Small weight gain 3rd trimester. Weight loss during pregnancy: causes, early and late periods. Nutrition and weight gain

Often, women who are so sensitive to gaining kilograms and increasing volume with trepidation and joy take every kilogram and centimeter at the time when they carry a child under their hearts, especially at first, while getting used to a new state.

But just in the early stages, this happens slowly, and the increase is insignificant, and with it you can lose weight instead of adding weight. From the second trimester, the rapid growth of the child begins and, accordingly, the increase in the weight of the mother. It is very important not to lose control over this process, since both excess and underweight can lead to undesirable consequences and affect the delivery process and the condition of the child.

What affects the number of kilograms gained

The following circumstances affect weight gain during childbearing:

  • The weight of a woman, with which she begins to bear a new life. Curvy women often increase body weight at a slower rate than slender ones. It is not uncommon for cases when the pregnancy of an obese woman is not obvious to others for a long time, until delivery.
  • Natural tendency to gain excess body fat. If a woman, knowing about her ability to quickly gain weight, normally keeps herself within limits, during the period of expectation of a child, she is likely to acquire some excess body fat, which, however, she will quickly lose during breastfeeding.

  • The growth of the expectant mother. It is believed that the smaller the expectant mother, the less kilograms she will add during pregnancy.
  • Dimensions . The larger the expected baby, the more his mother weighs, respectively. Not the last role in this matter is played by the genetic material provided by the father.
  • Dropsy of pregnancy. The fluid accumulated in the tissues of the body adds numbers when weighing a pregnant woman.
  • Toxicosis. This unpleasant phenomenon, which occurs not only in the first, but also in the third trimester, accompanied by vomiting and, as a result, loss of fluid, has a very noticeable effect on the weighing results.
  • Loss of control over the amount of food eaten. Due to the changing hormonal background, it is very easy to start absorbing food uncontrollably and build up unnecessary mass due to body fat.

Did you know? Already in the first trimester, a woman's sense of smell is greatly exacerbated. This effect persists for a long time after childbirth, especially if breastfeeding takes place. Nature has given this mechanism to protect itself and the child from eating unsuitable food. Perhaps there is another purpose of this phenomenon, necessary in the wild and not claimed by man.

  • Polyhydramnios. The increase in the mass of amniotic fluid will significantly affect the total body weight.
  • Age of the future mother. The older a woman is, the more she tends to exceed the norms that guide medicine.

Average rate of weight gain by trimester

Over the entire waiting period, the mother gains an average of 9-14 kilograms, but if she falls into a special category and expects twins, then her increase can range from 16 to 21 kilograms. Naturally, the figures are approximate and in each case an individual approach is necessary, taking into account all factors.

Important! In the first half of the entire period of expectation of the child, the expectant mother gains about 40% of the total increase, in the second - the remaining 60%.


During the first third of pregnancy, the weight gain of the expectant mother can be very insignificant, and there are reasons for this.

  1. All organs and systems are laid in a child, while its size remains tiny.
  2. There is also very little amniotic fluid so far.
  3. The hormonal background has just begun to change, the mammary glands and adipose tissue show a rather modest increase.
  4. The rhythm of life of a pregnant woman in the first trimester remains active, with the preservation of physical and motor load.
The fluctuation of body weight at this time can be plus or minus two kilograms, that is, the expectant mother may not only not gain, but also lose kilograms, for example, due to toxicosis.
Very approximate indicators of the first trimester, based on the initial, “pre-pregnant” weight, look like this:
  • Very slender expectant mothers with a physiological deficiency of body weight in the first two weeks will gain half a kilo, in a month - about a kilogram, in two - another half a kilo, after 10 weeks their increase will be 1 kilogram 800 grams, and by the end of the first trimester, by 12 weeks they will add 2 kilograms.
  • Women with a physiologically normal body mass index (18.5-24.9) will have a smaller increase. With an interval of two weeks, their weight will increase as follows: 0.5 - 0.7 - 1 - 1.2 - 1.3 - 1.5 kilograms by a 12-week period.
  • Puffy overweight ladies will increase it slightly during the first trimester: in the first month - half a kilo, and 100 grams every subsequent 2 weeks. Thus, they will meet the second trimester with an increase of about a kilogram.


The second trimester is the time when pregnant women start to gain weight. The uterus, placenta and the fetus itself grow rapidly, which by 26 weeks weighs about a kilogram. In order for the child to move more freely, the amount of amniotic fluid increases, during the second trimester its mass reaches about 500 grams.
The figure of the expectant mother becomes rounder due to an increase in the volume of subcutaneous fat due to changes in hormonal levels. After the 20th week, the volume of blood that circulates in the body of a pregnant woman increases. This is necessary to nourish the grown placenta and replenish the obligatory blood loss in the birth process.

Did you know? "May" babies are born larger than in other months. This is due to the presence of the New Year and spring holidays with plentiful refreshments in the second trimester.

The doctor especially closely monitors the change in weight gain, so as not to lose sight of hypothetical pathologies of the fetus, which can be assumed by fixing excessive or insufficient weight gain during pregnancy.

The troubles of toxicosis recede by the second trimester, appetite improves, and thanks to hormones, fluid is easily retained in the tissues of the body. It is undesirable to allow its delay, so the doctor, having identified excessive weight gain, clarifies the diet and, if necessary, corrects it.

Approximate indicators of weight gain in the second trimester of pregnancy:

  • Slender young ladies at 14 weeks will add 2.7 kilograms, at 16 - 3.2, at 18 - 4.5, at 20 - 5.4, at 22 - 6.8, at 24 - 7.7, at 26 - 8 .6 and at 28 - 9.8 kilograms.
  • Women whose body weight before expecting a child was the physiological norm, every two weeks, starting from the 14th, will increase it with the following increase: 1.9; 2.3; 3.6; 4.8; 5.7; 6.4; 7.7, and by the 28th week their weight gain will be 8.2 kilograms.
  • Expectant overweight mothers continue to slowly increase it, starting from the 14th week: 1; 1.4; 2.3; 2.9; 3.4; 3.9; 5, by the 28th week they gain 5.4 kilograms.


After 28 weeks, weight gain is due to the rapid growth of the placenta and fetus, the accumulation of interstitial and amniotic fluid. It becomes harder for the expectant mother to move around, and her physical activity decreases, which contributes to the set of extra pounds, in addition, the requirements for appearance and criticality to the diet are reduced. Due to these reasons, edema and excess weight are not uncommon.
In the third trimester, the mammary glands prepare for lactation and swell, adding their share to the total body weight.

Average weight gain every 2 weeks from week 30:

  • Underweight women: 10.2; 11.3; 12.5; 13.6; 14.5; 15.2 kilograms by the 40th week.
  • Women whose weight corresponds to the physiological norm: 9.1; 10; 10.9; 11.8; 12.7; 13.6 kilograms.
  • Expectant mothers whose body weight is overweight: 5.9; 6.4; 7.3; 7.9; 8.6; 9.1 kilograms.
By reducing the amount of amniotic fluid and excess edematous fluid after the 35th week, a woman can lose 2-4 kilograms.

Did you know? The pregnant uterus increases 500 times compared to its normal state and returns to it 1.5-2 months after the baby is born.

What causes a pregnant woman to gain weight

Of the total weight of the expectant mother at the end of pregnancy, the share of the child itself is approximately 3-4 kilograms. What do about 10 more kilograms, gained during gestation, consist of?
Fat deposits are given about the same amount as the fetus, the uterus with amniotic fluid is about 2 kilograms, the blood filling increases by one and a half kilograms, the weight of the placenta and each mammary gland is half a kilogram. Additional liquid can be from one to three kilograms.

Important! The increase in body weight should be more or less uniform. If at the next weighing it was found that there is no or, on the contrary, an excessive increase, this is a reason to contact the doctor who is leading the pregnancy. The tracking process will make it easier to keep a weight diary.

Weight gain up to 14 kilograms is a limit indicating how much weight is normally allowed to gain during pregnancy without endangering yourself and the fetus. However, all figures are average recommendatory information, while the rate of weight gain during pregnancy is purely individual and depends on many factors.

How not to gain weight during pregnancy

One of the fears of a woman who has just found out that she will become a mother in due time is to gain weight and not return to her usual weight after childbirth. Nobody wants to lose their attractiveness. And it is quite real. You just need to reasonably approach your condition, take care of yourself and your future baby, understanding what and why you are doing. Fortunately, at the present time it is not at all necessary to accept sacred knowledge only from older relatives who "raised their own - and nothing."

Did you know? Edema in the body during pregnancy can contribute to the fact that the size of the legs will change to one size. In addition to swelling, this process involves a hormone called relaxin, which prepares the body for childbirth by relaxing the ligaments.

  • No need to believe the lulling vigilance statements of others that now you should eat for two. Between "for two" and "for two" - a huge abyss. You need to normalize your side and increase its calorie content by 200-300 kcal.
  • With the eternal scourge of pregnant women - constipation is better not to fight, but to prevent. Constipation can overshadow the existence of extra pounds due to edema, accumulation in the intestines, absorption and entry into the bloodstream of harmful substances, discomfort associated with going to the toilet. To normalize the stool, fiber should be consumed in sufficient quantities: vegetables, especially cabbage and beets, and fruits with. Dried apricots, prunes, raisins should become an obligatory part of the diet; in summer they can be replaced with apricots and plums. If constipation cannot be managed with dietary adjustments, your doctor will prescribe a suitable laxative.
  • We must learn to avoid fast carbohydrates: sweets, cakes, pastries, chocolate - everything that contains sugar. Entering the bloodstream, it forces the body to produce insulin, which, in turn, causes an overload of the glands. The body receives stress, along with it - the fetus. In addition to sugar, sweets include colorants, flavor enhancers, preservatives, as well as palm, coconut and rapeseed oils.
  • Once every two weeks, it’s good to arrange a fasting day for yourself. This does not mean that you should not eat anything! Heavy foods on such a day are replaced by vegetable and low-fat dairy and sour-milk dishes.
  • If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, in no case should you refuse physical activity. It is very useful, which contributes to the saturation of blood with oxygen, does not burden the joints and gives an excellent dosed load. Useful long walks in the open air at a moderate pace, physical education for pregnant women. There are special complexes designed for expectant mothers that help to more easily endure discomfort during an interesting position and, more importantly, prepare the body for the birth process. Very good in this regard, which not only helps to cope with momentary problems and prepares muscles and ligaments for, but also throughout the course teaches how to breathe correctly, cope with pain and take control of your condition. These skills will be very useful at a time when it is time for the baby to see the world, and mom can help him in this in the best possible way.
  • You must try to remain calm, not scold and not reproach yourself for the excess, but try to calmly and in working order compensate the body for the inconvenience caused. The constant worry that something was done wrong exacerbates the stressful state, which, in turn, is drowned out by “jamming”. It turns out a vicious circle that does not bring anything good.

Nutrition rules

Having fixed too fast weight gain, you can’t sit on, let alone starve. An unborn child will be harmed by insufficient calories. Along with a lifestyle change towards physical activity, if possible, you should also review your own diet.

  • Breakfast should be an essential part of existence. The child needs nutrients after a night's sleep and a break in their intake. In addition, if a woman does not have breakfast, then soon she will begin to feel hungry and will consume much more food to satisfy it, which will not positively affect her weight.

Important! Hunger can be one of the causes of nausea. You can get rid of it if you eat something. Some pregnant women constantly carry some kind of food with them: a banana, an apple, crackers, so as not to aggravate the discomfort.

  • It is better to think over the menu ahead of time in order to reduce the number of spontaneous snacks that will negatively affect the overall performance when weighing.
  • The choice of dishes and their composition should be treated with close attention and home-made food, in which there is confidence, should be preferred. This does not mean that from now on you need to turn into a homebody, you just need to be interested in what is included in a particular dish or purchased finished product.
  • It is advisable to exclude from the diet dishes that have undergone insufficient heat treatment, or not at all: steaks with blood, sushi, and the like.
  • The category of harmful products for all people includes smoked meats, spicy, highly spicy, pickled, sweet foods. For pregnant women, they are all the more undesirable, since the changed hormonal background is able to interpret their entry into the body in its own way and repay with edema, allergies, constipation and other troubles.

Did you know? The indestructible desire of pregnant women to mix different tastes, sometimes in wild combinations, is more a myth than a reality. Although, the spontaneous emergence of an irresistible desire to eat something specific is a fairly common phenomenon. Interestingly, the future father in the company of his pregnant wife can also change some taste preferences.

  • Avoid exotic products and prefer them growing in the area where the expectant mother lives.
  • The use of prohibited foods and toxic substances is unacceptable.
  • Nutrition should be balanced, with a sufficient amount and ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, trace elements,.
  • A sufficient amount (up to one and a half liters) of water should be consumed, if this is not contraindicated, for example, due to edema.
  • It is worth forgetting the rule of not eating before bed. If you want to - you need to eat, but not candy, of course, but a salad, fruit or something fermented milk.

Weighing rules

Weighing is necessary in order to monitor the state of your body and possible problems with the child. So, pathological weight gain during pregnancy can indicate excess caloric intake, malfunctioning of the thyroid gland, and fluid retention in the body. Lack of weight indicates that the fetus does not receive everything that it needs, and urgent measures must be taken to correct the situation.

The weighing procedure must be:
  • at the same time;
  • in the same or equivalent in weight clothes or without it at all;
  • on the same scales;
  • on an empty stomach, bladder, intestines.
Women who own home scales will be able to fulfill these recommendations. If the only way to weigh yourself is to receive a consultation, you should try to bring this procedure to a common denominator:
  • make an appointment at the same time;
  • before taking, take care of emptying the bladder and intestines;
  • be weighed without shoes and in clothing of equivalent weight.

It makes no sense to carry out the weighing procedure more often than once a week, at the same time, efforts must be made so that the interval is no more than 2 weeks, so as not to miss fluctuations in body weight and act on their cause in time.

It should be remembered that all recommended figures are unified, they should be taken into account and, based on the knowledge gained, together with the doctor who leads the pregnancy, develop your own individual tactics. And it should be remembered all the time that all this was not invented in order to complicate the life of women carrying a child, but, on the contrary, to make it easier in case of possible problems and complications.

A reasonable person will not blindly believe in figures designed for everyone at once.
These values ​​exist as an average experience obtained on the basis of many years of observation, and they successfully help in identifying problems in the body of a woman and the fetus, and also allow you to navigate when determining the increase in your own body weight.

Almost every woman preparing to become a mother is overcome by various anxieties, fears and experiences.

In addition to worries about the normal course of pregnancy, caring for the health of the child and a successful birth, women are very worried about more mundane problems: many are afraid that having gained a fair amount of extra pounds during the bearing of a child, they will no longer be able to put their figure in order or return to their previous shape. .

However, wise nature has provided for everything. Of course, your body weight will increase over the nine months as the baby inside you grows and develops.

Until the very birth, the doctor systematically monitors how your weight changes in order to understand whether everything is in order, because both excessive weight gain and insufficient weight pose a threat to you and the child.

There is no absolutely “ideal” weight for pregnancy, because the rate of its increase depends on the indicators that you had initially. The increase in body weight can differ very significantly: within the limit of fluctuations - from a small weight loss to a set of twenty kilograms or even more.

In order to avoid pathological weight gain, which will subsequently lead to various complications both during and after childbirth, you need to regularly visit your doctor so that he can monitor the indicators, comparing them with weight gain norms.

This will help to detect the problem in time - excessive weight gain or lack of weight, and then take measures to solve it. You can also weigh yourself at home. You need to stand on the scales correctly: it is best to do this in the morning on an empty stomach (before breakfast).

How and why does weight increase?

As a rule, within about two months, a woman will not notice significant changes in her weight.

Your body is just beginning to rebuild and adapt to its new status.

At first, even a reverse reaction is possible, that is, a strong weight loss if you are worried about it (decreased appetite, severe intolerance to smells and exacerbation of tastes, constant urges of nausea, and possibly vomiting). During this time, they usually gain about 1-2 kg.

But already from the second trimester, the weight will change much more rapidly: up to 250-300 g per week or 1 kg per month.

With numbers that significantly exceed these figures, doctors will suspect the presence of serious problems or complications (dropsy of pregnant women - hidden and).

In the third trimester, in particular, after seven months, a woman will gain even more: about 50 g per day or up to 400 g per week, because the baby is already preparing for her birth with might and main.

So, on average, in nine months, you can gain about 9-14 kg, and if twins are expected, approximately 16-21 kg.

However, these figures are only general indicators from which the doctor will build. There are also special methods for calculating weight and a scale for its average physiological increase (for the last trimester).

Factors on which weight gain depends

Of course, the bulk of the gained kilograms is the mass of the baby himself, but it can be only 3-4 kg. In addition, the volume of blood and the amount of adipose tissue will increase, it will become your energy reserve for future breastfeeding.

Together with the child, the uterus also grows, the mammary glands become larger. Consider also the placenta, umbilical cord, the volume of amniotic fluid, etc.

Bust may appear if you wear a lot or the amount of adipose tissue has increased a little more than necessary. Such deviations from the average data are considered harmless and require only minor lifestyle changes (diet, exercise, other doctor's recommendations). In other cases, we can talk about pathology (, dropsy, etc.).

Here is how the gained kilograms are distributed:

  • weight of a newborn baby - 3 kg 300 g;
  • uterus weight - 900 g;
  • amniotic fluid volume - 900 g;
  • placenta weight - 400 g;
  • breast mass increase - 500 g;
  • increase in blood volume - 1200 g;
  • mass of tissue fluid - 2 kg 700 g;
  • adipose tissue mass - 2 kg 200 g.

Remember that the body of each woman is individual, therefore, it can react completely differently to its new condition.

Moreover, weight gain is regulated by many factors.

  1. One of the most important factors is the woman's own starting weight.

Doctors say that the lower the norm you weighed before pregnancy, the more you will gain weight during its period. And it will be ok. But with overweight or even obesity, a woman will have to carefully monitor herself and carefully monitor body weight gain.

  1. The second important factor of influence is the age of the woman.

Since as the body ages, a tendency to be overweight often manifests itself, the older the pregnant woman, the more likely a significant (excessive) increase in weight.

  1. Among other physiological features, the height and body type of a woman should be noted.

A very important indicator will be the constitution of your body (asthenic type - a tendency to thinness, hypersthenic - to fullness).

  1. The well-being of the pregnant woman is also taken into account.

For example, whether she suffers from severe toxicosis or, because if at first this will contribute to weight loss, then the body will make every effort to compensate for its deficiency. This means that weight gain can become much greater than necessary.

Perhaps due to hormonal changes, a woman feels constant hunger or increased appetite. The doctor will have to focus on the fact that you do not need to eat for two, but you should carefully control your diet.

  1. Next, you can note the influence factor regarding the characteristics of pregnancy.

Of course, if, then she will gain much more kilograms than the mother of one child. More than the average norm will be the weight of a pregnant woman who carries a large baby.

  1. Possible complications are also important: polyhydramnios, edema, obesity in violation of the endocrine system.

Such pathologies can significantly increase the weight of a woman, bringing with them an additional threat to her health and the well-being of the child.

Almost all of the above factors can be corrected, because even if you have a physiological predisposition to gaining excess weight, this process can be positively influenced with the help of rational nutrition, self-control and moderate physical activity.

What are the average rates of weight gain at different stages of pregnancy?

At an early stage, it is very difficult to determine the normal weight for each pregnant woman. The rate of mass gain can be completely individual: someone begins to gain weight immediately, and then the indicators decrease slightly and slow down, someone, on the contrary, walks with almost the same weight almost until the second trimester, and after that the weight begins to increase sharply, etc. d.

All these processes are normal, the main thing is that the weight does not go beyond the maximum values.

Approximate weekly weight gain calendar

Is it possible to calculate individual rates of weight gain?

Many women are so afraid of gaining too much weight that they begin to follow a strict diet, which causes a lack of vitamins and nutrients that are so necessary for the child for full growth and development.

There is a way to help you personally know your rate. This figure will be different for everyone, because it must be calculated using a special formula.

First you need to calculate your body mass index (or BMI).

To do this, divide two numbers: your current weight (in kilograms) by your height (in meters) squared. This will give you an indication of the maximum additional weight that you can gain during pregnancy without any harm to your own health or the health of the baby.

weight gain table

Doctors conditionally divide women into several groups (according to the type of figure), based on their body mass indices:

  • the first group includes young ladies of a thin physique? their BMI averages less than 19.8;
  • the second group - women of average build with a BMI in the range from 19.8 to 26;
  • and third? ladies with a large physique (BMI - more than 26).

Moreover, if you are pregnant with twins, weight gain will increase. And the rules will be very different.

Be sure to monitor weight gain throughout pregnancy in order to notice possible deviations from the norm in time and take appropriate measures.

Consult your doctor at the slightest doubt or concern. The ideal would be a smooth increase in body weight, in which the child develops normally, receiving everything that he needs from his mother. Using a specially designed weekly weight gain chart, you will be able to control the increase in kilograms and prevent either excess or lack of them.

Table. Weekly weight gain during pregnancy

dividing pregnancy Underweight before pregnancy (BMI less than 18.5), kg. Normal weight before pregnancy (BMI from 18.5 to 24.9), kg. Overweight before pregnancy (BMI over 30), kg.
4 0-0,9 0-0,7 0-0,5
6 0-1,4 0-1 0-0,6
8 0-1,6 0-1,2 0-0,7
10 0-1,8 0-1,3 0-0,8
12 0-2 0-1,5 0-1
14 0,5-2,7 0,5-2 0,5-1,2
16 up to 3.6 until 3 up to 1.4
18 up to 4.6 up to 4 up to 2.3
20 until 6 up to 5.9 up to 2.9
22 up to 7.2 up to 7 up to 3.4
24 up to 8.6 up to 8.5 up to 3.9
26 to 10 to 10 up to 5
28 up to 13 up to 11 up to 5.4
30 up to 14 up to 12 up to 5.9
32 up to 15 up to 13 up to 6.4
34 up to 16 up to 14 up to 7.3
36 up to 17 up to 15 up to 7.9
38 before 18 up to 16 up to 8.6
40 before 18 up to 16 up to 9.1

Possible deviations from the norm

When doctors talk about growth rates, as a rule, they focus on going beyond the upper acceptable limit of indicators. However, the opposite situation is also possible.

Excess weight: the main causes of deviation from the norm

Being overweight is a pretty serious problem.

Triggering factors that can affect a large increase in mass can be the most commonplace, and indicate the emergence of very serious problems:

  • during pregnancy, many mothers notice a strong increase in appetite or constantly feel hungry.

As a result of constant overeating, the hypothalamus (a special center in the human brain responsible for regulating hunger) fails, and your body will need more and more portions to experience satiety. At some point, the weight begins to grow rapidly and becomes pathologically overweight.

  • If you add to the constant overeating that the energy obtained from food is practically not consumed due to a sedentary lifestyle and low physical activity, then you get the second reason.
  • Also, overweight can be caused by ordinary genetics and problems with the endocrine system.
  • A significant increase in kilograms is often caused not by an increase in the volume of adipose tissue, but by the appearance of edema.

This is already a serious cause for concern, because swelling can lead to preeclampsia and other complications;

  • initial high weight or obesity.

Those women who suffer from excessive (pathological) weight gain are usually prescribed preventive complex therapy. The most important thing to do is to keep your weight under constant control: weigh yourself regularly and track all the necessary indicators to see their dynamics.

Your menu should be based on fresh vegetables, fruits, greens, lean or lean meats and fish, dairy products (fat-free), etc.

Eliminate from the diet all fried, floury, sweet, semi-finished products and fast food.

Try to steam and use less spices.

If you are overweight, it is also good to count calories (you can reduce their number to 10%). It is also worth monitoring the amount of fluid you drink in order to prevent swelling. Your doctor may recommend that you do fasting days once a week.

The doctor will also help you choose a set of exercises that will meet your deadline and individual characteristics. Moderate physical activity will not only destroy excess calories, but also have a positive effect on well-being, prepare the body for childbirth, and keep your body in good shape.

Excess weight threatens a pregnant woman with many complications:

  • it can provoke the appearance of various health problems;
  • cause varicose veins;
  • cause a serious load on the spine, as well as the internal organs of a woman;
  • cause the development of various diseases (preeclampsia, hypercoagulability);
  • there are cases when excess weight provoked a threat of miscarriage or was one of the factors for miscarriage and;
  • in addition, there will be certain complications due to the birth of a large fetus, including additional difficulties in postpartum rehabilitation.

For a baby in the womb, your overweight is fraught with considerable problems, among which one can note the risk of developing certain diseases, and the tendency to become overweight in the future, and to, and nutritional deficiencies, and much more.

Insufficient weight gain: causes and consequences

In most cases, doctors are faced with excessive weight gain in a pregnant woman, but it can be the other way around when a woman is gaining less than normal or even losing weight.

This situation is also alarming, because it can lead to the fact that the child will not be provided with the nutrients necessary for full growth and development, and this will affect the process of formation of his organs and systems.

As a result, the risk of preterm birth, developmental delay or lagging, and even spontaneous termination of pregnancy is increased.

Usually, insufficient weight gain or its abrupt loss occurs in the first trimester. The reason for this phenomenon is toxicosis. Also, malfunctions in the body are possible if a woman is starving or malnourished, or follows a strict diet / fast.

As a rule, with the correction of nutrition and after the disappearance of toxicosis, everything returns to normal. True, weight can begin to grow very rapidly. Your doctor will help you balance your diet and gain the desired body weight. The main thing is to seek help in time to prevent exhaustion of the body or other complications.

Instead of a conclusion

When a baby grows inside you, you can gain weight that will be more or less than the average. Monitor the indicators yourself, consult your doctor: if you feel good and all tests show excellent results, then your pregnancy is proceeding normally and there is no reason to worry.

The third trimester of pregnancy is rightfully called the finish line, the long-awaited meeting with the baby is getting closer. At this time, you already perfectly feel your baby, recognize when he sleeps and when he is awake, recognize his character and communicate with him. It is worth noting that weight in the third trimester is added faster than before.

Change in your weight in the third trimester

Starting from, your weight gain will be due to the active growth of the baby and placenta, rather than your diet. In addition, at this time, physical activity decreases, and the mammary glands increase in size, swell and prepare for lactation, all this also affects weight gain. After you cross the line, you may notice a weight loss of 2-4 kilograms. This is due to a decrease in amniotic fluid and edema.

If we talk in general about how much weight will increase in, then the following will turn out: women with a normal physique will gain about 450 grams per week, thin ladies about 550 grams in seven days, and overweight women about 250 grams.

What is the danger of a large weight gain for a pregnant woman and a child

Being overweight is a big physical burden for any person, including a pregnant woman. The body has to adapt to extra pounds and often work for wear. The spine, heart, lungs and joints suffer from such tension.

Excess weight during pregnancy is very dangerous. The fact is that during the period of bearing a child, weight gain occurs rapidly, and your body does not always have time to adapt, especially if the increase is much above the norm. This can provoke the development of gestational diabetes, chronic hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) of the fetus, as well as severe swelling and increased pressure, which will be dangerous for both the baby and you. In addition, excess weight can lead to back pain, destruction of cartilage surfaces and other troubles. The process of childbirth in overweight women is more difficult.

Is it possible to follow a diet for weight loss during pregnancy

The answer is unequivocal - no. You should not torture yourself and your child with hunger strikes, you should not go against nature. This will not lead to anything good, on the contrary, the unborn baby may suffer, as well as you. If you are very afraid to get better, then just watch your diet, especially in the third trimester, as now your physical activity is reduced. Eat healthy food: vegetables, fruits, cook meals by steaming or stewing. Avoid fatty and sweet foods. The right approach to nutrition will allow not only not to gain extra pounds, but also to “feed” the body with vital vitamins and microelements.

In conclusion, I would like to say that those women who have watched their diet throughout their pregnancy and have not gained a lot of extra pounds are getting in shape within a month. Their weight from the moment of conception of the child and a month after the birth of the crumbs, on average, varies by 3 kilograms. The remaining kilograms “run away” in the next 3 months, subject to breastfeeding.

What happens at this time with the baby, what problems can the expectant mother have and how to avoid them?

The last trimester starts at 29 weeks of gestation and continues until delivery. The period of 28 weeks is considered the border between the second and third trimesters because if a child is born after 28 weeks, he reaches a weight of more than 1000 g, a height of more than 35 cm, and with appropriate nursing and treatment, he has a high chance of further life and development outside the mother's womb. Since the load on the body of a woman in the last trimester is maximum, the risk of developing various complications of pregnancy increases.

3rd trimester of pregnancy: fetal development

During the third trimester, the fetus becomes large enough, so it can no longer easily and repeatedly change its position in the uterine cavity. In response to the movements of the fetus, the uterus can come into a short-term tone: in this way, it seems to direct the baby so that it is located head down - in the head presentation, since it is in this position that it will be easiest for him to overcome the birth canal. The final position of the fetus is formed, as a rule, by 34-35 weeks of pregnancy, since after this period it becomes too crowded in the uterus to significantly change the position.

7 month. At 29-32 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is actively improving the nervous system: a myelin protective sheath is formed around the nerve fibers, the brain is actively developing - the number and depth of convolutions increase. At this stage of pregnancy, the fetus's sense organs are already functioning: it hears sounds and distinguishes the mother's voice, feels the taste, is able to see and touch!

By 32 weeks of pregnancy, subcutaneous fatty tissue accumulates to a sufficient extent, skin folds straighten out, the structure of the fetal body becomes more proportional due to a decrease in the size of the head relative to the body and limbs. The development of internal organs reaches a fairly high level: in the lungs there is an accumulation of surfactant - a surfactant that covers the pulmonary alveoli from the inside and does not allow them to subside on exhalation. The pancreas already secretes the hormone insulin, which is responsible for normalizing blood glucose levels. The structure of the liver and kidneys is finally formed. By the end of 32 weeks, there is a significant increase in the weight of the fetus due to the active accumulation of fat: the body weight of the child reaches 1700 g, its height is 40–41 cm.

8 month. From the 33rd to the 36th week of pregnancy, the growth of the fetus is at an active pace, the average weight gain is 28 g per day - about 1?% of body weight! Marigolds have grown on the fingers and toes, on the hands they reach the tips of the fingers, on the feet until they reach the end of the nail phalanges. The baby is already well developed swallowing, sucking and respiratory reflexes. Being in the uterus, he actively swallows amniotic fluid, from which up to 500 ml of urine per day is formed in the kidneys. The fetus urinates into the amniotic fluid, thus taking part in their development. The whole body of the baby is abundantly covered with a cheese-like lubricant, and the amount of vellus hair (lanugo) gradually decreases, the cartilage of the nose and ears become elastic. In boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum. The fetus already has an individual rhythm of periods of sleep and activity, which, unfortunately, does not always coincide with the mother's. By the end of the 36th week of pregnancy, the baby's height reaches 45–48 cm, weight - 2400–2500 g.

9 month. During the last month of pregnancy (37–40 weeks), the processes of maturation of the fetus are completed, it is already completely ready for life outside the womb. By the time of birth, the baby reaches a maximum weight and height, which can vary significantly: the weight of the fetus at birth can be from 2500 to 4500 g, height - from 45 to 55 cm or more. Such significant differences can be explained, firstly, by the peculiarities of the constitution of the parents of the unborn child: all people have a different physique, height and weight, which, of course, will be inherited by the child. In addition, the "dimensions" of the baby may be due to various features of the course of pregnancy, since the level of functioning of the placenta largely depends on this, and, consequently, the intensity of providing the fetus with the nutrients necessary for its full growth and development.

By the end of pregnancy, the baby occupies the entire uterine cavity, and, as it becomes crowded, the nature of the fetal movements changes: they become less amplitude, more reminiscent of pushes with legs and arms. At this time, there are much fewer large-amplitude movements - turns, rollovers, so some pregnant women begin to worry about a decrease in fetal motor activity. In fact, there is no cause for concern: with a full-term pregnancy, this is normal. Usually, the intensity of fetal movements increases in the evening.

In the last month of pregnancy, the amount of cheese-like lubricant on the skin of the fetus decreases, vellus hair - lanugo - practically disappears, remaining only in a small amount on the shoulders. Since the processes of preparation for childbirth begin in the mother's body, the presenting part - the head or pelvic end of the fetus - descends and presses against the entrance to the small pelvis.

By the time of birth, the baby acquires signs of maturity, which indicate the degree of readiness for existence outside the womb:

  • the weight of a mature child is on average 3200-3400 g, height - an average of 50-53 cm (fluctuations are possible in the direction of both increasing and decreasing the given average statistical parameters);
  • in boys, the testicles are lowered into the scrotum, in girls, the large labia cover the small ones;
  • the chest of the fetus is convex, the umbilical ring is located in the middle of the distance between the womb and the navel;
  • the layer of subcutaneous fat is well developed, the nails reach the edge of the fingers;
  • ear and nasal cartilages are quite elastic.

3rd trimester: expectant mother

In the last trimester of pregnancy, a woman's body experiences significant stress, as the fetus becomes quite large. In this regard, the pregnant uterus puts pressure on neighboring organs. The bottom of the uterus "supports" the diaphragm, and it can be difficult for a woman to take a deep breath, to fully expand her lungs. A large uterus puts more and more pressure on the bladder, which forces the expectant mother to frequent the toilet and wake up several times a night to urinate. Compression of the large vessels of the abdominal cavity makes it difficult for the venous outflow from the lower extremities, which leads to the development of a feeling of heaviness in the legs, the appearance of edema at the end of the day.

The expectant mother becomes less mobile, as a large belly does not allow for movements that were easy to do before pregnancy. Softening of the ligaments, due to the influence of the pregnancy hormones progesterone and relaxin, increases the likelihood of twisting the legs and even falling, which requires increased caution from the expectant mother.

By the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, weight gain is approximately 7–8 kg, and by the time of delivery, another 4–5 kg will be added. Thus, the total weight gain during pregnancy is 10–12 kg. If there was a weight deficit before pregnancy, then the increase can reach 15 kg.

The large size of the uterus, as well as an increase in the motor activity of the fetus in the evening and at night, which is observed quite often and is not a sign of pathology, is the cause of sleep disturbance in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. The future baby becomes so big that his movements can not only be felt, but also seen, since small knees or elbows protrude through the anterior abdominal wall every now and then. The large size of the fetus can cause pain during movement. To avoid this, the pregnant woman needs to change the position of the body, take a comfortable position. The increase in body weight, the large size of the abdomen are often the cause of pain in the back of the expectant mother.

At 30 weeks of pregnancy, a woman is given paid prenatal and postnatal leave, which lasts 70 days before childbirth and 70 days after childbirth. If the birth of twins is expected, then the vacation starts earlier - from 28 weeks.

After going on maternity leave, the expectant mother has time to prepare for the arrival of a new family member. In addition, a sign of the third trimester is the narrowing of the circle of interests of the pregnant woman: she is concerned about issues related to the bearing, birth and upbringing of the baby, the circle of communication closes on the same expectant mothers. Friends and acquaintances with whom a woman communicated before pregnancy fade into the background for some time. A peculiar manifestation of a change in the range of interests is the so-called "nesting" syndrome, in which there is a pronounced motivation to equip a children's room - to repair, buy furniture, as well as to purchase a dowry and toys for a baby. These changes are due to hormonal changes and are a necessary adaptive mechanism that helps create the best conditions for nursing a child after birth.

By the 37–38th week, processes are launched in the body of a pregnant woman aimed at preparing for childbirth, which are due to changes in the hormonal background. Progesterone, which “reigned” throughout pregnancy, is replaced by estrogen hormones, the synthesis of which is significantly enhanced when the fetus reaches a sufficient degree of readiness for extrauterine life. Under the influence of estrogens, the tone of the uterus increases: the so-called training contractions, or Braxton-Hicks contractions, appear, which are characterized by irregularity and are practically painless. Under the influence of estrogens, the cervix begins to “ripen”: it shortens, softens, the cervical canal opens slightly, which is manifested by the discharge of the mucous plug - a lump of mucus, sometimes with small streaks of blood. The future mother develops a “dominant of childbirth”, which is manifested by the desire to give birth to a baby as soon as possible, all interests are aimed at waiting for childbirth and preparing for it.

When all the processes of preparation for childbirth are completed, the level of estrogen reaches its "peak", under the influence of the precursors secreted by the fetus ready for extrauterine existence, the synthesis of prostaglandins begins in the mother's body, which starts regular labor activity.

3rd trimester of pregnancy: possible complications

Since in the third trimester the body of the expectant mother is under the maximum load, in the presence of predisposing factors or concomitant chronic diseases, quite serious complications of pregnancy are possible. It is necessary to know about them, since early diagnosis and timely treatment significantly improve the prognosis for the mother and fetus.

Preeclampsia. This condition, which is also called preeclampsia, nephropathy or late toxicosis, is one of the most serious complications of pregnancy, which is completely cured after delivery.

Clinical manifestations of preeclampsia are edema, which at first may not be obvious and manifest only as a pathological weight gain - more than 350 g per week, the appearance of protein in the urine - proteinuria (normally, protein is not detected in the urine) and increased blood pressure. The causes and mechanisms of the formation of preeclampsia, despite the active study of this complication, are still not fully known. It has been established that the risk factors for the development of preeclampsia are chronic diseases, against which pregnancy occurred; of primary importance here are kidney disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, etc. The likelihood of preeclampsia increases in pregnant women younger than 18 or older than 35 years, with multiple pregnancies, a hereditary predisposition to this condition, as well as in primiparas.

Preeclampsia is dangerous because it causes the development of complications that threaten the life of the mother and fetus. The most severe of these is eclampsia - an attack of convulsions with loss of consciousness resulting from cerebral edema. One of the typical complications of gestosis is premature detachment of a normally located placenta, in which the placenta is separated from the uterine wall not after the birth of the fetus, as it happens normally, but when it is in the uterus. This leads to the development of internal bleeding, and in severe cases - to intrauterine death of the fetus, the development of massive blood loss in the mother. Also, with gestosis, severe disturbances in the functioning of internal organs can develop - acute renal, respiratory, liver failure, etc.

Due to the danger of preeclampsia, the treatment of this complication is carried out only in an obstetric hospital. The number of therapeutic measures includes the creation of a therapeutic and protective regimen, magnesia therapy, means to reduce blood pressure. With the development of severe forms of preeclampsia or the absence of the effect of treatment in the interests of the life of the mother and fetus, early delivery is performed.

placental insufficiency. This is the name of a violation of the normal functioning of the placenta, in which it does not fully perform one or more of its functions - respiratory, barrier, immunological, nutritional. The most pronounced manifestations of placental insufficiency are fetal hypoxia, which occurs as a result of a violation of the respiratory function of the placenta, and fetal growth retardation syndrome - a violation of the nutritional function. This condition is the result of a number of complications of pregnancy, such as preeclampsia, a long-term threat of termination of pregnancy, improper location of the placenta, etc. The causes of placental insufficiency may be chronic diseases, against which this pregnancy occurred: hypertension, chronic anemia , diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, as well as bad habits, such as smoking, and unfavorable social and living conditions.

Placental insufficiency leads to chronic fetal hypoxia - insufficient supply of oxygen and essential nutrients. In case of violation of the nutritional function of the placenta, the syndrome of fetal growth retardation (FGR) is formed, that is, the growth and weight of the fetus lags behind the average statistical norms characteristic of a certain period of pregnancy. Diagnosis of this complication is carried out with ultrasound in combination with dopplerometry - a study of blood flow in the uteroplacental circulation system. For the treatment of placental insufficiency and FGR, drugs are prescribed that improve uteroplacental circulation: ACTOVEGIN, INSTENON, KURANTIL, etc. At the same time, if possible, the disease or complication of pregnancy that caused the development of placental insufficiency is eliminated or corrected, sedatives, multivitamin complexes are prescribed.

Dyspnea. This is a feeling of lack of air that occurs as a result of a violation of the depth, frequency or rhythm of breathing. Women are characterized by a thoracic type of breathing, in which respiratory movements are carried out mainly due to the movement of the chest and diaphragm - the muscular partition between the chest and abdominal cavities. In the third trimester, the bottom of the uterus is located so high that it begins to put pressure on the diaphragm, which prevents a good expansion of the lungs on exhalation, so breathing becomes less deep, but to fully provide the mother and fetus with oxygen, it is compensatory more frequent.

In pregnant women, shortness of breath can occur at rest, especially in the supine position, due to increased pressure of the uterine fundus on the diaphragm, aggravated by physical exertion and stress. Fortunately, shortness of breath is a temporary phenomenon, since at the end of pregnancy, about 2 weeks before delivery, under the influence of the processes of preparation for childbirth, the fetal head descends to the entrance to the pelvis, and the expectant mother clearly feels breathing relief.

To prevent shortness of breath, you should avoid overfilling the stomach, staying in stuffy and smoky rooms, and lying only on your side. If shortness of breath does not go away after rest, is accompanied by pathological symptoms: cyanosis - blue skin, chest pain, etc. - it may be a sign of serious lung diseases or cardiovascular pathology, therefore, in this case, you should immediately consult an obstetrician gynecologist or therapist.

Insomnia. Sleep disturbances are a common complication that overshadows the course of pregnancy. Insomnia can manifest itself in various ways - in violation of falling asleep, too sensitive sleep, frequent awakenings with the inability to fall asleep again. The reasons for this condition in pregnant women are varied: these are fetal movements, and an uncomfortable posture during sleep due to the large size of the abdomen, and frequent awakenings at night to go to the toilet. At the end of pregnancy, training contractions and worries about the upcoming birth can be added to this list.

To improve sleep, it is necessary to ensure the comfort of the bed; special pillows for pregnant women will help to do this, with which it is very convenient to sleep on your side. Before going to bed, take a good walk for 30 minutes in the fresh air, take a warm shower, and ventilate the bedroom. You should consult your doctor about the use of medications that improve sleep, as many sleeping pills are contraindicated during pregnancy. Perhaps the use of herbal preparations.

Constipation. This trouble is a frequent and fairly typical companion of pregnancy. The appearance of constipation in expectant mothers, even if they have never encountered this problem before expecting a baby, is due to the relaxing effect of the pregnancy hormone progesterone not only on the muscles of the uterus, but also on the smooth muscles of the intestines, as well as other hollow organs - the esophagus, ureters, bladder etc. Constipation may be accompanied by sensations of bloating, bitterness and an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, a feeling of fullness in the intestines.

To combat constipation, first of all, you need a diet with a sufficient content of fiber, which, when swollen, activates peristalsis and bowel movements. Fiber is rich in cereals, vegetables and fruits (carrots, pumpkin, beets, apples, zucchini, etc.), prunes and dried apricots, wholemeal bread. Fermented milk products - kefir, bifidok, yogurt - have a good laxative effect. To prevent constipation, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of fluid - at least 1200–1500 ml per day. The second important point that helps to cope with constipation is sufficient physical activity - walking in the fresh air, doing gymnastics, swimming, etc.

With the ineffectiveness of non-drug methods, it is sometimes necessary to resort to the appointment of laxatives, but this can only be done after consulting a doctor: many drugs that enhance intestinal motility are contraindicated during pregnancy, as they also increase the contractile activity of the uterus.

Phlebeurysm. During pregnancy, conditions are created to impede venous outflow. This happens, firstly, due to the weakening of the vascular wall under the influence of hormones, secondly, due to a significant increase in the volume of circulating blood, which reaches 2000-2500 ml by the end of pregnancy, and thirdly, due to the difficulty of venous outflow from the lower extremities due to compression of the vessels of the abdominal cavity by an enlarged uterus. For these reasons, many expectant mothers are faced with swelling of the legs, which increase in the evening, with pain and heaviness in the lower extremities, leg cramps, as well as the appearance of knotty protruding bluish veins on the legs.

Measures for the prevention of varicose veins in pregnant women are wearing compression stockings - special tights and stockings that support the vessels of the legs in good tone; your doctor will tell you their size. It is necessary to wear comfortable shoes with low, stable heels, and also to exclude long-term static loads - standing on your feet, sitting still in one position. It is especially undesirable to sit in a cross-legged position. To prevent varicose veins in the evening, you need to lie down with your legs raised for at least 30-40 minutes (you can put them on a pillow), take a cool foot bath.

Drug treatment of varicose veins is carried out only after agreement with an obstetrician-gynecologist, phlebologist or therapist.

Basic Rules

  • Since the load on almost all organs and systems increases in the last trimester of pregnancy, monitoring the condition of the expectant mother becomes more thorough: up to 30 weeks it is necessary to visit a doctor once every two weeks, after 40 weeks - weekly.
  • It is necessary to properly organize nutrition - eat 5-6 times a day in small portions: 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks. This will reduce the feeling of fullness in the stomach, heartburn and shortness of breath. Food should contain fiber - vegetables, fruits, cereals, grain bread.
  • It's time to take care of choosing a maternity hospital. You need to find out in advance whether the maternity hospital you have chosen will close for a planned “wash”, what rules and conditions it has for partner births. Advance preparation will help you avoid force majeure in the development of labor, even if it happens unexpectedly, and will also contribute to peace and confidence in a favorable pregnancy outcome.
  • Preparing for childbirth takes time, so if you're not attending maternity school yet, don't leave it for the last weeks - you may not have time to attend the entire course. It is possible that the maternity hospital of your choice has courses to prepare for childbirth.
  • To train the muscles of the perineum, do Kegel exercises daily: they are an excellent prevention of ruptures in childbirth, increasing the elasticity of the pelvic floor muscles.
  • At a period of 34–36 weeks, the antenatal clinic doctor will examine you on a gynecological chair, take a smear for examination and determine indications for treatment if pathological vaginal microflora is detected before childbirth. At 30 weeks, you will be prescribed a general and biochemical blood test, a study of blood sugar, a coagulogram - a study of blood coagulation.
  • At 34–36 weeks of gestation, the third obligatory ultrasound is performed, which determines the correspondence of the size of the fetus to the gestational age, its position in the uterus, the localization and structure of the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid, and possible deviations that could not be diagnosed at an earlier date. With ultrasound, dopplerometry is performed - a study that determines the state of blood flow in the vessels of the uteroplacental circulation, which makes it possible to identify signs of fetal hypoxia.
  • In the third trimester of pregnancy, cardiotocography (CTG) is used to determine the intrauterine state of the baby - registration of the fetal heart activity, which is usually prescribed after 32 weeks of pregnancy. This simple and informative method allows you to timely diagnose signs of oxygen starvation - hypoxia - and take appropriate measures. In the normal course of pregnancy, CTG is recorded 2-3 times during pregnancy, in the presence of complications, the question of the frequency of studies is decided individually.
  • After 38 weeks, all things and documents must be ready, as hospitalization may be required at any time. It is especially important not to forget the documents - an exchange card, a passport, a medical policy, a birth certificate and a birth contract (if one has been concluded).

Another important task is to correctly assemble a bag for the maternity hospital, without taking unnecessary things and without forgetting the necessary. Until 37–38 weeks, you need to think about what things you will need and purchase the missing ones, make a list. It is best to put things in a new plastic bag, as fabric bags may not be accepted to the maternity hospital due to the strict sanitary and epidemic regime.

One of the most enjoyable moments of the final trimester of pregnancy is the preparation of a baby dowry, since at present the choice of clothes, furniture, accessories for newborns is simply huge. In this matter, the main thing is not to lose a sense of proportion. A typical mistake of future parents is the excessive purchase of children's things; some of them may not wait for their intended use. Do not forget that after the birth of the baby, a lot of things will be donated, so purchase the necessary minimum, and you can discuss the desired gifts for the newborn with friends and relatives after the birth.