Wrinkle between the eyes which means in men. Physiognomy of a man and a woman in the shape and location of wrinkles, moles on the face, facial expressions: examples with descriptions, photos. Physiognomy: external signs of sadists, mental disorders, stress, anger and envy: described

The appearance of wrinkles is inevitable, and the reason for this is not only age-related changes. Stress, anxiety, negative and positive emotions, illness, and even an unhealthy diet inevitably affect the skin and contribute to the appearance of wrinkles.

According to physiognomists, facial features, eye color, age spots and moles, each wrinkle has its own special meaning, and a person’s appearance can be used to make an accurate psychological portrait of him. What do wrinkles on the face say, and what secrets can they tell about a person’s personality and fate?

Wrinkles and fate

The Chinese sages were the first to notice the connection between physical data and character traits.

Knowledge of a person's personality, based on the study of his appearance, especially the face - its shape, expression, wrinkles, spots and lines, is called physiognomy.

If people receive the shape of the face, ears, eye and hair color from birth, then wrinkles form over the years. From them you can read fate, life experience and perception, because what the wrinkles on a woman’s face are talking about is a diagram of her life path, an imprint of experienced joys and misfortunes, a potential laid down from birth.


Two or three horizontal lines on the forehead are a wonderful sign. Two deep wrinkles indicate that a person has a significant amount of energy and inner strength to achieve great success and succeed in life. Three wrinkles mean the presence of artistic abilities and literary talent.

Three long wrinkles forming an arch on the forehead indicate popularity, such people usually enjoy universal respect and are surrounded by friends. They can become famous and live a long happy life.


Three horizontal lines between the eyebrows show that a person has every chance to quickly climb the social ladder. Three broken vertical lines, on the contrary, mean problems with the law or insanity.


Two short parallel lines between the eyebrows predict success in the field of finance and production. Those who have such wrinkles are smart and efficient, have excellent organizational skills and make a successful career.

unfortunate fate

One deep vertical wrinkle in the middle of the forehead means that dangers will lie in wait for a person. Fortunately, many people have what are called compensatory traits that help them avoid misfortune. Often such a wrinkle marks the faces of politicians, statesmen and actors.

The forehead, as if divided in half by a horizontal line, is a sign of a beautiful and prosperous life. People with such a forehead are real minions of fate and are successful in all their endeavors, especially in their youth. If this line is closer to the eyebrows, this indicates a painful adolescence marked by problems and troubles.


Unusual lines on the forehead in the shape of a diamond predict a long glorious life. Writers, artists and people of creative professions are marked with this sign.

Diseases and misfortunes

Thin short and broken lines are associated with poor health, self-doubt and indecisive character. Such people always feel unhappy, even when they manage to achieve their goals.

Unhappy love

Three vertical lines under the eyes portend unrequited love or an unhappy marriage that will end in divorce.

Gender of the unborn child

It is believed that the appearance of small wrinkles around the mouth during pregnancy means the birth of a boy. If they are not, then a girl will be born.

Wrinkles and character

Facial expressions are closely related to emotions, which are reflected in the face in a certain way and cause the formation of wrinkles. So by the location and nature of the folds on the face, you can understand what feelings a person experiences more often. There are folds of responsibility, sorrow, disappointment, fun, wrinkles of envy, which physiognomy associates with the corresponding emotions.


Horizontal wrinkles indicate a nature prone to worry over trifles.

Very eloquent wrinkles between the eyebrows. This is what the vertical lines say in this place: two folds give out a strong woman, distinguished by her ability to concentrate and exactingness towards herself and others, and three or more show that their owner is probably striving for perfection in everything. These lines are often referred to as perfectionist wrinkles.

Sometimes they testify to an impatient character, a tendency to show anger.

Wrinkles that form a triangle between the eyebrows are a sign of remarkable mental abilities.

The lines in the lower part of the forehead, right above the nose, indicate that their owner is uncommunicative and withdrawn.

A smooth clean forehead is usually found in balanced people with a calm and friendly character.


Vertical lines on the cheeks are a sign of stress. In the life of a person with such wrinkles, there were many worries and grief. Small wrinkles on either side of the back of the nose are considered envy wrinkles.


Small vertical wrinkles above the upper lip are an indicator of overexertion. Short wrinkles, running from the cheeks to the corners of the lips, appear from experienced disappointments.

Vertical folds under the lower lip mean dissatisfaction with life and bitterness. They are called "forced smile folds" and show that their owner often has to hide their true feelings.


Vertical wrinkles on the chin are usually associated with fears. A horizontal fold of skin under the lower lip right above the chin indicates that a person does not know how to get rid of negative emotions and accumulates them in himself.


The meaning of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes depends on their direction: if they look up, then their owner is a happy and cheerful person; downward direction indicates a tendency to melancholy and sadness.

Wrinkles and health

What do wrinkles on a woman's face say? Wrinkles on the face not only betray age, they can tell about her health.

  • Bags under the eyes appear when the kidneys or blood circulation are disturbed.
  • Small wrinkles under the lower eyelid are formed from an incorrect lifestyle - sleep disturbances and a lack of vitamins in the diet.
  • Vertical folds near the corners of the lips appear due to intestinal diseases.
  • Nasolabial folds can deepen due to diseases of the pancreas, but the main reason for their appearance is gastritis and peptic ulcer.
  • Small vertical wrinkles above the upper lip are interconnected with hormones and appear in women with the onset of menopause. They also show the condition of the intestines and spleen. Often they appear in smokers.

Taking care of your beauty and prolonging youth is not only anti-aging cosmetics and plastic surgery. First of all, it is a healthy body and harmony in the soul.

Wrinkles warn of physical and mental ailments, which means they help to start treatment on time.

→ Wrinkles

Some people reach maturity in their 20s, others in their thirties. According to physiognomists, it depends on the fate of a person. Typically, intellectual maturity develops as experience is gained. The more problems we face, the more we are forced to develop and use our abilities to solve them. In the process, marks and lines appear on the face, well known to face readers as wrinkles.
In physiognomy, it is believed that the lines between the forehead and chin reflect the fate of a person. Some lines can be clearly defined, others only slightly.
People who have a harder life tend to have deeper wrinkles. But this is still not a clear rule, since many young people develop deep wrinkles prematurely. When studying the face, the analysis of these phenomena can reveal a lot about the character and fate of a person.
Of course, there are a large number of different lines in each area of ​​the face. We will only explore the main ones here. For example, one to six lines usually pass through the forehead.
Irregular lines - thin, short, wavy and scattered on the forehead - characterize insufficient concentration, poor health and a helpless life. Such people are prone to evil deeds. Even if such a person rises to a high position, his mind will be marked with suspicion all the same. If these lines are very deep, then this may indicate premature death.
Irregular lines, but coarse and more pronounced and also scattered over the forehead , indicate the collapse of plans, gloominess and inability to complete the intended goals. Such people also suffer greatly from domestic troubles.
One single horizontal line through the middle of the forehead , - a sign of a beautiful and noble life. Such a person is likely to be successful in all his undertakings, and especially at a young age. However, if the line is ingot close to the eyebrows, i.e. "too low", then this may indicate early unhappiness in life.
Two or three lines across the forehead are considered a good sign. A forehead with two lines is very common in successful and resourceful people. A forehead with three lines indicates a high degree of artistry and literary talent.
If three lines on the forehead intersect in the middle with a short perpendicular line , but this is a sign of nobility, especially a favorable fate, long life and a high position associated with power.
Three long lines without breaks across the forehead, forming a large arc , indicate a person of great popularity. Such a person is highly respected and has a wide circle of friends. People of this type live a relatively calm life, without much hardship.
Lines of unusual outlines crossing the forehead , indicates go that a person will soon occupy a prominent position. However, if other facial features are weak, then this means a life full of hardships.
Rare lines in the form of a rhombus indicate long life and loud glory. This is often found among writers, artists, musicians and other creative personalities.
In position 28, between the eyebrows, there are often two short wrinkles or lines, each slightly crooked and parallel to one another. These lines indicate great success in government or industry. Such a person is probably a thinker, organizer or administrator. If other facial features turn out to be incompatible with such predictions, such a person still has the ability and he will be able to make himself a brilliant career.
However, if these two lines are disordered or crooked , then this may portend personal danger in later years.
Similarly, if there are three vertical lines in position 28 , then this indicates that a person can rise to a prominent position in life early.
But if the three vertical lines are wrong , this means mental problems and, possibly, criminal tendencies.
Sometimes these three vertical lines are placed under the eyes. .This means that a person will have an unhappy marriage, which will end in divorce or death.
A single, deep, vertical line in the center of this area, as if dividing the face into two equal parts , is a bad omen. Among Chinese physiognomists, she received the name "Hanging Needle". This line poses a constant threat in the form of personal danger or troubled marital relations. If such a person's irises are poorly aligned, or tend to form an "inverted crescent" at the bottom of the Oel-ka area, and if the chin appears to be split, then the person's life will be short. "Hanging Needle" is often found among those with high positions in government or industry. However, they usually have compensatory features, such as perfect eyebrows, eyes, and noses. Without compensatory traits, a person will be in constant personal danger.
Wrinkles extending from the outer corner of the eye in the form of the so-called "Fish Tail", and reaching the temple, mean a cunning character and a clever businessman. Such a person has serious complications with his marriage partner, and his marriage does not last. The lines in the form of a "Fishtail" indicate lustfulness and frequent affairs with the opposite sex,
If the "Fishtail" is already noticeable by the age of 20, or if two or three lines are bent upwards , this indicates that the person will marry more than once, possibly even up to three times.
Small red lines around the eyelids indicate impending disaster. Since these lines are often found in large numbers under the corners of the eyes or near the nose, they should be carefully considered in terms of color. A reddish tint indicates danger.
A woman of childbearing age has short wrinkles on the upper and lower lips predicts the birth of a son. In older women, such lines are not of particular importance.
Two horizontal lines crossing a groove , a sign of low social status, wealthy life in middle age, and poverty in old age.
Wavy lines under the tip of the chin , indicate misfortune from water, possibly at sea. The deep red lines speak for themselves.

Good day, dear readers of my blog! Even the Chinese in ancient times claimed that the lines on the forehead can determine what ailments a person suffers from.
Not only about the state of health can be found out by the characteristic creases on the face, but also about the traits and characteristics of character. Let's find out together: what wrinkles on the forehead say.
There are people who, just by looking at a person's face, can tell everything about him. Let's at least slightly open the veil of secrecy and understand how they do it.

Wrinkles appear in all people after reaching a certain age. Inevitable folds can appear not only from old age, but also under the influence of other factors.

These are diseases, bad habits, emotional facial expressions, heredity and manners in a special way to frown.
In all people, with age, the elasticity of the skin is lost and the production of collagen decreases.

What can be learned from wrinkles on the forehead?

You can learn a lot about a person from the lines on the surface of the skin.

Some people are interested in knowing about the diseases that a person suffers from, while others are more interested in discovering the secrets of character even from strangers.

What do wrinkles mean as symptoms of diseases?

Skin folds can tell a lot about a person's health. Vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows will tell you about the condition of the liver.

Marks on the upper part of the forehead will tell you about the state of the genitourinary system.
Men and women with longitudinal short folds have a weak nervous system, and can also suffer from depression and neuroses.
Transverse folds indicate that a person suffers from severe headaches, and the severity of the creases demonstrates the frequency of attacks.

Intermittent transverse markings indicate a tendency to depression, but also a lot of energy.

A vertical line between the eyebrows indicates problems with the digestive system. Be careful, clear breaks in this area also speak of heart problems. In the photo, you can look at the main wrinkles in this part of the face.

Wrinkles all over the forehead indicate a problem with the small and large intestines. In this case, cleanse the body and make the diet more balanced.

What does physiognomy say?

Physiognomy will tell you about many meanings. They are the result of certain habits.

Even in ancient times, people identified some patterns between folds and character traits.

Here are some characteristics:

  1. If clear and almost identical lines are located on the skin, then their owner is a persistent and purposeful person. Such people value certainty in everything.
  2. If the wrinkles diverge in the form of rays, then such a person is an individualist.
  3. Smooth features in the form of a spiral are considered a sign of a person capable of strategic thinking.
  4. Strong-willed and courageous people have a vertical crease in the middle of their forehead.
  5. Arched folds indicate that their owner is endowed with an excellent memory and good oratorical inclinations. Many diplomats have such folds.
  6. Deep lines across the forehead are a sign of an honest and benevolent person.
  7. If the folds do not connect in the middle of the forehead or on the bridge of the nose, then this indicates a person with a logical mindset who is well versed in people.

Holders of three long and uninterrupted lines often have many friends and are very popular.

And the lines of an unusual shape indicate that a person will achieve all his goals early. Men have clearer lines on their foreheads than women.

I hope this information will help you better understand people. Explore and learn a lot of interesting things about familiar and unfamiliar people.

If you have your own notes about this, write in the comments, and also share new information with friends on social networks.
See you soon, dear readers of my blog!

Even in ancient times, great thinkers argued that the face is a true reflection of not only the internal state of a person, but also his essence. Today, such a science as physiognomy is engaged in the study of a person's face. Experts in this field study not only the shape of the eyes, the shape of the nose, lips, eyebrows and facial expressions, but also wrinkles on the face and on the forehead in particular.

Wrinkles on the forehead, according to physiognomy, can tell how the fate of a person will turn out. For example, the presence of deep wrinkles on the forehead at the age of 35-40 years indicates that the fate of this person will be quite difficult.

A favorable sign is the presence of horizontal wrinkles on the forehead. Experts say that if a person has two horizontal deep wrinkles on his forehead, then such a person will always be accompanied by success and good luck in business. Such people are distinguished by high intelligence, a broad outlook, and are also distinguished by resourcefulness and flexibility. If there are three deep lines on the forehead, then such a person is distinguished by artistry, creative nature and positive thinking.

Long horizontal wrinkles indicate that the person will enjoy great popularity and respect. Throughout his life, such a person will be in the center of attention, as well as surrounded by a huge number of people. His life will be spent in happiness and prosperity.

A vertical deep wrinkle located in the central part of the forehead is a bad sign. Physiognomists call such a wrinkle a “hanging arrow”, which attracts misfortune and poses a threat to health. People with such a line on their forehead, as a rule, cannot establish a personal life and understanding with loved ones. For those who are married, such a sign promises disturbing family relationships and divorce proceedings. In the course of numerous scientific studies, it has been found that the "hanging arrow" is more common in people with a high position in business or politics, or with greater intellectual abilities.

Small wrinkles between the eyebrows, parallel to each other, indicate great success in politics and culture. A person with such forehead wrinkles is a hidden leader, has a high level of internal organization, and is also easy to learn. Such people have enough of the necessary abilities in order to make a brilliant career.

It is worth noting that only straight lines between the eyebrows indicate a successful career. Curved lines between the eyebrows indicate a psychological and mental disorder. Such people may have a craving for committing crimes or for violence.

If there are three clear horizontal lines on the forehead and one vertical line that crosses the horizontal lines in the middle, then this indicates nobility, a happy fate, a career that will be associated with power and a high position in society.

If there is only one horizontal line that stretches all over the forehead and passes exactly through the middle of the forehead, then this is the most favorable sign. Such a person will know happiness and success.

If there are diamond-shaped wrinkles on the forehead, then such people are distinguished by the fact that they live a long and happy life.

If there are thin, short and branched wrinkles on the forehead, then this is a sign of illness and cruelty. Such people are vindictive.

If there are unconnected wrinkles located above the eyebrows, then such a person is distinguished by practicality and punctuality. Such people are too picky in friends.

In this article, we will share with you some of the signs by which you can easily read the state of the interlocutor.

Surely you, getting acquainted with the adventures of various detectives, more than once admired their insight. The observant heroes of the works deftly noticed the smallest details, making amazingly accurate descriptions of other people. Useful skill, right? But everyone can buy it!

What does physiognomy mean and where is it used?

Physiognomy- This is a special technique that allows you to understand the nature of a person, his motives. You can both see the life experience of the person under study, and predict the strategy of her actions in the future.

IMPORTANT: Despite the fact that the results of observations are sometimes amazing, physiognomy has nothing to do with esotericism. It is the result of observing facial features, facial expressions of a person.

Such knowledge can be applied to the following areas:

  • When meeting with a person you can understand his interests, start a conversation. It is likely that friendship will form in the future from such an understanding.
  • Of course, physiognomy is useful in building relationships. Seeing the partner's inclination to this or that behavior, anticipating his desires, it is easier to achieve harmony.
  • Having studied yourself in terms of physiognomic parameters, you will be able to choose the ideal occupation for you.

IMPORTANT: This approach will save a lot of time and money.

  • At work you can use reading faces in order to find an approach to the authorities and each of your colleagues, and this is a necessary condition for building an effective well-coordinated team. Do not forget about clients, with whom it is also important to find a common language.
  • Knowing the basics of physiognomy, it will be easier to understand what character traits the child inherited from his parents. Such knowledge, as well as the ability to see the predispositions of the baby, will greatly help with his upbringing.

Physiognomy: the form of wrinkles in men and women

Two folds located between the eyebrows- Concentration on making sure everything is done as accurately as possible. This person clearly shows increased demands on oneself both personally and professionally.

IMPORTANT: Such exactingness is sometimes excessive.

Two vertical folds between the eyebrows - according to physiognomy, increased demands on oneself

Several folds between the eyebrows- available from perfectionists. For such people, every thing has its own place. Such individuals are also picky about themselves.

A few wrinkles at the eyebrows - a physiognomic sign of a perfectionist

Horizontal forehead wrinkles- talking about mental development, brilliant mind. If there are more than three such long deep wrinkles, then the person has worked hard on his intellect. torn folds talking about variety of interests.

The triangle on the bridge of the nose is the seal of the sage. Such wrinkles indicate that both hemispheres are well developed. Man is subject to both logic and intuition.

IMPORTANT: You can safely ask such a person for advice.

Fold going continuous line to the cheeks from the chin- trait jokers. Such people from birth are extremely sociable, have the gift of eloquence.

A wrinkle from the chin to the cheeks is a sign of jokers in physiognomy

Folds, rays diverging from the outer corners of the eyes- sign of presence broad-minded. A person notices many things, is not naive and is able to analyze.

Deep vertical wrinkle between the eyebrows- indicator purposefulness. Such people are ready for anything to fulfill their dreams, including self-sacrifice. Their discipline is top notch.

IMPORTANT: It is impossible to dissuade or somehow stop such people.

A vertical wrinkle between the eyebrows in physiognomy is a sign of determination

Creases on the cheekbones- are available to the endowed courage. Probably, such people have strained all their internal resources more than once. And if the folds are more pronounced From the left side- means that a person coped with personal troubles, from the right- with professional or any external ones.

Wrinkles on the cheekbones in physiognomy - a sign of courage

Support wrinkles- they look like pits on the cheeks, only more pronounced. They mean that a person knows how to support others, throws all his strength into it.

Fold on the chin- says that a person is extremely it's important to be wanted. He needs others to confirm his sympathy.

IMPORTANT: There is a high risk of low self-esteem.

Wrinkles on the chin in physiognomy - a sign of self-doubt

Physiognomy of moles on the face

In the center of the forehead- this purposefulness, outstanding achievements in a career respect surrounding. Man seeks to enrich his soul.

Mole in the center of the forehead in physiognomy - career success

Right side of the eyebrow- leadership qualities that will help to achieve imposing heights. However, efforts on the way to the heights will have to be made a lot, overcoming various obstacles.

Mole on the right side of the eyebrow in physiognomy - leadership

Right at the hairline- Availability good mind. A person can find himself in scientific activity. Naturally, with effort.

Left middle forehead- life can be both ups and downs.

IMPORTANT: It all depends on whether this person chooses an occupation for himself or not.

A mole on the left in the middle of the forehead in physiognomy is a sign of the need to choose a job to your liking

Mole on the temple- harbinger hectic personal life. The attention of the opposite sex is guaranteed.

Mole on the temple in physiognomy - active personal life

Under the eyebrows- shows how much a person knows how to establish contact with others. If the mole is under the right eyebrow- can't because of his temper. If under the left- vice versa.

Between the eyebrowsin career terms such a person can expect success. But as for communication, not everything is so rosy - imprudent behavior often leads to sad consequences.

Mole between the eyebrows in physiognomy - career success

under eyeboth success and trouble. Happiness in personal life portends a mole on right, and the chores in the work - the one that is located left.

A mole under the left eye in physiognomy is a harbinger of trouble in the professional field

On the nose- human with fantasy. Big fan of travel.

IMPORTANT: Can successfully prove himself in creativity.

On the left cheekbarriers on the way to success. If a person shows patience and can find a common language with others, these barriers will be surmountable. The potential for such a person is impressive.

Moles on the left cheek in physiognomy - obstacles to be overcome

On the right cheeksuccessful marriage built on love. However, this sign also speaks of various love adventures that should happen in the life of the owner of moles.

Above the lip on the left- in a career a person will achieve serious success, will not need money. He easily overcomes obstacles. Adventure there will be a lot in life.

IMPORTANT: However, one should not forget about health. If it is maintained in good condition, there will be no particular problems.

A mole on the left above the lip in physiognomy is a good sign in terms of success

Right above lip- Promise measured life. A large number of troubles can not be expected, however, success with the opposite sex, too.

Mole above the right lip in physiognomy - a quiet life

Under the lip is a good sign. A harbinger of good luck and long life. A person should definitely get carried away with travelling.

On the left chin- many failures are expected, but they are all surmountable. Happiness is to be found in the family.

A mole on the chin on the left in physiognomy is a sign of overcoming difficulties

On the right chin- on career ladder such a person will be able to climb, as well as provide for himself financially. But this will happen only in conjunction with self-sacrifice.

IMPORTANT: You should be careful about your health and take care of your nerves.

A mole on the chin on the right in physiognomy is a sign of nervous life

Physiognomy of facial expressions, smiles, glances in pictures

In physiognomy, the corners of the lips drawn in a smile and mimic wrinkles near the eyes are joy.

Surprise in physiognomy is wide open eyes, raised eyebrows, facial wrinkles on the forehead and an open mouth.

Interest in physiognomy is when the eyebrows are slightly raised and the eyes are widened.

Disgust is a facial expression, which in physiognomy is expressed by pouting lips, frowning eyebrows, wrinkled nose

According to physiognomy, sadness, grief can be recognized by the lowered corners of the lips, an extinct look

In physiognomy, contempt is raised eyebrows and a head, as if a person is looking down at an opponent

In physiognomy, fear is an open mouth, raised eyebrows and wide eyes.

In physiognomy, anger is shifted eyebrows, expansion of the wings of the nose, often baring of teeth.

Shame in physiognomy is a lowered look and often a lowered head, redness of the face

In physiognomy, a relaxed smile, in which teeth are visible, and not gums, speaks of the harmony of feelings.

A crooked smile in physiognomy is considered a smile for show, which appeared more likely out of necessity.

Physiognomists call an unrestrained smile one in which both rows of teeth are exposed, mimic wrinkles appear

Looking down on physiognomy - neglect, criticism of the opponent

Looking to the side in physiognomy - impatience

A look from under your brows in physiognomy is a sign of humility

A piercing direct look in physiognomy is a sign of self-confidence

Physiognomy: external signs of anger and envy

One of the signs of envy a forced smile. A person tries to hide his bad feeling by smiling diligently - this is the first reaction designed to mask true emotions. As a result, the lips are tense and the effect of "sticking" is created.

IMPORTANT: You will never confuse a fake one with a sincere smile. In the first case, wrinkles will gather around the eyes, and the eyes themselves will seem to glow.

A forced smile is the first sign of physiognomy, indicating envy.

Another sign concerning the mouth - smirk. It may be barely noticeable, but it will be difficult for a skeptical person to resist it.

A smirk is another sign in physiognomy, denoting envy

Now attention to eyes- they are in moments of envy squint. A person continues to follow the interlocutor, but at the same time intuitively seeks to hide his true emotions.

Narrowed eyes - a sign of envy in physiognomy

Look also at arms opponent - they are often found in the envious around the mouth. This gesture comes from childhood, when we covered our mouths in case of speaking a lie.

IMPORTANT: Also, a person can rest his chin on his fist, while pointing his index finger up. This is the so-called "assessment posture", the result of skepticism towards the object of envy.

Hands at the mouth in physiognomy - a sign of envy

Physiognomic signs anger are:

  • Furrowed eyebrows that form wrinkles at the bridge of the nose
  • Swollen wings of the nose
  • The corners of the lips are tense and often pulled down. Teeth are bared. The mouth can be either open or tightly closed.

Physiognomy: external signs of stress

IMPORTANT: Some people are masterful at hiding signs of stress that only the closest people can recognize.

but general aspects exist:

  • Overly pursed lips
  • Noticeable tension in the chewing muscles
  • Lethargy in facial expressions or, conversely, excessive activity. In any case, facial expressions should contrast with the usual state.
  • dilated pupils
  • Redness or blanching of the face

Lethargy of facial expressions is a common sign of stress in physiognomy

Physiognomy: external signs of mental disorders

Lack of facial expressions may be a sign of schizophrenia. Of course, a person should not grimace every minute. However, if he does not react in any way to the events around, then you should be wary.

Against, unrelated to the circumstances of the reaction can also be a wake-up call. For example, laughter for no reason. Irritability, anger, fear for no reason, reflected on the face, should also alert.

IMPORTANT: Sudden mood swings are especially suspicious.

According to physiognomy, laughter for no reason is one of the signs of mental disorders.

Too frequent fatigue, clearly read on the face, can also be one of the signs of disorders. Of course, we all get tired from time to time, but chronic depression, reaching apathy, is not a healthy sign.

Chronic apathy, readable on the face - one of the physiognomic signs of a mental disorder

Often people with mental disabilities experience hallucinations. This can be determined by the gaze directed to where there is nothing particularly interesting. At the same time, the look expresses curiosity, surprise, horror.

Physiognomy: external signs of sadists

The psychiatrist Cesare Lombroso, having studied the portraits of representatives of the underworld, outlined their following signs:

  • Narrow and sometimes knobby forehead
  • Deep set eyes
  • Massive eyebrows resembling rollers in appearance
  • Protruded lower jaw. In this regard, there is also a massive chin.

Since ancient times, people with such characteristics have been disliked, considering them to be the personification of a small mind and brute physical strength. With such people, others quite often come into conflict.

Irma Grese - a model of sadism in physiognomy - just has a narrow forehead, deep-set eyes

Sight such individuals often heavy. They may rarely blink, so it can be difficult to withstand such a look.

Andrey Chikatilo - an example of a heavy look in physiognomy

Lip may be protruded- this sign indicates frequent irascibility.

Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer is a serial killer whose lower lip, according to physiognomy, fits the sign of hot temper

IMPORTANT: Of course, there are many examples that people with similar signs turn out to be harmless. This list is only a rough guide.

Earlier we published, in which we gave a variety of signs that a novice physiognomist should be guided by. We hope that these works will help you to better understand others, making life much easier for yourself.