Healthy lifestyle components concept. Gkuz rkh "republican center of medical prevention". For example, residents of Western Europe during their life on.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Cherepovets State University

Department of Physical Education

Healthy lifestyle and its components .


Second year student

Humanitarian Institute

group 2FR-21

A. A. Belov

Cherepovets - 2001


1. Introduction.

2. The main part.

Stress relieves your body not only with its energy, but also damages it, as this can lead to a state of exhaustion over time, which in many cases results in stress-induced illness. Would you be thinking that 70% of all diseases are caused by stress, negative thoughts and worries? Under stress, your adrenal body suppresses your body's stress hormone, and this causes pain in the long term. Possible and typical consequences of long-term stress are tension, fatigue, sleep disturbances, stomach and digestive problems, tension and pain in the head and back, and long-term weakening of your immune system.

3. Conclusion.

4. Literature.


Taking care of the physical condition of a person is of particular importance in our difficult time from an environmental point of view. More and more people are beginning to take good care of maintaining their own health, improving it. The means to accomplish this task is to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

In order to answer the question of what a healthy lifestyle is, it is necessary to consider all its components. The authors of the works analyzed by me note a different number of them. However, some basic components can be distinguished, on the basis of which maintenance is built. healthy way life. These include:

Healthy lifestyle

Constipation strengthens your immune system, so immune defense returns. Associated with this is a higher infectious susceptibility, as well as stimulation inflammatory processes... Other negative effects include hypertension, depression, burnout, and ultimately even cancer. But that's not enough: the release of cortisol also stimulates your appetite and promotes fat storage.

Regular relaxation phases absorb stress, prevent many diseases, give you more energy, and make you much happier. Negative stress must be effectively prevented. And most importantly, it needs to be dismantled before it gets stuck and weakens your body! With a strong balance between tension or activity and relaxation in your life and Everyday life you not only create noticeable and massive stress and stress, but you also significantly reduce your risk of many stress-related illnesses. yours the immune system will work much better.

1. Balanced diet.

2. Physical activity.

3. General body hygiene.

4. Hardening.

5. Refusal from bad habits.

All authors, without exception, identified the first two components in view of their exceptional importance (“Rational nutrition and physical training are those terms in the health formula, without which a person simply cannot be healthy, remain healthy. the necessary conditions, without which health cannot be preserved ”). However, I believe that the third component was also implied by everyone (it seems to me that it was assumed as a matter of course). A specific feature of the works of Russian researchers, in contrast to the book of American scientists, was the mandatory inclusion of the fourth component - hardening. A notable feature of foreign work was the emphasis on giving up bad habits (the fifth component of the plan).

Rest phases are not only extremely important to your health, but also to your well-being and mood. Because rest means relaxation for your body. And with a little great rest throughout the day, you create new strength and more energy. Plus, you will feel more relaxed and relaxed, you will feel more joy in life, and you will be much stronger in general.

Because this regular relaxation ritual not only brings order and peace into your life. Little experience of satisfaction in everyday life will also help you relieve stress and increase your well-being and energy levels. Your body gets required time for recovery. By the way, the more you control your life, the more you can define yourself, the more relaxed you are. So go as far as possible with your life.

In my essay, I will just try to briefly characterize the features of a healthy lifestyle, combining different points of view on them (see the list of references at the end of the abstract).

Main part.

1. Rational nutrition. This component is considered as one of the critical criteria healthy lifestyle, and in books dedicated to this issue, it is subjected to the most thorough research. After all, there is no doubt that food performs one of the most important functions in ensuring life. human body... “Science-based nutrition provides normal development organism. It serves, preventing many diseases, powerful prophylactic”. Inappropriate nutrition, on the other hand, significantly increases the risk of diseases that can even lead to death (for example, excessive accumulation of cholesterol contained in fatty foods causes atherosclerosis).

This is your life, about which you decide everything! Your personal timeout, which should be at least 1 hour a day, is your time to disconnect and relax, earned by you, and in which you can do something good for yourself. So, at this time, just do something fun and enjoyable, such as reading interesting book, listen to your favorite music, take a relaxing bath, take a walk, go to the cinema, or meet friends in a cafe, restaurant or cooking together.

So that you can do this in a stressful daily life, you can support her. Also, keep your work and personal life clearly separate and don't do overtime anymore. Instead, deliberately enjoy free time and use it for your well-deserved rest. And in the job, you can only bring solid performance if you can also recover regularly and enough.

A person's daily diet must be strictly balanced. It must “contain in enough and the optimal ratio is all necessary for the body substances ”. And for this he needs to be diverse. It should include products of the most different groups: cereals, pods, animal products (non-fatty), vegetables and fruits.

During your work day, you should also pay attention to regular breaks. They prevent fatigue, reduce stress, and increase your concentration and efficiency. Therefore, during your work day, allow yourself to take a short break of about 5 minutes after every hour. Then just go outside to refresh your body by stretching and stretching as well deep breathing in the fresh air with an additional dose of oxygen and thus with renewed energy - and spoil it in good weather with soothing sunlight.

In this way, you can also immediately remove all the stress that occurs. nutrients... To ensure that you never miss your earned breaks again, you should stick a small piece of paper with a note "Don't forget: take a regular break!" To clearly see the place in your office, For example, on a computer monitor.

However, in a rational diet, certain food groups are distinguished, the use of which is recommended to be reduced or completely excluded (based on information from all sources used):

1.Smoked meats... This group of products contains substances harmful to the body - nitrites, which, accumulating in digestive tract, can form compounds with carcinogenic activity. For excretion from the body harmful substances you need to eat vegetables and fruits, and dairy products, healthy intestines.

You can also count on the implementation of this measure. Because the hourly timeout, your personal recovery phase throughout the day, does not present any real extra effort for you — quite the opposite. And a clear separation between your profession and yours personal life increases even the time available to you. Taking regular breaks during your workday is also very easy to implement and makes you more motivated and powerful, so you get more done in less time.

Energy-balanced pntanne. Calorie content of food

This way, you can freely free up the necessary free space for a regular walk in the evenings - and you would also implement quick steps 1 and 2! Sounds great, doesn't it? 7 Step Quick Start Guide: How to Live Healthier with 7 Easy, Quick Steps in Your Daily Life. Congratulations: you did it! You have now learned which success factors are critical to healthier, leaner and happy life... And above all, what specific, simple measures quick launch that you can use in your daily life to create a breakthrough in better life with a little time.

2.High fat dairy products... The fat in dairy products can significantly increase blood cholesterol levels (and butter also contains and very a large number of saturated fat). However, they cannot be excluded from the diet *, since they contain many substances necessary for the body (for example, dairy products are the main source of calcium), so you should drink (or eat) them in a fat-free form.

Upon closer inspection, you will realize that, in addition to a natural diet with adequate fluid intake and abandonment of popular luxuries and pleasures, and getting enough sleep and relaxation, above all, more movement is extremely advanced. In short: regular outdoor exercise is the biggest and most effective lever for a healthy lifestyle! When you look at total duration of all quick start actions, you will find that you only need to invest 3 percent of your time in your body for a noticeable improvement in your body, health and life in general, no real effort for you and you will have the rest of your day for your body!

3.Hidden saturated fat contained in hydrogenated oils and used in the manufacture of many products are extremely harmful to health, since they have the same high saturation as, for example, butter.

4.Salt... Excessive salt in food can result in increased arterial pressure... The sodium in salt is essential for the body, but in limited quantities.

How to act if a car falls into water

You also see: living healthier is actually for children. Start right now with your change and your path to the perfect new life... Start slowly and then gradually improve, day after day - true to my motto: Live a little healthier every day! It's much easier than you think when you start.

Try to sit and move less. Involve Fresh air and sunlight. Eat only organic products... Drink plenty of fluids and avoid sugary drinks. No smoking - and avoid drinking alcohol. Grooming regularly for adequate sleep.

5.Sugar... The main consequences of excess sugar intake are dental diseases (caries), diabetes and overweight which can lead to atherosclerosis. Sugar is a lot of calories, which do not have time to be spent by the body, and therefore sugar is more fat than any other food of equal calorie content.

6.White breads... When making white flour, when grinding grain, up to 80% of nutrients and a number of valuable vitamins are spent, as a result of which a person's need for white bread is reduced. In addition, these types of bread are extremely high in calories. Wholemeal bread is much healthier and cheaper.

My gift for a quick start to a healthy life

Join the daily rest to relax in your daily life. In addition, it is of course also suitable for those who have already made initial attempts to make changes, but still have not fulfilled their plans or had little success with them. Start with minimal effort in a healthy life!

Drug abuse prevention is an active process aimed at promoting constructive lifestyles and standards that reduce the likelihood of drug abuse and at the same time create a social and physical environment that facilitates healthy lifestyle choices.

Great importance in the organization of rational nutrition is given to correct processing food products. You need to know that “some types of heat treatment food products(roasting, baking), especially if it is long and intense, adversely affect the quality of the finished product. ” One of the main ideas of proper nutrition is the elimination or limitation of the frying and browning processes. As a result of such influences, irreversible changes occur in the product with proteins, fats, carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, pigments, active substances valuable for the body are destroyed.

Drug addiction prevention components. The three components of drug abuse prevention: drug addiction, people, environment. Attitude addicted people to narcotic substances can be divided into varying degrees intensity. A person cannot use drugs. This attitude promotes self-awareness, self-respect, lawmaking, etc. when drugs are used sporadically, it is usually due to a simple desire for pleasure or for a specific purpose and benefit. The next level of intensity is that the addiction is used habitually, which is usually justified by the fact that everything is so, and is expressed in automatic, without further reflection, normal behavior.

An important characteristic of a balanced diet is moderation. It is necessary to consciously regulate the calorie content of food, to maintain an energy balance. “The energy balance is most clearly indicated by body weight, which remains within the normal range only when energy balance”. Also, you should not take long breaks between meals and absorb large quantities of it.

Addiction is closely related to the already mentioned consumption drugs, but the addict wants to change at this stage an unpleasant state, such as stress, boredom, loneliness, bad the physical state, anxiety, etc. The relationship between environment and addiction is reflected in legal regulations defending the right of young people to be protected from consumption, cooperation in the production or trade of drugs and drugs. State institutions and relevant executive bodies are responsible for these relations.

The difficulty in the transition to proper nutrition is not even physiological, but psychological. “We are used to eating the way we eat, and the habits that develop throughout life cannot be changed right away.” American scientists suggest that such a transition should be carried out gradually, over the course of about a year. But the result from such a restructuring of the body will immediately make itself felt - health, appetite will improve, body weight will normalize, and physical activity and, most importantly, new opportunities will open up for human self-improvement.

Another factor is the agricultural industry, which produces and distributes drugs and other substances that can be abused. It is your responsibility to comply with advertising and age restrictions.

To reduce the number of adolescents who use drugs, it is necessary to take preventive measures. Drug abuse prevention includes activities that strengthen the personal as well as the resources of the social and institutional environment. Addiction prevention is based on two goals: health promotion and disease prevention. When we talk about prevention, we distinguish between universal, selective and specified prevention of addiction.

2. Physical activity. It is the second basic component of a healthy lifestyle. I will present its essence on the basis of research by specialists from Stanford University. American scientists give a lot of arguments that could convince people to exercise. Among them:

· Exercise is fun.

Universal prevention is aimed at preventing the development of addiction by improving life circumstances and strengthening the personality. It targets the entire population and promotes protection factors at a structural and individual level. It has a long-term perspective.

Selective prevention is associated with early detection of biological, psychological and social risk factors for addiction and wants to reduce them. It is used by healthy people who have life-threatening risk factors that may contribute to the development of addiction in the future.

· Suitable view physical exercise is for everyone.

· After a few months, you will become so attached to them that you will never quit.

And six months later:

· You will become more active, more alive.

· You will feel a surge of strength, coordination of movements will improve, and your reaction will become better.

It will be easier to deal with nervous tension and bad mood.

· The content of body fat will decrease.

· Bone tissue will be strengthened.

· Blood circulation will improve.

· Your performance will increase.

One cannot but agree with these conclusions, since they have been repeatedly confirmed by real practice. Physical exercises are rightfully included in the system of a healthy lifestyle, since without physical activity, a person's condition deteriorates significantly, and not only physical, but also mental, a person's intellectual capabilities decrease (doctors say that mental work should be fully compensated by physical work).

If we consider the actual system of exercises proposed by American authors, we will see that they do not provide any special exercises associated with targeted muscle training or special development any physical qualities(agility, endurance, speed, etc.) To maintain a healthy lifestyle, in their opinion, aerobic exercise is necessary.

“Aerobic exercises are exercises that make large muscle groups work rhythmically. They are not directly related to physical activity, but they should contribute to the supply of oxygen to the tissues and to increase its consumption ”. Any type of aerobic exercise will strengthen the cardiovascular system if exercised at moderate intensity for twenty minutes every other day, or at least three times a week.

Aerobic exercise includes walking or hiking, running, jogging, swimming, skating, climbing stairs, rowing, skating, rollerblading, dancing, basketball, tennis. As we can see, virtually all of these exercises do not require any special physical skill. All of them are performed in a special, interesting form for the student. Naturally, this is an additional incentive to engage in physical education, and therefore to maintain a full-fledged healthy lifestyle.

3. General hygiene of the body. Body hygiene is primarily associated with maintaining cleanliness skin... The problem of cleanliness of the skin is very relevant for humans, since: “about 2.5 million sweat and sebaceous glands secrete about 0.5 liters of sweat and about 20 g of lard per day, in the surface layers skin goes continuous cell renewal, on dirty skin there may be microorganisms harmful to human health. When the skin becomes dirty, the excretory ducts of the sweat glands become clogged, and the body's ability to thermoregulation is impaired. Dirty skin easily develop fungal diseases, the treatment of which takes a long time ”. Naturally, all these facts convince us of the need to maintain a clean body. I believe that it would be unnecessary to remind about the means and methods of keeping the skin clean.

4. Hardening. This rather broad concept is also included in the general concept of a healthy lifestyle. Previously, hardening was understood primarily or even exclusively as an organism's addiction to the cold. Now this concept is interpreted more broadly - hardening means “strengthening the body's resistance to any factors external environment, condition-causing stress, i.e. voltage" . These factors include low and heat air, excessively low or high humidity, sudden changes atmospheric pressure etc. However, the most important is still hardening to excessive cooling, and sometimes to overheating.

“Under the influence of high or low temperatures physiological changes occur in the human body. Thanks to hardening, the central nervous system is activated, the excitability of the peripheral nervous system, the activity of the glands increases internal secretion, the activity of cellular enzymes is growing ”. All this increases the body's resistance to environmental conditions.

Repeated cooling of the body increases resistance to cold and allows the body to maintain thermal equilibrium in the future, even when a person is very cold.

Methods of hardening against cold have long been known to everyone. This is air, water and sun combined with exercise. " Best results gives a set of techniques, consisting of convection (air and sunbathing) and conduction cooling (wiping and dousing, foot baths, bathing, alternating water treatments) ”.

The hardening effect is short-lived, it lasts only during hardening of the body and not long after it, therefore hardening should be constant and consistent, it should be done daily.

5. Quitting bad habits. First of all, it should be noted that, in the ideal case, a healthy lifestyle presupposes not giving up bad habits, but their initial absence. If, for some reason, a person already has them, then it is necessary to take all measures to free this individual from addictions so pernicious for him.

To bad habits, first of all, include the use of alcohol and tobacco smoking, and in the literature, smoking is presented as a more common habit, and therefore as a greater evil for a person.

Smoking endangers many vital organs. Smokers risk getting pulmonary diseases and also exposed increased danger ischemic disease heart and stroke. “Cigarettes accelerate the narrowing of the arteries, reduce the oxygen content in the blood by as much as 15%, and, therefore, create an overload of the entire of cardio-vascular system”. For those who want to quit smoking

Alcohol is no less harmful to the body. Those who abuse it are more likely to have high blood pressure. Well, everyone knows that alcohol destroys the liver. It is especially regrettable that alcohol and tobacco adversely affect the innate characteristics of children and can cause serious developmental disabilities.

For those who want to quit drinking and smoking special meaning has a healthy lifestyle in general. Regular physical exercise, balanced diet to a large extent contribute to overcoming bad habits.


So, having considered the main criteria for a healthy lifestyle, we can summarize our reasoning. We found out that a healthy lifestyle is a combination of preventive measures, aimed at preventing diseases, strengthening all body systems and improving the general well-being of a person.

Leading a healthy lifestyle involves non-chaotic use different techniques but the application of an individual, carefully chosen plan. This plan should take into account the physiological and psychological characteristics a specific person seeking to improve his condition. A healthy lifestyle does not imply any special physical fitness, its principles are designed to use their an ordinary person in order to maintain performance and normalize the body's vital functions.


1. How to be healthy (from foreign experience in teaching the principles of a healthy lifestyle). M .: Medicine, 1990.

2. Book about health: Collection // Compiled by: Yu.V. Makhotin, OV Kareva, T.N. Losev. Under. Ed. Yu.P. Lisitsyna. - M .: Medicine, 1988.

3. V. Mikhailov, A. Palko. Choosing health! - 2nd ed. - M .: Young Guard, 1987.

How to be healthy (from foreign experience in teaching the principles of a healthy lifestyle). M .: Medicine, 1990 .-- p. 6.

V. Mikhailov, A. Palko. Choosing health! - 2nd ed. - M .: Young Guard, 1987 .-- p. 109.

Book about health: Collection / Compiled by: Yu.V. Makhotin, O.V. Kareva, T.N. Losev. Under. Ed. Yu.P. Lisitsyna. - M .: Medicine, 1988 .-- p. 278.

* However, American researchers argue that a person “does not have to eat food of animal origin - meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products” (How to be healthy (from foreign experience in teaching the principles of a healthy lifestyle). M .: Medicine, 1990. - p. 45.)

V. Mikhailov, A. Palko. Choosing health! - 2nd ed. - M .: Young Guard, 1987 .-- p. 110.

Book about health: Collection / Compiled by: Yu.V. Makhotin, O.V. Kareva, T.N. Losev. Under. Ed. Yu.P. Lisitsyna. - M .: Medicine, 1988 .-- p. 282.

How to be healthy (from foreign experience in teaching the principles of a healthy lifestyle). M .: Medicine, 1990 .-- p. 43.

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