How to find a girl for a serious relationship. Where to find a girl: effective places to look

With the onset of a certain age, many guys begin to seriously think about where to find a good girl who will be interested in a serious relationship and starting a family. There are a large number of places where you can meet girls of different age categories and with different outlooks on life. Which of them are the most popular and what categories of girls can be found in them?


Modern youth prefers communication in social networks and in chat rooms. To meet a girl, you can use this method. In order to find her, it is enough just to monitor the pages of your acquaintances and friends from your hometown in order to select a suitable passion. As soon as there is one, you can start communicating with her - everything is quite simple.

By the way, you can find not only young girls on social networks - at the moment, women who are at a fairly serious age also have their own pages in them, so adults, but single men can also try to look for the love of their life on the Internet.

In order for dating girls on the network to be the most successful, you must correctly fill out your profile, indicating the maximum amount of truthful information about yourself. This is especially true for sections that talk about interests and hobbies. The photo must also be real.

Parties and themed events

Another option for a place where you can find a girl is some kind of theme party. As a rule, more people are chosen for such events who want to find their soul mate. Among them, of course, there are girls. If you wish, you can freely approach the person you like and start a conversation at ease - she will definitely support him if you behave confidently.

If you make acquaintances at thematic events, then in this case the guy may know about the interest of the fair sex - otherwise why would she come to an event of this particular theme?

Public transport

Every day, heading somewhere, guys may not even suspect that they are in a place where you can easily get acquainted with girls - this is a crowded public transport. It doesn't matter what it is - subway, bus, trolley bus, fixed-route taxi or something else - it always has the fair sex, one of which can become a soul mate for life.

It is also very easy to make new acquaintances at stops. Often, beautiful girls stagnate on them while waiting for transport - at such moments it is very easy to start communication with him. As soon as the stranger's bus arrives, you can take advantage of the situation and go in her direction, continuing to communicate. Who knows: maybe you will be on the way?

Public catering establishments

During the lunch break, you can also find a smart and beautiful girl, for which you just need to look into a cafe or restaurant - the fair sex is always present in such establishments. Some of them come to such places not only to eat. They also want to meet young and interesting guys.

Before you start a conversation with the girl you like, you can treat her with something or offer to pay her bill, after making a positive impression on her. As practice shows, in this case, there are practically no refusals to get acquainted.

shopping complex

In any major city in Russia there are large shopping malls, which are equipped not only with shops, but also with recreation areas, places for entertainment - these are ideal places where you can find the girl of your dreams.

As a rule, such places are visited by a huge number of women girls per day. Among them there are many beautiful ones who prefer to visit expensive shops and salons - it is quite possible to get acquainted with them. If desired, the guy has the opportunity to take the girl to some entertaining place and immediately get to know each other better, make a positive impression.


Recently, going to the gym has become popular. Often in such places couples form, and then families. The gym is a place where finding a beautiful girl with a great figure will not be difficult. By the way, many guys start going to the gym just to find a suitable passion for themselves, which in practice is a very right choice.

When visiting this place for dating, a guy may assume that one of the girl's hobbies is sports and a healthy lifestyle. From this topic, you can start a conversation with her, and only later look for other points of contact, if, of course, this is needed.


A nightclub is a place that is often visited by both boys and girls for dating. Establishments of this kind are perfect as places where you can find a girl, and, most likely, she will be bright, stylish, well-groomed and with an active lifestyle. As a rule, the fair sex also loves fun and parties, which also needs to be taken into account, so if a guy is a homebody by nature, then it’s best not to look for your beloved there - you can choose a quieter and more peaceful place.


If a guy does not know where to find a good girl, he can always turn to friends and acquaintances for help. Each of them has its own separate social circle, in which, of course, there are representatives of the fair sex. If you wish, you can visit some kind of friendly party, where a large number of interesting representatives of the fair sex will gather.

Also, many experienced guys, before thinking about where to find a beautiful girl, recommend remembering all their acquaintances of the fair sex. Perhaps among them there is some attractive person with whom you can try to build a serious relationship?

Shops with women's goods

The original place where you can find a girl is a women's clothing or cosmetics store. Only in this case it is necessary not to place it, but to get a job there. To do this, of course, it will be necessary to study some issues related to such work, but the attention of young and beautiful ladies is guaranteed. It will be possible to start acquaintance with each of them without much difficulty - she will even show some interest in the sales guy who will recommend this or that thing to her. In addition, in such an environment, it will be possible to give the beauty a few pleasant compliments that will definitely not leave her indifferent.

Other places

Where to find your soul mate? Of course, in the place where the girls "live"! There are actually a lot of places like this. For example, any guy can get a job at a sorority, a catering establishment, or a beauty salon. There are a considerable number of guys who are professionally engaged in applying makeup, cosmetics, hair coloring or nail extensions. Their clients are exclusively women and young girls, with whom you can always get to know and keep in touch. Perhaps among them there will be one, the only one!

A great opportunity to start an active search for your love is to get a massage therapist or doctor. The level of communication with women of different ages among representatives of such professions is also quite high.

Culture places

If a guy is a fan of art and wants to get a highly educated girl with common interests as a companion, it is best to go not to a nightclub, but to some exhibition or museum. It will be very good if it will be some sensational out-of-town project, which many people want to get on.

Another place where finding a girl for a serious relationship is not difficult is the theater. As a rule, only girls with a special warehouse of intellect and outlook on life go to such places. Therefore, if a guy belongs to the category of lovers of such art, then he should look for a mate for himself in such places.


Girls often go to such events, and some of them are in the company of their girlfriends. If you want to start a conversation with the person you like, you can simply sit down with her and ask what she thinks on a particular issue that was raised during the event. Also, the guy has the opportunity to discuss with the girl some points that could arise during the event, and after it is over, invite her to spend time in a cafe or restaurant.

It will be very good if the guy chooses a training or other educational event according to his interests, because it will be attended by girls who will have similar problems or views - having common ground will help develop the relationship in the right direction.

How to impress a girl

In order for the acquaintance to take place and have some kind of continuation, the guy must impress the chosen one. To do this, you need to know what women want to see in the men who are next to them.

As a rule, among the representatives of the weaker sex, the overwhelming majority has a desire to get an accomplished and independent man, strong in spirit and mind. In addition, external data at the first meeting are also of no small importance. Therefore, when asking questions about where to look for a girl, you should also pay attention to your appearance. In particular, this applies to neatness, accuracy.

During the acquaintance, you can make some pleasant gestures and thereby draw her attention to yourself. For example, you can give a stranger a hand when leaving the transport or offer to pay her bill in a cafe. In addition, acquaintance with a beautiful girl can be started with a simple compliment that will definitely make her smile at the guy.

If you do not have a girlfriend, then the question naturally arises: where to find her? Not all places are good for finding a new girlfriend, and each has its own characteristics.

Before you start looking for a girl, you should answer the question: why do I need a girl? Goals can be very different. Someone is looking for a girl for a relationship, someone for sex, and someone just needs a girlfriend to cry in a vest (although this happens infrequently).

By the way, if you are looking for a girl for an easy relationship, you can read the article that I wrote earlier. By the way, finding a girlfriend for sex is actually much easier than for long-term communication. Indeed, in this case, you don’t really need to talk, and you may have little in common, which will not interfere with intimacy.

Where to find a good girl for a guy


Online dating is gaining more and more popularity. People meet both on specialized sites and in social networks like After all, almost any girl has her own page today.

But meeting a good girl online is actually much more difficult than in real life. Why?

Firstly, every more or less pretty person is approached and written by a lot of guys almost daily. You will have to stand in a long line.

Secondly, due to the popularity of online dating, there is more and more competition every day. After all, you don’t need to write in VK special courage, unlike the approach in real life.

If you still decide to meet on the Internet, then keep in mind that photos are 95% of your success. And not at all what you write. If you have cool pictures, then you can start a banal conversation with Hello! How are you? And the girl will eventually leave you a number.

But we are not looking for easy ways, and move on to the next item.

Places of interest.

Now that's much more efficient. Think about what interests you in life. For example, you listen to the band Linkin Park and are going to go to a concert. And there you can find a girl with whom you will have at least one cool common hobby. It is quite easy to get acquainted in such an environment: you say hello, ask her opinion about what is happening, introduce yourself and ask her name.

It can be not only concerts, but also interest societies, intellectual games, sports sections, hiking, etc. Just look around and see who's around you.

The outside.

My favorite place. After all, on the street you can find absolutely any girl. You will have no competition for her, and if you make a good confident approach, she will appreciate your courage and courage. After all, 5 percent of guys can come up on the street and adequately get to know each other.

Yes. This is hard. Especially when there is no experience. But if you set out to improve your life qualitatively and find a cool girl, then a wide field for action opens up.

An important point. It is better to get acquainted in the interval from lunch to the end of the working day, when the girl returns from work or school. Firstly, at this time they are without girlfriends, and you can easily start chatting tête-à-tête. Secondly, they have reduced the so-called level of protection from guys.

That is why many do not like to get acquainted in the evening, when the girl dressed up for a walk and took at least one friend with her.

To better understand how to meet on the street, watch the video

Catering establishments. Cafes, restaurants, etc. Can be used as an option. But as acquaintances "in life". And not specifically going to cafes in search of a girl 🙂.


Not the best place to find a girl for a relationship. Although anything can happen, there are several factors working against you here. First, again, high competition for beautiful girls. Secondly, you should not get acquainted in a state of alcoholic intoxication: it changes consciousness, and you do not quite adequately perceive the world around you and people. And thirdly, not all girls go to clubs. And you are missing the category of truly interesting and well-rounded people. Not that only stupid people go to clubs, but the trend is clear 😀 . In addition, usually people in such places behave unnaturally, with feigned pathos, and it can be extremely difficult to understand who is who.


To find a good girl, you should practice daily in communicating with the female sex. After all, if your communication skills leave much to be desired, then you can only interest simpletons.

Don't focus on one particular person. And, when a steady flow of communication with new girls appears, one fine moment you will realize that one of them is exactly what you need.

And then, perhaps, you will remember that you met her in a place where you did not expect to find your love at all 😉 .

Today, probably, most guys are asking this question: how to find a girl for a serious relationship? And to be a real friend for many years, a like-minded person, a good mother to future children, an understanding and caring person. And even if long-term relationships do not lead to marriage, even if they end in separation, but in order to stay together as long as possible, the chosen one must be as reliable as a hypothetical wife. But where to meet such a girl? Let's try to answer this puzzle.

Conversations. It's hard to talk to stupid people. If keeping up a conversation with her seems like real torture for you, then most likely you are not a couple. Even the cutest face will quickly get bored if a girl cannot talk to you on an equal footing. This applies not only to "silly people", but also to arrogant persons who initially put themselves above the rest. What is it like to feel like a "henpecked" when the relationship, in general, has not yet begun! Whims. If your chosen one lives only one day and whims, then perhaps she is still a child and is simply not ready for a relationship? If she is extremely dear to you, then you can wait. This, of course, is old-fashioned - this was done in the century before last, when a wealthy man could wait five or six years until his young chosen one, clearly of school age, matures. But who said that this is not your option. And now there are quite happy marriages between a professor and a student. And even if you and her are not so in terms of physical age, but in terms of moral, but a girl can someday overcome this teenage capriciousness. If you are ready not only to meet, but also to educate this “child” a little, then you can try.

Is it right to choose only beautiful girls when searching?

But no! First of all, because your own concepts of beauty may change over time. They say that you cannot build life with a face or a figure, and this is an occasion to pay attention to the beauty of the soul. By the way, you can also fall in love with the “gray mouse”, if she suddenly hooked with a well-aimed word or showed such helplessness that you had the opportunity to act as a noble knight. And if she can support this feeling in you - that you are needed, in demand and in general - a superman, then bravo to the “gray mouse”! Just don’t get carried away yourself and don’t try to provide the same services to the first beauty, because she can let you know that you are not a knight, but her slave. Of course, if the beauty is not proud, then you can make friends with her first. The main thing is mutual understanding, and not pride in having some kind of “treasure”.

I want to meet the girl of my dreams

So we got to the moment when we will tell you exactly how you can find a girl for a serious relationship: Vkontakte or dating site In the age of the Internet, many people get to know each other this way. Moreover, many families create, starting with a dating site. The advantages are obvious: if you are embarrassed to get acquainted, then on a dating site it is not so strongly felt. The disadvantages include the inability to immediately assess who is on the other side of the chat: the girl of your dreams or another disappointment, if not a scammer at all? Make new friends while walking around the city Walking around the city, you can meet a lot of pretty girls. Of course, they may be busy or not have a desire to get acquainted, but at least one of them will surely respond to your offer. You just have to start and wait. Of course, you should not approach everyone in a row, but if you liked the girl, why not decide? The main thing is not to be too importunate, so as not to frighten away this creature with your assertiveness. A butterfly should not feel that its wings are about to collapse. You should not become for her a spider, deftly spreading the net. The companion also has the right to think. Leave it for this time and wait until this timeout ends. Try to just meet her in this place and entertain her with innocent conversations. Ease and understatement - that's what will push her to seek meetings and try to get to know each other better. Pay attention to the girls from your environment (work, study, company) Maybe that's where your happiness lies. Moreover, if you know each other, then you can probably know if this or that girl has a boyfriend or if she is free. Either way, it's better than guessing.

Trust in God, but don't make a mistake yourself Having found a more or less suitable girlfriend, do not rush to lead her down the aisle. A lot of marriages fail because spouses decide too early that they are right for each other. It is better to wait first, then to understand whether you get along or not? After all, a serious relationship implies the creation of a family, and even the appearance of children ... It’s better to think it over and check everything in advance than to suffer from the wrong choice later.

How to find the right woman to start a family

So, let's say you have found a worthy young lady that you love, you have already arranged a girl for a serious relationship, but you still don't know if this is the one with whom you want to share your fate? How to understand? What should you pay attention to?
    Honesty. Nobody likes liars, right? Think about it, can you live with someone who constantly lies to you? Therefore, be honest yourself, and look for a girl to match. Loyalty. Even one betrayal can destroy a marriage. Even in our enlightened times, treason is sometimes even killed ... And somewhere treason is even a criminal offense for which punishment is due, up to the death penalty. But on your part, the ability to forgive will be required, especially if the sudden betrayal was provoked by your own behavior. Sometimes a girl can cheat in retaliation if it seemed to her that you could not miss a single skirt or make eyes at a particular person. Be faithful yourself. The ability to listen. Indeed, who wants to communicate with someone who constantly interrupts or, God forbid, allows himself to say that he is not interested in what you say directly. It's one thing when it's a friend or a total stranger, it's another thing when it's the chosen one of life. If you both know how to listen to each other, and interrupt only in vehemence, then this is all right. But you will have conversations in unison. Interest. Despite the previous paragraph, love and relationships are still not an indulgence for boredom. If you or she are simply bored in communicating with each other, then this is an occasion to think very seriously, but is this the person with whom you can live your whole life?

Why is it so hard for me to find a girl for life, what is the reason

It's definitely hard to say. Everything here is deeply individual, starting from your passivity in serious matters, ending with personal emotional trauma, which degenerate into complexes. Ordinary shyness often becomes a serious hindrance. But even it can be used! Shy guys tend to be intelligent. So, get to know each other in the library, planetarium, etc. Girls who like “nerds” “live” there. Perhaps you yourself, without realizing it, subconsciously do not want to find a girl for a relationship because of some kind of negative love experience. Anything can help here, from realizing problems in yourself, to going to a psychologist. It’s also possible that you’re just unlucky so far ... In this case, we can only wish you good luck and remember that sooner or later Cupid will still shoot your heart with his arrow !

It is rare to meet a man who would forever link his fate with the first girl he liked. Most often, the representatives of the stronger sex go through periods in life when it seems that their main goal is to communicate with as many women as possible, of different ages and types.

But in the end, this gambling loses its meaning, because sooner or later, male values ​​change. In addition, any constant diversity becomes monotony.

Another category should include guys who have never been strong in communicating with the opposite sex, and, solemnly accepting the status of “actively searching”, go through life in splendid isolation, hugging their boring pillow in the morning instead of their beloved woman.

Alternatively, you can connect your own life path with a mediocre girl, convincing yourself that this is the very fate from which there is no hiding.

In general, it doesn’t matter which category of men you belong to, besides, such a classification is rather arbitrary, but all guys, without exception, periodically have a question, how to find a girl to start a relationship with her?

Step 1: Don't be obsessed with finding a girlfriend

Paradoxically, for many men, one of their main obstacles in finding a relationship is the very desire to find a girlfriend.

They become obsessed with this need, exhibiting compulsive behavior and acting like a needy person. And when guys meet a girl that they like, they usually scare her off for the stated reason.

When a woman feels that a man is too interested in her, his desperate zeal at all costs can only have the opposite effect.

Don't stuff your head too hard with the thought of how to find a girl. Instead, let the relationship process develop naturally, otherwise you are clearly broadcasting to the world around you that you are ready to do everything possible to win women's favor.

This kind of thinking is akin to suicidal thinking.

In this way, men send an unambiguous message to their minds that they are impressed and attracted to this person. The guys are absolutely convinced that she is exactly the one they have always dreamed of.

As a result, they focus all their attention on a new acquaintance, ignoring other options and flaunting their fawning and neediness. Such behavior, having a special negative efficiency, kills all chances for a favorable outcome of communication.

Be sure - your mind is deceiving you!

It seems to you that this girl is exceptional and has some unique qualities. But in reality, thousands of Russian-speaking girls live on planet Earth, who can become a source of manifestation of the same feelings.

The truly correct mental attitude is this: there is no one and only, but there are many possibilities.

Instead of being a consistent monogamous romantic focusing your energy on one girl, start having a lot of dates with many different women.

When you have a large circle of female communication, regardless of whether all your girlfriends are suitable for you or not, you become a man who has a choice.

Now you dictate your terms and begin to look more objectively at the new women you know, more accurately determining your true attitude towards them, because you were able to remove the prism of fear, insecurity, neediness and fawning.

When the right girl comes into your life, you will know it right away. But you also realize that there can be many such women.

When you can develop peace of mind in yourself, girls will instantly notice it, and the level of your attractiveness in their eyes will rush up, which will make it much easier for you to move in the desired direction.

Step 3

You can't find a girl if you don't get to know her. But first you need to figure out what kind of girl you want to find.

Then you should go to those places where women, as they say, are found, in order to develop communication with her, completing it with an exchange of contacts.

After receiving a phone number, you must .

So let's go.

1. Define your goal

You need to develop a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat you need by mentally drawing an image and identifying the features of a future lover in the smallest detail.

Think about the girls you liked that you knew in your life, and about their qualities that sunk into your soul.

Your task is to define the most complete and vision of your goal, without driving yourself into too rigid a framework.

Be careful when choosing the physical characteristics of a girl, because otherwise you may inadvertently exclude beautiful people from your zone of attention for whom you would really go crazy. Do not be too picky, but do not give up slack in critical moments for you.

A 2008 study shows that men like it much more when they know who they want to meet.

In addition, later you will be surprised that if you define your goal, the girls corresponding to it will begin to appear in your life much more often.

To increase your chances of finding a girl faster, try visualization.

2. Find a place to meet a girl

Be sociable with everyone: with neighbors, old and young people, controllers in transport, sellers and buyers in line at the store, everyone else.

By becoming sociable, you seem to pump up your communication muscles. It may seem silly and too banal, but as soon as you start talking to strangers, communication turns into a fun game, and the fear goes away.

When you start talking to girls, talk to them the same way you would with anyone else.

Women are not some strange and incomprehensible creatures. You do not need to dance a lezginka for a girl or perform a solo song, just talk to her like with an ordinary person.

Ask her about how she spent today, find out what she is doing here, comment on the book she is reading, share your opinion about the environment around you.

As you become more social and practice your dating skills, you will begin to get a lot more signals from them to invite you to start chatting with them.

You may not have learned to catch them yet, but in 1985, scientists found that women constantly signal to men that they are ready to get to know them. You just need to get their attention and then respond to their subtle signs.

5. Flirt with a girl

When you talk to a new acquaintance, you should start flirting. Don't worry if you haven't previously, because it's not difficult.

A simple and effective example of non-verbal flirting is to put on a half smile on your face and look at the girl out of the corner of your eye. Do so if she says something stupid or unbelievable.

An example of verbal flirting: choose a harmless hook and tease the girl with it. If she's eating pizza or potato chips, say “Wow! So you're a junk food lover!” If she is reading a book, you can say “Wow, what are you stuffing your head with!” Remember to use a playful voice when doing this so that the girl knows that you are just joking.

Flirting is essential to make your intentions clear to the woman in a playful way. Otherwise, either the girl will not understand what you want from her (What if you are planning to sell her something? Or maybe you want to become friends with her?), Or your true intention will be too obvious, something like “Girl, I like you. Let's get acquainted, after which we will jump in the bed at my place, and then you will become my girlfriend.”

6. Exchange phone numbers

All the actions you have taken, whether it is planning, approaching a girl, communicating with her or flirting, will not bring any benefit if you do not exchange contacts with a new acquaintance.

You can simply offer to exchange phone numbers: “Let's exchange phone numbers. Call the number.”

But you can do something a little different, for example, say: "Let's meet in the middle of the week, we'll drink coffee." If the girl agrees, then ask her for her phone number.

Step 4Preparing for a date with a girl

1. Message with intrigue

About three hours after you said goodbye to the girl, after exchanging phone numbers, you can send her a text message. The purpose of the message is to remind yourself and.

The text could be something like this: “By the way, your eau de toilette is delicious.”

But if you really want to create suspense, write the following: “I think I know something about you.” And when a girl asks “So what?”, You will not send her a message, but only answer the next day “This is very personal. Let's better when we meet." In response to requests to explain everything in correspondence, you should stand your ground.

It is hard for you to imagine what effect such a turn of events would have, because the most interesting information for any person is the one that is related to his personality, and at the same time hidden under the cover of secrecy.

By the time of your date, without actually doing anything, you will be able to emotionally bring the girl closer to you, because all this time she will think about you and what you know.

When you meet and she asks, so what do you really know, you can answer:

  1. You have beautiful blue eyes.
  2. You have a very nice smile.
  3. I noticed one trait in you that for many men does not matter, but for me it is very important. Most modern girls are quite frivolous about the relationship between a guy and a girl, but you are not like that. You are ready to completely surrender to feelings, but only with the person that you really like very much and sincerely.

2. Planning a date

If you decide you can choose one of three options:

  1. Quick date.
  2. combo date
  3. Comfortable date.

The choice depends on the interest that you feel towards yourself on the part of the girl.

If you feel that the level of interest is not too high, it is better to decide on a speed date. In this case, you should meet the girl in a cafe, while the duration of communication is recommended to be set within no more than one hour. You just talk to the girl, let her get to know you better, and then end the date by saying that you need to run.

When you are sure that the girl is definitely interested in you, choose a combination date that involves several stages that the girl will not know about in advance. You can give her a ride by car, stopping in some beautiful place in nature, then visit a cafe, and then take a walk with the girl along the embankment. As a result, a change of places and events will create the effect of not the first, but at least a second date, bringing you closer to the desired denouement.

If you meet a girl who likes you wildly, opt for a comfortable date. All you need to do in this case is just invite the girl to your favorite place. It can be any option that appeals to you the most, for example, a walk through the streets of the city, visiting a cafe or an amusement park.

Once you have chosen the date option, it's time to determine the details: where you will meet the girl, and what you will do with her.

You can plan like this:

  1. Meeting with a girl next to such and such a store.
  2. Path to the cafe.
  3. Communication with a girl for 45 minutes.
  4. End of communication.

By planning a date in advance, you can gain control over it, avoid awkward moments and eliminate uncertainty in making the most important decisions.

However, don't take planning too seriously and don't try to make the date too complicated. And even more so do not plan all your words and actions.

3. Date invitation

Now, a few days after we met, it's time to call the girl and ask her out on a date.

If you called and the girl did not answer, call back in about an hour again. If the girl does not pick up the phone again, it is better to never call her again.

And yet, anything can happen, so if the girl did not answer the first call, send her a text message. In this case, silence on her part will be an excuse for you to call another girl.

Step 5From dating to dating

1. Make the date fun and playful.

A date is not something important and responsible, and even more so it does not resemble passing an exam or passing a job interview.

The girl will try to decide if you are the person she wants to invest her time and emotions in, someone who can become one of the most important people in her life.

In order for a girl to make a choice in your favor, in addition to having fundamental male qualities, one of the most important elements of attraction will be of great importance - your cheerful playful behavior, as well as flirting.

Women are always able to rightly appreciate a sense of humor. If you're having a boring date and you're clearly trying to impress the girl instead of being ironic, teasing, and flirting while having fun, you're unlikely to succeed.

2. Invest in communication

People value the relationships they invest in. And the more they invest, the higher the value of the investment object becomes.

Why is this happening?

Surely you know this trick: when you are happy, you smile, but when you are sad and you start smiling, you will become happy.

For the same reason, when a girl loves, she begins to do something for her lover, but when she, of her own free will, begins to do something for a new acquaintance, she slowly inadvertently falls in love with him.

Most guys put all the responsibility of building relationships on their shoulders at the very beginning, as a result of which they fall in love with a girl, while she cannot feel this elusive spark, which is so necessary for her.

To emerge victorious in these situations, you need to push the girl to start investing in the relationship. And we are not talking about renting a limousine for your girlfriend or buying you an expensive watch.

Instead, invite her to show you interesting photos she mentioned during the conversation, or treat you to her treat. Ask her to sit next to you, bring napkins, chop zucchini, buy gum, etc.

Just look for seemingly insignificant ways to do things for you, and you will notice that her passion for the date and your persona will only increase.

3. Ending the date

A date usually ends in one of three ways:

  1. Ending a date without a kiss.
  2. Ending a date with a kiss.
  3. Inviting a girl home.

Here, guys, you already have to act according to the circumstances.

If you yourself didn’t really like the communication, then there’s nothing to try to give your girlfriend a kiss, she’ll be interrupted. Save your energy for a more interesting beauty.

When you feel that the girl was comfortable in your company, then it is better not to let her go without trying to kiss.

If the date is going great and you and your girlfriend don't feel like putting an end to tonight, invite her over to your house.

Keep in mind that if your companion is young enough, then if your invitation is accepted, you should consider whether she is.

4. Second date

After a great first date, pause for a day, then contact the girl and invite her on a second date.

Try to make an appointment as soon as possible. If the girl is free on the day you call, why delay? Set up a second date tonight.

In the development of relations, swiftness is important. The less time passes from the moment you meet to intimate events, the more likely you are not to fall into the category of friends.

5. Intimacy

After the second date, you may need a third date.

By the way, in order to have counterbalances and more relaxed communication with a girlfriend, make appointments with other girls in parallel. Moreover, at the current stage of communication, your new acquaintance is nobody, because in fact, relationships begin after the first sexual contact.

Use different places for dates, while remaining the same interesting and fun conversationalist.

Remember to touch and , because tactile sensations are an important step in developing trust and comfort.

At the end of the date, invite the girl home to consolidate what you started.

6. You found a girl

As already mentioned, intimacy is the starting point in a relationship between a man and a woman. Most likely, but...

Even after the first night spent together, do not give yourself up to be torn apart by feelings, keep yourself in control. A girl can get emotional, and then change her behavior.

It is possible that she is in love with another, and you are just an option for her to satisfy physiological needs. In general, for the first 6 months, keep a healthy distance.

  1. Don't take a long break the next day to connect with a girl.
  2. Establish an emotional connection with your girlfriend.
  3. Start regularly spending time together.

In the morning after the girl leaves, send her a message: “The night was beautiful. I hope you're not too tired :)”.

In the near future, make an appointment with the girl again, and then you know what to do.

Sexual relations underlie the entire existence of mankind, running like a red thread through its entire history and culture. Romeo and Juliet put their lives on the altar of love. Rochester and Jane Eyre were together even after the betrayals of misfortune. The love of Lancelot and Guinevere changed the fate of an entire continent. There are many more stories sung in novels and films. Do you want to experience the same strong emotions that shake your world to the ground, or just lose your virginity at last? In this article, we will encourage you to take a series of actions that will allow you to easily solve such a problem as finding a girl.

Many say that you don’t need to bother, you just need to be yourself, and everything will work out. Perhaps so. But is it so rare that you liked a girl who did not pay any attention to you? Our task is to expand your “target audience” as much as possible and increase the chances find your soul mate. For it can take a long time to wait for water to flow under a lying stone.

The first thing you need to ask yourself is not “how to find a girl”, but “how to please girls”.

This, of course, is good if you enjoy drinking beer, playing DOTA and chatting with friends in your free time. But for success with girls, you could use something better than a beer belly, and stories about how you countered the combo with your ults. A lot of stories that begin with the words "We got drunk somehow with Kolyan ..." are also a dubious trump card. Although it happens that people agree on this. But more on that later.

In any case, the first thing that appears before the lady is your appearance. You don't have to be an Apollo, because girls are generally not obsessed with appearance. You just need to take care of yourself, and it will not be difficult for you to find a girl.

1. Wash regularly.

Preferably a little earlier than you are asked about it by others. Unless, of course, your goal is not a smelly lady from the Kursk railway station. A very important point - avoid greasy hair by any means if you want to find a girl. A lot of people complain about the greasy patches of quite nice guys.

2. Get yourself a normal haircut.

3. Be in good physical shape.

The ability to click on the mouse for 6 hours without stopping is not yet an indicator of good shape. Getting fit is a lot easier than it looks, and it will greatly expand the circle of girls who will like you. The ideal option is a passion for some kind of active sport: girls love athletes. If time is running out, then just 40 minutes of vigorous activity 2 times a week will keep you in shape

4. Update your wardrobe.

You can start small - take all your holey socks to the trash. Or at least let the grandmother
sew up.

The next step is underwear. Destroy truhans with matching colored markings on the front and back - it's a disgrace. Order yourself a fashionable set of your size, and trust us, girls will soon be able to appreciate it.

Next is the clothes. Go with a friend to the mall, with her you can pick up a thing that will hide the flaws and emphasize the dignity. Buy a few new things, and a couple of good ones are better than a mountain of rags that don't fit. Discover some new type of clothing - V-neck t-shirts, alcoholic tank tops, sweatshirts, hoodies, jackets, polos, whatever - experiment.

Create your own style, focusing on the world's icons of masculinity and style, or simply on a womanizer friend. Girls are masters of noticing small details, so your image can tell a lot about you.

5. Buy a nice cologne.

Usually you can pick it up in the same store with the same friend with whom you updated your wardrobe. Smells have a huge impact on Homo sapiens, including girls. It's like the final touch to your flawless look.

We have dealt with external factors. But an attractive appearance is hardly half the success. After you liked the girl, you will have to talk with her about something else, interact. And here comes the time to involve the whole spectrum of your inner qualities.

Personal qualities that girls appreciate in a guy

It may take time to develop them. But this is the key point in communicating with girls, which determines the degree of your success. You need to develop these qualities in yourself in order to meet your love, and generally improve the quality of life. Of course, only soap opera characters possess all at once, but the more you have, the better.

1. Confidence.

Girls love self-confident guys, this is no secret to anyone. Show that you have it, or risk staying in the friend zone. But do not confuse this concept with insolence, otherwise you will get a red card. Just be confident in what you are doing, look at her with a look devoid of timidity, and everything will work out.

2. Responsibility.

Let her know that childish carelessness is not about you, that you are already a completely adult person (even if you are 15) and can take responsibility for your actions, yourself and loved ones. Every girl dreams of such a man - with him like behind a stone wall

3. Purposefulness.

The girl must see that you are not sitting still and you have a place to move, that you have goals that, ideally, should somehow intersect with her own. Then she will immediately imagine for herself the further development of your relationship, even if this is the first meeting, and she will be more willing to go for their development. If you know what I mean;)

4. Manners.

When you open the door for her or offer a hand to help her get off the bus, she already begins to imagine you in her bedroom. Be a gallant gentleman, and she will understand that you know how to handle girls.

5. Social approval.

This is what others say and think about you. Still, it has a certain meaning, no matter how many would deny it. If you have common acquaintances with her who unanimously say: “he is a tough guy, and even has a lot in common with you”, she has no chance to resist. And if you were approved by her best friend, then consider that it's in the bag (if you don't screw everything up yourself). Also, if she notices a demand for you among other girls, she will be forced to take a closer look at you.

6. Kindness.

As a rule, it is enough to show kindness to the girl herself. She will believe that she is really special if you hate the whole world except her. But it is also desirable to be kind to her and mother. And in general to animals and close people, yours and hers.

7. Mind.

Take an interest in the world around you. The wider the range of your interests, knowledge (or at least the baggage of useless information), the more possible points of contact with girls, and with the world as a whole. Yes, and you will figure out what's what. Intelligence is sexy!

8. Sense of humor.

If you have it, it will be much more interesting, more fun with you, which means that girls will like to spend time with you. In addition, with a sense of humor it is much easier to find friends, overcome life's trials, and generally live. If you wish, you can also develop it - love yourself, do not be afraid to be funny and make fun of yourself, watch humorous shows, and over time you will develop a great sense of humor. An integral part of it is a sense of proportion, so do not overdo it, and do not joke about her late Barsik, and the like.

However, you should not stick out the presence of these qualities in you. Show them unobtrusively, as if by the way. Boasting is not in your best interest. Modesty on top of each of these qualities decorates them twice.

And one more important tip:

  • Get to work. To have a good time together, one way or another, money will be required. Even if a girl is used to always paying for herself, you will have to pay for yourself. You can, of course, ask your mother for ice cream for a girl, but having an independent income will present you in a much more advantageous light.

If you followed our advice, then at this stage you are ready to find the girl of your dreams, if she has not found you yet. After all, working on yourself in all these areas gives a real result - girls begin to pay attention to you. Below we will tell you the most effective ways how and where to find a girl.

Throw a cry for girlfriends-friends-classmates.

They are will help you find a girl, because for sure someone will have a friend, or even a few who are to your taste. In addition, if you are a friend of a friend of the third great-grandson of the grandmother's grandfather of a good friend of a girl, then you will immediately be more trusted than just a guy from the street. Many people just get to know each other, and for you, this is a great way to find a good girl. Tell your friends about your tastes and they will search for you. When something interesting comes up, don't forget to ask for a photo before you get started.

After the girl you are interested in is found, try to arrange a meeting with her with the help of mutual acquaintances, have friends invite both of you to a party or meeting where you can chat with her. Next, act on a hunch - take the phone, contact or other method of communication, and continue to communicate.

Take advantage of online dating.

How can you find a girl without getting off the couch? Of course, with the help of dating sites. True, you still have to go out for a walk with her. Is it difficult to find a girl due to lack of free time? Dating on the Internet is the most gentle way in this regard. You will have to spend time only filling out the questionnaire and photoset.

Sites are easy find a single woman any age in a number of ways. It's also easy on the internet. find a girl for the family: you can immediately pick up a thematic site, you can immediately see the purpose of dating a lady, and there are really a lot of people who have already settled down on the Internet, not like in nightclubs. Of course, there are also disadvantages, for example, you can miss with the appearance, a person may smell from the mouth, or something else that you could not notice by communicating on the network.

We have already talked a lot about dating on the Internet in our articles: and. If you decide to try to get acquainted on the Internet, it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with them.

Meet wherever you are.

Be open to what is happening, look at the world around you and act according to the situation. After all, there are girls almost everywhere, wherever you go (unless, of course, this is a military town). Let's take a look at a few situations as an example:

If a girl looks lost, looks at signs on the subway, or looks around in a puzzled way, walk up and ask her if she's okay. At least you will communicate, as a maximum - a chance to find a new girl.

A girl with a huge wheeled bag in front of an even bigger staircase. Offer her your strong male hand, at the same time you can ask how your holiday in the Maldives went. She will probably say that she was in another place, and get to know each other.)

And in general, there are girls around us who need help all the time. In the gym, on the bike path, in the cloakroom, by the elevator. No wonder they are the weaker sex. Don't be a misogynist, help the ladies. And they will help you.

At a get-together or at a party, in a nightclub and in general at a festive event, it is easiest to get acquainted - everyone is relaxing, ready for social contacts, including new ones. Come up, introduce yourself, ask if she often comes here, if the organizer knows how she is here at all, try to start a dialogue. At the same time, you can briefly tell about yourself if you notice a counter interest. Everything is as usual.

Yes, depending on the place and event, the willingness of girls to get acquainted varies. But history shows that find a soul mate real and in a nightclub, and at a funeral. All you need is to identify girls who like you and are ready to make contact. How? We touched on this issue in detail in our article about.

There are many more places where you can find a girl. The above postulates will help you to get acquainted with each of them. But such large-scale goals as finding your love are not solved in a second. Live life to the fullest, do not focus only on women, rejoice and develop, and you will have everything.

Good luck! ;)


Already found a girl, but you can’t talk to her? Read