How to insert a rubber tube for a newborn. How to use the gas outlet tube for newborns

Carrying a baby is long and difficult both psychologically and physiologically for a mother. However, after childbirth, which is already stressful, it is too early to relax, because from that moment on, there will only be more worries. This material will be devoted to one of the most common problems that, according to statistics, are faced by about a third of all babies born: we will talk about intestinal colic and how to deal with this scourge.

Causes of constipation

  • in a newborn child, constipation can be caused by congenital diseases, some structural features of the rectum or colon;
  • very often constipation in an infant occurs due to dysbiosis - a violation of the intestinal microflora;
  • the introduction of new products in the mother's menu, if the child is on, or the baby - if artificial feeding;
  • adding cow's milk to the baby's diet, for which newborns do not have enough enzymes to digest;
  • lack of the necessary drinking regime, some newborns receive less fluid, especially for children who are bottle-fed;
  • malnutrition is seen as one of the causes of constipation;
  • low physical activity.

Constipation symptoms

Constipation can occur in children from the first days of life. Of course, this is not normal, and therefore it is important to notice the signs of the disorder in time, find out its cause and start treatment. The most common symptoms of constipation are:

  • absence of bowel movements for more than a day;
  • crying and whims of the baby; twitching legs;
  • tummy pain;
  • intestinal colic;
  • tension, redness, and crying when trying to poop;
  • bloating;
  • lack of appetite;
  • firm tummy.

What is a gas outlet tube

The venting tube is a special device made of non-toxic soft rubber. There are holes on both sides of the tube, sometimes there is an additional hole on the side. The end to be inserted into the baby's anus is rounded. The tube length is 18-22 cm.

The main parameter to be guided by when choosing is the diameter. For babies in the first weeks of life, the smallest diameter tube should be purchased. The 15th and 16th tube numbers correspond to this size. For older babies, you should choose model number 17-18. It is these specimens that have an additional hole on the side.

The newborn gas tube should be asked from your pharmacy. It is inexpensive, so if necessary, all parents can afford such a remedy. You can purchase a disposable sterile tube so you don't have to boil it. Sometimes there is an instruction manual in the package with the flue pipe.

How to use?

  • Boil the flue tube thoroughly for 5-10 minutes. Let it cool down.
  • Prepare a changing table or other surface by placing a absorbent surface on top of it.
  • Put the baby on the back, press the bent legs to the stomach, holding them with one hand.
  • Lubricate the narrow, rounded end of the gas outlet tube with baby oil or cream. It is also necessary to lubricate the child's anal opening with oil.
  • Gently insert the narrow end of the tube into the anus. For newborn babies, the insertion depth should be 1-2 cm, no more. Do not insert the tube if you feel strong resistance or if the baby is crying a lot - this can injure the intestines.
  • Gently massage your baby's belly in a clockwise circular motion. Light finger pressing on the sides of the lower tummy also helps. Such a massage accelerates the passage of gas from the intestines, stimulating its work. Do this massage for several minutes.
  • Slowly and gently twist the tube clockwise. This action irritates the intestinal wall, causing it to contract, and as a result, the elimination of feces and gases.
  • After the baby has passed the gas and feces, gently remove the tip of the gas tube.
  • Rinse your baby thoroughly with warm water.
  • The flue tube must be rinsed thoroughly after each use.

Remember that this method of relieving colic and constipation in a baby can only be used in exceptional cases.

Next time you can use the tube 4 hours after the previous procedure, but if possible, do not use it more than 1 time per week.

Other ways to relieve constipation in an infant

Establishing regular emptying of the baby's intestines is not easy: he has not yet learned how to work as expected, and even more: he has not yet chosen the most optimal evacuation regime for himself. Parents should be aware that not all children go to the toilet on a large scale with a regular frequency, and this frequency is different for everyone: it is enough for one to empty himself every 3-4 days, the other poops several times a day - and both options can be the norm. Modern pediatricians say that a breastfed child generally has the right to poop, as he pleases in every sense of the word: often, occasionally, with stools of very different consistency and color. The only thing that a mother should be guided by before suspecting constipation in a baby is his well-being and the presence / absence of other alarming signs.

So, the absence of stool for 1-2-3 days is not necessarily constipation. And therefore, it is possible that no measures need to be taken, especially such harsh ones as the installation of a gas outlet pipe. But if the problems are still
are scampering - you see that the baby is clearly suffering - then you still need to help him.

Whether you are an opponent or a supporter of the use of a gas outlet tube, and first you need to try to alleviate the child's condition by other, more humane methods. Here, depending on the problem, there may be several algorithms of action. For colic, gas, bloating and stool retention, it is recommended:

  • massage the abdomen with your palms;
  • bend the legs bent at the knees to the baby's tummy (two legs at the same time and simultaneously moving them also in the hip joints);
  • warm your tummy - with ironed diapers, palms, your own body, a warm scarf, etc.;
  • more often lay the baby on the tummy (but not after feeding).

All of these methods can help relieve symptoms of bloating or constipation. To fix the problem itself, you must first find out the cause of its occurrence.

This may be a malnutrition of a nursing mother, a violation of the intestinal flora, digestive problems, a child's intolerance to some products from the mother's diet or breast milk / formula, anatomical disorders in the structure of the digestive tract, etc.

Remember that you just need to get through childhood colic, helping the child to endure the attacks as easily as possible - with the same warming, stroking, and frequent attachments to the breast. Colic is not dangerous, not harmful, and will not last forever.

Video instruction

In the first months of life, mothers of newborns often face digestive problems: colic, flatulence and constipation, which exhaust and torment the baby. The reason for this is the immaturity of the digestive system and the peculiarities of the anatomical structure, which impede the passage of gases that enter the body during feeding. To eliminate these unpleasant phenomena, the most popular and safe means are considered, such as Espumisan, Baby Kalma. But what if nothing else helps? Then the use of a gas outlet tube can be advised.

General information

In medicine, a gas tube is called a rectal tube, tube, or catheter. In pharmacies, you can see exhaust pipes of different manufacturers and sizes. The size of the tube, first of all, means not its length, but the outer diameter. Gas outlet tubes can be disposable or reusable, the sterility of which is ensured by boiling. Below are the characteristics of some of the flue pipes that are commercially available.

Gas outlet tube (rectal probe) Apexmed

The tube does not require preliminary boiling, as it is sterile and disposable. Made of thermoplastic material that softens under the influence of body temperature. Has a non-traumatic blind end with two side holes. Each 10 mm is marked from 1 to 5 cm to control the depth of insertion.


  • sterility;
  • minimum outer diameter, even for the largest size;
  • closed end for safe insertion;
  • color helps to quickly determine the size;
  • the presence of marks on the tube, allowing you to get an idea of ​​the depth of introduction.


  • with frequent use, a higher price compared to reusable gas outlet pipes;

Rectal tubes manufactured by Alfaplastic

For newborns, you should buy the smallest outside diameter tube - number 15 and 16. For older kids, the 17th and 18th numbers, which have an additional hole, are suitable.


  • low price;
  • the ability to choose the most suitable size.


  • the need for boiling to maintain sterility;
  • there are no marks for determining the depth of introduction;
  • even the smallest tube size has a sufficiently large outer diameter;
  • the need for constant monitoring of the depth of introduction.

Exterior of the gas outlet pipes

This is how the gas outlet pipes look like, which were mentioned above.

Rectal probe Apexmed Rectal tube Alphaplastic

How to use the flue gas pipe correctly

It is important that the first time your pediatrician or nurse shows you how to do this procedure, so that you can do it yourself later. However, if for some reason this is not possible, you can try to alleviate the baby's condition on your own.

Important! It is best if your pediatrician or nurse shows you how to use the newborn gas tube so you can do this yourself later.

  • make marks on the tube from 1 to 5 cm;
  • if the tube is reusable, it must be boiled for 10 minutes. Disposable tubes are used immediately after opening the package;
  • cover the changing table with a diaper, and on top with an oilcloth;
  • prepare a container with water to detect escaping gas;
  • wash your hands well immediately before the procedure;
  • massage the baby's tummy. To do this, run your hand first from the right side to the center of the tummy, and then from the center down. Repeat the above steps on the left side. So you will help the gaziks move through the intestines closer to the baby's anus. Massage three times on each side;
  • lubricate the narrow end of the tube and the anus of the baby with petroleum jelly or baby cream;
  • lay the child on his left side, bending his legs at the knee and hip joints;
  • at first, resort to the help of someone from family members so that the baby remains in the right position;
  • spread the baby's buttocks with the thumb and forefinger of your left hand;
  • gently, without exerting physical effort, rotate the tip of the tube into the anus of the baby. First, to a depth of 1-2 cm;
  • lower the free end of the rubber tube into a prepared container with water;
  • after inserting the tube, stroke the baby's tummy clockwise until the gas leaves, which can be seen by the appearance of bubbles in the container with water. At the same time, the baby's tummy becomes softer;
  • if relief does not come, you can gently, rotate the tube further, but no more than 5 cm. Do not push the tube further if you feel an obstacle in its path;
  • the time during which it is allowed to hold the gas outlet pipe, no more than 5-10 minutes;
  • when gaziki or feces have gone, carefully remove the tube and press the baby's legs to the chest so that the remains come out on their own;
  • wash your baby.

Important! Never push the tube further if you feel an obstacle in its path!

How to use the flue gas pipe video

Rectal catheter WINDI

In addition to gas tubes, a rectal catheter can be used to drain gas in newborns. A characteristic feature is the absence of a tube as such. The thing is that, thanks to the special design, it is simply not needed. The passage of gas are recognized by the characteristic sound made when they pass through the catheter.


  • sterility;
  • the presence of a limiter to avoid excessively deep insertion;
  • the length and shape of the tip is specially designed to stimulate the muscle that prevents gases from escaping;
  • thermoplastic material that softens under the influence of body temperature;
  • rounded tip that minimizes the chance of damage;
  • there is no need to use an additional container with water;
  • horizontal notches prevent fingers from sliding when working with the catheter.


  • higher price compared to gas pipes;
  • inability to choose a different tip diameter if the existing one did not fit for some reason.

How to use a WINDI catheter

WINDI video instruction

Precautionary measures

It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions attached to the gas outlet tube, if it is not there, then it is better to ask the help of a qualified specialist to avoid injury to the intestine or its perforation.

  • try to use the flue pipe as little as possible, no more than three times a day. The baby's intestines are just learning to work properly, removing all unnecessary from the body. Frequent and sometimes inept interference in its work can lead to malfunctions of the intestines and constipation;
  • it is important to maintain the sterility of the gas outlet tube being inserted. The ingestion of a pathogenic microflora that is unusual for it, and even so, can lead to, or even worse, to inflammatory processes. Therefore, if there is a financial opportunity, it is best to use disposable gas pipes;
  • if you do not know what size of the gas outlet pipe to choose, then it is better to choose the smallest one in order to minimize the risk of damage;
  • Avoid using a gas tube if your toddler has irritation in the anus or other problems affecting the rectum.

In contact with

A gas outlet tube is used to relieve a baby's condition when he suffers from frequent bloating, colic and increased flatulence. But doctors recommend resorting to this method when everything else is powerless or there is no other way out.

This opinion is due to the fact that If you don’t know how to use the newborn gas tube, you can damage your baby’s small intestine or rectum, leading to internal tears, injury, bleeding and the development of more serious diseases.

Before running to the pharmacy for this device, you should try the so-called traditional medicine, that is:

make a tummy massage in the form of stroking clockwise around the navel. This should be done very carefully and gently, especially if the umbilical cord has not yet healed and is smeared with brilliant green;

slightly heat the diaper with an iron or a warm battery and apply it to the baby's tummy. The temperature should be pleasant, and parents should calmly hold the diaper in their hands - this is a guarantee that the newborn does not get burned after such a procedure;

it helps very well when the mother puts the baby's naked tummy to her belly, because at this moment the baby feels protected, calms down and the pain recedes. In addition, at this moment, the body of the newborn is in a comfortable position, when the abdominal muscles do not tense and do not cause discomfort. Only mom's skin must be warm otherwise there will be no result;

do the most basic gymnastics periodically : scissors, for example, or alternately press the baby's knees against his tummy for a minute or until he feels a little better.

Let's say all this was tried, but there was no result, and no. This means that you cannot do without a gas tube, although before buying it, a consultation with a pediatrician is in any case required.

Pediatric advice: How to treat jaundice in newborns. What are the causes of the disease and the possible consequences.

You should buy petroleum jelly or other similar product with the tube from the pharmacy to lubricate the plastic tip and anus of the newborn.

You should buy petroleum jelly or other similar product with the tube from the pharmacy to lubricate the plastic tip and anus of the newborn.

Before starting the procedure, the child must be laid on the back and firmly pressed his legs to the stomach.

At this time, by screwing in, the treated (that is, lubricated with petroleum jelly or oil) tip of the gas outlet tube is gently and slowly introduced. Continue this action until the plastic enters the anal passage about four centimeters.

After fully entering the specified distance, the tube must be scrolled, to stimulate proper bowel function and induce relieving gas. As soon as the baby feels better and the flatulence passes, the tube is slowly but surely pulled out.

Without fail, immediately after the end of the procedure, the gas outlet tube is washed in warm water and must be boiled in clean water for five minutes.

At this time, by screwing in, the treated (that is, lubricated with petroleum jelly or oil) tip of the gas outlet tube is gently and slowly introduced.

Learn how to treat your child: Plantex. Instructions for use, doses and features.

Additional advice on how to use the newborn gas tube

Before starting the procedure, try to calm the baby at least a little. so that he was more or less relaxed and all further actions did not cause him strong discomfort.

If during the introduction of the tube resistance is felt, then forcibly shoving it into the child's body is not worth it - there will be no benefit from this, but only additional problems. Better to try again after a few hours.

It is recommended to use the gas outlet in the company of a husband or, for example, a mother, who can hold the child if necessary, do scissors with their legs (which will significantly speed up the procedure), massage the tummy, or simply act as moral support.

You cannot often use such a tube, otherwise, a "boomerang effect" will occur, that is, a newborn baby will not be able to empty the intestines or release excess gas without the above described manipulations. And this state of affairs is fraught with the development of pathologies.

If during the introduction of the tube resistance is felt, then forcibly pushing it into the child's body is not worth it.

Therefore, always consult your pediatric pediatrician about the amount of gas tube used, the timing of the procedure, and what to do next.

It is very good after that to give the baby a tummy massage, then bathe him in a herbal bath and, of course, feed him. Then his body will experience less stress and, quite possibly, it will be possible to do without the child's severe tantrum.

If a person is not very competent in the question of "gas outlet tube for newborns: how to use" or there are some fears in terms of causing possible harm to the child, then for the first time it is better to invite a medical worker to the house who will show an illustrative example of the use of this device.

The procedure is much easier collection of urine. How to collect it from a baby girl, you can read by following the link.

Most newborns suffer from discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, this is a physiological norm and is associated with its underdevelopment at the time of birth. It is possible to alleviate the baby's condition with the help of special, mother's diet, if breastfed, selection of milk formula, massages, and also mechanically - with the help of a gas outlet for newborns. This is the only remedy that works instantly.


The most primitive models are the most common rubber tube with a slightly rounded end... There are disposable and reusable tubing. Disposable can be used without preliminary sterilization, they are packed in sealed packages. Dispose of it after use.

Did you know? In the course of studies, it was found that they are more likely to occur in premature or low birth weight babies. Boys are also more susceptible to them. In general, about 70% of babies suffer from colic.

Reusable straws are made of rubber or silicone, they are absolutely safe and non-toxic. Some models have restraints that prevent overly deep insertion. By type, it is customary to divide them into 3 types:

How to choose?

The most important criterion for choosing a tube is its diameter... For newborns, the smallest size of the gas outlet tube is suitable - 15-16 , for babies from six months, choose a tube of size 17-18 ... Everything else depends on your preferences (reusable or disposable) and financial capabilities (prices for straws range from 5-200 UAH).

Did you know? Abdominal discomfort and colic usually occur in infants in the third week of life and go away by 3-5 months. The attacks usually begin in the evening.

How to use?

Before placing a gas tube in a newborn, all other measures should be taken to alleviate his condition (massage, diet, carminative agents). And if all else fails, and the baby feels very bad and is capricious, it is worth resorting to this method.

After purchasing the pipe need to boil, with further use, it will be enough to wash it with soapy water before each use. If it is rarely used, it is advisable to sterilize it before each use. Before inserting the gas tube for a newborn, you need to wait until it cools completely. When carrying out manipulations, adhere to the following algorithm:

  • Before starting the procedure, wash your hands, lubricate the tip of the tube, and then the baby's anus with petroleum jelly or fat baby cream.
  • Cover the working surface with a diaper, it is advisable to put an oilcloth under it and lay the newborn baby on his back. Babies over 6 months old can be laid on their side or stomach. Press the legs to the stomach and hold them in this position.
  • Insert the tube into the anus with gentle rotational movements to a depth of no more than 5 cm. The second end of the device can be placed in a bowl of water, then the bubbles will clearly show whether the gases are evacuated. In the process, you can give the baby a belly massage, this will accelerate the movement of gases through the intestines.

Important! During the procedure, the child may have a bowel movement - this is triggered by the fact that the tip of the tube irritates the rectum and promotes the urge to get rid of feces.

  • Next, the tube must be removed and washed with soap. The disposable tube should be discarded. The baby can also be washed off with warm water and baby detergent.
The duration of this event is usually from 5 to 10 minutes.

Precautionary measures

After describing how to use the newborn gas tube, you should also consider the precautions. This procedure is absolutely safe, however, if you do not follow some rules, you can harm the baby. That's why adhere to these security measures:

  • The procedure should not be carried out more often than once every 4 hours.
  • Remember that you cannot get too carried away with it either, since the child's body can get used to outside help and stop adapting and learning to get rid of discomfort on its own.

Important! Do not use the flue gas tube if you have rectal disease.

By adhering to the above instructions on how to put a gas tube in a newborn, you will absolutely painlessly help your baby get rid of colic and relieve the condition.

At birth, the baby's organs and systems are anatomically immature. In the first weeks of life, the intestine of a newborn begins to be populated by the microflora involved in digestion, and the motor function of the intestine starts up.

During this period, the baby especially often may experience stool retention and flatulence. The accumulation of air in the intestinal lumen causes discomfort in the child, he worries, cries - this is intestinal colic.

For the most detailed information on how and how to help a small child with such a problem, read the article of the children's doctor.

Very important and relevant information about what is useful and how to use it correctly can be found in the article of a neonatologist.

Colic can be prevented, and there are several methods for this:

The installation of a gas outlet pipe is an extreme measure and is necessary only if all these measures have already been taken, but a positive effect has not been achieved.

Symptoms requiring the use of a flue gas tube:

  • stool retention for several days;
  • restless behavior, excitement of the child, prolonged crying of the baby;
  • decreased appetite, complete refusal of the child from food;
  • the baby's abdomen is sharply swollen, the anterior abdominal wall is tense.

Contraindications to the use of a gas tube for newborns

Not every child can have a gas tube. Therefore, it is always better to consult a pediatrician before using it, who will give the necessary recommendations or show you how to insert the gas outlet tube.

The installation of a gas outlet tube is contraindicated in the following conditions:

How to choose a gas outlet pipe?

There are several types of venting devices, from a standard vent tube to modified catheters. You can buy them at every pharmacy. Parents can choose a gas outlet for a newborn, at their discretion, choosing the quality and price convenient for themselves.

  1. Reusable gas outlet for children. It is a non-toxic elastic rubber tube with holes on both sides. The end inserted into the rectum is rounded. There are several sizes of tubules, depending on the age of the babies. Immediately after birth, products of the 15th - 16th number are used, in the future it is necessary to purchase larger tubes (17 - 18th numbers). Regardless of the product number, its diameter should be 2 - 3 mm, and the length should not exceed 22 cm. The average cost of such a tube is 60 rubles. The product is convenient in that it can be used several times, the cost is pleasantly pleasing. The disadvantage is that the tube must be boiled before the procedure and it does not have a marking of the insertion depth.
  2. Rectal gas outlet tube for newborns from Apexmed. This is a sterile disposable probe. The end of the tube inserted into the rectum is rounded, which reduces the risk of injury, the free end is wide with a plastic tip. It is made of materials of the highest safety class, which soften when heated inside the intestine, which also reduces the risk of damage to the mucous membrane. The probe is marked with a size in centimeters, which allows you to control the depth of insertion. There are also several sizes of probes, depending on the age of the baby. The price of such a product is from 200 to 400 rubles.
  3. Windi gas outlet tube for newborns. Sterile rubber exhaust tube for single use. The tube is small in size, has the shape of a catheter, which eliminates the risk of traumatic injury. Made of thermoplastic elastomer, which, when in contact with the human body, heats up quickly and becomes softer. The Windy catheter is very convenient and easy to use, it has a restrictor that allows you to insert the tube to the required depth. The release of gases will be accompanied by a characteristic sound. Its downside is that it is a disposable catheter and has a high cost relative to similar medical products. The cost is about 1000 rubles for one package (10 pcs).

How to put a gas tube in a newborn?

At the sight of this device, young parents often start to panic, the question arises of how to use the gas outlet pipe. It is great if the visiting nurse or local doctor will show you how to use the tube for the first time. But even if you are left alone with the gas outlet pipe, do not worry.

The product comes with detailed instructions for use, which will tell you how to use the flue gas pipe correctly.

The most important thing is to calm down and carry out the procedure in a calm environment. If the mother feels insecure and worried, the child will also worry.

  • check the quality of the product. The gas outlet for newborns should be made of soft elastic materials, without manufacturing defects;
  • the size of the product must correspond to the age of the baby;
  • before use, the reusable catheter should be boiled, and when using a disposable tube, make sure that its sterile packaging is intact.

Rules for using the gas tube for a child:

  1. Before starting the procedure, you must wash your hands.
  2. The baby should be laid on a flat hard surface, having laid a pre-clean diaper.
  3. Baby's position: on the back, legs bent at the knees and brought to the tummy.
  4. We hold the child with one hand, and with the other we take the catheter closer to the rounded end.
  5. The end of the catheter inserted into the intestine is lubricated with oil or petroleum jelly.

    To reduce injuries, the skin around the anus of the baby should also be lubricated with oil or baby cream.

  6. In a circular motion, the rounded end of the catheter is inserted into the anus. The insertion depth for infants up to six months is up to 2 cm, for older children - up to 4 cm. Before starting the procedure, you can mark the required depth on the tube.

    If the child is anxious and you feel an obstacle in the introduction of the tube, you should not make an effort. It is necessary to calm, distract the baby and repeat the introduction of the tube only after he has relaxed.

  7. In order to understand whether gases are escaping or not, it is necessary to release the free end of the tube into the water and watch for the appearance of air bubbles.
  8. After stopping the discharge of gases, remove the inserted end of the tube with gentle rotational movements. Do not abruptly remove the tube so as not to cause discomfort to the child.

In order for newborns to completely rid the intestines of gas, the catheter must be kept for 10 - 15 minutes.

To speed up the process, you can massage the baby's tummy, stroking the front abdominal wall around the navel clockwise.

Gently twisting the catheter in the rectum will stimulate the bowel and help the baby to empty after removing the gas tube. After the procedure, you need to wash the baby.

Discard the disposable straw after using it. Reusable straws should be thoroughly rinsed in running water using baby or laundry soap. Before reuse, it will need to be boiled.

How often can the flue gas pipe be used?

Re-introduction of the gas tube can be carried out at intervals of at least 4 hours. The mucous membrane of the baby's rectum is very delicate, and bedsores can form with prolonged catheter standing. Avoid placing the venting tube more than twice a day.

Do not use the flue gas tube too often. If a child is constantly worried about bloating, flatulence, it is necessary to consult a doctor to determine the cause of digestive problems.

Main conclusions:

  1. The placement of a gas outlet tube for a child is indicated for colic, bloating, flatulence.
  2. Before installing the gas outlet tube, it is necessary to read the instructions in detail and check the suitability of the product.
  3. Placing a gas tube is a procedure that only temporarily relieves the condition of the child. You should not abuse its use in order to constantly help the baby to release accumulated gases. If there is a too frequent need for this, it is necessary to consult a specialist in order to find out and eliminate the cause of the digestive disorder.