Synopsis of educational and preventive measures at school. Synopsis of a consultative and educational event in the form of a parent meeting “Your child is a fifth grader. Study Plan

Oksana Vatolina
Scenario of an educational event

Scenario of an educational event

Subject Events: "Journey to the country of peaceful atom".

Preparatory group (6-7 years old, cognitive joint activity, 25-30 minutes, MBDOU, 20 children.

Equipment, technical means learning: - visual model of an atom;

Hats by the number of children with letters: E, N, P;

Thematic presentations;

multimedia tools for presentations: screen, projector, laptop.

Idea Events: increasing the interest and level of knowledge of preschoolers in the field of nuclear energy, environmental protection.

Goals Events:

Expansion of the cognitive horizons of children, familiarization with the concept of the atom and its structure;

Formation among preschoolers of a positive attitude and trust in nuclear energy and nuclear technologies;

Acquaintance of children with the electrochemical plant and its activities;

Development of curiosity, elements of logical thinking, children's creativity;

Attracting the attention of children to the profession of people working in an electrochemical plant.

Stages Events.

I. Organizational moment.

Slideshow demonstration. (1-2 min.)

caregiver: - Hello guys! Look closely at the screen.

appear on the screen paintings Keywords: nuclear icebreaker, nuclear submarine, nuclear power plant, atom model. (Slide show).

caregiver: - Guys, what do you think unites all these Images? Indeed, all this is united by the word - atom.

Want to learn more about the atom?

Today we are embarking on an exciting journey to "Country of peaceful atom". A lot of new and interesting things are waiting for you, let's go as soon as possible.

II. A conversation with children about the atom. (2-3 min.)

caregiver: - Guys, what does the whole world, animate and inanimate nature consist of?

Does anyone know what an atom is? .

caregiver: - That's right, the whole world consists of chemical elements, and chemical elements - of atoms.

An atom is the smallest indivisible part of a chemical element, the word "atom" in translation means indivisible. Atoms are very small, and we just can’t see them just like that, but we can listen about them.

III. Reading poems for children. (2-3 min.)

5 children come out and read poems about the atom.

1. We will now tell you

Listen carefully.

What are we made of

What do we drink and what do we eat.

2. What is all white made of light:

Sun, river, apple blossoms.

School, pens and notebooks

And weeds in our garden.

3. Everything that we have around

From molecules, young friend.

So for us they are small,

Like grains of sand to the moon.

4. Although the molecule is small,

Not visible under a microscope

From particles even smaller

Yet it is composed.

5. The particles of those have a name,

Their name is atoms.

We are now building them

We will definitely study.

caregiver: - What did you learn from children's poems? (Suggested responses of children).

Are you curious to know what atoms are made of?

IV. The teacher's story, a demonstration of a visual model of the atom.

(3-4 min.)

caregiver:- Atoms consist of a nucleus and electrons.

On the board, the teacher demonstrates a model of the structure of the atom, accompanying the display with a poem.

negative charge

Electron has...

It circles around the core

Like a new satellite.

caregiver: - The nucleus consists of protons and neutrons, protons have a positive charge, and neutrons have no charge.

Two sisters in one core

Lived - lived

Their proton and neutron

People called.

positive charge

The sister has a proton,

At another neutron sister

I don't have any.

caregiver: - Protons, neutrons and electrons are in constant motion, so energy is generated. I suggest you now turn into particles of an atom and play.

Children wear hats letters: E - electrons, N - neutrons, P - protons.

V. Physical culture minute.

A game "Collect the atom". (2-3 min.)

Some become electrons, others become neutrons, and still others become protons. On the floor two circle: internal - the nucleus, external - the movement of electrons.

At the command of the teacher: "One, two, three - collect the atom!" to music, children create a model of an atom and show the movement of particles.

Then they scatter in different directions, at the command of the educator they again gather in their places. (neutrons and protons in the center, electrons in the outer circle).

caregiver: - Well done, we rested, got a boost of energy and cheerfulness.

Children go and take their seats.

VI. Conversation of the educator with the children. (1-2 min.)

Educator. - Guys, what do you think, what is nuclear energy for? (Suggested responses of children). Of course, in order for rockets to fly, ships to sail, people to live and receive such necessary energy.

caregiver: - Is there a place in our city that is connected with atoms, with atomic energy? (Suggested responses of children).

caregiver: - Of course, this is an electrochemical plant (ECP, which is known not only in our country, but throughout the world. And we should be proud that we live in such a famous city, which is known even abroad, because we have EHZ.

Today we invited the father of our pupil Stepan Tsokolov, who works at the Electrochemical Plant, and can tell a lot of interesting things.

VII. Dad's story about ECP and multimedia presentation. (4-5 min.)

Sergei Vladimirovich Tsokolov prepared an interesting film-story about our plant.

Slides are shown on the screen. ECP image.

The story of the electrochemical plant.

After the story and viewing, the children ask questions that interest them.

Then Sergei Vladimirovich gives the children albums, books, postcards about the plant as a keepsake.

VIII. Results Events and evaluation of children's results.

(2-3 min.)

Guys, did you enjoy our trip?

What interesting things did you learn today, and what did you remember more? (Suggested responses of children).

Do you think people need nuclear power? What interesting things did you learn about our factory?

Would you like to work for ECP when you grow up? (children's answers).

Guys, what of what you learned today will be useful to you in the future?

What is the most important thing you remember about nuclear energy? (children's answers).

Dear guys, while we were traveling, a letter came to our group, and in it was an invitation to visit the ECP Museum and Exhibition Center. An excursion to the museum will allow us to learn a lot about our plant and the peaceful atom.

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Material Description: I offer a synopsis of the cultural and leisure event "In the world of fairy tales" for children of preschool and primary school age. This material will be useful for kindergarten teachers, specialized children's institutions, primary school teachers. This is a summary of an event aimed at developing children's effective communication skills, creative abilities, replenishment of knowledge about the works of oral folk art.

Synopsis of the cultural and leisure event "Fairytale Glade"

Integration of educational areas"Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Reading fiction".

Target: Development of effective communication skills, positive social behavior, enrichment of knowledge about the works of oral folk art.


Educational: to form ideas about the works of oral folk art.

Educational: develop attention, memory, logical thinking, cognitive activity, communication skills, joint activity skills.

Speech: to develop coherent speech (to develop the ability of aunts to answer questions with full answers, to justify their answers).

Educational: cultivate interest in fairy tales, curiosity.

Demo material: illustrations depicting fairy-tale objects (turnip, mirror, trough, shoe, apple, telephone, thermometer, egg, needle, mitten, key, basket of pies), telegram forms from fairy-tale characters, a letter from Skazka.

Handout: map with the route of the event (fiery river, high mountains, swampy swamp, dense forests, impenetrable ravines, deep lakes)

Methodological techniques: game situation, conversation-dialogue, looking at illustrations, productive activities of children, summing up.

Event progress

Storyteller: Hello guys! Look how beautiful it is here, probably, many fairy tales live here. (Goes around the room, looks around). No, I didn't find anyone. And what is this letter? (reads aloud). "Help, I've been kidnapped by villains! Fairy tale". Guys, we need to rescue the fairy tale from captivity. To do this, we need to pass tests. You agree, then let's go!

The guys are tested at the stations. In the hands of the storyteller are maps with a route: 1. fiery river, 2. high mountains, 3. marshy swamp, 4. dense forests, 5. impenetrable ravines, 6. deep lakes. The storyteller distributes cards with the route to the guys.

Fire River Station. The storyteller asks fabulous questions:

a) What words do Russian folk tales begin with? ("once upon a time", "in a certain state");

b) what musical instrument helped the girl Zhenya pick strawberries? (pipe);

c) who was the first to find the tower? (mouse);

d) who arranged such a division with whom: “Your tops, and my roots” (a man and a bear);

e) from whom did the bun go first? (from grandmother);

f) what girl lost her shoe at the ball? (Cinderella);

g) What was the name of the smallest girl? (Thumbelina);

h) which of the pigs built the most durable house? (Naf-Naf);

i) how many brothers-months the heroine of the fairy tale met at the New Year's fire (12);

j) which of the heroes broke the tower? (bear);

l) who helped drive the fox out of the hut? (rooster).

Station "High Mountains". The guys are met by robbers. We have looted a lot of things, but we cannot determine whose they are.

The robbers show objects, and the children must guess from which fairy tale the object is. Items: a turnip, a mirror, a trough, a shoe, an apple, a telephone, a thermometer, an egg, a needle, a mitten, a key, a basket of pies.

Station "Topkoe Bolot". The guys are met by the old woman Shapoklyak. “I won’t let you go any further until you solve my riddles.”

1. And the road is far,

And the basket is not easy.

Sit on a stump

I would eat a pie. (Masha and the Bear)

2. Oh, you, Petya simplicity,

I screwed up a little

Didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window. (Cockerel-golden comb)

3. Red girl, sad,

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun

The poor thing sheds tears. (Snow Maiden)

4. There is no river, no pond, -

Where to drink water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof. (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

5. Walks to school with a primer

wooden boy

Gets instead of school

In a wooden booth

What is the name of this book?

What is the boy's name? (Pinocchio)

6. He is kinder than everyone in the world,

He heals sick animals

And once a hippopotamus

He pulled out of the swamp

He's famous, he's famous

This is a doctor ... .. (Aibolit)

7. Grandmother loved the girl very much

She gave her a red hat

Girl forgot her name

Well guess what her name was? (Little Red Riding Hood)

8 Calm down, calm down, evil sorceress,

Don't keep your hopes up

Having met 7 gnomes in the forest

Ours will be saved ... .. (Snow White)

Station "Dense Forests". Kikimora asks tricky questions.

1. He got leeches,

I sold Karabas

The whole smell of swamp slime

His name was ... .. (Duremar)

2. He walked boldly through the forest,

But the fox ate the hero.

At parting, the poor thing sang -

His name was ... .. (Kolobok)

3. Poor dolls are beaten and tormented,

He is looking for a magic key.

He has a terrible look.

This is ... .. (Karabas-Barabas)

4. He was on the road for many days

To find your wife

And the ball helped him,

His name was…. (Ivan Tsarevich)

5. And beautiful and sweet,

Only very small!

slender figurine,

And the name is ... .. (Thumbelina)

6. Lived in a bottle for hundreds of years,

Finally saw the light

He has grown a beard

This is kind ... .. (Old Hottabych)

7. With blue hair

And huge eyes

It's an actress doll

And her name is... (Malvina)

8. He somehow lost his tail,

But the guests brought him back.

He is grumpy like an old man

This is sad….. (Donkey)

9. He is a big naughty and comedian,

He has a house on the roof.

Boastful and arrogant,

And his name is... (Carlson)

Station "Impassable ravines". Postman Pechkin reads telegrams, and the guys guess who they are from.

Pechkin: The guys received telegrams, but I can’t determine from whom they are. Help me please!


- "Save! We were eaten by a gray wolf” (7 kids).

- "The golden egg has already been laid!" (Hen Ryaba).

- “I broke the tower. Guys, help build it!” (bear)

- Lost the golden key. Help me find him" (Pinocchio)

- “I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather. I will be visiting you soon ”(Kolobok).

Station "Deep Lakes".

Baba Yaga: "I'll tell you fairy tales, and you guess!"

- “On a green hillock, a flower of scarlet color, beauty unprecedented and unheard of, which cannot be said in a fairy tale or described with a pen. The smell from him throughout the garden, evenly flows, runs .... " ("The Scarlet Flower").

- “The woman came home, planted a barley grain in a flower pot. As soon as she planted it, the seed immediately sprouted, and a huge wonderful flower came out of the flower, just like a tulip ”(“ Thumbelina ”)

“She slept in the attic. Under the very roof, on a prickly straw bedding. And both sisters had rooms with parquet floors of colored wood, with beds and large mirrors ”(“ Cinderella ”)

- “She was so charming and tender, but made of ice, of dazzling. Sparkling ice, and yet alive! Her eyes shone like stars, but there was neither warmth nor peace in them ”(“ The Snow Queen ”)

- “Fly, fly. Petal

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south.

Come back making a circle

As soon as you touch the ground

To be in my opinion led ”(“ Flower-Semitsvetik ”)

The storyteller, referring to Baba Yaga: We have completed all the tasks, give us a fairy tale!

Baba Yaga: Well, do it, take your fairy tale!

A fairy tale appears: Thank you guys! They rescued me from captivity, now I will come to visit you very often. (Gives everyone prizes.)

Cultural and educational event on the topic: "Filimonov toy"

Goals: to acquaint students with the history of the Filimonovo toy;to acquaint with the process of making toys;to reveal to students the beauty, artistic value of toys, one of the most significant and outstanding manifestations of folk art; create conditions for the development of interest in folk art, culture and traditions; to expand students' understanding of the nature of the creative activity of the master, to promote the education in them of a caring attitude towards folk art and its creators.

Equipment: presentation, TV, laptop, video.

Progress of the cultural and educational event

I. Organizational moment. Creating an emotional mood

People say that no business should be started in a bad mood. Therefore, in order for us to succeed, I propose to give each other a smile. Well, how much lighter it became around! Now let's get down to business.

II. Together with students, determine the topic and objectives of the lesson.

There is a village near Tula,
The name is Filimonovo.
And the masters live there,
What good is brought to the house.
And good there is not simple,
And not gold, silver.
Filimonovo toy
It's called.
Strongly elongated necks
And a cow, like a giraffe,
And the bear, that the Serpent Gorynych,
It's just that.
To animals, birds, horses,
Young ladies, soldiers,
Both cows and bears
The guys liked it.
So that the heart warms with goodness and beauty
And so that the fairy tale never leaves us.

Guys, what do you think we will talk about today?

About the Filimonov toy.

Yes, today we will talk about Filimonov toys.

III . Working on new material.

Raise your hand, please, who has heard of such toys?

What do you know about Filimonov toys.

1. Viewing the presentation.

slide 1.

Slide 2.

Slide 3.

slide 4.

Slide 5.

slide 6.

Slide 7.

slide 8.

2. Watching the video "About the Filimonov toy."

And now, let's watch a short video about the Filimonov toy.

After watching the video, students answer the following questions:

    In which village did the toy originate?

    Why do you think the toy got the name "Filimonovskaya"?

    What kind of land was in the village of Filimonovo?

3. Creative moment. Painting of the Filimonovo toy.

Guys, now you have the opportunity to be the masters of the Filimonovo toy. There is a painted Filimonov toy on your tables, your task is to try to paint it.

4. Exhibition of student work. Students share their experiences.

IV . Reflection.

Slide 9. Students are invited to guess the crossword puzzle. After completing the crossword puzzle, there is a check and discussion.

    Tell me, what did you learn new and interesting for you today?

    What did you like the most about our lesson?

    What did you already know before?

Synopsis of an educational, outreach event

Galina Anatolyevna Zaleschenok

MOU "Dorokhovskaya secondary school"

"You know what kind of guy he was!"

A ruler in an elementary school dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the first manned flight into space.

Ruler in an elementary school dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the first manned flight into space

"You know what kind of guy he was!"

Subject: Cosmonautics. Flight of the first man into space.

Target: the formation of patriotism, a sense of pride in the achievements of our country in the field of science and technology.

Tasks: education of patriotism, citizenship, responsibility for one's deeds and deeds, develop in children a sense of belonging to the history of their homeland, develop respect for the older generation, expand the general outlook of children, develop independent thinking, curiosity.



Multimedia projector

Disc with the presentation "You know what kind of guy he was!"

Cosmonautics Day posters


Song A.N. Pakhmutova "Do you know what kind of guy he was"

Preparation for the event ( 10 days before the event) children were offered:

1 .Answer the questions of the school-wide quiz * ( general questions on the topic "Cosmonautics"

Target: expand the horizons of children. Inspire a sense of pride in your country.

2 .Take part in the school-wide poster competition for Cosmonautics Day.

Target: development of creative and artistic abilities of children.

3 .Installation of a 2nd grade student.

Target: development of expressive reading skills, increasing self-esteem of students.

Target: evoke a sense of belonging to those distant events. A sense of pride in one's country.

4 .Presentation about the first cosmonaut of the earth Yu.A. Gagarin.

Target: give figurative concepts on the topic. To evoke a sense of responsibility for our land.

5 . Song by A.N. Pakhmutova “Do you know what kind of guy he was”

Target: patriotic spirit of children. Development of further interest in the topic of space.

Event progress: The hall is decorated according to the event - posters hang on the central wall, the hall is decorated with balls and stars.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guests, children and teachers!

Our meeting takes place on the eve of the holiday - Cosmonautics Day, which is celebrated on April 12 . This year we are celebrating 50 years since the first manned flight into space. On April 12, 1961, on a clear spring day, interrupting all program transmissions of the world, the radio message circled the planet: man in space! Russian man, Soviet. Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin. He was the first son of Earth to step into the black silence of the cosmos. And he was the son of Russia . She is the Motherland, made his soul so simple and necessary, without which there is no man: in a word, song, fairy tale, epic. It was she who strengthened his heart with the glorious examples of the past, giving his wings strength of spirit. It was she who brought up the scientists, built the ship, raised its fate, calling it her chosen one. All she, Motherland. Russia. He said a lot of kind words to her. He felt like her blood, her drop. Born, nurtured, raised by the country, he smiles at her. Her past. Her real. Her future. [ A. Likhanov, from the book “Son of Russia” ]

Target: evoke a sense of patriotism in children. A sense of pride and tenderness for their homeland. Feel the inseparability of each with her.

Leading : And now let's remember how it was.

(A phonogram of a TASS message sounds, about the world's first manned flight into outer space. The sound of a rocket taking off. The voice of Yu.A. Gagarin)


Olga Berggolts
Morning. More than half a century.
Above the earth - hushed stellar shelter.
A man is sent to the stars.
The man is back. Alive and well.

We look, shy. Really
He is like us
and we are a match for him?
Are we really flying?
Through dozens of dawns
and countries
and darkness?

And today beyond the universal
Visited, returned for the night,
To our native land, our Smolensk,
Our native
our star man.

Said "let's go" Gagarin,
The rocket flew into space.
That was a risky guy!
Since then, an era has begun.

The era of wanderings and discoveries,
Progress, peace and labor,
Hopes, wishes and events
Now all this is forever.

Days will come when space
Who wants to, can plow!
Even to the moon, please, wander!
Nobody can forbid!

That will be life! But still remember
That someone was the first to fly ...
Major Gagarin, modest guy,
He managed to open the era.
Mahmud Otar-Mukhtarov

Video presentation "Yu.A. Gagarin - the first cosmonaut of the earth"

[photo from Yandex Internet - photo]


Space is miracles

Space is altitude.

There are stars in space

There are millions of them, they cannot be counted.

To open the way to space,

It was necessary to make:

satellite and rocket

And discover a distant planet.

The very first person

Cosmonaut Gagarin.

Flew around the earth

And glorified the country.

He opened the way to space for us,

He gave people stars.

Let's grow up a little more

And let's go his way.

It would be nice to go around the globe,

Well, it's better to fly into space,

Have lunch at the orbital station

And look out the window.

There to see the stars and planets,

Might be lucky enough to catch

Golden shiny tail of a comet,

Chat with aliens.

And now I'm only dreaming

It turned out that I should fly into space,

There is a lot to know, a lot.

Leading: To know a lot, you need to read a lot of books. It's time to find out which of you is the most inquisitive and the most diligent. Summing up the results of the Space Quiz. (Presenting certificates to the winners)

Quiz questions*

1. Who laid the foundation for the discovery of space, theoretical astronautics?

(K.E. Tsiolkovsky)

2. In what year and who made the first flight into space?

(Yu.A. Gagarin, 12.04.1961)

3. Who was the second cosmonaut after Yu.A. Gagarin?

(German Stepanovich Titov)

4. The first female astronaut.

(Valentina Tereshkova)

5. In what year did V. Tereshkova fly into space?

6. Who was the first cosmonaut to go into outer space?

(Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov)

7.How to decrypt the ISS?

(International Space Station)

8. How many launches of space rockets from Baikonur have been made to date? (471 times)

10. What is the name of the spacecraft that was launched in honor of the 50th anniversary of the first manned flight into space? ("Yuri Gagarin")

11. How many people are in his crew? (3) What nationality? (two Russians and 1 American)

[“Rossiyskaya Gazeta” dated 05.04.2011. ]

Choose the correct answer

1. What was the name of the space "ship" on which the first flight was made? "East”, “Voskhod”, “Soyuz”, “Apollo”

2. Which of the listed surnames is the “second” woman astronaut?

Kandakova, Tereshkova, Savitskaya

3. Which of the listed names is not an astronaut?

Komarov, Sevastyanov, Vodopyanov, Titov

4. The first of the women astronauts who went into outer space.

Tereshkova, Savitskaya

5. Name the chief designer of space "ships".

Tsiolkovsky, Korolev, Gagarin

6. What word did Gagarin say when the space "ship" started?

I'm taking off go, all is ready.


Constellation Gagarin
Nikolay Dobronravov
Let the stars make us a date again
We hear discharges of cosmic blizzards...
You are with us, you are with us on a mission,
First, true, only friend!

In the forests beyond Vladimir, century-old pines,
And the gloomy sun rises in the morning ...
There will be no, there will be no last flight -
People remember your first flight!

You are remembered by the outskirts of Paris,
Prospects of Moscow and Ryazan rye.
And children in the world play Gagarin,
So you live on the planet!

You made friends with an amazing fairy tale,
A smile shines like a dawn in the darkness...
From this smile and kind and affectionate
It became warmer for people on earth.

Closer, closer to us the boundless sky,
And there will be no end to the exploits in life.
The constellation of Gagarin rises above the world, -
To the truth, to the light, hearts start.

Leading. He is not with us. But he is with us. An unforgettable day. smile. With my children. The trees that he planted on a small and beautiful Earth. The work that the comrades continue. The great does not disappear, just as the heroes of ancient centuries cannot melt away, dissolve into unconsciousness. Heroes who are strong people. The future is unthinkable without the present. The present is inconceivable without the past. And there is no past without a future. He continued the great history of the Fatherland. With my life, deed, deed. He just continued. But this “only” contains the highest conscientiousness of inheritance. After all, our actions are under the eye of past history and millennia of the future, to whose impartial judgment we ascend every day and every hour. [Albert Likhanov, Conclusion to the book "Son of Russia"]

Target: Show the connection of times and peoples. To develop in children a sense of belonging to the current history of our Motherland. To develop a sense of responsibility and respect for the older generation.


We are proud of our achievements in space development.

You are the future of our country. Each of you can become an astronaut, a famous scientist. To bring benefit and glory to our country. You just have to really want to and put a lot of effort into it. Your academic achievements are the first steps in mastering the vast expanses of space. We wish you success. We believe and hope for you!

Target: instill in children a sense of confidence, arouse in them a desire to create, work, win!!!


2. A. Likhanov. "Son of Russia". Moscow, publishing house "Young Guard", 1982

5. Encyclopedia Yuri Gagarin

6. Encyclopedia


8. Catalog of books on