How to care for the skin in winter: expert advice. The longer refrain from the use of anti-aging cosmetics, the more productive it will be its use in the future. Correct body skin care

Rule 1: Pick care products for your skin type

In skin care, the first and most important rules are the use of cosmetics specifically designed for your skin type. The needs of dry and oily skin differ significantly.

Rule 2: Pay special attention to sensitive skin areas.

The skin in certain places on the face is thinner and vulnerable. It requires special care, especially the skin around the eyes and lips. These areas are most sensitive and require special attention.

Rule 3: Gentle cleansing

Care of sensitive skin begins with makeup removal. In order not to expose it to additional stress and save the natural balance, use makeup removal to remove the neutral pH, which are specifically designed for gentle skin cleansing.

Rule 4: Eyes: Risk Area

The skin around the eyes is ten times thinner skin of the face in other places. Use special makeup removal with eye.

Rule 5: Peeling (exfoliation) - the necessary procedure for skin care

Use the suitable type of peeling one or twice a week. Peeling must be effective, but soft and not injured the skin. Select the means with neutral pH, which are well cleaned and soften the skin, maintaining its natural balance.

Rule 6: Moisturizing is extremely necessary

The dermis consists of 70% water, and epidermis by 15%. So that the skin has always been well moistened, choose moisturizers that support the constant level of moisture in the skin. You can also regularly use a moisturizing mask, removing its surplus thermal water.

Rule 7: Prefer hypoallergenic decorative cosmetics

To avoid the risk of allergies associated with the use of cosmetics that do not fit your skin type, choose hypoallergenic decorative cosmetics, specially designed for all types of skin and skin around the eyes, including sensitive skin.

Rule 8: Sun protection

Regardless of the season, use cosmetics with sunscreen filters. They allow to reduce the harmful effects of sunlight, which speeds up the aging process.

Rule 9: Avoid external adverse factors

Environmental pollution, smoking, stress ... All this has a negative effect on the skin. Use cosmetics that protect your skin from adverse factors before leaving the house, and thoroughly clean the skin on returning home in the evening.

Rule 10: Do not forget about the lips

As soon as you feel it is necessary, use the regenerating lip cream. You can apply the cream again as often as you wish.

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In my practice, I often come across that women make serious mistakes even in simple daily facial care procedures, while being fully confident that everything is done correctly.

But the skin of the face is like a dress given to us by nature. The only life for life. Bottled skin can not be thrown out and buy a new one. And only with the help of proper care can be preserved its beauty for many years.

In this article, I will talk about the main rules and the main stages of face skin care at home. These rules and mini face care program are the same for all, regardless of age and skin type. It is individually selected only by the cosmetics themselves.

Personal care program at home

And now we turn to the program for a minimum of daily skin care. It includes only three stages.

1. Purification of the skin

Cleaning the skin is necessary in the morning and in the evening. In the morning, to remove products from the surface of the life of the skin cells, accumulated there overnight. Otherwise, these harmful substances together with cream will be absorbed back into the skin.

In the evening, it is necessary to remove the dirt and cosmetics accumulated on the surface of the skin.

Execution technique:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to wash your hands, and always chanting to face only clean hands.
  2. In the evening, if there is eye makeup, it will be right first to take advantage of a special means for removing makeup in the eye area. Just apply this tool to your cotton and drive and spend several times along the eyelashes to remove makeup. As well as along the upper and lower eyelid.
  3. Next, you can moisten the face with water, or simply apply a small amount of cleansing agents on the wet fingertips and distribute it with circular motion on massage lines of the face and neck. This process should not take more than 1 minute - during this time cosmetics, dirt and productivity products of cells will fully have time to dissolve. Then thoroughly wash all the water room temperature and blot the skin towel. It is to get blocked - but in no case can not rub and stretch the skin.

2. Toning of leather

Toning neutralizes the effect of cleansing agents, normalizes the pH of the skin after washing and prepares it to apply a moisturizing cream. Therefore, the face is necessary and in the morning and in the evening immediately after cleansing.

Execution technique:

  1. Moch the touchscreen well and gently wipe the skin through the massage lines.
  2. If, as I, you prefer tonic in the spray - in this case, it is abundantly sprayed to the face and neck and take with light movements of the fingertips or wipe the skin with your cotton disk.

3. Moisturizing the skin

It is necessary to moisturize the skin in the morning and in the evening. Because the lack of moisture leads to dry skin, loss of elasticity and elasticity and as a result - the premature appearance of wrinkles.

How to apply cream on face

  1. In work, I used to apply the cream on the back of the hand, and from there on the client's face. I do the same and when I take care of my skin at home. And I recommend to do it as well - it is very convenient, and now you will understand why.
  2. If the cream is in a tube or a bottle with a pomp - squeeze a small amount of cream in size from about the pea. If the cream is located in a jar - get the required amount of pure spatula.
  3. Before applying a little scroll the cream with the pillows of fingers to give it the body temperature. This will increase its activity.
  4. Then in small portions, apply cream on face and neck and distribute through massage lines. In the eye area, the cream is applied only on the rich edge. Schet the bone edge and apply the cream along the eye orbit. No need to apply the cream along the eyelashes and on the moving eyelid. Do not worry, the cream itself will be distributed over the skin of the eyelids, as our eyes are constantly in motion. Moreover, it will be distributed evenly and without surplus, which is difficult to achieve with your fingers in such a delicate zone.
  5. No need to save or on the contrary, apply too much cream. The amount of cream must be optimal - well moisturize the skin, but do not lie with excess cargo, preventing her breathing. Therefore, if after 20-30 minutes the cream did not fit into the skin, the surplus should be blocked with a napkin.
  6. And the remnants of the unused cream can be distributed over the back of the hands.

Important to remember:

  1. Day cream must be applied no later than half an hour before going out, and so that he will have to do.
  2. Night cream should be applied no later than an hour before sleep. It is possible for 2-3 hours. Because while your muscles are moving, the cream is well absorbed and will do their job. And if you apply cream and immediately go to bed - your muscles will relax, microcirculation is broken, the cream is stirred and in the morning it can provoke the appearance of edema, especially in the area around the eyes.

And at all young and young girls under 25, night cream is usually not needed at all - in the evening they can be cleaned and wipe the skin with tonic. At this age, the skin is perfectly restored itself. She does not need to help, otherwise it will begin to be lazy and age ahead of time.

Frequent facial care questions

Is it possible to wash the usual tap water

Of course, it is better if you have the opportunity to wash your face with clean naked water, or at least filtered. But if not, it is not necessary to worry much - the face contacts with water only a few seconds, and already at the next stage - toning - you neutralize the action of rigid tap water.

Should I wash your face with hot or very cold water

Do not. Hot water contributes to the expansion of pores and capillaries and increased salo-waste. And too cold water narrows blood vessels, which leads to a lack of skin nutrition. Therefore, it is best to wash the room temperature with water - it is colder than the body temperature, so gives a pleasant coolness, well refreshes the face and does not have unwanted impact.

Is it possible not to wash with water at all, but simply remove the cleansing milk voice disk

Can. But in this case, it is better to at least mix cotton wheels with clean water that you usually use for drinking, or tonic and especially thoroughly wipe your face so that there are no traces of cleansing agents and cosmetics.

Do I need to clean the skin in the morning as thoroughly as in the evening

Young leather, especially combined and oily, is distinguished by an increased salo-waste, so I recommend thoroughly clean such skin and in the morning and in the evening. And normal and dry skin, as well as mature and sensitive, in the morning you can just rinse with water and move to the toning step.

Minimum program

Today I told how to care for the face - the basic rules for skin care and the program minimum that needs to be performed daily and throughout life.

Two important rules:

  1. Regularity
  2. Proper application technique

Three mandatory facial skin care phases:

  1. Cleaning
  2. Toning
  3. Moisturizing

The next important point of skin care is the ability to correctly pick up all the necessary cosmetics. For this you need to take into account age, skin type and clearly understand the cosmetics.

You all certainly know your age, and I will tell you and how to independently and distinguish good tools from useless and even harmful.

The skin covers our body and performs a protective function, saving us from injuries and damage, prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. Our skin absorbs oxygen and highlights carbon dioxide, it can breathe, highlight moisture, save the heat mode and adjust the temperature of our body. Song glands lubricate our skin with fatty lubricant. Skin cells are constantly updated, but with age, the skin fades, aging, saves, becomes dry, covered with pigment stains and wrinkles. And that our skin remains more beautiful, young and elastic behind it you need to carefully care-clean, toning, moisturize and nourish.

What are the types of skin types

Normal leather

Normal skin always looks healthy, fresh, it is smooth and elastic, stretched and elastic. Contains a normal amount of moisture and adhesive lubrication. People with normal skin type are invisible pores and wrinkles, and such problems as acne and acne, peeling and irritation are almost unfamiliar.

Dry skin

Dry skin is very sensitive, thinner, pores on the skin are invisible. The skin is smooth, gentle, pale colors, prone to early aging and requires proper and more careful care. In case of incorrect leather, the skin is peeling, tightened, loses elasticity, covered with wrinkles. Often sensitive skin is covered with small red vascular, acne and red spots. The use of soap, cosmetics and the use of some products cause an allergic reaction on the skin. Increased dry skin can talk about a lack of vitamins, lack of fat in the body or on diseases of internal organs.

Oily skin

The oily skin is porous, thicker, rough, glares even after washing, there is a pebble rash on such a skin, which is often inflated, the pores are scored with black dots. Oily skin is less sensitive to unfavorable factors. Thanks to the abundant adhesive, the moisture evaporates slowly from the skin surface, which means that the skin remains longer. Wrinkles on this skin are formed later than people with dry skin. Golden skin is more common in adolescents and young people, with age, the fatty skin is changing on a mixed type.

Combined or mixed leather

Most people have a combined or mixed skin type. Mixed skin type has a dark shade. In some parts of the face - the skin is gloss (forehead, the nose of the chin) - here is fat, pores on the skin are well distinguishable, there are acne. And along the edge of the face, on the cheeks, around the eyes, in the field of pore neck is completely invisible, the skin is thin - dry, often flakes, covered with wrinkles. When caring for combination skin, two types of cosmetics should be used - for dry and oily skin. In a more mature age, a mixed skin type is changing to a normal type.

How to determine the type of skin

Over time, the skin of any type is aging, fades. From the surface of the skin, moisture evaporates faster, slows down the recovery process, it becomes rougher, wrinkles appear. The skin saves, yellowing, becomes sluggish.

Also a negative impact on the skin has an environmental impact, a strong frost, the wind. Excessive tan under the scorching sun or in solarium, not only worsens the condition of the skin, causing burns, allergic rash, itching and peeling, pigmentation, but can lead to cancerous skin diseases.

In order for the skin of the face and body leather longer than young and beautifully needed carefully carefully carefully pick up cosmetic products, according to your skin type. You can independently determine the type of skin according to the descriptions above, and you can consult with the specialists of cosmetologists. It is also possible to determine what type of skin you have in the signs that arise from the effects of soap, frost.

Signs of oily skin - The skin is not tightened after washing after washing, the face in the frost does not freeze for a long time.

Symptoms of dry skin - After washing, he strongly pulls the skin, the feeling of "pullout" remains until you wake the face with cream. In the cold, the skin's leather does not blush and not dreamed, freezes slightly.

Signs of normal skin - After soap, the skin is slightly tightened, but after 1-2 hours the skin comes to a normal state, in the cold the face will quickly shine and blushes, weathered and peel.

How to care for skin

Regardless of what type of skin you have, your skin requires daily care. To look young and attractive face needs to be cleaned, toning, nourishing, moisturize, applying special cosmetics.

Purification of the skin

Washing out ordinary water - you clean the skin, flushing dust, cosmetics, removing particles of the horny layer, toxins and sweat.

It is better to wash the warm, clean and soft water slightly stroking, clapping to the face with fingertips or palms. Such a light massage will enhance the purification effect of water, improve the power and blood circulation of the skin.

In the morning, cosmetologists are advised to wash only water without soap - soap can cut the skin. In the evening, for cleansing, it is better to use milk, emulsion, foam and gels for washing. Periodically, you can clean the skin with masks, scrubics that can be purchased in the store or prepare yourself.

After washing, the face must be gently blocked with a towel, energetic rubbing can damage the skin.

Clean the skin can also be home.

For dry skin

Dry skin can be cleaned with oil - olive, coconut, sunflower. Moisten the water cotton swab, squeeze, wipe your face and neck, then moisten the tampon in the oil, and wipe the skin. A minute later, remove the oil with a tampon, moistened in the welding of black or green tea. You can also clean the skin with milk diluted with water (1: 1).

For oily skin

If you are the owner of oily skin - it is better for you to wash cool water with soap, soap will dry the skin. Use fermented dairy products to clean the face. In the evening, after washing, wipe the face with a cotton swab, moistened with sour milk or kefir, in 5 minutes to squeeze the face with cream.

You can use a scrub to remove black points. Prepare a soap foam, pour a small salt there, moisten the tampon and rub the face with a circular movement 2 minutes. Wash the scrub cool water, and then wipe the face with water with lemon juice or calendula tincture.

Lotions for oily skin.


The berries of strawberries - the floor of a glass, spin well, pour 1 glass of vodka. Insist a month. Strain and dilute with water (1: 1).

Grasp the cucumber-1 glass. Pour the glass of vodka and insist the month. Strain. And regularly wipe the skin of the face.

For normal skin

To purify normal skin after washing, you can use lotions, chaffs, colors.

From rose petals.

Petals rose-2 tablespoons pour 1 cup boiling water. Insist 1 hour. Strain. Wipe face and neck. Also preparing a decoction from chamomile, linden.

Toning of leather

After you are thoroughly washed and cleaned your skin, you need to apply on your face and neck toning to your skin type. When using tonic means, the skin tone increases, the complexion of the face is improved, contaminated pores are cleared, the acidic and alkaline balance is restored, minor wrinkles are smoothed. Applying tonic and lotions, you can get rid of redness, acne and black points, from excessive skin salinity.
mask rice
Toning masks

We offer you the simplest recipes of masks that can be easily prepared at home, well toning and feeding the skin of the face and neck. Masks apply on cleaned skin.

For dry skin

Sourish mask.

One yolk beat, add 2 spoons of sour cream, mix well. Apply a mask on the face for 20 minutes. Wash off warm water.

Oatmeal mask with honey.

One yolk, 1 teaspoon of oatmeal and floor of a teaspoon of honey, mix well, pour the floor of a teaspoon of vegetable oil and a little lemon juice, mix it again. Apply to face and neck for 20 minutes, wash cool water.

For normal skin

Mask from grapefruit.

Egg yolk beat, add a grapefruit soften pulp - 1 tablespoon and 1 tablespoon of sour cream. Mix well. Apply a mask on pure skin of the face and neck for 20 minutes, then beware.

Capping mask.

Skip leaves skip through a meat grinder. Add 1 yolk. Good stir. Apply on your face for 20 minutes. Wash off warm water.

For oily skin.

Savior compress.

In 1 liter of cold water, add 1 tablespoon of sea salt, stir, wet the napkin or towel, impose on a face for 5 minutes, then mix the napkin in hot chamomile or mint chamomile and impose on the face for 2 minutes. Then it is then mixed up the napkin in cold water and attach to the face for 5 minutes.

Cucumber mask.

Cucumber grasp, add 1 teaspoon cream and a few drops of lemon or grapefruit juice. Apply a mass on the skin of the face and neck for 20 minutes. Wash the mask with warm water.

Apple Mask

Grate the apple on the grater, add whipped protein, stir well. Apply on face and neck. Wash off a mask after 20 minutes with warm water.

Berry masks.

Any berries -2 tablespoons, well confused, add a teaspoon of starch and a teaspoon of vegetable oil, whipped protein. To stir thoroughly. Lubricate your face and neck this mixture. After 15 minutes, wash off warm water, and then slip the face and neck with cool water.

Moisturizing skin

In order for the skin of the face and neck looks young and fresh must be moisturized. Under the influence of the Sun, the wind moisture evaporates, the skin dehydration occurs, the face becomes dry and wrinkles appear, peeling. And to avoid such troubles should be used by moisturizing agents.

You can use the shopping creams, and you can prepare moisturizing lotions and masks with your own hands.

Do not forget about the easiest way to moisturize the skin - about drinking water. Drink 1,5- 2 liters of pure drinking water daily. Drinking water will help to avoid dehydration of the whole organism and moisturize your skin from the inside, it will upgrade moisture and smolden wrinkles.

Mint milk.

To prepare mint milk, we need a bundle of fresh mint or dry - 2 tablespoons, half a glass of milk. Bring the milk to boil and pour mint. When the infusion cools it to be strain. Moch your cotton swab in the milk and wipe the skin. After half an hour, smear warm water. Good moisturizes any skin of the face.

Honey mask with oat flakes.

One egg squirrel mix, add scenery oatmeal, honey and vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon. Stir and apply on the face. After 20 minutes, mix the napkin in hot water and rub the face, then wet the napkin with cold water and attach to the face for 5 minutes. Suitable for any type of skin.

For dry skin

Mask from zucchini.

Get rubbed on the grater, apply on face and neck. After 20 minutes, wash the cool water.

Mask of cottage cheese

Cutlery spoon of cottage cheese with a spoonful of milk and a spoon of olive or coconut oil. Add a slightly small salt into the ground. Apply on the face for 20 minutes, then washed off with cold water without soap.

For oily skin

Lamp Mask

1 teaspoon of cottage cheese to smoke with 1 teaspoon kefir. The mixture is applied to the face for 10 minutes, after washed with warm water.

Wash the napkin in the breast or kefir, attach to the face for 10 minutes, wash warm water.

Nutrition leather

Skin food is an important face care procedure. Adverse natural and environmental conditions, casual stresses, bad habits, improper nutritionally affects our skin.

Yes, and with age, the skin is not young and to extend the youth and have a fresh color of the face we need not only to wash, but also feed the skin of the face and neck. For these purposes, it is proposed to use nutrient cosmetics - these are day and night creams, vitamin and mitigating, rejuvenating creams - they will accelerate the metabolism of the skin, restore its acid-alkaline balance, will protect them from exposure to the external environment.

Nutrient mask from aloe juice (for any type of skin).

Aloe leaf is well wash, squeeze juice. Water with juice face and neck. After 15 minutes, wash the warm water and apply any nutrient cream for your skin type. You can also add aloe juice to your nutrient cream.

For dry skin

Vitamin mask from pulp berries and fruits.

Weaken berries, fruit - apricots, lingonberries, black currants, banana, persimmon - anyone turned out to be at hand - 1 tablespoon, and mix with olive or other vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon. Stir and apply on your face and neck for 20 minutes. Torture warm water.

Vitamin mask from vegetables.

Raw vegetables (zucchini, cucumbers, potatoes, carrots) - grate finely on a grater. Add a tablespoon of sunflower oil into the mixture. Stir and impose on the face for 20 minutes. Ruff warm water.

Nutritional mask from cottage cheese.

1 tablespoon of cottage cheese to be confused with a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Add egg yolk, mix well. Mask keep on the face of 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

For oily skin

Carrot mask.

Get marked with carrots, add a semolina and olive oil on 1 tablespoon. Mask mix well and apply on face. After 5 minutes with a cotton swab to erase the mass from the face. Wash your face with warm water and apply any nutritional cream.

Kefir mask.

Oatmeal flies -1 tablespoon, add kefir and sunflower oil 1 tablespoon. Stir and apply for 20 minutes on the face. Ruff warm water.

For normal skin

Apple mask.

Apple rubbing on the grater - add starch, sour cream and any vegetable oil on 1 teaspoon. Apply a mass on face and neck. After 20 minutes, wash off warm water.

Vitamin mask.

Press the juice from fresh leaves of salad or dill, add a few drops of juice of berries (strawberries, currants or lingonberries), and a tablespoon of any vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, linen, coconut) - mix. Moisten a cotton swab in mass and apply on face and neck. After 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Masks prepared at home are not expensive and very effective. Use only freshly prepared masks, apply them to cleansed skin. If there is inflamed acne on the face, or irritation, it is better to refrain from using masks to not disseminate the infection throughout the face. Do not hold the masks for longer than the time specified in the recipe. Apply the mask, lie, relax, relax.

In order to look young and attractively not enough to just care for the skin of the face, you need to eat right and fully, there are more fresh vegetables and fruits, not to give up milk and lactic acid products, meat, fish, smaller to eat smoked meats, pickles and sweets.

Try to lead a healthy lifestyle, engage in sports and walk in the fresh air, move more, give up bad habits, smoking and from alcohol use.

Love yourself, take care of your face and body!

Because of the high content of collagen, the skin of men is thicker, denser and therefore less susceptible to cosmetic defects. This is partly due to the action of androgen, male sex hormones, as well as significant sizes of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Male does not require moisturizing masks, their skin and keeps moisture so well, it allocates enough sweat. Women have to carefully care for the skin of the face, periodically carry out deep purification, proper nutrition to prevent the appearance of cosmetic defects. Regularly causing the face of homemade masks, it is possible to cope with excessive dryness, slurness of the skin, prevent and smooth wrinkles, avoid the appearance, acne and acne.

How to clean the face right at home

During the day on the surface of the skin, dead flakes accumulate, sewing glands, outdoor dust.

Negative effects have weather conditions. Cold wind dries, cause redness or peeling. Under the action of the sun's rays, a grid of wrinkles is formed.

Do not contribute to the preservation of the blooming type of stress and experience.

For cleansing, the following faces for skin care are used depending on its type:

  • dry - cosmetic cream or milk;
  • normal - gel for washing;
  • fat or combined - wash foam.

To avoid irritation, the milk is applied to the cotton disk, with light movements remove cosmetics together with accumulated dust and mud. The gel is also applied to the palm, only then perform cleansing. Before use, the foams are slightly whipped.

The chemical composition of water from under the home crane is far from the ideal. Therefore, for washing it is better to use filtered boiled water to restore the natural pH balance add a few drops of lemon juice.

You can remove makeup with any unrefined vegetable oil, preferably cold spin, is useful in it.

  • Apply to the skin with a cotton swab.
  • After a couple of minutes, remove another tampon, which is moisturized with warm water.

When skin care, it is necessary not only to remove the makeup correctly, but also periodically perform a cleansing procedure called peeling, its goal is to consider the oroging particles from the surface.

When leaving oily skin, peeling is performed once a week, for the remaining types - no more than once in a half months.

Home peeling from oat flakes:

  • Ground the flakes in a coffee grinder, mix with warm water, sour cream or yogurt.

Cashier to rub his forehead, cheeks, chin - perform light mechanical peeling. Care and clean the skin of the face in this way optimally once every two weeks.

Peeling coffee dense:

  • clean the surface of the skin, slightly moistened;
  • put on the face warm thick, give to dry;
  • perform a light massaging movement for one or two minutes, gradually removing the composition;
  • requires to wash off.

Homemade masks

Moisturizing, whitening, rejuvenating, smoothing masks for the care of the face are applied for 15-30 minutes, at the end, washed off with warm water.

Egg masks for dry skin:

  • Mix the egg yolk, the incomplete tablespoon of sour cream, add to the mixture 1C.L. Olive or peach oil, 1C.L. boiled water.
  • Egg yolk rubble with 1C.L. Honey, apply for 20 minutes.
  • Ring egg yolk with 1h.l. Honey, add 1C.L. Sour cream, mix thoroughly, washed in 20 minutes.

Rejuvenating masks:

  • Mix 2s.L. Honey from 1C.L. Strong black tea, add 2С.L. Oatmeal, some warm water.

Apply, covering the face with a napkin. Wash off in 20 minutes. The agent is especially effective for dry skin, smoothing wrinkles.

  • Smooth dry skin, cope with wrinkles helps warm mashed potatoes. Apply for 20 minutes, wash off warm water.

Recipe 3. The moisturizing mask based on cucumber juice is used to care for skin of any type.

  • Beat the foam form 2s.L. Cucumber juice, 1C.L. Cream, 20 drops of pink water.

Apply a thick layer for 20 minutes. Remove with a soft cloth, wipe the skin with pink water.

Vegetable facial skin care oils

Recipe Masks for dry skin:

  • Stir 1ch.l. Oils with egg yolk and 1h.l. Honey, to accelerate the dissolution to put the container in warm water.

After 20 minutes, remove with a soft cloth, wash the remains.

Recipe tonic mask for any skin type:

  • Mix 1 tsp. lemon zest, grinding in powder, egg yolk, 1c.l. sour cream. After 15 minutes, add 1h.l. Warm flaxseed oil.

Apply the composition on the face, after 20 minutes, remove the residues with a soft cloth.


The most effective cream containing peptides and fruit acids. Such a composition eliminates swelling, helps to cope with dark circles under the eyes. The active substances stimulate the circulation of lymph, which allows you to quickly achieve the desired cosmetic effect. The skin gets the necessary meals, especially in the eye area, where the circles, "goose paws", wrinkles appear appear.

For the care of sensitive skin around the eyes, the optimal cream with retinol and vitamin K, they also cope with dark circles.

In the cream from wrinkles include retinol, it gives the necessary meals and has a smoothing effect. But such a cream is better to choose after consultation with a dermatologist - an increased concentration of retinol can cause allergies.

Before applying the cream around the eyes or on his face it costs a bit to warm up - squeeze a small amount on the finger, wait a while. The cream applied in warm formation is much better absorbed, does not cause a narrowing of pores and discomfort.

Changed: 11/10/2018

The same thing is that risk stroll without a coat and caps. The idea of \u200b\u200bbrave, but fraught with harmful health effects. Elle found out from experts how to help the skin reach the spring.

Regina Khabibullina, Junior Training Manager Clarins

So if you need to change the face of facial care or need to proceed from the type, state and skin needs?

With changing the season, not only the wardrobe and mood, but also the condition of the skin, and regardless of its type. Winter is frost and wind. In such weather, the sebaceous glands produce less subcutaneous fat, and under dry air conditions heated rooms occur a sharp impaired of the hydrolyphid skin balance, the protective barrier is disturbed, the sensitivity is sharpened. As a result, the skin begins to peel, blush and deliver a feeling of discomfort - all these signs of critical dehydration. In addition to external factors, there is an internal restructuring of the body associated with seasonal hormonal oscillations, which affects the metabolism in the skin. Such changes are difficult to ignore, so you should reconsider your care program.

1. Smashbox IT "SA WRAP! Waterproof Makeup Remover; 2. 3Lab Healthy Lip Baim; 3. Erborian Doudoune for Hands; 4. Atelier Cologne Bergamote Soleil Hand Cream; 5. La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Mains; 6. Chanel Body Excellence; 7. The Body Shop Camomile Cleansing Butter; 8. Clarins Hydra-Essentiel Moisturizes and QUENCHES COOLING GEL; 9. Caudalie Resveratrol Lift Cream Cachemire; 10. Giorgio Armani Him / Her Lip Balm; 11. Clinique Take The Day Off Cleansing Balm; 12 CHANEL HYDRA BEAUTY NUTRITION LIP BALM

What skin care is optimal in winter in a megalopolis?

Now the skin needs to be softer cleansing and leaving, as well as additional cosmetics that will help restore and maintain a natural balance. What should be the care in winter? Basic stages of daily care are all the same: cleansing, toning, day / night cream. Change the means themselves, based on the changed skin needs.

To purify any type of skin in the winter period, it is recommended to use only "soft" products without alcohol. With oily skin during this period, it is better to go to creams for normal or combined skin, and for normal type to use products for dry skin. You can also enrich your care program with additional means: moisturizing serum, mask, butter. It is important in the cold time not to forget about the cream for hands and lip balm.

How should care change, if in the winter we are flying on vacation to warm countries?

Flights, climate change is stress for the body as a whole and for the skin in particular. It means that the reasons for dehydration becomes much more. Also arises the threat of the appearance of signs of fatigue on the face. Additional means, such as concentrates, will help to avoid trouble and provide fresh, healthy kind of your skin.

What kind of beauty products do you need to refuse?

Aggressive cleansing agents should be postponed, the means with a large content of ethyl alcohol, as well as all that provokes dry skin, including strongly matting cosmetic products. However, in the winter it is impossible to refuse sunscreen: frost is often accompanied by the Sun, the ultraviolet rays of which do not lose their activity. Also, reading the recommendations and tips, do not forget about the individual features, follow the "mood" of your skin and adjust the care program, following its needs.

1. INTENSIVE BI-PHASE CLARINS HYDRA-ESSENTIEL; 2. CHANEL HYDRA BEAUTY NUTRITION; 3. Valmont Prime 24 Hour; 4. L "Oreal Paris Luxury Food; 5. Armani Prima Oil-In-Gel; 6. Lancôme Nutrix Royal; 7. Thalgo Cold Cream Marine; 8. Retinol Day cream; 9. La Brucket Facial Cream Carrot Bergamott; 10. Kiehl "S Ultra Facial Deep Moisture Balm; 11. Lancôme Genifique.

How does the drops of temperature and humidity affect the state of the skin and how to help it?

In the conditions of a harsh Russian climate, central heating and other troubles, almost everything is experiencing a problem of dry skin during the cold weather. The temperature differences affect not only our well-being, but also on the skin. Dehydration and peeling may occur due to frosty air on the street, as well as due to dry air in homes, where there is heating and air conditioning.

Elena Alekseeva, expert Kiehl's

What ingredients in the composition of preferred?

Due to snow or busting winds, itching can occur. Creams containing film-forming substances and antioxidants will come to the rescue. To help the skin cope with dryness, it must be moisturized. Ideally do it in the evening, after taking a bath or soul, when there is still a lot of moisture in the skin. Any moisturizing cream comfortable texture is suitable. Well, if it contains hyaluronic acid, silicone, a small amount of glycerol or sorbitol. Be careful: when the skin moisture increases, the probability of frostbite increases. Therefore, before entering the frost, it is not recommended to use intensively moisturizing creams, "locking" water in the skin. I also want to remind you that if the selected agent has a gel base, then it is necessary to apply it at least an hour before the exit to the street.

Does it make sense to move in winter on cleansing, removing pollution and makeup only with micellar solution?

Personally, I do not really like the idea of \u200b\u200bcleansing the skin without water. In this case, fat and dirt are not deleted quite well, which sooner or later can lead to inflammation. Cleansing micellar water on a daily basis may damage the protective barrier and irritation, as, in fact, these are the seabilities that we leave on your face. Most specialists are advised to rush it with water.

The skin cleansing system without water (for example, using milk) can be suitable only in a very dry and sensitive skin, which uncomfortable tolerate the process of washing and responds to contact with water with strong redness and irritation.

What does the simple and efficient home care system look like?

Ideally, the care ritual should consist of a minimum of three products. First, this is a washbasin, not a damaging protective barrier (preferably without alcohol and sulfates). Secondly, moisturizing cream with film-forming substances, natural oils and antioxidants. Third, a night reducing means of a concentrate type. Also in winter it is necessary to apply additional care. Moisturizing masks are recommended to do at least 2-3 times a week, because now the skin loses a lot of water.

Does it need a special care of the skin of the body?

In winter, the skin of the body is under constant cover. On the one hand, it is warm, on the other, clothes can become a source of irritation. Leather loses moisture faster, and with her healthy color. The body skin care algorithm is the same as the face. But if you take a shower in the morning and in the evening, you do not use each time the gel for the soul - the skin does not need skin in such an intensive cleansing.

It will be great if you pay attention to your body treatments. Let there be oils, vitamins and minerals. Use soft scrubs 1-2 times a week. Do not forget about the rule of 3 minutes: immediately after water procedures, you need to apply a moisturizing cream, because when the skin is sparing and the pores are expanded, the conductivity of the useful components is improved.

Alexey Mironenko, National Expert Biotherm

There is an opinion that the cream should be applied for half an hour before entering the street. Is it so?

When applying the cream, its temperature rises due to rubbing between the fingers and on the skin temperature of the face. As a result, the temperature of the cream and skin is compared, accounted for 36 degrees. This is an additional mechanism for absorption and activation of the cream. Obviously, at such a temperature, the cream cannot frozen. There are few water in it, and moisturizing components (lipids, sugars), which do not freeze, a lot. Moreover, special moisturizing faces of face care are now created. Formula with natural oils protects the skin from unpleasant redness with cold windy weather. Nevertheless, the moisturizing cream in winter needs to be minimized for half an hour before the exit so that he will have to absorb, to act and protect the skin in the cold.

What option is more effective: one saturated, tight cream or multi-layered light textures?

In winter, it is worth preferred by more saturated nutritional textures, but it does not cancel multi-layered. Look at your makeup removal tool: maybe in winter you should use oil, even if you do not have dry skin. Also in winter, most likely, will be more comfortable with a tonic for dry skin. Perfect if you use serum. Have you tried serum with oil texture? They can be used for combined skin. Of course, your cream in winter should be more nutritious than in summer. What exactly - need to come from the skin needs.

Or maybe only oil enough?

Oil in winter is what needs skin, but only it is not enough. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the skin is dehydrated in winter. This happens for several reasons: heating indoors, water quality changes, other food, cold, wind, snow. Do not forget about the moisturizer, even if you consider your skin flawless.

How else to help the skin in the cold?

Of course, drink water at least 1.5 liters per day. Green and herbal teas can be excellent sources of moisture and heat, as well as useful antioxidant skin. The drying effect of heating can be reduced by air humidifier and regular ventilation. In nutrition, no need to forget about seasonal fruits, vegetables, first dishes and products containing omega-3 fatty acids (fish). Any non-exhausting sports exercises have a positive effect on the skin of the skin in winter. Also useful contrast shower

1. Vichy Neovadiol; 2. L "Occitane Amande Supple Skin Oil; 3. Dior Prestige L'Huile Souveraine; 4. Jane IRdal Face Cleanser; 5. Biotherm Total Renew Oil; 6. Givenchy Smile" N "Repair Wrinkle Expert; 7. Elemis Sweet Orchid Monoi Body Oil; 8. Anne Semonin Nourishing Body Oil; 9. L "OREAL PARIS REVITALIFT LASER DOUBLE CARE; 10. Vichy Idealia Peeling; 11. DIOR PRESTIGE LA CREME; 12. BIOTHERM AQUESOURCE COCOON; 13. Givenchy L "INTEMPOREL GLOBAL YOUTH SILKY SHEER CREAM