How to bleach white bedding. For washing, you will need. Whiteness aqueous solution

How often do we lose heart at the sight of yellow spots of sweat and fat on our once white and clean pillowcases and bed-cases. Probably it is already impossible to wash it? In fact, there is a unique homemade way to quickly and efficiently remove any greasy stains at home.

Quite a common question related to washing. How to remove yellow stains and gray dirt from greasy (greasy) pillowcases and pillowcases. This problem is not solved by conventional, widely used washing powders.

Unfortunately, the problem of oily hair is not limited to caring for it. Often it goes into everyday life. After contact with hair, the pillowcase becomes greasy and cannot be washed with conventional means. The same problem is observed with naperniki, they have to be changed frequently.

So, let's try to solve the problem. Let's start with the pillowcase.

If you haven't made a firm decision to throw away your old, greasy feather bag, you can try restoring it. We use another method of hand washing.

First, pour the feather from it into a new napernik.

Read also:

Often we take a pillow out of a pillowcase, see stains and dirt on its surface and get very upset, because we cannot wash the pillow like ordinary things. In fact, there is a way out. A unique way to quickly and easily replace the pillow cushion with a new one.

We turn it out gently on the inside out and wipe out the remnants of feathers and fluff.

Then we rinse thoroughly in cold water, still turning it inside out.

When there are no feathers and fluff left, we start washing.

We suggest using Fairy Dishwashing Liquid instead of your regular laundry detergent.

The key in our case is that this remedy fights fat, which means it is also suitable for solving our problem - it wonderfully copes with yellow and oily sweat spots.

We moisten a damp pillowcase with a solution of detergent, rub it in and lather.

Leave soaked for 30-60 minutes, periodically grind and lather. After the indicated time, rinse our pillowcase and turn it out onto the front side.

Moisten Fairy again and leave in solution for a while. Then rub and rinse.

The oxidation time and the amount of detergent used depends on the degree of soiling of our laundry. If the pillowcase is heavily greased and yellow spots are still visible, the procedure will have to be repeated again until the desired effect is achieved.

And believe me, there will definitely be an effect! And will undoubtedly delight you!

In the case of pillow cases, sofa cushion covers, decorative details for furniture, grease is washed in the same way. We soak in FAIRY and three to completely get rid of greasy yellow stains and grease. All greasy (greasy) laundry can be washed in the same way.

The method is cheap and effective. All manipulations are absolutely safe and simple. Try it and see for yourself!

White items of women's and men's wardrobe look stylish, expensive, presentable. But unfortunately, this shade is very capricious in operation, the products quickly lose their attractiveness with inappropriate care.

How to bleach white underwear at home with chemical bleach

There are a large number of bleaches, it is not surprising to get confused by the assortment. In order not to be mistaken, we read the label and find information about the composition of the product and the types of fabrics for which it is intended.


These whiteners create only a visual effect due to the reflective components, in fact, whitening does not occur. Similar substances are included in premium powders. After washing, the fabric acquires a radiant snow-white color, which will disappear as soon as you stop using the product by choosing a cheaper analogue.


Chlorine-based products are considered effective for eliminating yellowness, gray plaque, and various contaminants on white things. However, they should be used with caution and infrequently. Chlorine is a caustic and very corrosive substance. With regular washing with such a bleach, the structure of the fabric becomes thinner, the product is torn from the slightest mechanical impact.


This type of bleach is more gentle, therefore it is used for washing any material. Another advantage of such products is health safety. They are suitable for washing even children's wardrobe.

Bleaching clothes at home with folk remedies

Experienced housewives know how to whiten linen at home without household chemicals, with improvised means available to almost everyone. Such methods solve the problem no worse than purchased ones, most of them are quite economical.


The time-tested method of boiling white does an excellent job not only with dirt, but also safely disinfects things.

  1. Prepare a clean, deep, stainless steel or enamel coated pot.
  2. Place an unnecessary clean white cloth on the bottom of the container.
  3. Pour in three liters of water, add 25 grams of washing powder or soap shavings.
  4. For greater effectiveness, add a teaspoon of ammonia, stir.
  5. Immerse the products that need to be whitened completely in the liquid, put on fire, boil for about an hour and a half, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula.
  6. After the specified time, remove the pan from the stove, and when the water cools down, take out the products and rinse thoroughly.

Attention! Do not use boiling too often, this method does not have the best effect on the strength of the fabric: it wears out faster.


The product is added during hand washing or poured into the drum of the washing machine. This will eliminate gray plaque on a white product, and at the same time carry out disinfection.

For more advanced cases, a bleaching mixture is prepared:

  • 5 liters of water;
  • half a glass of soda;
  • 50 ml of ammonia.

The components are mixed and the clothes are soaked in the resulting liquid. Then rinse and dry.

Hydrogen peroxide

To make things crystal white, soak them for half an hour, mixing:

  • 5 liters of water;
  • 50 ml of peroxide;
  • 25 ml of ammonia.

For woolen and silk items, the liquid should have a temperature of no higher than 30 degrees in order to avoid deformation and other troubles. In other cases, in order to achieve the maximum whitening effect, the product must be pre-heated strongly (unless, of course, this does not contradict the instructions for the product).


Soaking in water (5 l) with ammonia (25 ml) will help to restore white things to their original appearance. The whole clothes are immersed, otherwise ugly yellow stains will appear on the fabric. Existing stains are wiped with a swab additionally moistened with ammonia.

Important! For capricious synthetic matter, it is better not to use the agent, but to choose more gentle methods.

Potassium permanganate

There is nothing strange in using potassium permanganate for washing, because this product has bleaching and disinfecting properties. It is added to a soapy solution so that a light pink hue is obtained, and then things are immersed for 6 hours. After that, the products are rinsed.


This relatively inexpensive remedy is familiar to many housewives; it copes well with whitening even in advanced cases. However, whiteness is used with caution, since the chlorine in its composition is aggressive towards tissues and can irrevocably ruin the thing.

Advice! Use Whiteness if no other product can handle contamination, and make sure the concentration does not exceed the manufacturer's label.

Products can be soaked or washed only in White diluted with a large amount of water. This method can be combined with boiling if the fabric is thick.

Mustard powder

Be especially careful when bleaching lace and delicate fabrics. But fears are unnecessary if you choose harmless mustard powder for this purpose. You will need a tablespoon of the product diluted with hot water. The liquid is filtered and things are soaked. This is followed by washing, rinsing, drying.

Boric acid

Boric acid dissolved in warm water is also a wonderful tool for giving things their former whiteness. Clothes are soaked for 30 minutes, then washed and rinsed.

Vegetable oil

Paradoxically, vegetable oil can both leave greasy stains on the fabric, and help to cleanse and whiten it. To get the right result, you need to understand what to mix with and how to use.

Combine in a large enamel saucepan 5 liters of warm water, a tablespoon of any granulated chemical bleach, 100 grams of detergent and 70–80 ml of oil. Mix everything thoroughly, dip clothes into the resulting solution. After 3 hours, wash and rinse thoroughly.


Whitening products are sold not only in stores, they can also be found in the pharmacy. For example, take 5 aspirin tablets, chop and mix with 2 liters of hot water. Soak yellowed clothing in this liquid for 8 hours or more, then wash and rinse.

Laundry soap

To remove stains from clothes, rub them with a damp bar. And if you need to remove gray or yellowish plaque from the fabric, make shavings of soap and dissolve in clean warm water. Soak the thing in the resulting solution, and then rinse it.


To soak white things, a saline solution is prepared from all types of fabrics, a couple of tablespoons of peroxide and a dozen drops of ammonia are added.

Starch or baking powder

The addition of baking powder or starch to the water during washing helps to whiten things. Plus, they won't get dirty longer. There is no need for additional rinsing.

Lemon acid

This food product is also great for whitening. For maximum results, mix acid with salt, starch and washing powder, soak clothes in the resulting solution, and then rinse.

Before bleaching your laundry in any of the above ways, read a few important tips to avoid mistakes.

  • When choosing a chemical bleach for washing, be sure to read the instructions on the package and follow all the manufacturer's recommendations. Otherwise, the result may turn out to be unpredictable.
  • White products should be washed, rinsed and even dried separately from the rest to avoid staining.
  • New things cannot be stored for a long time without washing, not to mention contaminated ones, so be sure to check in the linen closet from time to time.
  • When the white item has a colored pattern, add salt when washing. Such a measure is necessary so that the product does not paint over.
  • It is necessary to rinse clothes very carefully after each whitening procedure, otherwise it will quickly become unusable.
  • Do not soak things with fittings in a solution with a temperature of more than 40 degrees.
  • Each wardrobe item should have a label with information on how it can be used, pay attention to all warnings.

Features of bleaching things from different materials

Before bleaching the product in any way, carefully study its composition. The remedy will benefit some tissues, while others, on the contrary, will cause irreparable harm.


High temperatures and chlorine-containing products are contraindicated for such things. Products must not be dried under the sun, otherwise the situation will worsen. All other methods listed above can be safely applied.

Cotton and linen

Snow-white cotton and linen linen are washed separately from other items. If the thing has acquired a gray tint, you should not be upset, because these types of fabrics can be put in order by any methods and means, including chlorine and boiling.

Wool and silk

For such matter, the use of chlorine-containing agents is categorically contraindicated. To avoid deformation, temperatures above 40 degrees are undesirable. Excellent results can be achieved by using peroxide, ammonia, or mustard powder.

So, to give things a pristine appearance and shining whiteness, there are many ways and means. The main thing is to choose the right option for the type of fabric and follow the general washing recommendations. Good luck!

Has your linen lost its former whiteness and freshness? Are there stubborn stains on it? Take your time to throw these things away, you can still save them. So that you can do this, let's figure out how to bleach laundry at home.

Factory-made bleaches, including chlorine-based products, work well for many stains and yellowness on clothes. For example, white linen made of strong fabrics can be easily tidied up with ordinary "Whiteness". You need to use this tool like this:

  1. To get started, you will need to prepare a soapy solution by taking three liters of water, a spoonful of powder or laundry soap, and a tablespoon of bleach. In this case, the dosage must be observed very strictly, otherwise you can ruin the clothes during washing.
  2. After that, the resulting solution will need to be mixed very well and put things in it. Products should be left in it for 20 minutes. It is not necessary to soak them longer in such a whitening product - it can damage the fabric.
  3. Then you should get things out of such a solution and rinse very well. Usually, after such a wash, no dirt remains on the clothes.

Important: this tool is categorically not suitable for thin fabrics like silk, chiffon, as well as for lace. Do not put products made of such materials in water with whiteness even for a minute - they will be hopelessly spoiled.

For delicate items, you can use bleaches that do not contain chlorine (for example, Vanish). They do not damage the fibers of the fabric. Depending on the manufacturer's instructions, such bleaches should be added to water when the garment is soaked, or to powder when machine washed.

Method 2 - boiling

This is one of the most radical tools that allows you to tidy up even colored laundry. This method should be used like this:

  1. First you need to take a large container for digesting things, put linen in it and fill it with water at the rate of 10 liters of water per kilogram of clothing. You can add shavings of laundry soap to the water - it copes very well with various dirt.
  2. The container must be put on fire and brought to a boil. All this time, the contents of the boil must be mixed.
  3. After boiling, things will need to be removed from the boil and rinsed well several times.

Important: if you use boiling to whiten things, be sure to put all the products in the boil before you put it on the fire. If you put things in a pan in which the laundry is already boiling, the stains on them will go deeper into the fabric, and it will be almost impossible to wash them in the future.

For best results when boiling clothes, you can add a little blue or a spoonful of baking soda to the water. This will enhance the effect of boiling and reduce the procedure time to half an hour.

Method 3 - oil

If your favorite item has turned gray, you can tidy it up with vegetable oil. To prepare a bleaching solution based on it, you will need:

  • a tablespoon of dry bleach;
  • 1/2 cup of washing powder;
  • 2.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil (sunflower oil is suitable);
  • 5 liters of warm water.

All the presented components must be mixed until smooth, then put things in the resulting mixture and leave to soak for 3 hours. After that, they will need to be washed and rinsed well.

Important: with the help of sunflower oil it is possible to get rid of even old and difficult to remove stains. Pay special attention to this method if you need to arrange things that cannot be boiled.

Method 4 - potassium permanganate

This product will effectively get rid of yellowness and stubborn stains on fabric. It can be applied in two ways. So, if the speck is small, you should take several crystals of potassium permanganate and add them to a glass of ordinary table vinegar, then you will need to take a cotton pad, moisten it well in the resulting solution and wipe the stain with it. This product can be used even when you do not have the opportunity to organize a full-fledged washing of the laundry.

If you need to remove a large stain or remove yellowness from the thing, you will need to act differently. You should take a bucket, fill it with water, heat this water on the stove, and then add a small amount of potassium permanganate and washing powder to it. The solution should turn out to be a pale pink color. After that, you will need to wait until this solution cools down a little, wash things as usual and rinse them well in this product.

Method 5 - soap

This is one of the easiest ways to bleach your washed laundry. Apply it like this:

  1. Take a bar of ordinary, fragrance-free laundry soap. Rub it on a coarse grater or chop it with a knife.
  2. After that, they put the soap in a basin in which the linen is soaked, or in the powder compartment if the clothes will be washed in an automatic machine.
  3. After that, things are washed according to the selected program in a typewriter or by hand.

Important: in order to achieve the best result from such a wash, along with the soap, you will need to add a little soda to the powder container or to the bowl with the laundry. This will help freshen up even gray laundry. If this step doesn't work, try treating the stains with hydrogen peroxide.

Method 6 - peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide can be used to bleach gray or yellowed lace underwear. It is suitable even for synthetic fabrics that cannot be boiled. They use it like this:

  1. Take two liters of warm water. Add 5 tablespoons of peroxide to it, stir the solution thoroughly.
  2. Things are pre-washed by hand or in a typewriter. After that, they are placed in this solution and left for half an hour.
  3. After that, the clothes are taken out of the solution and rinsed well.

Important: this method can be used not only when white linen has become gray, but also when colored linen has lost its color intensity. This is one of the few tools that will not spoil it.

There is another way to whiten things with hydroperite. They use it like this: take two liters of boiled water with a temperature of up to 70 degrees, add a tablespoon of soda ash and a teaspoon of peroxide to it. A thing is put in the resulting mixture for a quarter of an hour, after which it is thoroughly rinsed in ordinary cool water.

Important: the presented recipe can be used for those things on which yellow spots have appeared for a long time. It is also suitable for various types of fabrics.

Method 7 - ammonia

Ammonia can be used on delicate fabrics, including wool. They do it like this:

  1. Take 10 liters of water, put 6 tablespoons of salt, 50 grams of powder, a spoonful of peroxide and a spoonful of ammonia into it. All this is diluted to a homogeneous mass.
  2. They put things in the resulting mixture and leave for 10 hours.
  3. After that, the products are washed by hand or in a machine, choosing a delicate washing mode.

Tip: even silk products can be washed with ammonia. It will not damage the fabric.

Method 8 - soda

Baking soda can be used both for removing stains during hand washing, and for treating clothes when washing in an automatic machine. If you are going to wash products by hand, you will need to take a basin, pour 5 liters of water into it, add 5 tablespoons of soda there, and then soak things in the resulting solution for 2 hours. After that, they can be washed with powder or laundry soap.

Important: if you are dealing with old stains, be sure to add 2 tablespoons of ammonia to such a solution. It will cope well even with stubborn dirt.

How to whiten things if you are going to wash them in a vending machine? You will need to take 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda and pour it into the powder compartment before washing. Any mode can be used for washing, depending on the type of fabric.

Video: we remove stains using ordinary soda and hydrogen peroxide:

Method 9 - aspirin

Ordinary aspirin copes very well with a grayish or even yellowish tinge on clothes. Use this tool like this:

  1. Take two liters of hot water (but not boiling water), add 5 aspirin tablets, 325 grams each. To make the tablets easier to dissolve in water, they can be ground into powder first.
  2. The products are left in the resulting mixture for 8 hours. If yellowness on clothes has appeared for a long time, it is better to leave things in such a mixture for a day.
  3. After that, things are washed by hand or in a typewriter.

Important: When soaking things in water with aspirin, you need to make sure that they are completely submerged in the water. If necessary, add a little more solution so that the water completely covers the laundry.

You can also use aspirin for machine washing. To do this, the aspirin tablet itself must initially be dissolved in water, and then the resulting water is poured into the powder compartment. It will be possible to wash things in any acceptable mode.

Method 10 - boric acid

How to whiten your underwear quickly and easily? Use boric acid for this purpose. For best results, you will need to fill a bowl with a few liters of warm water and add 2-3 tablespoons of boric acid to it. Things in it will need to be soaked for half an hour and washed as usual.

Important: use this product for children's clothes: T-shirts, panties, socks. It will not only allow the products to return to their former whiteness, but also perfectly disinfect them.

Method 11 - mustard

Lacy underwear and light-colored items made from delicate fabrics can be bleached with ordinary mustard powder. They use it like this:

  1. Take a tablespoon of powder, pour in a liter of hot boiled water and leave to settle for two hours.
  2. After that, the water is drained and the mustard is poured over again. This step is repeated until you get the right amount of water for the upcoming wash.
  3. Then just use the infused water to wash things with soap or powder.

Important: unlike other presented methods of bleaching things with folk remedies, this one can be used quite regularly, since it least of all damages the fabric itself. You just need to get used to using settled water, and there will be no problems with it.

Method 12 - microwave

Microwave bleaching works best for heavy fabrics such as kitchen towels. Apply it like this:

  1. To begin with, the product is well moistened under running water.
  2. Then the thing is thoroughly lathered with laundry soap. You can also use regular laundry detergent instead.
  3. After that, the product is placed in a plastic bag, sent to the microwave and left there for one and a half minutes. If the product is very dirty, you can run the microwave for 1 minute 3 times in a row at short intervals.
  4. After such washing, the product will need to be additionally rinsed to remove traces of soap. This can be done manually or in a washing machine.

Important: you should not do this with those things on which there are difficult-to-remove stains, for example, blood stains. They can bite into fabric. If your white linen just faded, this option is ideal.

Method 13 - machine wash

If you do not have the opportunity to soak the laundry for a long time before washing, you can try to bleach it in the washing machine with an automatic machine. This method can be safely used for items made of dense fabrics, for example, linen or cotton, but for delicate items, including lace underwear, it will not work. You will need to act like this:

  1. First you need to pour the powder itself, as well as a special bleach into the compartment for the washing powder. Select the dosage of these funds according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. After that, you will need to load white products into the compartment for clothes and start a wash cycle with a temperature of at least 70 degrees.
  3. Then you just need to wait until the end of the wash and hang the laundry to dry. If you do everything right, your white clothes will be in perfect condition after this treatment.

If you have tried all the available methods on how to bleach washed laundry at home, but have not achieved the desired result in this matter, take your things to dry cleaning. There they can be put in order in just a few days.

Video: a proven method for bleaching laundry and removing stains:

Snow-white bedding is the mistress's dream. White sheets are associated with absolute comfort: it is not for nothing that the most expensive hotels use only such linen. But, unfortunately, white sheets turn yellow over time or acquire a gray tint and no longer cause pleasant associations. How to bleach white bedding at home? The hostess will come to the aid of not only household chemicals, but also "grandmother's" methods.

Why does the bed cover turn yellow or take on a grayish color? It's all the fault of hard water and powder. Hard water contains salts. The interaction of the elements of the powder with them leads to the fact that the fabric loses its snow-whiteness, becomes grayish or yellowish. The color of the bedding changes if it was stored for a long time in a humid room. After such storage, the sheets turn gray, as if they had never been white as snow. Bed linen also loses color after a long stay in the same basket with dirty things: therefore, it is not recommended to put the washing of white sheets on the back burner (removed - washed).

You can return the snow-white sheets. You just need to know how. There are many methods of bleaching - improvised means, store-bought bleaches and even the good old boiling, which many generations of housewives have been "fond of", are used.

Choosing a product in the store

Store products will help you to bleach linen at home effectively and quickly. This method involves the minimum investment of time and effort. In the departments of household chemicals, various bleaching products are sold: you can choose both the budgetary and the expensive option. There are three types of bleaches:

  1. optical;
  2. chlorine-based;
  3. oxygen.

To make the right choice, you need to know the features of each type. All products have their pros and cons, but finding the best and effective bleach is a feasible task. The table below will help you decide.

Table - Pros and cons of different types of bleaches

Bleach typeprosMinuses
Optic- Creates a visual effect "whiter than white";
- can be added when washing in a washing machine;
- is in the composition of powders
- Whitening does not actually occur - only a visual effect;
- does not cope with stains and dirt
Chlorine based- Affordable whitening agent;
- effectively whitens;
- removes dirt;
- disinfects
- Thinns the fabric, from which the bed deteriorates;
- can not be poured into the "washing machine" (hand wash only);
- evaporation of caustic compounds provokes irritation of the respiratory tract;
- on contact with the skin causes itching, peeling, allergic reactions
Oxygen- Safe (no chlorine);
- whitens effectively and delicately;
- can be applied to any type of fabric;
- suitable for "washing machine"
- High price

When choosing a laundry bleach at home, it is better to give preference to modern household chemicals. Oxygen-based laundry bleach is safe, environmentally friendly and copes with the main task of "five-plus". As a bonus, it saves time, because most modern products are designed for machine bleaching.

Silk fabrics cannot be treated with chlorine. Also, when working with chlorine, be sure to use gloves, a respiratory mask, and ventilate the house.

The good old ways: boil and soak in whiteness

It has long been believed that boiling is the best way to restore dazzling cleanliness to bedding. This method is suitable for cotton and linen sheets and duvet covers. It is still used today as an alternative to harsh chemical bleaches. Boiling will save if you need to wash the bed linen from yellowness. The disadvantage of this method is that you have to spend time.

You can do without boiling. The second method known to all housewives is soaking in whiteness. Bleach contains chlorine, so be prepared to do your hand wash. You cannot add such funds to the machine.

Which is better - boiling or soaking in whiteness? Digestion does the job more efficiently, but it takes more effort. It is easier to soak the laundry, but it is not a fact that after that it will be snow-white and without holes. To decide for yourself which of the methods is better, you can only try both.


What you need:

  • large capacity (necessarily enameled / galvanized);
  • white towel or cloth;
  • laundry powder / soap;
  • ammonia.


  1. Line the bottom of the matching container with a white cloth.
  2. Make a soapy solution. If there are “blots” on the sheet, lather them with laundry soap.
  3. Send the laundry to the "boil-out". Try to straighten it as much as possible.
  4. Pour in soapy water to cover the laundry.
  5. Add a tablespoon of ammonia. You can skip this step if the sheet is clean.
  6. Simmer for about an hour. Be sure to use a wooden stirring stick.

Boiling not only whitens, but also helps remove musty odors, such as if the bed has been kept damp. In difficult cases, a solution of bleach can be added to the "boil-out". After such a step, the linen will have to be additionally washed with the addition of essential oils: after chlorine, the sheets will become clean, but they will smell bad.


What you need:

  • basin;
  • white;
  • powder / laundry soap.


  1. Prepare a soapy solution using powder or laundry soap.
  2. Add whiteness: for every 3 liters - a tablespoon of the product.
  3. Soak bedding for 20 minutes.
  4. Rinse thoroughly by hand.

Since it is not always possible to whiten things with whiteness, soaking is combined with boiling, however, it is boiled after soaking for less than half an hour. "Whiteness" can only be used for cotton sheets, other fabrics are afraid of chlorine. For them, it is better to prepare another solution - laundry soap and a couple of drops of ammonia.

How to bleach white bedding at no extra cost

You can wash bed linen from dullness with the help of improvised means. Soda solution, peroxide, potassium permanganate, mustard powder and even vegetable oil are the main helpers of the hostess. Folk remedies are easy to use (as opposed to boiling) and safe compared to chlorinated bleaches.


Peculiarities . A versatile, effortless way. After using the soda solution, the laundry can be machine washed.


  1. Mix five tablespoons of baking soda with half the amount of ammonia.
  2. Dilute in 5 liters of water.
  3. Soak laundry for two hours.
  4. Machine wash.

For boiling, you can also use homemade bleach soda, the recipe is the same. Hand-made product should be added to the “boil-off” if the bed is very yellow.


Peculiarities . Bleaching your laundry with hydrogen peroxide is easy. At the same time, the tool copes well with dullness. Whitens delicately, so it can be applied to any material.


  1. Prepare a solution of two parts peroxide and one part ammonia.
  2. Dilute the solution with 5 liters of warm water.
  3. Soak sheets for 40 minutes.
  4. Rinse.

The peroxide will help bleach faded white laundry. The maximum effect can be achieved by preparing a more concentrated peroxide-soda solution.


Peculiarities . Mustard powder not only whitens, but also removes fat and disinfects. The method can even be applied to delicate fabrics such as silk sheets.


  1. To whiten one sheet, boil 3 liters of water.
  2. Add three tablespoons of mustard (powder) to the water.
  3. Let the mustard solution stand for two hours.
  4. Drain off the water so that the remaining powder remains at the bottom of the pan.
  5. Soak the sheet in the drained water for 20 minutes.
  6. Do a wash.

Mustard powder is ideal for bleaching kitchen towels. The substance removes greasy stains, kills accumulated microbes - what is needed for kitchen textiles.

Potassium permanganate

Peculiarities . Bleaching of linen with potassium permanganate is rarely practiced, all because of the property of manganese to dye fabrics. Few people know that potassium permanganate whitens perfectly. With its help, you can return whiteness even to things that have long been grayed out. The only negative is that you have to wait.


  1. Rub a 1-ounce bar of laundry soap.
  2. Dissolve the shavings in 10 liters of boiling water.
  3. Dilute potassium permanganate in a separate container until a faint red hue and combine with soapy water. This will result in a brown liquid.
  4. Soak the laundry in the solution for six hours. Close the container where the laundry is soaked with the lid. No lid? Polyethylene will help out.
  5. After the time has passed, wash and be amazed at the radiant whiteness.

If you believe the reviews of the hostesses who tried this method, soap can be replaced with ordinary washing powder. You will need a glass of funds. The effect will be just as impressive.

Sunflower oil

Peculiarities . Oil is associated with greasy stains, but knowing what to mix with it can help whiten fabrics. The multi-component method is worth trying for those who love experiments in the household.


  1. Boil a bucket of water.
  2. Add the ingredients: sunflower oil (two tablespoons), salt and soda (one tablespoon each), washing powder - (glass).
  3. Fill the laundry with the prepared solution and leave for a day.

If the laundry is very dirty, add a store-bought stain remover to the solution. To ensure that gray sheets turn white, you can boil them in an oil-alkaline solution for half an hour and leave until the water cools down.

White linens are a lot of hassle, according to the hostesses. After a couple of washes, you have to look for a solution to how to return the shining whiteness to the sheets. This can be done by adhering to the following rules.

  1. Wash properly... Sort the wash: Load colored and white sheets separately. Observe the rule, even if you know that colored fabric does not fade: such a neighborhood "eats" the shining whiteness of the sheet. And wash your bed right away: dirty sheets will turn yellow after lying in the basket.
  2. Rinse well... To prevent the laundry from turning yellow, it must be thoroughly rinsed. It is advisable to do this first in warm and then in cold water.
  3. Soften the water. If you are actively "exploiting" white bedding, then you have to wash it often. From regular contact with hard water, the tissue turns yellow. Your job is to soften the water. Use powders containing softeners, add soda or vinegar solution to the machine.
  4. Store sensibly. Make sure your white bedding is completely dry before storing it in your closet. Moisture causes the laundry to turn gray and smell bad. If you like white bedding, you shouldn't equip cabinets for storing it in the bathroom. It's too humid here: there is a chance that when you send a white sheet to the shelf, you will get a gray one. Avoid stuck bedding: regularly remove from the closet for ventilation. To prevent a musty "aroma", shift the laundry with bars of soap.

Bleaching your bedding at home is not useful if you get into the habit of soaking white sheets before going to the typewriter. You can add peroxide or a couple of drops of lemon to the bowl. If there is heavy dirt on the duvet cover, add dish detergent to the soaking water.


Every housewife should have the ability to return darkened things to their original freshness.

What could be more beautiful than snow-white bedding, your husband's perfect white shirt, or a dazzling white tablecloth that will decorate your festive table, but if your family has a small child or teenager, then you simply cannot do without this skill in everyday life.

Here are some simple ways to make your life easier.

How to whiten white at home: remedies and step-by-step instructions

There are many different methods for bleaching white fabrics, from regular washing with bleach to soaking in various specific solutions.

But one must understand that for each material it is necessary to use an individual method and certain means, otherwise the thing will deteriorate and become unusable.

The main tested tools are:

- baking soda;

- hydrogen peroxide;

- potassium permanganate;

- ammonia, etc.

Whitening with baking soda

The main method, which has clear advantages over all others, has always been the method using baking soda. For about 7 liters of water at about 40 degrees, you need to take 6-7 tablespoons of baking soda and stir until completely dissolved. You can also pour in one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide, this will give the solution more whitening effect. Soak the contaminated item in this solution and do not touch it for two hours. Apply a small amount of baking soda to heavily soiled areas and grind well. With strong yellowing, it is allowed to boil things in the solution used for a short time. It is worth remembering that boiling is not advisable to use on wardrobe items, as well as on synthetic fabrics and wool products. It is best to boil bedding, kitchen and bath towels, and socks.

Whitening with salt

And the most common table salt can do us a huge favor in whitening darkened things. You just have to soak the item for a few hours in warm water with the addition of 3 tablespoons of salt and regular washing powder, which you add with each wash. To enhance the effect, you can add a couple of tablespoons of ammonia to the solution and stir well. This method is perfect for cotton and wool products.

Whitening with potassium permanganate crystals

It is possible to save faded white things that have lost their original brightness by using potassium permanganate crystals. To do this, add 5 crystals of potassium permanganate to 10 liters of hot water and mix well. For the best effect, it is recommended to add a couple of tablespoons of washing powder and finely grated laundry soap to the resulting solution. Things must be immersed in the resulting composition only after the complete dissolution of all its components, especially when it comes to potassium permanganate itself. Yellowed and grayed things must be left in this solution overnight, after which everything should be rinsed well and washed with the addition of washing powder in the washing machine or by hand. This method is quite delicate, since potassium permanganate does not thin the material.

How to bleach white at home: cotton and linen

Since cotton is less finicky than other materials, regular whiteness is most often used to bleach it. After dissolving it in cool water in the bathroom or any other convenient place for a couple of hours, soak things in the resulting solution for several hours. Then, after rinsing well, send them to wash in the washing machine with the addition of detergent. You can add a little table salt to the powder. The amount of whiteness required should be taken into account based on the information on the label. For added effect, heavily soiled areas can be washed with simple laundry soap.

For high-quality bleaching of products, the main material of which is flax, use a regular wash in a washing machine with the addition of soda ash to the washing powder. Washing must be carried out in hot water, from 65 to 70 degrees. Soaking in a solution with the addition of persalt and washing powder is also well suited. Linen must be soaked for at least 12 hours.

How to whiten white at home: synthetics and lace

If it is necessary to bleach tulle, lace blouse, linen or any other synthetic thing in the house, then a solution of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide will be an indispensable tool here. To do this, soak the soiled thing in 10 liters of hot water with the addition of 2 tablespoons of each of the available ingredients. Soaking must be carried out within half an hour. After that, things must be rinsed and washed in the usual way for you.

How to whiten white at home and not ruin it

In order not to spoil the laundry when washing or bleaching, you should always pay attention to the label, which contains detailed instructions. And in order to avoid the need to resort to whitening, remember the following recommendations:

- If possible, always wash white items separately from others.

- White linen and cotton should not be washed together with wool and synthetics. This will cause them to darken. It is necessary to wash at a temperature of 60 degrees

- When washing in a washing machine, bleach powder must be used to preserve the white color. If the material consists of cotton or linen, to enhance the effect, you can add a little table salt to the powder.

Almost all things can be restored to their original whiteness. But we must also not forget that the frequent use of bleaching agents will greatly thin the fabric and render it unusable. To avoid this, follow these tips.