How to take revenge on a girl who went to another. Best revenge. Damage your ex's reputation

How can you take revenge on your ex-girlfriend, because the relationship between men and girls develops in different ways. Someone is bathed in love and affection long years, someone constantly quarrels and scandals. Young people often quarrel, and then reconcile and forget about quarrels. And someone does not intend to endure betrayal, and decides to break off relations. There is a category of people who, after a breakup, retain good, kind, friendly relations, someone does not agree with parting. Offended guys often they want to take revenge on former girls for treason and betrayal.

But how to get revenge on your ex-girlfriend for betrayal?

Guys sometimes very cruelly and aggressively deal with their ex-girlfriends. I don't even want to list the things that they do. But they show such aggression towards those to whom they confessed their love a couple of days ago, for whom, they were ready to change, with whom they wanted to connect their lives. They think this: I will threaten her, annoy her every day, she will not stand it and will return. This is the biggest the mistake of all men.

To take revenge on a former girlfriend who has abandoned her, you should not intimidate her, but you can, for example, show that she has lost. Engage in a career, study, business development. But this is a long-term process that requires a lot of time and effort. Then you can turn to a black magician, he will certainly help the guy to take revenge on the beautiful girl. The result will not have to wait for years. Its action is almost instantaneous. I often think why take revenge on an ex-girlfriend at all. If you love her, want to return, so return, and do not take revenge. Magic can do it too. Free love spells there are hundreds. Expectations of the result will be pleasant to you.

In general, questions of love are the most painful, frequent and important. Why do people commit typical mistakes? Why don't you learn from the mistakes of others?

  • Probably because all events proceed in their own rhythm.
  • V certain ages there are the same problems and questions of how to take revenge on your ex-girlfriend who left.
  • Teenagers quarrel over sharp words, wrong views, middle-aged people - because of betrayal and cooling relationships, aged people are worried about everyday problems.

These problems will never end in human life.

A person is so constituted that many things offend him. Resentment is a kind of protest, not agreement with what is happening. And if the resentment concerns, then this is serious. The girls take offense at the guys, they do not have enough attention, they were told the wrong words, they were misunderstood. Guys also take offense at girls, but their reasons are more serious.

Resentment against a beloved girl is often strong, so visit thoughts of revenge

Guys can implement a revenge plan in a very violent manner. Therefore, for a start, the girl should settle the conflict, if, of course, she wants to preserve this relationship. I think it's just that not one man will not be offended by a girl. The conversation should be constructive. Then, it is important to find the cause of the conflict before take revenge on your girlfriend... Many of us, offended, did not understand exactly why they were offended. And finally, you need to correct the mistake, ask for forgiveness and everything will be fine.

Well, if the resentment against the ex-girlfriend who refused is due to the fact that she does not want to hear and listen to you, packed up her things and just left you, then conversations will not help here. Here we only need some Magic force who can make the girl realize that she is wrong or who can strike back at her. Yes, yes, most often in such situations, guys want strongly avenge the girl's betrayal... And such an unprecedented force exists, everyone knows about its existence - this is black magic. Her power helps people in the most hopeless situations, it seemed.

What to do if there is a resentment against an ex-girlfriend, and you want to take revenge

Resentment towards your beloved girlfriend can be the impetus that will move the guy to the most insane actions. But magic is not madness, but a way to find the truth. This is a way to realize in reality what you are not able to do on your own. There are many ways in witchcraft quickly and safely take revenge on a girl for an insult, treason or betrayal. But you need to do this only with the help of a real magician.

But I must admit that happy couples exist, but not one of them is not complete without disagreements, this is life. Someone can cope with this situation himself, while others need help. Magic will help everyone, she has enough means and methods to translate plans to take revenge on her ex-girlfriend for an insult into reality.

Watch the video how to spoil yourself

Parting with a loved one is mutual consent, but it also happens that the decision to end the relationship was made only by the girl. This process does not always take place without offense, then there is a desire to take revenge. There are many ways to get revenge on your ex. Taking advantage of some of them, you can not only show her that she made a big mistake by losing you, but also calm your self-esteem and raise your life status.

How to take revenge on a woman for an insult?

The best way is to get in shape. Play sports. Seeing you in good mood and excellent shape, your ex may not come back, but she will probably be slightly "offended" that you feel just fine without her. In addition, in this way you will attract the attention of many other representatives of the fair sex.

Become successful. Nothing attracts women like confidence and. Learn, improve, advance in your career. This will not only improve your position in society, but also give you more self-confidence. Make your ex aware of every accomplishment, every victory. Let him begin to destroy everything in his apartment in a fit of anger and resentment.

There are other, more active ways to get revenge on the girl who hurt you. It all depends on how far you are willing to go. For example, if she left for another, you can create her page on various dating sites, indicate her phone number and add the signature "Call around the clock." New guy your ex will definitely be delighted.

There are also more insidious ways to get revenge on your ex. For example, you can start with her close friend... Sooner or later, the former beloved will definitely find out about everything. She will certainly be offended not only by you, but also by her friend, and will break off all relations with her. True, before resorting to this method, it is worth thinking about the feelings of a friend.

But before resorting to one of them, it is worth thinking carefully. After all, you can simply find a girl who will become your soul mate in this world and live happily with her. This is what your ex will definitely never forgive.

The female sex, like the male, is replete with a variety of multifaceted characters, behavior, morality. There are women who are reliable and loyal. There are those who are able to betray, out of stupidity, out of weakness, out of curiosity. Having learned about the betrayal, the man turns on the resentment, comes up with how to punish the girl for treason. Seeks to inflict pain in response, similar or stronger than that from which he himself suffers.

There are many factors that influence how serious you need to be about female betrayal. This behavior is typical for a girl or an absurd accident. Do you want to keep the relationship or were waiting for an excuse to break up. It will be the punishment given by a casual slap in the face in a fit of anger. Or the vengeful destruction of her entire life. While pondering these questions, the need for vengeful punishment may disappear - when emotions calm down, reason comes to the fore.

In an effort to avenge your betrayal, remember that it is impossible to do so and remain a real gentleman. Revenge on a girl is a negatively colored act, it can be successful for someone who is deliberately predisposed to meanness and unseemly deeds.

Indulging in such "luxury" - revenge for treason, the image Ideal Man do not create, however, spoil your reputation significantly.

One can only descend to revenge, it is possible to ascend with more positive feelings. To take revenge on your beloved is cruel and mean. To take revenge on the unloved is pointless. In addition, you may spoil the life of your ex, but not one hundred percent, but you will definitely get a spot of a petty squabbler on your reputation. V perfect image vindictiveness does not fit well. A real man- generous. Strong - lets go free. Confident - knows his own worth. Such a picture is more attractive than the image of a weakling running after a woman, throwing clods of dirt at a woman's fragile back.

You will look reliable, stable, balanced - your behavior will make her regret the deed. The image of an insecure person who only lunges towards the weaker sex is not an attractive sight; no one will regret the loss of such a partner. Moreover, it is unlikely that even one man will be able to punish a girl better than herself. Women's fantasy is huge. In addition, every woman is suspicious by nature, needs nourishment from the outside. If instead of supporting you hit her self-esteem, it will be difficult for her to recover.

A woman's betrayal can also bring constructive moments for you, even if the thought sounds paradoxical. For example, if you made serious plans for life together, it is better to learn about her inconstancy, unreliability now than after living together for years.

What are the ways of revenge?

Choose the path of revenge for yourself - remember: such an act can convince a woman that her step is correct, because your behavior is petty and unworthy if you are able to take revenge.

In order to figure out how to punish treason, it is important to know what you want to achieve in the end? The solution will help you choose a method.

Decide for yourself whether you want to part after being punished or punished for treason and be together. Regardless of whether you decide to continue the relationship or are thinking of revenge and parting, cool down and reflect. Intending to be with her - emotions will damage the relationship. If you want to take revenge, it is also better to do it with a cold head.

How to take revenge on a girl for treason is most effective - to be happy without her, even better - in a new relationship immediately after your relationship. If you forget her faster than a young lady you will become the most the best way to sweep. The chosen one will be discouraged. It will be questionable whether you were previously attractive to you, if you were able to forget her so quickly, keeping a calm heart. Her pride will punish her more than she might want. Your own image it will look less vengeful than the options below.

Still, how to avenge treason if you are determined. Ideas will come from the least insidious and incremental.

  • Punish with indifference. You inform: you know everything, but the fact of betrayal leaves you indifferent. You express the depth of what was said with your face - indifferently, relaxed. You can say that you had a good time together and even avoided Serious relationships... That even used to be a woman did not attract you enough to think about a serious deep relationship, about the transition to new level... All the words that were said, a tribute to courtesy and a desire to do something nice, just. The situation can be aggravated by words: your lady was the only one who agreed to the connection, while several previous ones refused you. You were too lazy to spend so much time courting, with her this can be avoided. In response, expect a violent outburst of negative emotions or another reaction dictated by the character of the lady.
  • More painful way: inform her - you forgive betrayal, the nature of the relationship remains the same. Continue life as if everything remains as it was before. After a while, demonstratively trying to seduce her best friend... Important: the attempt is open and visible from afar. This behavior will be a double blow to her. This will remain in the memory for a long time, it is unlikely to be forgiven. After she will have to look for two new close people, the punishment is heavy.
  • The way that exposes the former lady of the heart in an unattractive light in front of others, and therefore the most tangible. Tell the girl how recently you were at a venereologist who gave you disappointing news - you are sick with an unpleasant and complex illness. Considering that you have only one girl in a close circle and the exemplary behavior in a couple, you suggest that she also be checked - everyone is now at risk. Moreover, the doctor believes that the source of the disease is in her - exemplary guys do not bring infection. The lie will not last long, but it will allow you to rejoice in your ingenuity, watching how the unfortunate woman suffers from the curious glances of acquaintances, their sympathetic questions. It will be especially painful to wait for the test results. A similar way does not imply the continuation of the relationship - your image in in this case far from attractive. Do you need a beauty who wants to continue living with you after everything?

For some, the methods of punishment go beyond moral punishment; it can go down to the fists. Men think that the most important thing in the process of revenge is to come up with effective method how to punish for treason. However, think deeply: the woman showed her little attractive appearance. By punishing her, will you get your look better? How will you be different, having descended to the level of a person with similar moral principles? Or admit to myself: her trip to the left is more of a blow to men's self-confidence, self-esteem, than really an object of revenge. Forgetting her, you will be much healthier mentally than taking revenge and remembering about it. Let the lady bite your elbows, but otherwise you will have to regret the irascibility. The ricochet can be substantial. To sum up, revenge is a delicate matter, everyone treats it individually, guided by character and preferences.


Probably every girl is familiar with the annoyance caused by the fact that her boyfriend leaves her. It is especially bitter if her feelings are still strong. In this case, not only self-esteem is hurt, but also the soul. Therefore, it is not surprising that the only question that interests her is: "How to take revenge on a guy?"

Revenge is a cold dish. Decisions made under the influence of resentment and pain are unlikely to be successful. The first thing to do is calm down. And try to look at the situation from the other side. Perhaps you shouldn't stoop to revenge, because it carries only negativity and destruction.

Why do people take revenge?

The desire for revenge is caused by the fact that it allows you to relieve stress and ease the soul, as well as let go of old grudges. Sometimes it is almost impossible to kill the craving for retaliation in yourself, so it's better to figure out how to take revenge on your ex-boyfriend beautifully, so as not to lose your dignity.

Psychologists assure that you should not take revenge on the offenders, you need to work on yourself and decide internal problems... But people are far from perfect and do not always behave according to book models. Betrayal can hurt girls so much that they only think about how to take revenge on the guy.

When to take revenge?

There is no need to commit retribution in hot pursuit, this will cause only pity or laughter in the offender. In order for an act to really hurt a guy, you need to think through each of your steps and clearly outline what should be the result. Otherwise, revenge simply won't make sense.

If a girl hurries up and implements her plans at the wrong time, there is a risk of getting into a ridiculous and funny situation in which she will look rather stupid. Slapping or ruining things can help to throw out own emotions, but this is unlikely to cause suffering and anguish to the offender. Rather, it will only anger him, awaken aggression and a desire to fight back in him.

In the case when the main goal is to make the guy regret what he did, worry about his act, you need to think over everything carefully. When developing a plan for how to get revenge on a guy, girls want to inflict the same pain on him that they experienced. Each action should lead to a goal, you should not be scattered over trifles.

An important nuance!

Revenge should never destroy a person's life. Otherwise, sooner or later, all evil will come back. This is worth remembering at all stages of developing a plan for how to get revenge on a guy. When doing certain things, it is important not to forget about the feeling dignity and not stoop to the level of the offender.

How to choose a method of revenge?

For revenge to be effective, it must be unexpected. Ideally, when the object does not even know what is “under the hood”. Then interference in his life and penetration into his territory will cause shock and shock. Perhaps this will help him realize how despicable he has acted.

There are quite a few options for how to take revenge on an ex-boyfriend. But each case needs to be approached individually. The punishment must correspond to the offense, then it will be appropriate. Petty revenge will look like just an insignificant dirty trick.

Do not expect that no one will find out about this "operation". Therefore, you need to do everything so that you are not ashamed of your actions and words.

The offender must be treated with contempt and contempt, without stopping to small dirty tricks. Do not put heaps under the door for him, as some homebrew advisors recommend. This cannot be called revenge, rather, a stupid joke that will only anger the guy and convince him that he did the right thing by parting with such a person.

A well-mannered and self-sufficient girl will understand how beautiful it is to take revenge on a guy so that it is convincing and graceful. But it is worth remembering that all actions must fit into the framework of the law, otherwise, instead of a feeling of relief, you can get big problems with law enforcement agencies.

Get revenge like a movie heroine

In the famous film, an original and effective method of revenge was shown. You can post flyers all over the city with a photo of the scoundrel and a description of him negative qualities... Many girls will be intimidated by this and will not want to do business with him.

Indifference and ignorance

People are arranged in such a way that they are very offended by the ignorance of those who were once close to them. It doesn't matter that it was the guy who made the decision to stop communicating, he will surely be "hooked" by the girl's complete indifference. Indifference will upset the offender much more, because even negative emotions are feelings. The absence of any feelings is the best revenge.

Wedge wedge

Not knowing how to take revenge on a guy for treason, girls often intuitively use one of the most effective ways... To make the abuser regret his deed, you need to make him jealous. Demonstration of your success and walking arm in arm with a new worthy gentleman will not leave the traitor indifferent. When he feels his uselessness and helplessness, the girl can enjoy a triumphant moment. The goal is achieved - and the ex-boyfriend bites his elbows.

Tarnished reputation

If a guy acted ugly and meanly with a girl, she can safely “mirror” his actions and ruin his reputation. You don’t need to come to his work and make a scandal, it’s better to act smarter and smarter. You can make friends with his colleagues and tell unpleasant things about him. People love to talk about the shortcomings of others, so conversations at work will not subside yet. long time.

When thinking about how to take revenge on a guy, do not forget that reputation for men is very important. Having become close to his friends or their girls, you can carefully tell some stories in which the offender will not be presented in the best light... Most likely, soon all acquaintances will find out about this, and the attitude towards the guy will noticeably change.

Friendship with a rival

Thinking over a plan of how to take revenge on a guy for treason, you can make friends with his new passion. You don't have to tell her that you have a mutual friend. Listening to stories about the wrongdoing of your abuser, the rival will initially be negatively disposed towards her friend's ex and will begin to empathize with you. Then (as if by accident) you need to tell her that this "hero" is her boyfriend.

Become happy!

Everyone will agree that the most great disappointment causes a state of happiness ex-lover... If she does not suffer and does not live dreams of how to get him back, the guy is very offended. For the abuser to experience feelings of bitterness and regret causing pain, you need to become happy, beautiful, and confident. If he sees how his ex has blossomed, he will surely pay attention to this fact.

It's better to start reincarnation with external changes: go on a diet, start attending gym or dancing, quitting smoking and changing your hair. The stylist will help you change your image and choose your makeup. Seeing "his" girlfriend in a new image, the guy will feel annoyed that she has changed so much in better side without him.

Home photo session

Social networks are very popular today, so almost everyone has their own account there. When figuring out how to take revenge on a guy who offended, you should take advantage of this. Having succumbed to curiosity, the ex-boyfriend will definitely go to the page of his once beloved girl. Beautiful pictures uploaded to the network will not leave him indifferent. Therefore, a girl should make sure that in every picture she is irresistible, with a sparkle in her eyes.

The weakness of a man is a car

Almost all men have a special passion for their car. This can be used when coming up with a plan for revenge. Having poured millet or cereal on the roof, the girl will not only feed the birds, but also annoy the traitor. Another harmless but pretty unpleasant way- coat the handles of the car with baby puree of the appropriate color.

Thinking of how to take revenge on a guy for an insult, you need to connect your imagination, and then the goal will certainly be achieved.

Black humor

To annoy the abuser, you can put him in an ambiguous situation. For example, advertise in a local newspaper or post a message on the Internet that reads: “Looking for a friend for pleasant meetings". It is necessary to leave not only his mobile, but also his work and home phones. The ad text can be anything, it depends on the girl's imagination.

A good effect can give next way... You need to call the offender's work and ask the secretary to tell such an employee that the results of his tests have come and that you need to urgently go to the dermatovenerologic dispensary. It is desirable to emphasize that delay is dangerous to life and health. This option for solving the question of how to take revenge on a guy for betrayal is tough, but effective.

Swap places

In order for a guy to understand what resentment his ex-girlfriend is experiencing, you need to put him in similar conditions. It is necessary to create a situation in which he will feel intense disappointment and bitterness. You can promise him something and not fulfill, or come up with a story and then tell him that this is a prank. After he expresses his dissatisfaction and grief, you need to explain to him that it was precisely such feelings that he once caused to a loved one... Perhaps this will force him to reconsider his actions.

Feelings of guilt and desire to possess

Tormented by the question: "The guy gave up - how to take revenge on him?" - it is worth thinking about self-improvement and self-development. Psychologists have long discovered the peculiarity of a man that a woman who rejects him becomes an unattainable ideal for him. Over time, he begins to endow her with non-existent qualities and experiences desire bring her back. Even if before strong passion it was not observed on his part, now it will definitely appear.

The guy will be jealous and imagine how the girl is spending time with someone else and how happy she is. In addition, the situation will be aggravated by the fact that the feeling of guilt will begin to gnaw at the traitor. After all, it was on his initiative that a break occurred. He will regret that fatal offense for a very long time. If suffering and anguish ex-boyfriend were main goal girls, then she can consider her mission completed and enjoy the victory. The only thing left is to become so attractive, confident and sexy that the guy cannot think of anyone else.

Useless lover

To hurt a guy, you can spread the rumor that he can't do anything in bed. This will hurt his pride, and he will probably look for meetings. But this method is acceptable only when the guy acted meanly with the girl and betrayed her.

Romance with best friend

By developing a strategy for how to get revenge on a guy, you can have an affair with his best friend... Such a blow will clearly hit the target and cause unpleasant emotions in the offender. He will have a sharpened sense of ownership, and he will again want to possess such a desired and beautiful girl that no one can resist.

Black magic

Often, the feeling of resentment is so great that the girl is ready to use any means to bring pain to the traitor. The desire for revenge makes you go to the sorcerers and magicians. But spoiling and casting spells is a very dangerous and risky occupation. It is better not to use this method, but to try to hurt the feelings of the offender with traditional methods.

What not to do

Openly discuss a guy with his friends - big mistake... They are unlikely to side with the girl. Most likely, friends will support the abuser. And a girl who acts in this way will gain a reputation as a gossip and a bicker.

Thinking of adding a laxative to tea, oversalting food and other minor tricks, the girl will disgrace herself. When emotions subside, she will regret her impulse, but it will be too late. Better to give yourself time to calm down and think through each stage of revenge.

How can you take revenge on your ex-girlfriend for treason? What you need to take to satisfy your male pride... I'll tell you!
To my email mailbox many such letters come in.
People want to take revenge, take away and harm, but just not repent.
This time I am fulfilling the request of Arkady, who does not find the strength to forgive Tanya's betrayal.
The young man is offended, and he wants to take revenge.

You can forgive everything except betrayal and betrayal! And I want to make my ex-girlfriend understand this! ”The young man tells us.

As usual for discussion this issue I invited an expert on sociological issues, psychologist and historian Artyom Sergeevich, already familiar to many readers.
And do not forget that this is just an opinion, not a provocation to action.

Hello Arkady.
I will try to be as brief as possible.

To get revenge on an ex-girlfriend, you must not love her. Only in this case, revenge will not resemble pathetic attacks. You claim that you love Tanya. In that case, why are you taking revenge on her?

In order to competently execute revenge, it is necessary to “sink” to it. Only an insignificant semblance of the stronger sex is capable of “throwing a stone” at the back of a departing person. Tell me, Arkady, what will this revenge bring you? You will not return the girl, but you will cripple her life. Are you ready for this?

If you want to avenge your betrayal, you must yourself be a potential traitor. Well, you must agree that any revenge is good at a complete villain. If you are a decent person, then better pull yourself together. Answer, Arkady, are you a scoundrel?

Revenge itself must have a specific targeting. For this reason, you should decide on what you want to get in the end.
Arkady, do you want your ex-girlfriend to leave a new boyfriend?
Do you want her to come back?
Do you want to see her remorse, they say, what a fool I am that I left Arkady?

In this case, you will not succeed.
By definition, it is impossible to take revenge on your girlfriend. Strong men dear ones are released.
To take revenge on the former and the unloved is generally complete nonsense. For what and why, because you do not need a girl.

The best revenge, if you really want to, Arkady, will be silence, oblivion and indifference.
Yours is not a simple, but a successful new acquaintance that promises a continuation.
Equanimity at chance encounters with ex-girlfriend and restraint in statements. This is "real revenge."
And uncompromising help when the one who betrayed you at the call of your heart turns to you.

And it is quite possible that time will pass and Tanya will understand that she has left a real man, and not a whining whiner who rubs her sweaty palms in anticipation of a dastardly attack.

The material was prepared by me- Edwin Vostryakovsky.