How our words affect karma, health and material well-being. Classes at school fall on the period of the highest working capacity of the child, and then its decline is noted. Age characteristics of children and adolescents.

Ministry of Education of the RME

institute of education

Department of Pedagogy

and psychology

A healthy lifestyle is the basis of health


2. Mental health

2.1 Emotional well-being

2.2 The nature of emotions

2.3 Personality and its development

2.4 Signs of emotional well-being

2.5 Achieving emotional well-being

If a Person reveals himself to be skillful in managing his own existence and positively conducts his various emotions in a vast prism of instabilities, not allowing himself to be dominated by delusions and fantasies, he can be considered mentally healthy. But the main determinant of sanity is the level of well-being, not only with the inner self, but also with other beings.

Well-being means recognizing the hardships of existence, learning to work with positive and equally negative emotions - joys, sorrows, calmness, anger, disappointments among others, as well as knowing your own limitations and, when you deem it necessary, Seek help from others.

2.6 Stress

3. Factors determining a healthy lifestyle

3.1 Nutrition

3.3 Work and rest regime

3.4 Sleep mode

3.5 Daily routine

4.Chemical addiction: alcoholism and drug addiction

5 human health and environmental well-being




Health is an invaluable asset not only of every person, but of the whole society. When meeting, parting with loved ones and dear people, we wish them good and strong health, as this is the main condition and guarantee of a full and happy life. Health helps us fulfill our plans, successfully solve basic life tasks, overcome difficulties, and if necessary, then significant overloads. Good health, reasonably maintained and strengthened by the person himself, ensures him a long and active life.

Some elements are fundamental so that the presence of mental health can be identified in a given being or in a given community. Among them are positive actions that a Man can direct to himself; Evolution, improvement and personal fulfillment; Adaptation to the environment and emotional responses; Independence and self-determination; More selective reception of the real; Knowledge of the context in which he lives and the ability to better coexist in society.

What is included in the concept of a regime?

Thus, medicine used scientific discourse to justify the construction of hospitals, hospices and other institutions, whose explicit goal was to remove the mentally ill from the social environment. Since then, psychiatric science has evolved enough to generate outpatient therapies far more effective in treating schizophrenics, depressors, bipolar patients, and many other mental disorders. They are treated and sometimes referred to in sessions with psychotherapists.

Scientific evidence suggests that most people, subject to hygiene rules, have the opportunity to live up to 150 years or more. But how few people reach this age!

Unfortunately, many people do not follow the simplest, science-based norms of a healthy lifestyle. Some become victims of inactivity (hypodynamia), which causes premature aging, others go overboard in food with the development of obesity, vascular sclerosis, and in some cases, diabetes mellitus, which is almost inevitable in these cases; nervous, suffer from insomnia, which ultimately leads to numerous diseases of the internal organs. Some people, succumbing to the addiction to smoking and alcohol, actively shorten their lives.

Acceptable rhythm of life

Promoting well-being in human-centered mental health care at Dora Inconti. Education and spirituality - interfaces and perspectives. This article aims to highlight the importance of psychological assessment in a health context. Health psychology is becoming one of the ways to understand disease and the ways in which a person can stay healthy. Health psychology is now gaining space and importance in diverse and interdisciplinary environments to understand the various phenomena associated with health and disease.

Many people remember to take care of their health only when they get sick. Well, after being cured, they immediately forget about reasonable prevention and do nothing to prevent the disease in the future.

Lack of movement, lack of physical work, physical exercise is a characteristic feature of our time, a disease of the century, as many say. Indeed, the mechanization of labor, the development of transport, the growth of material well-being in all spheres of life have led to the fact that most of the population of a country with a high level of culture does not receive the proper dose of movement, either quantitatively or qualitatively.

Psychological assessment in the context of health is one of the most important resources for systematizing various aspects of health care user functioning and developing protocols and can play a corresponding social role, for example, helping to document effectiveness or not. health care. Key words: psychological assessment, intervention strategies, assessment protocols, health psychology.

It is almost entirely up to us whether you enjoy a healthy, energetic life until old age, or fall into a sloppy, sluggish existence and prematurely destroy your health, as happens with most people living in countries with a high standard of living.

Many men and women go through life without knowing what it means to truly be in a state of physical fitness. They know neither the well-being of a truly healthy person, nor the joyful realization that any work is within your reach and nothing causes fatigue. However, with the right approach and calculated effort, they can all secure just that kind of life.

This article aims to point out the importance of psychological assessment in a health context. Health psychology is becoming a form of understanding how a person gets sick and the manner in which a person can maintain health. Psychology is now gaining space and health implications in multidimensional and interdisciplinary fields for understanding several phenomena associated with health and disease. Psychological assessment in the context of health care is one of the most important resources for systematizing various aspects of the work of users of health services and preparing protocols capable of fulfilling a corresponding social role, for example, providing assistance in documenting the effectiveness or not of the treatment that the patient goes through, characterizing the helping population, developing interventions, prevention and prevention for health.

According to the conclusion of the experts of the World Health Organization in 1985. the state of health of carrying is only 10% determined by the level of development of medicine as a science and the state of medical care, 20% by the state of the environment, 20% by hereditary factors, and 50% by the way of life.

1. Definition of health and well-being

Psychology in Health: A Brief History. Health psychology has become one of the ways to understand disease and the ways in which a person can stay healthy. In an uneven field of theories and methods, whose contributions come from different fields or specialties, health psychology gains space and importance in multidimensional and interdisciplinary fields for understanding various phenomena associated with health and disease, as well as proposing measures to improve and maintain human well-being.

Health psychology emerged in the 1970s to respond to new health demands, Richmond said. One of the major challenges to date has been overcoming the disease-centered biomedical model, as human behavior has been identified as one of the causes of morbidity and mortality. The main risk factors associated with most illnesses and premature deaths in the United States are associated with risky behaviors such as smoking, alcohol, and drug addiction, among many others.

The term "health" is ambiguous. Since ancient times, it has been customary to interpret it as the absence of disease. A similar definition happened even before the beginning of the 12th century, when life was short and it was considered good luck not to get sick. But in our time, people strive for a higher level of well-being than just the absence of disease, and this definition should be considered outdated.

Thus, the link between cause and effect, hidden in old epidemiological theories, began to weaken, as diseases no longer showed exclusively pathogenic origin. The equivalent of the embryo of new epidemics is the connection of the subject's behavior with environmental, organic and social factors. As a result, the so-called “vaccine” in this new context will now be associated with an integral approach aimed at “immunizing” diseases associated with behavioral etiology.

The American Psychological Association was formed in the 1970s to study the nature and extent of the contribution of psychologists to basic and applied behavioral research in physical illness and health. After five years, the American Psychological Association's Health Psychology Unit, known as the 38th Division, was created to understand health and disease processes through basic and clinical research in order to foster the integration of the Psychological and Biomedical Community.

A new definition of health was first formulated by the World Health Organization in 1940. By this time, thanks to the advent of vaccines, antibiotics and improved sanitary conditions, the threat of many diseases in the world has decreased. It was recognized that health is not just the absence of disease, but a state of physical, mental and social well-being.

In the early 1980s, the journal Health Psychology, as well as other specialized journals, began to be edited. Whereas the first health revolution was the discovery of microorganisms as the causative agent of several infectious diseases, the second health revolution, that is, the importance of behavioral factors in defining a disease, was the result of research that decade.

Social factors also significantly affect the health and well-being of each of us.

Some cause-of-death estimates indicate that roughly half of premature deaths can be caused by inappropriate behavior or lifestyle, 20% by environmental factors, 20% by human biology, and 10% by inadequate health care. Other factors, such as demographic changes, aging populations, family diversification and the technological revolution, have contributed to the need to train skilled professionals. These new factors have also increased costs and investments in health care, the convergence of health services with the community, and the emergence of a new understanding of the concept of health.

Since then, the definition of health has evolved further. Today we put into this word a much broader meaning and believe that the concept of "health" should include such forms of behavior that allow us to improve our life and make it more prosperous, to achieve a high degree of self-realization.

“Well-being” refers to all aspects of a person's life, not just physical fitness. You need a harmonious combination of social, physical, intellectual, career, emotional, and spiritual elements of life. Each of these elements is important in its own right and affects everything else. None of these should be neglected if you are striving for health and well-being.

After school, you should definitely have lunch!

It can be seen that health psychology is a field that studies psychological effects on health, factors responsible for illness, changes in people's behavior in illness. It is not limited to the hospital environment or health centers, but is also intended for all programs aimed at collective physical and mental health. Health psychology can be understood as a field of psychology that uses a variety of knowledge gained from psychological research and research in order to promote and protect health.

Our attitude towards life has a significant impact on health and well-being. Those who adopt a “well-being mindset” can expect to improve their physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Some of the elements of this setup are:

Make yourself believe that you are the master of your life and destiny. The feeling of helplessness destroys any good motivation, relieves a person of responsibility for their own health. The belief that you are not in control of your life can be very stressful.

Health, as discussed earlier, can be viewed as a state of complete physical, psychological and social well-being. Health psychology turns into psychological aspects of health in the course of a person's life, and not as isolated variables, but as interdependent spheres of life that influence each other. The number and variety of health psychology interventions to help people cope with pain, anxiety, depression and other byproducts of chronic disease is growing steadily.

Currently, health psychologists conduct a variety of activities, including educating the resident and prisoners, nurses on the importance of psychosocial factors in patient compliance and recovery, and direct intervention to assist patients who are undergoing complex procedures with regard to their adaptation to diseases of chronic illness.

Try to be responsible for everything that you do in life. Believing you are doing a worthy job increases self-esteem, which in itself promotes well-being and is essential for motivating healthy behavior.

Have the courage to face the challenges of life. Remember that our world is constantly changing and only those people prosper in it who regard these changes as a source of new opportunities. In addition, many situations in life, such as establishing close relationships (without which full health and well-being is impossible), require us to be able to take risks.

In general, psychosocial or behavioral factors affect health or illness. Emotional aspects can be precedents of triggering physical problems, and diseases caused by organic agents can also trigger various emotional responses. A variety of conditions can affect health, such as individual differences, personality traits, belief systems and attitudes, behavior, social support networks, and the environment. While experimental evidence is still inconsistent, in some cases, evidence from health and behavioral research suggests that psychological processes and emotional states are directly related to the etiology and spread of disease.

Take responsibility for your health. Realize that it is you, your lifestyle, that determine the level of your well-being.

Maintain an optimistic outlook on life. Love life and strive to enjoy it. Optimism is much less stressful than pessimism.

Be tolerant of your own flaws and the flaws of others. Increased demands on oneself doom a person to inevitable failures. Demanding excellence from others creates difficulties in relationships with people.

One of the most studied phenomena associated with psychological, biological and social aspects is stress. Stress can be seen as a phenomenon that occurs as a result of the interaction between physical and psychological aspects. Seli, explaining the theory of stress, refers to the general adaptation syndrome as a process essential for life, a nonspecific response to a stimulus, which includes phases of anxiety, resistance and exhaustion. Restoring balance depends on the phase ratio and the intensity of the stimuli and may or may not be detrimental to health.

Think more about others than about yourself. Self-centered people tend to focus on any minor issue. They risk being helpless in the face of such insignificant difficulties that other people simply do not pay attention to.

Always count on health, not illness. Positive expectations tend to come true.

Well-being is the pleasure of long, eventful days. It gives us physical strength and mental energy, allows us to cope with all problems. At the same time, there is still a sufficient supply of vigor for evening entertainment. Does it appeal to you? This is an achievable goal. In recent years, millions of people of all ages have given up bad habits and enjoy life more than ever.

Human well-being depends on many factors, including social, physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual.

Social factors. People are social beings, and the social structure of any society significantly affects our well-being. The level of well-being can be high only when a person has opportunities for self-realization, when he is guaranteed good living conditions, education and medical care.

An important factor influencing well-being is undoubtedly the ability to build relationships with other people. You need to learn how to create a benevolent, warm atmosphere around yourself. We must also be confident enough to count on reciprocal respect.

Physical factors. Physical factors are at the core of our well-being. The most important among these are heredity, environmental conditions and food quality.

Recent data indicate a significant impact of heredity on almost all aspects of our physical and mental health. But this does not give us the right to disclaim responsibility for our own health. On the contrary, having a predisposition to certain diseases, such as alcoholism and diabetes, should encourage us to lead a lifestyle that will reduce the likelihood of developing the disease.

The state of the environment directly affects the well-being of people. Even the healthiest living habits cannot fully compensate for the effects of polluting air or water. But each of us is responsible for the environment in which we live. Convince your friends, urge politicians and industry corporations to take care of maintaining a healthy environment.

The intellectual factor. You cannot lead a healthy lifestyle without knowing what it is. While knowledge alone does not induce the right behavior, familiarity with the principles of a healthy lifestyle can help us make the right choices. Professional success, a person's career can have a competent impact on his well-being, satisfying work allows a person to self-actualize, strengthens self-esteem, increases cash income, and provides social guarantees. Working in an inappropriate area for a given person is a source of stress, depression, decline and, therefore, can have a destructive effect on his body.

Emotional factor. Despite a certain genetic determinism of personal qualities, each of us decides for himself how to cope with life's difficulties. Whether we learn to courageously overcome them or take alcohol as our helpers is ultimately on our conscience.

Certain attitudes contribute to the achievement of well-being. The main thing among them is the awareness of the need to manage your life (without counting on complete control of all life circumstances), maintaining a positive outlook on life and improving health.

Spiritual factor. Spirituality is an essential component of well-being. Without perceiving yourself as a part of the universe, without thinking about your purpose, without feeling responsibility for the well-being of other people, you are unlikely to be able to be successful yourself.

Each of us is responsible for our own health and well-being. Achieving well-being is an ongoing process that implies a certain attitude and behavior. Well-being contributes to the fuller realization of our potentialities. Spiritual and physical principles in a person are inextricably linked and interdependent, and each of us is responsible for being healthy in body and soul.

Achieving high levels of well-being requires appropriate attitudes and motivation, as the reward for healthy living, like the enjoyment of non-health behaviors, is instantaneous. We can keep ourselves motivated by rewarding ourselves for achieving certain goals. The attention of others also helps to strengthen our determination to lead a healthy life.

A healthy man in your house Elena Yurievna Zigalova

Health, well-being, happiness

V for centuries, "health" meant the absence of disease. In 1946, the World Health Organization (WHO) adopted a fundamentally new definition. Health is "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases and physical defects"(WHO Charter, 1946). Close to this is the definition given in the English medical dictionary (Butterworths medical dictionary, 1976): "Health is a normal physical state, that is, a state of integrity and freedom from physical and mental illness or disease." Many researchers include in the characteristics of health the ability of the body to adapt to the constantly changing conditions of the external environment - physical and social. The number of definitions of health is very large, but all of them lack the most important components of human happiness and health - sexual health, well-being, the ability to adapt (adapt) and morality.

Taking the WHO definition as a basis, we consider it necessary and justified to add three factors. So, health is a state of complete physical, mental, sexual, moral and social well-being and the ability to adapt to the constantly changing conditions of the external and internal environment and the natural aging process, as well as the absence of diseases and physical defects.

V this definition is the word "well-being". What is this? The term comes from the Old Church Slavonic "good half" - good, kind destiny. Well-being is a calm, happy state. And happiness is a feeling and a state of highest satisfaction. Well-being and happiness are impossible without health. The attitude of a man to life, optimism, attitude towards health and well-being are very important.

Previously (see section "Brain" in Chapter 1) we wrote that enkephalins and endorphins are produced in the hypothalamus - hormones of joy, which are involved in positive emotional reactions (joy, pleasure), regulation of behavior; they are natural pain relieving agents that are significantly more potent than morphine (morphine is a synthetic drug that has an analgesic effect similar to opium). An experienced doctor knows that optimistic men, whose life is subordinated to the principle “Everything is good!”, Live longer, recover faster, and are in good emotional, physical and mental condition. Optimists tolerate operations, illness, pain much easier than pessimists, recover faster and return to normal life. This was noticed during the Second World War by the English surgeon GK Becher. Modern research confirms these findings.

Over the years of communication with patients, I have developed a number of criteria that allow us to assess the presence or absence of a man's attitude towards health and well-being. At the first meeting, I ask a trivial question: "How are you?" About a quarter answer: "Excellent!" They have such an installation. About 20% give the answer: "While alive ..." and at the same time sigh sadly. About 20% start to complain. There are no positive emotions in the stream of complaints. About 10% answer: "Bad!" or "It can be worse!" These last three groups of men lack a well-being attitude. I am very interested in the rest - there are about 25% of such patients. Their answer is encouraging: "Not bad, but I would like to be better." Such men, if desired, with the help of an experienced doctor, can adopt a well-being mindset. The attitude towards health and well-being implies, first of all, responsibility for oneself, for one's family, for one's home, the ability and desire to resist difficulties, to fight, to love.

Well-being is the joy and pleasure of every day you live. But this needs to be learned, it is necessary to work on it. Health and well-being give a person mental and physical strength for love, work, rest, and allow him to overcome difficulties. One of the most important features of Homo sapiens, which distinguishes him from all animals, is freedom of choice. Choose health and wellness. This means: love, think, create, create an atmosphere of benevolence around you, love people - they will respond in kind. Don't smoke, don't use drugs (even light ones!), Eat right, be active: physically, mentally and sexually.

Note! The health of each person largely depends on the person himself. Even the most qualified doctors, provided with modern equipment and medicines, cannot give a person health, well-being and happiness. According to the WHO, health status depends 50% on lifestyle, 20% on heredity, and only 10% on the level of development of medicine and the state of medical care.

With the development of biology and medicine, doctors know more and more about diseases and are able to treat many of them. Unfortunately, doctors know very little about health. As the American journalist Prentice Malford wittily remarked in the second half of the 19th century: "Doctors know a thing or two about diseases at best, but they are completely ignorant of health." Moreover, many doctors do not use their knowledge in practice. For many years, I have conducted anonymous survey of 464 medical students and 111 doctors. Among the many were questions about the dangers of smoking and physical inactivity. All answered correctly. But ... 68% of students and 73% of doctors smoked.

In order to lead a healthy lifestyle, a man must know what it is. Knowledge breeds motivation. On the other hand, knowledge does not yet guarantee fulfillment. Almost everyone knows what a healthy lifestyle is, but, alas, few people lead it. Especially men.

Let's repeat: the man is the weaker sex. Men are like children. We often (and unjustifiably) feel sorry for ourselves, are lazy, "relax" (each in its own way). Therefore, watch yourself, check yourself, set certain (but real!) Goals for yourself. Reward yourself, come up with a reward for yourself - something that gives pleasure and joy. For example, for a week of regular sports, give yourself a good performance, a concert together with your beloved woman; a few months of healthy life - an interesting trip; for giving up aimless TV viewing, buy yourself a couple of CDs of your favorite music, etc.

Note! As a reward, do not eat the pork chop and a half.

Don't set yourself unrealistic goals. If you are overweight, do not try to quickly lose 10 kg, this is harmful (see the section "Overweight. Who is to blame? What to do?" later in this chapter). The immediate goal is to lose 1–2 kg. If you have not been involved in sports for a long time, start gradually, do not strive for records. Good results are not easy. Do not strive to only move forward. A wise Chinese proverb says: "Even the road of a thousand li begins with the first step." Sometimes it is useful to take a step back: after two steps forward, you can take a step back. But - and this is very important! - be optimistic, don't back down! Even a slight improvement in your well-being is a sure sign that you are on the right track.

Achieving a goal takes knowledge, time and perseverance. To change your lifestyle, you need to know what threatens us. Unfortunately, most men don't know or don't want to know.

To find out the awareness of the population about the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, I conducted a survey of more than 1200 people, dividing them into three groups: medical students of the 1st and 2nd courses, students of non-medical faculties and patients of the Center for Men's Health (Table 2.1). The results indicate that people are poorly aware of the dangers that lie in wait for them, and more often than not they do not know and do not think about it.

The only way leading to the health and happiness of every person, nation, humanity is to change a person's attitude to his body and health. Therefore, you need to know your body, want to be healthy and make efforts. In other words, a person himself must make a choice: health or illness, he must have a clear motivation for health, because only a healthy person can achieve the highest level in the hierarchy of needs - self-realization.

Table 2.1. Awareness of cardiovascular risk factors

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