Contests for the 50th wedding anniversary. Scenario of a golden wedding with a family with gold control, a golden blizzard and an entourage. "A wedding ring is not a simple piece of jewelry ..."


They went through all the barriers

But they saved their feelings.

We are glad to congratulate them on their anniversary,

We meet the golden ones!

The guests greeted the spouses with loud applause.


Stand under a golden umbrella

Hug each other.

You don't care about any weather now,

Be happy and live up to a hundred years!

And we shower you with rain

So that you have more happiness!

And wishes sincere helmet,

May your love last longer!

The spouses stand under an umbrella of gold (or yellow) color, the guests applaud them loudly. When the toastmaster says the words: "And we shower you with rain," the guests throw up gold sparkles (so that they fall on the umbrella, and not on the spouses).


May our spouses

And behind them are the guests,

Pass one after another

We ask you to take places of honor!


Your love is now worth its weight in gold

You have been a family for half a century!

(You have been together for half a century, friends!)

May the heart be forever young

And let spring bloom in your soul!


50 is a golden date!

You are very lucky in life.

We will shout: "Bitter!" multiple times,

Kiss gently and warmly!

The couple are kissing.


Wonderful melody of love

It will sound in honor of the golden spouses.

We invite you to the first dance,

So that the blush from ardent feelings began to play!

Dance block (it is possible without it).


Golden moments of your family life

We will see now in a wonderful film!

The best moments from the life of the spouses are shown to the guests in the form of a film.


May not your dashing youth return -

You will not regret her.

Love triumphs today -

She can't get old!

For your youth, for your feelings

We will drink while standing, we will drink together!


The spouses are waiting from the guests

Golden gifts

And solemn speeches

And beautiful, bright words!

And in return they give you

Golden rules

Without which we are today

The wedding would not be played.

The guests congratulate the spouses, after which the congratulating person is handed a golden balloon, which must burst and read the golden rule. Golden Rule- this is folk wisdom, which the spouses adhered to in their family life.

Thanks to these golden rules, the couple were able to live together for 50 years. The balloon can be handed over to each guest (if there are enough balloons for everyone), or to a group of congratulations (if there are a lot of invitees and there are not enough balloons for everyone).

Examples of golden rules (you can choose and add your own):

  • A kind wife and fat cabbage soup - don't look for other happiness.
  • The family is at war, and the lonely one grieves.
  • A wife is not a mitten, you cannot throw off your hand.
  • Without a husband, a wife is always an orphan.
  • Without a wife as without a hat.
  • Without a husband, that without a head.
  • To take a good wife is neither boredom nor grief.
  • There is no thread between a husband and wife.
  • Where love is, there is God. God is love.
  • Advice and love, it stands in this world.
  • By the way, seven miles is not a outskirts.
  • Choose your wife not in a round dance, but in the garden.
  • Not the hostess who speaks eloquently, but the one who cooks cabbage soup.
  • The best treasure is when the house is okay.
  • Family consent is the most precious thing.
  • The porridge is thicker in the family.
  • Husband and wife scold, but they fall under the same fur coat.
  • Husband and wife are like flour and water: you can blab it out, but you can't blab it.
  • Good partners, like wine, only get better with age.
  • A family without children is like a day without the sun.
  • In a good family, heaven and earth are connected.


Let your head spin with love

Our golden spouses

And the guests from drunk wine -

Let's drink to each other!

(guests drink for a married couple, spouses drink for guests)


We tell the spouses

What awaits them in the coming year.

And then let's go in circles

We will tell everyone what awaits you.

The toastmaster invites the spouses, and then all the guests tell fortunes about their immediate future. Alternatively, for the opportunity to tell fortunes, participants (except for spouses) must pay a symbolic fee. It can be done simply by everyone.

The toastmaster invites the spouses and guests to take out a card with symbolic pictures from the bag. Depending on what picture the guest pulls out, the toastmaster concludes what they will be doing in the coming year.

Examples of cards:

  1. with a beach umbrella - they will travel and relax at the resort all year round
  2. with a stroller - children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren will be born soon
  3. with a coin - make a lot of money
  4. with a car - buy a car
  5. with a house - they will buy new house etc.

The main condition of the game is that the cards must be positive so that any card pulled out is received by the spouses and guests with joy.


All loved ones gathered here,

Family and friends.

Check your intuition

And the knowledge of kinship.

Guests are asked to check how well they know their relatives and friends. To hold the competition, the spouses need to prepare in advance: to recall some peculiarities, curious facts from the life of their guests, as well as other individual characteristics, hobbies, the specifics of the profession of each (if there are not very many guests) or some of them (if many guests gather at the holiday ).

For example:

  • owner of a white Mercedes;
  • mother of a two-year-old daughter;
  • is a fan of Zenit;
  • vegetarian;
  • professionally owns a dropper and mustard plasters;
  • loves her German shepherd;
  • likes to sing in karaoke;
  • jumped with a parachute five times;
  • plays the guitar perfectly;
  • was born in Ukraine;
  • knows everything about indoor flowers;
  • served on the Chinese border;
  • speaks three foreign languages ​​and so on.

Of course, among the listed characteristics there should not be any not too pleasant for guests, but only interesting, positive, something that can be a source of pride for this person. There should be no common, widespread "signs", for example, "has a higher education", "lives in the city center", "has been abroad" and the like.

If you write about one person “possesses good taste"Or" loves good music ", then, firstly, it will not be so easy to define it, and secondly, it will mean that the rest of the guests do not have taste and like bad music, and this is somehow offensive. Be careful when preparing.

Notes are written on separate sheets of paper and dropped into a box or bag. All guests can show off their intuition and guess who they are talking about, or you can choose several people (expert group) who will guess. Just do not drag out this game.


Our spouses got tired for the evening,

Therefore, it is time for all of us to go home.

We ate and played and danced

Thanks to the spouses for such a holiday!

Half a century later life together a married couple celebrates a significant date - their golden wedding... The name of this anniversary only emphasizes the strength of the relationship. If such an event is expected for relatives or friends, then you need to think not only about the gift, but also about how to organize this wonderful holiday... If it is celebrated in a close circle, then you can independently come up with comic script golden wedding. Below is one of the options for such a scenario in compliance with traditional rituals and customs, as well as contests and congratulations.

Ready script for the wedding

Meeting of a married couple

In the room where the celebration will take place, all the guests gather and the host of the holiday distributes confetti and streamers to everyone to shower the couple. By the way, the host can be both a professional and the most active guest at the event, who has an idea of ​​how to hold a golden wedding anniversary.

The heroes of the occasion enter the room and presenter says welcome words : "Let's meet our dear couple together!" At this moment, Mendelssohn's March plays and the heroes of the day go to festive table... At the same moment, all the guests present shower the spouses with golden confetti, imitating rain and emphasizing the status of the holiday.

Guests sit down at the table and presenter joins: “Today, on this beautiful day, our dear couple celebrates their half-century anniversary married life! They made this long journey, walking hand in hand, retaining the tremor and tenderness of feelings. As in any family, of course, this one was not without difficulties, but overcoming them, the couple only became stronger. Over the years, there have been many wonderful, happy moments. They have a large and Friendly family, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and cozy home... That is why the union concluded half a century ago should become an example for everyone present! Let's drink to this strong, great and loving union! "

It is customary to include a ring exchange ritual in your script for celebrating the fiftieth wedding anniversary, which can be staged at home.

So, when the guests have already eaten and drunk, after 15-20 minutes presenter speaks again“Living together for fifty years has greatly strengthened your feelings and now I propose to once again consolidate this union for the next half century and exchange new gold rings prepared by children and grandchildren!”

An exchange of new rings is carried out: the couple goes to the center to a table prepared in advance, on which lies a pillow with rings. Under the thematic musical accompaniment the husband puts a ring on his wife's finger and kisses the hand, after the woman puts on gold ring on her husband's finger and kisses him on the cheek.

Leading:“Now I ask all those present to raise glasses to our dear anniversaries and let the children say a couple congratulatory words your parents!" The word is passed on to children, grandchildren, and then to all other guests present at the holiday.


Such holiday script it is quite possible to supplement several contests. This will allow guests to relax and have fun. You can also use the heroes of the occasion.

"Our Happy Past"

Participants in this interesting competition- in fact, the wife and husband.

Required requisite: a sheet with printed questions.

So, after the toasts and congratulations, the presenter says: “Now I invite the heroes of the day to plunge into the days of their youth, remember the past and talk about what was interesting then. Surely a married couple who have lived side by side with each other for 50 years have something to remember! "

The facilitator asks questions to the spouses in turn.

Questions to my husband:

Questions to your wife:

  • Where did your chosen one first say about his love?
  • How did he propose marriage?
  • Where was the first date?
  • What is the most unusual gift did he give?

After answering all the questions, you can award a couple of medals with the inscription "We have been together for 50 years" or diplomas "Best wife" / "Best husband". It is quite possible to do the diplomas with your own hands. One has only to download the template on the Internet and enter the names of the heroes of the day in the printed form. At the time of the presentation of the diplomas, you can say solemn speech smoothly flowing into toast. For example: “For the skillful preservation of love, fidelity and tenderness and the creation of such a large family, our dear heroes of the day are awarded with certificates of honor! So let's raise our glasses in honor of this most beautiful couple! "

"Dancing in pairs"

A wedding is never complete without dancing, and even more so a golden wedding! Dance competition with balloons will stir up and delight the guests, and the heroes of the day will remember their wedding.

The host invites everyone to the dance floor and makes sure that women and men are equally divided. They must be in pairs. Men are given Balloons and they must inflate them at speed. At the same time, groovy music plays. The winner is presented with some kind of sweetness as a reward.

Then the host explains the rules of the competition:

Conjugal dance

Dance married couple, who has lived together for 50 years, will become a very touching moment of the holiday and create a magical atmosphere.

When the celebration is in full swing presenter says: “One of the most exciting and touching moments at a wedding is a wedding dance... Even after half a century our “young” can give a real master class and perform their marital dance. Let's support the heroes of the day with thunderous applause! "

The music for the dance should be selected in advance, the melody should be smooth, slow and very atmospheric.

If there is such an opportunity, then during the dance of the "young" you can run a prepared slideshow on the TV with family photos for all the years that have passed. This moment will surely move those present to tears.

After the dance leading holiday says: “It was unforgettable! Let's once again give our spouses our thunderous applause and drink to them, because no gold can compare with their boundless love and loyalty! "

Touching letters of happiness

In the holiday scenario, you can add beautiful ritual, in which the spouses read the letters of happiness they have written in advance. This will move the audience even more and create a magical atmosphere filled with love.

The host tells the guests: “50 years together is no joke. This is not one year or even ten ... Our heroes of the day managed to preserve their feelings and leave in their memory only the best moments, which they will tell us about. They prepared in advance and wrote a kind of letters with memories of joyful and happy moments! Let's listen to them carefully! " Nice music plays and the couple take turns reading their letters.

End of the banquet

When all the congratulations have already been said and all the ceremonies have been carried out, the time comes for the birthday cake. The spouses cut it and at the same time thank those present for sharing this beautiful day with them. The banquet is coming to an end.

Golden wedding: congratulations from children and grandchildren

Children and grandchildren can congratulate the "young" by playing a comic original scene, where they will portray the heroes of the day in their youth. You can embody their story of acquaintance or a funny incident from life in a scene. You can compose ditties about spouses. There are a lot of ideas, there are already a lot of ideas.

Also, children can take over the entire organization of the holiday and even act as a toastmaster. Parents will be very pleased with such attention.

Congratulations are best said in your own words and in prose, so it will turn out most sincerely and sincerely.

For example, you can take the following congratulation as a basis: “For half a century you have followed the same path and, having recently noted ruby wedding, made a promise to the guests to live also together until golden! You did it and did not leave the distance, did not lose your feelings and love. Today we all raise our glasses in your honor and drink to your health! We admire you, you are an example for us! Long live our big, friendly family! "

There is no holiday more significant than the Golden Wedding.

This celebration can be called one of the most important in life.

The preparation of this day should be taken with all the attention and responsibility, because not all couples can carry and maintain their relationship through the years and everyday troubles.

Please your relatives or close friends with a holiday according to the original scenario!


"Golden Wedding" is celebrated in the restaurant in the circle of relatives and friends. The hall is decorated in the style of the 60s. Ideally, if you manage to find a car of that time, on which the heroes of the day will drive up to the restaurant, or just park it at the entrance.

Guests can be asked to dress in the appropriate outfits of the era. The decoration of the hall should contain stamps, an old TV, calendars and postcards (now various posters stylized in retro style are sold in gift shops).

Usually in a restaurant it is customary to seat guests for common table... It is advisable to serve the table with dishes of that time, and decorate the part where the heroes of the occasion sit.

If guests are seated at separate tables, the place where the “newlyweds” table stands should be fully decorated for the 60s (hang wallpaper in the background, put a vase or a pot of flowers - create the atmosphere of a room of that time). The tables should be seating cards with the names of the guests.

What do you need for contests?


Estimated time, minutes: 160+; Number of people: 25. Number of toasts from guests according to the scenario: 4 (agree on the names of the host!).

Guests meet the heroes of the day on the street or inside at the door of the restaurant (if the room allows), lining up in a chain, and shower them with rose leaves.

At the entrance you can hear the music of their wedding waltz or just your favorite song. The husband and wife are escorted to their places, rest for a couple of minutes, after which the presenter takes the reins into his own hands.


Let dozens fly, years fly by -

How much has been experienced, passed together!

"Golden Wedding" is forever young,

After all, today you are again the bride and groom.

Will endure sorrow and anxiety

And, hand in hand, live another hundred years!

So that you, honorary spouses,

Platinum to win.

After these words, the presenter presents medals on the 50th wedding anniversary.


And now, dear guests and heroes of the occasion, let's fill the glasses with sparkling wine and, to this wonderful music, let's drink to the young! Bitterly!

Guests are given 10 minutes: they fill their glasses, drink, start eating.


Like yesterday, still so fresh in my memory

The music is pleasant motives.

The first waltz for the fiftieth anniversary

Transform into play dance.

Dear heroes of the day! We ask you to remember and show your very first dance, which you danced 50 years ago.

Anniversaries are invited to the middle of the hall, the music turns on, they dance. In just a minute, the host asks the guests to join.

Presenter (when the music starts to subside):

And now I ask everyone to take their places, men - to make sure that lovely ladies glasses are full. The honorary right to deliver the first toast is given to (name).

Guests are given 10 minutes for a snack.


And now, when everyone has had a little snack, I propose to spend small competition... Now you will need to focus on this monitor and guess who is in each photo. Small prizes await those who have guessed right.

Contest "Guess by the photo"

A disc with photographs of family members (or close friends) of the anniversaries in childhood is included. Guests guess who is in the photo. Each person who guesses it right is given a small gift. Naturally, the one whose photo is shown does not guess it himself. The last should be a photo of the newlyweds together, so that you can guess them right away in chorus.


Well done! Especially quickly everyone coped with last photo! For another toast the word is given to (name).

10 minutes for snacks.


For the next competition, I would like to call the grandchildren (great-grandchildren, children) of the heroes of the day and check how well they know their grandparents.

The presenter puts the children in a row, explains the rules of the competition.

Competition "Checking grandchildren"

Participants line up, everyone is given a squeaky toy with LEDs inside (if there are no such toys, you can just raise your hand, but the toy is better visible and causes more fun among the public).

The host asks a question. Who knows the answer - must click on his toy. The one who does it before others answers. If the answer is correct, the participant takes a step forward.

Children walk towards grandparents, whoever comes closest to them is considered the winner.

Sample questions:

  • How old are grandparents together?
  • At what age did they meet?
  • Where did they go after the wedding?
  • Name all the brothers (sisters) of the grandfather (grandmother).
  • What did grandfather give grandmother for the silver wedding?

You can think of questions like riddles.


So, Grand Prize for the winner - he can hug and kiss grandparents! And, of course, everyone is handed small gifts... Now I ask the participants not to go far - you also want to congratulate the heroes of the day?

The younger generation is given the floor.

The presenter acts according to the situation, depending on what the children say. Adult children can make a toast themselves, if not, the toastmaster adds a quatrain:

Congratulations on the upcoming anniversary,

The Golden Wedding is the Date!

Let Love become a year wiser

And she will not meet her sunset.

The bonds of strong family, as before,

After all, her love cannot be hidden behind the years,

And so that her companions are faith, hope

Forever stayed in your home with you.

Guests are resting.


The evening is already in full swing, which means that the newlyweds are ready to accept gifts and congratulations! However, presents are accepted for a reason. Every donor must pass the test. Who dares to be the first?

The first person comes out, the toastmaster explains the rules.

Challenges for donors

Music is turned on, a person (or a couple) must dance to it. The dance lasts 20-30 seconds.

Important: be guided by the age of the donors! Elderly people find it difficult to dance, you can simply ask to depict something (for example, bow or have a funny walk).

Guests give gifts in turn, put them on separate table... Anniversaries at this moment can be seated separately so that everyone can see them and congratulate them more conveniently.


The holiday is stormy fun

My question is extremely simple:

Who will interrupt their feast

And will he say a toast to his guests?

Toast from guests; time to rest.


Now I want to give the floor to the newlyweds. You have such a great experience of family life. Tell your guests the story that you remember the most in all the years of your life together.

It is desirable that each of the heroes of the day tell a story. If telling 2 is hard, you can get by with 1.


So many wishes were voiced

So much has been said from the bottom of my heart

Children, grandchildren are happy with you

And they wish you to live a hundred more years!

Do not be disturbed by sadness and anxiety,

And let health not be naughty at all,

Since your two roads have merged into one,

Eternal happiness and love to you!

Let's raise our glasses to our anniversaries!

A short break for rest, if the place allows - dances are arranged.


The next competition was not long in coming. One happy married couple we celebrate our anniversary today, but are there any other applicants for the golden wedding? I invite three couples

The toastmaster explains the conditions.

Competition "Compliment"

Each pair gets 2 fruits (pear, apple, orange), into which matches are stuck. You can draw 1 match by saying 1 compliment.

Men start, women finish. Couples take turns pulling out matches, time is timed.

Whoever coped with the task faster, won. Fruit remains as a prize. You can ask the newlyweds to bring something as a gift "for a long family life."


In my opinion, the competition was a success! Now we know who will take the baton of the heroes of the day!

I invite our wonderful bride and all women to the center of the hall. The ceremony of throwing the bouquet will take place now! Single girls having caught a bouquet, they can hope for fast wedding, and married - for a long and happy life like our newlyweds.


On this, dear guests, our evening comes to an end. But only the entertainment part ends. Now they are waiting for you delicious dishes and dancing!

Guests eat, dance, relax.

This scenario is designed to celebrate in family circle... The celebration is led by the son or daughter of the heroes of the occasion.

Traditions are written in the script. Each congratulation is accompanied by beautiful verses.
Nasty and interesting contests will be held.

Leading :

Only once in a life there is a wedding,
Gold is even rarer these days.
But when this holiday falls,
Lights shine brighter in the sky.

Let's gather again in a family circle,
We have an excellent reason.
We swear to have fun until you drop
Congratulations have been prepared for you.

Dear daddy and mommy! Thank you for being in our life.

We are glad that 50 years ago you started a family and now we, your children, stand before you with eyes full of gratitude and love. Happy holiday, our dears. And, as they shouted at you many years ago, we will repeat: BITTER!

Parents exchange a kiss

Leading :
And I want to propose to raise the first toast for you, Dear Parents, for the fact that we all got together today to celebrate your golden wedding!
Drink, eat

Leading :
Today, dear parents, you are newlyweds again, so do not forget to respond if they address you like that! There is an old beautiful rite - on the day of the golden wedding, the newlyweds are sprinkled with gold. This is what we are going to do now.

The music turns on, children run up and shower the heroes of the occasion with confetti or golden sparkles

Leading :

We wish you health on this day,
Longevity, happy years.
Congratulations, we congratulate you,
We love you - it's not a secret!

Leading :
And the most nice words our dear guests want to bring you congratulations _________ - Provides the word .

Leading :
I propose to fill the glasses and raise them for such a beautiful and kind words... Happy golden wedding to you, my dear parents!
Raise their glasses, drink

Leading :

How good it is in the world to love
Give warmth and tenderness to each other,
And know what's on the planet
Those who are the happiest in the world!
Surrounded by your love
And immersed in your happiness!

Indeed, it is good to be loved and to love. You are always for us an example of how people can relate to each other.

And even in our family, we will try to always have the same warm and loyal relationship, how are you! Let's remember how it was ...

Your first dance seems to be so far away, but I think that you will remember it and please us with it. Mom and Dad, the melody of your first dance sounds for you, your children and grandchildren have not seen it, but we really want to take a peek at it!
Parents dance

Leading :
For such warmth and tenderness,
Words spoken in a dance
For your happiness and, of course, courage,
Let's drink together to love!
Drink, eat

Leading :
Dear friends! A lot has changed over the years. The children have grown up and you have changed a little. But that will not stop us from having the wedding ceremony again right now.

Bridegroom, bride, we ask you to stand up and again answer with an oath in front of honest people.

Bride! Are you ready to endure your spouse for many years to come? To be with him in joy and melancholy, to help guess crosswords and scratch the back, to quickly respond to all the requests of the groom. Do you agree?
The bride answers

Do you agree, groom? Count not grey hair, and flowers for a festive bouquet for March 8, love and appreciate taking care of yourself and children, always say that your wife is the most beautiful girl and by no means a grandmother! Do you agree?
The groom answers

I declare you husband and wife!

I ask you to exchange new rings, because from this day you will have a completely new life.

Leading :
Let's raise our glasses, let's drink to the young!

Leading :
Our dear parents! Many years ago you kindled in your hearts the light of your love for each other and carried this love through the years.

Let's light two candles of your love so that it will last at least another half a century.

Husband and wife light candles and put near themselves

Let this light never go out. And this candle will certainly not end, there will be enough wax in your souls to keep this flame for many, many years!

Leading :
But don't be discouraged, let's start dancing!

Right now, I invite everyone to warm up a little. We will dance, of course, to the hits of your favorite time.

Dance break 10-15 minutes

Leading :
Friends, now I will tell you your occupation or some kind of hero, and you will dance exactly as I suggest you!

  • Country girl;
  • Old grandmother;
  • A man who wants to meet a lady
  • Angry husband;
  • Affectionate wife.

Well done! You are doing great, we continue to dance.

Leading :
And now I propose to drink to all those people who have been years make my parents happy.

These are friends and relatives who have gathered today in such a cozy and family atmosphere to congratulate you from the bottom of their hearts.

Let's drink to you, dear guests. I wish you health and happiness!
Leading :
Now we are waiting response word, or rather - a toast or congratulations from guests who have not yet expressed themselves. Word _______ - Calls the name

Everybody drinks and eat
Leading :
Newlyweds, do you all remember your relationship and its origin? Let's check it out.

Questions to the groom:

  • The color of your mother's dress when you first met?
  • The name that you dreamed of giving your first child?
  • Anniversary of your relationship (not wedding)?
  • What is the most ridiculous thing the chosen one did?
  • And now the hardest part: the first kiss, where and when?

Questions to the bride:

  • Where did daddy tell you he loved you?
  • What is the most nice gift Did your dad give you?
  • What won you over the most?
  • What did you do on your first date?
  • And how did you conquer him?

Leading :
Well, well, you did a pretty good job! Let's raise our glasses so that the good memory of the past nourishes the present and delights in the future! For you, dear parents!

Golden wedding - significant date, like gold, which is considered one of the most expensive materials. After all, it is not for nothing that Olympic champions are awarded with gold in order to emphasize the importance of a victory achieved by hard work.

50 years - "Golden Wedding"

A golden wedding is a momentous date, like gold, which is considered one of the most expensive materials. After all, it is not for nothing that Olympic champions are awarded with gold in order to emphasize the importance of a victory achieved by hard work. The golden wedding is the day when the spouses are congratulated and rejoiced for their such a strong union.

For 50 years of the wedding, the spouses give each other gold jewelry as a sign of devotion and love, because the anniversary of the golden wedding speaks of mutual Great love... For 50 years of a wedding, relatives, friends and witnesses are usually invited who 50 years ago witnessed the conclusion of such long-term marriage... As a gift for a golden wedding, guests present: gilded items-frames, jewelry, watches, etc.

Golden wedding is the day to celebrate different ways: either resort to firms that will offer you a scenario of a golden wedding, or celebrate a golden wedding at home, with a rich table, at which relatives and children bring their congratulations to the spouses, and they, in turn, will remember the years they lived together.


I wish you a good journey
Walk this path with friends
Health so as not to occupy,
And never lose heart.
Smiles, joy, good luck,
Live to be a hundred! And not otherwise.

Golden wedding script


It is not difficult to design a meeting room. On the back wall hangs a poster, with some "gold" paint written the number "50", bordered with laurel wreaths of the corresponding color.
In the middle of the room there are two chairs for the "golden" heroes of the day. In the foreground is a table, at which the leader is located - the performer of the ceremony. Relatives and participants of the meeting are located a little further.

The scenario of the celebration should be drawn up taking into account the specific situation, the nature of the people to whom the celebration is dedicated, their desires and characteristics of a copyright-by-holiday family relations... "Golden" heroes of the day send invitations in advance to their loved ones and relatives.

On the appointed day, 10-15 minutes before the start of the celebration, when the meeting participants, relatives and invitees take their places, the heroes of the day are located in another room.

When the music starts playing, the heroes of the day come in, accompanied by the children. The song falls silent, against the background of the melody in the recording verses sound:
Soldered by earthly love,
United for years
Generations meet here:
An alloy of wisdom and gold.

The leader of the meeting addresses the attendee.


Welcome dear guests! Today we congratulate the “golden” anniversaries. Let today become one of the most important days and joyful events for each of us. Dear guests! At this hour, we greet the "golden" anniversary spouses _____________________________ (surname, name, patronymic of the spouses).

Fanfare sounds, then music plays softly. Accompanied by two girls with a basket of flowers in their hands, the "golden" heroes of the day go to their places. During their procession, the presenter briefly talks about them: when and where would their marriage be registered, what are their main labor merits, how many children they raised, etc. The participants of the meeting took their places, the music dies down. The performer of the ceremony addresses those present.


On behalf of your family and friends, I want to give you symbolic testimony about marriage. Your a strong family it is not only your joy, the joy of your children and relatives. This is the joy of all your friends. Happy holiday, you, our beloved.

The most solemn, sincere and touching celebration of the "golden" anniversaries should take place. Before the presenter's address to the "golden" anniversaries in the tape recording to the music, the words sound:
All golden weddings, no simple ones
When love is like a heart beats in them.
This couple has silver in their curls,
It's like a crane feather
Their union is high and poetic,
And the burden of years of such love is not a burden,
Blessed is the life that is so bright.
You can't say about her, they say, she was,
She's there forever, forever!

Presenter (addresses the "golden" anniversaries).

Dear _________________________________________ (names, patronymics of the heroes of the day)! Today is the 50th anniversary of your married life. Half a century ago, young, happy you entered into family life. No wonder the years have flown by. There are many bright ones behind memorable days... Your life experience has matured into golden wisdom.

The presenter briefly talks about life path anniversaries.


There have been difficulties and trials in your life. But you were always together, the grief and the copyright-by-holiday joy were divided in half. You managed to keep strong and friendly family... Throughout my life
carried loyalty to each other, loyalty to their work. Dear heroes of the day! Let the baton of your wonderful family life and love be passed on from generation to generation.

Music sounds.


We ask relatives, friends and workmates to congratulate our participants in the meeting.

The participants in the meeting are alternately congratulated by relatives, workmates and friends. Music sounds.


Allow me once again to congratulate our dear anniversaries on significant event in their lives, to wish them the very best, the brightest. Let the baton of your wonderful life and love be passed on from generation to generation. V good journey!

Sounds "Zazdravnaya" by I. Dunaevsky. And the feast begins.