How to celebrate the new year together with my husband. New Year at the ski resort. New Year's image of lovers

Natalia Kaptsova

Reading time: 11 minutes


If you are planning to spend New Year's Eve together, we offer you a few ideas, and we will be happy if our tips will help your ideas come true and spend an unforgettable fabulous night.

New Year at the ski resort

Many travel companies offer weekend tours to different ski resorts, which are tailored to different budgets. What awaits you there? It can be a house in the woods with a fireplace, you will sit on the floor by the fireplace with sparkling champagne and light snacks and have an unforgettable romantic night. Many young people come to such resorts, you can join them in a cafe, where contests with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden and the obligatory New Year's fireworks will be organized.

Feedback from forums:


We spent the night with the young man, there is something to remember: "Yeah ... a wooden house with a fireplace, good wine, and on the street there are mountains everywhere, snow and bright stars, and only us." (Better than mountains, there can only be mountains. V. High.) Recommend!


The young man and I also met the New Year at the ski resort, so there were so many young people, everyone met NG in their room, then went out to watch the fireworks, it was super. As for entertainment, there is enough for every taste.


On New Year's Eve we went to the mountains together, skied, we celebrated NG in the hotel, the night was fun, for three whole days together it’s just a thrill, away from all the problems and worries we had a great rest.

New Year's Eve at home

In order not to be bored at home and to have something to remember and to want to repeat this again, you will have to think over self-organization well.

You can organize the evening in some special style, for example, it can be Japanese or Chinese, with appropriate costumes. The food can be prepared by you or ordered at the restaurant.

You can fill the bathroom, light the candles, fill the glasses with champagne. Of course you are not ichthyandras, you will not sit there for a long time, so think of something else that would entertain you on New Year's Eve.

Feedback from forums:


New Year at home is what you need! We set the table for two, sat down to the chimes, and an hour later we filled our bath with foam and glasses of champagne - so we sank into it. It turned out to be a wonderful night, without overeating - it's great to celebrate together! In the afternoon we got up, when we slept, drank coffee in bed, and in the evening went to visit.


I did this: I furnished the room with candles with the smell of spruce, on the shelves, on the floor and almost missed NG, because they saw off the old year in bed, and jumped up at the last moment, in which my mother gave birth and met the new year - it turned out to be unforgettable.

New Year's Eve in a restaurant

In this case, you need to choose an institution, inquire about the New Year's program. A table must be booked in advance.

Feedback from forums:


New Year's Eve we had such a dinner in a restaurant, at 18-00 we went to the theater after bowling. There we met NG, stayed up to 2. nights. And they went home! Both are happy, but I am more. No fussy cooking, no shopping.

New Year's Eve at the club

The most danceable new year awaits you. New Year's dance music, jokes, contests, dancing until you drop. This new year promises to be very fun.

Walk in the city at night

Some couples prefer to celebrate the New Year in the city square, near the main tree, where a lot of people gather. A New Year's program is being held with various contests and sweepstakes. The only thing you need is to dress warmly, and to prefer hot tea from strong drinks. A big plus in this meeting of the New Year,
you like no one else will enjoy the most beautiful New Year's fireworks.

Water New Year

It might look like this: a pool, candles are burning around the pool, and a tray of champagne and fruits is floating on the water. Or a sauna, a set table, a steam room and a cool pool. You can also order various spa treatments as a gift.

If you have the opportunity to go to the village, you will enjoy carols, various rituals, sledding. It will be unusual and fabulous. Something like "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka."

Travel to other countries

According to statistics, 2% of those who want to spend the New Year away from home fall into this category, if you are one of them, you have a great opportunity to plunge into other people's traditions, see them with your own eyes, and experience them. Before you is a huge selection of countries: Eastern, warm and European countries. Scotland, Sweden, Denmark, Japan, China, Cyprus and many, many others. This will definitely be unforgettable, impressionable and will have something to tell your friends. Read more about how interesting it is to celebrate or if you like hot countries.

New Year on the ship

New Year's cruise is a fascinating journey on a ship - the chimes chiming under the splashing waves. Separate cabin, restaurant, live music. Just choose where you want to travel by rivers or seas, to domestic cities or other countries.

On the train

If someone likes to travel by train, you can spend this night in a warm carriage with the sound of wheels. With a beautiful snowy landscape outside the window. To do this, buy two tickets in a double compartment in the SV carriage. Bring everything you need with you: fruit, champagne and something from New Year's accessories to decorate the compartment and go - what else can you think of more romantic.

In order for the holiday to bring maximum pleasure, we will give you some tips:

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On the rink

Snowflakes, his hand that supports you, fireworks above your head ... what could be more fabulous? Head to the city skating rink with a bottle of champagne and two glasses. Riding together, you will not notice how time flies by and the clock strikes 12. It's time to have a drink with your loved one for a brotherhood and make a wish ...

By the sea

Those of us who are lucky enough to celebrate a holiday in a warm country can go to the beach at night. Let the wind be cool and the sand icy: the main thing is the stars, the sound of the surf and the company of a loved one. You can retire on the pier and embrace 2016 under the rustle of palm leaves. And then the whole next year will be no less romantic!

Plaid, cinema and mulled wine

Where else can you celebrate the New Year? Some couples don't like noisy parties. If you are one of them, a home environment with a warm drink, a good movie and a warm hug will be perfect for you. By the way, you can cook some kind of "romantic" dish, like a chocolate fondue, and treat each other with strawberries from a fork.

Absolute luxury

If you manage to book it in advance, you can meet New Year's Eve in an expensive hotel room. You can afford to order champagne on ice and caviar, make love on silk sheets, or first go down to the hall, where a New Year's ball is usually held for guests. This evening he will wear a suit, and you will wear an evening dress, you will dance to live music, and then go up to your room ... Great idea for the New Year!

In winter style

Rent a house in a snowy village that smells of wood and spruce cones. Let it turn out to be a real wilderness - far from civilization and alone with nature. The trip will be especially fun if the village organizes New Year's festivities with a traditional feast, where locals gather. You have never tried this before! And in the morning you can take a steam bath and plunge into the ice hole ...

A la russ

Where to spend New Year's holidays in our country? Drive to a beautiful city to celebrate the holiday in a new place. You can go to Ustyug, Yaroslavl, Boldino, Suzdal ... There you can ride on carts, drink mead, watch fireworks near the Kremlin and walk all night along the cobbled streets. In the morning, the folk festivities continue and you can enjoy the local festival with games and food.

Full extreme

If you are not afraid of hiking conditions, you can celebrate the New Year in a tent by the fire. Go to the forest in warm clothes. Don't forget to bring as many blankets and a spare pair of shoes as possible. Make a fire, cook an ear, tell each other the most important things under the flickering flame. This adventure will be unforgettable!

Romantic holiday rules:

  • Make sure the man supports your idea. In any case, even if it seems to you that he will be delighted, you should not make too unpredictable surprises. After all, a night in a tent, large expenses and traffic jams do not delight everyone.
  • Discuss all the details in advance. To get really romantic, there are many factors to consider, including convenience, comfort and availability.
  • Remember compromises. If a man wants to celebrate a holiday with friends or parents, a romantic evening can be moved overnight from 1st to 2nd.

Daria Mazurkina thought about ideas

Do you want to meet New Year's Eve together with the desired man? But at the same time with joy, happiness, not at all in dreary, gloomy despondency? Then you need to understand everything.

How beautiful to celebrate the New Year with your beloved?

Celebrating the new year together is great. The evening can turn into a real fairy tale and bring a lot of pleasure. A natural, almost reflexive activity will be the desire to decorate your home. You understand that to do this on the evening of December 31, without seeing anything around, headlong, frantically rushing around the house or in search of Christmas tree, colorful decorations, or garlands is certainly not worth it. It is better to plan ahead for the available free evening by planning a quiet occupation of decorating your apartment shortly before.

Just decorating the Christmas tree is not enough. In order to wish to celebrate the coming New Year together in a romantic, fabulous, cozy atmosphere, you need to create this very New Year's atmosphere. Use for decoration all kinds of garlands with Christmas balls, spruce branches with a pine tree, but for New Year's Eve itself, it is better to prepare candles. Provided that there are no "hindrances" for the evening, due to the absence of small children or animals, this electric garland can be hung in the most permissible and original places.

Instead, discuss together what each of you wants to expect from the first night of the New Year. The basic rule is to strive to do everything together, because the New Year together is a step into a new time together. If you are only guided by your wishes, then, most likely, a quarrel cannot be avoided. There is nothing worse before the New Year than a quarrel.

It is better to prepare gifts for each other with surprises - albeit insignificant, but at the same time presented with a soul. Create together and in advance a festive menu. None of you two enjoy cooking? Better not to waste time in the kitchen, it is worth on December 31 to go to the nearby grocery stores, shelling out for ready-made salads, pizza, sushi.

Does your scenario "celebrate New Years together" involve some kind of sexy marathon? Light meals made from little-known aphrodisiac foods - either caviar, mushrooms, avocados, and so on - should have a place on your New Year's table.

It is best not to overeat - especially a large amount of food consumed in a variety of paired methods can be a serious cause of food poisoning. A slightly empty stomach can show some kind of sexual hunger.

How to celebrate the New Year with your loved one and not get bored?

It will not be superfluous to do styling in advance with evening make-up. Be sure to both dress effectively. Maybe you should undress? After all, you can meet this holiday naked. Present the desired man with an original and valuable gift - maybe a bikini, herringbone design. Such a sexual encounter in the coming year will be especially memorable for you.

Or you can resort to the "cozy" scenario - just in dressing gowns, and on the unfolded sofa, along with a bunch of available soft pillows, passionately eating all sorts of goodies, but watching your favorite, amazing films.

Summarize in anticipation of this holiday. Remember all the bad things that happened this past year, and, naturally, all the good ones. Unpleasant, annoying memories should be written down on a piece of paper, then burned so that the unnecessary and bad remain in this old year.

Do not want to spoil your mood by watching the usual "blue lights", always broadcast on New Year's Eve on TV? Then look in advance for discs with films that you associate with a good New Year.

Taking stock is not the last thing to do. Talk about your plans for the future. It is better to write down these desires on pieces of paper, then put them in a bottle from under something - in a year you can get a “piggy bank of desires”. Draw conclusions of what has already come true from the accumulated.

A home New Year's photo session is also possible. Record the congratulations "sent" to each other on your camcorder. Then, after a few years, you can get an interesting collection of your family videos. It is not necessary to celebrate such a holiday either with friends, or with relatives, or alone, you can devote all the fabulous New Year's time to the most desired, beloved and only man. He should appreciate your simple act with dignity, the answer to which can be an unforgettable, stormy night.

New Year is a special holiday for each of us. Traditionally, it is customary to meet him in a warm circle of family and friends or together with a loved one. The last option, despite its seeming lightness, is the most difficult. After all, this magical holiday must definitely leave the most fabulous and pleasant memories and become not just another m, but an extraordinary meeting of the New Year, which you will undoubtedly spend together.

It is worth remembering the proverb: "As you celebrate the New Year - so you will spend it." This is a good reason to turn this holiday into a celebration of love, which will always be with you for 365 days of the new year.

So, how to celebrate the new year together with your beloved?

Celebrating the New Year at home near the tree

First of all, it all depends on your characters and preferences. If your chosen one is an inveterate couch potato, the traditional New Year's celebration at home, near the tree, is best suited. In order to bring the atmosphere of romance to the holiday, we recommend to decorate the house accordingly - to place spruce paws everywhere, decorated with toys, hang romantic and touching figurines of angels and mistletoe wreaths, under which, as we know, it is customary to "catch" your chosen ones in order to give them a gentle kiss.

It is also worth taking care not only of the New Year's table menu, but also of the entertainment program. We strongly advise against relying on central television in this matter, which traditionally offers the same type of shows and not too exciting concert programs on New Year's Eve. For a romantic evening, this set is not very suitable. It is better to choose in advance a selection of romantic and comedy New Year's films about love. This list may include, for example, "Real", "Home Alone" and even the Soviet painting "The Irony of Fate".

If your plans do not include watching TV on New Year's Eve, New Year's and romantic music can be a wonderful background for the holiday, which will provide you with the appropriate mood.

In addition, at home you can celebrate the New Year in a very unusual way, if you connect your imagination:

  • make an oriental tent over the bed, surround with pillows, sweets and a hookah; and you can also prepare a surprise - an oriental dance;
  • Imagine yourself in a house among the snow-capped mountains, throw the faux hide on the floor, put on sweaters and make mulled wine;
  • Arrange a spa-salon in the bathroom, sprinkling the bath with petals, light scented candles.

And here are ideas for how else to have fun on New Year's Eve with your loved one:

  • when it strikes 12 o'clock at night, write each of them a letter of the future, describing what you expect from the coming year for your family. Keep these letters secret until next New Year.
  • arrange a photo session and video shooting, record your wishes and confessions on video, and on December 31 next year it will be interesting for you to look at it.

Both of these ideas can be made a family tradition and repeated every year.

Celebrating the New Year in a house in the village or in the country

In the event that you are bored with home decorations to such an extent that there is no desire to celebrate the New Year in them, it makes sense to change the setting. An excellent option would be a house in the village or a summer cottage. Celebrating the New Year outside the city is a great idea for those who are tired of the bustle of the city and want to enjoy the silence and fresh air.

A secluded house in the village will be a great place for a romantic New Year's celebration. You don't have to think about the entertainment program - after all, at any moment you can remember your childhood and play snowballs in the yard or make a snowman together. Such a pastime will not only give you pleasure, but will also rally and bring you closer together.

If a spruce or pine tree grows near your house, you can dress it up appropriately with your loved one. Allow yourself to become light-hearted and completely immerse yourself in celebrating the New Year with your loved one.

Celebrating the New Year in a sanatorium or hotel

However, there are people who cannot sit in one place for a long time. If you and your chosen one are among them, the best place to celebrate the New Year for you and your chosen one may be a trip to a country sanatorium or a cruise. In this case, the efforts to prepare for the New Year's holidays will be required from you minimal, while the pleasure from the holiday met with your loved one will be enormous.

But there are also disadvantages here - you will have to meet the holidays in the company of strangers, the same vacationers as you. However, nothing prevents you from escaping from the whole world to your room and celebrating the New Year alone. For this option, hurry up to book a room using the search engine for the best deals from hotels!

Celebrating the New Year in warm countries

For those who are tired of the traditional New Year celebration in our snowy frosty latitudes, we can advise you to take a trip to warm countries. What could be more original than celebrating the New Year somewhere in warm countries, on the shore of a gentle sea, together with your loved one? And the pleasant memories brought back from such a romantic trip and the tan acquired on vacation will warm you during the remaining cold winter months. Thailand can be a great option for celebrating the New Year!

Celebrating the New Year with your beloved is not so difficult. Your imagination will surely tell you the right option for where and how to celebrate this holiday. And your desire to make it the best holiday in the world and attention to the chosen one will undoubtedly help make the New Year a romantic and magical holiday, turn it into a real fairy tale.

An old folk omen says: "How will you meet a magical holiday - New Year ...". Paraphrasing it a little, you can get no less wisdom: "With whom you meet a joyful and anticipated holiday with great excitement, you will spend it with that!" What could be more romantic than hugging a really close person under the magic chiming clock!

The New Year is traditionally considered a time of amazing miracles and the fulfillment of cherished desires. The dream of any girl is a magical New Year's Eve and vivid memories of romantic impulses for many years. And to spend such an unusual holiday in a bright and original way together with your loved one is triple tempting! The idea of ​​how to celebrate the New Year with a man depends in each individual case on how dear he is to you, on your fantasies and real possibilities. Often times, celebrating the New Year together is a catalyst for the seriousness of your relationship: whether it will be strong and long or doomed to be transient.

If your couple was created quite recently and dreams of having a noisy, fun New Year's holiday, then the best way would be a youth party with interesting contests, quizzes with mini-surprises. In the carefree crowd of young people, lovers can have a great time if they do not plan to be alone on a magical holiday.

If your financial possibilities permit, then a New Year's trip for two by an airliner to Paris, and then across the ocean, to New York, will make your New Year not only unforgettable, romantic, but also fill your heart with boundless happiness. Time zones will give you the double pleasure of celebrating the New Year: in Paris, at the Eiffel Tower, and then in New York at the famous Times Square.

A “gift of fate” can be a romantic New Year's evening spent together by candlelight:

  • First, decide in what style you would like to spend this wonderful holiday: traditional or romantic, extreme or thematic.
  • Either way, get yourself a dazzling New Year's outfit for a wonderful holiday. A charming uncomplicated hairstyle, a dress that accentuates the curves of your slender body, high-heeled shoes will give you the look of a New Year's Eve queen. Only at the dacha, in the village or on the roof of a high-rise building, you need to wear appropriate clothes and shoes, decorating yourself with a small but elegant piece of New Year's tinsel.

  • When preparing a menu for a romantic meeting of the New Year, together with your beloved, you should not be zealous with the number of dishes and strong drinks. It is better to discuss in advance what favorite snacks, a couple of salads, fruits, wine and champagne you would like to see on the table. You can buy a delicate heart-shaped surprise cake for a young man - it will not only be a great New Year's dessert, but also tell your soul mate about your innermost feelings for him.
  • For those who like to celebrate their favorite night celebration "at the height", that is, on the roof of one of the high-rise buildings or on the balcony, you can prepare a table in advance with a small set of dishes, champagne and stemware decorated with a satin ribbon. A huge world with bright lights spread out at your feet will create a feeling of cosmic happiness as the New Year approaches.

  • You can spend a New Year's Eve full of romance and unforgettable sensations by preparing a bath sprinkled with rose petals or scented with essential oils. The bathroom can be decorated with Christmas decorations, garlands, spruce branches. The radio will tell you when the chimes strike twelve times. Turn off the light. Small candles placed around the bathtub, champagne in an ice bucket, a dish with fresh fruit and various sweet "goodies" - a festive setting that will create an excellent mood. And your favorite music and foamy bliss will make the New Year's Eve a real pleasure.
  • A young man can present a gift in an original way, disguised as Santa Claus. A girl can become a Snow Maiden that night, hitting her “soul mate” with an outfit from a sex shop. The adult fun of giving New Year's "strip" gifts can turn this magical night into a fireworks of love.
  • These days, it is easy to find tutorials like STRIP DANCE or Secrets of Seduction: Striptease for a Lover. Having learned simple movements, you can surprise your beloved by giving him an erotic dance. This night, full of magic and charm, is simply made for the magic of love.

"Golden Rule

There should be romance in every detail, in every surprise! Even a booked table in a respectable restaurant or a quiet, cozy evening in a pleasant home atmosphere, a barbecue party in the country or noisy folk festivals in the main squares of cities should be filled with love and reverent attitude towards each other. This magical night should surround you with pine amber, scented candles, chocolate, kisses and love confessions, great surprises to become bright, exciting and memorable.