Games for the education of morality. A collection of games that develop communication and moral and volitional qualities of preschoolers. Game environment: from a fictional world to a real one


Chapter 1. The use of outdoor games for the education of moral qualities in preschool children as a psychological and pedagogical problem

1 The essence and characteristics of outdoor games

2 Education of moral qualities in preschool children

Chapter 2. Methodology for the use of outdoor games for the education of moral qualities in preschool children

1 Analysis of the level of formation of moral qualities in preschool children

2 Formation of moral qualities through outdoor games

3 Assessment of the effectiveness of the use of outdoor games for the education of moral qualities in preschool children


List of used literature



The relevance of research. The problem of moral education of preschool children is actualized by the current situation in modern society. The problem of the moral formation of the personality was not chosen by chance, it has existed for a very long time, and many discoveries have been made in this area. The urgency of this problem lies in the fact that at present, people are striving to create a legal society with a high culture of relations between people, which will be determined by social justice, conscience and discipline. Such a society necessitates the moral education of everyone. Of great importance in the moral development of the individual is her own attitude to the actions and deeds performed, to the observance of the moral requirements established in society. It is necessary that the personality itself strives to be moral, so that it observes moral norms and rules by virtue of its own inner drive and a deep understanding of their necessity.

Morally educated, we can consider the person who has formed needs, the desire to behave in accordance with certain norms. They say that "not the one who is honest, courageous, disciplined, who can act honestly, disciplined, boldly, but the one who cannot act otherwise."

Consequently, the main task of moral education is to form the child's moral aspirations, needs, and motives for behavior. Without this, knowledge of moral norms remains formal.

The mastery of knowledge and skills contributes to the formation of the moral qualities of the individual: responsibility, concentration, discipline, etc. rules.

The problems of creating conditions that effectively influence the formation of the moral qualities of preschoolers have occupied one of the important places in psychological and pedagogical research for more than a decade.

In the process of development, the personality goes through periods of special openness to certain social influences and internal readiness to accept them. The period of such openness to various social, moral, spiritual and pedagogical influences and readiness to accept them is preschool childhood, especially the period between 5 and 7 years of age. This stage is the most sensitive for the formation of this readiness, and the ability to make moral choices in children of this age is formed on the basis of the developing moral-evaluative activity of consciousness and is conditioned by their need for approval and recognition. The development of this ability is based on the developing independence of the preschooler and his desire to voluntarily follow socially approved moral standards of behavior.

Despite the multiplicity of approaches to the study of the problem of moral education of children, the mechanisms of the formation and development of the principles of their moral consciousness remain insufficiently clarified, resources for improving the content and technology of its formation have not been fully identified.

Today, physical education is aimed primarily at protecting and strengthening the health of children, increasing the body's defenses, fostering a persistent interest in motor skills, skills, moral and physical qualities (speed, agility, endurance, flexibility), and the formation of a culture of health.

The basis of the system of physical education in preschool institutions remains the motor regime as a combination of different methods and organizations of forms of work with children. A very effective form of work and an important means of moral education is outdoor play.

Outdoor games are important enough for the all-round development of a child. Their value is not only that they develop the movements of children, but also that they encourage kids to be strong-willed, active, active, to think, to achieve success.

Isolation of the problem of moral education of modern preschoolers through outdoor play from the general thematic field of research will make it possible to more deeply comprehend the ways, means, possibilities and specifics of pedagogical work with children in preschool educational institutions.

The urgency of the problem of upbringing moral qualities in children in modern preschool institutions through outdoor games predetermines the choice of the topic "The use of outdoor games for the upbringing of moral qualities in preschool children."

The purpose of the course work is to substantiate the pedagogical conditions for the optimal use of outdoor games and to reveal their influence on the formation of moral qualities in preschool children.

) Analyze the theoretical and practical state of the problem;

) To characterize the moral qualities in the structure of the moral education of preschool children;

) To study and identify the essence, meaning and place of outdoor play in the formation of moral qualities in preschool children;

) Select and experimentally test outdoor games in order to enhance the formation of moral qualities in preschool children.

The object is the moral education of preschool children.

The subject is the process of forming moral qualities in preschool children through outdoor games.

The methods of work were chosen taking into account the object and subject of research, goals, hypotheses. These are methods of theoretical knowledge: analysis of literature on general and preschool pedagogy, analysis of program and methodological documents, textbooks, teaching aids, guidelines for educators. Also, the study used methods of studying pedagogical experience, observation, conversations with children, educators, and parents. Experiments of the ascertaining, formative and control nature became the most important components of the work.

Experimental base of the research: "Osipovichi kindergarten No. 10"


1.1 The essence and characteristics of outdoor games

Play, the most important type of child's activity, plays a huge role in the development and upbringing of a child. It is an effective means of shaping the personality of a preschooler, his moral-volitional, moral qualities; the need to influence the world is realized in the game. The Soviet teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky emphasized that “play is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around him pours into the child's spiritual world. The game is a spark that ignites the spark of inquisitiveness and curiosity. "

A game in general is understood as an occupation conditioned by a set of rules, techniques and serving to fill leisure and entertainment. In addition, play is interpreted as an activity, activities for children or an activity that is a kind of sport.

Play is a historically established social phenomenon, a separate specific type of activity inherent in a person. Play as an activity is diverse. These are children's games with and without toys, board games, round dance games, outdoor and sports games. Play is a relatively independent activity of children and adults, in which the motivation and perceived need of people for the knowledge of the unknown, for the development of spiritual and bodily-motor abilities are satisfied. Modern play is a means of a child's self-knowledge of play, his social upbringing, a means of sports activity. Game activity as an element of social culture is a means and method of personal physical culture formation. Playful activity is the most important opportunity for the upbringing of the younger generation. The game, as a rule, is conditioned by personal and collective goal-setting, a variety of motivated actions, the implementation of individual target attitudes and a vivid desire to realize the central idea of ​​the game, to achieve the set goal.

Play is one of the most important means of physical education for preschool children. It contributes to the physical, mental, moral and aesthetic development of the child. In addition, it is expediently selected, taking into account the age, the degree of physical fitness of children, outdoor games, especially games in the air, undoubtedly, contribute to health improvement, strengthening the child's body, increasing physical activity, hardening and thereby preventing diseases.

During games, preschoolers develop and improve a variety of skills in basic movements (running, jumping, throwing, climbing, etc.). A quick change of scenery during the game teaches the child to use the movements known to him in accordance with a particular situation. All this has a positive effect on the improvement of motor skills.

The importance of outdoor games in the upbringing of physical qualities is also great: speed, dexterity, strength, endurance, flexibility.

Play is an extremely valuable way of engaging a child in physical activity. Based on positive emotions associated with an understandable, close plot, and the availability of movements, the child gradually develops a desire to participate not only in games, but also in exercises during classes and independent activities.

By definition P.F. Lesgaft, outdoor play is an exercise through which a child prepares for life. Fascinating content, emotional richness of the game prompts the child to certain mental and physical efforts.

The main feature that distinguishes most games is their deliberate nature. A goal is always set for the player - the fulfillment of some final task of the game, that is, obtaining a result. The specificity of the outdoor game is the child's lightning-fast, instant response to the signal "Catch!", "Run!", "Stop!" and etc.

The game is characterized by a special phenomenon peculiar only to it - growing tension, joy, strong feelings and a continuing interest in success. The excitement that the child experiences in play brings the entire body into an exceptional physiological state, which contributes to the fact that the child achieves results in movement that he would never have achieved in other conditions, outside of play. Outdoor games are an excellent means of developing and improving the movements of children, strengthening and hardening the body. The value of outdoor games lies in the fact that they are based on various types of necessary movements, and in the fact that these movements are performed in a wide variety of conditions.

Play is a natural companion of a child's life, his leading activity and therefore meets the laws laid down by nature itself - his irrepressible need for movement. Sufficient saturation of children's free time with games contributes to their all-round development. In the play activity of children, two very important factors are objectively combined: on the one hand, children are involved in practical activities, develop physically, get used to acting independently; on the other hand, they receive moral and aesthetic satisfaction from this activity, deepen their knowledge of their environment. All this ultimately contributes to the education of the individual as a whole. Thus, play is one of the complex means of education: it is aimed at all-round physical fitness (through direct mastering of the basics of movement and complex actions in the changing conditions of collective activity), improving the functions of the body, character traits of the players.

Outdoor games are classified according to different parameters: by age, by the degree of child's mobility in the game (games with low, medium, high mobility), by content (outdoor games with rules and sports games). Outdoor games with rules include plot and non-plot games. For sports games - basketball, small towns, table tennis, hockey, football, etc. Children are fascinated by the game images of plot-driven outdoor games that reflect in a conventional form a life or fairy tale episode ... Children depict a cat, sparrow, car, wolf, goose, monkey, etc. . e. Non-plot outdoor games (games such as: dashes, traps, games with elements of competition ("Who will run to his flag sooner?" objects (balls, hoops, bowls, skittles, etc.), games - fun ("Ladushki", "Horned goat", etc.)) contain motor play tasks that are interesting for children, leading to the achievement of the goal.

In pedagogical science, outdoor games are considered as the most important means of the all-round development of a child. Outdoor play can be called the most important educational institution that contributes to the development of physical and mental norms, rules of behavior, and ethical values ​​of society.

Outdoor games are of great importance for moral education. Children learn to act in a team, to obey common requirements. The presence of rules and the requirement to comply with them, the frequent rotation of drivers put the participants in the game in the position of equal partners, which contributes to the strengthening of emotional contacts between children. In the game, children gradually learn that they cannot leave someone in trouble, laugh at someone else's awkwardness, because this can happen to anyone. The achievement of mutual success depends on actions of mutual assistance.

The widespread use of outdoor games in pedagogical work requires a special selection of games for solving various pedagogical problems. In this regard, there are working groupings (the simplest classifications) of games that are similar in certain characteristics (in terms of the degree of complexity of their content; in terms of age of those involved, taking into account age characteristics; in the types of movements, mainly included in games (games with elements of general developmental exercises, games with running , games with jumping, games with throwing, etc.); according to physical qualities, mainly manifested in the game (games for developing endurance, strength, dexterity, coordination of movements, etc.); games preparatory to certain sports; depending on the relationship playing (games in which the players do not come into contact with the "enemy", games with limited entry into contact, games with direct struggle of "rivals").

The task of creating the most rational system of upbringing and education, understanding the importance of the health of a child going to school, determine the study of the physical development of children as one of the priority directions in the methodology of using outdoor games in teaching younger schoolchildren. From the point of view of physical education, physical development is seen as a process of developing physical abilities. N.V. At the same time, Zimkin pays attention to the development of motor skills and abilities. V.P. Stankioniene notes that in pedagogical terms, physical development is also the improvement of the forms and functions of the body under the influence of education. According to V.A. Shishkina's physical development is a process of changing the forms and functions of the body under the influence of living conditions and upbringing. In a narrow sense, this term is used to denote anthropometric and biometric concepts (height, weight, chest circumference, posture, lung capacity, etc.). In a broad sense, the term "physical development" also includes physical qualities (endurance, agility, speed, strength, flexibility, balance, eye).

Outdoor play creates a general joyful mood in children, evokes a feeling of pleasure, joy, which has a positive effect on the development of friendly relationships. In outdoor games, the child is placed in such conditions when he himself has to decide how to act in order to achieve the goal. The nature of the movements in many games makes you act quickly, show ingenuity, the ability to dodge, and overcome obstacles. In the course of the games, the course of the entire game depends on the actions of one participant; the whole team loses due to the delay of one. This is a stimulus for the development of the ability to subordinate one's actions and desires to the collective, a sense of responsibility for one's actions, i.e. in unity and mutual influence, the development of the most important moral qualities is taking place: comradeship, friendship, mutual assistance. When conducting outdoor games, the teacher observes the behavior of children: who of them likes to "help out", and who worries only about themselves. This is an incentive for individual work with children (approval of the proceeds, the ability to help; explaining why it is not good to take care of only yourself).

By leading the game, the teacher educates the child's morality; forms in him the correct self-esteem, the relationship of children with each other, friendship and mutual assistance, teaches the child to overcome difficulties. PF Kapterev called overcoming difficulties moral hardening, connected with the formation of a high spiritual potential. Correct pedagogical guidance of the game helps the child to understand himself, his comrades, ensures the development and realization of his creative powers.

Interesting games create a good, joyful mood, make children's life complete, satisfy their need for vigorous activity. In play, all aspects of a child's personality are formed in unity and interaction.

Thus, play plays an important role in the life and development of children. In playing activity, many positive qualities of the child are formed, interest and readiness for the upcoming teaching, and his cognitive abilities are developed. Play is important both for preparing for the future and for making his present life full and happy.

1.2 Education of moral qualities in preschool children

Moral education of the individual is a long and complex process and its successful implementation requires the coordination of actions of all participants in the pedagogical process: children, educators, parents. The main task of the kindergarten in the field of moral education of children is to ensure the accumulation of positive experience in children and thereby achieve a lasting predominance of a socially and personally significant orientation, to prevent the possibility of accumulating negative experiences of an egoistic orientation. ... And this means ensuring that for preschool children they are emotionally unpleasant, repulsive even ideas about such actions that harm the people around them, so that they do not have a desire to violate the interests and desires of others, even for the sake of a personally very attractive goal.

Psychologists and educators emphasize that children's feelings develop most intensively in preschool childhood. They can manifest themselves in relation to oneself, and in relation to other people, to the collective, to art.

Moral feelings are formed in children in the process of their relationships with adults and peers.

The development of feelings in a child largely depends on the means and methods of education, on the conditions in which he lives. These conditions are his position in the family and in kindergarten, the circle of his interests and affairs in which he participates.

One of the most important conditions for the successful development of a child's moral feelings is the creation by adults of a cheerful environment around him.

Moral, labor is systematically carried out in the daily life of a child, in the process of feasible work organized by adults, in play and educational activities.

It is important from the very beginning to form in the child the necessary moral feelings, ideas, concepts and behavior of a citizen of society.

In the preschool years, under the guidance of adults, the child acquires an initial experience of behavior, attitudes towards close people, peers, things, nature, and learns moral norms.

The moral development of a preschool child is carried out all the more successfully, the closer the contacts between the kindergarten and the family.

The deepest originality of the process of moral education lies in the fact that it is organically intertwined into the everyday life of children, it cannot be organized as a special activity of children, it cannot be singled out into a special act and regulated like an activity. To raise a child morally in kindergarten means to organize the whole structure of his life accordingly. This means that the activity should be structured in such a way that in every fact of the child's communication with the people around him, the moral qualities that we want to educate him always find their concrete embodiment. The matter is solved not only by contemplation of a positive example, but by such an organization of children's life, in which they become active participants in relationships and really master a positive example by improving their actions and behavior.

Moral education is a purposeful process of familiarizing children with the moral values ​​of humanity and a particular society, the formation of moral consciousness, moral feelings and habits, moral behavior. This process takes place from the first years of a child's life and is distinguished by integrity and unity, suggesting the establishment of an organic connection and continuity between the tasks, content and methods of moral education of preschoolers, taking into account their age characteristics.

The main tasks of moral education of preschool children are as follows: education of the principles of humanism, humane relations between children and adults (fulfillment of the elementary rules of community life, benevolence, responsiveness, caring attitude towards loved ones, etc.); education of collectivism, the formation of collectivist relationships among children; fostering love for the Motherland, respect and sympathy for the working people. A particularly important task is to educate children to be industrious, manifested in a steady desire and ability to work.

Carrying out all these tasks in interaction, the teacher influences the sphere of the child's feelings, fosters the habits of moral behavior, forms the correct ideas about some moral qualities and the phenomena of social life available to children, gradually develops the ability to assess and evaluate each other.

The upbringing of moral qualities can take place in the classroom, in the game, in work, in everyday everyday activities.

One of the means of forming moral qualities in preschool age is outdoor play.

Based on the interests of children, on their ideas, the teacher guides the choice of the game, and when using outdoor games, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the child, the age of the child.

The role of the educator in the formation of the moral qualities of preschoolers is enormous. The teacher should encourage even the most insignificant aspirations for communication of children with each other, for the manifestation of humane feelings, benevolence. The caregiver should ensure that children continually gain experience of communication based on a sense of goodwill. Already children of three years of age, the teacher teaches to show sensitivity to the surrounding adults and peers. The teacher in common affairs encourages children to empathize. The educator promotes the manifestation of care for others by children, seeing in this the origins of friendly, comradely relations.

The upbringing of moral qualities in children, such as a culture of behavior, humane relations (benevolence, responsiveness, caring attitude towards people around them), the ability to provide assistance is one of the most important tasks of a kindergarten. In this work, his parents should be his first assistants.

Games create a kind, joyful mood for children.

So, the moral education of the younger generation is one of the main tasks of society. It is necessary to educate and shape the worldview of a child when his life experience is just beginning to accumulate. It is in childhood that the orientation of the personality is determined, the first moral attitudes and views appear. In order for the content of upbringing to be not only perceived, but also accepted by the child, adequate methods, means, and pedagogical ways are needed. The nature of the pedagogical influence is determined in relation to its members, the child masters the norms and rules of behavior accepted in the society of people, makes them his own, belonging to himself, the expression of attitude towards the adults around him, peers. The process of forming moral qualities in preschool age has the following features:

during this period, an adult is a role model for children, as well as a source of knowledge or the significance and value of objects, phenomena of the surrounding reality. By imitating adults, they learn patterns of behavior, the ratio of moral norms;

preschoolers are aware of themselves and others as carriers of certain qualities, are able to evaluate themselves, their behavior and the actions of others from the point of view of those moral norms that they acquire.

Moral education includes: the formation of a person's consciousness of connection with society, dependence on it, the need to coordinate their behavior with the interests of society; familiarization with moral ideals, the requirements of society, proof of their legitimacy and rationality; transformation of moral knowledge into moral beliefs, awareness of the system of these beliefs; the formation of stable moral feelings and qualities, a high culture of behavior as one of the main manifestations of human respect for people; the formation of moral habits.


2.1 Analysis of the level of formation of moral qualities in preschool children

Experimental work on the formation of moral qualities in preschool children through outdoor games was carried out on the basis of kindergarten No. 10 in Osipovichi and includes three stages: ascertaining, forming and control experiments.

In the experimental part of the study, 20 preschool children took part: 10 children made up the experimental group: 10 children - the control group.

Experimental group: Katya Ts., Lena L., Artem O., Olya R., Sasha D., Sergey K., Nikita L., Oksana A., Sasha A., Yulia P.

Control group: Sveta P., Julia P., Yura Zh., Sergey M., Margarita B., Alina G., Roma A., Petya D., Yan N., Ksenia T ..

At the first stage of the experimental work, I diagnosed the formation of moral qualities in preschool children.

The purpose of the ascertaining stage: to identify the level of formation of moral qualities in children, this is the formation of collectivism, caring attitude towards loved ones, responsiveness, caring.

At first, the equipment of the methodological office, annual, calendar plans for the problem under study was studied. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the annual plan reflects the work on the moral education of children. The preschool educational institution conducts classes, ethical conversations, reading fiction, aimed at the formation of the moral quality of preschoolers. After analyzing the annual plan, it was concluded that in the older groups, enough attention is paid to the moral education of children, the formation of the moral qualities of preschoolers.

Having studied the equipment of the methodological office, it should be noted that there is a sufficient amount of literature on the moral education of children. The cabinet is equipped with a lot of material for the moral education of children through oral folk art: a collection of fairy tales from different nations, collections of proverbs, sayings, folk songs.

The second stage was a questionnaire survey of parents, in order to determine the attitude of parents to the formation of moral qualities in preschoolers. We proceeded from the fact that without family friendship it is impossible to form the skills and abilities of the child's personality necessary in life, and in order to identify the level of knowledge of the parents, a questionnaire was conducted.

15 parents participated. They were asked the following questions:

) Pay attention to the formation of moral qualities in your child?

) What do you think is the best age to start instilling the skills of honesty, truthfulness, kindness?

) Do you explain to your child how he can become a good person?

50% of parents always pay attention to the formation of moral qualities; 30% - rarely, depending on the case; 20% pay no attention at all to the moral education of the child. Unfortunately, 70% of parents do not explain to their children what it means to be honest; 30% of parents try to explain what it means to be fair.

Almost all parents (80%) answered that it is necessary to begin to form moral qualities from birth, and only some (10%) parents believe that this should be done from 4 to 6 years of age.

The most acceptable communication in a family is reading fairy tales, conversation, conversation, explanations, sometimes a ban.

The parents' answers to the questions posed show that the need for the formation of sensitivity, responsiveness, honesty is recognized, however, parents do not always pay attention to the formation of moral qualities in a child, and little works are used to foster sensitivity, responsiveness, and honesty.

Analyzing the general understanding of the need for the formation of moral qualities in preschool children by parents and the state of modern practice of preschool educational institutions and in the family, we can draw the following conclusions: the preschool educational institution pays attention to solving the problems of forming the moral qualities of children, but the work is carried out haphazardly and at the same time monotonous methods and forms of work are used ...

In order to identify the level of formation of the moral qualities of children in an individual conversation, each child was asked to listen to the story and find mistakes in the behavior of the boy Misha, who also goes to kindergarten. The story contains 5 situations. After listening to the story, the child, together with the experimenter, distinguishes situations in the story and independently identifies mistakes in Misha's behavior.

“Boy Misha is 4 years old, he goes to the same kindergarten as you do. In the morning, Misha takes one of his favorite toys with him, and his mother takes him to the group.

Today my mother brought Misha to the garden, and she ran away to work. Misha entered the group - and there is not Irina Viktorovna, who has been working in the group for a long time, but some new teacher. Misha did not know her name, and therefore did not say hello, but immediately went to the guys to play.

Vanya is Misha's friend, he saw a new typewriter in his hands and politely asked him to let him see it. Misha decided that Vanya could break the car, and therefore turned away from him and did not give the toy. Vanya was offended, and Misha went to play with other boys.

At breakfast, the children ate a curd casserole, Misha was spinning around the table and knocked Katya's glass of milk on the table. The teacher scolded Misha for spilling milk and staining the dress of the girl who was sitting next to him. Misha, instead of apologizing, remained silent and began to drink his milk.

Katya was offended by Misha for the spoiled dress, and did not give him her spatula in the sandbox when he asked. Misha got angry and said that he would never give her his toys again.

In the evening, when the children were taken away and only Misha and Andrey remained in the group, the teacher asked the boys to help her collect the toys. Misha replied that the one who scattered them should collect, and did not help, but sat down to decorate the drawing, waiting for his mother. The teacher and Andrei planted the toys themselves beautifully.

The children were asked the following questions: “What actions of the boy did you dislike? What would you do in his place? "

To the question - "what would you do?" In each of the situations found with mistakes in Misha's behavior, the children had to choose the right options for moral behavior:

1) “you need to greet each kindergarten teacher and employee”;

) “You need to give a toy to a friend in response to a polite request, but ask him not to break it”;

) “It is wrong to be angry with Masha after pouring milk on her dress, it was necessary to sincerely apologize for his act, and the girl would stop being angry with Misha”;

) "You cannot refuse a polite request to help the teacher collect toys, because she herself does not play in them, and everyone should help the teacher in everything and put things in order in the group, because we are already big and can help." A low level of formation of moral qualities is assigned if the child incorrectly assessed 3 situations or more. Average level - if the child assessed incorrectly from 1 to 2 situations.

High level - if the child assesses all situations correctly. The results of the 1st stage of the study are presented in Table 1 and Figure 1.

Table 1 - Diagnostics of the formation of moral qualities of preschoolers in the experimental and control groups at the 1st stage of the study

Level Experimental group Control group Number of people in% Number of people in% В1030С3030Н6040

Fig. 1 Diagnostics of the formation of moral qualities of preschoolers in the experimental and control groups at the 1st stage of the study

So, a high level of formation of moral qualities is inherent in 10% of children in the experimental group, in the control group this indicator is 30%. A low level was shown by 60% of children in the experimental group and 40% in the control group.

Out of 10 children in the experimental group who took part in the experiment, 1 person correctly assessed all Misha's wrong actions, 3 identified as wrong 1 and 2 actions out of five, respectively, 5 children identified only one or two situations with wrong actions (“spilled milk and did not apologize "," Did not help to clean the toys "), one - singled out the situation with the spilled milk and assessed as incorrect behavior in it only the fact that Misha was spinning around the table.

Analyzing the results of the 1st stage of the study, we see that the level of formation of moral qualities of preschoolers in the experimental group is lower than in the control group.

2.2 Educating the moral qualities of preschool children through outdoor games

Based on the results obtained, at the formative stage, work was organized to develop the moral qualities of children.

To implement the plan of experimental work with children to educate their moral qualities, outdoor games were used.

A characteristic feature of a child of this age is the desire to embody the images of his fantasy in play, to show his activity, to show his individuality, independence, which undoubtedly contributes to the formation of the moral qualities of the individual.

In this regard, the goal of further work was determined: increasing the level of formation of moral qualities in preschool children in the process of outdoor games.

Thus, the goals of moral education of preschoolers can be formulated as follows - the formation of a certain set of moral qualities, namely:


hard work;




Outdoor game "Hawk and Crow"

Purpose: education of independence, friendship, discipline, responsibility, collectivism.

What a bird on the birch

Gray - feathered?

I scared all the passers-by

Very loud croaking! (Crow)

Two hawks are selected with the help of a counting tool. The rest of the children are crows. Hawks are in two small hoops, in large hoops, two to two crows. At the signal of the teacher, the crows run, jump, walk. On the word "Hawk!" the crows flee to their nests. The captured crows take the place of the hawk.

The game "The guys have a strict order"

Purpose: education of attentiveness, friendship, collectivism.

The guys have a strict order,

Know all their places;

Well, trumpet more fun:

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!

At the end of this verse, the teacher, extending his left hand to the side, commands: "Become!" Pupils try to fulfill this command as soon as possible, building in order of growth in a row in the direction indicated by the teacher (the tallest in height is behind the teacher, three steps away from him). When all the participants in the game line up, the teacher commands: "Follow your socks!", "Attention!", "Jump to the right!" "Step march!" With the beginning of the movement, to the rhythm of the step, the students repeat the verse. Everyone strives to get through in the column as best they can. At the end of the verse, the teacher says: "Disperse!" The students go off in different directions, singing the song first. Then the teacher gives again the command "Become!", Indicating a new direction for the students to build the line. The speed of construction is checked by the loud count of the teacher: "One, two, three, etc.". Pupils who were the last in the line or who passed in the column with poor posture (head down, hunched over) lose.

When lining up, each must give way to a friend.

It is forbidden to push and "pressure" to take their place.

Friendship Tree game

Purpose: education of friendship, collectivism, discipline.

Game: "Call to the lesson"

Purpose: to form discipline, composure and student responsibility.

Change, change

You can run and play

But we must not forget

When the bell rings

He calls everyone to a lesson.

We can't be late

Hurry to class, friends!

They run and try to take the desks in their class. The winner is the one who is never late for the lesson.

Game "Squirrels, nuts, cones"

Purpose: education of collectivism, friendliness, the ability to act together.

Content: Players are calculated in three. The first numbers are proteins, the second are nuts, and the third are cones. Each three (squirrel, nut, cone) is held by the hands, forming a circle. The driver stands in the middle of the site. The leader shouts: "Squirrels!" - and all the players, called squirrels, must swap places, and the driver at this time tries to take any vacant place. If he manages to do this, then he becomes a squirrel, and the one left without a place - a driver. At the command "Nuts!" or "Bumps!" other players are swapped. At the height, you can give the command: "Squirrels, nuts, cones!" Then all players must switch places.

Game "Flowers"

Content: each player chooses the name of a flower (rose, tulip, lily, peony, etc.). Several children cannot have the same name. By counting or drawing lots, the chosen flower starts the game. For example: Rose. She summons a flower, such as a carnation. The carnation runs away, and the poppy catches up with him. When a carnation feels it might be caught, it calls out the name of some other flower. The next flower escapes. (Players can be called not only by the name of flowers, but also by the name of fish, animals, etc.).

Game "Hare and Carrot"

Purpose: to form responsibility, activity, compassion, self-discipline.

Up to carrots

The news came

What is her bunny

Wants to eat;

Throw, oblique,

Do not think,


Deeper carrots

I climbed into the black soil.

And so that it was not visible

Pitched her tent

From the tops.

The players standing in a circle give the carrot an opportunity to crawl under the arms, but I prevent the bunny from doing it. When the bunny catches a carrot or cannot catch it for a long time, they choose another bunny and a carrot.

personality preschooler outdoor game

2.3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of outdoor games for the education of moral qualities in preschool children

The purpose of this stage of the study: to analyze the results of the work and draw conclusions. The level of education of moral qualities among preschoolers in the experimental and control groups at the control stage of the study are presented in Appendix 2.

The results of diagnostics of the level of education of moral qualities of preschoolers in the experimental and control groups at the control stage of the study are presented in Table 2.

Table 2 - Diagnostics of the level of education of moral qualities of preschoolers in the experimental and control groups at the control stage of the study

Level Number of children in% Experimental group Control group В7040С2040Н1020

Based on the data in the table, we construct diagram 2 (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2 - Diagnostics of the level of education of moral qualities of preschoolers at the control stage of the study

The results of the two stages of the study are presented in Table 3.

Table 3 - Diagnostics of the level of education of moral qualities of preschoolers in the experimental and control groups at two stages of the study

Level Number of children in% Experimental group Control group Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage В10703040С30203040Н60104020

According to table 3, we will build diagrams (Fig. 3 and 4)

Fig. 3 - Diagnostics of the level of education of moral qualities of preschoolers in the experimental group at two stages of the study

Rice. 4 - Diagnostics of the level of education of moral qualities of preschoolers in the control group at two stages of the study

Analyzing the diagrams (Fig. 3 and 4), we see that the number of preschoolers with a high level of education of moral qualities in the experimental group increased from 10% to 70%. In the control group, the number of children with a high level of education of moral qualities increased only from 30% to 40%.

Thus, as a result of the research carried out, we recorded changes in the moral qualities of preschoolers: in the experimental group, the number of children with high indicators of upbringing of moral qualities increased significantly; in percentage terms, this was 60% of the previous indicators in the ascertaining experiment. In the control group, this figure is 10%. The number of children with a low level of education of moral qualities decreased by 50% in the experimental group, by 20% in the control group. So, our hypothesis that the effectiveness of the upbringing of the moral qualities of preschool children can be ensured through outdoor games has been confirmed.


The relevance of the problems associated with the moral education of the younger generation is indisputable today in pedagogy, and in education, and in real life. The upbringing of a new person, the level of development, whose consciousness meets modern requirements, is one of the most important tasks facing our society. The main task of moral education is to form in a child, moral aspirations, needs, motives of behavior.

Moral education is a purposeful process of familiarizing children with the moral values ​​of humanity and a particular society, the formation of moral consciousness, moral feelings and habits, moral behavior. This process takes place from the first years of a child's life and is distinguished by integrity and unity, suggesting the establishment of an organic connection and continuity between the tasks, content and methods of moral education of preschoolers, taking into account their age characteristics. The moral needs of a person are closely related to moral feelings, which are also the motives of human behavior. This is compassion, empathy, empathy, selflessness. In preschool age, the most favorable conditions are created for the moral development of children. During this period, the system of the child's relationship with adults and peers is expanding and restructuring, the types of activities become more complex, and joint activity with peers arises. The task of the educator is to guide children's activities. Play has a special place in the formation of relationships among children. The moral qualities of older preschool children are especially effectively formed through outdoor games. In pedagogical science, outdoor games are formed as the most important means of the all-round development of the child and one of the conditions for the development of his culture. While playing, the child not only learns the world around him, but also transforms it. Uniting in play groups, children learn the ability to act together, gain experience in social relations. The teacher, leading the games, gives the children's relations a spirit of goodwill, teaches them to show attention to their partners, respect the opinion of the majority, share toys, negotiate, follow the rules of the game, and, if necessary, give in, wait, help.

The role of the educator in the formation of the moral qualities of preschoolers is enormous. The teacher should encourage even the most insignificant aspirations for communication of children with each other, for the manifestation of humane feelings, benevolence. The caregiver should ensure that children continually gain experience of communication based on a sense of goodwill. Already children of three years of age, the teacher teaches to show sensitivity to the surrounding adults and peers. The teacher in common affairs encourages children to empathize. The educator promotes the manifestation of care for others by children, seeing in this the origins of friendly, comradely relations. So, the upbringing of moral qualities in children, such as a culture of behavior, humane relations (benevolence, responsiveness, caring attitude towards people around them), the ability to provide help is one of the most important tasks of a kindergarten. In this work, his parents should be his first assistants.

The results of the diagnostics of the formation of moral qualities in preschool children at the ascertaining stage of the study indicate that children have a sufficient understanding of many moral qualities, but for many these very qualities are not formed. This suggests the need to carry out work aimed at the formation of moral qualities in kindergarten groups. Thus, we came to the conclusion that the created pedagogical conditions, correctly selected outdoor games contribute to the formation of moral qualities in preschool children.


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2.Anischenko O.A. Developing in the game: manual / O.A. Anischenko, L.A. Vyatkina, M.V. Mashchenko. - Minsk: "Asar", 2000. - 112 p.

.Raising children in the game: manual / Comp. A.K. Bondarenko, A.I. Matusik. M .: Education, 1983 .-- 192 p.

.Education of moral feelings in older preschoolers: Book. For the educator, children. Sada / R.S. Bure, G.N. Godin, A.D.Shatova and others; ed. A. M. Vinogradova. - M .: Education, 1989. - 96p.

5.Vinogradova, N.F. Moral education of preschoolers / N.F. Vinogradova, T.A. Kulikov. - M .: Education, 1972 .-- 240 p.

6.The upbringing of moral feelings in older preschoolers / edited by A.M. Vinogradova. - M .: Education, 1989 .-- 95 p.

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18.Timofeeva, E.A. Outdoor games with children of younger preschool age: manual / E.A. Timofeeva. - M .: Education, 1979 .-- 96 p.

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Moral outdoor games

Train game

Purpose: the formation of goodwill, responsiveness, education of collectivism.

Brothers have equipped themselves for a visit,

Hooked on each other

And they rushed off on a long way,

Just left the smoke (train)

When the leader raises his left hand, team 2 speaks in chorus "Sh-Sh-Sh". The leader raises both hands - teams 1 and 2 speak in chorus "Tu-Tu-Tu".

When the teams are good at it, the leader begins to alternately raise his right and left hands, gradually increasing the pace. The result is a noise similar to the sound of a walking train.

Game "Hares in the Garden"

Purpose: to form collectivism, activity, attitude to the environment.

Content: all children took part in the game. Two circles were drawn on the site, one in the other. The diameter of the outer circle was 4 m, and the inner circle was 2 m. The guiding "watchmen" were chosen by two, since there were many children. The “watchmen” were in the inner circle (vegetable garden), the rest of the players were “hares” in the outer one. Hares jumped on two legs - then into the garden, then back. At the signal from the leader, the watchman caught the hares that were in the garden, catching up with them within the outer circle. Those whom the watchman assailed were eliminated from the game. When all the hares were caught, a new guard was chosen, and the game began again. In this game, children were trained to be determined, disciplined, and responsible. Some children violated the rules of the game - the "hares" jumped out of the outer circle, the "watchmen" caught the "hares" in the outer circle. The children had to be reminded of the rules and discipline.

Game "Astronauts"

Purpose: to acquaint with the work of astronauts, to instill a love of work.

L - 3 (Earth - Moon - Earth)

M - 3 (Earth - Mars - Earth)

H - 3 (Earth - Neptune - Earth)

B - 3 (Earth - Venus - Earth)

C - 3 (Earth - Saturn - Earth)

At the beginning of the game, the attention of the children was directed to the fulfillment of the rules: to start the game - only at the established signal of an adult; run away - only after the words: "Latecomers - there is no place!" The players, holding hands, walked in a circle in the center of the site and said:

Fast rockets await us

For walking around the planets.

Whichever we want,

We'll fly to this one!

But there is one secret in the game:

There is no place for latecomers!

As soon as the last word was uttered, everyone scattered to the "rocket launchers" and tried to take their places in any of the previously drawn "missiles" as soon as possible. Those who were late for the "flight" got into a common circle, and the "cosmonauts" who had taken their seats loudly announced their routes 3 times. This meant that they were taking a walk in "space". Then everyone again stood in a circle, held hands and the game was repeated. Those who managed to make three flights won. In this game there were also cases of violation of the rules: they ran away without waiting for the words: "There is no place for those who are late!" In the game, such strong-willed qualities as endurance and responsibility were formed.

Game "Polar bears"

Purpose: education of collectivism, sympathy, a benevolent attitude towards the environment.

Content: the playground on which the game was held was a sea. A small place was outlined to the side - an ice floe. On it stood the driver - "polar bear". The rest of the "cubs" were randomly placed throughout the site. The rules of the game, which were told to the children, were as follows: the "bear" could not slip out from under the hands of the couple who surrounded him until he was bitten by the "bear"; when fishing, it was forbidden to grab the players by their clothes, and those who were fleeing were forbidden to run out of the area. The game began with the "bear" growling: "I'm going out to fish!" - and began to catch "cubs". First, he caught one "bear" (took him to the ice floe), then another. After that, the two caught "teddy bears" held hands and began to catch the rest of the players. The "bear" retreated to the ice floe. Having overtaken someone, two "teddy bears" connected their free hands so that the caught player was between the hands, and shouted: "Bear, help!" The "bear" ran up, salted the caught and took him to the ice floe. The next two caught also held hands and caught the "cubs". The game continued until all the cubs were overfished. The last player caught became a "polar bear". The last player caught wins.

Game "Chickens"

Purpose: the formation of friendliness, collectivism, benevolence

Three groups of chickens move in chains, holding on to each other and to the brood hen that heads the chain. The chickens sing:

We hold on to a friend

Here in the column: friend - friend!

We are all brave guys

Cheerful chickens!

We are not afraid of a predatory kite.

Our mother is with us!

We go for a walk with her,

Miracles to see!

At the same time, hens make various turns, leading the chicks. If at this moment the chain is broken, the vultures attack the lagging players. The chickens try to line up again.

The rules of the game: the hen touches the kite only at the moment of his attack. The kite catches only chickens that have come off the brooding hen.

Game "Defender"

Purpose: to educate responsibility, friendliness, caring attitude towards people around.

Two of them, by lot, go to the center of the circle: one sits down on his haunches, and the second (the defender) puts his hand on his head and, without taking it away from his head, go around the sitting comrade, now to the right or to the left. The rest of the players, sitting freely behind the circle, try to touch the seated person with their hand, and the defender seeks to bash them (touch with a foot or hand). If the defender manages to do this, then the soldier takes the seat of the seated one, the seated one becomes the defender, and the latter joins the rest of the players.

The game of each pair lasts no more than 2-3 minutes.

Rules of the game: salting is not counted if the defender took his hand away from the head of the seated person. It is allowed to use the foot only below the knee. It is prohibited to interfere with the defender.

Game "Cat and Mouse"

Purpose: the formation of goodwill, responsiveness, the education of collectivism, the formation of collectivist relationships among children. Content: the game is played by two children. One player is a cat and the other is a mouse. The cat stands near one end of the bench, and the mouse - at the opposite. The cat asks the mouse, she answers:

Mouse, mouse, where have you been?

In the pantry.

What did you do there?

She ate butter.

Did she leave it to me?

I didn’t leave.

And where did you put the spoons?

I put it under the barrel.

Where did you put the jug?


Then I'll catch you.

I'm running away.

The mouse tries to run away from the cat. If a cat catches her, they switch roles. If the cat, after running a few laps around the bench, cannot catch the mouse, you should invite them to switch roles and change the direction of running.

Game rules: two people play. But two more couples can watch the game, and then take their place. The mouse and the cat only run around the bench. A mouse is considered caught if the cat touches it with its hand.

Game "Horses"

Purpose: fostering friendliness, the ability to act together, the ability to feel like a member of the team.

Ta-ra-ra, ta-ra-ra,

The horses left the yard.

After these words, they scatter, and the coachmen catch them and take them to a specially fenced off place - the stable. Children - horses should always click their tongues until they are caught: "Tsk-tzok-tzok" so that the coachmen know whom to catch.

When all the horses have been caught, the coachmen saddle them (put the reins on them) and leave, saying:

Riding, riding a horse

On the wonderful side

Across Moldova green,

Scorched by the hot sun.

Tsok, horse,

Tsok, Gnedok,

Horseshoe flip

Clink, clink, clink.

Rules of the game: coachmen are not allowed to catch horses until the children have finished speaking the words. Horses must click their tongues all the time until they are caught.

Game "Watchman"

Purpose: education of friendship, collectivism, discipline, activity, responsibility, the formation of feelings.

The rules of the game: the command should be executed quickly and unconditionally. The one who went to bed last becomes the watchman.


Materials of the control stage of the experiment

Fig. 1 - The level of education of moral qualities among preschoolers of the experimental group at the control stage of the study

Fig. 2 - The level of education of moral qualities of preschoolers in the control group at the control stage of the study


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Card file of games for the formation of moral qualities in preschoolers

Second junior group

An outdoor game "Vaska the Cat".

Target. During

play children learn the characteristic movements of animals.

The course of the game. Children (mice) sit on chairs or carpet. One child is Vaska the cat. He walks on tiptoes, looks left and right, meows.

Teacher and children.

Little Vaska walks, Vaska's tail is gray, A flies like an arrow, A flies like an arrow.

The cat runs to the chair at the end of the room and sits on it - it falls asleep.

Children. Eyes are closing -

Sleeping or pretending? Cat's Teeth - Sharp Saw.

One mouse says that she will go and see if the cat is sleeping. Looking, she waves her hands, inviting other mice to her. The mice run up to her, scratch the chair where the cat is sleeping.

Vaska the cat. Only the mice will scratch, Gray Vaska is right there. He will catch everyone!

The cat gets up and runs after the mice, they run away from him.

Game-dramatization "In the grandmother's yard"

Target. Play develops in children the ability to understand the emotional state of animals (by the nature of movements, gait, etc.) and the peculiarities of their communication.

Didactic material - toys or caps-masks of a cat, chicken, chickens, cockerel, pigs; plasticine; an envelope with pictures of animals.

The course of the game. The children's room turns into a grandmother's yard. At the window of the house there is a bench on which a cat (soft toy) lies. At the other end of the bench is a saucer of milk and a bowl of grain, and under the bench is a trough.

The teacher first portrays the grandmother himself, and then the child is chosen for this role. Granny. Hello children. Sit down. Do you know who lives in my yard? I'll show you all of them today. My cat Vaska lives with me. At night he catches mice, and in the daytime he lies on the embankment, warming himself in the sun and purring. Do you know how? Let's call him. (He takes the cat in his arms and strokes it.) Come too. Pet it. And who will tell Vaska about the cat?

Game-dramatization "Masha is having lunch"

Target. The game brings up love in children, respect for animals, the desire to take care of them; provides the basis for communication between people and animals; teaches children to imitate animal voices.

Didactic material - toy or cardboard characters (doll Masha, dog, chicken, cat); table with dishes, bowl, saucer; recordings of musical works by M. Rauchwenger "Dog", A. Aleksandrov "Cat", E. Tilicheev "Hen and Chickens".

The course of the game. The teacher tells the children that the fairy tale "Masha is having dinner" has come to visit them. In the first game, the teacher plays all the roles himself, showing the children an example, involving them in imitating the voices of animals. In the course of the action, the teacher exposes the appropriate toys or pictures.

After the meal, the animals and Masha thank for the food and ask the children: "Do you children always say thank you for the food?"

Distributing toys for independent play to children, the teacher asks everyone if he knows how a chicken screams, a dog barks, a cat meows.

Children are in the replay. Themselves deduce characters and imitate their voices. For the role of Masha, you can choose a girl who herself will serve the cat, dog and chicken food.

At the end of the game, the teacher always asks the children who feeds what animals and birds, whether they help adults to take care of them, how they communicate with animals, how they find out if they are in a good or bad mood, whether they want to eat, etc.

When conducting lessons on this topic with children, the following lesson notes can be used, which can be included in one sequence or another, depending on the age and personal development of the child (children).

Game-dramatization "Teddy bear - guesser"

Target. Play teaches children the ability to get to know each other, wait patiently and communicate correctly in a play situation.

Didactic material: a large soft toy Bear, a shawl for blindfolds.

The course of the game. Children sit in a semicircle. A teacher sits with the children. There is a free chair in front of him. The teacher takes the big bear. The bear talks about the child, the children guess.

Game - imitation "Hare"

Target. During the game, children learn to coordinate movements.

Didactic material - hats-masks of a hare, bear, fox, wolf; flannelgraph; cards with images of various wild animals.

The course of the game. Educator. Children, we found ourselves in a forest, and there are many inhabitants in it. Look, a hare has appeared, he did not notice us and is jumping merrily. Puts the child a hare mask and says:

I am a forest beast, I am not a simple hare. I am a bunny - a bouncy. Long ears, short tail. They say about me, As if I'm a coward, But don't let the Fox and the wolf think that this is so.

Children give a characteristic to a hare, Show what quick legs, keen eyes, sensitive ears and a nose are. Then they recite verses, performing movements at the same time:

Once upon a time there was a bunny. Long ears.

(Bring open palms to the back of the head.)

Bunny frostbitten Nose at the edge,

(The fists are brought up to the noses.)

I froze my nose, I froze my tail,

(They show a small Ponytail with their hands.)

And he went to warm up: To visit the children.

Educator. We have a dexterous jump,

Warm gray fluff

Red quick peephole.

A child wearing a hare mask jumps to show the hare's movements, touches the hare's fluff (fur) with his hands and points to his eyes.

Round dance game "Bunny"

Game progress... Children stand in a circle holding hands. There is a sad bunny in the center of the circle.

Children sing:

Bunny, bunny! What's the matter? You are sitting very sick.

You get up, get up, ride! Here's a carrot Get it (2 times),

Get it and dance

Staging game "Bear and Bunny"

The course of the game. The teacher chooses children to play roles, puts on them caps, masks of animals. At the same time, he can invite the children (depending on age) to act out the whole scene or read the main text, while the children will only show the final episode (when Mishka regrets the Bunny, the Bunny was swinging on the swing. Mishka came up to the swing. Then he suddenly jumped to the free end! Bunny could not resist, his hands flew up to cover him with his palms, and he jumped - and now it chirps in a completely different place.

Expressive movements: the neck is extended forward, steps on the tips of the fingers.

Finger game "Language of feelings"

Target. Classes on this topic are aimed at giving children an idea of ​​their own emotions and the emotions of other people (good and bad moods), teach them to be attentive to the feelings and desires of other people, and teach them to transmit their emotions to other people by different means.

Didactic material- cards with images of people and animals in different emotional states; hats - masks of animals.

A kind word heals , but the bad cripples.

Target. The game introduces children to the fact that words can influence the feelings and behavior of people.

Game progress ... The educator asks the children if they know that the word can work miracles. The word can make a person laugh, upset, offend. When a person is upset, offended, it is very difficult for him to cope with a bad mood, and a kind word can comfort him.

Our Tanya is crying bitterly -

Dropped a ball into the river.

Hush, Tanya, don't cry,

The ball will not sink in the river.

(A. Barto)

The teacher reads a poem, and then shows it with gestures and facial expressions.

Educator. Do you think Tanya will stop crying? Why? Of course, the words with which they addressed Tanya should help her, console her.

The fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken" can be used in a similar way, which is played in the form of a dramatization.

There lived a grandfather and a woman,

And they had Ryaba chicken.

The chicken took the testicle -

Not simple, but golden.

Grandfather beat and beat - did not break,

Baba beat and beat - did not break.

The mouse was running

She waved her tail

The testicle fell and shattered.

The grandfather and the woman are crying

The chicken clucks:

“Don't cry, grandfather! Don't cry, baba!

I'll lay another testicle for you,

Not golden - simple. "

The teacher invites children to draw a chicken comforting grandfather and grandmother.

It's no secret that children learn much easier information presented in a playful way. So, recently, it is in a playful way that teachers teach children mathematics, literacy, and foreign languages. But it is not only for schoolchildren that play is important. The role of play in the upbringing of preschool children is also great. After all, it is through play that the child manifests various aspects of character, satisfies his intellectual and emotional needs, and forms his personality.

Play as a method of education: what does it teach?

With the right approach, the role of play in raising a child is enormous - it teaches the child to love knowledge, strive for learning and upbringing, and shows the correct models of attitudes and behavior. In addition, while learning something through play, the child does not even suspect that he is learning.

Moral Education Games for Children

In the upbringing of children, it is necessary to be guided by the popular wisdom: "It is easier to educate a child than to re-educate", and also: "the earlier you start upbringing, the better the result will be." Therefore, you should always worry about what, with whom, and how your child is doing. In order to direct the baby to commit positive actions and positive thoughts, it is necessary to assign a special role to the games of moral education for children. They can be mobile or calm - it doesn't matter.

Play as a means of raising children: examples of moral games

  • Game "The Magic Word". It has a very positive effect, lies in the fact that every action and deed must be accompanied by the pronunciation of pleasant words and polite phrases;
  • "One purchase store". This game as a method of education is useful in that the child finds himself in a situation of choice, in which he can choose only one of the many different desires. It is useful to use this game as a means of raising children so that children know how to navigate the possibilities of the family budget, the surplus and usefulness of certain things, and also learn to make informed choices for which they can subsequently be responsible;
  • "Good bad". The role of play in the upbringing of a child is that the essence of good and bad is revealed to him, a system of ideas about what is bad and good is formed, the cause-and-effect relationship of various actions and deeds is revealed.

These games as a means of raising children form their idea of ​​politeness, the priority of needs and desires, the possibility of their satisfaction, teaches children to develop and enrich the language.

Moral education through folk games

Folk outdoor games are very entertaining for children, and also extremely useful. These games, as a method of education, teach them to control their body and movements, obey and accept the rules of the game, and develop their imagination. The emotional involvement of an adult is especially important in folk games. Try not only to demonstrate the necessary words and actions, but as much as possible to express interest in a particular game.

Examples of moral education through folk games:

It is good to end games as a means of raising children with a game of silence. This will divert the child's attention and calm him down.

Remember that parents are the most active participants in games with children, therefore, the more active the communication of the father and mother with the child, the faster it will develop.

(8 votes: 4.8 out of 5)

I have selected 10 games that will help teachers educate a child's spiritually - moral personality. They can be safely used on holidays and at any free time both indoors and outdoors. Children especially love to play these games at the party when parents are involved.

1. "Pick a color"

Objectives: to create conditions for self-affirmation of a child in a group of children and adults; expand the vocabulary - antonyms and learn to use them in certain situations.

Preparatory work. The teacher reads to children a poem by V. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad." Then he gives the children cards of 2 colors: white and black and offers to choose the color of the card for the word “good” (white) and for the word “bad” (black).

The teacher names the words, and the children select and show the desired color for the antonym words.

Good evil

sorrow is joy

good bad

hard work - laziness

greed is generosity

cowardice - courage

love is hate

rudeness - politeness

peace is war

darkness is light

friendship is enmity

dirt - cleanliness, etc.

2. Balloon with wishes

Objectives: Expand vocabulary and teach children to use them in specific situations.

Preparatory work. The teacher reminds children that every person is pleased to hear good wishes.

In a simple free environment, you can play the game of wish.

Inflate a small balloon and invite everyone present to toss it from one person to another so that the balloon does not fall on the floor or on other objects. In this case, the presenter must turn on the tape recorder or play any musical instrument.

After a short time, the presenter stops the music. The person who last touched the ball before the music stopped must say the wish out loud to everyone present or to one person.

3. Five nuts.

Preparatory work. The teacher draws the attention of children to the fact that each person has good qualities.

Invite the children to name the good qualities of a person. 2-3 children are called, who in turn call the words. For every correctly spoken word, a nut is given. The winner is the one who picks up 5 nuts. Qualities: good, kind, caring, hardworking, gentle, loyal, affectionate, loving, honest, hardworking, intelligent, generous, courageous, purposeful, assiduous, cheerful, benevolent, sympathetic, humble, sociable, clean, etc.

4. “Help your grandparents.

Tasks: to educate children to be industrious, willing to help, mercy, compassion.

Preliminary work. The teacher reminds children that in a family, children should take care of their grandparents, who at one time took care of and care for their grandchildren. Then, after many years, you will get the relationship you were striving for. Your grandchildren will become interested in your health, mood, and will take care of you.

The game. Newspapers and books are stacked in disorder on the table, glasses "fell" to the floor. Nearby, near the chair, is a basket. Balls of wool are scattered around her, near the chair lies the "fallen" grandmother's handkerchief.

Two children are called. Who will help you faster? One child helps to clean up the table for the grandfather. He lays down a pile of books, lays down a pile of newspapers separately, picks up his glasses from the floor. And the other collects balls in a basket, picks up and hangs on the chair the grandmother's handkerchief.

5. Easter cake

Objectives: to encourage children to want to know what products are used to make Easter cake and Easter.

On the flannelegraph, in disarray, there are pictures depicting products: flour, sugar, herbs, eggs, sausage, cucumbers, milk, tomatoes, yeast, potatoes, oil, carrots, salt.

Assignment: leave only those products from which you can cook Easter cake. The rest of the drawings must be removed.

6. "Treasured letters"

Tasks: teach children to choose the right ones among several letters.

Preliminary work: conduct a conversation about the celebration of Easter.

There is a drawing with an image of an Easter egg on the magnetic board. Nearby are letters from the magnetic alphabet. Children are encouraged to place on the Easter egg those two letters that are always written on Easter eggs and Easter cakes.

7. "Rose-colored glasses"

Objectives: to create conditions for self-affirmation of a child in a group of children and adults; expand vocabulary and teach them to use them in certain situations.

Preparatory work. The teacher draws the attention of children to the fact that everyone is good. And you need to see only the good in him.

The teacher explains to the children what the expression "to look through rose-colored glasses" means. After that, he reads a poem.

You sigh dejectedly
Seeing a crocodile in a dachshund,
In the orange - the peel,
In the summer - a terrible heat,
Dust in the closet, spots in the sun ...
It's about sight, probably.
So take the advice
Little old people, -
Wear in winter and summer
Glasses with pink glass.
Those glasses will fit you ...
You will see - and soon
The dachshund is the best friend
In an orange - a mug of juice,
In the summer - a river and sand,
And in the closet - some outfits ...
I know you will be glad!

And then he offers to try on "rose-colored glasses" for the children themselves, and they, having chosen any child, say only good things about him.

8. "Magic chair"

Objectives: to create conditions for self-affirmation of a child in a group of children and adults; expand your stock of polite words and teach them to use them in certain situations.

Preparatory work. The teacher draws the attention of children to the fact that each person is good in his own way: one - sings beautifully; the other is friendly, kind to people, always ready to help; the third one is reliable in business, etc. He proposes to organize the game "Magic Chair". Children are divided into groups of 4-5 people. One of them sits on the "magic" chair. Children only talk about his good deeds.

Children sit on the "magic" chair at will, as if passing the baton to each other.

The first stage - the game is carried out in microgroups.

The second stage - the game is carried out with the participation of all children in the group.

9. Candle

Tasks: expand vocabulary of words, teach children to build sentences correctly and try not to repeat what was said.

Preliminary work. The teacher reads several wishes in poetic form, and then offers to play a game.

The teacher lights a candle and invites the children to stand in a circle. Passing a carefully lit candle, the children say good wishes to each other.

10 Guardian angel.

Objectives: To teach children to show love for others, mercy, compassion.

Preliminary work. The teacher reminds the children that God gives every Christian at baptism a Guardian Angel, who invisibly protects a person from all evil, warns against sins. He is our helper and patron. He leads us on the right path, leading us away from dangers. But man does not see his angel.

The game. The teacher offers to play the game "Guardian Angel". There are obstacles on the floor. Two children are called. One is blindfolded. Another - it is proposed to gently lead the unseeing child past obstacles, that is, to become his guardian angel.

Tips for organizers

1. If the children like the game, play it repeatedly. Try to get every child to participate in the game.

2. If there are children who do not express a special desire to play, in no case force them - they have the right to choose.

3. Pay particular attention to the tone of the game that you set. Therefore, be sure to participate in the game with children on an equal footing. Your help is especially needed where the child speaks little.

4. Do not be afraid of pauses, silence, when children are silent, do not find anything to say. Defuse the situation: calmly say that it is so simple, without effort, you will not always find the right words. But you need to learn and try. Your words will make you feel more comfortable and the group will start talking.

Consultation for educators on the topic: « Games, aimed at the spiritual and moral education of preschool children»

Play as a leading activity preschooler is essential in the formation of personality. Every kind games(didactic, construction, plot-role, mobile, dramatization) influences the moral spiritual development of a preschooler child.

The urgent task at the present time is preschool education moral and strong-willed qualities: independence, organization, perseverance, responsibility, discipline.

The formation of a moral and volitional sphere is an important condition for a comprehensive education of the child's personality... From how it will be preschooler raised in a moral and volitional respect, not only his successful education in school depends, but also the formation of a life position.

Exactly at preschool During childhood, the foundations of ethics are laid, individual options for attitudes towards oneself and others are formed and strengthened.

Different sides games were constantly the subject of careful and detailed study. Games in the moral education of children considered in the works of L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, J. Levy, R. Kaitz, J. Piaget, K. D. Ushinsky, J. Huizinga and others. in the works of N.P. Anikeeva, O.S. Gazman, T.E. Konnikova, D.V. Mendzheritskaya, I.I. Frishman, G. 1T. Cherny, S. A. Shmakov and many others.

Have preschoolers moral ideas are formed about a careful attitude towards the objects around them, toys as products of adult labor, about norms of behavior, about relationships with peers and adults, about positive and negative personality traits.

V education the moral qualities of the child's personality, a special role belongs to the content and rules games... Most didactic games are collective. The presence of rules creates conditions for self-organization children, and this, in turn, is the basis for the formation of correct behavior and attitudes among people.

Movable games.

These games make up a large group of games with rules. They are based on a variety of movements - walking, running, jumping, climbing, throwing, etc. games satisfy the growing child's need for movement, contribute to the accumulation of various motor experience.

Movable games even more varied than didactic ones. Distinguish by origin games folk and author's. By structure, they can be divided into games plot and plotless (using motor toys, including sports elements)... Distinguish games and by their nature organization: in this case the games without dividing the players into groups (commands) and with division into groups.

games in the profession brought up games preschoolers educators playing in"Family", bringing up the qualities of children education

In a plot-based role-playing game, the foundations are laid for future socially useful activities. This is facilitated by games in the profession... A benevolent attitude towards people, mutual help, truthfulness, honesty, respect for elders, love for work, all this can be brought up in a child in a properly organized game. Role-playing games with a household theme, loved by everyone preschoolers... In the middle and senior groups of kindergarten educators continuing to share with the family spiritual and moral education, can use role-playing playing in"Family", bringing up the qualities of children characteristic of future parents. Problem education in boys and girls, moral qualities, future parents are becoming more and more important.

Organization of life and play developmental situations that provide children with the opportunity to master the experience of moral behavior and a benevolent attitude towards peers and loved ones

- directed to develop abilities children to know yourself and other people ( "Magic stones", "Affectionate children", « Palms » , "Name yourself", "Magic chair", "Gift to a friend").

- directed to develop emotional awareness ( "Color mood", "Masks", "We are artists")

- directed to master the rules for the use of speech in various social situations ( "Talking on the phone", "How should we be", "How do they talk to you" and etc.).

In order for the children to consolidate the performance "OK", "poorly", learned to identify the positive and negative actions of peers can be recommended the game: "Kind transformations"... To acquaint children with a fictional toy that observes actions children... This character is unusual, it has two halves. One half is good, the other is evil, if the child does good deeds, the character becomes kind, welcoming, he has a smile on his face, and if he sees bad deeds, he becomes sad, upset. With the help of this character, it is easier for a child to understand which act is bad, which is good.

"Magic water" N.M. Metenova.

Role educator in the game maybe different: he can be a direct participant games, advisor, assistant, etc. But in all cases educator attentive to intentions and aspirations children without suppressing their initiative and independence, it affects the content of games, creates conditions for their deployment, for the development of children's ingenuity and creativity.

Smile educator, nodding or shaking the head, eye contact, facial expressions, joint actions with the child when completing the task, listening, laughing at the child's jokes - all this influences the formation of the moral qualities of the child's personality.

Literary material is irreplaceable in moral raising a child because it is easier for children to evaluate the behavior and actions of others than their own. For the all-round development of personality, include children in various activities related to fiction. For example: reading and discussion by V. A. Sukhomlinsky "Why didn't Olga pick the flower?", A. Kuznetsova "We had a fight", K. D. Ushinsky "Know how to wait", A. Barto "Assistant" reading fiction reflecting public orientation of adult labor.

Moral upbringing is an integral part of the comprehensive harmonious development of the child's personality. Since the leading activity in preschool age is a game, then instilling love and respect for adults in children, teaching the norms of behavior in society through play activities.

Games that contribute to the formation of such moral qualities in children, how: respect for adults, cooperation, trust, mutual assistance, culture of communication, etc.


The driver with closed eyes slowly counts to 10. The rest of the players hide at this time. The driver must hear their voices. As soon as he says "Ten!", Each of the players shouts some polite word ( for example: hello, good evening, please, etc.). The driver must recognize those who have hidden and name who named the "magic" words.


On an easel educator attaches the center of the flower and says his polite word. In the hands of flower petals... The child should go to the easel and insert his petal while pronouncing the "magic" word.

3. "TRACK"

This game teaches trust to each other. The success of the promotion depends on the ability of each child to coordinate their efforts with the actions of the rest of the participants. The teacher invites the children to turn into one large caterpillar.

It is necessary to line up in a chain, put your hands on the shoulder in front of the one standing. Place the ball between the belly of one player and the back of the other player. You can place the ball between several players, so we complicate the task. Do not touch the ball with your hands. The first participant in the chain holds his ball in outstretched arms. The teacher needs to pay attention to who regulates the movement of the "living caterpillar", where the leaders are located.


The game contributes to the development of rules of social behavior. The teacher distributes cards among several players. The first player places a bad action card face down (for example : children scatter toys)... The next player must cover the "bad" card of the "good" ( for example: the child gives way to the elders on the bus) .The next do the same. If someone does not have the required card, then he skips a move. The one wins who will run out of cards.

Thus, spending with children of this kind games, we, teachers, will be able to raise the level of moral development of our children to a higher level, we will help them to adapt easier in this world, to learn the laws of social behavior and morality.