What love to wish for your birthday. With a wonderful, bright, good holiday! Dear, accept on your birthday

Wishes usually include positive words (for example, "happiness, joy"), but can also include negation of negative words, for example, "so there is no sadness." We have collected the most frequent congratulations, you can choose what suits you best, and what suits the person you want to congratulate.

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What wishes do we hear more often on our birthday? Most likely, these are wishes for health, luck, love and happiness. Unearthly blessings, joy and smiles. The birthday boy will not remain indifferent to such a manifestation of attention to his person.

I sincerely congratulate you! I wish you health and happiness! You know that not only on your birthday, but also on any other day, I wish you only from a pure heart and very sincerely all the most beautiful and cheerful !!! With a special feeling on your birthday, I want to wish you happy years, joy, health, victories and promotion! On your birthday, we wish you from the bottom of our hearts ... May he bring you a good mood, joy, warmth in your soul. I wish you all the best and brightest in your work, in your destiny. On this brightest day for you, we want to wish you happiness and warmth. Let only joy cross the threshold of your house, and anxiety always remain outside the door! Do not expect that every day will be a joy and a reward in life, joy can turn into misfortune.

On your birthday, I want to wish you the main thing - health, sincere happiness and satisfaction from the fact that everything you have planned comes true. A series of gray days stopped at a bright and festive point - today is your birthday. Birthday is a holiday of desires.

Beautiful birthday greetings to a woman in your own words

Share your holiday with them, and life will become brighter, and happiness will increase many times! Happy Birthday! Hey! I want to congratulate you on entering a new age! Let the scent of many flowers and a kaleidoscope of friendly smiles fill your home today, so that on this day you can truly feel the presence of the holiday. You can wish a birthday man a lot on his birthday. It so happens that even the most expensive gift fades away before a sincere congratulation or a comic wish for something special.

I mean the usual short wishes in our own words, which we write in a postcard or say when presenting a gift to a birthday boy. As usual, my friends wrote me congratulations and wished me a lot of good. We show a little creative imagination, decorating a chamomile and that's it - you can give it as a gift. The wish tree is more often used in wedding celebrations to congratulate newlyweds, but in general, you can make such a gift to anyone. Idea number 5. Sweets with wishes.

What can you wish for your birthday, besides the standard "happiness, health, long years, prosperity", etc.?

    It depends on who has a birthday and who this person appears to you. If nothing comes to mind, the birthday person is probably not particularly dear to you. Words should come from the heart, and if this is a duty congratulation, there are so many poems now, Google will tell

    Mutual understanding, loyal friends, support, tears only from happiness and joy, achievement of the intended goals and fulfillment of all desires)

    Type in the search engine "Wish for Birthday". Among poems, jokes and toasts you can choose based on the age and degree of proximity of the addressee. I wish you a happy birthday!

    Fulfillment of cherished and secret desires!

    from the question above: "1. I wish you not to get drunk, do not communicate with your face with a salad, Do not kiss with bartenders, And return like a cucumber, But not home, but to work, Take care of your neighbors - feed and drink us, And receive congratulations!" 2. Let you have decent cash, And life is so personal, As in the best years! You will collect tribute from all over the earth, You will drink it in an instant - After all, it is we, friends who have come! Well, hello, happy birthday! In general, congratulations were made by ourselves ))). "

    Yes, everything, depending on the person. If you know his innermost dream, then you can wish it to happen. It will touch, because it will show how much you know the person and how close you are to him.

    what is important to a person.

    I wish you a birthday
    Selective feeding,
    Courageous aspiration
    Without fear and doubt
    Let the case be full of money
    And an updated interface!
    Filigree life program,
    Love and happiness under protection!

    Each person lacks quite a bit for happiness. One must be willing to receive this smallest missing piece. someone lacks warm family relationships. Someone bright impressions, new meetings, fresh emotions. Someone yearns for peace, and someone for a worthy reward for their work. As a result, harmony is achieved through a variety of ingredients that you can desire. Think about what you are missing for complete happiness. And yet, not even for a birthday, it is important for people that you notice and appreciate their human qualities. Don't forget to talk about it. For example, a person like you, capable of thinking soberly and behaving nobly in any situation ... or you, who can make a holiday out of nothing and will always support any undertaking ... Worthy of a fairy tale. I wish that your fairy tale has come true. And you did it ... and so on.

    unrealizable dream, so that there is something to strive for

You see a question that was asked to the Universe by one of the users of the site, and the answers to it.

The answer is either people who are very similar to you, or your complete opposites.
Our project was conceived as a way of psychological development and growth, where you can ask for advice from "similar" and learn from "very different" things that you do not know or have not tried.

Do you want to ask the Universe about something important to you?

The most important holiday for every person is his birthday. Indeed, only on such a day can you be completely in the spotlight, only today you can receive a huge number of different wishes and interesting gifts from relatives, friends, colleagues and just loved ones.


Very often a person thinks about what to wish for a birthday, because you really don't want to be banal. However, sometimes it is better to say a couple of simple and well-known phrases. So, a loved one is absolutely necessary And this is regardless of how old the birthday person is - 15 or 80. Health is always necessary and important, because when a person is sick, he simply does not succeed. Therefore, when congratulating a person, you must definitely say: “Happy birthday! I wish you health ... ", and then develop your thought, continuing to shower the birthday man with subsequent wishes.


There is also a somewhat different, but quite common wish. Often, congratulating the birthday man, people say: “Happy birthday! I wish you happiness! " And that may be enough. After all, happiness is different for everyone. By this word, any person for himself understands something individual, secret, intimate. Therefore, we can say that this is a very extensive and universal congratulation.

"Dreams Come True"

What else can you wish for? You can tell the birthday man to make all his dreams come true. It is also a very versatile phrase that covers enough information and is voluminous. “May all your wishes come true and all your goals will be achieved” - here is another good congratulation.


A few more tips on what to wish for on your birthday. You can tell a person that everything goes very well in his work or study. Schoolchildren and students wish easy study and successful completion. People who work - career advancement and simply success in their professional business.

Material goods

Developing the topic of what to wish for a birthday, do not forget about material benefits. This can be said in different ways. So, wish for a salary increase, winning the lottery, random wealth, etc. Still, do not forget about this, because for most people the money issue is quite acute.

Self improvement

It is also good to wish the person to grow. However, not in the physical plane (although this is possible if you congratulate the child), but in the spiritual plane. Such a wish will suit people who are concerned about self-development, trying to learn as much as possible, learn and be in time. Well, this is also a good and useful wish.


It is imperative to wish each person love. Lonely - to find your mate and truly love, family people or who have already found their soul mate - strong relationships and peace. This feeling is not limited. It is necessary to love not only a person of the opposite sex, but also parents, friends, and the Motherland. This is such an all-encompassing feeling that you need to desire.


Also, do not forget about what a person wants more than anything else. These are the achievements of exactly this and you need to wish the birthday man. He will be doubly pleased to hear about this from the lips of a person dear to him.

It is worth noting that there are many different options in which you can arrange beautiful birthday greetings. This can be, for example, a congratulation in verse. True, let's be frank - not so many people are able to independently compose really beautiful poems for a significant date. However, in extreme cases, what prevents you from using ready-made poems of the classics of literature or contemporaries, if you wish? Knowledge of poetry will also make an impression on a person, especially if this person is loved. But if poetry is really at odds with, and nevertheless, you want to send just beautiful birthday greetings, you can always do this in prose. It's just that you need to do them sincerely, from a pure heart, and then there will be no problem with how to choose the right words and how to combine them in a single composition. And then everything will turn out as it should, because congratulations that come from the bottom of the heart always come out especially well and heartfelt.

Be the funniest and happiest
Good and gentle and the most beautiful
Be the most attentive, the most beloved,
Simple, charming, unique,
And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let troubles go out of the way in powerlessness.
May everything that you want come true.
Love you, faith, hope, good!

I wish you joy always
And cheerful mood,
Never know sorrow
And all the best in life.
Never lose heart
See no chagrin
And start the days with a smile,
Like this birthday!

Birthday is a good date
But it's always a little sad
Because they fly unnoticed
Our best years in life.
Birthday is a special date
This holiday cannot be compared with anything
Someone smart once came up with:
The birthday boy gives joy.
The joy of meeting, smiles of hope,
Wish you health, warmth,
So that happiness is cloudless,
So that things are successful.

The old legend says:
When a person was born -
The star in the sky will light up
To shine on him forever.
So let it shine for you
At least up to a hundred years old,
And your house protects happiness
And joy will always be in him.
Without grief and adversity,
Let everything be bright and clear
For many, many years to come!

Happy birthday congratulations
I wish you happiness, joy!
So that health is strong
Yes, everything went well in business
And more often life is sweet
Everything happened like in dreams

The aromas of velvet roses
Every bright, wonderful moment
Fulfillment of rainbow dreams
May Birthday please!

Tender, sincere words warmth
Let it warm with magic breath
So that there is always happiness in my soul
And any wishes come true!

The old tradition says:
When a person is born -
The star in the sky will light up
To shine on him forever.
So let it shine for you
At least up to a hundred years old,
And your house protects happiness
And joy will always be in him.
May everything be fine in life
Without grief and adversity,
Let everything be bright and clear
For many, many years to come!

Let life go on calmly
Live without knowing troubles.
And good health,
And long, long years! Happy Birthday!

Hello, with you is the author of the blog "With a gift" Maria Zazvonova. I want to tell you my secrets about what you can wish for, for example, on your birthday! Many people have heard on their birthday wishes: health, happiness, love ... But since you have dropped in on a visit to "With a gift", then you want to surprise the person responsible for the birthday with more interesting and graceful wishes, even if our favorite and familiar words, but not otherwise a very familiar form, say, no postcard, right?

A cool option to cheer up the birthday boy is congratulation scene, read and behold. And you need to involve guests, let everyone have fun.

What can you wish for your birthday?

Good question: what to wish for? After all, the day is special, unique, which means that congratulations, if possible, will be special.

Idea I. We wish the birthday boy a positive all over together with the guests.

“So that in all spheres of life you have our ________ (name of the originator of the holiday) luck, we will now set you up for a cool life! Dear guests, we do not get bored, but we join the process together, it is more fun and useful together. "

1. Ask everyone present to close one eye.

2. Include an excerpt from the song "Tired toys are sleeping ..."

3. Comment on the actions of the birthday person and the guests: if the birthday person closed his left eye, it means that his desire will be fulfilled in the near future, if the right one, then the guests should fulfill the birthday person's wish. (In the second case, the culprit of the holiday comes up with a task that any of the guests will complete)

5. Include an excerpt from the song "Well, where are the pens ..."

6. You decipher the actions of the guests: when the right hand is at the top, the guest turns out to be right. The left hand is wrong, but with a unique opportunity to send the right hand to hell.

7. Insist that guests cross their legs.

8. Turn on the song of the Accident "Legs, ...".

9. Say: no matter what leg is on top, in honor of the birthday, we simply have to sing "Loaf". (guests stand in a circle, a loaf is played)

10. It is necessary to summarize: “I see your eyes are“ burning ”, a positive has come to us. Congratulations to the birthday boy with a new cool and cool life on his birthday! " (Turn on the song "Cool, I live cool") Download the slices!

Idea II. We shout wishes in unison.

We read out congratulations that end with a wish. Intuitively, the guests, listening to the congratulatory one, guess the missing word and pronounce it in chorus.

- I want to wish you today:

To live a long, long time and do not know grief!

Forget what pharmacies are for,

To be joyful, cheerful, and most importantly ... Guests: HEALTHY!

- Let the wallet be full,

The salary is paid on time.

Loan repaid, tax paid

And money is accumulating with interest for the future!

I want to wish on this day and always:

Financial order and great ... Guests: ENOUGH!

- To go on vacation, dreams, fulfilling,

So that you can ride carefree in a new car,

So that the store is sure to hand over the change

We'll have to catch the tail ... Guests: GOOD LUCK!

- To be surrounded by care and affection

Wish others a huge ... Guests: HAPPINESS!

Idea III. Give wishes with a bit of NOT.

“Dear birthday boy, today you have received a lot of pleasant words addressed to you and this is great, but today we decided to tell you about what we would not wish you:

Don't, our friend, Expensive,

Toil in the sweat of your brow.

But also to lie, "playing the fool",

You certainly won't do it!

Don't take used things

Don't wait for "heavenly manna".

Let your years go

Strive wherever the Soul calls!

Avoid excesses in food

And do not look at the coming news of the dream!

Let the series of unwillingness not be for you!

After all, you have a WE: family and friends!

You can also make riddles for the birthday man, about this article. And one more idea of ​​how fun it is to present the hero of the holiday with congratulations and gifts -!

I answered the question: what can you wish for on your birthday. Tell us in the comments which idea did you like best? Or maybe you have your own unique wishes, which give an explosion of vivid emotions, write!