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The correct technique for performing the gymnastic exercise is a bridge from a prone position, standing, the benefits of the element for the body.

Absolutely everyone knows about the benefits of gymnastic elements for the state of the back and posture. Everyone is familiar with one of the simplest exercises - the bridge. Despite familiarity with gymnastics, this element was performed for the last time in physical education lessons. To decide to strengthen the back with gymnastic exercises, you need to know exactly the technique of performing the bridge.

First step. We carry out the bridge from the "lying" position

For beginners, the easiest exercise option is to perform a bridge from a prone position. Before practicing in a standing position, it is required to warm up muscle groups not only of the back, but also of the whole body. This will help to avoid the damage that can be caused by "cold" muscles. The setting from the prone position is as follows.

  • You need to take a horizontal position - lie on your back on a flat surface.
  • Next, you need to bend your knees, moving your feet to the buttocks.
  • Put your hands on the palms, which should preferably be placed just above the shoulders. The fingers are turned towards the body.
  • With the help of muscle tension, the pelvic region should be gradually raised up. It must be lifted so that the body bends in the back.
  • Having received a deflection, it is required to straighten the legs at the knees and arms at the elbows.
  • To return from the stand to the starting position, it is advisable first of all to lower the shoulder blades to the floor. After the back, the buttocks descend.
  • For better fixing of the technique, it is required to repeat the exercise of the bridge from a prone position several times.

Second step. We train to get up on the bridge from the "standing" position

For those who are comfortable with the exercise from a horizontal position of the body, you can try a more complicated version - from a standing position. Just like in front of a simpler bridge, it is required to warm up and warm up the muscles.
It is not advisable to immediately try to stand on the bridge, since not everyone will be able to perform this exercise the first time. For training, you will need a wall bar or a regular wall.

  • You need to sit with your back at a distance of a little less than a meter from the chosen assistant.
  • It is required to carefully monitor the location of the legs and arms - the feet should be at the width of the shoulder joints, and the arms should be extended upward.
  • Next, you need to start bending back until the palms touch the wall.
  • Resting your palms on the wall, you need to start going down further, gradually moving your hands a few centimeters lower.
  • As a result, the hands should be on the floor, and the body should take the position of the rack.
  • In order to master the technique of performing the element, it is advisable to repeat the exercise with the wall several times.
After the bridge with the help of the wall is easy, you need to proceed to the next stage of mastering the exercise. A gymnastic mat is required for subsequent training. It is best that, in addition to the mate, there is a person who can hedge when performing the element.
How to get on the bridge from a standing position:
  • first of all, it is required to stand facing the insured person, if any;
  • the legs should be, as in the previous exercises, the width of the shoulder joints;
  • then you need to raise straight arms up;
  • after the legs are at the required level, and the arms are raised up, you can begin to bend back;
  • at the moment of tilt, the belayer should already easily support the back of the person performing the exercises;
  • it is advisable to go down as slowly as possible, excluding sharp jerks;
  • in order to return to the starting position, you need to push off the floor with your hands and, using your back, rise, also being on a safety net;
  • you should not refuse the help of a belayer until the technique of the gymnastic element of the bridge has been fully mastered.
The most common mistake among beginners is to use only the lumbar and shoulder regions for the bridge, forgetting about the arms. They are essential for this exercise.

Third step. Learning to get up correctly from the bridge to your feet

For many, learning how to get up on the bridge correctly is many times easier than returning from the rack to its original position.

How to get up from the bridge to your feet?
  • The preparatory exercise is to transfer weight in a standing position from feet to hands and vice versa. This can be achieved by gently swinging back and forth.
  • The first step in getting into a standing position is to transfer all the weight from hands to feet.
  • Further, it is required to raise the entire body with the help of the back. To make this action seem simpler, you can imagine that someone pulls up on the top of your pants or by a string tied to your stomach.
  • It is not advisable to try to pull the body forward, as the consequence can be a fall to your knees. It is necessary to strictly carry out lifting the body up.
  • For the first time from the bridge, you need to get up with a jerk. Further, when the technique of getting to your feet succeeds without much effort, it is advisable to try to rise smoothly. But for a smooth lift, you need a stronger back and abdominal muscles.

About the benefits of the bridge and how often it should be done

The gymnastic bridge is one of the simplest exercises and stances. Despite this fact, the benefits of this element are considerable. The following positive changes in the human body are taking place.
  • The muscles that fix the spinal column become stronger and stronger. With the help of these muscles, the back bends and unbends.
  • In addition to working out many of the back muscles, the muscle groups of the shoulder girdle, arms, buttocks and legs are also involved.
  • The flexibility of the spine and back muscles increases.
  • The abdominal muscles are stretched.
  • The wear resistance of the vertebral discs increases, which occurs due to the improvement of blood circulation in the tissues.

The best video tutorials. Learning to get up on the bridge with professionals

In order to get not only recommendations, but also a clear example of the implementation of various rack options, you should take the time to watch the video on how to get on the bridge.

Body beauty is not only about developed muscles, but also plasticity, therefore, in addition to strength training, it is very important to pay attention to stretching exercises and the development of flexibility. One of the best of these exercises is the bridge. This stance is a kind of test for spinal flexibility and coordination. It is not easy to learn how to perform it, but in the process of training, the level of plasticity is achieved, which is necessary for the beauty and harmonious development of the body. Consider how to get on the bridge, even if at first it seems like an impossible task. By including special exercises in the training complex, you can master the most difficult version of this stance, simultaneously developing the flexibility of the spine and improving the quality of the muscles.

Having pumped up the muscles, you can look impressive in statics, but if the joints are not flexible, the muscles are "wooden", then the movements will not have the lightness and plasticity inherent in a harmoniously developed body. The most attractive are athletes whose strength is combined with flexibility and ease of movement. The exercise bridge will help to achieve the necessary flexibility and dynamism of the figure, to acquire excellent posture.

The benefits of the bridge exercise are not limited to a positive effect on appearance. This stance has powerful healing potential.

Famous oriental healers of antiquity believed that the health and longevity of a person depends on the condition of the spine. Their correctness is confirmed by Indian yogis, practicing exercises, most of which are aimed specifically at developing flexibility and strengthening the spinal column.

Back bends develop the flexibility of the spine, strengthen the deep muscles of the back. The cartilage tissue of the vertebral discs receives the necessary substances not from the blood, but from the synovial fluid. For its inflow, active movements of the vertebrae are required. Due to the low mobility of the spinal column, its cartilage does not receive enough nutrition, and degenerative changes in the cartilage tissue begin at a young age.

Bending backwards causes the intervertebral discs to contract and stretch, acting like an internal massage. As a result, the flow of synovial fluid is ensured, and the vertebrae are actively supplied with the necessary substances. As a result, metabolic processes in the cartilaginous tissue are accelerated, and regeneration processes are started.

A strong and healthy spine is especially important in strength training, because this type of load is very traumatic. The inclusion of the bridge in the training program of athletes and bodybuilders serves as an excellent prevention of back injuries.

In addition to the beneficial effects on the spine, regular standing on the bridge helps to expand the chest, increase lung volume, and stretch the abdominal muscles. Due to the unusual position of the head, the vestibular apparatus and the vessels of the brain are trained, which serves as the prevention of cerebral circulation disorders.

The benefits of this exercise cannot be overemphasized. Plus, being able to easily get on and off the bridge from a standing position can attract admiring glances in the gym, which boosts mood and motivation.

Preparatory exercises

Attempts to make a bridge without proper preparation can result not only in failure, but also in injury. This stance requires sufficient flexibility in the spine, strength of certain muscle groups, and coordination of movements. Therefore, it is necessary to master the stance gradually, systematically performing special exercises, moving from simple to complex.

Consider the lead-up exercises to get up on the bridge. Incorporate them into your training program and you can master even the most difficult version of this stance.

This simple exercise will help strengthen the muscles in your legs, lower back, and buttocks.

Lying on your back, you need to put your legs bent at the knees slightly wider than your shoulders. Hands are relaxed on the floor. Lift your pelvis as high as possible, arching your lower back and straining your buttocks. At the same time, lean on your feet and shoulders, do not tear your head off the floor, the neck should be relaxed, otherwise injuries are possible. At the top point, linger for 1-2 seconds and lower the pelvis. Gradually increase the number of reps and sets. When you can do 3 sets of 15-20 times, proceed to the next stage of the training process.

This exercise strengthens the muscles of the arms, back, and abs. Perform it from a sitting position.

The legs lie on the floor, straightened and spread slightly wider than the shoulders. The palms rest on the floor slightly behind the body. Raise your pelvis and align your torso and legs in a straight line. At the same time, do not bend your neck, do not lower your head, look in front of you. If you cannot accept this position, you can at first bend your knees a little. Hold this pose for a few seconds. Achieve 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Bridge with support

After completing the two previous exercises, you will sufficiently strengthen the necessary muscle groups, and you can try to stand on the bridge from the support. A fitball is suitable as a support; in the absence of it, you can use an ottoman or a low bench.

Sit on the floor with your back to the support, then, resting on your feet and palms, move the middle of your back to the support. Put your hands behind your head and rest your palms on the floor, fingers directed to your shoulders. The legs bent at the knees are spread slightly wider than the shoulders. The neck is relaxed, the head is down. Extend your arms and legs at the same time, breaking away from the support and bending. Try to straighten your arms and legs as much as possible and stay in this position.

When this stance is already easy to get, then you can already master the exercise of the bridge from a prone position.

Classic bridge

Having learned how to easily get up on the bridge from the support, you can move on to working out the stand from a prone position.

Starting position: lying on your back, feet are shoulder-width apart near the buttocks, hands rest on the floor with palms on both sides of the head, fingers are directed to the shoulders. With the effort of the arms and legs, push the body up and, bending in the back, try to straighten the limbs. After you have stepped into the bridge, freeze in this position, and then return to the starting position. Practice the stance until you have achieved 15 reps on each of the two sets.

The correct technique for performing a bridge exercise must meet the following conditions:

  • The deflection in the back is maximum, the body should take the shape of an arc.
  • The arms should be straight, palms under the head.
  • The pelvis should be as high as possible and above the level of the head and shoulders.
  • Legs must be straightened, a slight deflection in the knees is allowed.
  • Breathing is even and deep, should not go astray.

The ability to stand on the bridge from a standing position looks even more impressive. It will take a little longer to learn how to do the bridge from a standing position, but your diligence will be rewarded by the fact that you can enroll in this acrobatic element in your arsenal.

To work off the bridge from the vertical rack, you will need a free section of the wall. Stand with your back to him a couple of steps away. Raise your hands up, bend back a little and rest your palms on the wall so that your fingers are pointing down. Move your hands down the wall while arching your back and lowering your head. In this case, you can bend your knees slightly. Get to the highest possible level, and by moving your hands up, return to the starting position.

Do this exercise for 8 repetitions in two sets for each workout, trying to get lower each time. When you can easily get to the floor itself and climb from this position along the wall, you can try to make a bridge from a standing position without the help of the wall.

Start practicing this stance only when you have learned to confidently do it against a wall. You need to stand up straight, put your legs a little wider than your shoulders. Raise your bent arms above your head and bend in your back while bending your knees and pushing your pelvis forward to maintain balance. The gaze is directed backward. It is necessary to bend as much as possible and see the place of "landing" of the palms. If the maximum deflection is reached, and the floor is still far away, then ask someone to hedge you around the waist. With your hands on the floor, straighten your legs and arms, and maintain balance. You can get off the bridge by raising one hand and turning over to the side.

When you learn to confidently stand up from an upright position and can easily repeat this exercise without losing balance, you can move on to the final stage of training, which will help you master the skill of lifting from the bridge.

Ascent from the bridge to a vertical position

Getting up from the bridge to your feet is perhaps the most difficult thing. But if you train hard, develop your muscles and vestibular system, then with a little exercise, you can do it.

Standing in the bridge, try to transfer your body weight to your legs by bending your knees and pushing your pelvis forward. You can "approach" your feet a little with your hands. Then, pushing off the floor with your palms and at the same time shifting the center of gravity forward, straighten up. This will take a lot of effort.

At the initial stage of mastering the ascent from the bridge, a safety net is desirable. Have someone help you stand up by supporting you at the waist. Once you understand which muscles are involved in this movement, you will soon learn to stand up on your own.

Having mastered the technique of performing the bridge and lifting out of it, work out this exercise to automatism and leave it in your training program. Performing the bridge regularly will bring many benefits to your health and beauty. But if this exercise is not performed regularly, then the acquired skill may be lost.

Hello, friends. How to stand on the bridge from a standing position is not an idle question. There are many nuances in the rules for doing this seemingly simple exercise.

We will deal with them today. And at the same time we will find out why this element is so important for our health.

Important, necessary and useful

You noticed? - nobody makes a bridge in our gyms. Train or, pump the press or - it's always welcome. But this gymnastic element is not.

Meanwhile, the bridge is not only and not so much fun from childhood, but quite a serious exercise that

  • increased blood flow to the cartilage tissue, which is located between the vertebrae
  • works the deep muscles of the back
  • expands the chest
  • helps restore the flexibility of the spine

And thanks to this, as a result:

  • reduced salt deposits
  • the likelihood of displacement of the vertebrae is excluded
  • increased lung capacity
  • improves the work and coordination of the joints

When performing the element, literally all the muscles of the body are involved: arms and legs, shoulders and neck, abdominal and chest muscles, knees and hips are working.

In general, the element perfectly strengthens the musculoskeletal corset, which protects the spinal cord - the second most important organ in our body after the brain.

A weak spine is a high risk of injury and displacement of the vertebrae, as a result of a bunch of diseases.

Thanks to the bridge, we stretch very well, and stretching helps to lose weight.

See how much use? So, urgently to the bridge!

The quieter you go, the further you'll get

However, there is no need to rush in this matter, friends. If you are an untrained person, do not be friends with the flexibility of the spine - instead of benefit, there will only be harm. Initially, you need to properly prepare for the element.

And first, let's study

The four rules of the bridge

  • Smooth, deep breathing

The more evenly you breathe, the more accurate your technique is.

  • Straight torso, maximum arched back

At the same time, the muscles are weakened, the emphasis is on the limbs.

  • The pelvis is much higher than the head

If the buttocks are located below the pelvis, or even almost touch the floor, the position is incorrect.

  • Straight arms and legs

If possible, the limbs should be as straight as possible.


This stage consists of one or two stages. You can skip the strength exercises described just below, but it's better not to do it.

Strength exercises

If you have never done this element before, experts recommend that you first train at least your knees, hips, waist and arms.

Do squats, hanging leg raises, push-ups, and abdominal exercises.

And only when you are without shortness of breath, calmly and confidently, perform these simple exercises - move on.

Warm up

Second phase. In no case can beginners do without it.

The warm-up includes exercises for the shoulder girdle, back, and lumbar spine. Including:

  • Rotations with straightened arms in different directions.
  • Tilts of the body with simultaneous stretching in the direction of the tilt of the raised arm.
  • Deflection of the back with the arms raised up in the lock - the body leans forward, the arms - back.
  • Circular body rotation. The back is straight.
  • Exercise "cat" - standing on all fours, arch your back with maximum amplitude up and down.
  • "Crawl under the crossbar" - the crossbar is virtual. Imagine her on all fours. Bend your back, as if trying to crawl under this obstacle.
  • "Basket" - lying on your back, grab your legs with your hands and, as it were, "grow" - raise your legs with your hands up.
  • Swing your legs. Kneeling, alternately swing your leg, while bending your lower back.

We get up on the bridge

Well, now it's finally the turn to start training your back.

And, before doing this from a standing position, you should learn how to climb it.

From a prone position

The technique is simple:

  • Lie on the floor (rug).
  • Knees bent at the knees, heels close to the buttocks.
  • The palms are at the very shoulders.
  • Leaning on our hands, we bend our backs and try to stand up.

On fitball

Let's call this stage "intermediate". It helps you to better train your back flexibility.

Lie with your back on the fitball. Feet at shoulder level, pull your arms forward and down, trying to reach the floor.

“Intermediate” steps are also kneeling on the bridge or from a large cushion. The rules for their implementation are about the same as in the case of fitball.

From a standing position

And here it is, the moment when we come close to our cherished goal.

There are several ways to do this gymnastic element from a standing position.

Back against the wall

Stand about 80 cm from the wall, feet shoulder-width apart.

Raise your hands up and start leaning against the wall.

Leaning against the wall, slowly go down it with your hands.

Having lowered to the floor, freeze in this position for a few seconds, then rise.

Hope only for yourself

Well, and also on the one who agrees to insure you for the first time.

Already performed without emphasis on the wall. At first, you can lower yourself not to the floor, but to the bed.

The execution technique is the same as in the case of the wall.

At the same time, remember the main rule - you should go to the bridge with your hands. Not back and shoulders. Stretch your arms forward, lowering your torso down.

After reaching the floor, freeze for a few seconds, then rise.

Tip: the closer your legs are to your hands, the better - this is how your bridge is as stable as possible.

Repeat several times.

Warm up and rise from a standing position

By exercising a couple of times a week, you will soon be able to easily get up on it without any help or extra effort.

What to remember

  • The bridge is a great opportunity to train your back muscles, become stronger, more flexible, make joints more functional and remove salt deposits. It is also a great stretch that can help you lose weight.
  • Prepare if you haven't been in physical activity for a long time. Warm up well before doing it. Have a coach, massage therapist, or your friend back up.
  • At the same time, remember that in case of problems with the joints, the spine, as well as other contraindications such as pressure, heart disease, stomach, you should never do such training on your own. In all these cases, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Do you like this item, friends? Do you know how to do it? Are the tips collected here helpful? Share in the comments! And on this I say goodbye to you. Until next time in new blog articles!

Asking the question of how to learn how to make a bridge, you should first pay attention to your physical fitness: if you are developed and you are quite athletic, you can start classes right away, if not, first take the time to exercise.

How to quickly learn how to make a bridge?

The fastest such tricks are successful for those who have developed muscles of the press, back and legs, as well as developed flexibility. So that attempts to get on the bridge do not lead to injury, first devote several weeks to preparation - for this, it is enough to attend stretching and do it. Enough of the simplest exercises - squats, push-ups, a prone bridge. When your body is strong enough, you can try to stand on the bridge.

How to learn to make a bridge from a standing position?

The basis of how to learn how to make a bridge at home is regular training. Do at least 3-5 times a week, and soon everything will work out! The actions need to be performed simple:

  1. Stand with your back to the wall, leaving a distance of 70-80 cm behind you, feet shoulder width apart.
  2. Raise your arms above your head and lean back until your fingers touch the wall.
  3. Hold, find balance, and then, fingering your fingers, lower yourself to the floor.
  4. After completing the bridge, go back in the same way - helping yourself with your hands.

Having mastered this, ideally, you can abandon the wall and move on to classes with a partner who can hedge. But remember - in the question of how to learn how to make a bridge while standing, you should not rush. Don't move on to the next stage of your workout without perfecting the first one! It is best to practice on mats. It's even easier here:

  1. Stand facing your partner, feet shoulder-width apart, arms above your head. Your partner should support your waist.
  2. Bend back and gently reach the floor.
  3. Pushing off the floor with your hands, return to the starting position.

When it will be easy to succeed, you can give up insurance and train on your own. After a while, you will be able to do this exercise easily and naturally.

In the East, the ability to perform it is considered an important indicator of physical health. This exercise is found in Taoist systems, in Shaolin kung fu, in yoga. In the West, not many are able to correctly execute it from a standing position. Typically, these are gymnasts, dancers, wrestlers and some advanced weightlifters. Most of us, unfortunately, have no idea how to get on the bridge at home. And he makes a terrible mistake. Why? Let's figure it out.

The benefits of the bridge

The most important organ in our body is the brain. He controls the operation of all other life support systems. Without impulses coming from it, other organs will not function. The spinal cord, which is a complex plexus of tiny nerves, helps maintain communication between the brain and the body. It is placed in the spinal column, to which the ligaments and muscles are attached. They are designed to protect the fragile spinal cord from damage that can lead to serious consequences, including complete paralysis.

The task of a person is to maintain the performance of the spine, to strengthen the muscles around it. Unfortunately, instead of this we lead a sedentary lifestyle, gaining extra pounds. It is not surprising that muscle flexibility is lost, a stoop appears, and the back begins to ache. Inattention to the spine can lead to displacement of discs, pinching of nerves, and malfunctioning of the body. Bridge exercise is the best way to correct distress, develop good posture, put discs back in place, improve tissue blood flow, and strengthen your deep back muscles. Thanks to him, digestion improves, the lungs begin to work at full strength, arms and legs become strong.

Preparatory exercises

The bridge does not fit well with the usual fitness workout, it is rarely seen in the gym. We devote more time to tightening the abs, muscles of the arms and legs. Therefore, most people require preparation to complete a full bridging. Do not rush to set records right away - instead of the desired benefit, you will get a ripped back.

Before exercising, you need to warm up your muscles well. To do this, do:

  • hand rotation;
  • twisting the spine to the sides;
  • stretching up;
  • backbends in the back with the head thrown back, hands on the lower back;
  • tilts forward and to the sides;
  • back bends up and down from a standing position on all fours;
  • push ups;
  • lifting the upper body from a prone position, hands clasped behind the back;
  • deflection from the same starting position during which you grab your ankles and begin to swing back and forth.

Shoulder bridge

Let's move on to the main workout. If you don't know how to get on the bridge, master the lite version first. To do this, lie on your back with your knees bent. Grasp your ankles with your hands. On exhalation, we tear off the pelvis from the floor, bend as much as possible in the back.

This is an excellent exercise for those who suffer from dislocated vertebral discs. Reduce the range of motion if pain occurs. For most people, shoulder bridging is easy. In this case, it can be a little more complicated.

Bridge on straight arms

This exercise uses more muscles. It allows you to include in the work of the hands, as well as the interscapular region. How to get on the bridge correctly? To begin, sit with your legs extended forward and your palms on the floor. Then lift your body up so that your body weight is evenly distributed between your straight arms and heels. In this case, the body forms a straight line. The head is directed towards the ceiling.

If the exercise is difficult, at first it is permissible to bend your knees. Hold at the top point for a few seconds. It is recommended to master the bridge on straight arms gradually, starting with 10 repetitions. When you get to 40 times in three sets, it's time to move on.

Lightweight bridge options

Use the tools at your disposal to prepare your body for a challenging exercise. It is known that the higher the initial position of the hull, the easier it is to stand on the bridge. Therefore, learn how to do it, starting from the table, and then from the bench (if there is none, an ordinary bed or sofa will do). Thus, arms, shoulders, and thoracic spine are strengthened.

How to stand on the bridge? First, spread your feet shoulder-width apart. Lean back by placing your upper torso on a bench or table. Bend your arms, lean on the surface, turn your fingers towards your legs. Now straighten your elbows until your head and neck are suspended. Raise your hips too. Try to see the wall behind you. Do not be upset if you cannot fully straighten your arms. Keep training and the results will come.

How to learn to get up on the bridge from a prone position?

You will need a non-slip surface to avoid injury. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Place your hands near the head, fingers pointing towards the feet, elbows facing the ceiling. Now lift your pelvis, pushing off with your limbs. An ideal bridge has 4 characteristics:

  • arched back;
  • high pelvis;
  • straight arms and legs;
  • deep, even breathing.

To achieve them, you need strong back muscles, good mobility of the joints of the arms and legs, and a resilient diaphragm. Go to this gradually. For a start, it's okay to put a pillow, soccer ball, or rolled blanket under your back. Straighten your arms and legs as much as you can. To properly distribute the load between them, wiggle slightly. Do all movements smoothly.

Reduce the distance between your arms and legs over time. You will notice that the bridge exercise is much easier this way. Only after mastering this stage, you can move on to the next.

This exercise is always scary. For insurance, use a regular wall for the first time. Stand with your back to her at arm's length. Leaning back, touch the wall with your hands up. Turn your fingers down and begin to carefully move along the wall, arching your back. Knees and arms should be bent. Take your time. You will have to move away from the wall a little as you descend. As a result, the hands should touch the floor, and the body should bend in a full bridge.

How to get on the bridge from a standing position without the help of a wall? You need a gym mat or a regular mattress that can protect you if you fall. If there is a helper willing to back you up, that's just fine. Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms up. Bend back slowly, moving your hips forward. Throw your head back. Seeing the floor beneath you, gently lower yourself onto straight arms. Remember that this exercise requires a good arch in your back. If you bend your knees instead, you will fall. Walk to the bridge with your hands, not your shoulders.


How to get out of the "bridge" position? This task requires good preparation. First, learn to go down and up the wall by "walking" with your hands. Flexibility is more important here than strength. To master the ascent without supporting the wall, stand facing it at a short distance. Place the mat on the back. This will insure you against falling back and forth.

The lift is performed by transferring the weight to the legs, bending the knees more. We move the pelvis forward, lift our fingers off the floor and straighten ourselves using the muscles of the back, abdomen and legs. Hands are near the ears all the time. Don't pull them forward. The exercise is easier to perform if your legs are wider apart.

After learning how to get up on the bridge, start training. Remember: through exercise, you will gain not only strength and good stretching, but above all a healthy spine. He is the framework that ensures the correct functioning of the rest of the organs. Take care of your body, and it will respond to you with good health.