Fulfillment of desires: visualization rules. Correct visualization of desires

How to get closer to fulfilling your dreams and achieve more in life? A special technique at the junction of psychology and magic will help you to realize the most daring ideas - a wish board, how to correctly draw up which is described below.

Wish visualization board: how it works

Your thoughts are able to become reality: the more you think about something, the more intensively your brain works on ways to make it happen. If you concentrate on specific positive changes in your life, return to them and imagine their implementation in detail, you will involuntarily look for ways to achieve what you want and generate new ideas. This process is called desire visualization. Unlike negative thinking, which you can use to set yourself up for failure, it attracts success, prosperity, and happiness to you.

The main tool in the visualization technique is a map or board for visualizing desires. Making it is simple: you will not be required so much accuracy and artistic skills as strong and sincere intentions.

How to make a wish board with your own hands

Let's take a closer look at the stages of creating a visualization board.

Preparation and materials required

A wish visualization board cannot be created in a hurry. Take the time to think carefully about what you want to achieve, prepare inspiring pictures and arrange them correctly.

1. Choose important and unfulfilled

Make a list of your dreams and goals without thinking about how realizable they are. Then select the most important points, guided by the following principles:

  • It makes no sense to add to the map something that is easy to implement. If you want to make a small purchase, for example, a chocolate bar, go and treat yourself right away, and do not waste precious space on a momentary whim.
  • What is already there, too, does not need to be visualized. Example: If you are already in a harmonious relationship, do not limit yourself to adding a shared photo of you being happy with your partner. Think about what could make you even happier, and write about your plans.
  • Even if it seems to you that you want the impossible, do not give up this goal. It is difficult to imagine an insurmountable obstacle that will prevent you from embarking on a long-awaited journey or making millions if you are already ready to take decisive action to do so.

2. Decide on the material and collect the source images

First, decide on the basis:

  • Whatman paper or cardboard. A clean, dense sheet, which you completely arrange with your own hands, will carry a special energy and "absorb" strong emotional impulses.
  • Cork or magnetic board. A practical option that is easy to update as your dreams come true.
  • Digital image. This format is convenient if you spend a lot of time at your computer or use your phone frequently. Create a wish card in a graphic editor or using an online service and set it as wallpaper to regularly remember your dreams.

The first two options will also require:

  • your personal and family photos, photos and pictures that reflect your dreams as accurately as possible (cut from magazines and newspapers or printed);
  • everything for drawing and writing: colored pencils, pens, markers or felt-tip pens;
  • optional - colored paper and separate album sheets (for backgrounds or mini-collages);
  • glue and scissors.

3. Time and mood are important

Don't get down to business during periods of mental decline, trouble, or when you have a lot of worries. Outsiders should not distract you or interfere with the process with comments. You must be relaxed, free and in a positive mood, otherwise you will not be able to express your thoughts correctly, and the card simply will not work.

Feng Shui wish board - the best design option

The Chinese feng shui technique is designed to harmonize the flow of energy in the surrounding space. Its methods will be useful when creating a visualization map. When you place images in sectors that symbolically correspond to the selected areas of life, the harmony of the location will increase the attraction of the desired.

The division of space into symbolic areas and their filling is done as follows:

  • To mark the sectors, you can use two methods: divide a square or rectangular field into nine equal parts (in the form of a 3 × 3 table) or overlay a Bagua grid on it, highlighting the central area and eight sectors coming from it. Choose the method that seems more attractive to you.
  • It is better to design it during periods with the energy of new beginnings: on your birthday and the first days after it, on the growing moon, and even better - on the New Year according to the Eastern calendar.
  • Each of the sectors has a specific color, number in numerology and a life sphere, so it is better to work on them in a specific order. When filling one area, don't be distracted by others. Take care of the background for the images: paint over it or paste on colored paper. When using cork and magnetic boards, you can arrange pictures into small collages on separate sheets of paper - this will make it easier to set a single background for the area.
  • Write in the affirmative, without negatives and the "not" particle. The selected pictures should not contain negative phenomena.
  • You cannot ignore any sector, be sure to fill in everything.
  • Detailed information on the placement of pictures is given in the table:
    Number Side of the world and sector location Sphere of life Background color Recommendations for the selection of pictures and descriptions
    1 North (under the center) Career Blue A photo or logo of a successful company or successful business, a leader in the workplace, a recognized professional. You can draw a "career ladder" by hand, indicating the desired positions and the dates of entry into them. How much do you want to earn, job responsibilities, type of activity, add in the form of inscriptions.
    2 Southwest (upper right corner) Love and relationships Pink Symbols of romantic relationships: kisses, hearts, flowers. Avoid photos of celebrities (they often play to the audience) and strangers of real people if the right person is not yet in your life (do not attract the unknown to yourself - you may be disappointed with the result, and they may dream about what does not suit you). Better to add a specific verbal description of the qualities of the desired partner and how your interaction will go.
    3 East (left of center) A family Green Joint and separate family photos taken in a joyful moment. Images of your ideal family. Descriptions of a calm and conflict-free life, qualities that your loved ones lack.
    4 Southeast (upper left corner) Wealth Purple Money (banknotes, coins, precious metals and stones) all kinds of profit - from treasures to bank deposits. Wealth attributes - cars, luxury buildings, prestigious accessories. You can describe dreams in words and numbers, and do not forget to indicate the timing of obtaining these benefits.
    5 Centre Health Orange A photo where you like yourself and you are in a good mood. If you are planning to lose weight or get rid of a chronic disease, it does not hurt to edit it in Photoshop or make a collage so that the desired changes are clearly visible.
    6 Northwest (lower right corner) Assistants and travel Gray Cities and countries where you want to go, attractions, hotels and hotels, planes or cruise ships. It does not hurt to add symbols to this sector related to those areas of life where you need support: photos of religious figures and religious symbols, people whose wisdom deserves your respect, and those who can provide you with patronage or other help.
    7 West (right of center) Children and creativity White If you dream of having offspring - images of happy babies or older babies. If you are already a parent - a photo of your child, complemented by wishes of good health and good mood. For creative people, inspiring examples and any images related to the sphere of self-realization are suitable.
    8 Northeast (lower left corner) Wisdom and knowledge Yellow Anything related to learning new things: study guides, diplomas and certificates (write your name there), places where you would like to study. A popular western symbol - an academic cap - is also suitable. You can add it along with the mantle to your photo.
    9 South (over center) Glory Red Diplomas, cups, other awards, individuals or groups of them, known and recognized in the right field. A more powerful way is to add yourself to a photo where someone is being honored.

Of course, you can ignore some of these requirements: do not highlight the background for the sectors, arrange materials for rendering in an arbitrary order, or pay no attention to irrelevant areas of life. But do this only when you clearly understand your priorities, and in general, follow the full instructions.

Wish board: location instructions

For it to work properly, the rendermap should be hanging where you can see it often, rather than lying on the back shelf. If you do some of the work at home, or have a demanding hobby, it is a good idea to place it above your desk to set yourself up for your goals. Another good option is near the bed, so you can “program” yourself the way you want each morning.

The board should be hidden from prying eyes. If possible, remove it during the visit of guests or the arrival of relatives.

Wish visualization board: reviews

Let's take a closer look at a few reviews about using the wish board and analyze the events described.

1. After the movie "The Secret" I decided to test the law of attraction. He works! Everything is as on the map of desires: I got married successfully, a daughter was born, over the past three years we bought a car and an apartment. It remains to wait for the vacation, and we will go to rest wherever we wanted. Anna.

Clear and realizable goals have been set, reasonable deadlines have been set, and everything has been achieved.

2. I made a wish card and, returning from vacation, found in my room a brand new laptop of the same model that I so wanted to get. Parents unexpectedly decided to please, although the old computer is in order, and I did not tell them which laptop I wanted. Nastya.

Another example of how a thought, with its proper strength, materializes and even infects others.

3. Did and regretted the time spent. Nothing came true, no money, no new job. Apparently, he works for those who are already lucky in life. Tatiana.

Of course, you should not expect that your life will immediately change for the better as soon as you stick the last picture. But focusing on work, leaving no room for dreams, is not the best strategy. Set realistic goals and deadlines for their implementation, think over your actions, and everything will work out.

Now that you know what a wish board is, how to properly design and use it, you just have to keep up and wait for your dreams to come true.

How to make your deepest dreams come true? Learn the rules for visualizing desires!

Using the rules for visualizing desires, you can improve your health, change your appearance, acquire certain character traits or get rid of those that you do not like, attract desired situations, find new acquaintances and friends, improve your financial situation and much more!

How do you achieve all this?

Visualization is the creation in the imagination of images of the desired reality. This is one of the most powerful and simplest tools for achieving goals, which does not require a lot of time and effort.

First of all, you must decide on the desire that you want to visualize. It should be clear, formulated without the “not” particle.

Right: I want to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Not right : I want not to smoke.

When you have decided on a desire, take a comfortable position (you can lie down), relax, close your eyes. This is best done after waking up or before bed. When you are in a relaxed state, follow these guidelines.

Rules for visualizing desires

First rendering rule

Do not imagine a picture - create a complete illusion of what is happening!

Right: if you want to visit a certain city, imagine walking along its streets, visiting exhibitions, clubs, bars (or those places you want to visit).

Not right: you want to go to Paris and in your dreams imagine only the Eiffel Tower¹.

Second rendering rule

Be the protagonist of your dreams, not a bystander!

Right: if you want to buy a car², imagine yourself in its showroom. See everything with your own eyes. Feel how the seats feel, feel them with your hands. Be a participant in events, not an observer. You must visualize the dream in the first person.

Not right: watch the purchase of a car from the side.

The third rule of visualization

Connect all your senses!

Right: smell the scents around you. Listen: is music playing in your imagination? If so, which one? Feel the weather when you're outside. Is it raining and you are wet? Or are you hot? Listen to what people are saying, say something yourself.

Feel everything around you. If you have a mind to get some thing, explore it all: texture, weight, color ... If it is something intangible, for example, marriage certificate, receipts, money, vouchers, tickets, etc. - touch the result and drink a cocktail, feeling it taste in great detail.

Not right: just imagine a certain picture without feeling any emotions at all.

The fourth rule of visualization

Remember the rendered frame and constantly come back to it!

Right: visualize the purchase of a car in great detail and repeat it every time before going to bed.

Not right: each time change the brand of the car, its color, price, place of purchase, etc.

Fifth rule of visualization

Desire visualization should become a good habit of yours until the dream comes true!

Right: every evening (or in the morning, whichever is more convenient for you) to represent the fulfillment of a specific desire.

Not right: do visualization without desire, just for the sake of "tick", irregularly.

Sixth rule of visualization

Think over the ways to achieve your dreams in your favorite ways, and choose the most pleasant one!

Visualize the way of achieving what you want the most. Imagine a strategic plan and follow it in your daily visualization.

Right: if you want to get a promotion, mentally do extracurricular tasks, come to work early, do other work, work hard, attend conferences and seminars.

Or, write on an imaginary piece of paper points that will help you move up the career ladder, and mentally do them when you visualize your goal. Then imagine your boss telling you about the promotion, feel the emotions of joy that you will experience at that moment.

Not right: imagine that you got a promotion without any efforts on your part.

Seventh rule of visualization

Energize your visualization³!

Right: burn inside with your desire, live it, feel positive emotions that give you energy and inspire. Believe in the fulfillment of the plan.

Not right: not to believe in realization, not to feel any emotions when practicing visualization. By following these simple rules, you can achieve whatever you want.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ The Eiffel Tower is a metal tower in the center of Paris, its most recognizable architectural landmark (Wikipedia).

² If you want to buy a car and also attract wealth into your life, the experience described in

This article will teach you the basics of visualization. The fact is that there are a lot of books on visualization on the Internet, but no matter how paradoxical it sounds, none of them teaches visualization as such! Yes, an instruction is given to imagine (visualize) something, preferably very brightly and colorfully, to keep this image as long as possible, and so on. But after all, not everyone can take and easily imagine some image. For example, when I just became interested in visualization, I could not imagine anything at all in my mind. And even if it was possible to visualize some simple object for a few seconds, then there could be no question of any bright and colored image. It was a simple, black-and-white image, and at the same time so unstable that it didn’t have time to appear in my consciousness, as it immediately dissolved or clogged with a flurry of disordered images generated by consciousness.

If, after reading these lines, you learned a description of your visualization experiments, then most likely, reading this article will help you master visualization at least at an initial level. If you can freely visualize an image of any complexity, and at the same time brightly and colorfully, then you can not read further, since you will not find any new information for yourself.

So, let's begin:

  • Take a white sheet of paper and draw on it some simple geometric shape, for example, a circle. It is better to draw with a black felt-tip pen so that the line is bold and clear. We look at the circle for 10-15 seconds, and then close our eyes and ... see the circle. Your task is to keep this image in consciousness for as long as possible. As soon as the image starts to disappear, open our eyes again and look at the real image. Then we close it again, etc. Each new lesson needs to change the figure. That is, today we visualize a circle, tomorrow a square, the day after tomorrow a triangle. As soon as you learn to visualize simple figures and keep their image in consciousness for a long time, for example, within 2 minutes, you can proceed to the next stage.
  • At this stage, you must learn to dissolve the rendered image. Basically, it's pretty simple. But if, nevertheless, normal dissolution does not work, try to move the image in any direction (up, down, right, left - no difference) until it disappears from the field of view. As an alternative to moving, you can choose to decrease in size until the image turns into a point and disappears completely.
  • If you have learned how to dissolve the visualized images, then you can start morphing, that is, transforming images. Everyone succeeds in transforming the images, but the transformation does not always go as planned. Your task is to learn how to manage this process. For example, you wanted to turn a triangle into a square, but you get a hexagon. You need to turn this hexagon into a circle. That is, continue the unsuccessful transformation as if you originally wanted to turn the triangle not into a square, but into a circle. The point of these actions is that if the transformation fails, and you start over, then a new attempt may also fail, and as a result, irritation will appear. To prevent this from happening, we simply continue the failed transformation and turn it into a successful one. As a result, instead of irritation, there will be joyful sensations from a correctly performed exercise, which, undoubtedly, will only improve your results.
  • Hopefully the previous visualization mastery exercises are good for you and we can move on to the next step, color rendering. To do this, again take a white sheet of paper and draw a bright colored spot. The spot should be large, about 5 by 5 centimeters, the color does not matter, since you have to practice with all the basic colors. We look at the spot for 10-15 seconds, and then close our eyes and try to keep the image of the spot for two to three seconds. Then we look again at the real spot for 10-15 seconds, and again for two or three seconds we try to keep the image in consciousness. It is necessary to do at least 30 repetitions in one exercise. If everything works out, then every day the time for keeping the image in consciousness needs to be increased. The amount of magnification depends on how easy it is to hold the image. If it is easy, then you can increase it by two or three seconds, if it is difficult, then by one.

Having mastered these simple exercises, you can proudly say that you have learned the basics of visualization. Then everything depends on you. Keep training, make the exercises more difficult, and soon you will be able to easily visualize an image of any complexity with the ease of a professional. Very soon you will notice that with the appearance of positive results, memory and attention improve many times over. Surely these positive changes will only increase your desire to master visualization.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

With you Evgeny Kurashov and today I want to talk about a cool tool for self-development and the embodiment of your desires! This is visualization!

In this article we will figure out what it is all about, how this technique affects our lives and how it is done!

How many books I have read on success, achieving goals, self-development and how many I attended similar seminars and trainings, everywhere people who have achieved success and self-development gurus say that visualization and a clear presentation of your goals is the basis in building your successful future!

What is visualization

This is the recreation in our imagination of our goals and desires. This technique is based on the programming of our subconscious, the mechanism of which is mysterious and inexplicable. The fact is that our subconscious mind does not make any difference whether an event took place in reality or it was only in our imagination.

Even if with your conscious mind you cannot correlate your desire with your current reality, that is, you do not understand how you can achieve your goal, after visualizing what you want, the subconscious mind turns on in the work, and it starts looking for ways to achieve your cherished goal. Or maybe it is the universe that gives us resources ?! Anything can be!

Scientists have proven that with proper visualization, blood biochemistry can even change! That is, the body reacts to your thoughts!
They even conducted experiments on athletes who were connected to a bunch of different sensors, and at the time of visualizing sports competitions, the brain sent the muscles exactly the same impulses as during real loads, the muscles contracted in the same way, and the athletes received, one might say, real an experience.

Before embarking on this process, it is necessary to clearly and specifically formulate what you want to achieve, in general, setting goals is, one might say, a whole science, we will talk about it in a separate article.

How to visualize correctly

Getting started with the visualization process, you need to get rid of all external distractions and calm the thoughts in your restless brain. You can even meditate before doing this! You need to completely immerse yourself in this process. If you are in a bad mood or, as they say, the wrong day and you are haunted by failures today, it is better to postpone it for another time.

By visualizing, we begin to recreate in our imagination our desired reality, it is necessary to very clearly and in detail represent our goal, that is, not just, they say, “I want to live well,” but specifically, what good do you want.

For example, if you want a house, then you need to present this house in all details, what it looks like, what kind of roof it has, its doors, the color of the walls. You don't just need to imagine the house, you need to be a direct participant in this picture, imagine how you walk through the rooms, how you open the doors, go out onto the balcony, open the window, imagine what you see outside the window. The more details, the better and the more colorful you recreate the picture, the clearer it will be imprinted in the subconscious.

The more feelings you use, the better, that is, you need to imagine what walls to touch, how the wind blows from the window, what smells in the house, what sounds, what emotions you have at this moment, these emotions should be real! You could even say that emotions are even more important than thoughts! At this moment, you must believe in this new reality, you must live it!

Why visualization isn't working

You may have already tried to visualize, but your goal has remained somewhere in your dreams. Have you ever had this? Here are some common mistakes that can mess things up:

Lack of faith. Faith is the most important factor, if you yourself do not believe in your new reality and in general in the whole process and its power, then all efforts will go down the drain. Or maybe this is not your goal at all, but something imposed by public opinion, and in fact you do not really want this.

Bad attitude. If you are in a bad mood, then you will not be able to present your dream in all colors. And all the negativity from your thoughts will constantly interfere and take away energy. If you feel that today you are all day and are lucky in everything, then this is the best time to visualize!

Insufficient immersion. If you are not clear enough about what you want, or you are not doing it vividly enough, then the subconscious mind will be able to perceive your fantasy. You need to connect all the senses! And you must definitely feel emotions, absolutely!

Focusing on the wrong thing. Sometimes during the process you start thinking not about the goal itself, but about the process of achieving it, for example, not about the house itself, but about how you can earn money for this house. Don't do that!

Summing up, we can say that you just need to live your dream and constantly think about it, and you will definitely achieve it! And visualization will help you perfectly with this, you just need to believe, feel and do it regularly! The main thing, dear readers, is not to assign all responsibility for achieving goals to visualization, this is just one of the tools for achieving it! It sometimes looks like some kind of magic!

There are other tools for achieving goals and motivation, such as: affirmations, a journal of desires, and other interesting techniques, we will definitely talk about them in our new articles! Here is one of the last books I read about the power of our subconscious:John Kehoe: The subconscious mind can do anything!different tools for achieving goals are just described here. Quite interesting, I recommend taking a look!

Finally, an interesting video about how visualization changed the life of Jim Carrey:

Thank you all for your attention, I hope my article will help you. Visualize and you will definitely succeed!


2 340 0 Hello our dear readers! In this article, we will tell you how you can make your dreams come true using the visualization of desires. Let's see how it works.

Desire visualization - what it is and how it works

The visualization technique is discussed in detail in the film "The Secret". It was released in 2006 and gained immense popularity. The characters talk about what they have achieved with this simple technique.

Thought visualization is a method of attracting what you want into your life using the power of thought.

Closing your eyes and imagining your dreams and, you come closer to them every day. In other words, if you dream of a red BMW, you need to think about it, imagine yourself driving on the road. Sooner or later, thoughts will materialize.

There are two types of visualization of thoughts:

  1. Directed to the outside world- This is the recreation of the desired images in drawings, pictures, photographs. Wish card.
  2. Internal- imagination in my head.

Imagination is the main ingredient for success. The brighter and more truthful the pictures in your head look, the more chance of success.

Psychologists often refer to "the power of thought." When a person constantly thinks about bad things, for example: "I have no money", "I'm a loser", - negative thinking is transformed into reality. Indeed, he does not succeed, he faces various problems, including financial difficulties. Thinking in a positive way will help the events of your dreams come about sooner.

Don't confuse dreams and visualization. The latter should have a goal and a specific direction for what you want to achieve.

"Living" your dreams in your head over and over again, you give the subconscious a kind of impetus. It begins to imperceptibly influence actions, suggest which way to get to your goal faster.

You can't just start thinking about how you shine your red BMW. For a successful result, you need to understand how to visualize correctly.

  1. The main thing is to believe. This is the main secret of visualization. A skeptical attitude will not help you achieve your goal in any way. If you believe in this technique, then it will believe in you.
  2. Accurate and correct wording. When presenting a desire, it is important to formulate it correctly.
  • Particles “not” cannot be used, they create a negative impulse. Wrong: "I am not in poverty." Right: "I always have."
  • More specifics. The more accurate the picture is, the faster the result.
  • Use only the present tense for the wording. Wrong: "I will have a car." Right:"I have a car".
  1. Connect emotions. Your senses are a faithful companion of visualization. Connect your sense of smell, touch, taste, hearing, etc. If you want to dine in a beautiful and expensive restaurant, imagine everything to the smallest detail: how the barely audible music plays, the aroma of a freshly prepared steak is felt, you feel with your hands what expensive wood the tables are made of.
  2. I see the goal - I go to it! The desire must be extremely precise. You don't have to imagine how you are going to your goal. You must be sure that you already have it in your hands. For example, you really want to lose weight. Then imagine how slender and beautiful you are standing in front of the mirror. If you contemplate yourself on a treadmill in the gym, it is unlikely that the goal will ever be achieved.
  3. Movies are more interesting than pictures. Make an interesting movie about your dream. The difference between a picture and a movie is obvious. The picture is not alive, but by imagining a certain video, you will put all your emotions there - how you are happy, have fun, clap your hands, laugh.
  4. Become the lead actor. In all actions, you must be the main character. After all, this is only your dream. Do not involve friends or acquaintances. Look at yourself not from the outside, but, for example, in the mirror. Being inside your movie is important.
  5. Freeze! The shot is the most memorable and happy moment. Record it in memory or describe it briefly on a piece of paper. It is needed in order to quickly conjure up your movie desires.
  6. Choose the right time. The best moment is in the morning, after waking up. You are cheerful, full of energy, and no one has yet managed to spoil you. Thinking positively when you're in a bad mood or tired doesn't always work.
  7. From day to day. Just like the habit of brushing your teeth or drinking coffee in the morning, visualization should come into your life. Strengthen this ritual, repeat it daily, preferably at the same time.
  8. Save. Don't wait for the result instantly. Every dream has its own time of fulfillment. Let go of the situation and enjoy life, remembering to visualize every day.

If there is no result for a long time, you need to figure out why. Perhaps yours or doubts are in the way. Sometimes you can slightly change the interpretation of desire - and everything will work out.

Technique and methods of visualization

There are several techniques and techniques for practicing visualization. But first, you need to decide on your desires. Take a piece of paper, or better, a beautiful notebook (so that it evokes pleasant associations in you), and write everything you dream of. These should be both big goals and small ones. Tangible and intangible.

After making the list, reread it carefully. Perhaps even glancing over it once with your eyes, you will cross out a few lines. Separate your personal goals from those imposed by anyone. For example, you want a dog. Because a dog is a friend of man, you need to take care of it, feed it and walk at 6 in the morning? Or because you like your neighbor's Rottweiler, and how important is the neighbor walking with him?

So, having decided on your desires, you can start with the simplest methodology:

  1. Sit back and relax. Close your eyes and breathe calmly. Music to visualize desires will help to relax the soul, brain and body. For some it is the sound of rain, for others it is classic or jazz. Choose what really brings you peace of mind.
  2. Sit for 5-10 minutes and start with memories. Remember something kind and good. Feel those emotions and sensations. Draw all the details of the memory in your head.
  3. Now make the picture realistic. Perhaps, with your eyes closed, flashes of light flicker in front of you? Turn them into the images you want to see. Imagine your dream in all its colors. Emotions should be bright and joyful. After composing a concrete story, a voice in my head should say: "This is what I want!"

To achieve a good result, you have to practice a little.

Visualization exercises

  1. Think about what your stove looks like. Her image should pop up in my head. This is a kind of training of consciousness to visualize memories.
  2. For deeper visualization, connect your senses. Imagine turning on the hotplate, feeling the plastic handle in your hand. Open the oven and smell the fresh pie. Feel the warmth of a switched on burner. This is visualization.
  3. In moments of relaxation and meditation, think about what you really want. For example, you live in a rented apartment and have been saving up for a private house for a long time. Imagine that you open the door of the house with your key, walk in and hang your coat on a hanger. You feel like this is your home. Perhaps, after such visualization, you will save more often and save more money for your dream.

How to make external visualization of desires? You can create a collage of dreams, a board or a map of desires, a notepad of goals. It is not only effective but also very interesting.

For a visual representation of desires, you can make a board or collage. To do this, you need to find specific pictures of what you want. For example, if you are dreaming of a cottage, cut out a photo of the desired house from a magazine and attach it to the board. Dreaming of a promotion? A photo of the boss in a solid chair is your option.

The board for visualizing desires should be made of thick cardboard, plywood or whatman paper. Images are attached to it with buttons or tape. The peculiarity of the board is that the pictures can be changed. If some wish comes true or becomes irrelevant, the photo is removed and replaced with a new one. The main thing is that she doesn't just stand in the corner of the room, but help you visualize.

The difference from the board is that the map of the visualization of desires does not change over time. When it becomes irrelevant, it is simply changed to a new one. The feature of the map is 9 Feng Shui sectors. To achieve a greater effect, it must be done on the growing moon.

Be sure to place your photo in the center of the map. And not the one where you are sad or thoughtful. The photo should be bright, lively and cheerful.

Wish card scheme




















What each square on the map stands for:

  • The center is the health zone. This is where your photo is placed.
  • Above the health zone is the glory zone. Pictures of successful people receiving awards and recognition.
  • Under the health zone is a career. Your promotion, success at work.
  • In the upper left corner is the zone. Money, money and more money.
  • Under the zone of wealth is the family. Photo .
  • The lower left corner is the zone of knowledge and wisdom. For example, photos of students receiving diplomas are posted.
  • The upper right corner is the love zone. Photos of loved ones or pictures of lovers are attached here.
  • Under the zone of love is the sector of creativity. Anything you would like to do outside of work.
  • Bottom right corner - travel, helpers. Photos of countries and cities where you would like to visit. You can also place photos of patron saints here.

Work on the size of the map. The more pictures you have, the more efficiently it will work. In order for dreams to turn into reality, you need to visualize with the help of a map at least 2 times a day. Ideally morning and evening. Or during your lunch break. Do not forget that you need to thank the Universe for making your wish come true. Like a board or a map.

Wish notebook

For this method, you will need a beautiful notebook and pen that cause pleasant emotions. It is advisable not to use the pen for other purposes, but to store it only with a notebook. Put them in a secluded place so that the household does not find it, because these are only your desires.

To activate your notebook, write down a simple, easily fulfilling wish in it. For example, “I am eating Napoleon cake.

Have you written? Go to the candy store, buy and eat it. Your wish has been fulfilled. Now you need to cross it out, and write below: “I thank the Universe for making my wish come true! May it be so! For me and for the good of everyone! " You can use your own personal wording, but gratitude must be there.

Instead of a fulfilled desire, you need to write two more. Start with the not-so-serious ones, gradually progressing to the larger ones. Express your thoughts clearly and concisely. Do not forget after each fulfilled desire to write two more and thanks.

How to apply affirmations

Affirmations are short, positive statements. They need to be spoken during meditation when you are visualizing. It is advisable to do this at the end, as if summing up.

There are several principles for drawing up correct affirmations:

  1. Short statements are more effective.
  2. Positive attitude. Without using the "not" particle.
  3. Naturalness of the statement. Phrases that are unnatural for your character and temperament are not needed.
  4. Reassure yourself that your statement is true. Doubt will destroy everything.
  5. Use assertions to create a new one. For example, your spouse doesn't understand you. You create an affirmation: "My wife understands me in everything," but it is better to give an impetus: "My wife reads books about understanding in the family."
  6. Mention the greats in your statements (God, Buddha, Universe, etc.)

Affirmations need to be repeated meaningfully, being aware of them. It is possible not only during visualization, but also in the morning, looking in the mirror. Place the affirmation stickers on it and read aloud, smiling at yourself.

Examples of successful affirmations:

  • I am beautiful and slim.
  • Everyone loves me.
  • I love myself the way I am.
  • I'm in a great mood today.
  • My job brings me great income and happiness.

There is a French saying: "Fear your desires, they can come true." Think carefully about your dreams. Is this really what you need? If you have decided, choose any of the above techniques for visualizing desires and proceed with it. Your dreams will surely come true!

Film "The Secret" - Our success is in the power of thought

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