How to become beautiful at 12 13 years old. Beauty as understood by adolescents. Signs of a well-groomed girl

When a teenage girl enters adult life, her personality is formed under the influence of society. And of course she wants to keep up with her friends, to be better and more beautiful. What can you advise so that she knows how to become tough girl? In this article, we will analyze different indicators cool girl.

How to find yourself as a teenage girl?

An unsolvable task for any teenager is to find himself in this life: in the company, at work, on the street. They are extremely susceptible to other people's influence and imitation, since own point vision has not yet formed.

And the coolness indicators for a girl during a period of special growth are likely to be licked from fashionable to this moment movie stars, heroes of a TV series or show business. The main thing here do not lose yourself.

Having an idol, you need to pay attention to the necessary positive traits role model. Perhaps it is charity work, helping the sick, or participating in programs that teach good. Do not try to keep up with them.

Girls who understand early what and what - grow up quickly, considering this to be one of the indicators of coolness. Bad habits and unnecessary meetings appear. The main friend and advisor here can be mom and dad, and maybe a school psychologist. They will tell you how to behave in order to keep up with your girlfriends and not to lose yourself among them.

How to become the coolest in the class?

In order not to become a "black sheep" among classmates, you will have to try. Being a princess is never easy.

  • Don't miss school activities, help them. Participate everywhere active people often become leaders.
  • Girls chewing gum and wearing bright makeup... Educated and well-mannered peers attract more attention. Creative personalities girls reading books and visiting a museum are an indicator of coolness in modern society.
  • This does not mean that you have to be busy with a "nerd" and not be interested in anything in fashion. Get interested in the latest in music, movies and clothing.
  • It is generally accepted that the tough girl should date the most nice guy at school. Any young man himself will become cool, next to an intelligent, educated and interesting girl.
  • Exercise to help maintain your figure. If the hobby gets serious, you can defend the honor of your school in competitions and olympiads. And what could be cooler than bringing victory to your class.

How to get rid of complexes for a girl?

Complexes prevent you from achieving your goals. It is necessary to get rid of them once and for all. How to do it?

  1. Don't fall for stereotypes. You are an individual, if your parameters are not ideal, give up the idea of ​​considering yourself ugly. One must skillfully take care of oneself, know the shortcomings that can always be turned into advantages.
  2. Your clothes are not from boutiques, but from a basement store with low prices. And this is not a reason to be complex in front of fashionable friends. The main thing here is to have taste and measure. Learn to match clothes by style, size, color. And no one will distinguish it from the one bought in an expensive store.
  3. You consider yourself insufficiently erudite in sports, contemporary art or fashion brands... This is not an indicator, but in physics, chemistry or history lessons, everyone cheats homework from your notebooks.
  4. Do not waste time worrying about your shortcomings, work on them, develop your horizons. Now you can find and find out everything on the Internet. And most importantly, do not lose your sense of humor, be able to treat yourself with self-criticism, but with a grain of irony.

Complexes are the difference between reality and the desired. Learn to appreciate your strengths, work on your weaknesses. By overcoming self-doubt, you can become a leader among those who did not want to work on themselves.

Communication with peers

One must be able to communicate in a company. It's not cool to be an upstart, it's cool to become a person to whom friends listen, come for the advice of a friend. For this engage in self-development, for example:

  • We surprise our friends not by reading new VKontakte statuses, but by interesting modern and not only works.
  • You can talk to school psychologist about their problems in communicating with classmates, friends. If there are difficulties, of course.
  • Be open person... You should not only communicate with privileged peers. Make friends with everyone. Each person is interesting in their own way. Do not push anyone away, otherwise only a certain circle of people will gather around you and no more.
  • Don't get pinched. If you are not yet very good at it, practice at home or with close friends. Act out different scenes from life, the moments that are especially frightening. For example, a date with the most popular guy in school.
  • Sociability does not exclude modesty and shyness. Your girlfriends laugh out loud in the street, swear and wear cropped skirts. Now modesty is fashionable, but also in moderation. Don't become a blue stocking.
  • If you have Bad mood, do not show it to others. Strong personalities must have self-control. We will leave all troubles for close friends whom you can confide in.

How to take care of yourself a girl?

The girl is, of course, beauty and well-groomed appearance... Adolescent girls have many problems associated with changes in the body.

What you should pay attention to:

  1. Problem skin - don't worry, it's temporary. If this really worries you, go to the pharmacy, they will help you find the right remedy.
  2. Hair requires special care as it grows up. Wash your hair often using various masks, balms.
  3. Use deodorant. Choose for your skin type.
  4. Your clothes should be clean and ironed. You, as a leader, must have everything right from the start.

Yes, being a tough girl is not easy. You need to look after yourself from all sides in order to always be on top. But having learned this now, in the future it will be easier to achieve location and influence among others. And this is a direct path to success.

Now you can think about how to become a tough girl, what is this coolness and whether it is right for you.

Powerpuff Girls Videos

In this video, the young psychologist Svetlana Markova will give several important tips to help you become a tough girl in a short time, gain popularity and respect:

Breeches Bordeaux has authoritatively stated that there is no harder work in the world than looking beautiful from early morning until late at night. She can be trusted in this matter, the more every woman will agree that keeping herself in great shape, staying young and beautiful is not so easy. It is really hard work, but it can give a woman a lot of pleasure and great results.
Practical tips for preserving youth and beauty for women of any age: 1. Consciously strive to look beautiful and attractive. The sincerity of this intention is the key to a beautiful appearance on long years... Until a woman makes a commitment well, until then not a single one will help cosmetic product, even very expensive. There is no need to spare time and effort to maintain beauty and youth. And it's not so much about the actual appearance, but about the attitude towards oneself and one's beauty. Feel beautiful, young and everyone else will see it in you. Smile often. A smile transforms any face, giving it charm. In addition, she is able to create a good mood for you and your environment. 3. Keep your back straight. Always pay attention to your posture. The head should be slightly raised, the shoulders should be lowered and laid back - this gives confidence and looks great!

4. Keep your mood positive. Think about something good more often, notice your merits, and you will look more harmonious and attractive. More often than not, women don't even know how beautiful they are! Don't underestimate your attractiveness and notice it! 5. Appreciate own body and his daily endeavors. And what difference does it make what size of clothes you wear, what shape you have. The body is your faithful ally and comrade-in-arms, who daily carry out a lot of your tasks. Appreciate it! 6. Make your flaws merits. Some celebrities are fluent in this technique - making a flaw real diamond... Try to love them instead of complaining about your own "shortcomings" and turn them into bright advantages and highlights. Express yourself and your personality openly. The more you are open to the world, its beauty, the more attractive and extraordinary you will look in the eyes of other people. Exercise and keep your body toned. This will not only keep you lean and fit, but it will also increase your body's endorphins, which will affect your mood and appearance.

9. Be graceful. An incredible sight can be seen by observing a graceful girl a little. Her every movement beckons and captivates, catching the eye. 10. Appreciate your inner peace. Reflect on how much you good man how much positive you bring into the world of the people around you. Your face has already been transformed and shone with inner light! 11. Be kind. When the eyes radiate goodness, they cannot be ugly. The kinder, more noble a woman, the more graceful and noticeable her beauty becomes to the people around her. 12. Relax, never overexert yourself or overdo it. This also applies to sports and personal care, so as not to get the opposite effect. Self-activities should bring pleasure, peace, joy. You can not bring yourself to exhaustion. 13. Eat right. Eliminate from your diet: sweet, starchy foods and smoking - they age the skin and contribute to its wilting. Keep your diet high in fruits and vegetables, and eat beets daily. It perfectly cleanses the blood, which has a positive effect on the appearance. Your skin will glow with health and attractiveness. 14. Be creative and be creative. Creative people who do what they love from the bottom of their hearts: paint, sing, embroider, cook, and so on - they always look good and are much younger than their age. They are just satisfied people who are creative with pleasure.

15. Find beauty in everything. Celebrate the beauty of nature, people, art objects and then your own beauty will sparkle with all its facets! Noticing beauty in everything, you will learn to see it in yourself. Your eyes will look a little differently and pick out not only your own flaws, but also charming merits from the appearance. See yourself with loving eyes. How do your loved ones and relatives look at you? Why not look at yourself with their eyes, and finally see all the beauty and attractiveness. 17. Meditate. Try to scoop own beauty from the awareness of belonging to the Divine. You are inextricably linked with the surrounding beauty, understand and accept your attractiveness. 18. Eat a spoonful of flaxseed on an empty stomach. This will cleanse the body, the skin will be fresher and smoother, nails and hair - stronger (it is forbidden to use seeds in case of stones in the body, consult your doctor) .19. Eat a small handful of nuts daily. Your hair and nails will be beautiful, strong and healthy.

20. Listen to your favorite music. This and exercise stress, and charging, and an incredible source of positive emotions. Your soul will rejoice and, as a result, you will become even more beautiful and feel younger! 21. Love. We have already talked a little about self-love, but here we are talking about romance. Love transforms any appearance, and the girl blooms before our eyes and becomes a real beauty... And make love more often! 22. Choose clothes with taste and knowledge. With the help of clothes, you can emphasize your individual beauty and attractiveness. If you cannot dress yourself in such a way that you will be transformed before our eyes, you can contact a stylist. Yes, and wear heels. May God grant health to the man who, with the help of heels, made all women slimmer and more attractive. 23. Hug. Give your loved ones and relatives strong and hot hugs, kisses that can reveal your passionate nature. Good mood helps girls look great! 24. Get a good night's sleep. It is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours, but everything is quite individual. But if you don't get enough sleep on a regular basis, it will very quickly affect your appearance, not only in the form of circles under the eyes, but also in your overall appearance. A tired look does not give girls beauty and grace. 25. Drink enough pure water... It is recommended to drink more than 2 liters of water, but choose your rate. It should not be juices, tea, coffee, but pure water. 26. Dance regularly. The grace, beauty and grace of your body is revealed in the dance. Dance yourself or with a partner, but feel the full strength and agility of your body! In addition, it is a charge of happiness and joy.

27. Know how to apply makeup correctly. This is an indispensable skill that will allow you to repeatedly transform your appearance, become brighter and more beautiful. 28. Do pedicures and manicures regularly. Well-groomed beauty is in the first place, and the hands and feet eloquently betray the woman's attitude towards herself and the world around her. Monitor the condition of your handles and legs and delight the world with your beauty! 29. Moisturize your feet regularly to keep them soft and silky. 30. Work on your gait. Beautiful gait is an art that will make you turn after you! 31. Wipe your face with chamomile or plantain ice cubes every morning. Skin toning and rejuvenation guaranteed! 32. Exercise for the face (after 25 years). Use your fingertips to knead your face for five minutes. Improve blood circulation, tone and condition of the facial skin. 33. To soften and cleanse the skin of the body, add 200 grams of milk or cream to the bathroom. 34. For the beauty and tenderness of your elbows, apply lemon wedges to them for 15 minutes. The procedure must be done once a month for a long lasting effect. 35. Give up bad habits, lead a healthy lifestyle. Limit your alcohol intake, do not smoke. This greatly affects the condition of the skin.

36. Drink nutritional supplements rich in pantothenic acid, zinc, calcium. Your hair will become thicker, stronger and more beautiful. 37. Honey - excellent remedy to combat wrinkles. Make homemade masks with him. 38. Do not think about your age, you are as old as you feel. 39. Before applying the cream, do steam bath, it will enhance the effect of the cosmetic. 40. Be the center of attention. In the company, even if it is difficult for you, exude optimism and cheerfulness, be interested in people, talk to them first. This will make you a very attractive magnet in the eyes of others. 41. Keep your teeth healthy, white and even. A beautiful, snow-white smile rejuvenates for ten years. 42. Let your own house will be clean and tidy, beautiful. Clutter and dirt will never look harmonious with a beautiful, young woman. Let the house be cozy, pleasantly smelling. It can be decorated with fresh flowers, paintings. 43. Strive to serve food beautifully. For yourself and your guests. DIY lovingly cooked healthy food- the guarantee of health and beauty of your body and spirit. 44. Avoid stressful situations... Twitching, fussy appearance, frowning are not very good allies of attractiveness and gracefulness. Do not worry about trifles, in every situation radiate calmness, optimism, and you will always look beautiful and dignified!

45. Be confident in yourself. Confidence in its irresistibility, attractiveness and youth conquers cities and overseas princes. The more confident you look, the more beautiful you are perceived by others. 46. Match your scent. Beauties are always shrouded light aroma favorite spirits. 47. Be grateful for everything. For life and for the conditions (whatever they are now), for the body and face, for the companion and for work - for everything that you take for granted. You will become completely different when you learn to be grateful to the world, your beauty will open and become softer. 48. Protect yourself from ultraviolet radiation. Stay out of direct sunlight from 11 am to 4 pm. Ultraviolet light ages the skin and dries it out, and velvety, smooth skin has always been considered a guarantee of beauty! 49. Let your skin rest. Let your skin rest once a week, do not put on makeup, you can even do without any care products, just keep it clean. A fasting day will allow the skin to rest, gain strength and shine. 50. Be feminine. From time immemorial to feminine qualities include affection, kindness, tenderness, humility, modesty. These qualities a real woman decorate and enhance female attractiveness.

Tags: How, to become, beautiful, at, 12, years old, at, at home, conditions

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Do you want to become even more beautiful in the summer? We offer a course to improve your appearance, designed for 30 days. So let's get straight to the point.

Council number 1
Eat 1 tablespoon of flaxseed every morning on an empty stomach. Chew thoroughly with a glass of warm water. You can eat in half an hour.
What will it give?
This remedy perfectly cleanses the body. This will make the skin smoother and fresher. There will be a slight but healthy weight loss... Flaxseed also strengthens hair and nails.
Attention! Flaxseed should not be consumed if there are stones in the body.

Council number 2
Eat boiled beet salad daily. For breakfast or dinner, whichever is convenient.
What will it give?
Beetroot is a unique blood purifier. And the health of blood is important indicator beautiful appearance... This remedy also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and the work of internal organs.

Council number 3
Every day, an hour before bedtime, apply a mixture of glycerin and vitamin E to your face. The mixture is very simple to prepare. For 30 grams of glycerin, take 10 capsules of vitamin E. Pierce the capsules with a needle and squeeze the oil into a bottle. All of these can be purchased at the pharmacy at a low cost. Before applying the product, you need to cleanse the skin of the face and do a light massage with a soft brush so that the surface turns slightly red. In this state, cells absorb as much as possible nutrients... There is one drawback - the skin becomes a little clammy while the glycerin is absorbed. To soften discomfort, sprinkle the skin with a refreshing toner.
What will it give?
Every morning you will observe a grateful reaction of the skin to such nutrition. Wrinkles will be smoothed out, and the color will be evened out. Highly effective remedy from " crow's feet"In the corners of the eyes. Try it and comments will be superfluous.

Tip # 4
Eat at least 50 grams of nuts daily. Anyone you like.
What will it give?
Hair and nails will tell you Thank you very much after 2 weeks.

Council number 5
Once every three days, we make a hair mask from dry mustard powder, diluted to the consistency of porridge with the addition of vegetable oil(better than burdock or from wheat germ). We apply on wet hair, keep for 20-30 minutes, wash off.
What will it give?
The result of this mask speaks for itself. And after a month of regular use, you simply do not recognize in a luxurious wave, your old hair.

Council number 6
Get yourself some sleep socks. From natural fiber... Cotton or wool. Depending on the season. Before going to bed, after a shower, we lubricate our feet abundantly. butter with the addition of a few drops peppermint oil... Then we put on socks and go to bed like this.
What will it give?
In a month, your legs will become the subject of envy and admiration. This procedure, completed a month before beach season, will serve you well. You will be able to show off your bare feet with pride.

Tip # 7
Now let's take care of the eyelashes. You will need an empty tube of mascara. Wash it thoroughly inside with my own soapy brush. We dry it. We drip inside the wheat germ oil. Everything! Ready home remedy to strengthen and grow your dye-tired eyelashes. Before going to bed, apply oil along the entire length. With a brush, it is very convenient to do it. Do not apply too much. It is enough to lubricate the hairs quite a bit.
What will it give?
After a month, you will see that the eyelashes have become thicker, grown and clearly invigorated.

Council number 8
Let's take care of the skin of the body. We take one glass sea ​​salt(although the usual, cooked, with iodine, is also suitable), add one glass fat sour cream... After bathing, putting on a washcloth mitten, carefully massage the whole body, including the neck, with the resulting porridge, then rinse warm water... We are not lazy and do it after every bath. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator.
What will it give?
Salt removes keratinized particles from the surface and disinfects. If there is small pimples, they will soon be a thing of the past. Sour cream softens the effect of salt, preventing it from scratching delicate skin and also nourishes cells. Do I need to explain that regular use will give remarkable results.

Council number 9
Once again about the skin. It will be great if you buy for yourself such a treasure as amaranth oil. The main component of this wonderful product is squalene. And he, in turn, is one of the main components of our skin. The oil is absorbed by almost 100% and is unrivaled in the fight against wrinkles, scars, burns, stretch marks and other skin troubles! It is possible and necessary to use amaranth oil daily, lubricating both the body and the face.
What will it give?
This will get rid of so many problems. The only drawback of the oil is its price. Although it is, undoubtedly ***, worth it.

Council number 10
Prepare special water to rinse your hair after washing. Just add a few drops of menthol oil to it (for 1 liter - 5 drops) and rinse your curls after each wash.
What will it give?
Why do this? The question will disappear immediately after you try it for the first time. Incredible freshness on the scalp and lightness. This remedy even makes it easier headache... Effectively fights dandruff. It helps with excessive fat content hair. 02:05 How to become beautiful girl? Secret 31 569 views 07:00 How to become prettier? 5 psychological blockages of beauty. 3,015 views 10:22 Body language and character: what is your figure talking about? 4,564 views

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Hope (Dionne)

Luba (Brice)

Tatiana (Donnica)

Irina Elovikova (Spiridonova) 

Irina Maslenova (Kharitonova) 

Valentina Beskrovnaya (Koshkina) 

Natalia Kosenok (Khristoforova) 

Yulia Babenko (Wheat) 

Elena Todorova (Vetushko) 

Elena Todorova (Vetushko) 

Lyudmila Inyakina (Ageeva) 

Asel (Paramesh)

Eugene (Gustaw)

Lyudmila Brintseva (Shevchenko) 

OLGA (Fanish)

How to become beautiful at 12 -

It's no secret that 12-13 years old is the age at which many girls go through the first stages of growing up. It was at this time ...

Today I will give you tips on how to become beautiful in 1 day. We will correct shortcomings in short term!

I think no one will argue with the fact that beauty is horrible power, which opens many doors, wins the hearts of people.

Yes, attractive appearance- not a guarantee of happiness, but beauties live easier and more interesting than horror stories.

For real ugly women very few, but unkempt lazy people are a dime a dozen.

They swim in fats, ignore beauty salons decorative cosmetics, dress in whatever, and then before the most important date, some kind of celebration, where you need to appear in all its glory, in a panic they ask: “ How to become beautiful in 1 day?».

Well, why bother turning into an ugly creature of indeterminate gender?

Laziness? Don't care? Stupidity?

Beauty salons and such useful professions as a hairdresser, beautician, masseur, manicure-pedicure master, came up with geniuses.

How nice it is: to put yourself in the hands of a professional for an hour or two, and then see your shiny styled hair or healthy radiant skin, or handles-legs with an impeccable manicure-pedicure.

And if you visit a beauty salon regularly, then questions like “ How to become beautiful in 1 day? " you will never have, because you will look great every day.

And yet there are ways to become very quickly.

And the director of a beauty salon, which I have been visiting for several years, told me about them.

Margarita emphasized that it is better to trust the hands of specialists, but if there is absolutely no money at all to visit a beauty salon, then you will have to eliminate the result of your laziness and carelessness on your own.

However, be prepared for the fact that the result will be much worse.

How to get beautiful in 1 day: hair

A good haircut works wonders.

Even super-hairdressers do not cut their hair themselves, resorting to the help of colleagues. So you, like it or not, you have to go to the salon.

Do not shake over your unkempt hair, fighting with the master for every centimeter. Short haircut looks much more attractive than long hair with frayed split ends.

If you are not limited in funds, then do in the salon and hair coloring, and care for them (useful mask), and styling.

After the end of the procedure, you will see a beauty in the mirror.

If you only had enough money for a haircut, then you can dye your hair yourself.

For God's sake, buy a normal paint that won't make you go bald!

Don't go overboard with your hair. Discard the unnatural varnished helmet on your head.

Smooth loose hair high tail, braid, bun - simple and win-win options.

How to become beautiful in 1 day: arms and legs

The transformation should start with manicure and pedicure.

First, file your fingernails and toenails into a round or rectangular shape.

There is no need to tremble over the long one, because the long claws on the hands have long gone out of fashion and look unnatural.

Then pour warm water into a small bowl, add sea salt and soap shavings to it.

After five minutes of soaking, you can start your manicure.

If you are hard on nail clippers, then you should not trim your cuticles.

Just push it back with a wooden spatula and apply oil (available at any pharmacy and beauty store).

The pedicure is done according to a similar scheme: steamed, cleaned with pumice stone or special spatulas, applied cream.

If you know how to beautifully varnish nails, then - please. But, if you are disgustingly wielding a brush, then it is better to do with a transparent healing base.

How to become beautiful in 1 day: face

I find it hard to believe that there are women who do not have a standard set of products at home: for removing make-up, tonic, day and night creams, masks (preferably several), peeling or gommage.

If you have all this and you use it regularly, then you have no problems with your skin.

If you still believe in your grandmother's tale that cucumber skins are the best cosmetic product, then run to get your stash and go to the salon.

Only a beautician with professional means can transform you. At the same time, ask him to choose the means for you home care and use them!

How to become beautiful in 1 day: body

Fat folds and cellulite cannot be removed in a day. What body they have eaten for themselves, with this one will have to go out into people.

Although okay, I'll pity you, I'll give you some useful tips:

    Take a contrast shower.

    It will not hide the flaws of the figure, but it will tighten the skin a little, and it will give you vigor.

    While showering, use a body scrub and then apply under cling film wrap (honey or chocolate).

    Again, one procedure for cellulite and extra pounds will not help, but it will lift your mood and make your skin silky.

    Buy body shapers that will make you slimmer.

    And let you be ashamed that you resort to such methods to hide figure flaws.

How to become beautiful in 1 day: eyebrows

The correct shape and color of eyebrows transforms a woman's face.

If you have never corrected your eyebrows, then it is better to entrust the first procedure to a professional. You can maintain the shape made by the master yourself with the help of tweezers.

Ladies with colorless eyebrows will need not only their correction, but also coloring.

How to become beautiful in 1 day: clothes

You can write a separate article on this sub-item. In short, here are 5 tips for you:

  1. Choose clothes that highlight your figure and hide flaws.
  2. It is better to choose refined simplicity, and not tasteless pretentiousness (sequins, abundance of leopards, etc.).
  3. To the question "Clothes color or texture?" always answer "Color".
  4. Let you have a few things, but they will go well with each other and decorate you.
  5. When heading out to an important event or date, buy yourself some new clothes.
    A woman in a new dress feels differently.

Fixing shortcomings that you have ignored for years is not easy, but you can try.

And to be and remain beautiful every day,

follow the advice in this video:

How to become beautiful in 1 day: decorative cosmetics

As a child, you were frightened that only fallen women are painted, and all kinds of powders and lipsticks spoil the skin.

You grew up a long time ago, but you continue to believe it?

You're just a museum piece!

Decorative cosmetics, if used wisely, hides all the flaws and emphasizes the advantages.

Remember the golden rules of good makeup:

    Do not overlay tone cream and powder like plaster.

    The face should look natural.

  1. Do not overuse mascara (two thin layers enough) and eyeliner (prefer smokey ice over bold arrows).
  2. Highlight either the eyes or the lips, especially if we are talking not about evening, but about daytime makeup.

You will be able to become beautiful in 1 day if you make every effort.

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Do you know how to become beautiful at 12 years old in a couple of hours, if the figure has physical disabilities, the head is full of complexes, and the face is adorned with acne? Any girl can turn into Cinderella, but to remain a princess forever, you need not only external, but also internal transformations. Let's explore female beauty deeper.

What does it mean to become beautiful and well-groomed in the understanding of adults?

For adults, beauty often coincides with the concept of "health". This is understandable: a girl with red, watery eyes, a runny nose and dull hair is unlikely to cause admiring glances from others.

But there is still internal diseases that leave a negative imprint on external beauty. When a girl is worried about pain, then willy-nilly, instead of a smile, a grimace appears on her face, and instead of good nature, aggression and whims “break out”. There are malfunctions in the body that lead to the appearance of acne on the face, hair loss or graying, obesity, etc. Therefore, first you need to improve your health, and beauty is easier to correct.

In addition to health, adults value intelligence and beautiful speech. Do you remember the saying, where they are greeted by their clothes, and they are escorted by their minds? This is true for both women and men, since no one wants to be in a company with a girl who cannot connect two words. Beautiful and stupid young ladies quickly bore boys. How to become intellectually beautiful at 12 years old? Listen to the advice of teachers of the Russian language and literature, read books on ethics and culture of speech, works of classics.

Smile, good nature, cheerfulness - these are the next components of beauty. In fact, we have touched the inner world of a person. If you love life, then there will always be a sparkle and sparkle in your eyes, which makes you live and active, creative and vigorous.

Of course, figure and face matter in the adult world, but each one puts its own meaning. Some men prefer slender and elegant ladies, others are contemplating curvaceous forms, others are only interested in long legs... Therefore, this term is replaced by such a concept as "elegant appearance".

To summarize: adults are 100% sure that you can become beautiful in adolescence without surgical interventions, tons of cosmetics, fashionable clothes and heaps of accessories.

Beauty as understood by adolescents

What is the beauty of adolescents? Judging by the reviews on forums and conversations on the platforms, girls see beauty in fashionable clothes, high heels, cosmetics, stylish trinkets (jewelry, handbags, belts), iPhones, crowds of fans, bad habits(this is swearing, jargon, swagger, impudence, tactlessness, smoking, alcohol).

What is the beauty when it's minus 10 degrees outside, and a girl is wearing a mini-skirt or torn jeans on latest fashion and a short top clinks his teeth and stands with Why imitate the boys and compete, who will spit and swear more, smoke cigarettes and drink bottles of beer, humiliate the weak and "bring to a stroke" the pensioners present.

Yes, boys can hoot and say, "This is a girl!" - but none of them would ever consider such a person as their girlfriend. Why? Yes, just as any boy wants to see a princess next to him, as does every girl next to a prince! And besides, imagine if his mother hears your nasty expressions ... Be sure, a tactful mother will do everything possible for her son to communicate with a well-mannered, polite, educated and beautiful girl.

Cool and sophisticated iPhones, tablets, expensive jewelry and other accessories are of short-term interest normal teenagers... These expensive things attract only greedy individuals who do not value your personality. Also, crowds of fans around you attract girls who try to swim in male attention at your expense.

What is the conclusion from everything? We work not only on external beauty but also over inner peace... First, we will consider how to become beautiful in a day, and then we will study a long-term daily plan for ourselves.

Clothes and accessories

Clothes should be in time, stylish and neat. Even if you don't follow fashion or can't afford expensive things, then watch the girls around you. There is no need to wear long grandmother's dresses and mother's sweaters, choose clothes within your means, but at the same time stylish and youthful.

Some teenagers prefer “acid colors” in their clothes and a mixture of bright colors. Here you need to pay attention to the following. You can wear whatever you want to go out with your friends. It is better to wear to school, museums, galleries, serious events classic clothes in a color that does not hurt the eyes.

Dress for the weather. A girl in a light jacket to the navel and jeans with slits in rainy and windy weather does not look pretty, but stupid. Choose clothes and accessories so that all things are in harmony with each other. A bright light green top with red huge beads, and hot pink sneakers look like balls on a Christmas tree. Then how to become beautiful summer, when it's hot? First of all, make sure your body is clean so that there are no unpleasant odors, and then choose clothes according to the event. To the beach - bright and light outfits, and to the gallery and theater - classic models.

Clothes should be ironed and clean. Even beautiful girl looks sloppy in a rumpled shirt and dirty jeans. You may not be perfectly neat in your clothes, but do not allow obvious spots, folds, and sloppiness. Express your individuality and bright character in accessories - a bright belt, bracelet, bow or original elastic bands. Most importantly, choose clothing that will help hide your flaws.

Hide flaws with the right clothes

So, how to become beautiful at 12 years old with the help the right clothes? For thin girls with small breasts, it is better to choose a bra with a foam insert. Just do not overdo it with the lining, otherwise you may find yourself in a stupid position. Outfits in horizontal strip or with large flowers.

If your figure is similar to that of a man (pronounced shoulders and narrow hips), then choose models that visually increase your shape. These can be breeches or skirts with ruffles and pleats.

Overweight girls should not wear tight clothes, baggy and sweaters. Determine what type of body you have (apple, pear or hourglass), and already pick up such clothes that will emphasize your dignity. Do not wear the same set, so that you do not have a pattern that you wear only pants or only long skirts... Always be different, but don't be vulgar or frivolous.

Little girls at the expense vertical stripes and shoes with small heels can visually add in height. But tall girls you shouldn't wear miniskirts and short tops that visually make you incredibly tall.

Shoes and jewelry

All the girls want to wear high heels, believing that they will give them femininity and elegance. However, walking on high stiletto heels and the platform can negatively affect the spine and the formation of the foot. The heel should be no more than five centimeters. Choose shoes that are comfortable so that your feet do not get tired, do not swell or swell.

Clothing should be in harmony with shoes, despite fashion trends... Most girls nowadays prefer pink sneakers with white laces. They wear this model with jeans, and with a skirt, and with a dress, and with tracksuit... And if a short suit somehow harmonizes, then long dress does not match with sneakers.

In this case? See what the girls of your school, class, district are wearing and choose an outfit in the same style according to your capabilities. Jewelry is popular among young people, while their hands are hung with bracelets to the elbows, there are three or four chains or many beads on the chest, and huge earrings flaunt in their ears. Be elegant but not funny. Stop your attention on one set of jewelry.

And another thing: no need to repeat and copy your girlfriends. They can go sunglasses like the tortoise Tortilla, command watch and beads from large beads, but these accessories can make you funny and even ugly. Choose the jewelry that will highlight your dignity. For example, a belt with a beautiful plaque accentuates your waist, long chain or a brooch - on the chest, rings - on long fingers etc.

Skin, hair, nails, hygiene

Wherever you go, make sure your skin is clean, odorless, and your hair is washed and combed. These are old truths, but they are still valid today. At home and outdoors, you can dress up in bright clothes, pick up original accessories or with cosmetics to emphasize your individuality, but how to become beautiful at the age of 12 at a school where cosmetics are prohibited and school uniforms are introduced?

Right! Clean hair, neat hairstyle immediately draws attention to your face. In this direction, girls prefer long, loose hair, considering it their dignity. But believe me long braid or original hairstyle from braids attracts more admiring glances of others. Loose hair makes the girls look unkempt and frivolous.

Clean skin eliminates the appearance of acne, blackheads and unpleasant odors. Do not forget about hygiene of your mouth, teeth, ears, especially if you wear rings or earrings without removing them. The metal is oxidized, appears bad smell, therefore, wipe both jewelry and skin of ears and fingers. And watch your nails if you are wearing jewelry. They should not be long, uneven, bitten, or flaky.

Cosmetics at home and at school

Before any appearance, girls are interested in how to become beautiful at 12 years old in 1 day at home. Most often we are talking about cosmetics that can make you irresistible or ridiculously ugly. Cosmetologists advise adolescents to do light makeup... What does it mean? Only to emphasize your beauty, but nothing more. For example, you have long and thick eyelashes, then carefully underline the eyes with a pencil; beautiful then use lip gloss.

What cosmetics can teenagers use:

  • Eyeliner;
  • shadows;
  • gloss and light lipstick;
  • blush;
  • powder or foundation.

But do not use all objects at once. During the day, you do barely noticeable makeup: emphasize either the eyes or the lips.

And how to become beautiful at 12 years old at school with cosmetics? In this case, you need to be most careful. Use for nails colorless varnish, the same lip gloss and eyeliner. In rare cases, when it is necessary to hide blackheads, blackheads or greasy shine on the face, use powder. For disco, parties and evening walks, you can do more catchy makeup.

Please note that makeup is not makeup. Many girls accentuate their individuality with black eyes, green nails, and bright red lips. Such an eccentricity can frighten and shock others.

How to become beautiful at 12 if you are ugly ...

Alas, you hear such phrases from most teenagers. Every woman experienced hard but then turned from ugly duckling into a beautiful princess. And the matter was not in physical neoplasms, but in the restructuring of thoughts.

You need to remember that there are no ugly girls! Yes, hormonal disbalance in the body, it can provoke the appearance of acne, and acne, and fullness ... But all these problems can be solved over time. Many girls just slander themselves and do not see their beauty. Some people don't like glasses, others - full figure, the third - Thin legs, fourth - nose, fifth - Thin hair etc.

Here's how to become beautiful at 12 years old in 1 day at home using this option? No way! Understand hormonal, physiological and psychological changes your body can last a couple more years. You can become a beauty in just one summer, or your transformation will take place within the walls of the university. No doctor will interfere with the process of your growing up, but can only advise you to correct something.

For example, glasses can be replaced with lenses or more stylish frames; with thin hair make it short fashionable haircut or take care of them (wash with herbs, make masks); correct crooked teeth with brackets; curvaceous - not hunger strike and diets, but physical activity and a healthy lifestyle.

The inner attitude towards oneself forms the outer beauty!

Self-attitude is the foundation of beauty. If you tell yourself every day about your ugliness, you will turn into a bogeyman. Do you know why? Our thoughts are material. When you focus on a pimple on your face, you are not just talking, but confirming the words. negative emotions... Our brain does not understand irony, it feels your emotional emphasis on pimples, and therefore clearly fulfills your requirement, covering the skin with various rashes.

If you don't love yourself, why do you think that someone will pay attention to you? Do your best to speed up your transformation into a princess. Then how to become beautiful at 12 years old? Write down your flaws on paper and see how you can get rid of them. For example, you are suffering overweight, then make a plan for a new lifestyle, where you prescribe proper nutrition, daily regimen, physical activity, psychological auto-training.

Don't just tell yourself every morning how you love yourself, but show it to your body. Start caring for your herbal washes, masks and scalp massage - and you will see how one day they will become thick, strong and healthy.

To be adequate in relation to yourself, write about everything in your diary and paste photos. For example, you decide to lose weight, then measure your parameters in centimeters and weight, attach a photo, and in a month you will see the difference.


"I want to become beautiful!" - every girl says to herself, but desires without actions will not lead you to the result. If this thought began to visit you often, then you need to urgently carry out psychological correction.

First, do the exercise of writing down the strengths and weaknesses described in the previous paragraph.

Secondly, for each bad thought about yourself urgently find at least three advantages, learn to compliment yourself.

Beautiful clothes, fashion footwear, expensive jewelry, cosmetics are not beauty, but a tool for expressing your personality. Think about how to become beautiful at 12 years old without makeup? This means that you need to pay attention to hygiene, beautiful speech, education, nutrition, healthy way life, motor activity, spiritual harmony. Watch a beauty contest and you will see that it is not enough to be beautiful, you need to be smart and quick-witted, to be able to express your individuality.

Do you know how to become beautiful at 12 years old in a couple of hours, if your figure has physical disabilities, your head is full of complexes, and your face is adorned with acne? Any girl can turn into Cinderella, but to remain a princess forever, you need not only external, but also internal transformations. Let's take a closer look at feminine beauty.

What does it mean to become beautiful and well-groomed in the understanding of adults?

For adults, beauty often coincides with the concept of "health". This is understandable: a girl with red watery eyes, a runny nose and dull hair is unlikely to arouse admiring glances from those around her.

But there are also internal diseases that leave a negative imprint on external beauty. When a girl is worried about pain, then willy-nilly, instead of a smile, a grimace appears on her face, and instead of good nature, aggression and whims "break out". There are malfunctions in the body that lead to the appearance of acne on the face, hair loss or graying, obesity, etc. Therefore, first you need to improve your health, and beauty is easier to correct.

In addition to health, adults value intelligence and beautiful speech. Do you remember the saying, where they are greeted by their clothes, and they are escorted by their minds? This is true for both women and men, since no one wants to be in a company with a girl who cannot connect two words. Beautiful and stupid young ladies quickly bore boys. How to become intellectually beautiful at 12 years old? Listen to the advice of teachers of the Russian language and literature, read books on ethics and culture of speech, works of classics.

Smile, good nature, cheerfulness - these are the next components of beauty. In fact, we have touched the inner world of a person. If you love life, then there will always be a sparkle and sparkle in your eyes, which makes you live and active, creative and vigorous.

Of course, figure and face matter in the adult world, but each one puts its own meaning. Some men prefer slender and elegant ladies, others gaze at curvaceous forms, others are only interested in long legs ... Therefore, this term is replaced by such a concept as "elegant appearance".

To summarize: adults are 100% sure that you can become beautiful in adolescence without surgery, tons of cosmetics, fashionable clothes and a bunch of accessories.

Beauty as understood by adolescents

What is the beauty of adolescents? Judging by the reviews on forums and conversations on the sites, girls see beauty in fashionable clothes, high heels, cosmetics, stylish trinkets (jewelry, handbags, belts), iPhones, crowds of fans, bad habits (these are obscenities, jargon, swagger, arrogance, tactlessness , smoking, alcohol).

What's the beauty when it's minus 10 degrees outside, and a girl in a miniskirt or tattered jeans in the latest fashion and a short top is clinking her teeth and standing with Why imitate the boys and compete, who will spit and swear more, smoke cigarettes and drink bottles of beer, humiliate the weak and "bring to a stroke" the pensioners present.

Yes, boys can hoot and say, "This is a girl!" - but none of them would ever consider such a person as their girlfriend. Why? Yes, just as any boy wants to see a princess next to him, as does every girl next to a prince! And besides, imagine if his mother hears your nasty expressions ... Be sure, a tactful mother will do everything possible for her son to communicate with a well-mannered, polite, educated and beautiful girl.

Cool and sophisticated iPhones, tablets, expensive jewelry and other accessories are of short-term interest in normal teenagers. These expensive things attract only greedy individuals who do not value your personality. Also, crowds of fans around you attract girls who try to swim in male attention at your expense.

What is the conclusion from everything? We work not only on external beauty, but also on the inner world. First, we will consider how to become beautiful in a day, and then we will study a long-term daily plan for ourselves.

Clothes and accessories

Clothes should be in time, stylish and neat. Even if you don't follow fashion or can't afford expensive things, then watch the girls around you. There is no need to wear long grandmother's dresses and mother's sweaters, choose clothes within your means, but at the same time stylish and youthful.

Some teenagers prefer "acid colors" in clothes and a mixture of bright colors. Here you need to pay attention to the following. You can wear whatever you want to go out with your friends. It is better to wear classic clothes of such a color that "does not hurt the eyes" to school, museums, galleries, serious events.

Dress for the weather. A girl in a light jacket to the navel and jeans with slits in rainy and windy weather does not look pretty, but stupid. Choose clothes and accessories so that all things are in harmony with each other. A bright green top with red huge beads, a yellow skirt and hot pink sneakers look like balls on a Christmas tree. Then how to become beautiful in summer when it's hot? First of all, make sure your body is clean so that there are no unpleasant odors, and then choose clothes according to the event. To the beach - bright and light outfits, and to the gallery and theater - classic models.

Clothes should be ironed and clean. Even a pretty girl in a rumpled shirt and dirty jeans looks sloppy. You may not be perfectly neat in your clothes, but do not allow obvious spots, folds, and sloppiness. Express your individuality and bright character in accessories - a bright belt, bracelet, bow or original elastic bands. Most importantly, choose clothing that will help hide your flaws.

Hide flaws with the right clothes

So how to get beautiful at 12 with the right clothes? For thin girls with small breasts, it is better to choose a bra with a foam insert. Just do not overdo it with the lining, otherwise you may find yourself in a stupid position. Outfits with horizontal stripes or with large flowers will help round out the shapes.

If your figure is similar to that of a man (pronounced shoulders and narrow hips), then choose models that visually increase your shape. These can be breeches or skirts with ruffles and pleats.

Overweight girls should not wear tight clothes, baggy and sweaters. Determine what type of figure you have (apple, pear or hourglass), and already pick up such clothes that will emphasize your merits. Do not wear the same set, so that you do not have a pattern that you wear only pants or only long skirts. Always be different, but don't be vulgar or frivolous.

Little girls can visually increase their height due to vertical stripes and shoes with small heels. But tall girls should not wear miniskirts and short tops, which visually make you incredibly tall.

Shoes and jewelry

All girls want to wear high heels, believing that they will give them femininity and elegance. However, walking in high stiletto heels and a platform can negatively affect the spine and the formation of the foot. The heel should be no more than five centimeters. Choose shoes that are comfortable so that your feet do not get tired, do not swell or swell.

Clothes should be in harmony with shoes, despite fashion trends. Nowadays, most girls prefer pink sneakers with white laces. They wear this model with jeans, a skirt, a dress, and a tracksuit. And if a short suit somehow harmonizes, then a long dress does not go well with sneakers.

In this case? See what the girls of your school, class, district are wearing and choose an outfit in the same style according to your capabilities. Jewelry is popular among young people, while their hands are hung with bracelets to the elbows, there are three or four chains or many beads on the chest, and huge earrings flaunt in their ears. Be elegant but not funny. Stop your attention on one set of jewelry.

And another thing: no need to repeat and copy your girlfriends. They can go with sunglasses like Tortilla's turtle, a command watch and beads made of large beads, but these accessories can make you funny and even ugly. Choose the jewelry that will highlight your dignity. For example, a belt with a beautiful plaque focuses on your waist, a long chain or brooch on your chest, rings on long fingers, and so on.

Skin, hair, nails, hygiene

Wherever you go, make sure your skin is clean, odorless, and your hair is washed and combed. These are old truths, but they are still valid today. At home and on the street, you can dress up in bright clothes, pick up original accessories or cosmetics to emphasize your individuality, but how to become beautiful at the age of 12 at a school where cosmetics are prohibited and school uniforms are introduced?

Right! Clean hair, neat hairstyle immediately draws attention to your face. In this direction, girls prefer long, loose hair, considering it their dignity. But believe me, a long braid or an original braid hairstyle attracts more admiring glances from others. Loose hair makes the girls look unkempt and frivolous.

Clean skin eliminates the appearance of acne, blackheads and unpleasant odors. Do not forget about hygiene of your mouth, teeth, ears, especially if you wear rings or earrings without removing them. The metal oxidizes, an unpleasant odor appears, so wipe both jewelry and the skin of your ears and fingers. And watch your nails if you are wearing jewelry. They should not be long, uneven, bitten, or flaky.

Cosmetics at home and at school

Before any appearance, girls are interested in how to become beautiful at 12 years old in 1 day at home. Most often we are talking about cosmetics that can make you irresistible or ridiculously ugly. Cosmetologists advise adolescents to do light makeup. What does it mean? Only to emphasize your beauty, but nothing more. For example, you have long and thick eyelashes, then carefully emphasize with a pencil eyes are beautiful then use lip gloss.

What cosmetics can teenagers use:

  • Eyeliner;
  • shadows;
  • gloss and light lipstick;
  • blush;
  • powder or foundation.

But do not use all objects at once. During the day, you do barely noticeable makeup: emphasize either the eyes or the lips.

And how to become beautiful at 12 years old at school with cosmetics? In this case, you need to be most careful. Use colorless nail polish, the same lip gloss and eyeliner for your nails. In rare cases, when you need to hide blackheads, blackheads or oily shine on your face, use powder. For disco, parties and evening walks, you can do more catchy makeup.

Please note that makeup is not makeup. Many girls accentuate their individuality with black eyes, green nails, and bright red lips. Such an eccentricity can frighten and shock others.

How to become beautiful at 12 if you are ugly ...

Alas, you hear such phrases from most teenagers. Each woman experienced hard, but then turned from an ugly duckling into a beautiful princess. And the matter was not in physical neoplasms, but in the restructuring of thoughts.

You need to remember that there are no ugly girls! Yes, hormonal disruption in the body can provoke the appearance of acne, and acne, and obesity ... But all these problems can be solved over time. Many girls just slander themselves and do not see their beauty. Some do not like glasses, others - a full figure, the third - thin legs, the fourth - the nose, the fifth - thin hair, etc.

Here's how to become beautiful at 12 years old in 1 day at home using this option? No way! Understand that hormonal, physiological and psychological changes in your body can last a couple of years. You can become a beauty in just one summer, or your transformation will take place within the walls of the university. No doctor will interfere with the process of your growing up, but can only advise you to correct something.

For example, glasses can be replaced with lenses or a more stylish frame - with thin hair, make a short fashionable haircut or take care of them (wash with herbs, make masks) - correct crooked teeth with brackets - curvy shapes - not by hunger and diets, but by physical activity and healthy lifestyle.

The inner attitude towards oneself forms the outer beauty!

Self-attitude is the foundation of beauty. If you tell yourself every day about your ugliness, you will turn into a bogeyman. Do you know why? Our thoughts are material. When you focus on a pimple on your face, you are not just talking, but confirming the words with negative emotions. Our brain does not understand irony, it feels your emotional emphasis on pimples, and therefore clearly fulfills your requirement, covering the skin with various rashes.

If you don't love yourself, why do you think that someone will pay attention to you? Do your best to speed up your transformation into a princess. Then how to become beautiful at 12 years old? Write down your flaws on paper and see how you can get rid of them. For example, you are overweight, then make a plan for a new lifestyle, where you prescribe proper nutrition, daily regimen, physical activity, psychological auto-training.

Don't just tell yourself every morning how you love yourself, but show it to your body. Start caring for your herbal washes, masks and scalp massage - and you will see how one day they will become thick, strong and healthy.

To be adequate in relation to yourself, write about everything in your diary and paste photos. For example, you decide to lose weight, then measure your parameters in centimeters and weight, attach a photo, and in a month you will see the difference.


"I want to be beautiful!" - every girl says to herself, but desires without actions will not lead you to the result. If this thought began to visit you often, then you need to urgently carry out psychological correction.

First, do the exercise of writing down the strengths and weaknesses described in the previous paragraph.

Secondly, for every bad thought about yourself, urgently find at least three advantages, learn to compliment yourself.

Beautiful clothes, expensive jewelry, cosmetics are not beauty, but a tool for expressing your personality. Think about how to become beautiful at 12 years old without makeup? This means that you need to pay attention to hygiene, beautiful speech, education, nutrition, healthy lifestyle, physical activity, spiritual harmony. Watch a beauty contest and you will see that it is not enough to be beautiful, you need to be smart and quick-witted, to be able to express your individuality.

Attention, only TODAY!