Spiritual and physical health are integral parts of the individual health of a person. What is reproductive health? What are its components and characteristics.

2. "Health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases and physical defects," - written in the charter of the World Health Organization.

In the general concept of health, there are two inseparable components: spiritual and physical health.

Physical health involves the refusal of a person from bad habits(smoking, alcohol and drug use, etc.). To reach high level such health, a person must eat rationally, observe the rules of personal hygiene and safe behavior, to optimally combine work and rest, physical labor and mental activity, to fulfill the required volume of physical activity.

A person's spiritual health depends on the system of his thinking, attitude towards people, events, situations, his position in society. It is achieved by the ability to live in harmony with the people around, the ability to analyze different situations and predict their development, as well as behave in different conditions taking into account the need, opportunity and desire.

Physical and mental health are in harmonious unity and constantly mutually influence each other.

3. Practical task(situation). Your actions in case of an early warning of an earthquake and in case of a sudden earthquake, if it has become your home.

3. When early warning of an earthquake should:

Turn on the TV (radio) and listen to the message;

Fix furniture, move heavy things to the floor;

Turn off gas, water, electricity, extinguish the fire in the stoves;

Take the documents, necessary things and go to the indicated place.

Practice shows that with a sudden earthquake from the first tremors to the next, "stronger, when the building begins to collapse, there is 15-20 seconds. During this time, you need to either leave the building, or take a relatively safe place in it.

Leaving the building, you should not use the elevator, you cannot evacuate from the windows without breaking the glazing first.

When hiding in a building, the most safe places are: doorways, places at the columns and under the frame beams, niches in the main internal walls, the corners formed by these walls, as well as places under strong tables and next to beds.

Ticket number 8

1. Features of the state of water bodies in different time goals. Rules of safe behavior on water bodies in winter.

1. Water bodies are dangerous at any time of the year. In summer, they are dangerous when swimming and using watercraft. The danger is most often represented by a strong current (including underwater), deep pools and underwater cold springs. In spring and summer, these factors are added to the low water temperature. In winter, most water bodies are covered with ice, which is a source of serious danger, especially after the first frosts and during thaws. At this time, the risk of falling through the ice is very high. Therefore, it is important to follow the rules of safe behavior on winter waters. The main of these rules are as follows:

Ice with a greenish or bluish tint is reliable, and yellowish ice is dangerous;

Areas of ice at the confluence of rivers and streams, at steep banks, on steep bends of the channel are dangerous;

Places where water appears on top of the ice are of great danger, since they usually indicate the presence of a gully;

It is necessary to overcome the reservoir on ice during daylight hours and with good visibility;

When moving on ice, a group of people must maintain a distance of about 5 m;

If you have a backpack, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of quick release from it (it is better to carry it on one shoulder),

Having fallen through, you need to lean on the ice, transfer one leg to it, then pull out the other, roll onto the ice and carefully move away from the dangerous place. Before that, it is better to get rid of your shoes.

2. Individual health and public health, factors affecting them.

2. In the general concept of health, individual and public health are distinguished. Individual health refers to the personal health of each person. It largely depends (according to some experts, by 50%) on the person himself, his worldview, lifestyle, culture, as well as on other factors (heredity, health status, etc.).

Public health consists of the state of health of each of the members of society. Its level is greatly influenced by political, social, economic and natural conditions.

Physical, chemical, biological, social and psychological factors external environment.

Physical impact is expressed in the influence of electromagnetic and electric fields, sunlight ..

Chemical factors primarily related to widespread use in the production and everyday life of various disinfectants, preservatives, detergents, paints and varnishes and other agents.

Biological factors can adversely affect health, causing infectious diseases.

Social impact associated with community life. The progressive and calm development of public relations guarantees a reduction in the impact of such negative factors as uncertainty about the future, the destruction of customs, traditions and foundations.

The importance for health has a psychological climate in the family, school, work collective. Kindness, attention, help and support have a positive effect on people, and quarrels, conflicts, inability to communicate, as a rule, lead to stress and do not contribute to the maintenance and strengthening of health.

3. Practical task (situation). During the income to the forest for mushrooms or berries, you fell behind the group and got lost. Your actions.

3. If during a hike for mushrooms or berries you fell behind the group, you should:

Try to catch up with the group;

Try to attract the attention of your comrades by shouting;

Stop and wait for someone to come back for you;

If necessary (injury, feeling unwell, worsening weather) to make a fire and build a temporary shelter.

Lost in the forest, you should stop and assess the situation. Listen to the sounds, look around (if possible from a high place), look for a road, path, stream or river. Having found them, you should determine the direction of the exit and move in this direction.

Ticket number 9

1. Rules of orientation on the ground. Determination of the sides of the horizon; determination of the direction of movement on the ground.

1. Orientation is the ability to determine one's location relative to the sides of the horizon, surrounding objects and landforms, to find the desired direction of movement and maintain it.

The main methods of orientation:

By compass;

By heavenly bodies (by the Sun, by the stars, by the Moon);

According to local criteria.

On a sunny afternoon, the direction of the shadow points north. The north direction can be determined by the sun and the clock. If the hour hand is directed towards the sun, then the bisector of the angle between this hand and the direction at 12 o'clock (in the summer at 1 o'clock) will be the north-south line. South will be to the right of the sun until midday, and to the left in the afternoon.

At night, the direction to the north can be determined by the Pole Star. The direction to the north and south can also be determined by local features:

In winter, snow melts more on the southern slopes of hills, mounds and northern slopes of pits and depressions;

Lichens and mosses are more developed on the northern side of tree trunks;

Resinous trees produce more resin on the southern side in hot weather;

In the mountains, the southern slopes are drier and warmer;

Forest glades, as a rule, are cut in the north-south and west-east directions;

The northern slope of the anthill is usually steeper than the southern one.

Based on local characteristics, conclusions can be drawn after repeated verification of the results obtained.

The direction of movement is chosen along paths and roads, along rivers and streams, along forest clearings, which usually lead to a settlement, economic or industrial facility. ”If there is a compass and a map, the method of movement in azimuth can be used.

2. Ways to achieve a high level of health. Factors that determine the individual health of a person.

2. Achieving a high level of health is possible through an individual system of habits and human behavior, called a healthy lifestyle.

The main ways to achieve this goal are:

The necessary level of physical activity, providing the body's need for movement;

Hardening, which increases the body's resistance to diseases and adverse environmental influences;

Rational nutrition (complete and balanced);

Work and rest regime;

Correct environmental behavior;

Emotional and mental stability;

Quitting bad habits (smoking, drug and alcohol use);

Sexual behavior in accordance with the norms of society.

Practice shows that a healthy lifestyle with early childhood is the foundation of longevity and good health in adulthood.

Numerous factors influence and determine the level of individual health of a person. The main ones are:


The state of the health care system in the region;

Physical, chemical, biological, social and psychological factors of the external environment;

The lifestyle of a person and his attitude to his health (the influence of this factor is about 50%).

3. Practical task (situation). While relaxing in nature, you decided to swim in an unfamiliar body of water. Your actions to ensure personal safety while swimming.

3. When swimming in open water, for safety reasons, it is prohibited:

Swimming in places where boards with the inscription "Swimming is prohibited" are installed;

Swim behind the buoys;

Swim up to ships, boats, rafts and other floating facilities;

Dive and jump into the water in unfamiliar places, as well as from boats, boats, piers and other structures not adapted for these purposes;

Swimming while drunk;

Arrange on the water games related to diving and capturing each other;

Swim on boards, sun loungers, logs, air mattresses and cameras;

Make screams of false alarms;

Bring dogs and other animals with you.

It is necessary to be able not only to swim, but also to relax on the water. Most famous following ways recreation:

Lie on the water with your back, straighten your arms and legs, relax and, helping yourself to stay in this
position, take a breath, and then, after a pause, exhale slowly;

Inhale, lower your face into the water, wrap your hands around your knees and press them against your body, exhale slowly into the water, and then take a quick breath over the water.

If your leg is bent while swimming, you need to call for help, then plunge headlong into the water, strongly pull the leg towards you for thumb and then straighten it.


The existence of any kind of living organisms is impossible without the reproduction of their own kind. Man is no exception in this respect. The history of mankind is a continuous change of generations. However, unlike other living beings, a person endowed with reason can control the reproduction system, ensuring not only birth, but also the necessary upbringing of offspring, taking into account the social needs of society. Its function of reproduction involves not only the birth of a child, but also its upbringing and preparation for the performance of certain responsibilities that provide social development society. This system of population reproduction, which ensures the birth of healthy children, the upbringing and training of a new generation, is the main content of reproductive health.

The state of reproductive health of a person and society is determined according to the following criteria:

Stable motivation of people to create a prosperous family and the attractiveness of the personal model of an exemplary family man for them;

Responsibility of parents and the state for the state of health; physical, mental, spiritual and moral development children; for the receipt of the necessary education by children;

Ensuring the reproduction of the population within the limits that guarantee the demographic security of the state.

These criteria adequately characterize the ability of society and the state to create and implement the necessary conditions for the birth of healthy children and the preparation of a new generation capable of ensuring social security and the development of civilization.

Historical experience testifies that the best social structure that most fully meets the interests of the individual and society and ensures the continuous change of generations is the family.

A family is understood as a small social group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are bound by a common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility.

V modern society the family is a moral and legal union of a man and a woman and consists of spouses and children. Forms of education married couples and the nature of the relationship between spouses is subject to certain social and cultural norms that are developed by society in the course of historical development. Norms in to a large extent are subject to the influence of the social structure and the characteristics of a particular historical stage in the development of society.

V Russian Federation March 1, 1996 put into effect Family code RF. Its content is based on the principles of strengthening the family, building family relationships on mutual love and respect, on the responsibility to the family of all its members, on the inadmissibility of arbitrary interference by anyone in the affairs of the family, on the unhindered exercise by family members of their rights.

The family performs functions that largely determine the preservation and strengthening of the health of both an individual and the whole society. Only in the family does a person receive sustainable opportunities to meet everyday needs and develop his personality. The family most successfully performs reproductive function: the birth and education of children. It is in it that parents familiarize their children with moral values ​​and norms of behavior in the world around them, in society, interaction with other people, here they pass on labor skills to them. The family decides the leisure function that ensures the harmonious development of a person, and sexual function ensuring the satisfaction of the sexual needs of the spouses.

A high level of reproductive health presupposes that a person has a stable motivation to create a prosperous family and the attractiveness of the personality model of a good family man, as well as the ability to choose a worthy life partner with whom he can create happy family.

Unfortunately, the analysis of statistical data and the results of surveys of young people in Russia shows that recent times family and family relationships sharply lose their attractiveness. In our country, the number of children who live and are raised in single-parent families or were born to unmarried women. The significance and value of a happy person decreases family life... Among young people, the proportion of those who do not consider it necessary for themselves to create future family legal registration of their marriage relations... From this, we can conclude that the level of an important component of human and social health - reproductive health - has significantly decreased recently, and this process continues.

The family, as the most important social unit of society and the state, fulfilling the reproductive function, must ensure the upbringing and development of the child's physical, spiritual and moral qualities a person and a citizen, integrated into his contemporary society and aimed at improving this society. The quality of this function can be assessed with a certain degree of confidence using statistical data. According to the Ministry of Health of Russia and the State Committee for Epidemiological Supervision of Russia, only 14% of children school age practically healthy, 50% have functional deviations, 35-40% are chronically ill. Among schoolchildren, during the period of study, the number of children and adolescents with visual impairments increases 5 times, 3 times - with diseases of the digestive system and urinary tract, 5 times - with impaired posture, 4 times - with neuropsychiatric disorders. Many students experience disharmonious physical development(underweight, decreased muscle strength, lung capacity, etc.), which creates problems with the overall performance of the younger generation. On the other hand, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, crime among minors is growing rapidly. In general, among all the identified persons who have committed crimes, the share of adolescents aged 14-17 is 11.8%. Statistics also indicate a rapid increase in alcoholism and substance abuse in adolescent environment.

Many states consider demographic potential as the main guarantee of survival in the face of global and regional rivalry and struggle for existence. The best minds in Russia also linked the future with the growth of its population. So DI Mendeleev, based on the demographic indicators of the beginning of the 20th century, determined the probable population of Russia in 2000 at 594.3 million people. However, the revolution of 1917, the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945, the collapse of the USSR and some other processes made significant adjustments to this forecast.

As of 2001, the population of Russia was 144.8 million and continues to decline. The main reason for this is natural decline population, which consists in the excess of the number of deaths and deaths over the number of births. The main factor determining this process is the low life expectancy of the population of Russia. It is 59.8 years for men, 72.2 years for women and, according to long-term forecasts, will remain close to this level for a long time.

Is 15 km, less load is associated with the development of physical inactivity. Thus, the daily stay on fresh air within 1-1.5 hours is one of the important components healthy way life. When working indoors, it is especially important to take a walk in the evening before going to bed. This walk as part of a necessary day's workout is good for everyone. It relieves tension working day, ...

They will significantly improve the effectiveness of health-improving work with children. Thus, we can conclude that the priority area for wellness work based on modern educational programs on physical education in a preschool educational institution will contribute to an increase in health indicators and the level of physical fitness preschoolers, which confirms our hypothesis. 3.2 Recommendations ...

Reproductive health Is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being in the absence of diseases of the reproductive system at all stages of a person's life.

Reproductive system Is a set of organs and systems of the body that provide the function of reproduction (childbirth).

The foundations of reproductive health are laid in children's and adolescence... In order for healthy children to be born, everyone modern man must know how to maintain their reproductive health.

The sex of a person is laid in the first weeks intrauterine development fetus. In the eighth week, when the fetus weighs about four grams, the genitals begin to form. The obvious external differences between boys and girls are the result of the work of sex hormones synthesized by the sex glands. Male sex hormones are called androgens and female sex hormones are called estrogens. Androgens and estrogens are initially present in the body of opposite sexes, but the ability to reproduce is achieved only after the completion of the process of puberty.

The predominance of estrogens in the female body determines cyclical processes with the participation of the central nervous system. Even during puberty in girls, due to hormones, the contours of the body are rounded, the breasts increase, the pelvic bones become wider - thus their body is gradually preparing for the fulfillment of the future function of reproduction.

The male body due to androgens is stronger than the female, although not always more resilient. It is no coincidence that nature has assigned the most important mission of bearing a child to a woman.

The state of reproductive health largely depends on the lifestyle of a person, as well as on a responsible attitude towards sex life. Both of these affect the stability of family relations, the general well-being of a person.

An unwanted pregnancy is a negative factor affecting the state of reproductive function. Often a woman is faced with a difficult choice: to have a child or have an abortion. This problem is especially difficult to solve during adolescence. Abortion, especially during the first pregnancy, can cause serious mental trauma and in many cases even lead to irreversible reproductive disorders. At the same time, the decision to give birth often jeopardizes further studies, other life plans, so each situation should be considered individually and carefully. For these situations to occur less frequently, adolescents need to have a mature understanding of the importance of reproductive health and the concept of family planning.

Family planning is necessary for the implementation of the following tasks:

    the birth of the desired healthy children;

    maintaining a woman's health;

    achieving harmony in psychosexual relationships in the family;

    implementation of life plans.

For many years, family planning was limited to birth control. However, first of all, this is ensuring the health of a woman who is able to give birth to children exactly when she herself wants it. In other words, family planning - this is the birth of children at will, and not by chance. The right to family planning is an internationally recognized right of everyone.

Family planning helps spouses consciously choose the number of children in the family, the approximate dates of their birth, plan their lives, avoiding unnecessary worries and anxieties.

The optimal age for giving birth to children is 20 - 35 years old. If pregnancy occurs earlier or later, it usually progresses with complications, and the likelihood of health problems in the mother and child is higher. The intervals between childbirth should be at least 2 - 2.5 years; this allows a woman to recuperate, maintain her health and the health of future children. In this regard, it should also be emphasized: abortion is by no means the best method of birth control; it can be avoided by using modern methods of contraception (prevention of unwanted pregnancy).

The teenager should not be isolated with his problems. He should know that a wise and tactful adult is always ready to help him.

Reproductive function is negatively affected by stress, especially chronic stress, nutritional quality, lifestyle This happens not only under the action of excessive factors, but also with toxicosis in pregnant women, when adaptation to changes during pregnancy becomes insufficient due to low level physical health of the mother.

Smoking affects sexual health, affects the exchange of sex hormones N Shirren found that people who smoke have half the sexual activity

Alcohol somewhat increases sexual desires, since it removes the inhibitory effect of upbringing and the external environment, but disrupts erection.

The more a person drinks, the less sexual powers she has, the quality of the germ cells worsens.Under the influence of large doses of alcohol, the manifestation of sexual reflexes changes.

Human sexuality can bring not only joy and happiness, but also great suffering, since many infectious diseases are sexually transmitted. These diseases are called sexually transmitted diseases. Most of them are not cured if diagnosed in time, but the damage caused by their pathogens affects reproductive health. "

Sexually active people, often change partners, should periodically undergo a medical examination, especially after changing a sexual partner, not to self-medicate.

In short, in order to maintain reproductive health, you need to follow a healthy lifestyle, eat well and properly, do not drink, do not smoke, do not get sexually transmitted infections (remember their consequences), use contraceptives (if you have an abortion, then it is also not a fact, that everything will end well)


Reproductive health comes from the word reproduction. Biological reproduction is reproduction by organisms of their own kind, i.e. reproduction.

Human reproductive health

The existence of any kind of living creatures is possible only through reproduction and generational change. Man is no exception. The history of mankind is a continuous change of generations.

Human reproductive health

However, if in all living species reproduction and generational change occurs on the basis of biological programs and depends on external conditions, then a person can control the reproduction system, ensuring not only the birth, but also the upbringing of offspring, taking into account the social needs of society.

Based on this, reproductive health can be defined as the main component of human and social health.

Human reproductive health

The best social structure that meets the interests of the individual and society and ensures generational change is a family.

The family performs functions that largely determine the preservation and strengthening of the health of a person and society.

Human reproductive health

Family functions:

Human reproductive health

The level of reproductive health of the family and society characterizes the responsibility of parents and the state for the upbringing and development of children, which affects the demographic situation in the country, to ensure demographic security.

Human reproductive health

The best minds of Russia linked its future with the growth of the population and the development of its high spiritual and creative qualities. D.I. Mendeleev, based on demographic indicators early XIX in., determined the probable population Russian Empire in 2000 in 594 million human. However, the revolution of 1917 and the fratricidal Civil War, collectivization, the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, as well as the collapse of the USSR, made significant adjustments to this forecast. The population of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2012 was 143 million people (with a population density of 8.36 people / km².

Human reproductive health

The demographic situation in Russia, which has developed since 1992, is characterized by low fertility, high mortality and population decline (on average by 800 thousand people per year). This situation is seen as demographic crisis in the country.

Thus, the reproductive health of Russian society can only be assessed as unsatisfactory.

Human reproductive health

Human reproductive health

Human reproductive health

Human reproductive health

General concept about health

"In general, 9/10 of our happiness is based on health. With it, everything becomes a source of pleasure, while without it, absolutely no external benefits can give pleasure, even subjective benefits: the qualities of the mind, soul, temperament. painful condition weaken and freeze. It is not at all unreasonable that we first of all ask each other about health and wish it to each other: it is truly the main condition for human happiness "- so said the famous German philosopher of the 19th century Arthur Schopenhauer. Indeed, health occupies the most important place among human life values. ...

Exists whole line definitions of health, but they all usually contain the following five criteria:

  • absence of diseases;
  • normal functioning of the organism in the "man - environment" system;
  • complete physical, spiritual, mental and social well-being;
  • the ability to adapt to the constantly changing conditions of existence in environment;
  • the ability to fully perform basic social functions.
  • There is the concept of individual and public health.

Individual health is the health of an individual. This concept today has a fairly broad meaning, it implies not only the absence of diseases, but also such forms of human behavior that allow him to improve his life, make it more prosperous, and achieve a high degree of self-realization. Thus, the charter of the World Health Organization (WHO) states that health is "a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects."

You can achieve well-being only through work aimed at expanding and realizing your spiritual, physical qualities and social opportunities.

Well-being concerns all aspects of a person's life, not just his physical condition... Spiritual well-being is associated with reason, intellect, emotions. Social well-being reflects social ties, financial situation, interpersonal contacts. Physical well-being reflects the biological capabilities of a person, the state of his body. Human well-being includes two components: spiritual and physical.

Wherein great importance has its spiritual component. About 2 thousand years ago, the ancient Roman orator Mark Tullius Cicero said so about this about 2 thousand years ago in his treatise "On Duties": what seems harmful and get yourself everything you need for life: food, shelter, etc. The common desire for all living things to unite in order to give birth to offspring, and caring for this offspring. But the greatest difference between man and beast is that the animal moves as far as it is moved by its feelings, and adapts only to the conditions surrounding it, thinking little about the past and the future.On the contrary, a person endowed with reason, thanks to which he sees the sequence between events, sees their causes, and the previous events and no matter how the forerunners elude him, he compares similar phenomena and closely ties the future with the present, with the with a bone he sees the whole course of his life and prepares for himself everything he needs to live. Man is inherent, first of all, a tendency to study and investigate the truth. "

Spiritual and physical health- two integral parts of human health, which must constantly be in harmonious unity, ensuring a high level of health.

Spiritual health reflects the health of our mind, and physical health reflects the health of our body.

Spiritual health is the ability to learn the world and yourself, analyze the events and phenomena that are taking place, predict the development of situations that affect life, form a model (program) of behavior aimed at solving emerging problems, protecting their interests, life and health in a real environment. The higher the intellect, the more reliable the forecast of events, the more accurate the model of behavior, the more stable the psyche, the higher the level of spiritual health.

Physical health is the body's ability to implement a developed program of actions and reserves in case of unforeseen extreme and emergency situations.

This is how it is said about the unity of mental and physical health in the book of American nutritionist Paul Bragg "Building Powerful nervous strength":" The story tells of two knights who killed each other because of the color of the royal shield, which was hung in the center of the huge castle hall. One knight said that the shield was red, the other was green. After the tragic battle, someone looked at both sides of the shield: one side was red, the other green. There are also two sides of the health shield - physical and spiritual - and both are important. Both of these sides - physical and spiritual - are so closely intertwined that it is impossible to separate them. Physical health affects spiritual life, and spiritual control provides the necessary discipline to maintain physical health. "

Spiritual health is determined by the system of thinking, cognition of the surrounding world and orientation in it; how we relate to the environment or to any particular person, thing, area of ​​knowledge, principle. This health is achieved by the ability to live in harmony with oneself, with relatives, friends and society, predict and model events, and draw up a program of their actions on this basis.

Physical health is ensured by high motor activity, rational nutrition, hardening and cleansing of the body, the optimal combination of mental and physical labor, the ability to rest, exclusion from the use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs. This is how A. Schopenhauer said about it: “Therefore, first of all, we must try to preserve good health... The means for this are simple: to avoid all excesses, excessive violent and unpleasant excitement, as well as excessively strenuous and prolonged mental work, then - increased movement in the fresh air for at least two hours, frequent bathing in cold water, and similar hygienic measures".

Public health are social, socio-political and economic categories that characterize the vitality of the entire society. This health consists of the health of individual members of society. Public health and the individual health of each person are inextricably interconnected and depend on one another.

Reproductive health is an important part of human and social health

The existence of any kind of living organisms is impossible without the reproduction of their own kind. Man is no exception in this respect. The history of mankind is a continuous change of generations. However, unlike other living beings, a person endowed with reason can control the reproduction system, ensuring not only birth, but also the necessary upbringing of offspring, taking into account the social needs of society. Its function of reproduction involves not only the birth of a child, but also his upbringing and preparation for the performance of certain duties that ensure the social development of society. This system of population reproduction, which ensures the birth of healthy children, the upbringing and training of a new generation, is the main content of reproductive health.

The state of reproductive health of a person and society is determined according to the following criteria:

  • stable motivation of people to create a prosperous family and the attractiveness for them of the personal model of an exemplary family man;
  • responsibility of parents and the state for the state of health; physical, mental, spiritual and moral development of children; for the receipt of the necessary education by children;
  • ensuring the reproduction of the population within the limits that guarantee the demographic security of the state.
  • These criteria fully characterize the ability of society and the state to create and implement the necessary conditions for the birth of healthy children and the preparation of a new generation capable of ensuring social security and the development of civilization.
  • Historical experience testifies that the family is the best social structure that most fully meets the interests of the individual and society and ensures the continuous change of generations.

Under family is understood as a small social group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are linked by a common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility.

In modern society, the family is a moral and legal union of a man and a woman and consists of spouses and children. The forms of education of married couples and the nature of the relationship between spouses are subject to certain social and cultural norms that are developed by society in the course of historical development. Norms are largely influenced by the social structure and the characteristics of a particular historical stage in the development of society.

In the Russian Federation, on March 1, 1996, the Family Code of the Russian Federation was enacted. Its content is based on the principles of strengthening the family, building family relations based on mutual love and respect, on responsibility to the family of all its members, on the inadmissibility of arbitrary interference by anyone in the affairs of the family, on the unhindered exercise by family members of their rights.

The family performs functions that largely determine the preservation and strengthening of the health of both an individual and the whole society. Only in the family does a person receive sustainable opportunities to meet everyday needs and develop his personality. The family most successfully fulfills the reproductive function: the birth and upbringing of children. It is in it that parents introduce their children to moral values ​​and norms of behavior in the world around them, in society, interaction with other people, here they pass on labor skills to them. The family decides the leisure function, which ensures the harmonious development of a person, and the sexual function, which ensures the satisfaction of the sexual needs of the spouses.

A high level of reproductive health presupposes that a person has a stable motivation to create a prosperous family and the attractiveness of the personality model of a good family man, as well as the ability to choose a worthy life partner with whom he can create a happy family.

Unfortunately, the analysis of statistical data and the results of surveys of young people in Russia shows that in recent years the family and family relations are sharply losing their attractiveness. In our country, the number of children who live and are raised in single-parent families or were born to women who are not in a registered marriage is growing. The importance and value of a happy family life is diminishing. Among young people, the proportion of those who do not consider it necessary for themselves when creating a future family to legalize their marriage relations is noticeably increasing. From this we can conclude that the level of an important component of human and social health - reproductive health - has significantly decreased recently, and this process continues.

The family, as the most important social unit of society and the state, fulfilling the reproductive function, must ensure the upbringing and development of the child's physical, spiritual and moral qualities of a person and a citizen, integrated into his modern society and aimed at improving this society. The quality of this function can be assessed with a certain degree of confidence using statistical data.

According to the Ministry of Health of Russia and the State Committee for Epidemiological Supervision of Russia, only 14% of school-age children are practically healthy, 50% have functional deviations, 35-40% are chronically ill. Among schoolchildren, during the period of study, the number of children and adolescents with visual impairments increases 5 times, 3 times with diseases of the digestive system and urinary tract, 5 times with impaired posture, 4 times with neuropsychiatric disorders. Many students have disharmonious physical development (underweight, decreased muscle strength, lung capacity, etc.), which creates problems with the overall performance of the younger generation. On the other hand, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, crime among minors is growing rapidly. In general, among all identified persons who have committed crimes, the share of adolescents aged 14-17 is 11.8%. Statistics also indicate a rapid increase in alcoholism and substance abuse among adolescents.

Many states view demographic potential as the main guarantee of survival in the face of global and regional rivalry and struggle for existence. The best minds in Russia also linked the future with the growth of its population. So DI Mendeleev, based on the demographic indicators of the beginning of the 20th century, determined the probable population of Russia in 2000 at 594.3 million people. However, the revolution of 1917, the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the collapse of the USSR and some other processes made significant adjustments to this forecast.

As of 2001, the population of Russia was 144.8 million and continues to decline. The main reason for this is the natural decline in the population, which consists in the excess of the number of deaths and deaths over the number of births. The main factor determining this process is the low life expectancy of the population of Russia. It is 59.8 years for men, 72.2 years for women and, according to long-term forecasts, will remain close to this level for a long time.

Factors affecting health and well-being

Among the factors affecting human health, leading place occupy physical, spiritual and social.

From physical factors the most important are heredity and environmental conditions. Research shows the significant influence of heredity on almost all aspects of our physical and mental health(the degree of their influence on health can be up to 20%). The state of the environment has a direct impact on health. Even the healthiest living habits cannot fully compensate for exposure to polluted air or water. The degree of influence of the environment on human health can also be up to 20%. Contaminated air can contain harmful substances that enter the human body through the respiratory system. Poor quality water can contain pathogenic microorganisms and toxic compounds, which, getting into gastrointestinal tract, cause various diseases and poisoning.

In addition, gene changes (mutations) can occur in living organisms under the influence of a polluted environment. Changes in genes under the influence of the environment - mutagenesis constantly occurs in every organism, but under conditions of increasing environmental pollution, it gets out of the control of natural mechanisms. Substances and factors that cause changes in genes are called mutagens. Ionizing and ultraviolet radiation, various natural and artificial chemical compounds... When ingested, mutagens can cause the development of malignant tumors, the appearance of deformities, etc. All mutagens are usually divided into chemical, physical and radiation. Once in the body, the mutagen is influenced by many substances: food components, hormones, metabolic products, enzymes. Some of them enhance its effect, while others reduce and even stop.

Recently, substances have been actively studied (antimutagens), which are able to stop the harmful effects of mutagens. Some of them make mutagens inactive, others change the effect of mutagens so that they become harmless, and still others enhance the system of counteracting mutagens. The most active antimutagens are vitamins: retinol (vitamin A), tocopherol (vitamin E), vitamin C(vitamin C).

Vitamin A is found in animal products (butter, egg yolk, liver). In vegetable food products vitamin A is missing. However, many of them (carrots, spinach, lettuce, parsley, apricot, etc.) contain carotene, which is provitamin A. In the body, carotene is converted into vitamin A, provides normal growth, the formation of visual pigments that regulate the dark adaptation of the eye, normalizes metabolic processes in the skin, liver tissues, eyes.

Vitamin E is found in the green parts of plants, especially the young sprouts of cereals. Rich in this vitamin vegetable oils: sunflower, cottonseed, corn, peanut, soybean. Vitamin E plays the role of a biological antioxidant, it prevents the development of formation processes that are toxic to the body free radicals and normalizes the metabolism in muscle tissue.

There is a lot of vitamin C in foods vegetable origin: rose hips, cabbage, lemons, oranges, black currants, other fruits and berries. Vitamin C is involved in redox processes, blood coagulation, carbohydrate metabolism and tissue regeneration.

Healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, complex consumption of foods containing vitamins A, E and C, reduce the degree of exposure to the body of mutagens and, therefore, help maintain health in a polluted environment. Vitamins are absorbed most fully if they are used in combination. It should be borne in mind that artificially created drugs are not always better than the sets of natural multivitamins contained in products. The most readily available herbal products containing vitamins A, E and C are shown in Table 8.

Table 8. Some foods containing vitamins A, E and C

Spiritual factors are also an important component health and wellness. These include the ability to do good deeds, self-improvement, compassion, and disinterested assistance... This requires a certain volitional effort from a person. Leading a healthy lifestyle is a difficult task. Knowing what a healthy lifestyle is is one thing, but practically observing it is quite another. The choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle requires a high level of consciousness and culture from a person, but the importance of spiritual factors is also very great, the degree of their influence on health is about 50%.

In a certain way, human health is influenced by and social factors. The level of well-being and health in this case can be high only when a person has the opportunity for self-realization, when he is guaranteed good living conditions, affordable education and quality medical care.

Each person is responsible for his own health and well-being, and this provides for certain life position and behavior. The well-known scientist N. M. Amosov said this well in his book "Thoughts on Health": "In most diseases, it is not nature, not society, but only man himself who is to blame. Most often he is sick from laziness and greed, but sometimes from unreasonableness. To be healthy, you need your own efforts, constant and significant. They cannot be replaced by anything. A person is so perfect that health can be restored from almost any point of its decline. Only the necessary efforts increase with old age and the deepening of diseases. "

Authors: Smirnov A.T., Shakhramanyan M.A., Durnev R.A., Kryuchek N.A.

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