How to spot early signs of autism in infants and young children. How to find out what a child is allergic to: a study in the laboratory and at home. General signs of infection

The formation of certain inclinations is closely related to common development child. Psychologists distinguish five age periods:

1-2 years - the first creative inclinations appear in babies;
. 3-4 years - time comprehensive development, the peak of the formation of abilities. During this period, sympathy for certain type activities;
. 5-6 years - development of thinking. Visits to sections and circles of interest, development of talent are welcome;
. 7-8 years old - a manifestation of the persistent interest of children in creativity, a period of attending regular classes, achieving first successes;
. 9-14 years old - the formation of independence, the ability to analyze and synthesize, a responsible attitude to studies, the determination of the further path of development.

Such a classification is not a panacea for parents. It is important to remember that abilities in children can awaken at different ages. If your baby is not singing or drawing at the age of four, do not try to force the activity. His giftedness can be revealed only by the age of seven.

How to identify talent in a child?

To identify the inclinations and abilities is a paramount task in the development of talent. This is easy to do by observing the baby. There is a group of talents that are easy to detect by the behavior of children. These include: musical talent, artistic talent, artistry and a predisposition to sports.

To find out artistic inclinations, it is not necessary that the baby draws or paints pictures from morning to evening. Other features of behavior also indicate an increased visual perception of the world.

. Artistic talent— likes to draw, put together puzzles, assemble a constructor, build visual images, decorate and dress up. Such children perceive the world with their eyes: when describing objects, they use the words “beautiful”, “bright”, “light”, they quickly learn to recognize colors.
. Musical ability- child with early years pays attention to music, repeats melody and rhythm, copies intonation and pronunciation of words, listens to surrounding sounds. Children with well-developed hearing easily master foreign languages, as well as dances.
. Artistic ability- likes to be in public, repeats the behavior of adults, likes to dress up, depicts poses, copies animals.
. Sports inclinations- active, runs a lot, plays with the ball. He enjoys watching sports programs, likes to watch other people play. Purposeful and persistent.
. Mathematical ability - loves puzzles, puzzles, likes to play chess and checkers, counts enthusiastically, memorizes numbers well. IN early age looking at the numbers for a long time.

If there are several talents?

It happens that a child shows interest in several activities at once. To the question "What do you like most?", the kid replies "I don't know." Between the ages of three and five years, psychological counseling and the use of special techniques. For example, diagnostic figurative thinking and intelligence according to the "Six Circles" method of Alice Paul Torrance. Also, parents are advised to play more with children, because during the game, abilities are most often revealed.

Introductory lessons and visits help to make a choice at an older age. thematic events. For example, if your child draws a lot, go to an art gallery or an artist's plein air. If the kid loves to sing, visit the performance of children's ensembles together.

Clinical psychologist Igor Lobachevsky told how to direct a child to develop talent.

Lack of ability

How to determine the ability of a child if he does not draw, does not sing and does not dance? Do not rush to think that he is mediocre. It is likely that a mathematical genius or a scientist in the natural sciences is growing. Abilities for science are manifested in children only with the emergence of the ability to analyze and synthesize.
Among the possible talents, it is worth noting leadership abilities. Agree that not all children can gather crowds of interested people around them, come up with new games, and cope with any difficulties. In the future, such a child will successfully prove himself in entrepreneurial activity or in working with a team.

In the 1980s, American psychologist Howard Gardner identified seven types of intelligence. The development of one type or another affects the manifestation of talents in a child.

Types of intelligence according to Howard Gardner

. verbal-linguistic- good ability to write and word, interest in literature;
. logical-mathematical- interest in numbers mathematical operations, good at counting, analytical skills;
. visual-spatial - developed imagination, invents stories and characters, draws well;
. kinestatic - developed motor skills and gesticulation, expresses his emotions, likes to speak to the public;
. musical- learns the world through sounds and music, feels the rhythm well, is fond of musical instruments;
. interpersonal- Oratory skills, likes communication with people, can keep people's attention;
. existential- emotionally stable, theorist, generator of ideas, understands his emotions and feelings;
. naturalistic- interest in all living things, in nature, loves communication with animals, plants.

1. Develop your child's personal interests. Adults have many unfulfilled expectations of their own. Some parents try to realize themselves in children. This usually ends in dissatisfaction, both parents and children. A child is a person with his own views, interests and abilities.
2. Provide necessary inventory . Before sending children to a circle or studio, evaluate your financial capabilities. It is very bad if the child starts painting, but you cannot buy the necessary paints for him.
3. Encourage in all endeavors. While learning, children face challenges and setbacks. Praise and encourage the desire to move on, even if something does not work out.
4. Show interest in your child's activities. Mom and dad are the first spectators and the first judges. Take the time to rejoice at the first successes of the children.
5. Don't go by trial and error. You should not try to develop several talents and abilities at once: at 5 years old, the child attends art school, at 8 years old - goes to a music studio, at 12 - enrolled in dancing. Such diversity will only lead to the fact that he will not succeed in any of the areas.
6. Don't fall for rejection. A child who loved to draw and dreamed of becoming an artist refuses to attend the art studio. The reason for this behavior are conflicts in the group, the inability to be in society, fear, and so on. Try to understand the situation, rather than immediately bury talent in the ground.
7. Choose a good teacher, trainer. Often success in activities depends on the teacher. For example, a baby may have musical ability, but he will like the coach so much sports section that he would quit music and play hockey. Before choosing a circle or section, talk to the leader of the group, evaluate him as a person.
8. Don't compare your child to other children. If someone draws better, do not use him as an example. Not everyone likes Van Gogh's paintings either.
9. Prepare children for visiting the section and for independence. Explain to the kid why you need to listen to the teacher or coach, attend all classes, follow the recommendations.
10. Do not put all your expectations on the talent of a child, as on a business. You spent 7 years paying for attendance at a music school, buying expensive instruments, enduring endless symphonies at home, and your son or daughter did not become a great musician? It's okay, because this is the experience and skills of the child. They were certainly useful and interesting to him if he chose his hobby himself.

Teachers are sure that all children are born talented. But not everyone becomes champions, prims and professionals. The presence of a child's ability to be creative does not promise him success. It is important to determine the hobby in time ...

How to determine what a child is allergic to

Allergy is the most common disease that people are susceptible to. different ages. Children of the first years of life are especially prone to this disease, since a weak immune system and an immature gastrointestinal tract contribute to the development backlash body to various stimuli. How to determine what a child is allergic to, where and by what methods this can be done, we will tell in this article.

Diagnostic methods

If your child has at least one symptom of an allergy, you should not try to treat the disease yourself. It is necessary to visit a pediatrician as soon as possible, who, after initial examination refer you to an allergist. He will tell you how to determine what a child is allergic to.

In order to find the cause of the appearance of a negative reaction of the body, the doctor will conduct several stages of the examination:

  • Collection of objective information about the signs of the disease and possible hereditary factors;
  • External examination of the baby;
  • Elucidation of the relationship between the symptoms of the reaction and possible irritants;
  • Appointment of diagnostic studies.

There are several diagnostic methods that will accurately find the cause of the allergy:

  • Blood sampling from a vein to diagnose the level of immunoglobulins;
  • Skin allergy tests.

Let's take a closer look at how to test a child for allergies with these methods.

Examining the blood

Blood tests for the detection of an allergen have no contraindications associated with age restrictions, and are considered the safest. They allow you to identify more than 200 types of stimulus.

The advantage of this analysis over others is that the child does not have to come into contact with the allergen. This study determines the presence in the blood plasma of immunoglobulins, special antibodies, which give a reaction to a certain type of allergen.

Depending on the concentration of these antibodies, determine the severity of the allergy. That is, if the amount of immunoglobulin is higher than normal, then a conclusion is made about the presence of the disease.

For the analysis to show reliable result, you must follow some rules before submitting it.

  • The study is carried out on an empty stomach;
  • Limit Quantity physical activity and emotional upheavals;
  • A day before the proposed study, it is necessary to exclude foods containing potential allergens, as well as spicy, fatty and sweet foods.

Age indicators of immunoglobulin will differ. So, normally in children under one year old, it should not exceed 15 units / m, and in the period from 10 to 16 years old it can reach 200.

Features of skin tests

There is another fairly common way to identify an allergen in a child.

Allergen detection is carried out using allergy tests, or, as they are also called, allergy tests. These studies are informative, although false results have been recorded.

In addition, it is necessary to conduct tests provided that at the time of the analysis the child is absolutely healthy and has no signs of allergy. If the child is sick or has clear signs allergic reaction research is strictly prohibited. Moreover, the tests are done a few weeks after recovery, so that the body fully recovers from the illness. Before performing the test, it is forbidden to take antihistamine and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as paracetamol.

If these important conditions are not met, there may be distortion of data that will not allow the identification of the allergen.

Important! Allergy tests can be done on children who have reached the age of five!

This is due to the fact that in order to detect a reaction, there is direct contact with the allergen: a scratch or incision is made on the skin of the inner side of the forearm or wrist and a drop of a certain allergen is applied. These studies allow you to quickly assess the reaction of the body: after 15-20 minutes, the doctor can determine the result.

Body reaction

A certain allergic effect on the child's body is carried out in several ways:

  • Drip. During the study skin are not damaged;
  • Prick test. The allergen lubricates the skin area, and then a puncture is made with a needle to a depth of 1 mm;
  • Scarifying. For the test, scratches are made on the skin;
  • Intradermal. Check the reaction of the body by introducing an irritant under the skin;
  • Application. A gauze swab is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin, which is dipped in a solution of a specific allergen. The skin area to be diagnosed is covered with a bandage, and the result is evaluated every other day.

Consider the possible reaction of the body to the identification of a particular stimulus.

After the tests, the baby may experience weakness and dizziness. This normal reaction an organism that is not to be feared.

In some cases, such tests are prescribed for children under the age of five. However, the effectiveness of such studies is low. In addition, there is a high risk of complications.

Specificity of elimination tests

These tests are simple and do not require special knowledge and skills. Most often they are used to identify a food irritant, because food allergy is one of the most common forms of the disease in children. Their essence boils down to observing the reaction of the child after eating certain foods.

So, if the mother knew what the child ate before his body reacted with an allergic reaction, it would not be difficult to identify the irritant. It must be excluded from the baby's diet for several weeks. In the event that the manifestations of allergies recede, we can assume that dangerous product found. Or remove potential allergens from the diet, and then introduce them one at a time and control what reaction the baby’s body will give.

In this case, a special diary will help to determine the allergen, in which parents need to write down everything that the baby or the nursing mother ate. So you can track the products to which the body reacted negatively.

This method can also be effective for detecting other types of reactions. For example, if you notice that the baby starts sneezing every time after walking in the park, where there are many flower beds, then there is a high probability that there is an allergen to pollen in his body.

It is also possible to find a negative reaction to certain types medicines. True, such a diary should be kept under the strict supervision of a doctor and the immediate replacement of the drug with an analogue.

Observation methods

Observation techniques allow many mothers to say, "I understand what my child is allergic to."

The fact is that after a detailed analysis of all possible causes manifestations of a negative reaction and their elimination, parents will be able to save the baby from unpleasant symptoms allergies and forget about them forever. How to understand what the body reacts to?

  • Babies are very sensitive to pet hair. To verify this, it is enough to take the pets out of the apartment for several weeks and do a thorough wet cleaning;
  • See if the disease worsens. Perhaps the child is not suitable for chlorinated water flowing from the tap, or his body reacts this way to washing powder. The material from which the toys are made can also provoke illness;
  • If you notice that all signs of allergies disappear when the crumbs leave their native walls for a few days, the reason may be household dust or mold that is in the apartment;
  • If you observe an exacerbation of the disease in the warm season while walking on the street, pollen is most likely causing the symptoms.

Such methods are quite informative, but not always effective. Then, how to find out what the child is allergic to, the doctor will tell you by prescribing special tests.

reaction to pollen

The special sensitivity of children to plant pollen (hay fever), which is accompanied by sneezing and tearing, swelling of mucous membranes, is diagnosed using simple test. A solution containing the allergen and a control solution are dripped into the baby's nose.

Obvious signs of the body's reaction will allow you to determine the presence or absence of a reaction to pollen.

Allergy Signals

The child's body gives clear signals to the presence of an allergen. And since he can react to almost any stimulus, there are 3 types of manifestation of the disease.

The skin reaction is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Rash and redness;
  • Peeling and itching;
  • Edema.

Work changes gastrointestinal tract will show themselves as follows:

  • Frequent regurgitation;
  • Permanent violation of the stool, manifested in constipation or diarrhea;
  • Severe colic and bloating;
  • The presence of dysbacteriosis;
  • The appearance of unreasonable, at first glance, vomiting.

A failure in the proper functioning of the respiratory system can be identified by a dry cough and a severe runny nose.

In young children, it is often possible to observe a combined manifestation of allergies, for example, a runny nose and skin rashes.

Reasons for backlash

An allergy can appear in a child due to many reasons:

  • Unbalanced nutrition of the mother, if the baby eats mother's milk;
  • Incorrectly selected milk formula or early complementary foods;
  • Chemicals that are part of care products or washing powders;
  • Animal wool and products of their vital activity;
  • Plants;
  • Medicines;
  • Cold;
  • Dust.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons that can cause allergies. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, it is better to consult a doctor. After all, without correct definition provoking factor treatment will be ineffective.

With chronic helminthiasis, there are no specific signs, so parents of young children should know how to understand if the child has worms. The earlier the disease is detected and treatment is started, the lower the risk of developing serious diseases, for example, ascariasis of the heart muscle.

  • temperature rise to 37.5°-38°;
  • pale skin;
  • refusal to eat;
  • lethargy and constant drowsiness;
  • nausea (with severe invasion, vomiting is possible).

skin around anus redden, cracks and rough areas may appear. IN acute period diseases of worms and their larvae can be found in feces child. After emptying the intestines, the child may indicate sensations of stirring in the anorectal space - in this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor and take tests for worms and their eggs, as well as a smear for enterobiasis.

Important! This symptomatology is especially characteristic for pinworms. Female pinworms exit the intestines into the anus at night and secrete a special secret that provokes skin irritation around the anus and itching. If a child complains of similar symptoms, you need to contact a pediatrician, an infectious disease specialist or a private laboratory and take a smear for enterobiasis.

Chronic forms of helminthic invasion in children: how to recognize?

poor appetite

Children with various forms helminthic infestations almost always suffer from poor appetite or its absence. Such a sign is always a reason for examination, since in healthy child appetite must match age norms. If for a long time the child refuses to eat or eats much less than the prescribed norm, you should find out the reason.

In some cases poor appetite may be considered a variant of the norm. For example, in hot weather, children drink a lot, and their diet consists mainly of berries, fruits, vegetable salads, fermented milk products, cereal casseroles. During this period, many children may refuse soups, meat, fish and other familiar dishes. This situation is considered normal and does not require any correction.

Appetite in childhood may decrease for other reasons, for example:

  • after infectious diseases;
  • when moving, divorcing parents and in other situations associated with emotional shock;
  • during the period of adaptation to new conditions (for example, during admission to kindergarten).

Changes in the appearance of the skin

Chronic helminthiases may be accompanied by the appearance of a rash of unspecified etiology, which usually occurs on the abdomen, elbows, internal and outer surface thighs, as well as the back of the neck. Such a rash does not go away after taking antihistamine drugs, is not accompanied by skin itching, peeling and other symptoms typical of allergic reactions. Outwardly, she looks like small dots pale pink that disappear on their own without medical correction.

Bad breath is another sign of helminthic infestation in children. It appears due to blood poisoning with the waste products of helminths and pathological processes in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. If the child has putrid smell from the mouth, it is necessary to exclude other diseases, among which may be:

  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • caries and other dental diseases;
  • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • oral candidiasis.

Abdominal pain and digestive disorders

If a child has in the intestines or other organs digestive tract there are worms, he may often complain of abdominal pain.

At the same time with pain syndrome Other signs may also appear, such as:

  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • bloating and increased gas formation;
  • heartburn;
  • feeling of heaviness after taking a small amount food.

The stool with helminthiasis is unstable. Constipation and diarrhea can alternate with each other, while the general condition of the child remains generally satisfactory.

Frequent allergies

Frequent allergies in a child not prone to allergies - a reason to see a doctor

A child who is not prone to allergic reactions may have difficulty tolerating familiar products food, odors and surrounding substances. He may be allergic to household chemicals, detergents, pets, plants and other common allergens. The symptoms are classic: sneezing, watery eyes, rhinitis, difficulty breathing, pruritus.

Important! If such signs have never appeared before, and the child tolerated the interaction with the surrounding chemical and plant substances well, it is worth getting advice from an allergist and taking stool tests for giardiasis, ascariasis, enterobiasis and other common forms of helminthic invasion in children.

The effect of helminthiasis on children's immunity

To cause colds and infectious diseases in such children can be any negative factors, for example:

  • hypothermia;
  • prolonged exposure to open sunlight;
  • monotonous food;
  • emotional overload, etc.

Important! Long-term infection with helminths increases the risk of oncological lesions of the intestine, therefore frequent illnesses are the reason for comprehensive survey by an immunologist and identifying the cause that affects the body's ability to resist provoking factors.

What to do if you suspect a childhood helminthiasis?

Preparations for the treatment of helminthiasis in children and adults

A drugImageHow to take children?How to take adults?
12.5-25 mg for every 10 kg of weight once (use from the age of three is allowed)150 mg once after evening meal
2.5-5 ml of suspension once (from 2 years old)Adults weighing up to 75 kg - 3 tablets once; with a body weight of more than 75 kg, a single dose is 4 tablets
10-25 mg for every 10 kg of weight once150 mg once

Can be given as an anthelmintic to pets veterinary drugs « Pirantel», « Helmintox», « milbemax».

Helminthiasis - severe for child's body a disease that can lead to irreversible processes. Knowing the symptoms and signs of infection with worms in children, you can notice the pathology in time and prevent possible complications.

Video - Worms in children

In the conditions of life modern society great importance acquires psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children.

Concept and role

In order to find individual approach to the child, to know his strengths and weak sides, most effectively teach and educate both at home and in educational institutions, in time to provide psychological help need to diagnose the child. This involves a comprehensive study psychological features, assessment of personality, forecast of further development.

Research types

There are many types of diagnostics. For ease of use, they are usually classified according to various criteria.

The most functional classification is the allocation of species depending on the subject of study:

  • Personality diagnostics - the definition of temperament, the type of self-esteem.
  • Diagnostics emotional sphere. The ability to control oneself, feelings, attitude to moral standards are being studied.
  • Diagnostics of the cognitive sphere is a diagnostics of the development of children in intellectual terms, a study mental capacity, the study of lateral preferences (definition of the leading hand, leading eye, etc.).
  • behavioral diagnostics.

But even this division is very arbitrary, since often a complex diagnosis of a child takes place, when a comprehensive examination and assessment of the developmental features of all or several areas takes place.

For practice, the classification by type is also interesting. nervous activity(diagnosis of attention, thinking, memory, speech, learning skills). It is carried out depending on the age of primary school age).


Very diverse and each of them depends on the type of research. At present, group methods are already losing their significance, giving way to individual testing. But in order for the diagnosis of the child to be successful, it is important to choose the right tool that will be used in the future. In practice, psychologists most often use the following set of tools:

  • Observation - the study of the mental properties of the child in normal conditions. This is the observation of behavior, play, interaction with others.
  • Conversation - gives an idea of ​​the child as a result of establishing contact and direct communication.
  • The method of studying the results of children's activities is the analysis of drawings, crafts.
  • Experimental method - involves the study of the actions of the subject in specially created, simulated conditions.
  • Tests for children are the most common method widely used by psychologists today.

Test method

It can be called a complex, complex diagnostic method, since during testing a wide range of tools for studying and observing the behavior of the test person, analyzing the results of his activities and experimental conditions are used. Therefore, tests for children are different types- tests-questionnaires, tests-tasks, tests-actions.

Questionnaire tests are often used in personality diagnostics; a questionnaire works well in determining the type of temperament. Task tests are usually aimed at studying the emotional and intellectual sphere and are especially relevant when diagnostics are needed. Action tests are used in the study of behavior.

Personality diagnostics

Diagnosis of a child on the subject of constitutional personality traits: temperament, poise, mobility of nervous processes, etc. has importance, as it carries answers to many questions in the behavior of the child. The features of the four main types of temperament are most clearly manifested precisely in childhood and during correct application programs for diagnosing children are easily amenable to pedagogical correction.

Of course, when determining the type, the questionnaire is also offered to his parents. For older children are acceptable and self tests with questions. An analysis of the answers obtained as a result of testing allows us to call the child a choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic or melancholic.

Test "Transfer of cubes"

In the process of research on the shoulder blade small sizes stack different amount cubes and give the child the task to carry the cubes approximately three meters away and return with them back. Then put this burden on the table so that not a single cube falls. The spatula must be held in one hand.

According to the test results, balance is assessed (what behavior the child demonstrates in case of failure, whether he expresses dissatisfaction), ability to work (how long the child succeeds in completing the task), mobility of nervous processes (how quickly the child understands and accepts the task, whether he adapts to work, is distracted ).

Program for determining the type of self-assessment: test "Ladder"

To find out how a child evaluates himself, a very common test allows the child to be given a drawing depicting a ladder of seven steps, where the middle step is larger than the others. The child is explained that on the top three steps there are good children, and the best children are at the very top, on the seventh step. bad kids are located on the three lower ones, on the lowest - the worst. On the middle step are children who cannot be classified as either bad or good. The test-taker must mark his place on this ladder and explain why he placed himself there. When the child chooses a step, he is asked to tell if he really is like that or wants to be like that? If he really considers himself to be such, let him mark the step on which he would like to stand. Let him choose where his mother would place him.

The test allows you to find out how the child evaluates his personal qualities, as well as his opinion about how he appears to others (mother).

At the end of the test, the psychologist makes the following conclusions:

  • Self-esteem is inadequately high - the child instantly positions himself at the very top as an indisputable fact, without explanation, without hesitation.
  • Self-esteem is too high - he thinks and chooses the very top, talking about some shortcomings, but explaining this by factors beyond his control.
  • Self-esteem is adequate - after thinking, marks himself on the second or third step, explaining his choice.
  • Self-esteem is underestimated - places himself on one of the lower steps without argument.

Diagnostics of the emotional sphere

Diagnosis of a child is impossible without an examination of the emotional-volitional sphere. In preschoolers, it is predominant over the intellectual sphere. The world is known more through the senses than the mind.

Diagnosis of 6-year-old children is very important and informative for parents (caregivers). Since at this age such feelings as anxiety, fears, embarrassment appear, for six-year-olds, the environment in which the examination is carried out, the personality of the tester is of great importance.

Test "Cactus"

Have your child draw a cactus on a piece of paper. Don't help or suggest. It is advisable to answer any questions evasively: "Think a little, you will succeed." Do not give your vision and do not express your ideas.

The drawing will tell about the emotional. Examine the result in detail:

  • The size and position of the painted flower in space indicates how the child defines himself in the world around him. A large flower in the center of the leaf indicates self-centeredness and leadership skills. The small cactus painted below speaks of the artist's insecure, dependent personality.
  • Jagged lines, strong pressure on the pencil give out an impulsive child.
  • The prickly cactus represents aggressiveness. The more needles, the longer they stick out of the flower, the higher the degree of aggressiveness of the child.
  • cactus planted in flower pot, draw "home" children seeking family protection.
  • A cactus growing in the desert indicates a feeling of loneliness.

Intelligence Diagnostics

Task tests are mainly used in the study of the intellectual sphere. In this aspect, the subjects of examination are attention, memory, analytical thinking, fine motor skills, learning skills.

Test "Inclusion in a row"

Take apart a six-seat nesting doll in the presence of a child and put six twins, differing in size, in a row in size. Then remove one of them and equalize the distance between the remaining ones. Invite the child to find her place in the row. Upon successful completion of the task, complicate the test: remove two nesting dolls from the row.

The test is aimed at assessing the level of the cognitive-orientational sphere, orientation to the value.

Test "Classification of pictures"

You have two groups of pictures in your hands. Eight depict dishes, eight - clothes. Show the child a card with a picture of a spoon and put it on the table. Now - a card with a picture of a jacket, put it on the table at some distance from the spoon. The spoon and the jacket are arranged in such a way that it is possible to continue the row from one and the other picture.

After that, in a different order, show the child pictures depicting items of utensils or clothes with a request to put the next card in the desired row. Do not correct if the clothes are in the wrong group. At the end of the test, ask the subject to explain why he arranged the cards in such a way.

aim this test is to identify the skill to conduct a generalization on an essential basis, visual-figurative thinking is explored.

Test "Search for the season"

The child is presented with four pictures depicting the seasons, and they are offered to show where spring is, where winter is, etc. and explain by what signs he guessed.

The test reveals the formation of ideas about the seasons.

Test "Find differences"

Place two in front of the person being tested. plot pictures, similar at first glance, but upon closer examination, having a number of differences.

The child looks for and names the differences. The test examines attention and the ability to compare.

Test "What happened first, and what then?"

The psychologist shows four plot pictures. On one, the boy is digging a hole, on the second, he is pouring seeds into the hole, on the third, he is watering the sprouts, on the fourth, he is admiring the flowers. The child is asked to place the pictures in order. The test reveals the ability to determine the sequence of events.

School readiness

The study of mental abilities becomes especially relevant when a diagnosis of a child's readiness for school is required.

Readiness to study at school implies the presence of certain skills and the necessary level of development of thinking, memory and attention.

Test "Exclusion from the series or who is superfluous?"

Presenting a row of four objects (images of objects), the child is asked to find the extra one and explain why. When the test subject excludes an airplane from a series that includes a truck, a car, an airplane and a cart, ask him to justify his answer, ask what one word can be used to name all the objects, what type of transport the extra one belongs to, and which the rest.

The test reveals the ability to group objects according to the main feature, the level of formation of ideas about the world around.

Test "Find exactly the same"

The picture shows seven almost identical umbrellas, and two of them are absolutely identical. The difference between the rest is insignificant - different specks on the fabric of the umbrella. The child must independently and quickly find two identical umbrellas. The test checks the level of development of attention.

Test "Remember all items"

The child is offered 9 pictures to study. He must memorize them within 15-20 seconds. Then, turning away, he should name at least seven or eight objects. The test shows the level of memory development.

How to determine what a child is allergic to? You need to come from the most available methods diagnostics at home - exclusion of potential household and food allergens. If this painstaking study does not bring positive results, skin allergy tests are prescribed and laboratory research blood.

The most informative test for allergies is allergy tests, or in vivo skin tests. This test helps determine which antigen is causing the allergic reaction. also in without fail a blood test for IgE immunoglobulin is prescribed. His level shows the reaction immune system to the allergen. Identification of an allergic antigen helps the allergist and immunologist to prescribe adequate symptomatic treatment, safe immunotherapy, and this information makes it possible for parents to completely exclude or at least eliminate allergens in the child's everyday life and nutrition.

Allergy tests and conditions for their implementation

Allergy tests allow you to quickly determine the body's sensitivity to provocative allergens that are applied to the skin or mucous membranes. According to the response, the degree of sensitization is established. The test is carried out by an immunologist-allergist.

What you need to know before taking the test

  • What are the indications for allergy testing? Appointed at atopic dermatitis, food, contact allergies, bronchial asthma, chronic allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis. Also frequent coughing, wheezing, choking attacks, cases of a pronounced reaction to insect bites and medical preparations are the reason for the examination.
  • What are the contraindications for allergy testing? Tests are not performed during exacerbations, as even more can provoke an allergic reaction. The examination should be carried out only 2 weeks after the exacerbation of allergies. Also, allergy tests are prohibited in such cases: the acute period of any chronic disease, viral, bacterial, fungal infection, oncology, autoimmune, mental illness, violations endocrine system, convulsive syndrome an acute reaction to an allergen.
  • How to prepare for the analysis? Antihistamines must not be taken for at least 7 days, for 14 days - hormonal preparations(local and systemic), mast cell membrane stabilizers that distort test results. Before the procedure, the child must eat, allergy tests are not performed on an empty stomach. It is also important that the day before there was no physical exertion, strong emotional experiences.
  • Where to take samples? Provocative allergy tests for children are carried out in specialized allergological centers. There is always a risk of an acute, immediate reaction to an allergen, so there must be conditions for emergency care in such situations. After the test, the child should be under the supervision of doctors for some time, and antihistamines may also be prescribed. A blood test for the determination of IgE immunoglobulin can be carried out in any commercial laboratory, for this you need to donate blood from a vein and get the result the next day.

Age restrictions

At what age are allergy tests done for children? It is recommended to conduct provocative allergy tests in children after 3 years (some sources indicate a different age - after 5 years). Such late diagnosis justified by the fact that children have an immature enzyme system. Allergy skin tests will be inaccurate and uninformative, in addition, unsafe in infancy. It often happens that after six months repeated tests and no allergies are found. Despite such recommendations, with a strong allergic reaction of an unexplained nature, babies under 3 years of age may be prescribed this examination. There is different reviews about this procedure in such young age. Some mothers believe that the test helped to quickly identify the allergen (especially with food allergies) and effectively cure the baby. Other mothers, on the contrary, believe that you need to stick to hypoallergenic diet, eliminate potential allergens and wait for the enzyme system to mature. The same different points vision are found in allergists.

Allergy tests are considered the most informative test and the main diagnostic method in allergology, but they often give false positives and negative results. This is due to a violation of the preparation for the analysis and the technique of its implementation, improper storage of allergens. If a child has an increased sensitivity to any allergen, this does not yet indicate a final diagnosis.

How skin testing is done

The procedure is less traumatic and painless, the child will only feel light prick or scratching. Manipulation must be bloodless.

  • Most often, tests are carried out on the inside of the forearm, sometimes on the back.
  • Previously, the doctor treats the skin with an antiseptic.
  • Then, one drop is applied to the skin (at a distance of 2.5 cm) of three substances: a control solution for the test, a histamine solution, an allergen for diagnosis.
  • After that, with the help of a lancet, an injection is made to a depth of 1 mm (prick testing).
  • Damage to the epidermis can also be carried out with a scarifier when the skin is scratched at the site of the applied drop.
  • After 20 minutes, the doctor checks the reaction of the skin.
  • A positive control gives a histamine solution, a negative control solution.

How else can you determine an allergy in a child? There are other types of provocative tests:

  • nasal: a control solution of liquid and allergen is dripped into the nose, it is used to diagnose allergic rhinitis;
  • conjunctival: a control solution of fluid and an allergen is dripped into the eyes, with its help allergic conjunctivitis is diagnosed;
  • inhalation: inhalations are carried out with a control solution and an allergen, used if you suspect bronchial asthma in stationary conditions;
  • sublingual: a diluted medicine or food is placed under the tongue, with its help, an allergy to medications and food is diagnosed, the child is in the hospital for at least a day.

What allergens are included in the study list

For diagnostic tests of allergies, only proven, “treatment” allergens that have been registered in the healthcare system and are approved for use are used. This list includes:

  • various food allergens;
  • animal hair;
  • insect poison;
  • house dust;
  • dust mites;
  • book dust;
  • wool and epidermis of animals;
  • feathers, down of birds;
  • pollen of meadow, cereals, weeds;
  • pollen from flowering trees;
  • bacteria and fungi.

Most often, testing is carried out with 15-20 of the most common allergens.

What can be seen in the test results

The allergist should read the tests. If mom sees the designation “+++” on the form, this does not mean that everything is so catastrophic. Often, when conducting tests, latent sensitivity (latent sensitization) to an allergen is revealed, when there is no clinical symptoms but the result is positive.

Table - Characteristics of skin allergy tests

negative- There are no manifestations
Doubtful-/+ Skin redness without blisters
Weakly positive+ When pulling the skin, a blister is visible
Positive++ Noticeable blister (5 mm) with redness around
Strongly positive+++ Large blister (10 mm), severe redness
very strongly positive++++ Very large blister (greater than 10 mm), severe reddening of the skin

Laboratory blood test

Laboratory tests for allergies in children - the most safe view diagnostics without age restrictions and contraindications. It is prescribed for all types of allergies. The advantage of this diagnosis is that it is not necessary to put the child at risk and contact with the allergen. When conducting this analysis, the presence of antibodies in the blood plasma (IgE immunoglobulins) that react to the appearance of allergens is determined. The level of immunoglobulin concentration can be used to judge the severity of an allergic reaction. With help laboratory analysis you can study the reaction to 200 types of allergens.

Table - Norms of total immunoglobulin IgE

What is important to know?

  • An IgE immunoglobulin test is performed on an empty stomach.
  • It is necessary to avoid physical exertion, emotional outbursts.
  • The day before the analysis, the child should have a sparing diet: exclude spicy, sour, fatty, sweet, potential allergens.

How to identify the cause of an allergy in a baby

How to understand what a child is allergic to up to a year old, if skin allergy tests cannot be done at the same time? It will take patience and time to find the cause of an allergy in an infant. Doctors recommend tactics to eliminate potential allergens. First of all, it concerns the nutrition of the baby.

  • When breastfeeding. A breastfeeding mother should reconsider her diet. All products containing allergens are excluded. First of all: red, orange fruits and vegetables, citrus fruits, chocolate, honey. With HB it is also not advisable to use whole milk if lactose intolerance is suspected. Read more about lactase insufficiency in infants in our other article.
  • With artificial feeding. The child may be allergic to the lactose content in artificial mixture. A transition to lactose-free and low-lactose mixtures is recommended. Need to know what frequent change food can also lead to an allergic reaction.
  • During feeding. After 6 months complementary foods are gradually introduced. It is recommended to start with hypoallergenic vegetables and gluten-free cereals (corn, rice, buckwheat). The baby may be allergic to gluten, so products from wheat, oats, rye, barley are excluded.
  • The amount of food. You can't overfeed your baby. Enzyme system the baby is still immature and may not be able to cope with a large volume breast milk, mixtures, complementary foods.

If, with all the efforts of the parents, it is not possible to identify the allergen in the baby, the allergist prescribes a laboratory blood test. Read more about allergies in babies in our other article.

Detection of allergens without laboratory tests

How to help a child and identify allergens at home?

  • Food diary. If a food allergy is suspected, it is recommended to record the child's reaction or lack thereof to different foods, as well as their amount. Read more about food allergies in children in our other article.
  • contact allergens. It is important to ask questions: what kind of water flows from the tap, what kind of air is in the room, what powder is used to wash children's clothes, what detergent dishes are washed, what toys are made of, is there an old one in the house cushioned furniture, carpets, open bookshelves, etc.
  • Animals in the house. Most often, children are allergic to the fur of cats, dogs, feathers and fluff of birds. It is also possible to react to rodent hair ( Guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits). To establish this reason, you need to transport animals to friends for some time, do wet cleaning in the house, and thoroughly vacuum all surfaces.
  • Other place of residence. It often happens that when a child moves to another place (for example, visiting his grandmother), the allergy symptoms disappear or become less pronounced. This is a hint for parents: perhaps the reason is household dust, mites, mold that is at home.
  • Seasonal manifestation of allergies. If a child has allergic rhinitis or conjunctivitis in the spring or summer, the cause is probably plant pollen. It is impossible to eliminate this provoking factor (unless you move to another climatic zone), but you can alleviate the condition of the child.

It is far from always possible to detect an allergen at home. Sometimes, it would seem, with the exclusion of all potential allergens, the symptoms remain for a long time, the disease becomes chronic.

How to identify an allergen in a child if none of the home methods leads to positive result? Basic diagnostic method in allergology - allergy tests that help to detect hypersensitivity body to various allergens. The interpretation of the tests should be carried out by an allergist, taking into account the relationship between the allergen and the symptoms, taking into account the results of the IgE immunoglobulin test.
