, open it and eat the mouse.
I call three children in turn and invite them to close three windows in turn, find out if all or the windows are well closed.
If someone made a mistake, I call the child to correct it. I take out the cat, hidden earlier, which goes to "catch mice".
“I'll go and look for where the mouse lives here. Children have you seen the mouse? " The cat leaves without finding the mouse. Children are given one piece of paper - "mouse house" (I give leaves of different colors to those sitting next to them) and six squares of all colors. “Now hide your mice while the cat is sleeping. Choose from the squares that lie on your plates the square of the same color as the house of your mouse. "
When all the children have completed the task, the cat "goes hunting" again. I walk with a creeping step with a cat in my arms, walk through the rows and see who has a poorly hidden mouse. At the same time, I give the opportunity to the mistaken children. Correct the situation until the cat gets close to them. If the error is not corrected, the cat takes the paper with the mouse from the child.
Everyone played well today, everyone hid their mice, only some of the guys made a mistake (I indicate exactly what mistakes were made). Next time they will definitely hide the mice well.

Game "Hide the mouse" second option

Purpose: To learn to identify the name of various geometric shapes, to correlate the shape and size of the slots and inserts.
For this game you need silhouettes of houses made of cardboard. Mice are drawn in the windows of the houses. The windows on the houses are of different shapes: round, oval, square, triangular. You will also need window covers (figures of the same shape and size as the windows in the houses). There should be one set of these houses and covers for each child. The teacher shows the children in which houses the mice have settled.
- They are now looking through the windows. Everyone has different windows: round, oval, square, triangular. These mouse windows are closed only at night, when they go to bed or when they see a cat nearby. Imagine that night has come and the mice need to close the windows. Take the caps and close the windows so that the shape of the window matches the shape of the cap, that is, so that the windows are tightly closed. (The teacher helps the children to choose the right covers for the windows.)
- Okay, now it's morning, the windows need to be opened.
The day has come.
Suddenly, look who has appeared (the teacher takes out a toy cat) ?! We need to quickly hide the poor mice so that the cat does not eat them!
The kids again close the windows of the houses, but now they are trying to do it as quickly as possible.
- The cat left because it did not find a single mouse. You can open the windows of the houses, let the mice admire the evening dawn. But then night comes again, the mice go to sleep, you need to close the windows.

Clothespin Games

The main goal of didactic games with clothespins is the development of fine motor skills of hands in young children.
Also, these games are aimed at developing the ability to compare and combine objects based on color.
In addition, playing with clothespins contributes to the development of feelings of their own movements and the formation of a positive attitude towards working together with an adult. They stimulate the speech activity of children.
Game progress:
Adult: Guess the riddle.
I'm floating under the bridge
And wag my tail.
Children: This is a fish. Adult: (shows a picture of a fish). That's right, it's a fish. Look at the picture and show where the fish has an eye?
Children show an eye
Adult: Where is her mouth?
Children show the mouth of a fish in the figure.
Adult: Where is her tail and fins?
Children show ponytail and fins.
Adult: Now let's make the fish ourselves.
Children need to choose clothespins that match the color and add a tail and fins to each fish.
Adult: Guess who it is:
On the back of the needle, long, prickly.
And curl up into a ball - no head, no legs.
Children: It's a hedgehog. Adult: (shows a picture of a hedgehog). That's right, it's a hedgehog. Show me where his eyes, nose, ears are?
Children show.
Adult: Let's help our hedgehog find the needles.
An adult gives the child a hedgehog blank cut out of colored cardboard, on which eyes, ears, nose are drawn, but there are no needles. Children attach clothespins to the back of the hedgehog.
Adult: (stroking a hedgehog on his new needles). Ouch! What a hedgehog has become prickly!
And here is a new riddle.
The prickly, green one was cut down with an ax.
A beautiful, green one was brought to our house.
Children. This is a Christmas tree.
Adult: Yes, it's a Christmas tree, but it is crying. She lost all her needles. Don't cry, don't cry, herringbone! We will help you.
An adult hands out triangles cut out of green cardboard to the children. Children choose green clothespins from the box and "return" the needles to the tree.
Adult: (stroking the tree). Ouch! The tree has pins for splitting!
Adult: Where is the sun? It has lost its rays. What color are the rays of the sun?
Children. Yellow.
Adult: Right. Let's help the sun. Sunny, look out, yellow, highlight.


Learn to group objects by color.
Establish identities and differences in color of homogeneous objects.
Learn to understand the words "color", "such", "not that", "different".
Course of the lesson:
Educator: Do the children want to take a walk? We go for a walk to the music. We come to the clearing. Oh, where did we end up?
How did you guess? Right.
Grass, trees, flowers grow in the forest. These are not just flowers, but butterfly houses.
Now, I will give each of you a cardboard butterfly toy. Music sounds. Children, let's “fly” with our butterflies. And now the butterflies are tired. Let's put butterflies in our houses. Be careful! Each butterfly must sit on its own house. They planted.
The game helps to playfully learn or consolidate learned colors.
You can repeat it with leaves of different colors.

Lacing game

The game aid is aimed at the development of fine motor skills of the hand, refinement of finger movements, concentration of attention, contributes to the development of the accuracy of the eye, coordination and sequence of actions.
It is a good preparation of the hand for writing, trains perseverance, often such a game calms the child.
The development of the imagination is not forgotten in this game either: "sewing" conventional contours in association with real objects is the basis for the development of abstract thinking, generalizations of properties, "seeing the essence of an object."
I develop sleight of hand
I play with lacing.
I train logic
And fine motor skills!

"Traffic light", "Bear"

Encourage the child to independent activity; form a color representation, develop the skill of screwing caps.
To develop fine motor skills of hands, sensing skills, coherent speech.
Enrich your vocabulary.
The following cork exercises can be used - children unwind and twist the corks from plastic bottles to their necks.
To fix the color, multi-colored plugs are screwed to the necks of the corresponding color.

Match cups to saucers

Teach children to distinguish colors and use color names in speech. Develop fine motor skills, attention.
Typesetting cloth, saucers and a cup of different colors.
Game progress:
Saucers were first brought to the store. The vendors put them on the shelves. They put these saucers on the top shelf (shows)
Which? (Answers of children).
On the bottom - like this. What color are they? (Answers of children). Is the saucer on the top shelf the same color as on the bottom? (Answers of children).
Then the cups were brought. Let's help the vendors match the cups to the saucers. They should be the same color as the saucers.
The teacher puts cardboard flat cups on the table. He instructs the child to pick up cups to saucers.
Approves the actions of the child, who, after looking carefully at the saucers, selects all the necessary cups. Asks what color they are.


strengthening and development of fine motor skills, visual - motor coordination; distinguishing objects by shape, color and material; development of perseverance
buttons of various sizes and colors; beads of different shapes, sizes, materials; wire, fishing line, thin thread.
The presenter invites the child to make beads. You can offer to make beads according to the pattern, and choose the buttons according to the shape and color. Perhaps the child himself can offer his own version of making beads. After that, the child starts making beads.

"Put the pieces in their places!"

Introduce flat geometric shapes - square, circle, triangle, oval, rectangle. Learn to select the desired forms using different methods.
Flat geometric shapes (circles, squares, triangles). Montessori insert frame.
Take the figurines out of the recesses and play with them: “Here are fun, colorful figurines. It is a circle, it rolls - like this! And this is a square. It can be delivered. And now the figures are jumping (dancing). " Then invite the children to arrange the figures “on the beds”: “Evening has come. It's time for the figurines to rest. Let's put them to bed in their beds. "
Give the children one figurine at a time and have them find a place for each one in turn. When the kids have laid out the figures, sum up the game: "Now all the figures have found their beds and are resting." Then show and name all the figures again, without requiring the children to repeat. This game can be repeated many times, each time changing its plot.

"Find a window for a figurine"

Teach children to correlate the shape of the parts with the shape of the hole.
The game is played with 3-4 children. The teacher lays out geometric shapes on the table and distributes cards to children with embossed offices. The teacher offers to consider the cards and circle the offices of the windows with your fingers.
- What shape is right for your window?
If the child chooses the wrong shape, give the opportunity to make sure that it does not fit and suggest choosing the next one. When the child finds a suitable one, you should praise him, demonstrate to the other players that the window has closed and invite him to open and close the window several times on his own. Then the next child chooses a shape for his window.

Game "Magic Bag"

Purpose: To learn to determine the name of the smell of an object, to establish a relationship between an object and its smell; work on the ability to determine the name of an object, relying on the sense of smell, that is, the perception of smell.
A bag, made of any opaque fabric, holds various objects with a certain odor. These should be items that always smell the same (for example, lemon, apple, orange, flowers with a characteristic smell: geranium, lilac, rose; paint, fish, etc.). All these items should be in separate boxes with holes to exclude the possibility of a different (for example, tactile) perception of these items. You can also blindfold each child and ask: "What is this?" - holding fragrant soap, baby cream or a bottle of perfume in front of them. For the correct answer, rub the child's hands with cream, perfume or give a flower that he correctly identified.

Game "Name the properties of materials"

Purpose: To learn to determine the name of the various properties of the material, to establish the relationship between the material and its sensation.
Demonstration material for the game: samples of materials that are different to the touch (smooth tiles, plastic, linoleum, velvet, terry cloth, fur, flannel) glued to cardboard.
Before playing, introduce the children to a variety of tactile materials. To do this, you need to prepare a couple of samples of materials that are clearly different to the touch. It can be smooth tiles, plastic, linoleum, velvet, terry cloth, fur, flannel. Stick the swatches onto square sheets of cardboard. Let each child play with the squares, feel them. Talk with the children about the different properties of materials: hard or soft, smooth or rough ... When the children remember how they feel about the different types of surfaces, mix the squares and give each child one sample. Will they be able to match a pair for this sample? Of course, children will be able to navigate not only with the help of tactile sensations, but also with the help of sight. But at the initial stage, this will not hurt, as children will be able to gain confidence in their abilities.
Then you can complicate the task. Have the children blindly try to pick up doubles. In this case, they will be guided by relying entirely on tactile perception. While giving this task, ask the children to name the properties of the materials: hard, soft, smooth, rough.

"Lay out the ornament"

Purpose: to teach the child to highlight the spatial arrangement of geometric shapes, to reproduce exactly the same arrangement when laying out the ornament.
Material: 5 geometric shapes cut out of colored paper, 5 each (25 pieces in total), ornamental cards.
“Look what ornaments are in front of us. Think and name the figures that you see here. And now try to lay out the same ornament from the cut out geometric shapes. "
The next card is then offered. The task remains the same. The game is over when the child has laid out all the ornaments shown on the card.

Game "Assemble a Toy"

Purpose: To work on the ability to differentiate various geometric shapes, relying on tactile and visual sensations, that is, to develop tactile and visual perception.
For this game, you need to make a silhouette of some toy (hare, bear or doll) from plywood, foam rubber or cardboard, cut out the eyes, nose, mouth so that these parts can then be put into place. The earbuds can be painted in the appropriate colors. Children must independently find a place for each of the cut out parts, insert them into the slots for the missing eyes, mouth and nose. Gradually add new geometric shapes that are more difficult to distinguish (you can, for example, cut patterns on a doll's dress or on a toy animal's clothes). Have the children insert the cut pieces into the holes.

Game "Picture from figures"

For this game, you need sets of geometric shapes of different shapes (circles, triangles and squares) and two sizes (large and small) for each child: a total of 12 or 24 figures (2 or 4 figures of each type). These shapes can be made from cardboard or thin plastic. For the teacher, the same larger figures are needed to fix them on the flannelgraph.
This game is aimed at developing the imagination and creativity of children. At the beginning of the game, the teacher shows the children on the flannelgraph what drawings can be obtained if you put certain figures next to them. The teacher demonstrates to the children the method and procedure for constructing simple structures. After that, he invites the children to lay out other drawings from their figures that they will come up with themselves. The picture on the flannelgraph is removed so that children do not copy the finished image.

Game "Alternating flags"

Purpose: To work on the ability to differentiate geometric shapes of various shapes and sizes, relying on tactile and visual sensations, that is, to develop tactile and visual perception.
For this game, you need to prepare 4 - 5 flags of a triangular and rectangular shape for each child and the same number of flags pasted over with velvet paper on the back to attach them to the flannelgraph for the teacher. Flags for children can be made of cardboard. The teacher says that the streets are decorated with flags for the holidays, but they are not hung up randomly, but in the form of a garland, where flags of different shapes alternate. For example, like this (an adult attaches flags to a flannelgraph so that rectangular flags alternate with triangular ones). The teacher asks you to tell him which flag you need to attach now: rectangular or triangular, and now, etc. After the children master the order of alternating flags, the teacher suggests that the preschoolers themselves make the same garland of flags that are on their tables. During the work of children, the teacher approaches each child and, if necessary, helps him to correctly unfold the flags.


didactic games and development aids sensory abilities children early age



    Didactic aids

    1. "Magic pasta"

      "Hula Hup"

      "Wonderful buttons"

      "Sensory bag"

      "Stretch out a lane"

    Didactic games

    1. "Hide the bunny"

      "Multicolored beetles"


      "Multi-colored rugs"

      « Wonderful bags"And" Basket with flowers "

Development environment


Early childhood is the period most susceptible to pedagogical influences. Everything is mastered and cognized for the first time. There are no skills yet, there are no ideas, knowledge. But the predisposition to assimilation is great, the learning ability is high, since there are innate mechanisms that serve as the basis for the formation of mental qualities inherent only to humans. If you do not pay attention to certain areas that can be most successfully implemented in a particular age stage then, in the near future, a delay in meaningful skills is almost inevitable.

Sensory education, aimed at the formation of a full-fledged perception of the surrounding reality, serves as the basis for cognition of the world, the first stage of which is sensory experience. The success of mental, physical, aesthetic education in to a large extent depends on the level of sensory development of children, i.e. on how perfectly the child hears, sees, perceives the environment.

The child at each age stage turns out to be the most sensitive to certain influences. In this regard, each age stage becomes favorable for further nervous mental development and comprehensive education of the preschooler. How less child, so greater importance has a sensory experience in his life. At the stage early childhood familiarization with the properties of objects plays a decisive role. It is not for nothing that early age is called the "golden time" of sensory education.

In the history of preschool pedagogy, at all stages of its development, this problem occupied one of the central places.

Today in stores huge selection educational games and toys. And yet, many teachers create their own, which are no less, and sometimes even more, loved by children.

Didactic aids

"Magic pasta"

Target: ensuring the accumulation of ideas about the color, shape and size of objects; the development of small muscles of the hands.

"Hula Hup"

Target : development of aesthetic perception and color perception in young children; increased emotional tone.

"Wonderful buttons"

Target: ensuring the accumulation of ideas about the shape and size of objects; the development of small muscles of the hands.

This tutorial can be used for both individual work with the child and for the independent activity of children, encourage them to name the shape and size of the buttons.

"Sensory bag"

Designed for children and parents.


    To develop tactile sensitivity of fingers, fine motor skills of fingers when fastening, unfastening, applying;

    To acquaint with the shape of the object, color, size;

    Introduce with various materials(cloth, metal, paper, etc.).


1 adult shows a ladybug, examines it with the child, names the color, shape, pays attention to the specks, offers to touch it, open it. Examines geometric shapes, names color, shape, examines them.

Questions: what color is the triangle? Show me the red square? Etc.

2 adults suggest looking at flowers. "What a beautiful meadow", Show me the red flower? What colour? Take a red flower and clip it to the red center, etc.

"Stretch out a lane"

Target: Formation in children of an idea of sensory standards, the ability to group objects by color, shape, size, the development of small muscles of the arms.

Equipment: Inlaid cardboard canvas with cards on the right and left sides and holes for colored laces.

The game is designed for joint activities a teacher and a child aged 2-4 years.

Game progress: The teacher and the child examine the cards, the teacher draws attention to their similarities and differences. Then the teacher opens the cards on both sides for color differentiation and connects one pair with a string. Next, he invites the child to pick up the next pair of pictures using a lace of a different color. Then the same actions are performed with cards for the size and shape of objects.

This multifunctional manual can be used for classes not only on sensory development.

Game options: "Who lives where?", "Treat the little animals", "Find the mother for the cubs", "Find the outline of the object", "Dress the dolls".

Didactic games

"Hide the bunny"

Target: formation of ideas about color.

Material: houses in red, yellow, green, blue (plane image). In every house, in the window - a bunny; fox (plane image); windows according to the color of the houses.

Game progress: the teacher invites the children to hide the bunnies from the fox - to choose the windows according to the color of the houses.

"Multicolored beetles"

Target: Improve children's perception, enrich the direct sensory experience of children, help examine an object, highlight its color. Encourage children to include hand movements on an object in the process of getting to know it: wrap their hands around parts of the object, iron, etc.

Game progress: This game can be played by a group of children 1 - 3 people. The teacher invites children to decorate ladybirds flowers of a certain color.


Target: consolidate with the child the implementation of purposeful actions (open, close), exercise in drawing up a whole from two parts, continue to teach the name of the main colors.

Game progress: The teacher offers the childwith having connected the parts of the bottle, fold the halves of the drawings; name: resulting drawing, color of objects

"Multi-colored rugs"

Target: Strengthen with children the color, shape, size, develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Children can play this game, both independently and under the guidance of a teacher.

If the game takes place together, then the teacher monitors the correctness of the task.

And if children play on their own, then we develop their creative abilities.

"Wonderful bags" and

"Basket with flowers"

Target: To consolidate the basic colors, to teach to carry out the simplest associations by color, to choose the object of the desired color, to develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

The teacher, together with the children, consider what is in the bags, what objects, what color, size.

Items of a certain color are put into each bag, thus fixing the main colors.

Flowers are placed on the basket in accordance with the color of the buttons. With the help of this game, the basic colors are fixed, the fine motor skills of the fingers are developed.

Development environment

A kindergarten is a special institution, practically a second home for its employees. And you always want to decorate your home, make it cozy and warm, unlike others. The desire to borrow something from work for home - in our country, alas, does not cause much surprise. But in kindergartens, an absolutely opposite process is observed: educators and managers carry things from home to kindergarten, and even attract relatives and friends to this.

The developing subject environment is a system of material objects of the child's activity, which functionally simulates the content of the development of his spiritual and physical appearance.

We can safely say that in our city the hands of teachers and parents have created unique options developing environment. Paradoxically, the fact is that the lack of material resources for the purchase of various equipment and games contributes to the development of creativity.

The child spends most of the time in kindergarten in a group, and babies generally rarely leave its limits. This means that the development of a preschooler largely depends on a rational organization. subject environment in a group room. It matters here: the color of the walls and ceiling, the division of space into functional zones, the variety of games, toys and their age-appropriate children, the availability of space for independent games and the privacy of a child tired of the forced constant communication with peers.

In this collection, we propose to get acquainted with the subject-developing environment for sensory education on the example of MDOU d / s No. 117 "Elektronik" of a combined type.

Didactic aids "Ladybug" and "Caterpillar".

Didactic aids for enriching the sensory experience of children in the process of getting to know objects of different shapes, sizes and colors; development of small arm muscles

Didactic game

"Put the ball," kinder - egg "in your house"

Target: pay attention to the color of objects, group homogeneous objects by color, learn to match dissimilar objects by color. To reinforce the concept of color: red, blue, yellow, green.

Material: egg trays, painted red, yellow, blue, green color, plastic balls of the same color, collected in a bag.

At the first stage of learning to play, children are offered only two colors: blue and red, or yellow and green. As the colors are memorized, the game is played with three or four colors.

Multifunctional panel

Sports corner

Didactic game

"Give the baby elephant a flower"

Target: enriching sensory experience; development of small arm muscles

Game progress : the teacher invites the child to find and "present" a blue (red) flower to the baby elephant (toy).

Didactic game

"Let's decorate the Christmas tree"

Target: development of fine motor skills of fingers, the ability to use a clothespin; development of attention, observation, the size of the object.

Material: triangular cardboard Christmas trees, multi-colored clothespins.

The teacher offers to take a clothespin of any color or take a clothespin only in blue, red, yellow, green and fix it on a herringbone.

Didactic game

"Nimble pens" or " Magic Cubes»

Target: teach a child to button and unfasten buttons, lace up and unlace, button a lock, develop attention, perseverance.

Didactic aids

"Sun" and "Hedgehog"

Target: formation of ideas about sensory standards.

These aids are used to develop small arm muscles. The child is invited to choose rays for the sun and needles for a hedgehog from multi-colored clothespins.

Sensory development of the child- this is a way of knowing the world around, which is based on the work of the senses. Feelings give us an idea of varied properties environment and help to form holistic images of objects. So, visual perception involves distinguishing objects of the surrounding world by color, shape, size. Skin perception includes tactile sensations (distinguishing objects by texture - smooth / rough, hard / soft), tactile sensations (determining the shape of an object to the touch - flat / volumetric), temperature sensations, baric sensations (weight, heaviness).

The best way to develop and reinforce sensory skills in a child is to turn any activities and responsibilities into a game, because. object play is the leading activity and the basis for the formation of a child under 3 years old. Consequently, the main thing at this age is the child's enrichment of the sensory experience necessary for a full-fledged perception of the world around him, and first of all, the replenishment of ideas about the properties of objects: their color, shape, size of surrounding objects, position in space, etc.

Usually a child with high level development of fine motor skills, is able to reason logically, he has sufficiently developed memory, attention and coherent speech. Child's work with small items is very important for the mental development of the child.

Unfortunately, even older preschoolers, as a rule, cannot compare objects in length visually, but resort to such methods as superimposing them on top of each other or applying one to the other. They experience difficulties in establishing the identity of the external properties of various volumetric objects or finding the differences between them. They do not always manage to cope with the task. With these real difficulties in sensory development in preschool children, I have developed a card index of games to promote sensory development in younger preschoolers.


« Coins "

Target: to acquaint children with objects of a round shape, but of different sizes. Match them to the corresponding holes.

Didactic material: transparent packaging from under the cream, in the lid of which holes of different sizes are cut. Coins of different sizes.

« Matryoshka "

Target: teach children to distinguish objects by size. Teach simple actions (insert and remove objects, open and close the box). Enrich sensory experience when getting to know the value.

Didactic material: ice cream packages of different sizes, but the same shape.


Target: placement of inserts of a uniform shape, but of different colors, into the corresponding holes. Introduce the "square" figure. Anchor the primary colors.

Didactic material: a rectangular-shaped cake package has holes of a uniform shape, but marked with primary colors. Earbuds square shape different color.

« Cheerful little train "

Target: teach children to distinguish colors and learn basic counting skills.

Didactic material: packing from under sweets, bobbins from threads of different colors.

"Edible - inedible"

Target: teach to distinguish colors by name. Name objects familiar to children, distinguish edible from inedible.

Didactic material: transparent round packaging, object pictures.

« Pyramid "

Target: teach children to distinguish objects by size and color, teach to push objects into the corresponding holes.

Didactic material: elongated transparent packaging. Caps from markers of different sizes and colors.

« These are the sticks "

Target: learn to distinguish and name the colors of the sticks, push them into the holes corresponding to the color. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Didactic material: transparent packaging, colored sticks.

« Funny clowns "

Target: teach children to distinguish and name colors, teach how to twist and unscrew plugs, develop fine motor skills of hands.

« Snake "


« Mill"

Target: teach children to distinguish and name colors, develop fine motor skills of hands, pushing beads with a finger.

"Funny clothespins"

Target: teach children to distinguish and name colors, develop fine motor skills of hands, perform actions with clothespins according to the pattern and verbal instructions.

« Multicolored trailers "

Target: Develop fine motor skills of hands, introduce children to the basic colors, connect the trailers according to the pattern.


Target: consolidation and development of fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, distinguishing objects by shape, color, size. Development of concentration, perseverance, accuracy, creative imagination... Learning how to work with samples and creating your own work.

Material: beads of different colors, shapes, sizes; fishing lines, ribbons.

Game progress: at the first stage, invite the children to simply collect the beads. In the order they want. Then offer to collect the beads in a certain sequence.

"Funny Races"

Target: development visual perception and attention, its stability and ability to switch; development of auditory attention.

Material: panel, tubes, balls.

Game progress: options: "Listen and catch", "Where is the ball of what color?", "Roll and catch the ball", "Who is faster?"


« Boot "

Target: teach children to lacing, develop fine motor skills of hands.

Didactic material: packing from small plastic bottle, lace.

"Find by touch"

Target: consolidation and development of fine motor skills, massage of the hands, fingers, increasing the sensitivity of the fingers. Development of classification according to various criteria.

Didactic m Material: a container at the bottom of which various objects are hidden (buttons, geometric shapes, small toys on topics: "Dishes", Animals "," Transport ", etc.)

Game progress: The child searches for or describes an object by touch. The child can move his hand in the box by feeling and touching objects.

Peas were poured here, and fingers started,

Having made a commotion there, so that the fingers would not be sad.

After all, this is not salt, not salt at all,

and the multicolored beans.

At the bottom are toys for children,

we'll get them straight.

"What is it?"

The child closes his eyes. He is asked to touch the object with five fingers, but not to move them. By texture, you need to determine the material (you can use cotton wool, fur, fabric, paper, leather, wood, plastic, metal).

"Collect Matryoshka"

Two players come up to the table. Close their eyes. In front of them are two disassembled nesting dolls. On command, both begin to collect their own matryoshka dolls - who is faster.

Children (2-5 people) sit down at the table. They are blindfolded. In front of each is a pile of seeds (peas, seeds, etc.). In a limited time, the seeds should be disassembled into piles.

"Guess What's Inside"

Two are playing. Each playing child has an opaque bag in his hands, filled with small objects: checkers, pen caps, buttons, erasers, coins, nuts, etc. The teacher names the object, the players must quickly find it by touch and reach it with one hand, while holding the bag with the other. Who will do it faster?



"Colored lanterns"


Exercise walking and running

Develop fine motor skills, dexterity, independence

Strengthen the ability to distinguish colors.

Material: Balls (diameter 6 cm) in basic colors (red, yellow, blue) - two for each child.


Bright lanterns

Let's take it high

Yellow (blue red) their color

Visible far away.

The lanterns are on!

Children run to the opposite side playground, take the balls of the color that was named in the poem and raise them above their heads.

Educator. The lanterns went out.

Children put the balls on the stand and return to their starting position.

The game is repeated 3-4 times.

"Get the ribbon"


Help to get used to the gymnastic wall.

Develop dexterity and independence.

Strengthen the ability to distinguish colors and find in space (ribbons of red, blue and green colors).

Material: Ribbons of red, blue and green colors 30-40 cm long for each child. Toys - bunny, kitty and cockerel.

Ribbons of the same color hang on the bar of several sections of the gymnastic wall.

On the opposite side of the hall there are toys familiar to children - a bunny, a cat and a cockerel.

We hold in our hands a lot of red and green ribbons, and only one blue. Showing ribbons to kids. We ask:

- "Where else are the blue ribbons?"

Children carefully look around, help to find the necessary tapes, take them off and give them to their friends - toys.

Taking advantage of the pause, while the children go to the toys, we hang red ribbons on the bars of the gymnastic wall. The sequence of actions of children is the same. Children climb in the way that suits them, to what height everyone decides on their own, the movements are performed at a pace that suits them.

At the end, children dance with ribbons. We improvise the movements, and the children repeat.

"Colored lanterns"

Target. Exercise in walking and running. Develop fine motor skills, dexterity, independence. Strengthen the ability to distinguish colors. Learn to perform game actions according to the verbal instructions of an adult.

Material: Balls (diameter 6cm) in basic colors (red, yellow blue) - two for each child.

On one side of the playground there is a stand on which the teacher lays out the balls, on the other side are children.


Bright lanterns

Let's raise it high.

Yellow (blue, red) their color

Visible far away.

The lanterns are on!

Children run to the opposite side of the playground, take the balls of the color named in the poem, and lift them above their heads.

Educator. The lanterns went out. Children put the balls on the stand and return to their starting position.

The game is repeated 3-4 times.


Target: Learn to perform game actions according to the verbal instructions of an adult.

Children run to music, depict butterflies

Adult: Butterflies were flying

Near a forest clearing

The wings are tired

Where is there a shop?

We are butterfly crumbs

We don't need benches

We should have a little rest

We'd better sit on a flower.

The children stopped.


1.Where is our favorite flower?

The red flower is a light (poppy).

Children find a red flower and squat next to it.

2. Where is our favorite flower?

Yellow, sweet honey (dandelion).

3. Where is our favorite flower?

Blue bright petal (cornflower)


"Catch the ball"


Learn to independently choose and change the direction of movement, give way to each other.

To reinforce the concept of big and small.

We teach to hear the task, analyze what was heard, correlate the word with the object and action.

Material: large (10-12cm) and small (6-7cm) balls in diameter,

two hoops, two baskets, large and small.

We show the balls to the children and name their size. We suggest that everyone take a small ball and hide it in their palms. If one of the children took a large ball, then he will not be able to hide it, we convince the child that he was mistaken and ask him to take a small ball.

We suggest putting small balls in a small basket. Then we suggest taking large balls and putting them in a large basket.

Then we throw big balls out of the basket on the floor. As soon as the children collect the big balls, we scatter the small ones.

We draw the attention of the kids to the number of balls: there are many of them, but you only need to bring one ball.

Observing the actions of children, without rushing to prompt, we ask,

What ball did you bring? Which basket should you put it in?




Reinforce concepts big and small, primary colors

Teach children to stand in a circle

Develop attention

Material: Large caps in 3 colors (red, yellow and blue), height -50cm, diam. base 20cm,

small multi-colored caps, height-25cm, diam. -15cm according to the number of children.

We put a large red cap on the floor.

What is this object, what is it? Yes, it's a cap. What color is the cap? We know a song about him, let's sing it.

Chock, chock, chock, chock!

There is a red cap

On thin legs

In red boots.

Chock, chock, chock cap!

Tilt your barrels

What did you hide the cap for?

We lift the large cap, and under it we find the small colored caps. We suggest that the children take one cap at a time and put them on the floor so that they can pass between them and stand near the caps.

To the music, children scatter and clap their hands. At the signal of the teacher:

Don't yawn, don't yawn, take the cap! - kids stand up near the caps.

When repeating the game, change the color of the large cap, place the small ones in a circle.

To the music, children walk in circles and clap their hands.

The children walked, walked, walked,

The cap was found.

Chock, chock, chock, chock!

Where is your cap?

Don't yawn, don't yawn, take the cap!

Children stop, put a cap on their heads. To the music, children go scattering around the hall so that the cap does not fall off their heads. At the signal, the children remove their caps and put them on the large cap.

"Legs and legs"

Objective: To reinforce the concepts of big and small. Learn to perform game actions according to the verbal instructions of an adult.

We ask the children, how tall are they - big or small? Of course they are all big!

Invite them to stand on tiptoes, raise their hands up: “These are our big kids! And if they sit down, they will become small, small! " Toddlers squat, then stand up.

“Big kids have big legs, and they walk with wide strides. Too-o-op. Too-o-op. Too-o-op. " These glories are also pronounced on the exhale, quickly in a gentle voice.

Children, imitating you, pronounce words in the same key. The words must match the action being performed.

The teacher reads the text, the children together with the teacher say only the word: "Top!"

Big feet walk along the road:

That-oh-oh-n! Too-oo-oop! Too-oo-oop!

Little feet walk along the path:

Top top top top!

"Pick a ball"


Learn to perform game actions according to the verbal instructions of an adult.

Material: The basket contains balls of the same size (diameter 12-15).

The teacher addresses the children in a mysterious voice: “look what large basket, there is something in it. " Then he takes the basket, shakes it, the balls rustle and knock on the walls. Invite the pupils to listen to the sounds: “Who is knocking in the basket? Who "talks" to you like that? " Listen to the children say.

With an unexpectedly sharp movement, the teacher throws the balls out of the basket, asks the children to catch up with them, bring them and put them back into the basket.

When repeating the game, you need to put balls of two sizes in the basket: small (6-8 cm in diameter) and large (15 cm in diameter). After throwing the balls, ask the children to bring balls of a certain size. Look carefully at what size the baby is bringing the ball. If the child is mistaken, ask what ball he brought, and remind him of the original task.

The balls brought in are placed in one basket.

Game options:

    In two baskets of different size or color, there are balls of different sizes: in one - with a diameter of 20-22 cm, in the other - with a diameter of 12-15 cm.

    The teacher calls right size balls, children bring scattered balls and put large ones in one basket, and small ones in another. At the same time, kids carry large balls, holding them with their hands on their heads, and small ones - hiding them behind their backs.

2. You can use balls three sizes: with a diameter of 6-8 cm, 12-15 cm and 18-20 cm.

Children bring balls in the following sequence: small balls, a little bigger, and finally big ones; or vice versa, at first large balls, slightly smaller and at the end - small.

Children carry large balls on their heads, medium ones behind their backs, and small ones - transferring them from hand to hand.

To prevent the child from rolling the ball from one palm to the other, remind and show how to spread your arms wide.

    You can put balls of the same size in the basket (with a diameter of 6-8 cm)

    But among them should be massage (hedgehog balls).

    Children bring only those balls named by the teacher and additionally perform with them certain actions: the massage ball is rolled, and the usual one is transferred from hand to hand.

    Through exercise, the child learns to use different grip on the ball. With repeated performance of a motor task, there is an accumulation of visual-motor connections, visual and auditory attention develops.

    It is necessary to closely monitor the accuracy of the task.