Is it possible to give silver to a loved one. Silver spoon as a gift. Silver souvenirs are a wonderful gift for women

Anna Kambur November 27, 2018, 15:52

Gifts for the holidays are a hot topic at any time of the year, because each of us at least once in 12 months happens birthday with numerous relatives and friends, and sometimes major celebrations: anniversaries, weddings, christenings. If in normal cases you can come up with some kind of souvenir or a small present, then for the most significant events, the choice of a gift must be approached with all responsibility.

In our time, it is customary to present as a gift to loved ones things that carry not only aesthetic, but also practical significance.

For example, many people choose sets of cutlery items: good quality spoons, forks and knives, as a rule, are not cheap, and not everyone can buy them on their own.

However, most do not think that such a gift can be criticized from the outside. omens and superstitions. Let's try to figure out whether it makes sense to refuse such a practical, beautiful and, most importantly, necessary present in every home.

Silver cutlery set

How to choose spoons as a gift?

Let's start with spoons. These simple cutlery are used everywhere: during cooking, meals, tea parties, feasts. Of course, they come in different types and shapes, but they are usually used as a gift. dining, dessert and tea. The most popular materials stainless steel and silver. Both metals retain their original luster and hardness for many years, which is their main advantage.

If you can safely present a set of tablespoons or dessert spoons for a family celebration or anniversary of an adult, then for a newborn it will be relevant silver appliance. This belief has been around since ancient times: for baptism, which according to the canons should be held on the 40th day from the birth of the baby, the godparents, along with the cross, give silver spoon which can be used after the appearance of the first tooth. This is also due to the fact that silver ions, entering the body, have a disinfecting effect, killing bacteria. Therefore, if you doubt whether it is possible to give a silver spoon to both a child and an adult, be sure - yes. Parents will be able to use it to introduce the first complementary foods, thereby providing additional oral hygiene.

Spoon to Dear Godson

The meaning of a silver spoon is also interpreted from the esoteric side - such a gift, according to experts in the field of magic and bioenergy, can protect a person from negativity and the evil eye. If a gift is presented with pure thoughts and good wishes from loving people, then protective functions are provided to it.

You can also pack a teaspoon as a gift souvenir for a colleague or manager. Tea is one of the drinks that almost everyone drinks: it has no contraindications, is presented in a wide range of flavors, and premium varieties are sold to order, so if you want to make an exquisite present, complete the package of a noble drink with a beautiful spoon.

Many online stores sell sets. What is good about this option is that the products are already packaged, and you do not need to spend time on their design. In most cases, it is already included in the price.

Set of 6 teaspoons

Souvenir spoons

decorative spoons- a great souvenir for all occasions. For example, as a sign of attention after returning from vacation or travel, it is well suited gift spoon for shoes- this uncomplicated item is definitely used in every home, especially since a thematic print with the name of the resort or drawings in the form of its attractions can be applied to the surface of the product. In this case, negative signs prohibiting such a present cannot be found.

Enjoys great success original spoon for money. This is a small souvenir that superstitious people will just like: according to legend, if there is a tiny rake in the house, then the family will deliveries and abundance.

Silver shovel "Row money with a shovel"

Also in almost every souvenir shop you can find such an item as personalized spoon. The inscription can be engraved - such products are considered more expensive - or applied in the form of a print. It is also a good option for a presentation to colleagues or fellow students at March 8, February 23, New Year.

Can I donate forks?

If everything is clear with spoons, and there are no special superstitions about them, then with forks and knives everything is more difficult. There is a whole list of bad signs for these cutlery, which strictly forbids bringing them as a gift for any reason.

Set of table forks "Golden Spikelet"

All piercing and cutting objects, according to esotericists, must be deleted from the list of gifts, as they carry the energy of destruction, quarrels, conflicts and strife. Some even claim that evil spirits can “live” on the sharp ends of forks and knives. Like many years ago, many today believe in bad omens that such gifts promise. It is advised to be especially careful with wedding gifts: superstitious people ban not only sharp objects, but also a number of other things (pearl jewelry, antiques, mirrors, empty vases, wallets and purses, and much more). Signs say that it is also impossible to give forks because of a possible imminent separation, which is extremely inappropriate at a wedding celebration.

But how get around the bans and avoid the negative impact of "bad" gifts? You have to pay a nominal amount for them.

If you are suddenly presented with a set of forks and knives, and you belong to the category of people who are wary of folk signs, take out a few coins or a bill of any denomination from your wallet and give it to the donor

Thus, negative energy is neutralized, since the object will be considered bought with your own money.

To believe or not to believe in superstition is a personal matter for everyone, but before buying a gift for a celebration, think about how the person to whom the surprise is addressed will react to this or that object. If you are sure that a friend or relative perceives any presents well and does not pay attention to signs, then first of all consider the practicality of the gift. In this case, spoons, knives and forks are a great choice that will always come in handy in the house.

19.01.2015 00:20

How to give silverware gifts correctly?

When receiving an invitation to a gala event, our first concern is choosing the right gift. In this respect, few presents can compete with table silver, because this gift belongs to the so-called eternal values. No matter how life circumstances change, silver items will always be of value, if not artistic, then at least material. But practice shows that most often there is a place to be both.

But carried away by the choice of the gift itself, we pay little attention to the manner of its presentation, and this is in fact no less important than the value and beauty of the thing itself. Buying silverware is half the battle, but how to give it correctly?

"Golden" rules of the "silver" donor

1) The first rule concerns directly the choice of a gift. Many people, wanting to demonstrate their own generosity, are ready to give almost Catherine’s silver service, others, on the contrary, do not want to spend money on buying a gift once again, believing that the most important thing is not its value, but a sign of attention in itself. In this case, neither one nor the other is right.

Silver glasses or even a simple set of silver spoons is already quite an expensive gift and it's no longer worth being sophisticated. And you should definitely take into account the level of wealth of the recipient of the gift, because too expensive gifts are a priori obligatory, and this is far from always the way, especially if the financial situation does not allow you to make a worthy return gesture.

But too much savings is also useless. You will be thought of as a mean person, and this is not the best move to get a good reputation.

2) A silver gift and a surprise are synonymous concepts. At least, this should ideally be the case, because your goal is not only to present a beautiful thing to a person, but also to surprise him. Although in some cases you can choose a gift directly in the silver shop in the presence of the recipient. But a caveat should be made here: this approach is permissible only if the hero of the occasion is your close friend or relative.

3) Of course, a silver set of dishes is a very, very impressive gift in itself, but it also needs to be properly designed. In no case should you give silver in a rough factory packaging. Ask the seller to adequately “dress” your purchase in a “holiday camisole”.

As a nice bonus, it would not be superfluous to attach a colorful greeting card on the theme of the celebration to the gift. And it is very desirable if the congratulation is not stamped in millions of copies, but the author's.

Can I donate silver? To whom and when is it better to give silver things, so as not to get into trouble with the choice of a gift? There are many different nuances to be aware of. Silver has long been considered a noble metal. Even Prince Igor constantly took silver dishes with him on campaigns and almost never suffered from intestinal disorders, even if he had to drink water from a stagnant swamp for several days. From here people learned about the healing properties of this metal. Magicians and sorcerers in their rituals most often also use silver items. And there is a popular belief among the people that in order to neutralize a black magician or a witch in relation to herself, she should give or enclose a silver object. Well, if we are going to give gifts not at all to a sorceress or a black magician, but to a loved one or relative, then what should we do in this case? Is it possible to give silver in these cases? Most people agree that silver is a very good gift for any occasion. Particularly distinguished are the celebration of the birth and baptism of the baby, as well as the celebration in honor of the appearance of the first milk tooth in the baby. These holidays are accompanied by silver offerings in the form of a miniature baby spoon, a silver pectoral cross or other original little thing. It is believed that a miniature silver horseshoe, nailed over the baby's bed, will bring him good luck and protect him from the evil eye. The same souvenir is often given to newlyweds on their wedding day or to newcomers. And also a wonderful gift for these celebrations will be cutlery made of this noble metal and sets, various figurines and jewelry: rings, chains, pendants and brooches. Of course, it is impossible not to mention the silver wedding here: here you can’t do without silver! The "young" give each other silver wedding rings, which they exchange, putting them on together with gold ones. They give silver as a gift and for birthdays. Especially chic are gifts associated with the signs of the zodiac. However, it is believed that it is most appropriate to give silver to the fair sex. This metal allows them to absorb cosmic energy, while gold, on the contrary, serves as an energy conductor “out” for ladies. For men, a metal called “gold” is more suitable - it is gold that helps saturate the male body with energy. And silver contributes to the withdrawal of this energy into space in relation to the representatives of the stronger sex. As for the question of when to wear silver, and when gold, that there are also distinctions here: gold attracts love, and silver enhances the intellectual and business abilities of the individual.

When most people think of spoons, they probably think of common cutlery used for eating or stirring tea or coffee. But for more than 200 years, silver spoons have been the pride of many collectors and a wonderful gift for any occasion. The peak of popularity of the silver spoon began in Europe, then moved to the United States, and now collectors around the world are looking for rare silver souvenir spoons to get a unique piece in their collection. Collecting silver spoons is a captivating and charming hobby, but even those who are far from collecting can't help but marvel at the unique pieces of silver crafted by virtuoso jewelers.

Types of silver spoons

In the modern world, spoons are made from various materials, but only silver products are valued above all. There are several types of spoons that are recommended to have in every home:
  • Teaspoon (5 ml.) - designed for tea ceremonies, including some types of desserts.
  • Dessert spoon (10 ml.) - designed for sweet dishes served in special dishes - bowls.
  • Coffee spoon (2.45 ml.) - a small device that is convenient to stir coffee in small cups.
  • Tablespoon (18 ml.) - a device for first courses, as well as some types of cereals served in deep plates.
  • Bouillon spoon - designed specifically for broth, as well as other first courses. Available in both elongated and rounded shapes.
  • A spice spoon (approx. 7 cm) is a great table accessory for a festive feast. Spoon-spetsovnitsa convenient to scoop up various seasonings.
Regardless of the type, each silver spoon is unique in its own way. She is a real work of art created by professional jewelers. Giving a silver spoon is a great decision. Such a gift is relevant to everyone, regardless of gender and social status. In addition, thanks to the silver spoon, the taste and aroma of all dishes are significantly improved.

When is it appropriate to give a silver spoon?

To the question “When is it appropriate to give silver spoons?” There is one simple and correct answer - always. A silver spoon is one of those gifts that are welcomed regardless of the importance of the celebration. Newborns and toddlers are given a spoon "for the first" tooth, older children and adults for happiness, health and good luck. Such an elegant thing is always a joy for a long memory.

Mom and dad should share this touching ceremony with him and his parents. According to custom, the godparents give the child several gifts. Among them are a baptismal shirt and a cross, a kryzhma is a towel in which the baby is wrapped after the font. These presents are presented. And dad must pay for the treat for the guests and the rite itself, give a cross and a chain.

Silver spoon - a gift for the "chub"

The church tradition of giving a godson a silver spoon appeared quite a long time ago. I present a precious metal spoon to the baby for the future, so that the child can eat food with this cutlery. On the spoon, the name of the baby or the image of the Guardian Angel, an Orthodox cross is often engraved. You can also write the words of prayer on the gift.

The traditional gift is usually used for the first time already in the temple. It serves to accustom the baby to Communion. With the help of a silver spoon, the crumbs are given bread soaked in pomegranate or any other red fruit juice.

Silver spoons for christening today can be chosen with different finishes. Products decorated with colored enamel are common, it is worth choosing a beautiful case and a ribbon for an important gift.

The symbolism of silver spoons

Silver spoons are given as a “tooth”, because when a baby’s first teeth erupt, complementary foods are introduced into his diet at that time. When getting acquainted with new food, the use of spoons made of precious metal gives a disinfecting effect. This is because silver ions kill pathogenic microbes, pathogens of intestinal and other diseases. So a spoon can be a very practical gift for a godson.

Also, a baptismal gift allows you to accustom the child to independence earlier. But for this you need to choose a spoon with a comfortable handle - curved. Baptismal spoon is sure to please the baby and become his favorite if you choose her choice wisely.

The spoons donated for baptism are small in size, but the appearance and shape of the silver cutlery may vary. The popularity of baptismal spoons made of noble metal especially increased in the 18th century. Today, such gifts for kids are affordable for almost everyone, they allow you to express a special attitude towards the child.