What root chemistry looks like. Perm for short hair: large curls, root, wet, light vertical, for hair volume, modern, with and without bangs. Photo. Photo before and after boost up on short and long hair

Karina Ulnitskaya

Makeup stylist

Articles written

Many women dream of lush and luxurious curls and every morning spend a lot of time in front of the mirror with a brush and hairdryer or an iron in their hands to give their hair the desired volume. The modern beauty industry can offer them a great alternative - root chemistry. Thanks to her, the hair is transformed: the hair rises, the hairstyle acquires lightness, dynamism and a spectacular look for a long period of time. In the future, you can forget about the many hours of daily styling for a long time.

Root perm is a unique technique, which consists in the fact that the strands near the roots are treated with a special composition and curled, everything is done to give the hair an amazing volume. As the name implies, this procedure is not complete without the use of chemicals. But this impact is minimal, and, according to many experts, it is much better to do root chemistry than to injure the hair with dry air from a hair dryer or hot tongs every day.

If the procedure is carried out in accordance with all the rules and the master clearly observes the technology, then there is nothing to fear. The main component that affects the hair is cystyamine, it is also part of the products used for biowaving.

It is worth remembering that as a result of performing such a curling, the main length of the curls is not affected in any way - the strands remain straight. But the volume of the hairstyle increases several times, and this effect will be visible with proper further care within six months.

Is it worth doing

Root chemistry will not only not ruin your hair, but will also be an excellent helper in the following situations:

  • the procedure will perfectly help to correct the appearance of the hairstyle in the case when the strands of the branch after an earlier conventional perm, the roots in this case will rise again, and the hair will receive the required volume;
  • if the curls are naturally curly, then they usually have tight curls at the ends, and near the roots they are completely straight and devoid of volume, a root curl will help correct this imbalance and will look absolutely natural;
  • for owners of short and rare curls, root chemistry will help to get a voluminous and lush hairstyle;
  • women with long and non-frizzy curls will also see amazing results.

When the procedure is contraindicated

Root chemistry is a special technology and is not suitable for all women. For those wishing to make such a perm, experts advise to pay attention to the fact that there are still situations in which it is better to refuse to perform this procedure:

  • the presence of open wounds, scratches, irritations and ulcers on the surface of the head
  • flaking, dandruff, too dry scalp
  • breastfeeding period and pregnancy
  • tendency of strands to fall out
  • a recent procedure to discolor or dye curls
  • taking certain medications (antibiotics, hormones)
  • increased body temperature and pressure drops

Execution technology

There are two main methods that hairdressers use to create root volume.

Option 1:

  • hair is divided into separate strands
  • the part of the curl that will not be permed is wrapped in a waterproof cloth
  • starting from the tip, this strand is wound on a bobbin of a suitable diameter
  • after all the hair is rolled on curlers, they are treated with a special chemical composition
  • put a hat on their head and wait 10-20 minutes
  • remove all the curlers, wash the curls well, apply a fixing balm and dry them

Option 2:

  • curls are divided into several strands
  • each strand is twisted on a bobbin, but only in that part that will be curled
  • the wound part of the curl is treated with a chemical composition, and the free part is not affected
  • otherwise, the procedure continues in the same way as in the first option

Main advantages and disadvantages

The root perm has many advantages and helps a large number of women to cope with the problem of curls deprived of volume. It should only be borne in mind that to perform this procedure, you should contact proven salons with a good reputation and an experienced specialist, in this case, all possible negative consequences will not be felt, but the result will delight the owner of a new hairstyle for a long time.

"Pros" of root curling:

  • the hairstyle becomes noticeably more voluminous at the roots;
  • the resulting effect of volume on the hair lasts for several months, it does not subside from the use of styling products, as a result of exposure to weather conditions or when wearing hats;
  • the hairstyle looks very natural, and others will not even be able to guess about the procedure;
  • root chemistry has a drying effect on the curls, due to which they get less dirty at the roots and stay fresh longer;
  • after the procedure, you no longer need to use a hairdryer or curling iron for styling, and do the bouffant.

"Cons" of root chemistry:

  • rather high cost of the procedure;
  • the duration of the procedure (in general, you will have to spend about 3 hours on it);
  • in the event that the result of the root curling does not suit its owner with something, you will have to wait six months until the composition is washed off from the curls and the resulting effect disappears by itself, no means will be able to eliminate it.

Follow-up care for curls

Despite the fact that root chemistry is a rather gentle and harmless procedure, after it is performed, it is necessary to provide proper care for your hair. By following simple guidelines, you can maintain the result obtained for a long period of time, as well as help your curls look perfect.

  1. For a while, you should stop using a hair dryer to dry the strands, and also do not treat them with styling agents - let the hair rest a little.
  2. After the procedure, for some time it is worth protecting the curls from exposure to sunlight, you need to sunbathe in a headdress and use special cosmetics with UV protection.
  3. It is advisable to abandon the use of shampoos containing sulfates, it is better to give preference to gentle and mild shampoos for washing your hair.
  4. It is necessary to additionally moisturize and nourish the hair with useful, preferably natural, balms and masks.

Permed perm is a fairly new procedure within the framework of hairdressing, but it has already managed to win many loyal fans. It allows you to style any curls of various lengths into the perfect hairstyle, adding pomp and volume to them. Do not be afraid of such an experiment, an experienced craftsman and high-quality products will give you an amazing result.

The experience of the boost-up procedure is sad for me. Now, every time I see my hair in the mirror, I get annoyed to such an extent that I even decided to leave a review.

What a procedure: ordinary chemistry (about 20 years ago my mother did this, however, it was called not boost up, but "root chemistry"). And the composition for chemistry is used, there are no "special compositions" for the boost up. The know-how of Mrs. Glinka is that she came up with the idea of ​​curling the hair roots on metal hairpins, thus creating a corrugation as a result. So, not all chemical compounds can interact with metal, therefore a "special composition for boost up" is a composition for the chemistry of some manufacturers that does not react with metal.

What is "perm" and what harm it does to hair, I think everyone understands. The consequences are also known to everyone, no matter how they talk about sparing modern compounds and natural ingredients, chemistry - it is chemistry.

About my case. I tried on this procedure for a long time, they began to do it in the salon, which I have been visiting for 10 years, that is, I know all the masters well, we have friendly relations. My hair is thin, not bulky in itself, but healthy enough (was). The procedure is very long, about 5 hours, but for the sake of beauty, you can endure. As a result - yes, there is volume, no doubt. The volume is ... In the form of comb or African hair after straightening. In the salon, of course, they pulled my hair with a brush to straighten it as much as possible, at home I got used to treating my hair in a more gentle way.

As a result, I got chemically dried, broken hair. The difference with the ends is very visible (if you have straight hair like mine). the dye was washed with chemistry on the top of the head, and dyeing your hair immediately after a perm ... You understand, it's not very good. Although I always paint with ammonia-free dyes (they say, I took care of my hair ..

After the procedure a month is still nothing, the volume is not bad, you really have to wash your hair less often. But now, after a month and a half .. The roots have grown, and the head has become just square! The hair doesn’t just climb, it’s just broken, it splits badly, no masks and creams in huge quantities help. Constant drying, pulling with a brush, tongs .. From the outside it may look good, but the condition of the hair is terrible.

And yet - when washing, the crown rolls in a roller, on wet hair you can clearly see the corrugation. This I mean that if you, for example, are going to the sea and still love to dive (like me), then after swimming on your head there will be a terrible uncombed nest of corrugated hair and strands. Also on vacation in countries with a humid climate, you will not have straight hair on the crown

In general, you need to think 100 times before such a procedure. Moreover, the need for volume, usually in people with not "very chic" hair.

Well, about the price - it is not very cheap, but it is also worth adding here a few keratin straightenings, treatments or "hair happiness". It is impossible to cope with the result of growing chemistry at home.

Although, my friend, who works in this salon (and, according to the specifics of her work, does all kinds of treatments for hair there 2 times a week), is happy, she is only going to do it again, she says, I’ll go on vacation, otherwise the view on wet hair is not very good. So, when choosing this procedure, evaluate for yourself all the pros and cons.

One of the main indicators of a well-groomed and successful woman is her hair. She cannot be considered a real beauty who does not pay enough attention to her hair. It is desirable that the hair looks thick and sleek, and the styling can remain voluminous for a long time. But, alas, not all women are naturally lucky to have a luxurious shock of silk hair. Those who were born with thin and thin hair have to spend a lot of time in front of the mirror to give their image a presentable look. And with a fairly dynamic rhythm of modern life, it can be quite difficult for a woman to carve out even an hour to create a beautiful volume on her head. In addition, it is rarely possible to achieve perfect styling that would last long on the hair.

But the beauty industry is not asleep, and new progressive ways of improving the appearance are being created. One of these steps is permed hair... Having made such a magical perm, you can forget about the problems of unruly and lifeless hair for a long time.

What is permed hair perm?

The name itself does not hide the fact that this procedure uses special chemical compositions that are aimed at creating a root volume for up to several months. Many people are initially afraid of the word "chemical". But in fact, the drug can be called harmless. Much more damage to hair is caused by the daily use of a hot hair dryer, styler and many different products for achieving long-lasting styling.

Permed hair roots can be performed some time after a perm of the entire length of the hair, when the curls are already branching enough for straight roots to become noticeable, and the hair has lost its volume. The advantage of this procedure is that the ends of the hair do not undergo unnecessary processing. This type of curling can also be useful for those who strive to keep their hair smooth and streaky, but have liveliness and volume at the roots.

Pros and cons of perm for hair volume

Once upon a time, there were terrible rumors about perming hair. But as time goes on, the ways to improve the appearance are becoming more effective and less harmful. More and more women are without hesitation resorting to the creation procedure root volume of hair by perm and subsequently they do not regret it at all. Those who have experienced this procedure describe the following advantages:

  1. Spectacular voluminous hair.
  2. With the right care, the volume at the roots is maintained for several months, which saves time and money that would otherwise have been spent on expensive hair styling products.
  3. Resistance of styling to wet or, conversely, too dry weather.
  4. Long-haired beauties do not have to sacrifice the tips of their hair, as the volume holds well on elongated hairstyles.
  5. The chemical composition dries the scalp a little, which reduces the need for frequent hair washing, which is especially convenient for owners of hair prone to oily hair.
  6. Hair retains its natural shine and healthy, not burdened with a lot of varnishes and mousses.

As for the negative sides perm procedures, then this is, first of all, quite an expensive cost. Also, women have to spend more than 3 hours of precious time in the salon. the process is quite long and laborious. The effect of the procedure is long-lasting, and if the client of the salon suddenly changed her mind about wearing volume or she didn't like something about the work of the hairdresser, then the styling cannot be changed until the effect of the drug wears off.

Who is better for perming hair roots?

If a woman has previously done perm hair Over time, her hair grows gradually. Luxurious voluminous strands remain only along the length of the hair, and the root part gradually loses its original charm. In this case, the method of creating a radical hair perm will come in handy. The composition is distributed only to the regrown roots, ignoring the length, thereby once again excluding the influence of a rather aggressive chemical composition on the ends of the hair.

In addition, many ladies are aware of the problem of lack of volume on elongated hair. Having grown to a certain length, the hair begins to make the hairstyle heavier, the volume disappears. Often, in order to achieve the desired effect again, women have to cut off hair that has been growing back for a long time. Chemical root curling to create volume will come in handy here. The volume will be persistent and long-lasting, the length of the hair will not need to be changed. In addition, such a perm looks much more natural.

Are there any contraindications for radical hair perm?

As with all salon procedures, a perm for hair volume has a number of contraindications, which must be familiar to everyone who plans this method of creating the perfect hairstyle for themselves:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Taking hormonal and antibacterial drugs.
  • Dandruff, dry scalp.
  • Wounds or scratches on the head.
  • Body temperature is higher than normal.
  • Blood pressure surges.
  • Increased loss.
  • Excessive fragility.
  • Manifestation of allergy to the components of the curling product.
  • It is not advisable to do a root perm for short haircuts, because the result may not turn out as we would like.

Radial hair perm technology

This is a rather difficult process and should ideally be done by a skilled artisan. It is possible to do it at home, but you may not get the effect you expected and even ruin your hair. In addition, without the help of a good master, it is difficult to choose the right chemical composition, because each client has his own hair type. Of course, in the salon, a woman will face additional costs. But, if you consider that the result of the work of an experienced master will be a gorgeous styling that will last about six months, then it is better not to spare money and make a choice in favor of a salon procedure rather than a home one.

For perm for hair volume the specialist will need smooth hairpins or bobbins, regular curlers, foil, waterproof fabric or polyethylene to protect the strands that will not be treated with the drug, and, of course, the product itself. In modern beauty salons there is a large selection of preparations for perm, all of them are based on cysteamine, which is similar in nature to the amino acid found in human hair. Therefore, the procedure practically does not harm the hair. The following stages of perm are distinguished:

  1. First, the master assesses the condition of the hair and scalp, an allergic reaction test is done.
  2. Next, the hairdresser washes the client's head with a special sulfate-free shampoo for deep cleaning.
  3. The hair is divided into strands, on each of which the composition is applied at the roots. The rest of the curls are covered with protective fabric.
  4. The strands covered with the composition are wound on curlers or bobbins.
  5. They put a hat on their head and leave for half an hour.
  6. One of the finishing touches is the treatment of the base of the hair with a special fixing agent, which must be held on the head for another 15 minutes.
  7. The last stage is the final shampooing in order to wash off the preparation.
  8. If the client's goal is a partial root volume, then the master processes only the desired curls.

Preparation for the procedure for creating root volume of hair with a perm

A few weeks before the planned creation root hair perm the following actions should be excluded:
Dye your hair. If a little time has passed after painting, the drug may not lie properly, and the desired effect of the procedure will not be achieved.

Use hair products containing silicone, as long-term use of silicone guarantees its absorption into the hair, which will also lead to undesirable effects. When shampooing, do not massage the skin too much.

What should be done to achieve a long-lasting styling effect after perming hair roots?

To achieve a lasting result from root perm, you need to follow these tips:

  • Use a curl-forming hair care product.
  • Do not use shampoos and products containing silicone or sulfate.
  • Do not use formulations designed to produce smooth hair.
  • When washing your hair, you must monitor the temperature of the water. It cannot be too warm.
  • Try to protect your head from the sun, because it dries hair very much. You can use a protective spray.
  • Use revitalizing oils and nourishing masks.

Of course, every woman decides for herself whether she should take the risk and resort to root perm or not. But the conclusion is still obvious. Such a procedure can significantly facilitate the life of the beautiful half of humanity already drowned in the cares. Under any circumstances and weather conditions, she will help to complement the image of a chic and well-groomed lady and add confidence in her irresistibility.

Main effects: the volume appears immediately after the procedure and lasts long enough, it lasts at any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions and wearing hats.

Advantages: careful impact; within six months, you do not have to do bouffants, use fixing agents or a curling iron; the root part of the hair becomes drier; everything looks natural; the strands do not become heavier, they fit easily, without the "dandelion" effect, as in classical chemistry.

Flaws: the root perm procedure is not cheap, it is repeated every 6 months; there are really few real professionals. Some include the duration of 3 hours here.

A gentle chemical agent is used, so the hair is minimally injured, almost immediately it begins to grow healthy.

The optimal choice of curlers will become thin and smooth from wood or plastic. It is strictly forbidden to use metal... Small wooden bobbins are often used. The result will not change with them, but it is much more convenient to work with.

It is recommended to make a root perm, if: every day you have to spend a lot of time styling your hairstyle; hair is thin and sparse with shoulder length and below; curls are thick, they are not lifted with a curling iron and fixing means.

Before and after root curling

Contraindications: pregnancy, taking antibacterial, hormonal drugs, infectious diseases in the acute stage, fever, damage to the skin, discolored strands, brittle hair, their systematic loss, overdried strands in the sun or exposed to sea water, too short a haircut or too long curls , an allergic reaction to any irritant.

Root curling technology for short and long hair... Refusal of shampoos and balms with silicone in the composition before the procedure. Checking the body's reaction to a chemical agent, washing hair with a special deep cleaning agent. After drying with a towel, the entire hair is divided into partings, with the help of thin and smooth hairpins or curlers, the strands are wound so that their ends remain freely hanging, fixed with foil.

A chemical agent is applied, a plastic cap is put on top, after a while the composition is washed off, the foil and curlers are removed. A special fixing balm is applied to the entire head of hair for 20 minutes. The final stage is rinsing hair with warm water, drying.

Experts strongly do not recommend do a root perm at home, as you need to accurately divide the hair into partings and select the middle layer specifically; when winding up the root zone, a fracture of the strands must not be allowed; you need to correctly dilute the chemical and use it in a certain amount; you need to understand which hair will take how long it will take to get the desired result.

At home, a curling iron with embossed heating plates is used for volume, with which the hair at the roots is pressed for a few seconds.

After the procedure, hair care includes: application of shampoos without silicone and sodium lauryl sulfate, 2 times a week masks for the care of curly hair, after each shampoo, the hair is rinsed with a decoction of chamomile or burdock roots; you need to wash it not with hot, but with warm water.

Read more in our article about all the nuances of root hair curling.

A distinctive feature of this procedure is that the hair remains straight, but becomes as voluminous as possible. Moreover, everything looks so natural that those around them would not even guess that the master was working on the image. The secret lies in several nuances:

  • the upper and lower part of the head of hair is not involved in the process;
  • the curling of the strands is carried out using smooth hairpins;
  • the formed curls are fixed with foil;
  • after the chemical composition is removed from the hair, a fixing balm must be applied.

The volume appears immediately after the procedure and lasts long enough. Moreover, it remains at any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions and wearing hats.

At home, you can perform only a "lightweight" version of the root perm. To do this, use a curling iron with embossed heating plates, which press the hair at the roots for a few seconds. Volume and splendor are guaranteed, but only until the next shampooing.

Possible complications

A client after a root perm may face the following troubles:

  • dryness of the hair will increase - it will be difficult to style the hairstyle, the strands begin to electrify and fluff;
  • hair fragility increases significantly - it will be possible to correct the situation only with the help of specific care for curls with the use of professional products;
  • as soon as the hair grows back, the resulting effect disappears - the masters recommend doing a root perm for those women whose hair grows too slowly.

Proper care after

Even if the effect on the hair was gentle, after the procedure, it will be necessary to carry out specific caring procedures. And some recommendations are given by the master immediately after the root perm:

  • the composition of shampoos and balms should not contain silicone and sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • 2 times a week you need to apply masks to care for curly hair;
  • after each shampooing, the hair is rinsed with a decoction of chamomile or burdock roots;
  • you need to wash your hair not with hot, but with warm water.

Watch the video on how to care for hair after a perm:

How long does the effect last?

The client is immediately warned that the effect obtained after the root perm will last for a maximum of 6 months, after which the procedure will have to be repeated. But if the hair grows too quickly and the woman is forced to adjust the haircut every 2-3 months, then the volume and splendor persist only during this period.

In order for the root curling of the hair to be perfect, and the result to be as positive as possible, you should heed the recommendations from the experts:

  • During the "critical days" you should not carry out the procedure - the hormonal background of the woman is disturbed, and this can distort the results.
  • Before visiting a beauty salon, you do not need to wash your hair, it should be slightly dirty.
  • After curling, you need to protect the hair from ultraviolet rays, for which not only hats are used, but also specific sprays, balms.

Permed perm is a relatively new procedure that has not yet become widespread. But it is she who effectively and for a long time solves the problem of straight, "not obedient" and thin or too heavy hair.

What will never hurt both eyelashes and hair? Additional volume, of course. To make any haircut or hairstyle look the most impressive, just lift the hair in the root zone. Doing this every day with curlers, an iron, curling iron or a hair dryer is a rather tedious task, and the effect will last no more than a day. The solution is to do a root perm once and enjoy the result for 6 months. How root chemistry is performed, about all its advantages, disadvantages and contraindications, as well as other important points of this procedure, will be discussed in this article.

Root chemistry: what it is and its features

Root chemistry is a type of perm in which the active composition is applied only to the root part of the hair and scalp. The rest of the hair mass remains unused, and therefore does not experience negative effects from the active substance. Although modern means used for long-lasting hair curling practically do not harm the hair structure, and in some cases even strengthen it.

Today, for root chemistry, a biocomposition based on artificial components (cysteamine protein and others), which are analogs of the natural constituents of hair (cysteine), and also enriched with various useful and nutritious additives (plant extracts, proteins, and others), is increasingly used. Therefore, this procedure can be considered harmless for the hair, but this was reflected in its price in salons (2-6 thousand rubles, which depends on the density of the hair and the class of the hairdresser).

  • Naturally thin and sparse hair.
  • Previously, a perm was done, but the hair has grown back, that is, it needs to be corrected in the root zone.
  • Curls are present from birth, but strands curl mainly at the tips, and the roots remain straight.
  • It takes too much time and effort every day to style your hair.

Technically, a root perm has the following features:

  1. The top layer of hair always remains unused, later on it serves as a cover for the processed mass.
  2. The use of silicone-based caring and styling products in the last month before perming is not allowed, since this substance reacts with the composition and weakens its effect.
  3. In the future, when caring for curled hair, it is also not recommended to use products with silicone for the same reason, as well as oils, because they straighten the hair.
  4. The hair will suffer less if you carefully prepare it first - use nourishing masks once a week and rinse your hair with herbal decoctions (you can buy the herb at the pharmacy and brew it yourself) after each shampooing.

Pros and cons of root curling

Any procedure performed on the hair has its pros and cons. Pros - this is exactly what a woman lacks for complete happiness - the density, volume, beauty, health and well-groomed hair. In the case of root chemistry, the advantages are:

  • The most gentle effect on the treated part of the hair, which is due to the use of bio-compositions.
  • Elimination of negative effects on the rest of the hair.
  • Incredible (4 times increase in head), but at the same time natural haircut volume.
  • Long-term effect - 6 months.
  • Smooth washing out of the composition from the hair, causing a gradual and imperceptible decay of the effect.
  • Volume stability in all weather, humidity and windy conditions. Caps also fail to spoil the effect.
  • Aesthetic and well-groomed appearance of the hair.
  • Huge savings in time and effort spent on styling every day.
  • Elimination of the negative impact on hair from a hairdryer, curling iron or iron.
  • Light drying of the scalp has a beneficial effect on naturally oily hair, thereby reducing the need for frequent washing.

Everything has its disadvantages, especially where chemistry is used, albeit insignificantly. In this case, the disadvantages are:

  • Drying your hair is fraught with initially dry hair.
  • Performing the procedure requires a certain skill, therefore, its incorrect implementation can give an unexpected effect, which can be corrected only after six months.
  • The high cost of the procedure is not affordable for every woman.
  • Carrying out a root perm is time-consuming - about 3 hours on average.
  • It is incredibly difficult to create a beautiful root perm at home.
  • There are contraindications - menstruation and other hormonal surges in the body, the period of carrying a baby and breastfeeding, health problems, including an increase in temperature or pressure, taking medications and others.

Procedure steps

Root perm can be carried out in two ways - full or partial. The complete procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Allergic reaction test.
  2. Hair preparation - washing with a special shampoo, combing the hair and dividing it into zones.
  3. Separation of a small strand, treatment of its root zone with an active composition.
  4. Protect the rest of the strand length with foil or polyethylene.
  5. Twisting the strand onto special (smooth) curlers.
  6. Treatment with the same method for all hair.
  7. Warming the head with a special cap or hat.
  8. Maintaining the allotted time (20-30 minutes, depending on the condition and characteristics of a particular head of hair).
  9. Washing off the active composition and applying the fixative.
  10. Holding the fixative for about 10 minutes.
  11. Hair washing and hair removal from curlers.

The partial procedure is also carried out, but with the following differences:

  1. Not the whole strand is twisted, the bobbin is installed under it, that is, only the root zone is involved.
  2. The composition is also applied only at the roots, but the rest of the strand is not insulated with foil, but neatly stacked on top of the previous one.

How long does the root effect last?

One of the main advantages of root curling is the long-lasting effect. The resulting volume, subject to all the recommendations of the master, can easily hold out on the head for six months. In addition, it will subside gradually and almost imperceptibly to others.

Hair care

Hair care after a perm primarily means nutrition - you need to wash your hair with a special shampoo, use balms from the same line, rinse your head with herbs and make masks. More professionals recommend the following:

  • Avoid prolonged exposure to the scorching sun rays, as they dry the hair a lot.
  • Do not wash your hair with too hot water.
  • Minimize the use of hair dryers and other thermal effects on the hair.

Turning to an experienced master, observing all the recommendations described above for preparing hair for radical perm and subsequent care guarantee a beautiful, noticeable and, most importantly, long-lasting volume of hair.

Basal chemistry is also called "boost up". Below are photos of girls who dared to curl, by which it is very easy to see the difference between what came before and what happened after on their heads.