How in your own words to make a compliment to the girl about her beauty. How to make compliments? Stage Conquest Women Hearts

The ability to correctly make a complimination, beautiful and taking words, emphasizing the advantages and when necessary, hiding disadvantages - will open the doors to the heart of any woman.

A woman is an individual, requiring a unique approach to it. More importantly, to be emotionally and sincerely say these most compliments. Dry words, how beautiful they would not, would not make any effect. Sometimes, simplicity and honesty, make more than the narrowestness and false words.

Live example - how girls react to nice words:

Read the same:

What is important to remember, making compliments?

Each girl has a weak point that she is more pleasant to hear his friend, and it usually sounds differently than - "you are very beautiful."

Pick the same, the appropriate key will have to personally. But how to do it most correctly, for a girl who likes, with a hint of what you want to get, namely, it already has several basic rules here:

  • Emotional basis compliments

As already mentioned above, and will be supplemented below - emotions - express feelings, and feelings - the most important attribute for the girl.

There is a feature, how to easily distinguish a good courtesy, from an unsuccessful attempt - you will be pleased to be nice. The cleanliness and sincerity of beautiful words - punch any armor.

  • Act

Good words need if possible, consolidate a good act. As close to you your interlocutor, the threshold is permitted. There is nothing new in this, but often, the guy, feeling confident after the compliment, allows himself an excess, thereby breaking sympathy for yourself.

If the time has not come for touches yet, then enough will be yours, of course, insistent and male look, most importantly - do not make too serious face!

  • Restraint

Rarely, but apt! Suspension by courtesies to good does not bring!

  • Interest and attentiveness

Watch the behavior of the girl, characterize it and her hobbies. Find out what it is important for her and what interests it. Compliments in these areas are not only pleasant, but also interesting. So she will also understand what you think about it.

  • Decently accept refusal

Not always a woman can take your gallantry. And unfamiliar individuals, all the more, can ignore and even answer rudeness. Do not impose, and if your compliment failed, say, what you only emphasized her feature, without any hidden intentions.

How to interest the compliment?

To say that it's easy - no, rather, on the contrary! Here it is not enough to emphasize her beautiful shape, eyes and a smile, you need something more! Of course, it will be pleasant to hear it, but no more, and we are clearly not enough for us.

Intrigue is a great way to achieve interest!

Such a compliment should leave some kind of persuasion, lead to the continuation. He must be an impetus with which everything will begin. A pleasant mystery to which you want to choose the answer. But, enough beautiful theory, we will turn to practical advice:

Be original and inventive. Tell what she has not yet heard, but so I would like.


Your chosen is big and beautiful green eyes and probably every second she speaks about it, you don't need it. Ignore and make an emphasis on her feeling of taste to design (if she, of course, disassembled). You do not need to get up in a row with her fans of appearance or some other obvious advantages. Focus on what is hidden from the eyes. So she can decide that her skills and interests, you closer than these green eyes!

Let me understand that her interests are close and are close to your hobbies.


Here follows the continuation of the first example. It may even have to rush to what she does, in parallel, emphasizing her experience and knowledge of the case, and most importantly - complementing and bringing their ideas. Just a handsome teacher to us for nothing.

Compliment with a hint of improvement. You are good - but I saw and better! Of course, so straightforward so to declare in no case, but the essence is understandable.


She has been dancing from a young age and, of course, has already reached certain heights. Need to say: "I like well-supplied and graceful dance. Not just movement, and hidden meaning in each change in body position. Do not just look and forget, and some time keep the dance in my head! "

It turns out that you emphasized the admiration for her business that there is the best compliment and pointed out what attracts you, giving the vector of development and at the same time, at least left the imprint at the time.

What compliments can be said to the girlfriend?

There are practically no restrictions here, it all depends on you and chosen. It can be both straight courtesy beating the facts in the forehead and ambiguous hints of your loved one. Light compliments hairstyle and smile or neat leading to sex.

Thoroughly think about what you want to say, since, ineptly emphasizing sexuality - you can easily offend.

Complement Eyes

Yes, this eternal theme is so fascinating eyes, which only here was no longer invented and written. Hypnotic, mystically, mysterious, fabulous, drunk and even killing!


  • I am impressed with your eyes, seriously, beautiful female eyes are my weakness!
  • Beautiful your green eyes, only your spout!
  • When you are serious, your look is even more expressive, it goes out!

Compliment Figure

The figure is perhaps the most important part of the female body. It depends on it literally anyone who did not say anything! Emphasize this aspect, the most nice to both sides.


  • You have a model appearance, right on the envy of others!
  • You can admire forever, you are the ideal!
  • You have a very sexy gait, are you by chance not a fashion model?
  • Your slender long legs do not leave my head!
  • You have a flawless figure, you are literally everything!

Compliment of her sophistication

One of the most interesting topics, as it usually pays the least attention. Noticing the advantages of her taste, you are presented and yourself, as an experienced, attentive and similar to it - an exquisite gourmet. That is, you need to detect her highlight in the manner dress, pick up accessories and perfume.


  • I like your perfume, very good smell, it's my weakness!
  • I could not help but notice that you always look awesome!
  • You have a wonderful necklace, combined with the color of your eyes!

Compliment to lips and smile

Lips are one of the extremely welcome parts of the body. How many times how many guys did they circled their heads to the stronger eye? What is the smile of his beloved girl? Of course, such moments are remembered very long. And what would them be as much as possible, use my advice.


  • I miss the taste of your lips!
  • Every time you laugh - I fall in love with you on the new!
  • I am very distilled your lips, I want to try them!
  • In hard moments I remember your cheerful smile!
  • Your smile warms me!

Compliment hair and hairstyle

Hair emphasizes femininity and uniqueness of character. They create the image that we end up and love. The original and stylish hairstyle allows not only to stand out from the crowd, but also to point out the woman that she so want to show.


  • I'm crazy the smell of your hair!
  • You have a beautiful hairstyle, I really like it!
  • Your hairstyle is perfectly combined with this dress!
  • You have very beautiful thick, dark hair!

List of compliments to girls

Examples of beautiful, ambiguous and non-standard compliments who will remember your girlfriend and give her a smile:

  • I am glad that we are together. I feel, you exactly, - which I searched for so long!
  • I am grateful to fate that brought us together. This is not just an accident, I'm sure.
  • You are terrible ... Beautiful.
  • You are so ... Appetizing!
  • You have a smile, more often smile!
  • You bring my life paint and calm.
  • Friends envy me, because you only got me.
  • I'm drunk ... to you.
  • You do not need makeup and cosmetics, you are too good for this.
  • Your voice is my favorite sound.
  • I did not hang, just you stunned me!
  • Your presence is next - the best for me.
  • I learned a sense of love thanks to you.
  • I see a real beauty - only in you!
  • The only thing I can be sure it is in the correct choice of my woman!
  • I am disarmed, your silence ...
  • Say that you are the main thing in my life - not to say anything, you are - and there is my life!

What compliments do not do?

Strictly prohibited compliments designed for mass, but not for individuality. The fact that on dry statistics is perceived as a normal, very likely will be passed by either even insult your unique choices.

With humor about how to make compliments will tell the famous comedian:

What might like one thing is to insult another. A certain list of taboos, on any compliments - no, but there are examples that are better to avoid.

  • You look very young!

Not every girl dreams to remain young girl. Where the image of an adult, independent and responsible woman looks like an infantile young teenager.

  • You have a very easy and pleasant character!

Girls, unlike men, even more dynamic and changeable. It can change day after day and the cute girl you noticed, can be able to become a selfish grube! Of course, this is an exaggeration, but the thought is clear.

  • You are distinguished from my former!

Already the fact that you compare your current with former, nothing good is promulit. Each girl certainly wants to be better than others in everything, but such comparisons are not appropriate here.

  • As for the girl, you are very smart!

One such "compliment" you put all the girls below men. After that, you will be left only to apologize.

  • This is the best that I heard from you!

Here the basis of the compliment itself speaks for itself. Of all that she said, only it really liked that, and everything else was a blank sound.

In addition to the article - an excellent man tells the secrets of the podcasts:

Before making a compliment to a girl or a guy, don't think much, he must go from the soul

A compliment is a special form of praise, recognition, admiration, is a powerful weapon in the relationship of people. In order to use it correctly, you need to know how to whom, when and what kind of courtesy should say.

How is it right and what compliment to make a companion?

The first thing you need to learn is to clearly separate two similar concepts: flattery and compliment.

Festings bearing exaggeration of the advantages and qualities of a person, as a rule, is applied for mercenary purposes. The compliment consists of real facts, notes the advantages and positive aspects of the interlocutor. The main rule is, in contrast to the bowling, it should always be sincere, honest, expressive present genuine admiration.

The mechanism of the complimination is simple - there must be a certain fact, obvious to both partners. After taking it, one source pronounces the interpretation of this fact, the presentation of the partner in the advantageous light. It turns out, the compliment should not contradict reality, otherwise it can turn into a mockery or fohymism. The kind phrase should not contain two or reporting information. It must be remembered that certain things can cause embarrassment or, on the contrary, to insult a person. It is important to take into account the relevance and "shelf life" of the compliment. For example, the phrase "You were beautiful on the holiday two years ago" can discourage and cause confusion in humans. Depending on which compliment to make a companion, you can make friends or completely spoil communication.

Some people are alert perceive courtesy, evaluating pleasant words as flattery or improving. What can be done by a compliment to such an interlocutor? If a person is unfamiliar, prone to distrust, hidden compliments should be used. They conclude in switching the attention of the interlocutor to the remote topic. For example: "Beautiful shirt, I like. By the way, your blue eyes stand out on her background. Where did such beauty acquired? ". Here, attention from the shirt was transferred to your opinion "I like", then on beautiful eyes, and at the end they asked about the place of purchase - I took attention to the side. Even if the compliment was unsuccessful, the given question at the end of the phrase turns the focus on itself.

Basic compliments:

  • be able to notice the positive qualities of the interlocutor;
  • mimic and gestures must comply with the said;
  • talking with a smile confidently and friendly;
  • do not speak beaten phrases and stamps;
  • only real facts to state;
  • avoid pompousness and theatricality;
  • choose the right time and place;
  • brevity is the soul of wit.

An important secret of this art is to learn to notice in people a good, then you do not need to invent something or exaggerate.

How to make a girlfriend compliment?

Separate features have the art of admiration for women's floors. In this case, men often admit misses, trying to "squeeze" the interlocutor with pleasant words. So how to make a compliment to the girl to impress and tie relationships?

Correctly formulate compliment

One of the main mistakes of men is inability to correctly formulate compliments. For example, the phrases "What is your beautiful dress" and "how you go this dress" completely different things. In the first case, the gross violation is admitted - praise clothes, and not its owner, this compliment will not produce the necessary impression or even upset. The second phrase is aimed at the identity itself, it appreciates its excellent taste and an excellent appearance in general.

Avoid ambiguousness

For example, noting "how you are giving you this skirt" or "With the new hairstyle you look younger," you can offend or displaced the interlocutor, she will have a question: "And usually I am fat / old?". It is more correct to say "you are incredibly elegant in this skirt" and "with the new hairstyle you have become even more beautiful."

The win-win option - a compliment on beauty

Often the guys are lost before the object of their sympathy and do not know how to make a girlfriend's compliment that she is beautiful. It should be remembered here - all girls are extremely closely relating to their appearance, so the compliment on the appearance is the most win-win and simple option, which will help you to arrange a girl to yourself. However, it is important to be originality and not to speak beaten phrases like "you look great" or "you are so beautiful." The right approach is to focus on insignificant details in appearance, find the "highlight", and based on it to make a compliment. For example, "these earrings emphasize your beautiful face form" or "With this lipstick your elegant lips have become even more expressive."

A unexpected compliment is very effective when a man expresses admiration for the details of the appearance, which the girl did not expect to hear or may have complexes on their account. Here you need to be careful, and the main thing is sincere - you can offend the interlocutor, especially when you do not know how to say to the girl that she has grown up. Or, for example, what compliment to make a girl with a long nose, for example? The best phrase will be: "You have a sexy nose that gives the appearance of individuality."

Number of compliments

Another important point is the number of compliments. Here it works a rule - a better one good pleasant phrase than a lot of meaningless. For example, when finding enough one worthy compliment, on a date - no more than three. The best will pronounce pleasant admiration, without focusing on this attention, and after continuing the conversation. At the beginning of the compliment, it is necessary to contact the interlocutor by name. Also, you do not need to admire the girl in the presence of other ladies, it is not ethically and can upset them.

Girl compliments for the first date

We give examples, which compliments can be made in the first days of dating:

  • "You have a wonderful taste."
  • "You're already catching up so caution."
  • "Wonderful outfit. You are just irresistible. "
  • "You have tender hands / thin / elegant."
  • "Today you are so spring and sunny - not to tear your eyes."
  • "You have such an unusual eye cut. From Pope or Mom? ".
  • "You have such hair lush / smooth / long - very beautiful."
  • "Excellent figure! Are you engaged in sports or is it from nature? ".
  • "You are so blue / red / beige color - he emphasizes your eyes."

The most important thing is in every girl to find a beautiful, special, show fantasy and beautifully concern your thoughts.

How to make a compliment man?

It is mistaken to believe that pleasant words should only speak to girls. Men's half also needs compliments. It is worth noting that the perception of beautiful words in women and men is different - the ladies they raise the mood and self-esteem, the men are perceived as a new stimulus, the signal to action. So how to make a compliment to a man?

The main rules remain unchanged - sincerity, relevance, avoidance of ambiguity.

Make the compliments of men are much easier than girls, however, there are features. For example, pleasant words on the topic of appearance are not very impressive guys. Phrases "You are so beautiful" or "You look so good today" you should not use.

The most pleasant compliments for men are about their willpower, courage, character, sexuality, professional progress and especially favorite hobby (cars, airplanes, fishing).

Sincerely interested in your favorite thing, ask questions, listen to stories, and make a compliment of the type "You're so interesting to tell, I wanted it yourself", "Do you have work clothes" or "Does it really did everything? What are you well done "- the best way to arrange the interlocutor to yourself. Successful is a compliment-praise after any man done. For example: "You so quickly collected this wardrobe, well done" or "You have so carefully managed to put a tile."

Compliments unfamiliar guy

Often, girls do not know which compliment can be made a guy with which the unfamiliar or unfamiliar. Depending on the situation, you can, for example, to highlight its professional qualities - "Excellent article, I really liked it," "Excellent work, you are well done" or note the characteristic feature "You're such a cheerful / interesting / smart / funny", "you have such Shoulders are wide, what kind of sport? ". When expressing admiration for men, it is important to know the measure - do not need to be intercepted and fall asleep with pleasant words. The best option is to make compliments rarely, but from the soul, gently feeding the male inspiration to make new "feats".

Regardless of the rules and features when pronunciation of compliments, the most important thing in this case is practice, you need to learn how to feel people and commemorate something special in them. Then compliments will turn into "... love is happy moments" and will leave only pleasant impressions.

What compliments do you make your girlfriend or guy? What compliments pick up for strangers? Tell us about it in

A compliment is a unique way to remind your beloved about your feelings, thank it and, thus, raise the mood.

But, speaking beautiful words, it is important not to cross the face between admiration and banal bagging or flattery.

We offer to find out how to properly say compliments for girls to attract her attention and earn several cherished points in her eyes!


Praise - it's good and inspires women, but we should not say that it does not correspond to reality. For example, if you say to the girl that she is smart, and in fact she does not shine with the mind, or praise the harmfulness of appetizing pyshones, then you risk spoiling a relationship, otherwise you also get a brace for such an uncomplicated lies, which she can regard as a mockery.

It is better to find a highlight on your chosen one and must tell her about it. This may be a minor part in its appearance, which makes it distinctive and distinguishes from the crowd. You can say that her pits on cheeks or moles over the lip are driving mad and, thereby calling a storm of pleasant feelings. And the response will not make himself wait long!


In the modern time, men are stingy on nice words addressed to the beautiful floor, so any girl will be glad to the compliment. But do not be banal. Hear: "You are beautiful today!" You can from each second. So let her hear: "You are shining today, like affectionate sunshine!"

Especially such a compliment is good at the dawn of the relationship. The girl must remember him and allocate you among the huge crowd of the same men.

If you feel free to say a compliment personally, then send it SMS. She will be very nice.

Mimic and emotions

She will not be sure of his sincerity and think that in fact she is indifferent to you. The girls are very emotional and waiting for the same from the guys. Therefore, it is necessary to talk compliments with a tender smile and be sure to look into your elected eyes.

Quality compliments

Compliments should not be a lot! It is paradoxically, but their excess is bored with a woman, and she can record you in annoying fans who usually have no chance.

Therefore, issue pleasant words was dosed and emphasized on quality and originality, as mentioned above, and not on their quantity!

But at the same time, do not forget that the desire to like and get your dose of nice words laid in a woman genetically, so the lack of compliments can also harm relationships.

Examples of compliments (list)

  • Happiness? It is in front of my eyes!
  • If you compare with you the current Miss World - she definitely loses!
  • What dragon do I need to fight to win such a fabulous princess?
  • Whether I'm born by a girl, I would like to look like as well!
  • With such an aristocratic profile, you should pose for the artist!
  • Even the petal of May roses is not so gentle and a velvetyist, like your skin!
  • I am delighted with your costume, very successful cut!
  • I apologize, and what model agency is the representative of which model agency?
  • You can drown in your eyes!
  • You are so nice to spend time together!
  • You laughing so beautifully!
  • Your beautiful eyes drive me crazy!
  • You really dream of me!
  • Your smile is unforgettable!
  • You have amazingly beautiful eyes!
  • Your look always fascinates me!
  • Your beauty drives me crazy!
  • You have such a nice voice!
  • I'm crazy about your charm!
  • You have a dazzling smile!
  • I Balleting from Your Voice!
  • The mystery of your eyes fascinates!
  • Your ringing laughter is unforgettable!
  • Your wit is delighted!
  • You're more than a dream!
  • Your beauty does not know borders!
  • The refinement and sophistication of your taste speaks about many things!

The girl is always looking for who she will provide her desired portion of gentle words that raise her self-esteem and inspire to be even more beautiful.

Therefore, do not forget sometimes find a couple of gentle words for your girl, and she will never look at anyone else!

The ability to speak a pleasant compliments with young young ladies is a very effective "weapon" in the hands of a gallant cavaller. However, not every man correctly uses this tool. It is extremely difficult not to go through a thin line between light, natural courtesy and coarse flattelling and dying.

Good compliments are required to be simple, original and, of course, intended for a particular girl. At the same time, not only words, but also additional "indicators": voice, tone, smile. In addition, there are also such courtesy that are generally better not to pronounce.

How to make a girlfriend's compliments about her beauty? To make a pleasant impression on the pretty young lady, stand out from the crowd of numerous fans, you must follow the following rules and recommendations.

Rule number 1. Sincerity

The basic principle of the right praise of a beautiful woman is the honesty and sincerity of your words. Refuse a rough flattery, direct deception or issuing the desired for valid. Speak only what you really like in the appearance or character of the girl, otherwise it will feel false, and the result from courtesy will be reverse.

Rule number 2. concreteness

So that your compliments liked the young lady, try noting small details. For example, instead of a standard phrase type "Great Look", say something like "You have a great taste. This blouse is very like your blue eyes! "

Rule number 3. originality

This principle complements the previous paragraph. You can, of course, give the banality of beauty and attractiveness, but your words are not distinguished from hundreds of other compliments. Tell the beauty of the following courtesy: "Your today is associated with me with spring and freshness."

Rule number 4. Accent on personality

Faceless phrases about a beautiful hairstyle or blouse, perhaps pleasant to the girl, however the most gallant holders prefers to praise not the thing, but the female taste and her ability to combine clothes. In practice, this principle looks like this: "You have a magnificent taste, in this blouse you look just charming!" In other words, compliments need not to do things, but a concrete woman.

Rule number 5. Communication with you

Compliments to the girl about her beauty must be tied with him, it will add some points in your favor. Beautiful women are so confident in their own irresponsibility, so another phrase is perceived about it as a given. Of course, you can just tell her about attractiveness, but more correctly note the next fact: "I like you very much!" Similar personalized phrases associate compliment and pleasant maiden emotions with you.

Rule number 6. Minimum number

Do not remake with the number of courtesies, since the compliment is a point "weapon". Try to work on its quality, reducing the number praise to 2-3 per date, and when you meet one, but stunning compliment.

In addition, it is important to take refusal with dignity. For example, unfamiliar girls can ignore your words or respond to them somewhat rude. Do not impose, to give up the compliment, just tell me that he walked from the pure heart and you said without any intent.

Not all compliments are equally "useful" and pleasant to the beautiful woman. A man caring for a cute lady can be compared with a man walking through a minefield. Some words, quite innocent on a male look, can disappear or insult the girl.

For example:

  1. The ambiguous phrases - "You have a new dress. In it, you are very slim! " The lady may consider that on ordinary days it is quite complete.
  2. The focus on the disadvantages of appearance - "I like such pyshki as you." Similar words, a girl can perceive as a direct insult.
  3. Teaching - "You have slender and thin legs. Why do you wear so long skirts? " A similar phrase can only say a close girlfriend, not a man, and the woman itself must decide what she will wear.
  4. Vulgarity - "Cool breasts, just suitable under my palms." Such phrases are too intimate, so the result can be an embarrassment of a girl or a silent to the author of such a compliment.

Thus, to make an ideal compliment, it is necessary to take into account the degree of proximity, the characteristics of the nature and sense of humor of the young young lady and their own opportunities. The main condition of adequate courtesy remains sincerity and naturalness.

Beautiful words in SMS

It can be done not only at a personal meeting, but also by SMS. Messages can be the most different - in prose or in poetic form. It all depends only on your imagination. We give examples of SMS:

  • "The smell of your hair drives me crazy";
  • "Your eyes are so deep that they can easily drown in them."
  • "With the charming of your smile, you can compare only the sharpness of your sense of humor";
  • "I admired you all the evening, forgetting all the problems. Thank you for this opportunity ... "

Similar SMS can be sent not only at the courtship stage, but at the moment when the chosen will become a legitimate wife. The most beautiful and unusual phrases in SMS will be returned to your relationship in your relationship and remind you of the candidate-bought period.

Another category of pleasant and ambiguous phrases is cool compliments. However, they are not suitable for not all girls, because for the correct perception of your chosen one should have a sense of humor and a lighter attitude to life.

As such phrases, you can use the following compliments:

  • "Perhaps you and not the easiest character, but the eyes and the figure are just perfect!";
  • "Just awful! Wherever you appear, work freezes everywhere. Everyone is in a hurry to admire you. Are not you ashamed?";
  • "You're like influenza virus! I am constantly near you infect optimism and cheerfulness! ".

Such unusual compliments are consistent with the conflict, help forget the offense. It is unlikely that your chosen one will be angry with you, having heard such a phrase in my address.

Let's sum up

  • The best compliments are phrases pronounced from a pure heart;
  • Cool phrases, which are tested, will help to establish relationships, reduce the heat degrees and;
  • Rough flattery is capable only to push off a woman;
  • The quality is important, and not the number of compliments. Work on the content and semantic filling of phrases;
  • Do not speak vulgar compliments by unfamiliar or modest girls (such phrases are allowed only when communicating closely familiar people);
  • Reinforce the courtesy of a smile, confidential tone and admiring look.

Beautiful women are simply created for admiration and worship. Forest words can be said at a personal meeting or send to SMS.

In addition, the girls will also taste compliments in prose or verses, it all depends on your imagination and the character of the elect. The main thing - be sincere, and the young young lady will definitely appreciate it!

Hello, I am the hope of carpenter. I successfully studied in SUURSU at a special psychologist, several years have dedicated to working with children with problems in the development and consultation of parents on the upbringing of kids. The experience gained, including, in the creation of articles of psychological orientation. Of course, in no case I pretend to be the truth in the last instance, but I hope that my articles will help respected readers to deal with any difficulties.


How to make a subtle, smart and elegant compliment that would characterize a man as a cultural and educated person?

Compliments love everything, everything without exception. True, not everyone knows how to take them calmly and worthy. Making compliments - science, art and psychology in the "one bottle". Girls love ears, old life wisdom is not glavit. How to make a subtle, smart and elegant compliment that would characterize a man as a cultural and educated person?

Why do we need compliments?

Psychologists believe that a compliment can help a woman to strengthen self-esteem and increase self-esteem. Each person lives in society, it is important for him to receive the approval of people, proof that he acts and lives correctly. The girl makes so many strength to look beautiful, like a man, she is waiting for a compliment from him as confirmation of its irresistible. However, to say in the forehead: "How good you are!" You can only with all my heart, sincerely and enthusiastically. In all other cases, the same words will be perceived as a mion.

Forest and compliment are close relatives, but, planting lasure, man greatly exaggerates vizabi. The compliment or states the fact, or only slightly embellishes reality. Praise and compliment also live in the neighborhood. Praise, as an assessment of some phenomenon or actions, is possible only from the mouth of a higher chief or more adult person, as psychologists say, while adjusting from above. Compliment - an extension from below, that is, there is an exaltation of an object of praise.

What are the compliments?

Compliment as opposition to yourself. Examples of such a spectacular fine impact can be the use of famous both facts, with a positive assessment of the actions of the girl, presenting it in a favorable light. "How do you always manage to cope with problems so quickly? I spend so many strength and energy. " "You always look so cheerfully, I need to do the morning charging for this." However, in contrast, it is important not to move the face of self-confidence, not to hit the face in the dirt, otherwise, in time, the girl can conclude that she got not the best man with a car of problems and unsolved vital questions.

Sensual compliment. If a man really loves a woman, he is not difficult to tell a peaceful compliment, he just talks about his feelings, that he is going through at the moment. "Next to you I always feel myself a real knight. Thank you for this, dear. " "I feel so easy with you, you understand the only thing."

Indirect compliment. To make such a compliment, you need to practice. Direct compliment to make it easier - what you see, about Tom and say. The girl lives in his world, where the choice of work, hobby, habits - her personal living space, it is part of the whole. Reviewing that she loves, it is possible to emphasize its uniqueness, give an enthusiastic assessment to her taste. "You work in such a modern company, you have a wonderful office in the center", "What is your cozy home, everything is laid down on the shelves, you always want to return," "Your lyrical disorder speaks only one thing: a creative person lives here."

Compliment as a statement of fact.Especially good when the girl is not familiar to talk about some kind of advantages. In this case, we can talk about what you see: "You have tender hands", "You are the owner of a charming look", "What are your beautiful eyes! Never seen smarter and deep eyes, "What a pleasant smell! Excellent choice, delicate taste. "


Romantic compliments.This type of expression of their feelings is appropriate with closer and trusting relationships when love goes to the passion phase. Such compliments imply the use of poetic and enthusiastic, allegorical comparisons. "You are my guide star," "Clear Sunshine", "Aphrodite, Venus, Artemis", "Divine Become", "You're like a sculpture of a great sculptor, so perfect and flawless." In these cases, a small exaggeration is welcome. However, if the girl, for example, is too slim, and a man calls her "bun", even gently, she can be offended.

Communion tested years. There is such a kind of male recognition that does not fade over the years, although sometimes considered old-fashioned. They used still grandfathers and their ancestors, this is the so-called "nonilenta", which is not affected by the time. Any girl, even the most modern, is raised on old good fairy tales, because love is illusively. To support her dream of a prince on a white horse, men use compliments from Grandfather Chest. "You are a real angel", "my only one", "You are the love of my life", "fascinated by you, madam." If at the same time the man is halane kisses the lady hand, this fact of his biography will never forget.

Compliment as censure. This is a compliment with the "double bottom" when it is necessary to make a remark so as not to offend the girl. "You always cook so tasty, apparently, today it's just not your day," "Honey, my mother always said that if the girl often calls himself, she cares about her man." A smart woman will understand a mistake and makes the right conclusions. Will not understand? Why do you need a stupid companion?

The ability to make beautiful compliments - part of the general culture of a man expressing his attitude towards a woman. The main components of the appropriate, fine compliment are sincerity, goodwill, dosage. Too many sweet compliments can fill the OKOMIN, the bust of the "raspberry syrup" of any girl is harmful, the peppercorn will want.

Photo : veloztony

For those who have a creative stagnation and the words of love suddenly in the lexicon "dry up", there is a "dictionary of compliments", where colorful epithets are collected, desirable for any girl. Such a linguistic "treasure" can be purchased as in the paper version, and found on the endless expanses of the World Internet.

Not a day without a compliment - such a slogan can be taken for yourself at the very beginning of "training", as soon as this rule enters the habit, sincere praise will be a natural norm of behavior. You can talk compliments and you need to all in a row, about it without, most importantly - from the soul, with feeling. However, the best compliment, according to women, loss of the gift of speech from admiration for their heart lady.

According to research professionals, most of all in the world women are worthy of compliments of their ability to combine business and management of household chores, their new fashion clothes, hairstyle, appearance. However, intimacy compliments in many countries are perceived by women with caution. So, the British consider such a praise "with a shirt", with a mercenary population.

Oscar Wilde.

Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), Irish poet once noticed: "A woman can never disassemble a compliment, a man can always be". Judging by how the girl takes compliments, one can judge her upbringing, the inner world and self-confidence. Generous gifts in the form of beautiful compliments - what can be easier? Nothing appreciates so high in the world of romantic communication as a competent, mature, smart compliment. Give flowers to girls, give compliments.

Photo: Suicidegirls