Good good story. Beautiful short bedtime stories. The tale of how Fedya saved the forest from the evil sorcerer

A fairy tale for children who deceive and offend others.

There lived a grandmother in her little house. She loved to sit on the wooden bench. Next to the bench there was always a wicker basket with multi-colored balls. Grandmother was very fond of knitting socks and mittens for her beloved grandchildren Kirill and Yasochka.
Once a grandmother was sitting on a bench and knitting:

The sun gently plays
The blue river murmurs.
Swallows are flying in the sky.
The pies are in the oven.

Grandma put aside her knitting and put her glasses next to her. Went to the hut:
- I'll go and see how my pies are browned in the oven. It's probably time to take them out.

As soon as she entered the house, a cunning Fox and a stupid Wolf appeared near her grandmother's favorite bench.
Lisa says:
- I heard, Gray, my grandmother has pies in the oven. Ruddy. Fried. With crispy crust.
The hungry Wolf licked his lips and began to sniff the sweet air:
- With meat?
“Of course, with a chicken or a duck,” said the Fox, looking into the window of her grandmother's hut.
The wolf also wanted to see the ruddy pies, but the Fox blocked the entire window.
“Maybe with lamb?” Wolf tried to guess. - Yes! Why sniff and lick? We still can't get it! Granny bakes pies for her grandchildren, for Kirill and Yaroslav. They will get all the pies.

Suddenly Lisa began to rub her hands:
- This is good!
The wolf sat down in bewilderment:
- What's good about that? I don't understand you, Lisa!
“You need to think, your gray head!” You will dress up as a boy, and I will be a girl.
“Where can we get such clothes?”
The cunning Fox looked towards her grandmother's garden:
- Grandma washed the laundry yesterday and hung it in the garden. We will take these clothes, change clothes and come as if we were her grandchildren.
The wolf jumped for joy:
- What a cunning you are! What if the old woman sees that we are not her grandchildren? What then?
Lisa got angry
- Didn't your French wolf grandfather tell you anything about Little Red Riding Hood?
The wolf shook his head.
- Not!
- Oh you! Darkness! People see badly in old age. Glasses are worn.

The fox took grandmother's glasses from the bench and showed them to the stupid Wolf:

“You see, she left her glasses next to her knitting. And we will hide them with you now. Then she will not see us and will immediately take us for the grandchildren of her relatives.

Where are we going to put our glasses? Wolf asked and began to look around.

“Look, there’s a dog house by the fence. the dog is not there. Here we are in the dog house glasses and sunem. No way grandma will find glasses!

The Wolf and the Fox hid their glasses in the doghouse, and they themselves went to the garden.

Grandma came out and sat down on a bench. She began to look for her glasses, but they are nowhere to be found. Grandmother was upset, but then she remembered that Kirill's grandchildren and Yaroslava would soon come to her, and she immediately became more cheerful.

- My beloved grandchildren will come and help me find glasses.

And the Fox and the Wolf did not waste time in vain: they dressed up. Lisa put on a pink lace dress, tied with a scarf. The wolf pulled on little blue trousers with straps, a white shirt, a Panama hat with flowers on his head.

- Hello, grandma! Wolf says in a thin voice.

- We are here! Lisa squeaked.

Grandmother got up from the bench, narrowed her eyes:

- Who came to me?

- It's me, your grandson Kirill, - says the Wolf. - And this is Yaroslava, your granddaughter.

- Hello, grandma! Lisa squeaked.

- We came to eat pies! - said the Wolf and licked his lips.

And the grandmother did not notice the substitution, goes to meet her grandchildren, hugs Lisa:

- How you, Yasya, have grown up! And Kirill has changed somehow. I just can't figure out what's wrong. Here, I was left without glasses, ”grandmother complained.

- You are so young, so beautiful, grandmother! Why do you need glasses? Lisa says slyly.

- And you cook pies so tasty! says the hungry wolf.

— Thank you for your kind words. Where did I put my glasses?

"You're fine even without glasses!" Lisa says.

- You're out of the way, you're tired, you want to eat! Now I will treat you to delicious pies! Let's go to the table!

The Wolf and the Fox sat down at the table. Grandmother put before them a large dish of ruddy pies:

- Here! Bake them with love!

- How about love? - Wolf was surprised and even moved away from the table. “I thought meat pies?”

“And the filling of the pies is different,” says the grandmother. - Here with cabbage, with poppy seeds, with fish, with cherries, cheese, ham.

- Oh, grandma, thank you! - Lisa grabbed the pie and began to eat it greedily.

And the Wolf only had time to swallow pies.

- Wow, how hungry, - grandmother was surprised. - Wolves' appetite for envy.

- Very tasty! Tell me, what is the secret of your pies?

- You, my beloved grandchildren, I remembered with love when I cooked. The main thing is to invest love.

Suddenly a loud barking was heard. Grandma got up from the table:

- I'll go pour some milk, I'll drink Zhuchka and Murka. They went to the forest for mushrooms.

Grandma left for milk. The Fox and the Wolf wanted to hide under the table, but Zhuchka and Murka had already noticed them.

- What are our guests? Bug asked angrily. What is this masquerade?

- A wolf with a fox? Murka was surprised. - Why did you come here?

“Believe it or not, but I’m kind now,” says the Fox.

- What did they feed us? I can’t growl, lie, swear and scream now! Wolf was surprised.

The fox looked at the Wolf:

- What? Gray, we have become better.

The wolf grabbed his throat and coughed loudly: “Pies! It's their fault! There were pies with love, and I ate so many of them! What will happen to us now?

“I really want to help my grandmother: I’ll go weed the beds,” said the Fox, and her legs themselves carried her into the garden.

- And I'll chop wood for her for a bath, but more. The wolf grabbed an ax and ran to chop wood.

Grandma came.

“Where are my grandchildren?”

At this time, the Beetle looked into her kennel and took out her grandmother's glasses.

— Grandma, your glasses?!

Yes, my glasses are gone. Oh glasses! Here are miracles! Grandmother was delighted and put on her glasses.

How did they end up in my booth? - thought the Beetle.

It's a sly Fox! Murka sighed. I know her tricks.

- Which Lisa? Where have my grandchildren gone?

Grandmother looked into the garden and was frightened:

- I can't believe my eyes: there are animals walking in the garden.

The wolf and the fox approached the grandmother:

- Forgive us, please! We didn't eat anything for two days. We wanted to deceive you. Dress up as grandchildren.

- Forgive us, please! Your pies are full. Nothing was sweeter than these delicious pies. and your pies were with love. We forgot about anger, deceit. We have become kind! Thank you grandma!

- That's how it happens! Grandma was surprised. - Well! I'm glad you're kind now. Now you won't offend anyone. Come visit me. I will introduce you to my beloved grandchildren.

Well remember guys
If you ever
Eat porridge, soup, meatballs,
Remember this story!
Remember this story!
Don't forget about love!

Fairy tales are poetic stories of extraordinary events and adventures involving fictional characters. In modern Russian, the concept of the word "fairy tale" has acquired its meaning since the 17th century. Until that moment, the word "fable" was supposedly used in this meaning.

One of the main features of a fairy tale is that it is always based on a fictional story, with a happy ending, where good triumphs over evil. The stories contain a certain hint, which enables the child to learn to recognize good and evil, to comprehend life on illustrative examples.

Children's fairy tales read online

Reading fairy tales is one of the main and important stages on the way of your child to life. A variety of stories make it clear that the world around us is quite contradictory and unpredictable. Listening to stories about the adventures of the main characters, children learn to appreciate love, honesty, friendship and kindness.

Reading fairy tales is useful not only for children. Having matured, we forget that in the end, good always triumphs over evil, that all adversity is unimportant, and the beautiful princess is waiting for her prince on a white horse. To give a little good mood and plunge into the fairy-tale world is quite simple!

One of my readers' favorite stories. She was born spontaneously, on the go, when I put my daughter to bed. I did not expect at all that this tale would be so loved by readers, and even fall into. It turned out that both children and their parents are very fond of such fairy tales at night. Therefore, I share with you two more evening tales.

The Tale of the Rhino Who Couldn't Sleep

Once upon a time there was a Rhinoceros, he was gray and thick-skinned, with a large horn on his nose. Cute, such, Rhinoceros. Once the Rhinoceros began to prepare for bed. He drank a glass of milk and cookies, washed his face, brushed his teeth, put on his pajamas and went to bed.

Everything is as usual. Only that evening the Rhino could not sleep at all. He tossed and turned in bed, but sleep did not come. First, he decided to think of something pleasant. He always did that when he couldn't sleep. The rhinoceros remembered the colored butterflies fluttering in the sky, then he thought about the juicy fresh grass. Delicious ... But the dream did not come.

And then a wonderful idea came to the Rhino! He thought he couldn't sleep because he forgot to do something before going to bed. Probably something very important. What exactly? He thought carefully and remembered! It turned out that Rhino forgot to put away his toys. That's what was the matter! He even felt ashamed.

Rhino got out of bed and cleaned up all the toys that were strewn across the floor. Then he lay back on the bed, closed his eyes and immediately fell asleep.

Good night Rhino!

Meditative sea tale

Imagine that you are sitting on the back of a blue dolphin. It has nice slippery sides. You firmly hold on to him with your hands, and he carries you forward along the playful waves. Funny sea turtles swim next to you, a baby octopus waves its tentacle in greeting, and seahorses swim with you in a race. The sea is kind and gentle, the breeze is warm and playful. Already ahead is the very rock to which you are swimming, your girlfriend, the little mermaid, is sitting on its edge. She is impatiently waiting for you. She has a green scaly tail and her eyes are the color of the sea. She laughs happily when she sees you and dives into the water. Loud splash, splash. And now you are already rushing forward together to the magical island. Friends are waiting for you there: a cheerful monkey, a clumsy hippo and a noisy motley parrot. Finally, you are already with them. Everyone sits down on the shore, a dolphin in the water, a little mermaid on the rocks. Everyone is waiting with bated breath. And then she begins to tell you extraordinary fairy tales. Tales about seas and oceans, about pirates, about treasures, about beautiful princesses. Fairy tales are so wonderful that you do not notice how the sun sets and night descends on the earth. It's time to sleep. The little mermaid says goodbye to everyone, the dolphin takes you on his back to take you home to a warm bed, and the little animals say goodbye to you, already yawning a little. Night, night has come. It's time to sleep, it's time to close your eyes to see in your dreams the beautiful tales told by the little mermaid.

Your eyes are closed and sleep is already on your face. I won't disturb you, my dear, sleep. You heard me come in, but you didn’t open your eyes, only your lips moved in a slight smile .... I love it when you smile ... your lips look like a small hunting bow with raised tips, in the depths of which lives a pink tongue-arrow. Oh, that multifunctional arrow! She knows how to kill on the spot with well-aimed words, she knows how to give imperious orders to subordinate men, she knows how to gently coo under my chin, or she can just be silent, doing her amazing job!
Sleep, my dear, I will not disturb you. I will not lie down next to you, but will sink to the floor to be on a par with your face.
I love such moments of mental unity with you. In these moments there are no physical contacts, only our souls speak. For me, now you are a little girl who I want to caress, stroke her curls and whisper something awkward to the sweet coming dream. You are an adult, beautiful, self-confident woman, but you also, like a child, miss tender words, I know this and am ready to tell you them. They have accumulated in me, crowded in my chest and in my head, they want to be heard. Mom could say a lot of magic words to you, but mom will not say what a loving man can say. Sleep, sleep sweetly under my muttering, and it's even better that you fell asleep. You sleep, and I will whisper to you what my heart is full of.
It is a pity that I am not an oriental poet - Firdousi, for example, or Hafiz, or Alisher Navoi ... they knew many beautiful words with which they sang their beloved.

A living spring is your mouth and sweeter than all joys,
my sobs are no match for the Nile and the Euphrates itself.

All sweets have lost their taste and are cheap in price:
the nectar of your sweetest lips is more beautiful than all delights.

And even the sun is hard to compete with you:
your mirrored brow is a hundred times brighter than it.

Sweet words murmur like a fast mountain stream, flow like a smooth majestic river, rustle with a gentle spring breeze, surround with a viscous pink aroma ... everything is for you, everything is for you ...
I look at your bare shoulders. What are you wearing under the covers now? You have a flannel nightie with a lace collar at the neck, a funny cambric shirt, sometimes you put on flirty pajamas with ties at the throat and under the knees ... I know all your night dresses, I know them with my eyes, teeth and touch, because I took them off more than once from you ... and now I still see not a blanket on you, not your clothes, but your skin under it ... More recently, you hummed something in the bath, basking in clouds of snow-white foam, more recently you left the bathroom, and wet droplets the water glistened on your shoulders and on your chest over the towel, and right here, at the very dimple in your throat... that dimple always drove me crazy... and now my tongue moves habitually in my mouth... I love to kiss you in that dimple... no, no, today I am quiet and humble, I just talk to you ... in words, but silently ... yes, it happens, thoughts are also words, only they are a thousand times faster!
I admire you. You are now lying on a high pillow, surrounded by hair golden from the light of the nightlight, still damp at the ends, although you tried to hide it under a hat, but it got wet anyway and became a dark bronze color ... you smell of sea water, salty wind and something else - then painfully familiar, which makes me dizzy and takes my breath away ... It smells like you ... I inhale this smell, it is not more beautiful in the world ... my roses, my favorite roses, forgive me, your aroma is magnificent, but there is no smell sweeter than the smell of a beloved woman!
I look at your eyes, they are closed, I remember them perfectly, I know how they look in the twilight, the black dots of the pupils become huge, like a black universe, they attract me, and I drown in them ...
I take your hand, bring it to my lips ... I kiss your every finger, every nail, I run your hand along my cheek, do you feel how smooth it is? I shaved, you love it when my cheeks are smooth, you love to rub against them, touch them with your tongue. Of course, my cheeks will never compare with yours with their delicate velvet skin, but somewhere in the very depths of me I am ready for the fact that you can suddenly wake up and want to press your cheek against mine ... I'm always ready! Do you remember how once your cheeks were pierced by my stubble and the next morning they were covered with many small red spots .... To the bewildered glances of the employees, you casually answered that you ate too much strawberries ... allergies, they say, and no one asked where you can get strawberries in winter ...
Therefore, I found pleasure in the once unpleasant occupation for me - shaving ... everything is for you, everything is for you!
I always want to call you baby, I want to caress and pamper you like a little girl, smooth your eyebrows with my finger, draw them along the line of your nose, along the curve of your lips, along your chin, neck, down, down ... stop ...
You stirred and smiled happily at the dream, sighing briefly...
Sleep, my love... sleep, it was I who entered your dream.

Psychologists have long proved that a fairy tale is a special kind of communication and transmission of love from parents to a child. A book read by mom, dad, grandma or grandpa helps form basic values, develops fantasy, makes the child calm down and get ready for sleep. Fairy tales can be read not only classical, but also modern. The Night of Kindness website presents the best modern works that are popular with parents. Only here you will find short and instructive tales about Peppa Pig, Luntik, Paw Patrol, Nina Turtles, Vince and other cartoon characters. This will captivate the attention of the baby and allow him to spend even more time with his favorite characters. Parents happy baby will be incredibly grateful.

How to organize such a ritual as putting a child to bed?
It is not recommended to eat before bed. The last meal should be two hours before meals.
You can drink a glass of warm milk.
Remember to remind your child to go to the bathroom and brush their teeth.

All the needs have been met, the procedures have been carried out, now you can read the fairy tale for children with a clear conscience. The kid will not be distracted, nothing will bother him. You need to read a fairy tale before going to bed in a calm voice. Psychologists advise choosing not combat and adventure works, but calmer ones that would set you up for sleep, lull you to sleep. To attract attention, you can sit next to the child, show him pictures from the book. Or sit down at the feet, so that the baby fantasizes more and imagines the characters on his own.
Remember, a child's psyche is unable to concentrate for more than six minutes. Attention will be scattered if you drag out reading for a long time. The optimal duration of reading a fairy tale for children is 5-10 minutes.

It is important to read fairy tales every day. This is not just a habit, but a kind of tradition. It is she who helps the baby to create supports and know that his world is stable. At the same time, in a bad mental state, it is better not to read a fairy tale. Ask to replace you or explain to the child that you do not feel well. Otherwise, the baby can “get infected” with a bad mood without realizing it.

It is important to choose the right fairy tale for the child. After all, it carries morality. If the fairy tale is evil, cruel, then the child may form an incorrect vision of reality. For example, the fairy tale The Little Mermaid tells that true love is cruel and generally leads to death. Cinderella teaches you to wait for the prince. Very susceptible children can get into the subconscious wrong attitudes, which then have to be treated with a psychiatrist. We invite you to find a fairy tale right now and read it for your beloved baby.