How to forget a person you like. To welcome a new round of life. Boost your self-esteem

I could advise many people on how to love and how to forget the ex-boyfriend you love. The psychology of my own actions turned out to be a mystery when I personally fell into a dead end. I could not give myself an intelligible answer, how to be in a cold, lonely world without him, how to forget and let go.

Exhausted. I only wished that your name no longer echoed with a tremor in my whole body, that it didn’t sweep with the sensation of your hands, that it didn’t hold me in a gentle voice in the receiver, it didn’t drag me back into the abyss. I wanted to understand, to tear it out of my heart. They say time heals. I found a way more efficient than time.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan showed me how to forget the person you love, but cannot be with him.

I will share simple steps to salvation with those who are looking for a way to quickly forget the person you love. So that there are no more unfortunate women's diaries and tears into the pillow.

How to forget your loved one in three easy steps

I will run away from you, from myself. I can. The main thing is that you do not catch up. When you hug, I cannot resist. So, we have to run far, but I can't imagine how to forget love, how to get out of the habit of the dearest person.

When you rush about and first look for how to forget it, and after an hour - how to return it, it is unlikely that anything will come of it. With systemic vector psychology, I was able to separate my real desires from what became an obsession, but no longer filled with joy.

Finally it became clear what kind of relationship I dream of and what I can do to achieve it. Finally, I was able to answer the question of how to forget a guy with a specific plan of action:

Step 1. Cope with excruciating memories.

Step 2. Learn to love for real.

Step 3. Realize the limitless opportunity to be happy.

Why exactly these actions are instructions for a girl on how to forget her ex? Answers, clear and understandable, came to me at the training System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan and pulled me out of the grip of unhappy love.

How to Forget Your Loved One After a Breakup - Ready to Reboot

Do you really want me to let you go?

I held on to the old love, like claws, myself. I thought I knew how everything worked in a relationship. I could advise many people how to love the guy you love. The psychology of my own actions turned out to be a mystery when I personally fell into a dead end. I could not give myself an intelligible answer, how to be in a cold, lonely world without him, how to forget and let go.

After all, you are the only one to whom I confessed my love! How to leave the man you love? When you can't keep yourself in a fist, how do you forget the person you love? Psychology is needed here, or maybe something else that would give me a recipe for how to forget the guy I like.

Features of the psyche that do not allow you to forget

If you fell in love, then forever. The owner is for consistency. Her psyche is comfortable in familiar conditions with long-familiar people in predictable circumstances. So, with all my being, I wanted eternal love, so that I would not have to get used to a person again. I was even ashamed to imagine that someday I would be able to confess to someone else in a feeling that had already been given to the very first one.

I still love him, strive like a small pin to a large magnet. How to forget when remembering you is the only thing that pleases you now?

A girl with an anal vector is more comfortable in the past than in the present. What was, for her - a special charm. And from the future unknown it becomes bad. Therefore, psychologically inflexible hostages of the first experience find it so difficult to get out of past relationships. But there is a reliable way to reconfigure yourself.

How to stop loving a man? I was able not to suffer and let go of the former young man, using my memory not to my own harm, but to the benefit of others. System-vector psychology allowed me to realize that I can do much more than just replay the moments from the past in my head and sink deeper and deeper into the mire of memories.

Do not fight the natural qualities of the anal vector.

Great memory, the value of the past, attention to detail are not given to us so that we get stuck in the past. It is worth using them for their intended purpose - for the benefit of society:

  • study, become a professional in their field,
  • pass on important knowledge to others.

I plunged into interesting work, the properties of memory began to work in the right direction, and I finally freed myself from the painful memories that ruined my life. I remember what connected us with him, but this is no longer overshadowed by resentments, but filled with light gratitude for the pleasant moments. With this support, you can move on on the path to happiness.

Emotional addiction - how to get out of the habit of the person you love

Here it is, the stormy sea that I have been waiting for! But love turned into a devastating tsunami. Hold on! But why? There is nothing. Only blue eyes beckon to nowhere. And I don’t know how you can ever forget the man you love?

In my beloved was for me the whole essence of life. How could I continue to live if he is not with me? All owners just want to splash in the sea of ​​love. But for some, for some reason it dries up or storms so that you can hardly keep afloat. Without it - like a fish on the shore. And why do you think love causes so much suffering?

Maybe it hurts because you strive for love, but something completely different is born?

System-vector psychology instills the skill to distinguish between concepts:

Do you feel the difference? Emotional addiction occurs when I want to love myself and cannot get enough. And true love does not demand, but gives feelings to another. If the chosen one does not need them, it means that something did not match in the settings of feelings. You can solve this problem by realizing the peculiarities of your internal structure and learning to give feelings where there is a need for them. Only then will the exchange of feelings be a pleasure.

How can you forget your loved one? Systemic advice of a psychologist: emotional addiction is treated with true love.

I deeply realized that the place of love is not only in couples. But even in a store where a lonely grandmother cannot make out the expiration date of milk, in a hospital where a child does not see sunlight, in a parental home in need of child care, there is everywhere a place for a sensitive, responsive visual soul, willing to give love.

So many people need human warmth! The owners of the visual vector have it in abundance. It is when you empathize, you work with your soul - you become happy. Inside yourself, surrounded by other people and as a couple. The skill is acquired to give love and enjoy the realization of their natural properties.

How to forget your loved one and love life itself

System-vector psychology made it possible to realize that we have more than one potential half and the possibilities to be happy are endless. Then what prevents you from being happy?

Relationships do not add up over and over again, because:

  • Our own fortune provokes failures on the personal front.

I didn't know myself. And the feeling of longing, dissatisfaction with life and oneself was projected onto the relationship, turning them into unhappiness for both. I kept hoping that happiness would fall from the sky, instead of skillfully building it myself.

When a woman knows herself and understands her partner, she becomes able to build relationships without blame, without anger. She does not whine, does not arrange tantrums, does not take offense, but enjoys life and attracts a man who is able to realize himself and make her beloved happy.

  • We do not know how to build close relationships, even if initially they fit each other.

It became so easy when once and for all it was possible to deal with the issue. Psychologist advice also showed how to build new, warm, intimate relationships. The secret is in the emotional connection that invisibly holds two hearts together. It was as if I got into a sea of ​​feelings, where I couldn't feel the bottom, I found what I was looking for - I understood what truly happy experiences in couples are.

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-vector psychology»

Quite difficult news for any person is parting with their beloved partner. Why did this happen? Each ex-couple will give their reasons. Someone broke up because feelings cooled down. Someone broke up because of a major quarrel. Someone was caught in, so there was a gap. On the outer level, people separate. However, love can remain in our hearts, which does not cool down only because someone has changed, deceived, became ugly or stopped loving. In such a situation, it becomes difficult to forget the partner you love, but no longer reciprocally.

For any reader of a psychological help site, the site would be a blow to the need to part with a partner. Even if he is not very well liked, people have already got used to him. If a person is not himself the initiator of the breakup, then it is difficult for him to part with a partner. The difficulty even arises when a person was forced to break off an alliance with a partner due to his betrayal, since the right deeds were committed on the external level, and love in the heart did not subside from this.

Both men and women suffer from breakups. Everyone experiences parting in their own way. It is good only for the person who does not love, has already stopped loving or has been preparing for a long time to part. And everyone else suffers in any case.

To quickly forget a former partner, a person is given a lot of advice. We will not say that there are effective and ineffective methods, since everything is individual. It is better to try everything that will help rid the heart of unnecessary love. Let's consider all the possible tips and rules for forgetting further.

Typically, the person is encouraged to forget the following in an effort to forget a loved one:

  1. Start meeting new people.
  2. Begin to be interested in something new or old.
  3. Immerse yourself in work or study.
  4. Walk more.
  5. Fill your life with new impressions and images.
  6. Attend trainings on self-improvement and balancing your psyche, for example, "How to become happy?" or "How to gain self-confidence?"

Someone suggests not to struggle with your own feelings at all. The more you try not to notice or forget them, the more they take root and hurt the soul. It is better to suffer, get angry, cry, until the heart gets tired and calms down, which, of course, happens over time.

But the surest option for forgetting a loved one is time. Over time, everything is forgotten, even the most painful and unpleasant. One has only to wait and try to devote as little time as possible to unpleasant memories. Continue to live as it is, and over time, unnecessary thoughts and experiences will surely pass. Sometimes years pass when love is forgotten. But this is all individual.

How does it prevent you from forgetting the person you love?

What prevents you from letting go of the relationship into the past? You, some time has passed, but you still cannot forget what was once. Why it happens?

The primary reason that a person cannot let go of anything into the past and start a new life is the unwillingness to realize that the past cannot be returned. Many people, having ruined relationships with partners, suffer for a long time only because they do not want to accept the fact that a love union does not exist. They constantly replay in their memory how the relationship existed, how they diverged and converged with their partners, and therefore continue to think further that nothing is over yet. At any time, he / she can knock on the door or the name of a loved one will be displayed on the phone, who will ask for forgiveness and offer to resume the relationship.

It is the unwillingness to accept reality - the relationship has fallen apart - that leads to the constant expectation of what can still be restored. Expectations in the depths of your soul about the return of a loved one make you continue to remember what was between you, remember all the addictions and desires of your partner.

Don't keep past relationships in your mind. Become aware of the fact that they are not there. You broke up with your loved one, which means you can forget about what was connected with him. Do not expect and do not expect to be returned to you with a desire to renew the relationship. It is better to stop thinking about the past, start thinking about the present life when you are alone, and about the future (how will you achieve happiness on your own?). There is a whole life ahead that you have not yet seen and lived. You will have many acquaintances with other people with whom you can build a loving relationship. All this will allow you to quickly forget about the past relationship.

If you accept the fact that you were abandoned (which has happened and will continue to happen despite the desire to love forever), and get rid of the hope of returning the relationship back, then the process of forgetting the loved one will accelerate. Psychologists give the following recommendations:

  • Take care of your health and appearance. Surely something was started: either you got fat, or you need to have your teeth cured, or go in for sports. Be that as it may, but put yourself in order to please yourself.
  • Start living a new life. Take your free time with something. Let these activities or people be of interest to you, which will help in starting a new life.
  • Remove things from your eyes that remind you of your ex. It is advisable to discard them altogether. However, if you use something, then at least do not remember where this thing came from. But the photos are better either removed or eliminated.
  • Change your surroundings. After being a little alone, pull yourself out of this state. Go where it will be interesting. Go where you have never been and would like to be. New impressions, people and emotions will fill your thoughts, gradually replacing memories of the past.
  • Promise yourself to go through this stage with dignity. It will be difficult at first, but at least do not let yourself down. Support, encourage, please yourself with something to help in the passage of an unpleasant period.

If you cannot cope on your own, then you should not ignore the help of a specialist - a psychologist. He will listen, find the reason for your obsession, offer options for getting rid of love - isn't that what you want?

Let's be honest with ourselves. If you say that you love and want to forget, while looking for meetings with your ex in every possible way, go to his page on social networks, do not erase your phone number in the hope that your beloved (beloved) will call, then you are deceiving yourself. Either you do everything to forget, or you continue to love and hope. Be honest with your desires, so as not to waste time on unnecessary actions, which in a contradictory situation simply will not work.

Anyone who really wants to forget about their love is recommended:

  1. Make yourself the most valuable person for yourself. After all, as long as you love, then put your loved one above yourself. It's time to switch places: value yourself more than anyone else. Realize your own worth!
  2. See your partner's flaws. He's not so perfect. As long as you are in love, it seems to you that this person is the most suitable for you. In fact, this is not the case. In any person there are many shortcomings, I just do not want to notice them. And the main drawback of your ex-partner is that he does not love you, betrayed you, deceived you, left you.
  3. Believe in your happy future. Start dreaming. Imagine a future where you are happy, but without your ex. He is not in your future. You are surrounded by other people, among whom there is a loved one with whom you are not yet familiar. Believe that everything will be fine with you - only this faith should be real.

How to forget the person you love, but he does not?

In an effort to forget the person you love, but he does not, people often make two main mistakes. Trying in an intuitive way, mixed with a stereotypical model of behavior in such situations, to forget about an uncomplicated union, a person not only tries to overcome what cannot be destroyed, but also to make his own memory suddenly stop remembering the events that happened to him.

What kind of people make mistakes in trying to let go of relationships in the past?

  • The first mistake is mixing anger and love. A person's natural reaction to a breakup is anger. He is upset that the desired union has collapsed, and plans for the future may never come true. And here a person begins to combine two completely opposite feelings - love and anger. The person he loves begins to hate. He blames, sets himself up for the fact that the partner is not worthy of his love. In other words, he is trying to turn his love into hate in order to let the "enemy" (former beloved) go back into the past.

But where did you see that a person could overcome his own feelings? You can live with feelings, you can come to terms with them, or just experience. But man has never got rid of that with which he fiercely fought. While you are struggling with something, you pay a lot of attention to it. And how can you forget about something if you constantly remember about it?

  • The second mistake is starting a new relationship quickly. Many people say: "They knock out a wedge with a wedge." But they forget about one thing. It is really possible to forget the past relationship and the former partner, if only a new relationship will be started with the partner who will really be interested and who will be mutually loved. Often times, a hasty new relationship is a flight that only exacerbates the person's pain. The fact is that an individual "running away from a past relationship" transfers his feelings, experiences and emotions to a new partner. He seems to be dating him for a long time, demanding from him love, affection and the same plans for the future that were built in the past union. The person is trying to complete the past relationship in the present. But in this case, only one end is possible - the rupture of the next union.

You should not be mistaken and run somewhere in an effort to let go of the relationship into the past. Often, you just need to wait and experience the feelings that you have left. This may take several months.

However, it is this time that will give you the opportunity not only to calm down and let go of the past, but also to reconsider your own mistakes, correct them and start a new relationship only with someone with whom they will not end quickly and tragically.


It is quite possible to forget the person you are in love with, but he is not in you, if you stop shedding tears and feeling sorry for yourself. You should start living after you say goodbye to your ex. We were sad for a couple of days, and now continue to live on, because no one person is worthy of others suffering and losing vital energy because of him. It may be good that you broke up, because this person could not make you happy.

Undoubtedly, parting with a once beloved person ... not the most pleasant event in life. But one way or another, almost every person faced similar situations. An incredible number of unpleasant external circumstances that undoubtedly affect the natural course of events, and on the relationship of people in general.

Our internal conflicts and negative states, some uncontrollable and uncontrollable situations, or a sudden coolness of feelings, both on your part and on the part of your most beloved person - and here, literally, an inexorable separation has already lurked at the doorstep. And somehow our house suddenly empties, and somehow our phone goes silent for a long time, and - it hurts and hurts, and again it hurts and hurts ...

And it hurts that you don't even retell it all in words. There can be sleepless nights, and a pillow almost completely wet from our own tears, and complete despair, and even chaos in our souls and in our thoughts. It would be regrettable to realize all this, but no advice from experienced friends or close people is completely capable of clarifying the situation and explaining how to live on now ...

We have described some classics of the genre that are familiar to most. And now let's figure out how to still be able to forget that beloved and seemingly the only one?

Many painful minutes of waiting, many hopes melting with each new day - for sure all this was once able to survive hundreds of thousands of abandoned women. Unfortunately, this is how this imperfect world works, which implies that women, as a rule, abandon men much less often than men themselves.

And, probably, the incredibly painful question of how to forget the once dearly beloved person, sooner or later, can arise in front of almost all of the fair women. Note that some of the women have even learned how to easily and with dignity cope with the pain or melancholy that may accompany parting. And maybe, in this matter, someone has already been helped by good advice from psychologists or experienced friends ... who knows.

And yet, the bulk of abandoned young ladies, from their inescapable grief, can often go to some extremes and even begin to perform absolutely unreasonable in all respects, and sometimes even more than inappropriate actions or deeds. Moreover, the results of such actions, as a rule, are directly opposite to all expectations. So how can you avoid all this? How quickly and painlessly for yourself to forget a previously strongly beloved person? In this publication, we will try to find the best advice from psychologists for you lovely young ladies who have already been able to help many women cope with their loss with dignity, and do it as quickly and easily as possible.

Learning to forget a loved one

Undoubtedly, parting with a dearly loved person is always a shock, which can be a very serious test and even trauma for your psyche. Many are convinced that a woman abandoned by a loved one is in some way even a victim who fell into a dangerous trap of separation from an incredibly dear and close person to her.

This is a victim who, in principle, does not know how to get out of such a dangerous trap in the end. And, as a rule, any movement can deliver unbearably severe pain to the victim, however, staying in such a trap for a longer amount of time is almost like death. So what to do, you ask? How to be able to change the current situation for something better and what needs to be done in order to be able to completely forget the beloved and dear, the one who was previously dearer and more valuable than life?

To begin with, let's try to look at the situation of parting with a man itself, as a certain fact that has already taken place and definitely cannot be refuted. And then we will remember that a woman is, first of all, a person, and a strong person, for whom such tests may turn out to be just another step towards greater self-improvement. Well, of course, very few people would like such a climb to the next step to be so difficult. But fate has its own rules and laws. Of course, you can't argue with fate ... Actually, that's why we have only one thing left - to try to climb up that very step with the least worries for ourselves and minimal losses.

How can this be done? Well, in general, of course, this process of falling and rising is strictly individual. Nevertheless, a truly huge collective experience, as well as numerous advice from ladies who were once separated from their beloved men, gives psychologists an excellent opportunity to create a strictly defined pattern for behavior. A scheme that would most fully be able to answer questions regarding how it is possible to forget your loved one quickly and most painlessly for yourself.

So, what will you need to do to achieve the result?

  1. Well, firstly, when parting, in no case should you categorically try too persistently and actively to find out how, where and with whom your former beloved man lives after breaking up. You can ask any psychologist who will answer you that in addition to the fact that such information only brings you terrible pain, such actions in the end can provoke you to extremely rash reckless actions.

    For such actions, for which after a short period of time you will definitely become incredibly ashamed. And moreover, if, after parting, your loved one could still have any doubts regarding the correctness of the act or simply in relation to the woman once left by him, such acts can dispel such doubts completely and irrevocably.

    Actually, therefore, if you rush about, not knowing how to forget your beloved man, you should try to remember, and once and for all, after the breakup, you should stay away from such a man as far as possible. And even in that dangerous case, if you are still unable to forget your beloved just as before, it is categorically impossible to constantly come across this man - this is the law, since this can only cause his greater irritation and negative desires!

    Nevertheless, if you just decide to take such drastic measures right away (out of sight, out of your heart) you simply do not have enough of your own mental strength, or you really want your beloved just to call and hear a voice, then, of course, dial his number phone is definitely possible. According to psychologists, completely unfulfilled desires of this kind may well even provoke the further development of the deepest depression, and this, as you understand, will definitely not contribute to the restoration of your psyche after the stress suffered. Actually, therefore, if it is impossible to endure, we take and call, but at the same time we try to say more correctly, we talk without hysterics, as if in a friendly way, casually interested in his daily affairs, perhaps health or work.

    After all, in the end, this man was once a close person to you, which means that you may well ask how he lives now. Note that, in general, for the majority of abandoned women, such calls can help calm down faster. Moreover, such calls will fully correspond to the correct scheme, allowing you to forget your former loved one forever. Note that thanks to such calls, gradually a man from the category of beloved may well move to a certain category called friends. Moreover, after such calls, over time, a man may completely disappear from your life, simply remaining a pleasant (or not so) memory.

  2. And secondly, for a long time it is definitely impossible to be alone with your own grief, like a kitten, hiding in the darkest and farthest corner and leaving everyone as far away as possible. Of course, you should not torment yourself in this way with memories with detailed digging in every minute that was once spent with a loved one.

    Thus, you can begin to invent the most incredible reasons for the departure of a loved one, perhaps, start digging into yourself, rewarding yourself with complexes, and at the same time portraying an inadequate homegrown psychologist. ... Isn't it better, instead of everything described, to try to walk as much as possible, or be in public.

    Povet simple communication is sometimes capable of grazing a person. However, if in a specific period of time you do not have a suitable society with which you will feel relatively bearable, then it will be possible to walk in the simplest way, say, along the streets of the city or somewhere in a beautiful pleasant park.

  3. And, thirdly, it is impossible to constantly hide your own emotions or restrain crying constantly, and in no real case. And yet, with all this, we, of course, are not supporters of you talking about your problem to every person you meet. You can just go closer to your mother or a close friend and banal with her to your heart's content, as they say, before stuttering.

    As a conclusion, we note that the main answer to questions such as how to be able to survive parting sounds like this - by all means communicate in a difficult period with people close to you. Indeed, otherwise, the development of the strongest psychosis will simply be provided for you. It is also definitely not worth trying to withdraw into yourself and thereby continue to cultivate your own pain - believe me, it can grow to gigantic sizes that no one needs.

    And even if there are no people with whom you could cry in a vest, you should actively look for new communication - it is communication that will help you drive away unnecessarily oppressive thoughts and, most importantly, will help stabilize outbursts of negative emotions.

Some of the girls, having once lost their beloved and, in principle, not knowing and not understanding at all how to be able to forget their past feelings, try to drown their grief in alcohol.

Some try to get away from trouble, constantly having sex with more and more new and completely unfamiliar partners. Of course, doing both the first and the second is not only illogical and impractical, but also extremely dangerous and harmful to health, and sometimes life.

Alcohol help usually only aggravates the problem, and the same promiscuous sexual intercourse at any time can provoke an incredible array of some additional, even more unpleasant problems.

And besides, the emerging reputation of a complete alcoholic or a licentious indiscriminate person in no way can definitely help the once-former lover decide to someday regret his break with you.

Forgetting your beloved man ... what is the best way to do it?

In order to fully realize and understand how to forever forget the former beloved man, you need to try to accept the truth that all psychologists are vying with each other. Namely, to realize the fact that from your own future life you will have to remove everything that binds you, even with banal memories. And therefore it is very desirable to eliminate as soon as possible absolutely all objects that may have at least some relation to the previously beloved man.

We'll have to throw away or give to someone from distant acquaintances all the things that belonged to him, all the gifts presented to him, and so on. Are you sorry? Without doubt! However, remember, your mental health is undoubtedly more expensive. Understand, as soon as all the material reminders of this person disappear from your environment, all sorts of anchors that we threw ourselves, which had kept us near him, will disappear completely. And then your boat of destiny will again receive a wonderful opportunity of complete and undivided freedom.

Without a doubt, your boat will not be able to fully use this freedom so quickly. Only after your initial shock from painful separation has completely passed, the next period will come. And this will be a period of complete prostration, a kind of unpleasant depressive, but less painful state, when you remember your misfortune, but you no longer perceive it as acutely as it was before, the problem is felt as if from afar. You ask, how can you survive a complete separation from your beloved man in this equally difficult period of time?

Let's explain now.

Undoubtedly, this is a rather difficult psychologically time, a time when emotions were gradually able to drain away, but thoughts are still, they are still spinning around the past trouble, constantly preventing you from doing anything seriously. Of course, a woman needs to get away from such a state, applying all her strength to it.

You should be distracted in the company of close friends or colleagues, attend various corporate events, go to theaters, or exhibitions - in general, do whatever, as long as all these entertainments help to erase dangerous sad reflections on past relationships.

And all this "whatever your heart desires" of course should be at least a little of you most interesting, otherwise the desired effect will not work. It is also desirable that your companies and numerous places of visit were unfamiliar or new at all, above all nothing, and in no way reminding you of your once-lost love.

Modern psychologists have a wonderful technique that helps a woman to understand incredibly quickly how to forget once and for all a previously loved one. To do this, you should create a special "Book of Happiness" - it can be an ordinary notebook or, say, a notebook, where, in the literal sense, each of the pages will be assigned to a strictly defined day of the week.

Directly in the headings on each of these pages, you should write a large authoritative phrase "My incredible happiness for this (today) day of the week", and then, every day, for example, in the evenings, calmly rewrite into these pages everything that brought you even the slightest though completely little joy. Moreover, any little things from the past day, at least a little pleasant to you, will do.

Let's say it may well be some kind of funny dog ​​on the street that sniffed you, or a beautiful handbag looking at you from the window of your favorite store, perhaps a smile of a passer-by, bright blooming flowers, and so on. And believe me, only after you have written a couple of dozen pages with such a small "happiness", your grief-weary psyche will begin to fully focus exclusively on the most joyful events in life, and then the trouble will completely recede.

How to erase from the memory of a beloved man forever

At the very time when your grief from a sudden parting with a dear and beloved person gradually ceased to tear you apart, but the soul still moans a little and occasionally, the time for creation finally comes. Yes, yes, you were not mistaken precisely for creation, since such stresses, as a rule, allow us to release our inner potential a little, and that potential, the power of which we ourselves could not even think about before and literally did not even suspect. Actually, it is in this - that the undoubted benefit of the table of painful and unpleasant situations lies, and to some extent, this can even be considered our luck.

You ask, how will such a creation be expressed? Believe in literally anything! You can radically change your own image or change the interior of your own apartment, perhaps start learning a long-loved foreign language or just shopping. Someone during this period of life will write a book, someone will learn to knit beautifully, or embroider with a cross, and someone will draw, plant exotic plants ... and much more.

It can be incredibly useful at this time to have some kind of pleasant pet in your house, of course, if you don't have one yet, and as a result to get carried away with the full care of this animal. Well, in a word, you will need to start creating your own life anew, and do it all in such a way that literally every small change in your life brings maximum pleasure.

In such actions, in general, is the basis for a full understanding of how to really forever forget a previously beloved and still quite dear (close) person.

It is extremely important in such a crucial period of life to pay special attention to your own state of appearance. After all, your former beloved man is not at all the only person on earth, and you are finally free. And this means to a greater extent that it is finally a great time to try to find another Prince Charming. We try to update, as far as we can, the wardrobe, be sure to make a completely new hairstyle and literally every day we try to smile at our much prettier reflection, which you will observe in the mirror. We always smile, completely, despite possible troubles.

We do not react to possibly bad weather, or, of course, to an unimportant mood. Remember, a smile, even if you reluctantly put it on your face, sooner or later, 100% will be able to act as the most effective antidepressant, which means that completely new forces will appear for the right actions. Believe me, life will seethe and again will be able to play with all the colors, as a result of the former despondency, there will simply be absolutely no real place in your life. As a result, we will finally understand that no parting with loved ones can be the end of your life. Rather, all of this is just the beginning. Moreover, the beginning of a new, incredibly happy stage in life.

How to behave in anticipation of a completely new happiness

Finally, we were able to tell you in detail, dear ladies, about how in an acceptable way to be able to forget, once beloved and dear man, if the latter suddenly decided to disappear from your life. Without a doubt, such psychological techniques cannot be considered a kind of panacea - remember that each of us is always strictly individual and therefore can endure our grief in our own way. Nevertheless, as a rule, these techniques still work successfully, saving us from problems.

In general, the main task of a woman who finds herself in a similar situation can only be to be able to timely change her own attitude to the current unpleasant situation. But just in order to contrive and find out how to do all this even faster, it will be possible to seek advice from those young ladies who have long and successfully been able to survive something similar. Believe me, even sincere sympathy and understanding of such people can be of great help in such a difficult moment for a woman.

Although it should be noted that an unpleasant parting with a beloved man is by no means in all cases as big a disaster for a woman as it seems from the outside. It is likely that the beloved man was not 100% perfect, as it once seemed.

So, having lost such a man, we will get a unique opportunity to subsequently meet the most real great family happiness. Well, and besides - as mentioned earlier - it is such an unjustified separation that often becomes the start to the most serious achievements, since it encourages a woman to conquer all new incredible peaks.

And you must admit, who can know - perhaps after a short period of time we will experience only immeasurable gratitude to the already former and deeply forgotten lover only for the fact that once this person left so suddenly and unreasonably, leaving you alone with the problem.

One way or another, but after parting, even with a beloved man, a woman should live, and live happily. After all, our life, given by nature, is so multifaceted and completely unpredictable that happiness can overtake you pretty quickly! At the same time, happiness, absolutely new, reliable, with which you can go through your whole life.

Such happiness can await you literally around every turn! Moreover, even now, when you are a young lady already perfectly know how to get rid of the memory of a once beloved man, you will become completely free and will be able to surrender to new happiness entirely and completely, completely without looking back.

How to forget a loved one forever? After all, parting is, perhaps, one of the most difficult tests in everyone's life. The stress that a person experiences at this difficult moment is capable of not only absorbing him completely and completely, making it impossible to live on and move forward. Such a life situation can provoke a powerful nervous breakdown and, as a result, lead to prolonged and complex depressive stagnation.

In the current situation, it is important to realize in time the scale of the possible consequences of the problem and to understand for oneself how to painlessly forget a loved one and learn to exist without him. Acceptance of the very fact of termination of the relationship is different for everyone, since everything is very individual. But the essence of the problem remains the same - it is a rather complicated and flowery psychological process, which is sometimes very difficult and can even have a tragic outcome.

Warning Signs: Signs of Depression

In order to understand how to forget a loved one after breaking up and cope with your own emotional imbalance, you first need to overcome the state of shock. You need to give yourself some time to recover. But it is important not to drag out this moment, which usually becomes a period of immersion in negative thoughts and blaming everyone and yourself for what happened. This, in fact, is the terrible process of realizing and accepting the fact of separation: thoughts about how to forget a loved one do not even come to mind - everything is fixated on misunderstanding, the impossibility of accepting the fact that yesterday there is no longer a strong love union today.

This kind of denial and opposition to reality usually leads to further depression. Its first signs signal about alarming symptoms of a model of behavior of the sufferer, close to a dangerous mental disorder.

  1. There is a methodical closure in oneself - a complete lack of desire to communicate with anyone at all is manifested.
  2. An appetite disorder is observed - the desire to eat deliciously disappears along with the zeal for communication with the outside world.
  3. Increased vulnerability and irritability are noted - if earlier it was possible to rationally evaluate this or that life, work, everyday situation, then during the period of separation and torment about how to force oneself to forget a loved one, a complete restructuring of the mental and conscious process takes place in terms of sharpening sensitivity and susceptibility. A sandwich that has just dropped butter down can make you hysterical.
  4. An intensified process of self-criticism is manifested, blaming oneself and others for what happened - a woeful feeling of one's own inferiority, uselessness and low self-esteem drives into an apathetic state, prolonged by further depressive.

You need to understand that signs of this kind of falling into prostration must succumb to maximum resistance and prevent its aggravation. Indeed, such a brainstorming and internal struggle with oneself can be replaced by the threat of a nervous breakdown.

What to do when on the verge of collapse

A nervous breakdown is even more dangerous than a gradual depression, because mood swings, outbursts of anger and irritation, and affective actions uncontrollable by consciousness can lead to unintended consequences, including an attack on others or on oneself. Suicidal statistics are disappointing in their indicators, since enough a large number of people in the world tried to commit suicide due to the inability to overcome themselves and answer their own question about how to forget a loved one after parting.

On the eve of mental sabotage and a premonition of an imminent nervous breakdown, when self-awareness of this treacherous “on the brink” comes, it is necessary to gather all your courage into a fist and counteract a dangerous psychological disorder:

Forbidden actions and deeds during parting

What else cannot be done during the breakup, in addition to the already agreed-upon non-admission of oneself to a state of emotional breakdown? In order to understand oneself and understand how it is easier to forget a loved one, it is necessary, accordingly, to make it easier for oneself by banning certain wrong actions in the post-rupture period.

So, what should not be done and is strictly prohibited in view of the already weakened state of mind:

You need to take a sober look at things and clearly assimilate the fact that if such drastic measures as parting were taken, then there is no point in trying to return everything back by constantly imposing yourself and your love. This kind of action not only humiliates and embarrasses both parties, it further fueles upset feelings and pushes them to greater frustration and suffering. Here it would be most logical to seek help from a specialist.

Seeing a psychologist is not shameful. The qualified help of a person who is knowledgeable and versed in such matters will never be superfluous; on the contrary, it will contribute to the rapid release of the depressant from his state of deep despondency. And, most importantly, a psychologist will help you understand yourself and understand how to quickly forget your loved one without moral self-flagellation and torture of your own soul.

Psychologists' recommendations are based on an analysis of the current state of affairs, taking into account the peculiarities of consciousness and the patient's vision of the situation. This is not only a powerful support for a person with an objective opinion and his own vision of the problem, it is also a real opportunity to get out of apathetic prostration and receive a precious answer to the main question of how to forget a loved one. The psychologist's advice will step by step justify the need to abstract from the unpleasant moment in the life of his ward, and will allow him to return to normal life in a fairly short time. Usually, this kind of problem is solved by a three-step technique for stabilizing the patient's emotional state.

How to Forget Your Loved One: Three Easy Steps

It makes no sense to deny the fact that if you already had to turn to a professional for help, it means that an independent way out of a deplorable mood is almost impossible. Based on the opinion of a specialist, following his recommendations, listening to his grounded explanatory speeches and receiving constructive answers to his questions, the sufferer who asked for help gradually comes to the answer to the question of how to forget a loved one. Psychologist's advice often demonstrates to the ward a model of behavior of a step-by-step way out of the current situation through the passage of three main steps to the top of self-control and the return of emotional peace to oneself. Three key points in the course of such treatment ultimately lead to the stabilization of internal discipline and the planned recovery of the patient.

So, an exhaustive model of knowing the answers to all questions is to go through three simple steps. person?

Step one: accepting the fact of the gap. What happened happened. It is necessary to come to the realization that all attempts to correct or improve the situation will be in vain, since they are not needed by the object that initiated the break in the pair. Termination of all attempts to return to the past and resume communication should be in the first place in the list of tasks to be performed. Not to see, not to hear, not to follow and not to impose - this is the basis for a successful coming to the realization of what happened and humility with it.

Step two: reorienting thoughts on the right track. Instead of daily suffering, thoughts of how to forget a loved one forever, as well as despondency about what happened, you need to move forward and focus on success in another matter. For example, go headlong into work. Although many believe that this is not an option, in combination with the implementation of certain recommendations of the observing specialist, it really works. Immersion in activities that require active brain activity and focusing on the object of labor quite easily displaces, albeit for a while, depressing thoughts. An even better option would be to devote yourself not to work, but to a hobby of your liking: drawing, knitting, modeling technical structures, active participation in sports training - all this helps to forget about the problem and over time displaces it from life, as something not of particular importance.

Step three: search for fresh sensations and a new object of attention. As the saying goes, you need to be able to turn the page and start from scratch. Throwing trash out of your head and things that remind you of your ex from your bedside table is a great psychological trick against constantly reminding yourself of the past. You need to tune in to what lies ahead - a whole sea of ​​pleasant events, vivid impressions, joyful emotions. Finding a new object of attention is the most ideal answer to the question of how to forget a loved one after a breakup forever. Therefore, you need to close the doors to the past and open yourself to new feelings and new love.

Self-examination and debriefing

In the process of passing the three-step methodology of a psychology course on how to forget a loved one, you involuntarily learn to analyze what happened no longer from the side of the victim, but from the side of objectivity. A sound assessment of the situation, which comes only with time, helps to take stock, weigh the pros and cons, identify the minuses and pluses of past relationships and smoothly move on to their gradual displacement from your life.

Abstracting from the problem

Self-programming focused on a positive outcome is very helpful in finding answers to the question of how to quickly forget a loved one. By abstracting from your suffering and from the mean act of your soul mate, you can achieve tremendous success in eliminating obsessive thoughts and feelings of loss, mixed with overwhelming despair. It's like in Allen Carr's book about an easy way to quit smoking: you just need to understand for yourself that all problems are hidden in your head, and not in physical attraction or moral dependence.

Search for new sensations

Another powerful impetus to self-healing and getting rid of thoughts of how to forget a loved one after a scandalous separation is a deeper acquaintance with such a concept as adrenaline. Nothing can shake things up more emotionally than a visit to a park with extreme swings or adult free fall rides and the like. The burst of adrenaline helps to fill the tearing wound with an exciting and uplifting mass of positive impressions received after such an unusual pastime.


Returning gradually to life, you need to have a strong motivation and incentive to go forward. Having a pet in the face of a dog or a cat will help get rid of despondency in moments of loneliness: evening walks in the park with the dog will not only be necessary for the animal, but also useful for its owner, because the fresh air has not harmed anyone yet. So there will be a daily motivation to "get out of your shell", go out and open up to the world, and not get hung up on yourself at home, lying under the covers and drooling. Motivating yourself with your own attitudes will help you to set yourself the task of how to forget and let go of your loved one and successfully overcome it. For example, set yourself the goal of not thinking about the past today and reward yourself with delicious pastries at the end of the day. It's a trifle, it's funny, but it works.

Dramatic changes in life

And, finally, the most important thing - you need to learn to strive for the best, improve yourself, do useful things and make your own history. How to forgive and forget the loved one who hurt you? It's easy and simple - to replace an old pair of shoes with a new one, change a boring hairstyle to a stylish fashionable hairstyle, quit your previous job and find work to your liking, change an old passion for a new one - find a worthy replacement for the offended beloved.

Forgetting a loved one, as well as coping with your emotions, can sometimes be very difficult. But the theory, proven over the years that nothing is impossible, does not deceive this time either. In order to cope with your fears, depression and despair, you just need to make some effort, and also, if necessary, resort to the help of people who will help overcome the heat of passions and cope with your self-control.

If you cannot stop thinking about the object of your affection. You ask yourself the question: "How to forget the person you love?"

He or she does not answer phone calls, messages, speaks evasively when meeting, but you cannot stop loving. Attitudes destroy you, rob you of the joy of life, but you cannot forget the person you love.

There are many reasons why people break up, but the feeling of falling in love is the same for everyone. Love and relationships exist for enjoyment and happiness, so you must question relationships that do not respect, give love and tenderness. And do whatever is necessary to stop loving.

We may think that the object of our love behaves in a certain way, due to a difficult character or a difficult childhood. One might argue that it takes patience to help the object of our love. This may be true, but it is also true that everyone deserves to be respected and treated well. Therefore, if your partner is constantly verbally, physically, or emotionally abusive (or even just disrespectful), makes you suffer, this love addiction is not healthy for you. The same is true if your partner regularly ignores you. Or makes a choice, observing exclusively their own interests.

Another common problem is when you are trying to hold on to your partner, while he in every possible way makes it clear that he wants to move on in life. You can do this because you are still in love, or have a fear of rejection, or fear being alone. And then your partner's rejection forces you to try harder and get rejected over and over again. This is very destructive. This situation significantly undermines self-confidence and has a detrimental effect on self-esteem.