How to get rid of the gigolo. How Rejected Men Get Revenge on Women: Real Stories. Look your demons in the eye

Nothing makes a woman more insane than words of love.

Well, okay, more discounts under 80% for underwear and White light refrigerator in a dark kitchen. Otherwise, women, as being exceptionally exalted, are extremely greedy for the speech of vicious handsome men.

Meeting a gigolo is like getting sick with mumps at an advanced age.

Theoretically, this could have happened, but somehow such an absurdity did not even occur to me. And each of you, dear ones, is sure: “Don't I tell a normal guy from an avaricious greedy guy ?! Just spit! ”.
Another, at least for chewed mimosa, instead of normal colors... But in reality, everything is not so simple. Professional gigolos disguise themselves perfectly.

Manipulation, dust in the eyes - their direct specialization. Do you seriously think you can compete with a professional?

And do not blame yourself if such a friend managed to crawl into your heart... If you have exposed him, it is very easy to get rid of the gigolo.

Just say: "Bye, dear!". And then put his things in a leaky bag and send them back to Mom.

How to understand that there is a gigolo next to you?

They have several distinctive features... If you find one thing in your man, this is not an indicator. If there are more than one coincidence, the gigolo is next to you.

He does not work

But if you are unhappy, this bait does not really save you.

Okay, exposed. How to get rid of it?

You can, of course, have some fun. Pretend to be a homeless woman, complain in response to his whining, arrange checks and scandals. But why? You will be wasting your time.

Openly, have a serious talk with him and lay out whatever you think. Honestly. One serious conversation will be enough. If a man values ​​you, he will do everything to prevent this humiliation from happening again.

If nothing has changed or has changed for a short time, give him a path to an open and hospitable world. Let him go to win new women's hearts and wallets.

Even if you love. You will suffer for a while, but for the rest of your life you will save yourself from the role of a draft horse. And feelings - they will pass.

Look your demons in the eye

Watch his back as he leaves. Look and think. Why are you attracted to him? What attracted you to him? Why was it so hard to let go? What weakness was he covering up with himself?

Perhaps - recognition, admiration, warmth. Or maybe he was covering the black hole of your insecurity.

Think seriously. If you solve the riddle, this story will never happen again. And most importantly, you will forget it much earlier. Even before he turns the corner.

A completely optional rule when freeloaders follow wealthy ladies. Ordinary girl, with the most average income, can become an ideal target for a parasite who, without remorse, will sink his hands deep into her wallet.

On this topic

There is suspiciously a lot of talk in your couple about money, about your money. You compared the facts and understood: he is a real gigolo. Love or wallet? What if your man loves not you, but your money? .РФ "Nina Arinina.

First of all, let's find out: who are gigolos? What can betray a money hunter in a man? Here are a few classic signs that you are dealing with gigolo:

Gallant, young and handsome.

As a rule, these characteristics are inherent in the "classic" gigolo. It's young enough and handsome man, he dresses by latest fashion and behaves unusually gallant. He is a romantic, he guesses all your desires and knows what to say. Of course, this does not mean that all men who fit the description should be suspected of mercantile interests. But if interest in your money is added to these characteristics, then suspicions are not unfounded.

Honey, I forgot my wallet again.

You start paying more and more for you in restaurants, in the cinema, in the store - everywhere. He generally stops investing in you, but only uses your resources. At first, he may pay for you, but over time, the wallet is forgotten more and more often. And then it turns out that he has financial difficulties and he urgently needs help. And who, if not a dear person like you, will help him? Then he will definitely return everything!

Please lend me a million.

Well, how can you not help your loved one in difficult moment? Especially if he asks so strongly about it. But, mind you, he constantly has these difficult minutes, and the request for financial assistance is sometimes obscenely high. These are either some catchy problems related to the family or with a business that is about to unfold, and you will heal with it. The most dangerous and obvious sign that your beloved is a gigolo, - requests for a loan, a large amount of money and other dubious proposals to manipulate your property or money.

When is a relationship with gigolo dangerous?

Shot from the movie "Womanizer"

Again, it is worth distinguishing between gigolo as a model / lifestyle and radical forms - fraud. The second option is the most dangerous. These are all those stories about how he re-registered an apartment and left his beloved homeless, took out a loan for a woman and disappeared, etc. speech. A person simply wants to deceive you, leave you with nothing.

Most often, this type of fraudulent gigolo can be calculated by the following criteria:

  • he asks to get a loan for you, explaining in every possible way why he cannot for himself.
  • he offers to manipulate your property - register it in an apartment, register a car for it, etc.
  • he is interested in your savings (where do you keep, your card number and pin code).

Remember: it is one thing to support a person and help him financially, another thing is to manipulate your property and money. This is much more serious and can end sadly for you. Therefore, if you feel that your beloved has started talking about a loan or the pin code of your card he remembers better than your date of birth, it’s time to think about the future and the safety of your finances.

Should you continue your relationship with gigolo?

Shot from the movie "Womanizer"

Let's be honest: most women, in one way or another, understand who they are dealing with. Some, of course, are under the illusion that he will actually return all the money and will soon take her to the beautiful castle, as promised. But this is a story about a case when you do not understand or do not want to believe that the gigolo is nearby - if anything, look again at point 1.

For some women, the connection with gigolo is a kind of model of relationship with a man. It is so easy for her to be comfortable and calm. She keeps everything under control and knows for sure that he will not go anywhere. Such a relationship is a kind of tacit contract, where everyone fulfills their responsibilities. She provides him, and he gives her love, attention, does housework, comes up with ideas for dates, etc. What's wrong with that, especially if this way of relationship is a conscious and mutual decision?

By the way, Hollywood actor Ashton Kutcher once tried on the image of a young gigolo in the film "Womanizer". True, at the end of the picture, the main character was punished by life, but she also taught wisdom. Perhaps there are no incorrigible people ...

Fabulous romance, passionate declarations of love and vows to live long, happily and die in one day ...

Everything is fine, but your soul is restless?

He has already been in your apartment, but his identity is unknown to you, and only you pay the bills consistently? Coincidence or secret intent?

Be carefull! It may be a male gigolo, how to recognize him on early stage relationship and not fall for his "bait"?

What a prejudice that successful woman no one is able to love.
But what about gigolos ?!

Why do men become gigolo and women become their victims?

Every woman dreams of being loved and the only one in the life of a man dear to her. But not many of us got the perfect childhood experience by capturing adult life bonuses such as self-confidence, feeling dignity and a sober view of being. Therefore, sometimes the need to be needed by someone is so strong that it makes a woman blind.

A short historical excursion

Aggravated the situation and female emancipation... We wanted so much to become independent and equal to men that they achieved their goal ... This phenomenon gave a strong impetus to the ubiquitous heroes and knights, many of whom initially resisted, and then decided that it was even more convenient.

This gave rise to new class men - Alfonsov. Who is the gigolo? This is a man who benefits from a woman (usually material) by establishing emotional and physical contact with her. However, it would not be entirely fair to assume that they appeared only in the 20th century.

The very concept of "gigolo" appeared in our country thanks to Alexander Dumas-son, who in 1873 wrote the comedy novel "Monsieur Alphonse". The book tells the story of a man who lived on the maintenance lung women behavior.

Thus, there were men eager to live off the fair sex both in the 19th century and much earlier.

We all come from childhood

There is another reason for the appearance of gigolos. A woman who has claims to a man in connection with his failure and infantilism should carefully look at who she is raising her son. Who is the gigolo?

This is a man who is unable to take responsibility for his own life and the lives of other people (members) - victims of strong and domineering mothers who decide everything and always, or excessively lisp with his sons, not being able to accept the fact of his inherent masculinity.

Signs of a gigolo

Understanding the reasons for this type of men, of course, helps to imbue empathy. But it is in our interests, first of all, to save our own heart and wallet. It is unlikely that this mysterious guy will tell you directly about his intentions.

Vigilance and knowledge of the behavioral features of the "weakened" representatives of the stronger sex will help to calculate the lie. Gigolo man - how to recognize?

1. Complete absence or minimal investment in a woman with the active consumption of her resources

This is the first and main sign of a gigolo and it can manifest itself in various ways... These can be direct requests to give money free of charge or in debt, or (oh, horror!) To take on a loan for him, which, at the same time, he does not pay.

Alphonse can live in a woman's apartment without investing in it, empty her refrigerator without participating in its replenishment, drive her car, use the connections of his victim. In the latter case, there may be an obsessive interest in the business, work and social circle of a woman, persistent requests to meet someone of interest to him.

2. Disarming attentiveness and courtesy

Perhaps you will feel that this is the same man you have always dreamed of, that you literally "waited for Him." How do gigolos behave? These men are gentle and romantic, extremely adventurous and original, they will try to predict your desires, well, more precisely, those that do not require financial investments.

This is the very sign that prevents a woman from determining true face her new friend, because he will apply all his abilities and skills (body language, basics female psychology maybe even) so that you "peck". And a woman in love is an unarmed woman.

3. Lack of interest in your problems

Or flight if they occur. At least you won't wait for it active participation in resolving your troubles. The maximum is a verbal expression of sympathy. But, more often than not, in the event of problems for his victim of a financial nature, the man quickly disappears.

4. Suddenly emerging misfortunes and troubles

But this hero-lover may well have unforeseen circumstances in the form of bankruptcy, robberies, loss of a wallet immediately after the end of a short "candy-bouquet" period. And he is not at all ashamed to come to you for help. If a woman is led to these tearful requests, this meeting, to her great surprise, may be the last.

5. Lack of a holistic picture of his personality and life

He asks you a lot about your life (sometimes with passion), listens with interest. But when it comes to his own, he gets by with a few phrases and quickly changes the subject. Therefore, many victims of gigolos are surprised to discover that having told the whole story about themselves, they know practically nothing about their “dear friend”.

We expose and get rid of the gigolo

Have you found a similarity between the descriptions of this kind of lover heroes and your partner's behavior? The right decision in this situation, it would be running without looking back. But this is not always easy. How to deal with such a person? How to get rid of gigolo?

A man of this type will disappear from your field of vision by himself if you apply one of the following methods:

  • If you feel a trick, ask a few direct questions "head-on" concerning his life, financial and social status in society. This time, don't take long answers and ask for specifics. Ask about his work, past and present, about his housing, relationships with women and friends.

    If you were already close, you have the right to receive answers to these questions. If not, but you suspect him of a gigolo, the reaction to questions can expose the fraudster and help preserve your peace of mind.

  • Most efficient method getting rid of the gigolo, it is also a test for a man - an announcement that you are in serious financial difficulties, for example, it can be a layoff at work, bankruptcy, a fictitious arrival of relatives who will allegedly live in your apartment.

    If a man's attitude towards you is serious, he will use all his strength and capabilities to resolve your difficulties, but if he is a gigolo, he will lose all interest and go in search of a new victim.

  • If you live together, be open about your intention to halve bills and operating expenses. Stop paying for it in in public places... In the same way, you can correctly deny him a request, for example, to introduce him to the person he needs.

    A decent man will understand you, even if he is somewhat upset by the refusal and this will not affect further development relationships. For the gigolo, this will be a sign of your unsuitability for further "cooperation", he may even get angry in response, but soon, nevertheless, he will isolate himself.


"Who is a gigolo man and how to recognize him?" - questions that any woman may face sooner or later, regardless of her social status and standard of living. No matter how rapidly progress develops, the nature of a woman remains unchanged - she is trusting and knowledgeable.

Nevertheless, so that you do not have to collect the pieces of your heart and mend holes in the budget formed with the help of the gigolo, be vigilant and attentive when choosing a life partner, listen to your innate intuition.

Why be surprised that there are male gigolos. We are not at all embarrassed by the fact that besides businessmen there are also business women. The world is turned upside down and so social phenomenon as a male gigolo is already in the order of things.

There are among lovely ladies quite successful kept women who are just happy that they exist that way. Likewise, immature youths are trying to settle in this world at the expense of mature, established women.

Moreover, wealthy ladies are not at all against constant admiration for their beauty, sincere conversations and the opportunity to take care of and raise someone. Such an alliance is harmonious if both parties understand who is who and do not try to manipulate each other.

It's a shame when ordinary average women fall for the bait of such fellows, give them literally everything they have acquired by back-breaking labor, and only after what happened do they realize that they have run into the gigolo.

If you are not too young, lonely, or the children already live separately from you and are at least relatively financially secure or have a good job, then you should know that you may be on the hook.

How to recognize and calculate gigolo

  1. Too well-groomed, "perfumed", with excellent manicure and tanning, a young man under 35 is always dressed up to date.
  2. The manner of maintaining a conversation is soft, unobtrusive.
  3. Being interested in your problems and life, he listens very attentively, supports everything, sympathizes, and at this time he learns how things are going with you.
  4. Alphonse loves to complain about his alleged heartfelt dramas and assures that he has never met you better.
  5. Such a man behaves like a true gentleman with excellent manners. Always anticipates your desires and will never be indignant at your request.

Types of male gigolos

  • Romantic image gallant gentleman, always mysterious, ala Zorro or 007. Some kind of innuendo, makes a fog in his eyes. Expensive clothing, watches, shoes, maybe even a nice car. At first, he can give a bouquet or pay for coffee in a cafe. And then as on schedule: lost or stolen wallet, sick mother, car broke down or apartment robbed. And by inertia, the victim is ready to pity and pity him.
  • Inetovskie gigolos are even more dangerous than real ones. A woman may never even see him, there will be someone else's photo and usually one or two. Anxious letters, calls and admiration will achieve a response. And if, by stupidity, the lady sends the “lover” the card number or intimate photos, then bankruptcy or blackmail and extortion are guaranteed.
  • Many modern men turned into home gigolos. The wife pulls the house and family on herself, and he lies on the couch, complaining that there is no work for him. Periodically, the house gigolo has something painful. He does nothing around the house, arguing that only specialists can change the faucet or insert a lock well and efficiently. He subjugates a woman, lowering her self-esteem and repeating that no one else needs her like that.

How to get rid of

From home is almost impossible. Not only that, most women are accustomed to living in such conditions and do not perceive such behavior, both alphonsism and the survivors themselves. critical moment change the shell in a cardinal way (they say passionate words, wash the dishes and get a job for a couple of months) until the storm subsides.

Many of us, dear girls listening to dramatic stories of girlfriends about unhappy love and disappointed expectations, they think that this will never touch us personally in real life.

When we fall into our hands motley page gloss with the sad story of our predecessors about how the male gigolo broke another woman's heart, we sigh sympathetically, but do not take into account - we are not in danger! And that's why we don't think about how to recognize a gigolo?

And in vain, scammers-gigolos are everywhere, the enemy is armed and very dangerous.

Do not attract the gigolo to you, you deserve the best!

Most girls naively believe that only young millionaires with a round bank account become victims of gigolos, own business and property around the world, and a vivid example of this is. Moreover, they are as close as they are rich, and are just waiting to be fooled. But no.

In our time of degradation of the male sex, the consumer attitude towards women has reached such proportions that it is becoming the norm, and gigolos have sometimes become more modest in their needs. As with any business, their craft has its own segments.

Beginner gigolos middle hand will always find something to profit from next to herself an ordinary girl... This means that any of us is under threat. Women of various social strata, ranks and external data fall into the field of view of dishonest handsome men, because these lovers of an easy life are not always pros, sometimes men become gigolos because of difficult situations, love of acting, or simply because light novels at your expense - familiar style their lives. So anyone can become an object. And this means that by understanding how to recognize the gigolo, you will save yourself from many troubles.

However, there are some traits that potential victims have in common. Despite the presence of a couple of higher educations, a mobile intellect and a broad outlook, these girls are always disappointed in love, suffer from a lack of attention to themselves, are extremely impressionable, romantic, compassionate and “love with their ears,” as they say. If these " weak spots»Do not cover with iron armor in time - expect trouble. However, "forewarned is forearmed", less lyrics, more common sense - and it is quite possible to save yourself from unnecessary suffering in future. Take a closer look at your prince.

Is it about him? There is a reason to think ...

Actually exists great amount characteristic features behaviors that a male gigolo impersonates. With just a little observation, you will understand how to recognize a gigolo.

All these dangerous symptoms described many times in magazines, but we still come across, so we will only touch on some of the main ones, which, unfortunately, have been tested on ourselves.

He is extremely considerate of you.

Looks deeply into the eyes, listens to the most different stories from your life, sympathizes with all your problems - from a sick parrot to starving children in North Africa, nods in agreement and meaningfully the right places- in general, it can endlessly maintain a dialogue, expressing a wild interest in your person.

It is difficult to say whether this is being done intentionally or the ability to adapt to you to your advantage is an innate talent that any gigolo guy possesses, but as a result of your such verbal and emotional striptease, he knows everything about you.

And now, with a sinking heart, you understand that you have met your reflection, your “half”, a person who understands perfectly, but what can I say - you have been looking for only him all your life!

Its merits are endless

As the saying goes, “how many times have they told the world,” but it works all the same. The desire of a woman to be loved is so great and reckless that phrases like "my soul, you are so beautiful .." or "I think about us all the time" turn off the brain completely, and the question of how to recognize the gigolo disappears by itself.

How is this cute guy different from ex-husband who, after a working day, two extra hacks and a sleepless night near the child's crib, sat silently gloomily in front of the TV and did not listen to you at all! How touching and beautiful it all is against the backdrop of a soulless ex-spouse who, to all your tantrums, sadly said only “don’t freak out, I’ll decide, these are not your problems ..” and decided after all ... but where is the relationship of souls? !!

And here - here you are, I've been waiting all my life ... Balm for wounds, real honey in our ears, so tired of male indifference.

Directly the gigolo guy never asks for anything

It would be too easy. Against! You are just a goddess, an angel who came down from heaven, who extended a helping hand to him in difficult times, for which he will be grateful to you all his life and of course one day he will return everything with huge percentages, since you deserve only the best.

He explains his own inconsistency with anything that can arouse the pity and compassion of your compassionate soul. More often than not, this is treacherous deceit ex-wife, to whom he gave his life, and in return she deprived him of his home and everything "acquired by overwork", as well as eternal problems with work due to the fact that the cruel world is not able to appreciate the real genius.

Over time, you realize that he is absolutely indifferent to other people's problems.

By behavior, as has been proven more than once, it is easiest to recognize a gigolo. He constantly complains about everything in the world - that he is unlucky in this life, that no one understands him, that no one appreciates him, that there is inflation all around, that it is raining outside the window, that the neighbor's dog gnawed his only weekend shoes, etc. The woman readily undertakes to decide his problems, but as soon as she hints about her troubles, her boyfriend immediately becomes not interested in the conversation, and he will never budge to help at least something.

There is nothing to say about such banal things as the constant chronic lack of money in the wallet, this is by itself the first positive answer to the alarming question of how to recognize the gigolo. The reasons are different, the essence is the same.

How to get rid of gigolo?

Most The best way fighting a drone is, of course, just not letting it into your life. If you are already involved in this connection, it's time for an elementary experiment - never, under any circumstances, pay for a man, more will not be required.

As soon as the financial flow is cut off, problems in the relationship will immediately begin, the beloved gigolo guy will start to act up, hysteria, lecture about selfless love and female commercialism.

Of course, over time, he himself will evaporate from your life, but your nerves will tremble - he will cling to you, press on pity, fill up with sms and suffer demonstratively. Therefore, it is better to get rid of him abruptly and even roughly, so that he does not have time to again catch on to any of your weak spots.

Of course, many authors consider this topic controversial - they say, trust your heart, no matter what form of relationship, as long as you like it. But in reality it is self-deception. Indeed, at the heart of these relationships is not love, but not a very clean calculation, and this means that you will have to wait all your life from loved one betrayal.

He will always be looking for the best.

If, God forbid, for some reason you are not able to provide the required standard of living, he will instantly turn from an adorer into a cynical rogue and leave without any regret. First he will find richer, then richer and more beautiful, then richer, more beautiful and younger.

So if you have a lot extra money, nerves of steel and a disdainful attitude towards men - an affair with a gigolo will not spoil your mood, but still you don't need it better.

False feelings devalue our life and destroy our soul, and we deserve to be loved! We hope our tips will help you understand how to recognize a gigolo, and you will never find yourself in his networks.