Abstract of a lesson on manual labor “Crafts from paper. Synopsis of the integrated lesson "Making paper crafts" Sunny Bunny

Theme: Working with paper. Making New Year's crafts "Fir-tree".


1. To deepen the knowledge, abilities and skills of students related to the initial techniques of paper processing (marking) using a template, cutting paper with scissors;

2. To improve skills in paper cutting along the contour;

3. Develop fine motor skills of hands.

Teacher equipment: finished product sample, product step-by-step samples, student templates, one demonstration template, lesson card, hole punch, cardboard sheet, scissors, pencil, glue.

Equipment for students: a sheet of cardboard or thick green paper, colored paper, pencil, glue, scissors.

Lesson steps

During the classes

I ... Organization of the class.

Hello guys. Today I will give you a technology lesson. Sit down in your seats.

II ... Statement of the topic of the lesson.

Listen carefully to the poem:

May the New Year and the holiday of Christmas

Will give a feeling of magic!

Let the candle light warm the house

Let the smell of fresh needles be in it!

May close friends be near

May the family be happy!

What holidays does the poem talk about? (New Year's and Christmas)

Right. New Year is the most favorite holiday for many people. On this day, we all want to believe in a fairy tale. Children and adults are preparing for the coming of the New Year in every home. They decorate the house with colorful garlands, toys, balls. And who knows what the most important symbol of the New Year on this holiday is in almost every home? (Christmas tree)

How many of you often have a real spruce or pine at home, raise your hands?

And who usually has an artificial tree in the house?

Both real and artificial Christmas trees are very beautiful when dressed up. What do Christmas trees usually decorate with? (Garlands, balloons, toys, rain, tinsel)

Topic of our lesson: Working with paper. Making New Year's crafts "Fir-tree".

(Lesson topic on card on chalkboard)

III ... Preparation of the workplace.

1) Safety precautions.

- Today we will make a paper Christmas tree and decorate it. To do this, we need thick paper or thin green cardboard, scissors, glue, pencil, colored paper. Check that you have all the necessary appliances on your desk. If something is missing, get it or ask your classmates.

Let's remember the safety rules with scissors. Who wants to remind you of these rules? (Answers of children)

Store the scissors in a specific place - in a stand or work box. Putting scissors with closed blades away from the worker; while passing, hold them by the closed blades. Do not leave scissors with open blades. Observe the movement and position of the blades during work.

2) Correct arrangement of parts and tools.

Place a sheet of thin cardboard or thick green paper in front of you. Place the scissors to your right. Place the pencil on the top of the table. Place colored paper on the edge of the table.

IV . Planning for upcoming labor activities.

Consider a sample.

What shape is our product? (Cone)

What parts does the product consist of? (The base is thick paper, decorations are circles, decorations are garlands and a fringe of colored paper)

Look at the blackboard. The algorithm for making our Christmas tree is illustrated here.

What are we going to do in stage 1? (Mark a semicircle on the back of the cardboard, leaving space for gluing)

What should we do to make a sheet of cardboard become a cone-shaped Christmas tree? (Cut a semicircle and glue)

What are we going to do to decorate the tree? (Cut out decorations from colored paper and glue them on the tree)

We have identified a plan of action with you. By the end of the lesson, you should all have such beautiful Christmas trees.

V ... Practical work.

Let's get to work. I am distributing templates to you. Let's remember how to use a template, how to overlay it on a sheet? (Gently, you need to press the template against the paper. Use paper sparingly, overlay the template close to the edge)

Place the template close to the edge of the cardboard.(Demonstrating template overlay)

Hold the template with your left hand, grab a pencil with your right hand and trace around the template.

Did everyone get it neat? Now you need to cut out the template with scissors. Remember the safety rules when working with scissors.

We've got a detail - a semicircle with a place for gluing. Bend the part around the edge of the bonding area.(Demonstrating template bending)

Apply glue to this area.(Demonstrating glue application)

Quickly, until the glue has dried, join the edges of the part. Swipe your finger across the bonding area several times, applying pressure.(Demonstrating gluing a part)

We've got a Christmas tree, but it's not dressed up yet. You can decorate it with colored circles, stars, garlands, fringes. Cut decorations out of colored paper and stick them onto your Christmas trees. Get creative and get creative with this job.

(I walk through the rows, helping the students. I cut out circles for them from paper with a hole punch)

VI ... Analysis and evaluation of work.

An exhibition of finished products is arranged at 1 desk, their quality is discussed together (accuracy, accuracy, strength, elements of creativity).

Vii. Lesson summary.

What materials did we make today? (From paper and cardboard)

What is the name of our craft? (Christmas tree)

What new have you learned in the lesson, what have you learned?

What knowledge and skills have helped you to do the job accurately and beautifully today?

VIII ... Cleaning of the workplace.

Please remove your jobs.

Short description

The methodical development "School of Happy Gnomes" is an introductory lesson to the additional educational program of arts and crafts orientation "Fantasy" (working with paper - construction, design) and is intended for children 7-8 years old. Accompanied by ICT
School of funny gnomes "and is an independent occupation. It will be useful for teachers of additional education, preschool educators, primary school teachers.


Methodical development of the introductory lesson "School of the funny gnomes"
Justification of the relevance of this work.
Decorative and applied art is a means of educating children of aesthetic taste, patience, and accuracy. Pupils develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination, thinking.
Target: To acquaint children with the history of the appearance of paper, make a paper craft with your own hands using the corrugation technique.
consolidate knowledge of safety when working with scissors, glue.
develop skills and abilities of manual labor;
develop the imagination, thinking of students;
develop the ability to economically use paper.
to educate diligence, frugality;
foster discipline, the ability to work in a team.
Expected Result
The children will get acquainted with the history of the appearance of paper, materials and tools used in the classroom, and will also make a corrugated volumetric craft "Rybka" with their own hands.
Place of the topic of the lesson in the subject curriculum: Introductory lesson
Lesson equipment
Equipment, tools and materials:
Multimedia projector;
Presentation "School of Happy Dwarfs"
Images of gnomes (multimedia and on paper);
envelopes (they contain riddles from gnomes)
Finished craft "Fish"
Blanks of parts, colored paper, napkin;
Individual instruction cards;
Methodical techniques: method of emotional stimulation; method of illustration and self-control; deductive and practical methods.
During the classes
I Organizational moment
Teacher: Hello guys!
II Preparatory work
1. Emotional attitude.
Teacher: Today we will have a fascinating journey to the country "Fantasy".
To make this journey, you need to do some unusual things. In front of you are magic caps that you need to wear. So, everyone is dressed! But that's not all: today I received a letter with an assignment.
Guess the riddle:
This tiny people
Living underground in the mountains:
Looking for gold in the dark
Hides treasures in chests.

Snow White was sheltered
And they were always kind to her.
Even children are familiar to everyone.
Have you guessed? This is ... (gnomes)
2. Viewing a presentation with theoretical material on the history of the emergence of paper.
Slide 1

That's right guys, These are the gnomes. Who are the gnomes? These are fabulous creatures in funny caps. They are often mischievous, but, in general, are quite harmless. Gnomes are a very hardworking people, great inventors and dreamers! And where do the gnomes live, you know? In the magical land of Fantasy. And what are they all doing? Nobody knows this, but now we will quietly take it and see ...
Slide 2
The wisest gnome has prepared a story for you: We, gnomes, love making crafts with our own hands from a simple material called paper. Paper is a very good material for creativity. It is well cut, glued, sometimes thin, dense, colored. Where did it come from? Let's find out!
Slide 3
Paper was invented in China around 105 by Tsai Lun. He found a way to make paper from fibrous mulberry bark.
Slide 4
Slide 5
The Chinese rubbed the bark of trees, chips, rags in water for a long time, until they got a porridge without lumps, then they poured this mixture onto trays. When the water drained off, the soft sheets were laid to dry on a flat surface.
Slide 6
We made paper by hand, using the most primitive technique. They received no more than 100-120 kilograms per day. With the development of book printing, more and more paper was required. The rags, which were collected by thousands of people, were not enough. And then we decided to try wood. The experiment was a success - the wood was split into separate fibers and turned into paper pulp. Since then, paper has been produced from wood.
Slide 7
Now paper is made in much the same way, only machines do it all. Paper machines produce paper tape several meters wide at a speed of 600-750 meters per minute.
Slide 8
Today, manual papermaking has survived in Japan. This is a whole art. Such paper is highly valued, they write on it only in beautiful calligraphic handwriting, and artists paint pictures.
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Paper made by hands of a master is called "washi" - Japanese paper. “Good paper makes you think about good things,” say the Japanese.
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So, what an ordinary sheet of paper will turn into depends only on the skillful hands of the master.
Slide 11
The gnomes have prepared riddles for you and me, and now we will guess what we need in the classroom. Are you ready?
Slide 12
1. It does not look like a man, but it has a heart,
And he gives his heart to work all year round. (Pencil.)
2. You can write on me, you can draw on me.
You can paint me, you can cut me. (Paper)
3. There lived a very important grandfather in the paper kingdom.
He considered himself strong, and therefore the most important
And very, very hard of all the papers. (Cardboard)
4. The tool is experienced - not big, not small.
He has a lot of worries: he cuts and cuts. (Scissors.)
5. I will connect cardboard to paper, I will connect two sheets. (Glue.)
6. Even though I'm not a laundress, friends, I wash diligently. (Eraser.)
7. Colorful kids huddle in a narrow house.
Only you will release it - where there was emptiness,
There you behold beauty! (Colour pencils.)
8. Be able to draw without me! And my name is ... (Ruler)
Slide 13
(Physical education at the teacher's choice)

And over the sea - we are with you!
Seagulls are circling over the waves
Let's fly after them together.
Foam splashes, the sound of the surf,
And over the sea - we are with you! (Children flap their arms like wings.)
We're sailing on the sea now
And frolic in the open.
More fun to rake
And catch up with the dolphins. (Children make swimming movements with their hands.)
Physical education. Stork
(The back is straight, hands on the belt. Children smoothly and slowly raise either the right or the left leg, bent at the knee, and also gently lower it. Watch your back.)
- Stork, long-legged stork,
Show me the way home. (The stork answers.)
- Stamp with your right foot,
Stamp with your left foot
Again - with the right foot,
Again - with the left foot.
After - with the right foot,
After - with the left foot.
And then you will come home.

IV Implementation of practical work. Making crafts "Fish".
Slide 14
Before starting the practical work, let's guess the riddle.
Slide 15
And the riddle is this: Parents and children have all their clothes made of coins. That's right, these are fish.
Slide 16
2. Analysis of the craft.
Teacher: - What color of cardboard will we choose? (Optional.)
- What are the details of the fish? (The fish consists of a head, body and tail)
And now let's remember with you the safety rules when working with scissors, with glue.
3. Checking the workplace, conducting a safety briefing when working with scissors and glue.
Safety rules for working with scissors:
1. Do not hold the scissors upside down.
2. Do not leave the scissors open.
3. Pass the scissors only when closed, with rings towards a comrade.
4. When working, watch your fingers.
5. When cutting the circle, turn the paper clockwise.
Safe handling of glue:
1. Do not allow glue to get into eyes.
2. Only transfer the adhesive when closed.
3. After finishing work, close the glue and remove to a safe place.
Slide 17
Slide 18
4. Work progress.
1. Complete the body and tail of the fish using corrugated colored paper.
2. Glue the body and tail.
3. Glue the fins and eyes.
5. Approbation.
Take a look at your work. You have got very interesting "fish". Well done!
- How do you think our “Rybka” can be used? (Present to relatives, close people.)
- Why give?
V Lesson summary
Teacher: At this lesson in the "School of the Happy Dwarfs", we learned how and where the paper appeared, learned what we need in the classroom and made wonderful crafts-fish.
Slide 19
1. Reflection.
Guys, if you liked the lesson, please choose a funny gnome, if not, an angry one. This concludes our lesson in the country "Fantasy". I will be waiting for you at the next lesson at the School of Happy Dwarfs!


1. Collection of riddles: a guide for teachers / MT Karpenko. - M .: Education,
Internet resources.

Daria Matyashova
Abstract of a lesson on manual labor "Crafts from paper"

State budgetary institution of the Saratov region "Krasnoarmeyskiy center for social assistance to families and children "A family"

Lesson summary


Prepared by a psychologist

emergency psychological services

help by phone

"Helpline" D. V. Matyashova

Target: organization employment of children in manual labor.


1. Teach to make origami.

2. To consolidate and expand skills of working with paper... Fix the rules for working with scissors, glue; the ability to prepare your workplace for occupation, put it in order at the end of the work.

3. To cultivate the ability to bring the work started to the end. To foster efficiency, creative interest in the work performed.

4. Develop fine motor skills, broaden horizons, develop an eye, cognitive interest, oral spoken language.

Course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Good afternoon, dear guys! I am glad to see you all today. I see you all are in a good mood today. I think that everything will work out for us.

2. Work on the topic

Our theme with you classes today« Origami» .

Questions for children:

Introductory word:

Paper- this is the most versatile and accessible material, familiar, ordinary and at the same time amazing! Traveling the world paper you can see truly amazing things: ancient figurines "Cutouts"(vytsynanki, graceful silhouettes of old portraits, openwork paintings, silhouette shadow theater, toys and much more.

Any work with paper not only fascinating, but also educational. This is a real artistic creation. Several multi-colored paper sheets allow you to create a fun, colorful toy country, decorate the house on weekdays and holidays, make gifts, souvenirs to relatives and friends.

Guys, tell me, are you pleased to receive gifts? But gifts are pleasant not only to receive, but also to give. You agree with me? It's nice when a loved one is in a good mood, but not always there are enough funds for gifts. In this case, you can make a gift with your own hands, which we will now do.

Getting started, first of all, you need to draw up a plan and sequence of the upcoming work. Let us now draw up a plan of our work.

Making a flower

1. Prepare the petals: from colored paper cut strips 0.5 - 1.0 cm wide, 9-10 cm long; cut out the petals on a stencil.

2. Prepare the middle flower: cut 2 pieces of 1 piece from colored paper and cardboard.

3. Prepare flower leaves by stencil: cut strips 0.5-1.0 cm wide.

4. Prepare the stem flower: Cut the stem base out of cardboard using a stencil.

5. Glue the flower leaves onto the base.

6. Glue the flower petals to the base of the center. Then glue the second part of the middle of the flower on top.

7. Stick a colored strip on the base of the stem (green, brown) from paper... Connect with the flower ladders.

Making a cat

1. Cut the strip paper 3-4 cm wide, 40-50 cm long.

2. Outline the locations of body parts.

3. Glue along the marked lines.

4. Cut out paper mustache strips.

5. Outline the location of the parts faces: draw nose, mouth with a felt-tip pen or pencil.

6. Cut out the eyes and ears according to the stencil and stick along the marked lines.

Well done boys! We have drawn up a work plan. Now I will ask you riddles, and you tell us what we need for work?

1.doesn't look like a man, but it has a heart (pencil)

2.black Ivashka, a wooden shirt, where he leads with his nose, there he puts a note (pencil)

3.two brothers, one heart (scissors)

4.Multicolored sisters got bored without water, aunt long, thin carries water for them, sighing (paints and brush)

5.I love straightforwardness, I myself am direct, to make a new line, I help everyone (ruler)

Children's answers

Well done! These are the tools and accessories we need today. Guys, what do you need to know when getting started?

Children's answers

That's right, we must repeat the safety rules when working with glue with scissors.

Well done! You all know the safety rules very well.


Everyone is tired of sitting for a long time

And now the girls are up

And now the boys are up

We will do the exercises

Slowly everything is in order

All leaned forward

And then back

Leaned left, right

Turned left, right

They looked in front of them,

They looked to the ground, to the sky

Hands raised up

And quietly lowered

Once bent down, two bent down,

Unbent stretched

They smiled. We sat down quietly.

Exercise helped us to continue our business.

Now let's prepare our hands for work:

So that the hands can do everything

And owned the skill

We will warm up our palms

Stretch each finger.

Rotate inside the brush

Raise our hands up

And we quietly lower

And we begin to work.

Guys, you can start making paper craft... Select you can do it yourself using the literature that I prepared for our occupation... We have also prepared an exhibition paper craft, which you can use as a sample for making your own crafts.

IV. Consolidation of knowledge

Guys, our class is coming to an end... Let's remember what we learned new about today paper what under the tree did you make today? What should be the workplace at the end of the work?

Children's answers

V. Summing up

Guys, today at occupations you were all very active, everyone did a great job and you got great crafts... Thank you for your attention and good work.

Evgeniya Chumova
Synopsis of the integrated lesson "Making paper crafts" Sun Bunny "

Synopsis of an integrated lesson

on the topic:

« « Sunny bunny» .

The teacher of additional education Chumova E.V.

Theme: Application of health-preserving and gaming technology, and technology of developmental education during integrated lesson on the topic: « Making paper crafts« Sunny bunny» .

Age group: children 4-5 years old

The form classes: integrated

Form of organization: group

Target: Create conditions for the formation of skills of pupils at occupations fine arts when working with non-traditional techniques (napkin technique).

Tasks: To acquaint with the technique of working with napkins.

To develop creative skills and abilities according to the idea proposed by the adult.

To develop the perception of means of musical expression, song and play creativity; facial expressions, pantomime, emotional responsiveness.

Evoke an emotional response, a feeling of empathy for the mood conveyed in the music. Foster friendly relationships between children. Arouse joy from the result obtained, improve the skills and abilities of the fine arts.

Equipment: computer, projector, music center.

Materials (edit): Cardboard, paper, napkins, scissors, glue.

Musical row: Soundtrack of the song by Y. Shainsky "Smile", V. Muradeli « Sunny bunny» , music by P. Tchaikovsky "Snowdrop".

Visual row: presentation of the show of the master class on making crafts from napkins, funny and sad emoticons, demo material.

Course of the lesson:

Organizing time.

Motivation for activity

Educator: Hello guys. Today it is gloomy and damp outside the window. Let's show what the mood is when the weather is bad outside.

(Children show a sad smiley).

You know, but I want everyone's mood to improve a little. Remember the song “ share your smile, and she will come back to you more than once ... "So let's share smile with each other, and may she certainly return to us on any day when sunny and clear, and when it is cloudy and gloomy, when you have fun, and when you feel sad.

(The soundtrack of the song by Y. Shainsky is played "From a smile")

So you all smiled, and the room immediately became light and warm. You know, I'll tell you a fairy tale about a smile, about Sun.

(Phonogram by P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds "Snowdrop")

In the fairy forest there lived and there was a little gray bunny... He was very kind and smiling, always trying to help everyone. The forest dwellers did not understand him, often laughed at him and even offended him. Bunny he often hid from everyone and cried bitterly. Only the sun felt sorry for the little hare... It stretched out its rays to him and warmed him when it was chilly; it gently stroked his head and tickled his tummy while he slept. And one day the sun offered the bunny: “Run to me, gray! You will be mine bunny, otherwise I am also sad to shine alone in the sky, together it will be more fun. " AND bunny ran along the descending ray up to sunshine, and while he was running along a bright beam, his fur coat became completely golden. That's how it became bunny gold, sunny! From time to time he comes down to us to play pranks, play, amuse us. Let's make it with you too bunny.

Organization of productive activities

Look, on your tables are the materials and tools we need in our work. Think about how you can make from these materials bunny? (I listen to the suggestions of the children)

(show 1 slide)

Rides bunny on the wall

And winks at me.

Jumped over to the picture

Stopped on the boot.

Danced on the ceiling

Hidden in a corner.

Here he hid in the crib

He plays hide and seek with us.

Independent activities of children.

(show 2 slide)

In order to do bunny we need the following materials:

Thick cardboard paper napkins, stapler, scissors, pencils and glue.

(show 3 slide)

Fold a sheet of cardboard in half.

Now we need a simple pencil.

Let's draw a circle.

Then draw the ears and legs.

So our template is ready.

(show 4 slide)

Cut out carefully.

Now we take 4 napkins, fold them, fasten them with a stapler and point out a circle with a pencil.

(show 5 slide)

Now carefully cut out two circles.

Then we make small cuts along the edge.

And carefully collect layer by layer in the middle.

(show 6 slide)

We'll have two fluffy pom-poms.

Then we take our workpiece bunny and glue small pieces on the ears.

(showing 7slide)

Now we will draw a face for bunny on a piece of the remaining cardboard.

We spread the cardboard with glue and glue the pompom first, and then the muzzle.

We glue the pom-pom on the back.

Our bunny is ready!

Surprising moment.

(The sun bunny is jumping on the tables, by the faces of children)

Educator: Ouch, the bunny came down to us from the sun! He wants to play with us!

Physical minute.

Jump-jump, jump-jump

Bunny jumped on a tree stump.

He beats the drum loudly,

Calls us to play with him.

Feet up, feet down

Stretch on your toes!

Then sit down

So that the heels do not freeze.

Oh, how good is our bunny! There is a wonderful song about him. It is called that « Sunny bunny» .And now we will learn it with you.

(the exercise "Cockerel")

Learning and performing a song by V. Muradeli « Sunny bunny» .


Guys, let's make an exhibition of our works and admire them.

Tell me, did your mood improve at the end of the lesson? Show what mood you are in now. (Children show a funny smiley face.)

Well done! Our the lesson is over... We hope that sunny bunny will help you maintain a good mood for a long time.

Resources used: miranimacii.ru ›photo / dlja_prezentacij / 23,

shkola-abv.ru ›Animashki.

Good afternoon, today I decided to collect in one article all ways make paper crafts that are feasible for children. For the craft season of 2017 - it turned out decent photo-piggy bank of ideas, which a child can make out of paper with his own hands. These paper crafts can be used for kindergarten or school (grades 1-5). There will be light crafts for preschool children(from 3 to 7 years old) - for the junior, middle and senior group. And there will also be more difficult crafts that require more long school hours(for 45 minutes) - suitable for labor lessons for children of grades 1, 2, 3, 4. As well as heads of creative circles "Skillful hands" in kindergarten or school, they will find many useful paper craft ideas for themselves.

  • We will do flat crafts-applications.
  • Volumetric crafts from colored paper and corrugated cardboard.
  • Crafts toys made of cardboard or thick paper.
  • Crafts using different techniques(half-discs, fan, symmetrical fold, postcard).

At the moment, we already have thematic articles with paper crafts on our website,

And also a lot of ideas for paper NEW YEAR crafts in the article:

And in this article, we will look at different techniques that can be used for paper crafts for children of different ages.

So let's see what paper crafts I have collected in this piggy bank.


In the technique of HALF DISC.

Colored paper crafts that we meet in kindergarten and at school most often look like appliques. I like myself very much appliques with effect 3D... There are quite a few ways to create bumps on appliqués.

In this article, I want to highlight a technology that is interesting in its graphicality - these are crafts from round paper disks. When all the work is laid out in the form of whole or folded in half paper rounds.

This round mosaic applique fits for children 3-4 years old. She just suits them for the pedagogical tasks of this age, when children still do not know how to work with scissors, but they are already happy to glue ready-made template modules from colored paper.

Such crafts-applications look bright and unusual due to PARTIAL ADHESION of the modules - we put only half of the disk on the glue, and its second part sticks out with a fold.

And from bent in half circles or ovals, you can make not only flat applications, but also paper craft toys. Here is for inspiration such caterpillar of ovals bent in half- children from 3 years old can cope with this task if you help them fold the ovals in half. Children 4 years old will fold ovals themselves, and even cut out a few of them. And children 5 years old, you need to distribute colored rectangles, they themselves will cut the corners of the rectangles, thereby turning them into ovals, bend them in half and fold them into a caterpillar.

Be smart and think about WHAT ELSE can be constructed from paper semicircles or semi-ovals. Surely you can make a frog, panda, giraffe, hippo, penguin from such round or oval half-discs.

VOLUME application

Made of paper blades.

And here is another technology of convex paper applications. When the parts are glued together in advance in the BLADES, and then such a blade paper craft is glued with its blades onto the application cardboard.

The blades are obtained if Bend 3-4 identical parts in half, and then the bent walls of adjacent parts are glued to each other.

For example, the ladybug in the photo below consists of from three paper circles. Cut out three circles, bent them in half. First, on the left and right, we glue the halves bent in half. And then the third round lays down in a booklet on the protruding halves of the glued rounds.

Craft "Ladybug" is suitable for children 3 years old. A craft "Balloon" with a large number of blades is suitable for children 4-5 years old.

Any paper shape can be turned into a blade part, the number of blades and the splendor of the part depends on how many parts you use in your volumetric gluing.

In the same way, you can do paper crafts with your own hands in a volumetric form (in the form of objects) - like these paper fruits in the photo below. Watermelon is suitable for crafts in the senior group of kindergarten.



And here is another paper craft with a convex effect. Here, the volume of the applique is conveyed by embossed gluing of a strip of colored paper folded into three folds. Such an autumn applique is easy to do with your own hands - it is suitable for children of the middle and senior group (5, 6 years old).

In the center of the upper fold, we cut a hollow and place the silhouette of an owl inside. So that the owl hangs at a distance from the back wall of the hollow, you need to stick a paper spring on the back of the owl. How to make a spring You will now understand by the example of the following paper craft with a volumetric effect.

Here below we see a paper craft BEAR. Bear's paws are also glued at a distance from the body. And this distance between the legs and the body is achieved by gluing paper springs... Everyone in childhood made such spring worms. Below we see a master class that shows the process of creating such a paper spring and the entire craft as a whole.

Craft BEAR is suitable for children 3 - 4 years old (if all the details have already been cut out and the springs are folded). Children 4 - 5 years old you can slowly cut out the silhouettes yourself. Children 5-6 years old already able to fold the springs ourselves (and the lesson can be divided into 2 parts- in the first lesson we make springs and cut out part of the silhouettes - in the second we cut and put everything together.

In the same way, you can make any craft. Below we see that the crown of the tree is made according to this principle. But you can just as well do a bunch of balloons on a greeting card. Or bouquet of flowers made of paper, where each flower will be at its convex level.

You can highlight any details of paper crafts with a voluminous spring - bird wings, tiers of thorns in a hedgehog (photo below).

Or hares in dense grass (spring craft in the photo below).

You can make such a paper craft too, using springs inside. The effect is beautiful. And the legs-stands for multi-layer applications can be made not from paper springs, but from purchased double-sided thick tape. Such plump scotch tape is for sale - it has a thick foam tape, as it were, and it is sticky on both sides. It can be cut into stumps and glued between the layers of the craft..

From such springs, you can make not only applications, but also independent paper crafts. Make a spring and play with other paper details. For example, attach an oval face, round ears, paws at the bottom and a long strip-tail - and now it all starts to look like a paper mouse.

And here are the paper penguins' crafts based on the same spring. Or craft bugs. Always in kindergarten there is unused black paper in a set of colored paper - you always don't know what to make of it - but here you are, black bugs, penguins and little crows.



A paper fan is often used in children's crafts as a way to quickly create the desired shape for a part. Most often, the fan-gluing is used as the tail of paper birds (or as wings).

The fan's spread blades can remind you of the wings of a bat. Children's craft for the middle age (4-5 years old).

The fan is similar to the lampshade of a table lamp - which means it will make an excellent DIY lamp craft (craft for children from 3 years old)

The fan can become the basis for children's crafts in the form of fairy-tale characters - friends of penguins or polar bears (craft for children 5-7 years old).

If you fold the fan in half - and unbend its blades into 2 semicircles - and glue the met semicircles with glue, then we puff ROUND FAN.

You can make a lot of paper crafts for children from such a blank. The simplest and fastest are apples (add a stalk and a leaf) or birds (add a wing, an eye and a beak).

Ready-made blanks of round fans are used in classes with children 3-4 years... And at the age 5 years the child is already given the task of creating such a round fan from colored paper himself.

By adding various details to the paper fan, we can get the image of any animal out of paper (a black cat, or a red, white bunny (as in the photo with children's crafts below).

You just have to teach children how to make a fan with their own hands, practice several times. Then teach them to bend the fan in half and unfold both halves in two semicircles - and glue these semicircles with a glue stick. And then the children themselves will surprise you, they will throw more and more ideas for crafts, I turn a round paper fan into a snowman, then into a mermaid bra, into a round red clown nose.

And if we make several round fans of slightly different diameters at once and string them on a wire, then we can get a volumetric spherical paper craft. The fan ball can become an apple, a pumpkin, a snowman, a lamb, a white rabbit and any other child's character.

Children's crafts

on an accordion stand.

There is one more original way to arrange a craft for children from paper material. Below we see the principle of creating such a craft. We fold the usual accordion out of cardboard. And we use it as TIERS for sticking paper parts.
In the photo of the children's craft below, we see how the accordion turned into a craft cake. Each row of the accordion is a tier of cake with candles.

Note, the side high part of the craft in the photo below (where the balloons are) is optional.

In the same way, according to this principle, we can use the rows of the accordion as the rows of trees in the forest. And between them put a deer or a snowman, or hide a bunny.
Rows of peas can be used as streets on which to place houses.
Or the rows of such a stand can be folded out of blue paper and decorated as SEA WAVES, and then it remains to stick dolphins or rows of ships on them. Or sharks looking out.


on a flat cardboard template.

But now we will look at crafts for children, where all the elements are glued on a silhouette cut from thick cardboard.

For example, we take cardboard and draw a silhouette of a shark on it. Any child from 4 years old is already learning to cut with scissors - he cuts the silhouette himself with his own hands, slowly crookedly, but he should already myself cut along the line holding the scissors in a stationary hand, and rotate the sheet of cardboard as the cut line rotates along the silhouette.

When the silhouette of a shark is cut out of blue cardboard, we give the child a round blank of white paper - the child's task is to cut it into teeth (just scissors obliquely into triangles with scissors, and then bend each tooth so that it protrudes into the common circle. And this paper mouth remains to stick on the silhouette of the shark. And we'll get awesome craft for children 4-7 years old. Sharks are great crafts for boys. Little brave men will be happy to tame a dangerous sea predator.

Applique details do not have to be colored paper. For example, a scarf on a polar bear below was cut from a cover from colored paper (the cover was in a box). And the carrot on the craft with a hare is white cardboard, which was preliminarily painted with gouache (painted yellow-orange-red stripes).

Ideas for the same applications on a cardboard silhouette, you can spy on children's cartoons, or see on children's coloring.

Such paper crafts for children 5 years old can become the basis for a children's theater. If you stick the craft on the back of each long handle made of thin wooden slats(can be bought in the construction department of the store) - or the handle can be rolled up from a sheet of paper and tightly wrapped with tape for density.
Children hiding behind a screen and holding their characters on sticks can act out performances, entertaining parents and grandparents with home reprise of famous fairy tales.

And you can also cut round holes for children's fingers in such a craft - then you can already act out the scenes of the TABLE THEATER. Here in the photo below we see a lamb and a hare made of paper with such slots for the fingers.

Also, your paper characters can have a special FOOT GRIP, and you can insert a candy or pencil and a small gift for someone into this grip.

by the way, here's a good idea - such a character can be pasted on a postcard and give it to his paws rolled into a roll 100 dollar bill- you will get a gift card with money for a friend's birthday.

Such crafts made of flat cardboard can be supplemented with FLEX elements (as in the bunny with the photo below), or with TWIRL elements (as in the snail below). Or additional ANTURAL elements (as with the cat below).

Children's crafts

with paper STRIPES.

Also, the applique can be made voluminous if you use PAPER STRIP HINGES. Colored paper is cut into strips, and each strip is smoothly folded and glued at its ends. These curved stripes can be the petals of a lush aster or a modest chamomile.

Or such paper loops can serve plumage to a swan- left photo below. This craft is suitable for children from 4 years old. They themselves glue the already cut strips into loops and stick them in rows on the tail of the swan.

But the peacock (on the right photo above) is already craft for older children. For grades 1-2 - because in a kindergarten lesson, children in 25 minutes will not have time to make a peacock from start to finish. But in 45 minutes of a school lesson, children will just cope with this task.

Please note that the peacock is made of paper from strips of different lengths. The yellow strip is the shortest - it is the first to bend into a loop. Then the green strip is glued to the loop with one edge and also bends to the place where the yellow loop-strip is glued. Then we do the same with a slightly longer blue strip.

This gives us EIGHT THREE-COLORED HINGES for the peacock's tail. They all stick together ribs to each other- in one bunch-bouquet. And at the joints of their gluing, we attach peacock spots. Then this tail piece of paper we fasten to the back of a cardboard peacock silhouette. Great creative craft.

Below we see how a flower craft is created according to the same principle. In the same way, we make the tail for our peacock from the photo above.

Or a paper craft for girls - SANDAL SHOES - here the strips serve as straps to create a woven toe of paper slips.

And if you cut strips of the SAME LENGTH, then it is convenient to make a spherical braid from them. Such a braid in the form of stripes crossed in a circle can serve as a shell for a turtle, a balloon, or the middle of a lush flower or a snowball from a snowman.

Or it could be a delicious apple, nibbled on the side (left photo below). And even inside such an apple, you can shove a worm from a paper spring (see the method with a spring above).

If the strips are glued cross-on-cross in the center ... and punch holes from the ends with a hole punch ... and lift these ends with holes up ... and assemble them on a thread - then we get a paper pear craft (look at the right photo above).

What if take NOT SEPARATE strips - and cut a sheet of paper into strips WITHOUT CUT TO THE EDGE - like a long fringe. And then arrange this long striped fringe in the form of a paper craft-hat.

According to a similar principle, beautiful crafts are made of paper in the form cells with birds. Such a craft only at first glance seems complicated. But in fact, everything is available for children from 4 years old. And even a child at 3 years old can cope with the help of an adult who will show, then spread it with glue and where to stick it.

Below we see this cell in the blank (photo master class). First, these are paper strips on a wide strip of the base. Then we wrap the base in a ring. And we bend the strips sticking up into the arch each relative to each other. Fast and easy craft. It remains only to make a bird out of paper and hang it on a string under this paper roof.

That is, such a craft is easy to do with your own hands for children even 3-4 years old.

And you can also make paper children's crafts from the strips ON THE BASIS OF THE BALL. A ball of stripes is collected on a needle and thread. Since you won't give the children a needle, you can go the other way and make holes in three places of each strip in advance with a hole punch - along the center and along two edges.

The strips are folded crosswise on the central hole - a thread is threaded into it from a suspended bead from below. A large bead at the bottom prevents the stripes from slipping off the thread. Next, a few more beads are strung on a thread (see carefully inside the lamb, they are visible in the photo). And then the same thread is threaded through all the holes at the ends of all the strips - THIS IS A BALL. If anyone does not understand there is a photo master class in

You can attach any details to such paper balls, turning them into frogs or hares (as in the photo of children's crafts below). With your own hands and your imagination, you can make a variety of animals.

These are the chickens and the hen made by the craftswoman Tatiana. What characters will you come up with? Such strip crafts can be carried out in the 1st, 2nd, 4th grade of the school. And it is also suitable for diligent children 5-6 years old.


in the QUILLING technique.

You can also wrap paper strips in a tight twist roll. Then give this twist the shape of a petal or leaf and make paper applications of flowers with such twists. The technique is quite famous, called quilling. The technique is suitable for children from 5 years old, when the fingers are already dexterous enough to hold the twist on the holder rod.

Below we see how an ordinary round twist is given different shapes (clamp it with a finger on the right sides) and the twist becomes tear-shaped or cup-shaped or triangular. And from such twisted modules we put together a quilling applique.

Below we see children's crafts made of colored paper using this technique. You see, paper consumption does not have to be large - the craft itself looks miniature and can decorate a handmade postcard. It will be pleasant for the child to give his mother a hand-made postcard.

Within the framework of a school or kindergarten, the time for such a craft is limited - and we can only make a few of these modules. The process is laborious for children's fingers and takes time. You can divide the craft into 2 lessons - on the first we make modules, on the second we form the craft.

Girls really like this children's craft in the form of a cupcake.

Cupcake and poultry is a very quick craft as it does not require a lot of twists. Such a craft can be done by children in grades 1 and 2 - slowly, gently curling and gluing the twist tails.

But a bear or a bunny is already a paper craft for children who have gotten their hands on simple quilling tasks. For grades 3, 4, 5 - this level of complexity of do-it-yourself crafts is just right.

By the same principle, you can make larger twisted crafts - if you take not a thin cut strip, but a folded sheet of paper. Thick folding of the sheet will allow you to get large twisted parts and you can make a large applique from them - for example, such a penguin or an owl made of paper.

And also large twisted crafts are obtained from corrugated cardboard. Due to the ribbed relief, such a corton forms wide volumetric parts and it is possible to make 3D paper toys from them. Craft for the senior group of kindergarten or for school (grades 1,2,3,4).


based on the CONE.

The paper cone is also a good base for kids craft ideas. We all made a Christmas tree from a cone in kindergarten with our own hands. And now we can already make any character out of paper in the form of a conical craft.

So that the cone is not too wide and not too narrow, its spreading (flat pattern) should be at an angle of more than 90 degrees - usually 120 degrees (as in the photo below) - that is, a third of a full circle.

For a giraffe, you can make the cone thinner and sharper. Then we need a quarter of a circle (that is, not 120 degrees, but 90 degrees is enough).

folded in half.

But children's crafts that are made from a sheet of paper that was bent in half and cut out a silhouette - as a result, we got a double-sided craft with the same symmetrical sides.

And paper birds can also be made using the same technique. In the bird (pictured below), we see that the wings are a fan made of paper or napkin. And in the fold of the upper part of the bird, we make a slit and insert a fan there.

For animal crafts, you can insert the ears of an elephant into such a slot. And also, for example, a lion's mane made of cardboard or thick paper.

You can attach not only wings to such FOLDED CRAFTS, but also a head - which will be perpendicular to the body. See the photo below with an example of a children's handicraft "Black Cat" made of paper.

The head of this cat is attached according to the same principle as the fan-wings of the bird above - ALSO IN THE SLOT. If you look closely, you can see that the head has also fold, which divides the head into 2 planes (back and front).

THE BACK PLANE OF THE HEAD, continues with the ears, AND THE FRONT PLANE OF THE HEAD contains the glued eyes and whiskers of the cat.

A slit is made in the back of the cat (like a bird's wings are higher) - and the BACK PLANE OF THE HEAD is inserted into this slit. And the front plane just hangs in front and is not inserted into the slot.

A very simple paper craft for children of the older group (age 5-6 years). And for children in grade 1-2, it's also great do-it-yourself work.

You can provide for such a scheme of crafts tummy addition- like these hares below. To do this, you just need to draw additional branches of paper in the abdomen area, which then, after folding the silhouette, WILL ROLL up and fasten with a stapler or glue.

You can slightly modify this principle of crafts - leaving between the two halves-bobbins the TOP SQUARE OF THE BACK. That is, on the top of the part, do not one fold, but two folds at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other - this is how we get the back.

These bears made of cardboard (or thick paper) have just such a back.

And these paper birds (pictured below) also have a back. And thanks to this platform, we were able to foresee the tail part (it became a natural continuation of the dorsal part of the bird).

Both birds and bears according to this scheme can be drawn in advance on a paper template, then this template can be circled on a sheet of cardboard by drawing the inner fold lines in advance (those that go along the back). And the child's task is to embed the silhouette of the template and bend it along the inner lines. That is, the craft is available for children from 5 years old, and is suitable for middle and senior kindergarten groups and for school lessons in creativity and work.



It is difficult for young children to make multi-step origami crafts. Therefore, it is better to start with simple schemes, which are then supplemented with cut out elements, giving them a resemblance to the intended character. So we get easy crafts.

You yourself, with your own hands, you can experiment with a piece of paper - fold it this way and that, and then think about what this folding leaf might look like ... but what if there are ears, here are eyes, and here is a nose .... wow, it looks like it could be a great MOUSE.

Here is another simple folding of paper along diagonal lines makes it possible to get a fold for the "ladybug" craft. The spots and muzzle can be drawn with a marker or cut out of colored paper.

The simplest thing a small child can do is fold a sheet of paper in two folds and get base-blank for a character made of paper, whose mouth opens, and therefore you can make him not only a muzzle, but also a mouth with teeth and tongue.

Such a children's craft is suitable for training in designing from paper in kindergarten... It requires double-sided colored cardboard or the same thick paper. It is good to buy office colored paper for such crafts - it has a higher density than standard children's colored paper.

Or children can make with their hands such light clamshell crafts. To do this, a sheet of paper (A4 format) is cut along a beveled diagonal. And then folds into 2 folds (to make 3 parts). The wide side of the folded paper is glued onto a sheet of colored cardboard and then decorated according to the concept of the sketch.

Children's paper crafts.

DROP pattern.

If we roll the ends together with a wide strip of paper, we get teardrop-shaped twist.

Based on such a simple blank, you can also make a variety of craft designs - a whale made of blue paper, a ladybug (stick the wings to a drop).

It is convenient to make mice, or a hedgehog from a paper template in the form of a drop.

Can i to such drop-shaped details add from above round paper roll- to get a head. So much more options for simple and easy crafts - bunny, duck, swallow.

Turn on your imagination and multiply ideas.

And if a whole series of strips are connected together like CHAIN ​​LINKS, then you can get such a green crocodile from paper loops.

And here are some more simple crafts, which are based on a wide strip, bent into a ring or scaphoid shape.

In the craft with the boat - we first do boat bottom holder- it's just a small rectangle of paper with small sides bent on both sides. And then to these curved sides we glue the REAL BOAT BOATS FROM BLUE PAPER. Rectangle with center bumpers will not let the sides of our boat collapse to each other.

The craft is suitable for children from 5 years old.

And here is a children's paper craft, where also white paper strips imitate the body of a swan. Here, a roll of white paper rolled into a long tube serves as a form holder. Craft for children 5-6 years old.


from paper.

And of course, if you love making children's crafts from paper and cardboard, then opener cards are a suitable topic for children from 3 years old. The ideas for opening crafts can be very different. For example, an aquarium with a fish. Or a Valentine's day craft with spring birds.

You can make a simple children's craft in the form of a castle - the gates of which will open for boys, knights and soldiers, and for girls, beautiful princesses hidden inside a bastion of paper.

Crafts cards can be a great DIY gift for March 8th. For example, here is a cup with tulips. The cup handle can be cut as a separate piece and glued to the barrel of the mug.

Or you can make an apron craft with carved lace from paper (lace can be obtained from ready-made paper napkins, or cut a snowflake out of paper, cut off its lace edge and we will get a border for the apron.

You can cut out the silhouette of a can on the craft - glue it with a thin layer of a file (on double-sided tape). And also stick a pocket made of paper (the back wall of the craft) and put hearts in this transparent front pocket.

Here's another technique VOLUME CARDS. It's simple. We fold a sheet of paper into a float. And on the edge of the fold we do 2 notches scissors (any length and width). And then we simply push the space between these cuts into the postcard with our FINGER - and it HOLES OUT in the form of such a rectangular stand.

And now we stick any element on this stand. For example a cupcake.

If you make three pairs of such cuts - push them with your finger inside the card, then you can glue a cupcake on each of them. And on top there are flags. Here is a simple children's craft and ready. Interesting and non-standard.

To get started, practice on a piece of a regular sheet - bend it in half, notch twice and push the notched part inward. You will see that it is simple.

And you can show children in the same way. And then on such a stand (already pushed inside the postcard) you will stick any craft (butterfly, dinosaur, rocket).

Any original ideas can be realized using this technique of volumetric postcards. That is, this is another field for children's fantasy paper crafts.

The longer you make the paired cuts, the further the support strip will be curved inside your postcard. You can see this in the example with the hand-made postcard in the photo below.

Crafts openers can have a surprise in the form of a clamshell fan. You can arrange a peacock with a lush tail under such a folding bed.

Of course, such a complex thread (as in the photo below) is difficult for a child. But for children, any idea can be simplified - let the fan not be carved, but simply cut out the peacock spots separately and stick them on the fan blades.

Or a clamshell inside a postcard can be in the form folding chain of symmetrical elements- butterflies, flowers (that is, the main thing is that there is symmetry of the folds).

We cut out any identical details - butterflies, flowers, hearts. The main thing is that the left half and the right half are like a mirror image of each other. And then these parts can be glued to each other in halves (not smear the whole half with glue, but only the outer edges). And then we get a multi-colored accordion of details. And paste this accordion into the postcard. It is also a beautiful craft - nocturnal butterflies, bright but against the background of a dark sky.

These are the ideas I have collected and systematized - for your future paper crafts. I am sure that now you will not only be able to repeat with the children the crafts presented here, but also CREATE YOUR AUTHOR'S WORKS by each of the proposed METHODS.

After all, when you understand the method, and when you see that it allows itself to be widely interpreted - by multiplying the same technical idea in the form of various crafts - then you just need to CONTINUE THE CHAIN ​​OF IDEAS.

And I wish you the most original creative finds. And children will be very happy to implement them in the most diligent and inspired way.

Successful children's crafts.
Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the site

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