Sometimes it seems that modern man is decisive. Formulate the problem and comment on it, based on the given text. K10. Compliance with speech norms

Each of us has such times in life when the natural loneliness given to us by nature suddenly begins to seem painful and bitter to us: you feel abandoned and helpless by everyone, you are looking for a friend, but there is no friend ... And then you ask yourself in amazement and bewilderment: how could it happen that all my life I loved, desired, fought and suffered, and, most importantly, served a great goal - and did not find either sympathy, or understanding, or friend? Why didn’t the unity of ideas, mutual trust and mutual love bind me with anyone into a living unity of spirit, strength and help? ..

Then a desire awakens in the soul to find out how other people's lives are: do they find real friends for themselves or not? How did people live before us? And is the beginning of friendship not lost in our day? Sometimes it seems that it is modern man who is decidedly not created for friendship and is not capable of it ... And in the end you inevitably come to the main question: what is real friendship, what does it consist of and what is it based on?

Of course, even now people often "like" each other and "get along" with each other... But, my God, how meager, superficial and groundless all this is. After all it only means that they are "pleasant" and "fun" spending time together, or that they know how to "please" each other ... If there is a certain resemblance in inclinations and tastes; if both know how not to offend each other with sharpness, bypass sharp corners and hush up mutual differences; if both know how to listen with an amiable air to someone else's chatter, to flatter a little, to serve a little, then that's enough: between people the so-called "friendship" is tied up, which, in essence, rests on external conventions, on smoothly slippery "courtesy", on empty courtesy and hidden calculation ... There is a "friendship" based on joint gossip or on the mutual outpouring of complaints. But there is also the “friendship” of flattery, the “friendship” of vanity, the “friendship” of patronage, the “friendship” of slander, the “friendship” of preference, and the “friendship” of drinking companions. Sometimes one borrows and the other lends, and both consider themselves "friends." “The hand washes the hand”, people do business and affairs together, not trusting each other too much, and they think that they have “befriended”. But “friendship” is sometimes also called a light, non-binding “hobby” that connects a man and a woman; and sometimes romantic passion, which sometimes separates people completely and forever. All these imaginary "friendships" boil down to the fact that people who are mutually outsiders and even aliens pass each other by, temporarily making life easier for themselves by superficial and unselfish contact: they do not see, do not know, do not love each other, and often their "friendship" breaks up so quickly and disappears so completely that it's hard to even say whether they were previously "acquainted" at all.

People bump into each other in life and bounce off each other like wooden balls. Mysterious fate sweeps them up like earthly dust and carries them through the living space to an unknown distance, and they play the comedy of "friendship" in the tragedy of universal loneliness... For without living love people are like dead dust...

But true friendship breaks through this loneliness, overcomes it and frees a person to live and creative love. True friendship... If only we knew how it is tied up and arises... If only people knew how to cherish it and strengthen it...

There is only one single force in the world that can overcome the loneliness of man; that power is love. There is only one in the world an opportunity to get out of the dust of life and resist its whirlwind; this is the spiritual life . And so, true friendship is a spiritual love that unites people. And spiritual love is the flame of God. Whoever does not know God's flame and has never experienced it will not understand true friendship and will not be able to realize it, but he will also not understand either fidelity or true sacrifice. That's why only people of the spirit are capable of true friendship.

There is no true friendship without love, because it is love that binds people. A true friendship is free bond: in it, a person is immediately free and bound; and this connection does not violate or reduce freedom, for it realizes it; and this freedom, realizing itself in attachment, binds man to man in the spirit. The strongest bond on earth is a free bond if it is formed in God, unites people through God and is fixed before the face of God. That's why at the heart of every true marriage and every healthy family is free, spiritual friendship. True friendship, like true marriage, is made in heaven and is not dissolved on earth.

If we see true fidelity and true sacrifice somewhere on earth, then we can confidently accept that they arose from real spiritual intimacy. Friendship is peculiar only to people of the spirit : this is their gift, their property, their way of life. People without a heart and without a spirit are incapable of friendship: their cold, self-serving "alliances" always remain conditional and semi-treacherous; their prudent and ingenious associations are kept at the level of the market and careerism. True unity of people is possible only in God's ray, in spirit and love.

A real person carries in his heart a kind of hidden heat, as if a mysterious hot coal lived in him. It happens that very few people know about this coal and that its flame is rarely found in everyday life. But its light shines even in a closed space, and its sparks penetrate into the universal ether of life. And so, true friendship arises from these sparks.

...human love always requires understanding and reciprocity....

But the spark that has flown out of the spirit can be perceived and comprehended only by a spiritually alive and sparkling spirit, only by such a heart that loves and radiates itself. Cold darkness swallows everything without a trace. Dead void cannot give an answer. Fire strives for fire and light strives for light. And when two fires meet, a new powerful flame arises, which begins to expand and tries to create a new, living “fabric” of fire.

True friendship begins where a spark of spirit that has flown out touches someone else's fiery bush and is perceived by it. Perception is followed by a response spark, which is perceived by the first sender and causes in him a response to a response.

Yes, the human soul is lonely on earth and often suffers from it. She may feel abandoned and neglected. But the human spirit does not tolerate loneliness. He takes root in the Divine, lives for the cause of God, freely sends out his sparks, and no "walls" are afraid of him.

There are many people in the world who know nothing of true friendship, and yet helplessly talk about it; and not finding a way to it, and not knowing how to realize it, they are satisfied with earthly passionate "love", usually enduring disappointment and despondency from it. But it is they who must know and feel that they are called to it and that it is achievable for them. For the weakest ray of benevolence, compassion, careful and sensitive attitude of man to man- and the slightest spark of spiritual exchange, in lively conversation, in art, in joint research or contemplation; - and any attempt to pray together to the one Deity with a single sigh - already contains the beginning, the seed of true friendship.

Therefore, each of us must seek true friendship all our lives, build it spiritually and lovingly cherish it. Then he will know what is the bliss of true fidelity and the easy naturalness of a real sacrifice.

Original text

Each of us has such times in life when the natural loneliness given to us by nature suddenly begins to seem painful and bitter to us: you feel abandoned and helpless by everyone, you are looking for a friend, but there is no friend ... And then you ask yourself in amazement and bewilderment: how could it happen that all my life I loved, desired, fought and suffered, and, most importantly, served a great goal - and did not find either sympathy, or understanding, or friend? Why didn’t the unity of ideas, mutual trust and mutual love bind me with anyone into a living unity of spirit, strength and help? ..

Then a desire awakens in the soul to find out how other people's lives are: do they find real friends for themselves or not? How did people live before us? And is the beginning of friendship not lost in our day? Sometimes it seems that it is modern man who is decidedly not created for friendship and is not capable of it ... And in the end you inevitably come to the main question: what is real friendship, what does it consist of and what is it based on?

Of course, even now people often "like" each other and "get along" with each other... But, my God, how meager, superficial and groundless all this is. After all, this only means that they are “pleasant” and “amusing” to spend time together, or that they know how to “please” each other ... If there is a certain similarity in inclinations and tastes; if both know how not to offend each other with sharpness, bypass sharp corners and hush up mutual differences; if both know how to listen with an amiable air to someone else’s chatter, to flatter a little, to serve a little, then that’s enough: a so-called “friendship” is established between people, which, in essence, rests on external conventions, on smoothly slippery “courtesy”, on empty courtesy and hidden calculation ... There is a "friendship" based on joint gossip or on the mutual outpouring of complaints. But there is also the “friendship” of flattery, the “friendship” of vanity, the “friendship” of patronage, the “friendship” of slander, the “friendship” of preference, and the “friendship” of drinking companions. Sometimes one borrows and the other lends, and both consider themselves "friends." “The hand washes the hand”, people do business and affairs together, not trusting each other too much, and they think that they have “befriended”. But “friendship” is sometimes also called a light, non-binding “hobby” that connects a man and a woman; and sometimes romantic passion, which sometimes separates people completely and forever. All these imaginary "friendships" come down to the fact that people who are mutually outsiders and even aliens pass each other, temporarily making life easier for themselves by superficial and disinterested contact: they do not see, do not know, do not love each other, and often their "friendship" disintegrates so quickly and disappears so without a trace that it is even difficult to say whether they were previously “acquainted” at all.

People bump into each other in life and bounce off each other like wooden balls. Mysterious fate sweeps them up like earthly dust and carries them through the living space to an unknown distance, and they play the comedy of "friendship" in the tragedy of universal loneliness... For without living love, people are like dead dust...

But true friendship breaks through this loneliness, overcomes it and frees a person to live and creative love. True friendship... If only we knew how it is tied up and arises... If only people knew how to cherish it and strengthen it...

A real person carries in his heart a kind of hidden heat, as if a mysterious hot coal lived in him. It happens that very few people know about this coal and that its flame is rarely found in everyday life. But its light shines even in a closed space, and its sparks penetrate into the universal ether of life. And so, true friendship arises from these sparks.

(according to I. Ilyin)



The style, spelling and punctuation of the author are fully preserved in the work.

What is friendship? I think the foundation of friendship is trust. Being friends means being free to share what is important to me.

In this text, the author touches on the problem of loneliness and friendship. Like everything expensive, friendship is not at all easy to acquire. You can only pay for it with reciprocal friendship. It happens that you want to make friends with someone, but it will take a very long time before this person becomes your friend. After all, it is difficult to win friendship: you need to take care of it.

An example of a fake, "nothing to do" friendship is the friendship of Onegin and Lensky. The absolute opposite is the friendship of Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Balkonsky. People who have a common outlook on life.

In conclusion, I would like to wish all people to be good friends. After all, friendship is a huge force that needs to be cherished and strengthened.

Job evaluation

Criterion What are points awarded for? Maximum In this
K1 Statement of the source text problem 1 there is 1
K2 Comment on the problem 2 No O
K3 Reflection of the position of the author 1 No 0
K4 Your opinion and reasoning 3 there is 1
K5 semantic integrity, coherence,
2 No 0
K6 Accuracy and expressiveness of speech 2 No 1
K7 Spelling 3 5 mistakes 0
K8 Punctuation 3 5 mistakes 0
K9 Language Compliance 2 1 mistake 2
K10 Compliance with speech norms 2 1 defect 2
K11 Ethical Compliance 1 there is 1
K12 Factual Accuracy 1 2 violations 0
Total: 23 8



K7. Compliance with spelling rules

Find spelling errors in the essay.

Error: not at all not simply
Correct: not at all not simply

Error: buy
Correct: buy

Error: based
Correct: Founded

2 mistakes: In conclusion
Right: Finally

Total: 5 spelling mistakes

K8. Compliance with punctuation rules

Look for punctuation errors in your essay.

Mistake: I think the foundation of friendship is trust.
Correct: I believe that the foundation of friendship is trust. Or: I believe that the basis ...

Error: An example of a fake, "nothing to do" friendship is the friendship of Onegin and Lensky.
That's right: An example of a fake friendship, friendship "for nothing to do" is the friendship of Onegin and Lensky. Or: An example of a fake relationship, friendship...
(The word friendship refers to both definitions, the phrase is constructed and punctuated incorrectly. See: K10.)

2 mistakes: After all, friendship is a huge force that needs ...
That's right: after all, friendship is a huge force that needs ...

Total: 3 punctuation errors

K9. Language Compliance

Find violations of language norms in the essay.

Mistake: After all, friendship is a huge force that needs to be cherished and strengthened.
Verbs cherish and strengthen have different controls cherish what?, strengthen what?), so they cannot carry the same form of the word which the.

Total: 1 language violation

K10. Compliance with speech norms

Find violations of speech norms in the essay.

The phrase is incomplete, so sentences are not built: People who have common views on life.
It is necessary to reformulate the entire piece of text so that this fragment becomes part of the sentence.

Total: 1 violation of speech norms

K1. Statement of source text problems

Is the problem of the original text correctly formulated?

The problem of the original text is formulated correctly.

Source: Option No. 30. Senin. Preparation for the Unified State Examination, 2011 Legion Publishing House, pp. 492-493


(1) Each of us has such times in life when the natural loneliness given to us by nature suddenly begins to seem painful and bitter to us: you feel abandoned and helpless by everyone, you are looking for a friend, but there is no friend ... (2) And then you ask yourself in amazement and bewilderment: how could it happen that all my life I loved, fought and suffered, and, most importantly, served a great goal - and did not find any sympathy, understanding, or friend? (3) Why didn’t the unity of the idea, mutual trust and mutual love bind me with anyone into a living unity of spirit, strength and help? ..

(4) Then a desire awakens in the soul to find out how other people’s lives are: do they find real friends for themselves or not? (5) How did people live before. to us? (6) And has the beginning of friendship been lost precisely in our days?

(7) Sometimes it seems that it is modern man who is decidedly not created for friendship and is not capable of it. (8) And in the end you inevitably come to the main question: what is true friendship, what does it consist of and what is it based on?

(9) There is a "friendship" based on joint gossip or on the mutual outpouring of complaints. (10) But there is also “friendship” of flattery, “friendship” of vanity, “friendship” of patronage, “friendship” of slander, “friendship” of preference and “friendship” of drinking companionship. (11) Sometimes one borrows and the other lends - and both consider themselves "friends." (12) "The hand washes the hand", people do business and affairs together, not trusting each other too much, and think that they have "befriended". (13) People bump into each other in life and bounce off each other like wooden balls. (14) A mysterious fate sweeps them up like earthly dust, and carries them through the living space to an unknown distance, and they play the comedy of "friendship" in the tragedy of universal loneliness. (15) For without living love, people are like dead dust.

(16) But true friendship breaks through this loneliness, overcomes it and frees a person to living and creative love. (17) True friendship ... (18) If only you knew how it is tied up and arises ... (19) If only people could cherish it and strengthen it ...

(20) There is only one and only force in the world that can overcome the loneliness of a person: this force is love. (21) In the world there is only one opportunity to get out of the dust of life and resist its whirlwind; this is the spiritual life

Essay on this text:
In the article "On Friendship", the Russian Christian philosopher and publicist I.A. Ilyin discusses the most important moral and ethical topics: loneliness and friendship, love and spirituality. The main problem, which I will discuss, is formulated in the title of the article and in the 8th sentence: "... what is real friendship, what does it consist of and what is it based on?"

At the beginning of the article, the author bitterly says that loneliness is characteristic of all creative people. In 2-5 sentences, he writes about himself, summarizing the state of lonely people: "... all his life he loved, fought and ... served a great purpose." So why "the unity of the idea, mutual trust and mutual love did not bind me with anyone into a living unity of spirit, strength and help," the philosopher bitterly asks.

Was there friendship "before, before us?" and "whether the beginning of friendship has been lost precisely in our days," the philosopher passionately desires to know.

In 9-15 sentences, the author sarcastically classifies unfriendliness, because joint gossip, complaints in the waistcoat, patronage, joint slander, drinking companionship, preference, joint petty and major fraud - this is not friendship, but "a comedy of friendship in the tragedy of universal loneliness."

I partially agree with this. Prince Hamlet had a real true friend Horatio and two vile traitors - Rosenkratz and Guildenstern. An example of a real strong friendship was the relationship between the pupils of the Lyceum, where Pushkin studied. The poems and song of the greatest bard of the 20th century, V Vysotsky, became the anthem of male friendship:
Pull the guy to the mountains, take it.
Don't leave him alone.
Let him be one with you
There you will understand who it is.

And the friendship between Prince Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov?! Isn't this proof that "true friendship breaks through" loneliness, resurrects a person to life, activity and love.

Thus, at the end of the article, the author succinctly formulates the theses of friendship, with which I fully agree. To be friends, you must be able to love. Which is also a gift, "for without living love people are like dead dust." And only the spiritual life contributes to strong friendship and deep love.

It was an essay on friendship.

Each of us has such times in life when the natural loneliness given to us by nature suddenly begins to seem painful and bitter to us: you feel abandoned and helpless by everyone, you are looking for a friend, but there is no friend ... And then you ask yourself in amazement and bewilderment: how could it happen that all my life I loved, desired, fought and suffered, and, most importantly, served a great purpose - and did not find either sympathy, or understanding, or friend? Why didn’t the unity of ideas, mutual trust and mutual love bind me with anyone into a living unity of spirit, strength and help? ..

Then a desire awakens in the soul to find out how other people's lives are: do they find real friends for themselves or not? How did people live before us? And is the beginning of friendship not lost in our day? Sometimes it seems that it is modern man who is decidedly not created for friendship and is not capable of it ... And in the end you inevitably come to the main question: what is real friendship, what does it consist of and what is it based on?

Of course, even now people often "like" each other and "get along" with each other... But, my God, how meager, superficial and groundless all this is. After all, this only means that they are “pleasant” and “amusing” to spend time together, or that they know how to “please” each other ... If there is a certain similarity in inclinations and tastes; if both know how not to offend each other with sharpness, bypass sharp corners and hush up mutual differences; if both know how to listen to someone else's chatter with an amiable air, to flatter a little, to serve a little, then that's enough: a so-called "friendship" is established between people, which, in essence, rests on external conventions, on smoothly slippery "courtesy", on empty courtesy and hidden calculation ... There is a "friendship" based on joint gossip or on the mutual outpouring of complaints. But there is also the “friendship” of flattery, the “friendship” of vanity, the “friendship” of patronage, the “friendship” of slander, the “friendship” of preference, and the “friendship” of drinking companions. Sometimes alone beret loan, and the other gives loan - and both consider themselves "friends". “The hand washes the hand”, people do business and affairs together, not trusting each other too much, and they think that they have “befriended”. But “friendship” is sometimes also called a light, non-binding “hobby” that connects a man and a woman; and sometimes romantic passion, which sometimes separates people completely and forever. All these imaginary "friendships" come down to the fact that people who are mutually outsiders and even aliens pass each other, temporarily making life easier for themselves by superficial and disinterested contact: they do not see, do not know, do not love each other, and often their "friendship" disintegrates so quickly and disappears so without a trace that it is even difficult to say whether they were previously “acquainted” at all.

People bump into each other in life and bounce off each other like wooden balls. Mysterious fate sweeps them up like earthly dust and carries them through the living space to an unknown distance, and they play the comedy of "friendship" in the tragedy of universal loneliness... For without living love, people are like dead dust...

But true friendship breaks through this loneliness, overcomes it and frees a person to live and creative love. True friendship... If only we knew how it is tied up and arises ... If only people knew how to cherish it and strengthen it ...

There is only one single force in the world that can overcome the loneliness of man; this power is love. There is only one possibility in the world to get out of the dust of life and resist its whirlwind; it is spiritual life. And then there is true friendship. spiritual love, connecting people. A spiritual love there is a being the flame of God. Whoever does not know God's flame and has never experienced it will not understand true friendship and will not be able to realize it, but he will also not understand either fidelity or true sacrifice. That is why only spirit people.

There is no true friendship without love, because it is love connects people. And true friendship exists free connection: in it a person immediately - free and bound; and this connection does not violate or reduce freedom, for it realizes it; and this freedom, realizing itself in attachment, binds man to man in the spirit. The strongest connection on earth is a free connection, if it is formed in God, unites people through God and is fixed in the face of God. This is why every true marriage and every healthy family is based on free, spiritual friendship. True friendship, like true marriage, is made in heaven and is not dissolved on earth.

If we see true fidelity and true sacrifice anywhere on earth, then we can confidently accept that they arose from real spiritual intimacy. Friendship is peculiar only to people of the spirit: it is their gift, their heritage, their way of life. People without a heart and without a spirit are incapable of friendship: their cold, self-serving "alliances" always remain conditional and semi-treacherous; their prudent and ingenious associations are kept at the level of the market and careerism. True unity of people is possible only in the light of God in spirit and love.

A real person carries in his heart a kind of hidden heat, as if a mysterious hot coal lived in him. It happens that very few people know about this coal and that its flame is rarely found in everyday life. But its light shines even in a closed space, and its sparks penetrate into the universal ether of life. And so, true friendship arises from these sparks.

Whoever once saw a speck of radium will never forget this miracle of God. In a small enclosed space, in the dark, behind a magnifying glass, one can see a tiny body, from which moving sparks continuously fly out in all directions and quickly disappear into the darkness. With a slight turn of the screw, you can slightly loosen the clamp of the tweezers holding this speck of dust - and then the sparks begin to fly out generously and joyfully; the clamp intensifies - and the sparks fly sparingly and cautiously. And natural scientists assert that the ray charge of this dust grain will be valid for at least two thousand years...

Like this, the human spirit lives and sparkles; thus he sends his sparks into the world "space". And from those sparks, true friendship arises.

There are people for whom the word "spirit" is not an empty phrase and not a dead concept: they know that there are "God's flowers" in life, and that life flaunts and shines with them; they know what is given to man inner eye, able to see and recognize these flowers; they seek them, find them, rejoice in them, and love them with their hearts. Such people carry a spiritual “charge” and “spiritual “heat” in their hearts. Their personal spirit is like a speck of radium, radiating its sparks into the space of the world. And in each such spark their love sparkles and the power of the divine content they love shines. And each such spark seeks acceptance, recognition and response, for human love always requires understanding and reciprocity.

But the spark that has flown out of the spirit can be perceived and comprehended only by a spiritually alive and sparkling spirit, only by such a heart that loves and radiates itself. Cold darkness swallows everything without a trace. Dead void cannot give an answer. Fire strives for fire and light strives for light. And when two fires meet, a new powerful flame arises, which begins to expand and tries to create a new, living “fabric” of fire.

True friendship begins where a spark of spirit that has flown out touches someone else's fiery bush and is perceived by it. Perception is followed by a response spark, which is perceived by the first sender and causes in him a response to a response. Then the light exchange begins. Sparks do not disappear in the surrounding darkness. Each reaches the goal and ignites. Whole sheaves of light flash, the flame flares up, the fire grows. Free gifts, creative perception, bright gratitude... And not a shadow of envy. The spirit delights in its selfless frankness. He knows that spiritual contemplation and empathetic comprehension will meet him. The heart listens sensitively and joyfully anticipates the future. And the flame of God celebrates its holiday on earth...

Yes, human soul alone on earth and often suffers from it. She may feel abandoned and neglected. But spirit a person does not tolerate loneliness. He takes root in the Divine, lives for the cause of God, freely sends out his sparks, and no "walls" are afraid of him. He does not believe that atomic separation or dispersed multiplicity constitutes the last word of human existence, an irresistible form of life; he does not believe that people are doomed to wander alone in chaos, that they will never find each other; he does not believe in the triumph of "world dust". Somewhere, no one knows where, sometime, no one knows when, in the great bosom of God's plans and creative ideas, he saw a certain vision: a single, continuous sea of ​​flame sleepily rested in prophetic calm, as it was conceived by God from the beginning and called to awakened being in the future; he saw this vision - he entered a new, earthly existence in order to wake up in the form of an isolated, single "light" and begin a creative struggle on earth for spiritually awakened reunion of the human fire multitude... For human souls, these spiritual fires of God, are called to go through individuation and loneliness and reunite again into a single, continuous sea - but already spiritually awakened fire...

And so, true friendship, like love, and, moreover, like spiritual love, creates the initial cell of this unity; such cells of spiritual fire will one day form the great and single flame of God, the bright and joyful fabric of the Kingdom of God in the universe...

That is why every spiritually alive person seeks true friendship on earth and is happy if he manages to find it and realize it. By this he fulfills the covenant of his Creator and participates in the fulfillment of His promise; by this he participates in the renewal and transfiguration of God's world.

There are many people in the world who know nothing of true friendship, and yet helplessly talk about it; and not finding a way to it, and not knowing how to realize it, they are satisfied with earthly passionate "love", usually enduring disappointment and despondency from it. But it is they who must know and feel that they are called to it and that it is achievable for them. For the weakest ray of benevolence, compassion, careful and sensitive attitude of man to man; - and the slightest spark of spiritual exchange, in lively conversation, in art, in joint research or contemplation; - and any attempt to jointly pray to the one Deity with a single sigh, - already contains the beginning, the seed of true friendship. The staircase starts from the first step; and singing begins its melody already from the first sound... And how sad it is if life is stopped already in its grain, if the ladder breaks off at the first step, if the song breaks off at the first sound!..

Therefore, each of us must seek true friendship all our lives, build it spiritually and lovingly cherish it. Then he will know what is the bliss of the true fidelity and easy naturalness of the real victims.

Russian language

21 of 24

(1) Each of us has such times in life when the natural loneliness given to us by nature suddenly begins to seem painful and bitter to us. (2) You feel abandoned and helpless by everyone, you are looking for a friend, but he is not around. (3) And then you ask yourself in amazement and bewilderment: how could it happen that all my life I loved, desired, fought, suffered and, most importantly, served a great goal, but did not find either sympathy, understanding, or friend? (4) Why didn’t the unity of the idea, mutual trust and mutual love bind me with anyone into a living unity of spirit, strength and help?

(5) Then a desire awakens in the soul to find out how other people's lives are made up: how do they find real friends for themselves? (6) How did people live before us?

(7) And has the beginning of friendship been lost in our days? (8) Sometimes it seems that it is modern man who is decidedly not created for friendship and is not capable of it. (9) And in the end you inevitably come to the main question: what is true friendship, what does it consist of and what is it based on?

(10) Of course, people now often “like” each other and “get along” with each other. (11) But, my God, how meager, superficial and groundless everything is! (12) After all, this means that they enjoy and have fun spending time together, or they know how to just please each other. (13) If there is a certain resemblance in inclinations and tastes; if both know how not to offend each other with sharpness, bypass sharp corners and hush up mutual differences; if both know how to listen with an amiable air to someone else's chatter, to flatter a little, to serve a little, then that's enough: a "friendship" is struck up between people, which, in essence, rests on external conventions, on smoothly slippery "courtesy", on empty courtesy and hidden account.

(14) There is a "friendship" based on joint gossip or on the mutual outpouring of complaints. (15) But there is also “friendship” of flattery, “friendship” of vanity, “friendship” of patronage, “friendship” of slander, “friendship” of preference and “friendship” of drinking companionship. (16) Sometimes one borrows and the other lends, and both consider themselves "friends." (17) People do business and affairs together, not trusting each other too much, and think that they have “befriended”. (18) But “friendship” is sometimes also called a light, non-binding “hobby” that connects a man and a woman, and sometimes a romantic passion that sometimes separates people once and for all. (19) All these imaginary "friendships" come down to the fact that people, mutually outsiders and even aliens, pass each other, temporarily making their lives easier by superficial and disinterested contact: they do not see, do not know, do not love each other, and often their "friendship" breaks up so quickly and disappears so completely that it's hard to even say whether they were previously "acquainted" at all.

(20) People bump into each other in life and bounce off each other like wooden balls.

(21) But true friendship breaks through loneliness, overcomes it and frees a person to living and creative love. (22) True friendship is spiritual love that connects people. (23) And spiritual love is the real flame of God! (24) Whoever does not know God's flame and has never experienced it, he will not understand true friendship and will not be able to realize it, but he will also not understand either fidelity or true sacrifice. (25) That is why only people of the spirit are capable of true friendship. (26) People without a heart and without a spirit are incapable of friendship: their cold, self-serving "alliances" always remain conditional and semi-treacherous; their prudent and ingenious associations are kept at the level of the market and careerism.

(27) A real person carries a certain hidden heat in his heart, as if a mysteriously red-hot coal lived in him. (28) It happens that only very few people know about this coal and that its flame is rarely found in everyday life. (29) Its light shines even in a closed space, and its sparks penetrate the universal ether of life. (Z0) All true friendship springs from these sparks. (31) This ejected spark of the spirit can be perceived and comprehended only by a spiritually alive and sparkling spirit, only by such a heart that loves and radiates itself. (32) Cold darkness absorbs everything without a trace. (33) Such a dead void cannot give an answer. (34) Fire strives for fire, and light reaches for light. (35) And when two fires meet, a new powerful flame arises, which begins to expand and tries to create a new, living "fabric" of fire.

(H6) The weakest ray of benevolence, compassion, careful and sensitive attitude of a person to a person already contains the beginning, the grain of true friendship. (37) The staircase begins already from the first step; and singing begins its melody already from the first sound.

(According to I.A. Ilyin.)

Ilyin Ivan Alexandrovich (1883-1954) - Russian philosopher, writer, publicist, author of the book “The Singing Heart. The Book of Quiet Contemplation.

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What is true friendship? I. A. Ilyin poses this problem in his text. Reflecting on this problem, the author argues that friendship often arises between people, which rests on "external conventions", on "empty courtesy and hidden calculation." He identifies several types of friendship: "flattery", "vanity", "slander" .... All these friendships are imaginary - says the author. I. A. Ilyin believes that true friendship delivers a person from loneliness, and that true friendship is a spiritual love that connects people. I fully agree with the author. A true friend will always support you and save you from loneliness when necessary. I would also like to add that true friendship is one in which there is no envy, but there is support and mutual assistance. So, for example, in the novel "Oblomov", in my opinion, an example of true friendship is presented. Oblomov and Stolz have been best friends since childhood. They have a warm and trusting relationship. Andrey Stoltz is always free of charge


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