How to beat off a man from another woman. A guaranteed way to beat a guy off a girl. At an unfamiliar girl

Life is so arranged that we cannot agree with the most reasonable arguments. Here you are, a young, attractive girl who could be loved by good, free from any obligations guys, chose a man who already has a girlfriend as the object of her crazy love.

What if you can't do anything about your feeling? There is nothing left but, disdaining all the unwritten laws of decency, to look for ways to discourage a guy from a girl. Let's say right away that not every even the most daring young lady will decide on such a program of action. But, as the people say, love is evil, and it is not for us to judge a person, who, perhaps, himself is not happy with such love ... Moreover, these insidious ways were used by the homeless women at all times.

So, you move on to decisive action and choose from a whole list of possibilities the most suitable for you.

  • Collection of information

This is a mandatory initial step. You must know your opponent's vulnerabilities in order to act on them at the appropriate moment. Of course, the current passion of your chosen one is not ideal, and something in it, probably, does not suit him. This is the moment that you will use in the future.

  • You're the best

This is what you must gradually inculcate beloved. You are the woman who has almost no flaws, and you have a lot in common with him in outlook on life. And it doesn't matter that all this is absolutely not true, but in the struggle for a loved one you will have to appear just such an infallible personality.
However - attention! - do not overplay, all your efforts should be natural and truthful.

For example, you "by chance" found yourself in the same company with a guy and his girlfriend. You don't show your interest in him in any way, but you notice every mistake of your rival and subtly comment on it so that the guy liked your words.

  • A cruel way to fight for a loved one - compromising evidence

Yes, this is a risky and not entirely beautiful way, but, as life practice shows, pretty effective. It is not difficult to compromise a girl not even by word, but by deed. You, of course, can find a familiar young man, preferably a nonresident, so that in the future his meeting with your chosen one is excluded. The task of this young man is to find an opportunity to meet the current girlfriend of his beloved. He should interest her, establish communication and go to flirting. You just have to inform the chosen one about this.
This could be an email with a photo or an anonymous call.

How to "beat off a guy from a girl" by correspondence

These are the most sophisticated ways, but what cannot be done to win the heart of a loved one. So, attract another guy you know to your game, who has the gift of easily seducing girls. It is best if he does not live in your city. But the main thing is that he willingly join this intrigue.
Required condition: your loved one doesn't have to know that you know this guy.

So, the dummy "seducer" must establish correspondence with your rival in a social network, chat rooms, on some forum, by e-mail, or even throw SMS at her. Experienced Casanova will find reasons for himself, and, perhaps, very soon the correspondence acquaintance will turn into rather innocent meetings. You know perfectly well how any girl likes compliments and attention, it is so difficult to refuse them. This will be the bait for the unsuspecting girl. And then the new boyfriend “learns” that the “lady of his heart” is not free, scandals, finds a way to meet with the “rival” and tells him everything about correspondence and meetings. Of course, it thickens the colors. Even with the guy's boundless trust in his current girlfriend, he begins to doubt jealousy is born, the relationship is sure to crack.

At this moment you appear, so pure and sinless. You shouldn't talk bad about his girlfriend, but you shouldn't take her side either. Your role is be an independent expert. Tactfully discuss the situation with the guy, sympathize with him, mention that you cannot imagine such a betrayal. In other words, in these difficult minutes for a guy, you will personify complete understanding and support. Consider that you have won half, and you will be able to “beat the guy off the girl”. But for this you will need the entire arsenal of feminine capabilities in order to demonstrate your beloved your charm and continue the soft attack.

Girl - "the charm of the eyes"

This is how you should appear before your chosen one. A charming and sexy girl cannot but conquer a guy who has just been "betrayed" by a friend. You come to meetings in stunning outfits, always well-groomed, beautifully combed. And at the same time - a solid mystery, which makes him even more interested in your person. No matter how your soul sings at such moments, do not try to throw yourself on your sweetheart's neck.

Now you are inaccessibility itself, and at the same time, the guy should see that he is of interest to you, but you, nevertheless, do not intend to overstep your principles. He will gladly accept these conditions of the game.
Your main task is to become an ideal woman for a loved one and a pleasant companion.

Do not lose your vigilance

The ex-girlfriend of your loved one will also make attempts to restore the relationship. Do everything for the guy to change his phone number, persuade that this is the only way he will protect himself from painful memories. Convince that reconciliation in this situation is simply impossible, betrayal cannot be forgiven. Inspire his friends the same, they must believe that in you is his salvation from suffering and deception.

Keep in mind that there will certainly be a discerning person among his friends who will not completely believe you. It means that you and your loved one need to distance themselves from this friend, to stop meeting with him. In the eyes of others, the culprit of all the worries of your chosen one should be the ex-girlfriend, but not you. Perhaps your rival will want to meet with you and the guy in order to bring you out into the open. Do not shy away from such a conversation, but be extremely polite and calm in communication.
An offended girl will not be able to convince her ex-lover of your unsightly role, on the contrary, this will turn him against her, the relationship will completely go wrong.

You are his life's dream

You will definitely hear these words if your character was enough to win in the fight for your beloved. Show restraint here: do not rush to immediately move on to close relationships. But delay is also dangerous. Choose a moment to ask: is the memory of the past living in it? Formulate the question so that there is no answer: yes, he cannot yet forget his first love.

The relationship started, but this does not mean that you once and for all managed to take the guy off the girl. You should remain the best in his mind: beautiful, interesting both in conversations and in sex. He must continue to admire your perfection. And this means - you constantly play along with the chosen one, thereby sometimes infringing on your pride. The effect must be fixed so that he gets used to you and finally abandons thoughts of his former lover.

You have achieved your goal, now you are always with your loved one. However, time will pass, and doubts will begin to torment you: will not a person appear nearby who will charm your beloved with “fairy tales and caresses” and beat him off, as you did.

Therefore, before you decide that you need to beat off the guy from the girl, try imagine yourself in her place. Playing with love, dignity, and other people's feelings is dangerous. You managed to find ways and tricks to deprive your rival of happiness. But this can become a boomerang, and you will one day suffer the same defeat. So don't rush to a decision.

How to beat off an ex-boyfriend from a girl

Such a situation, perhaps, should be called hopeless. Judge for yourself: you met a young man, and he, in the midst of complete well-being, left you and preferred another, maybe even your best friend. After that, the time came for you to experience, jealousy, the desire to take revenge on your rival, to return your beloved grew.

One advice: let it take some time for you to calm down and soberly assess the situation. Do you need to return the past if in the future you will meet with reliable and loyal people? In addition, it also happens that a guy himself understands how wrong he was by going over to a girl who simply insidiously seduced him. In such a situation, he will truly appreciate your merits and will return to you himself with words of remorse. And whether to forgive him is up to you.

The modern world is cruel and insidious - everyone survives the way they can. So the search for the second half has noticeably changed. Today, girls do not hesitate to beat off a guy, even from their own best friend. There are special instructions and popular trainings. After all, even a self-confident girl resorts to studying the advice of psychologists and specialists in the matter presented. But as you know, the specialists themselves rarely resorted to such actions, so the likelihood of finding errors in the instructions increases. It is much more interesting to follow the experience of a girl who has already fought off a young man. And there are a lot of them. And they all follow a certain sequence of actions.

Step 1. Know the enemy by sight!

If you liked a young man at school or college, you probably know his girlfriend. It's another matter when this girl does not study with you in the same educational institution - how to understand how she looks then? Firstly, you should not ask his friends about it - it is strictly forbidden to ask to show photos or tell about it, because friends may suspect you of an insidious plan. Secondly, it is also not recommended to follow them - you can provoke trouble. What to do then?

First, you should answer the question of why even find out with whom the young man is dating. Psychologists say - if you want to beat off a young man, it is important to look better than your rival. We are talking about external beauty, grooming, a spectacular figure, a sweet smile and other joys, do not forget about a better, more attractive style.

How to find out about a girl I don't know? There are the following ways to find information about the girl of the guy you like:

  1. Gather a company for a trip to the cafe. You need to talk to a new acquaintance, so going to the movies will not work.
  2. As an alternative to going to the movies, you can choose to attend a match. In this case, choose only what interests young people the most. During the match, you can notice a bored opponent and join her to get bored together.
  3. It is best to invite the company, a young man and his girlfriend to your home for a party. In this case, you can quite closely communicate with your rival - you, as the mistress of the house, can take “patronage” over a new acquaintance and reveal all her positive and negative sides.

Having learned about a girl, her appearance and other criteria, you should follow the advice of psychologists and specialists - a guy can only go to the complete opposite of his girlfriend. Therefore, if a rival does not think about her own style, neglects sports, you must dress effectively, tighten your figure. If your opponent, on the contrary, prefers sexy outfits, short skirts, but silly conversations on the topic of "glamor" - your task is to look attractive and natural, your strength in conversations.

It is better to beat off the guy from his own girlfriend, whom the young man may not satisfy in some way, not support in any matters. You must become an obedient follower and support your loved one, but not free, in all his endeavors and delusional ideas.

Step 2. Make friends with her

If you all go to school or college together, try making friends with him and his girlfriend. When your opponent doesn't suspect that something was wrong, you will spend more time with the young man and show your best opposite sides of his girlfriend.

Otherwise, the situation will be even better. This way you can act as a positive side. Try to communicate with the young man and your rival as often as possible. The guy should see that you want to communicate with them without any “back” thoughts and wishes. And his girlfriend speaks from the negative side - she treats her good friend so badly.

Step 3. Communicate more with the guy

Despite the obstacles, move on to the next step, how to beat off a guy from another girl. Even if your opponent is against, try to spend time with the guy you like as often as possible, communicate with him. In the absence of a common company, the following options and opportunities stand out:

  1. Provided that the young person goes in for sports and is on the team of an educational institution, attend training and competitions. Your chance increases if there is no rival nearby at the team's training (at competitions the girl will often be with him). If your presence is unexpected, sign up for a section that combines classes in one gym.
  2. Friendship with his friend or acquaintance turns out to be an excellent opportunity. For example, it can be the same team player. Try to communicate with your acquaintance outside of school - this way you will get closer to the "passing" guy and achieve your goal.
  3. Find out which gym he is in. Buy a subscription to it and try to visit the gym during the training of a young man.
  4. Meet a free guy from his company. It sounds amazing, but you can not only communicate with him, but also start dating. Then you will quite often meet with your beloved young man, and your rival will calm down at your expense.

Attention! You should use only one of the presented methods. Combining two or more communication options can lead to the opposite result. If a guy realizes that there are too many of you in his life, he will lose interest in you.

It is easier for a girl who wants to beat off a young man from her best friend. She knows all their poignant moments and can easily “turn the arrows” on herself at a joint meeting - communication with the young man of her best friend will not cause negative emotions. A homeless woman should also take advantage of the cases of a public quarrel between a guy and a rival. At the same time, your task is to find suitable words for the young man - you must secretly support him. A friend should not suspect something was wrong, so after supporting a guy, immediately go to console your friend. Of course, you are only on her side.

In conversations with a young man, talk about his favorite topics - study car brands, space and various Darwin's theories, start playing his favorite game, watch films with his favorite actor, or start watching a series that the guy is currently watching with admiration. During the discussion, support the young man, his goals and positions, praise his endeavors - you must "look into the mouth" of the chosen one. The advantage of a lover is that the rival may not share his interests and speaks openly about his shortcomings - she is relaxed, believing that her beloved will not go anywhere.

Step 4. Ask for help

When your friendship has become pretty strong, or you are communicating with him as an acquaintance, begin to gently ask for help. You can start with the elementary - give the ball, help pump up your legs, explain the function on your phone, help with your tablet, you can reinstall the system on your computer. If you are in a common company, try to stand next to him and constantly ask him for help - give, treat, take care of the lady!

Make sure that your requests are not too intrusive, and do not arise often - the young man may just get bored. Moreover, if his girlfriend, whom you perceive as a real rival, can resist and "open the eyes" of the guy to you. Your consumerist attitude will destroy all efforts.

Step 5. Start flirting

As a rule, girls in relationships stop flirting with their halves. Therefore, young people, as soon as they see such behavior on the part of another representative of the fair sex, immediately begin to reciprocate. When communicating in the same company - this can be done as a joke - it is enough just to joke on the topic of flirting and show on the example of a young man you like, but not free. After a few of these jokes, the guy will clearly distinguish you from the whole company.

You can also flirt with the help of a young man. Even if he came to the rescue with a friend, you must direct all your charms of seduction only in the direction of the desired one. Thus, you will leave a mark on the guy's memory, he will periodically remember you, and maybe even talk to his girlfriend.

Step 6. Cunning

All the steps given in the instructions on how to discourage a guy from another girl should lead you to close friendship or communication. When you have won his favor and interest in your person, you can start a war, but only so that he does not understand about your plan and your guilt in subsequent events.

You can beat off a guy only with the implementation at a certain stage of an insidious plan. Even if the options don't suit your temperament, stock up on fighting spirit and get started. Cunning from the undercover - this is the motto of the presented step. You can choose one of the following options:

  1. Try to find dirt on his current darling. Surely you already had to meet her girlfriends and friends. Someone might know something. Send incriminating evidence to the young man, but only so that he does not guess in the future about your involvement. If there is no compromising evidence, come up with it yourself and just spread the rumor.
  2. With a strong pressure, you can use a trick - ask your acquaintance or friend to seduce a rival. Themselves at this moment, be nearby and take a photo. For some young people, even a photo of their beloved, sweetly talking in a cafe with a stranger, will be enough.
  3. Try to be alone with the chosen one and offer him a drink. Of course, he will refuse, but you can think of a reason to celebrate. If the chosen one wants to invite his girlfriend, tell him that you are only "on a glass" - there should be only one bottle on the table (maybe even started), but you should accidentally have a whole arsenal of alcohol. If everything goes right, then the young man can drink a little and reciprocate.

Sometimes girls strive to water the desired man and seduce him here and now. But it is not recommended to do this - it is enough to talk to him on piquant topics and arouse in him a sexual interest in you. But if a man wants something more, do not refuse him! Remember: you must be at your best in every sense - lace underwear, full combat readiness in an intimate and hygienic sense.

Step 7. Get him excited

If all of the above methods have yielded positive results, your task will now become inaccessible. To do this, show a little coldness towards him - men are by nature earners and conquerors, so now he will look for a new darling. It is not necessary to wait for parting with a rival here. Sometimes even their quarrel on the basis of clarified circumstances becomes sufficient - trust will already be undermined, so the guy will begin, without suspecting it, to "stare" at others and look for "prey". Perhaps he wants revenge.

Excitement can also arise after a spicy conversation in a drunken state. Even if you already had sex, this does not mean that now you are together. Having sober up, a guy can seriously regret what happened. You must remain unshakable - so what of the fact that you slept? You will not tell anyone, and intimacy today does not oblige you to anything.

Now about the excitement and awakening of a deeper interest in you. Here you can use the following methods (they can be combined):

  1. You are at a party with a common company. Leave her early - you can refer to the fact that there is simply no mood. Just do it on purpose so that he sees you and understands the reason for leaving. This will certainly provoke him to reflect on your emotional state. In the absence of the girl at the party (or even in her presence, but being in a quarrel), the guy may volunteer to accompany you.
  2. In the case of communicating with him, try to conduct a dialogue at ease - as if you are worried about another topic, you are in thought. As a rule, young people feel this and begin to ask about what happened, so be sure to come up with a version.
  3. Leave after your communication with him, he has something behind him at home. It can be a scarf, a cosmetic bag, or better a phone or tablet. Then he will have an additional reason to meet with you.
  4. If you previously asked him for help on a regular basis, or he has some imperfections in your home, do not ask him for help again. Let him call and ask why you don't ask him for help. Your task is not to run to the phone, but as if reluctantly to pick up the phone and chat at ease - as if you forgot or had other things, more important than imperfections. Do not overdo it - you must achieve a new coming to you and a new help.

Step 8. First sex

The recognition of inaccessibility in you forms the interest of the young man - now not you, but he will run after you and look for a meeting with you. Your task is to remain inaccessible, but again become a faithful friend. Repeat steps 3, 4 and 5 on the path to rapprochement with him, but exclude initiatives in your new relationship - he must be the initiator. Gradually draw closer, coming to the first kiss. With an influx of passion and incontinence on a young man, everything can end in sex.

To finally beat off a guy, sex must be enchanting, but your initiative must be absent here. First, he must come to this himself. Secondly, in bed, he must dominate. Thirdly, rather passionate girls only repel guys - subsequent sex, even with mutual interest, may not happen. Of course, one should not lie like a “shot down pilot” - please him, excite him, warm up his ardor and fervor. But he must take the main part into his own hands - he is the hunter, so let him think that he conquered you.

What to do next? There are two possible scenarios here. The first is the "happy ending" - you are now a couple of lovers. The second, less happy, but already the penultimate step towards rapprochement forever. It consists in the reconciliation of the chosen one with the rival. Whoever was the initiator, their relationship will no longer be so cloudless. The guy will always remember you, so if you behave correctly, the second sex will not keep you waiting. You must continue to communicate with him as before. But flirting, unambiguous hints and open conversations in private should be present all the time. With an open conversation, you are more likely to get it again. While no one hears you, say that he is simply irresistible in ALL senses, and you would not mind appreciating him again. At some point, maybe during another quarrel with a girl, he will definitely come to you for more than just chatting.

How to beat off an ex-boyfriend from a rival

Now you should give a little instruction on how to beat off an ex-boyfriend from another. Often there are no serious difficulties in this, since you know him from all sides, you can influence his weak points. However, the sequence should still be followed:

  1. First, change your image - do not become the same as your rival. You just have to match the coveted image of your ex-boyfriend. It may be enough just to change the style of clothing.
  2. Always be in a good mood. Do not be sad because of unfulfilled hopes, do not show him that you are bored. You are now starting a new life, which he does not yet know about.
  3. As if by chance, start taking an interest in his hobbies - sign up for the “neighboring” fitness center, in the same section, but study with another trainer, get to know another company of street racers, and so on.
  4. During the same neighboring hobbies, show that you are carried away by a young man. Show him signs of attention, as you did with your ex-boyfriend before - he needs to understand that you liked someone else.
  5. Treat his companion with friendliness - do not hurt her, praise your ex-boyfriend, give her any support in a relationship with a guy.
  6. Try to keep an active lifestyle - attend events and concerts more often. Your life should be colorful and varied - in the general company you always have something to tell about.
  7. Bring the young man you like from the "neighboring" hobby for acquaintance. To begin with, it is enough to introduce him as just a friend, and already with the development of the topic, to say about the beginning of a relationship.

As soon as you see that the ex-boyfriend starts to get nervous and angry, be sincerely surprised - for what? Now you are both happy separately, he has a spectacular and slender girlfriend, his life is in full swing. When he starts talking about the resumption of relations (and this will happen quickly), explain in detail to him why you do not want to go into the same river twice - this is not about his shortcomings, but about the stage passed, your change, feng shui and other nonsense. Get new courtship from the ex, and only then, following the situation, make a decision. Often, girls, having achieved a result, refuse what was planned - indeed, why should they re-experience the already passed stage. And the new acquaintance turns out to be so cute that you want to communicate with him again and again.

Before using the instructions on how to discourage a guy from another girl, think carefully about the plan and the result. Ask yourself a question: what if they beat him off too. Psychologists say that there are two types of men - amenable to the onslaught of a lover and not amenable. Those who do not succumb, even noticing the languid glances of the lovemaker, will not react to them. And if he and his girlfriend have misunderstandings, he will first sort out those relationships, and only then he will look for a new companion in life. Therefore, you should not rush to the deceit and diversion of the guy, it is better to build your own relationship.

For many girls, the problem of building a personal life is more than acute. This is a normal situation in today's reality. People began to communicate less, life became more intense.

Indeed, today it is not an easy task to find a worthy man, and even a free one. Usually, all promising options are instantly sorted out, only those men who either do not need anyone, or those who, for some reason, do not need anyone, remain alone. How can a girl be in such a situation who wants to happily arrange her personal life?

There are several paths leading to cloudless family comfort. Some marry a lieutenant colonel, hoping to make him a general; others choose for themselves the thorny path of "taming the obstinate" man; and only a few decide to beat off the guy they like from their rival. There is still a fourth way - to remain alone, but this is definitely not about you and me. So, which path to happiness do you choose? If you have a decent man in mind, but he, as befits a good candidate, is already busy, and you know for sure that you want to be with him and are ready to make every effort to take him out of the relationship, then this article is for you.

The first thing that is important to realize when deciding to take a man away from another is that you are unlikely to remain on good terms with her after that. Therefore, if the "rival" is your friend, think about whether this man is really good enough to risk friendship for him? No matter how it was then excruciatingly painful from a perfect mistake.

It is also important to consider that the blame for their parting is likely to fall on you. Are you ready to endure the emotional pressure from his ex-girlfriend? Of course, do not forget about the pangs of conscience. In situations like this, the feeling guilt usually wakes up at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, before destroying other people's relationships, it is important to be absolutely confident in your decision and in your desire to be with him. Otherwise, it doesn't even make sense to take on it. Well, if you still intend to beat off the guy from the rival, then go for it. All in your hands. You just need to consistently adhere to the correct strategy of behavior, and in the end it will be yours. Immediately, we note that it is worth stocking up on moral strength and patience. Taking a guy away is not an easy task, and sometimes it takes a long time.

To begin with, it is important to make communication with the desired man regular. Agree, it will look strange attempts to interest the person with whom you communicate every six months, especially if he already has a permanent relationship. Start interacting with your boyfriend more often. Congratulate him on the holidays, occasionally call to find out how he is doing. Don't be too intrusive, this will put him off. It is important to create a kind of friendly atmosphere between you. Do not drag out the conversation, call him as if by the way. Your goal at this stage is to make communication an integral part of his life, so that when you do not show up for a long time, he starts to get bored, wondering how you are doing.

After the contact is established and the man completely trusts you, it's time to "get to know the enemy." Find out more about his relationships, what he likes about girls, what he hates, what mistakes, in his opinion, his current girlfriend makes. After all, in the end, you will need to seem to the man better than her, which is why it is so important to exclude unforgivable oversights in behavior. Don't talk bad about her. Take the position of an unbiased expert. If necessary, of course, encourage the man and, of course, focus on the fact that you have no idea how it was possible to behave with him this way. Emphasize that you would never allow yourself this in a relationship.

Your "friendly" desire to meet his girlfriend will be useful. So you can better learn about her shortcomings, unobtrusively draw his attention to some of them when communicating together. Avoid being straightforward, be smarter. Outwardly, you should create a pleasant, friendly experience. However, it will be in your hands if she begins to guess about your plans. After all, then she will very soon burst into hatred for you. With your tact and gentleness, this will play in your favor. In his eyes, you will accept the role of an unhappy, defenseless victim, whom he will begin to actively defend from his eccentric, aggressive girlfriend. These are exactly the accents you need.

It will be helpful to get support from his friends. It will be absolutely superfluous to devote them to your plans, but sometimes excitedly discussing the personal life of a common friend can be productive. It is better if the information that she is not a match for him will not come from you, so you can maintain your external neutrality in this situation. Remember that there are quarrels in any, even the happiest couple. Be there for him in a difficult situation, support him, and next time he will come for support to you. Do not press on him, do not bring your feelings down, just be there. Become an ideal girl for him: kind, affectionate, understanding. Be better than her.

If, in addition to your intimate communication with a man, you look good, take care of yourself, allow yourself to flirt, then sooner or later not only friendly feelings will wake up in him. And here everything depends on you, on your ability to feel a man. After all, on the one hand, it is important not to become a mistress for him, to whom he will come to distract himself from "family life", on the other, you run the risk of being too inaccessible. Many men are frightened off by being too cold, and they stop making any attempts. Try to stick to the middle ground. Well, I hope you understand that sex also has to surpass what he gets in a relationship with his current crush.

When communicating with a man, try to be enthusiastic about his interests. You need to have something to connect with besides talking about his failed relationship. Be his friend in everything, remembering to flirt with him, arouse his interest. It would be nice if, in the end, between the opportunity to spend the evening with her, or hang out with you, go snowboarding, or go to the movies together, he chose you because it gives him more pleasure.

Never run after the guy. The man is a hunter. Therefore, even in a situation where you want to discourage him from another girl, the representative of the stronger sex should still have the illusion that he is trying to get you. Otherwise, you will quickly get bored with it. Let him be near with you man. Perhaps this is what he lacks so much in his current relationship. With you it should be interesting and easy for him.

Be patient. Remember that in no case should you bore him, put pressure on him, rush him into making a decision. Be tactful and kind to the end both with him, with any of his actions, and with her, do not enter into open conflict. If you can keep your composure, then eventually he will leave her for you. Having started a relationship with the desired man, it is important to devote the first time to "consolidating the positive effect." Stay some more time for him as an ideal girl, so that he is finally confirmed in the correctness of his choice.

After a while, you can start introducing him to his real self. However, do it carefully, because if you go too far, it is not a fact that he will not run away from you to the next girl, who again seems ideal to him. Remember: it is not enough to take a man away from a rival; it is important to be able to keep him close to you. That is why you should always be at your best for him, so that he sees only you and no one but you. Remember that your man is special, and the hunt for such is always going on. Thus, it is in your power to become happy. Everything depends on you. If you like a man and are ready to pursue him, it is enough to follow the strategy of behavior, and very soon you will be able to plunge into his arms.

Stick to step-by-step actions, and you will certainly be able to beat off the desired man from your rival.

  • Weigh the pros and cons. Are you really ready to get involved in the fight for this man?
  • Connect with your boyfriend. Try to communicate with him often enough, but avoid intrusiveness.
  • Become a friend for him with whom he is ready to discuss the problems of his personal life.
  • Find common interests that will help you spend more time together.
  • Be kind. Avoid open conflict between you and his girlfriend. Take the position of an independent expert. Encourage him, but avoid direct condemnation of her.
  • Maintain gentleness and affability against the backdrop of the jealous, aggressive behavior of his current girlfriend. Befriend her man, and very quickly she will turn into an embittered fury.
  • Get support from your mutual friends. Let him learn from them that, perhaps, his current passion is not a match for him.
  • Be perfect for him. Become better than her in everything.
  • Let him be next to you man. Remember that he should be trying to get you.
  • Be friendly, patient, consistent, sexy, unobtrusive, and eventually the desired man will be yours!

A man will not want to part with a woman if she seems to him the best. Therefore, you will have to become better than her. To do this, you need to find out the preferences of your opponent, her tastes, style, hobbies. In addition, you should know the young man's attitude to these tastes. There is bound to be something that does not suit him, and you must find out what it is.

When communicating with the guy you are going to beat off, always listen to him carefully, talk to him about his problems, give advice. Chat on his favorite topics, support his interests. Thus, you will endear him to yourself, he will consider that you understand him perfectly, unlike his real chosen one.

After you have won him over and become friends with him, ask him to help you in some simple and insignificant matter. He will feel like a man next to you.

After that, you can begin to gently flirt with him. Accidental touches, light hits on the shoulder, etc. The main thing is not to go too far.

If there is a chance to get someone to take his woman away from him, you can use this method as well. Then he will either become free, or he will need your friendly advice and support. In this case, you can take his position, condemning the behavior of his girlfriend. For example, you can say: "Of course, I cannot condemn the act of your chosen one, but in her place I would never answer the attentions of another man if I have a loved one."

Take a close look at his preferences regarding the style of clothing and the appearance of the girls. If you have to change your image, do it.

If the guy is calm, talks quietly, you do not need to shout next to him. If, on the contrary, he is active, be the same, do not sit quietly. Adapt to it, but don't repeat everything.

If you were able to interest your chosen one, became the girl he can trust and with whom he has a lot in common, you need to make a cunning move. Disappear for a while, go to another place for a week, do not catch his eye, let him lose you for a little while. Or show the young man that you have another boyfriend who gives you flowers, shows signs of attention. In these cases, your man should understand that you are dear to him, feel what he needs, and he will seek your location.

Try to get him to appreciate your culinary arts. Invite him to some holiday, prepare something extraordinary. Show that you can do more than just scrambled eggs or pasta. At the same time, be shy, say that it is not at all difficult for you to cook delicious dishes and you do it quite often. Male food is very important. Therefore, you will immediately grow in his eyes.

When your relationship comes to the first kiss, put your heart and soul into it. While kissing, think about how you are in love with him, how you want to be close to him, to feel his warmth. And then try to forget about this love, so that at this moment there would be a discharge like “I didn't understand what happened now”. Show him that his kiss makes you dizzy. He will want to kiss you again to feel power over your feelings.

When it comes to sex, make it the best in his life. Show that you have great potential in a variety of sexual relationships. Sex for men is also very important.

If you managed to achieve his love and you became a couple, never run after him. Never become soft, docile, ready for whatever he wants. Yes, for a while it will bring you very close. But then your boyfriend will get bored and he will start looking for a new passion that will turn on his emotions and spirit of competition.

So many guys are single, but I love married

Well, you can't throw out the words from the song, even if the guy is not married, but simply in a relationship, but, unfortunately, not with you, but with another person. And how annoying it can be when you realize that you are much more beautiful, more successful than your rival. And why does he love her? After all, she probably has a bad character, and she doesn’t know how to cook, and in general ... In short, she doesn’t suit you, so today you have a global question on your agenda: “How to beat off a guy?”.

Stocking up information

Well, let's not delve into demagogy about how ethical it is, but let's get down to business right away. And, since our business is serious, we need to carefully prepare for it. Remember the popular saying that the one who owns the information owns the whole world? Now this is exactly your case. You need to get as much information as possible about both the object of your love and his passion. How do you want? Otherwise, your “I want to beat off the guy” will remain at the level of desire. To get something, you have to act. So go for it. Find out all about your rival. Who is she? Where did it come from? How does he live? Where and by whom does he work? What do others think of her? What is her character? Why is she so attracted to a man who, of course, should be with you? And most importantly, you need to clearly know if she has any flaws that bring the guy almost to white heat. The more details you know, the better. The sooner you can find the most effective and effective way to beat the guy off.

We instill complexes

One option is to try to get close to this unsuitable (in your opinion)

girl. So you will be able to communicate with her and with her (still her) boyfriend. The main thing is to behave as naturally as possible. Pretend that you are not planning anything like that. Do not give her the opportunity to guess that you have views of her man, otherwise your insidious plan may collapse. In the case of how to beat off a guy from a rival, the main thing is patience. Water wears away a pebble, do not forget about it. If you absolutely do not give a damn about the girl's feelings, begin to subtly drive her into complexes. Do not offend her in any way. Just every time, in one way or another, let her understand that she is a nonentity, and the guy - that you are his ideal. After all, you already know what he loves and what he does not like. Take advantage of this. Your attack should be invisible. The guy should realize himself that it is much more interesting for him to communicate with you. And you always look like a sweetheart, not like his "little guy".

How to beat off a guy? Preparing compromising evidence

You can try another option. But for this you need another guy, preferably a good friend or acquaintance of yours. With its help, you can make compromising evidence on your rival, which you then anonymously throw to your beloved in the form of photos, videos, etc. The evidence must be irrefutable, but the main thing is that no one guesses whose hands it is. When the doves quarrel (and you can not even doubt it), in no case show how incredibly happy you are about this fact. It makes no sense this very second to rush on the neck to the abandoned "cuckold". Continue your game called "How to beat off a guy": be still unapproachable and mysterious. Let his interest in you, as an interesting companion and a beautiful woman, increase. While he suffers from betrayal, unobtrusively, between times, advise him to change his phone number so that the "traitor" does not bother him with her calls and does not hurt him even more (but in fact, she did not open his eyes to you). Sympathize with him, suggest that the one who betrayed once can do it again. If you're lucky, after everything you've done, you'll be happy.