Folk remedies for calluses on the feet. Remedies for corns. Dry corn removal with liquid nitrogen

Human feet experience stress every day. They perform support function, ensure the safety of movement, absorb impacts on the ground when walking or running, unload the spine and leg joints. inadequate care for them uncomfortable shoes, overweight, flat feet, incorrect gait and other factors increase the load on the feet and lead to its uneven distribution, which often ends in the formation of calluses. In addition to the ugly appearance, these formations cause discomfort when walking, so you need to get rid of them on initial stages.

  • wet;
  • dry;
  • rod.

wet calluses

Wet corns are also called water or soft. They look like vesicles filled with a colorless or yellowish lymphatic fluid. Despite the fact that this type of corns is accompanied by the most unpleasant sensations and acute pain, it is easiest to get rid of them without traces in as soon as possible. They usually occur due to severe rubbing of the skin with unsuitable or new shoes.

In rare cases, in the presence of capillaries located close to the surface of the skin and their damage, the contents of the vesicle have a reddish color.

dry corns

The first stage in the formation of dry callus is corns - a slight swelling and redness of the skin. Over time, it coarsens, loses sensitivity, becomes smooth or, conversely, rough to the touch, acquires a yellow or gray color, and can be covered with cracks of various depths.

Dry calluses are formed with an unevenly distributed load on the foot, most often at the bases and on the pads of the toes due to systematic prolonged pressure on the skin of the feet. These thickenings of the surface layer of the epidermis, consisting of dead cells due to impaired blood circulation, can cause a burning sensation and pain when walking.

Interesting: Calluses in women are 10 times more common than in men, which is primarily due to long-term wearing of high-heeled shoes.


Calluses consist of a cap and a hard root (rod) that penetrates into the deep skin layers and causing pain when pressing and walking. By appearance they are a small bulge on the skin with a hole resembling a wound approximately in the center, where the rod is located. If the root is near nerve endings, then he can squeeze them, causing severe pain depriving a person of the opportunity to fully stand on his foot.

Calluses arise as a result of constant mechanical action on a certain area of ​​​​the skin or damage to the skin by a virus that violates normal process periodic exfoliation of dead cells. Most often they are located in the area thumb, little finger or in the interdigital spaces, as well as on the heel.

Basic principles of treatment of corns

The tactics of treating corns is determined by its type. However, it is very important to find out the reason why it was formed and try to eliminate it. It may be necessary to change shoes for more comfortable, reset excess weight, correct gait, visit an orthopedist, use special orthopedic insoles.

Wet corn in the absence infectious complications and capillary damage are treated at home. To do this, you just need to treat it with an antiseptic (brilliant green, iodine), seal it with a breathable plaster and take measures to eliminate traumatic sore spot factors. She will heal on her own in a few days.

It is strongly not recommended to pierce the corn, and even more so to cut off the film remaining from the top after removing the liquid from the skin. She performs protective function and prevents microbes and dirt from entering the wound underneath.

Treatment of dry corns should be started as early as possible, since it is in the initial stages that it is easier to deal with them with the help of home remedies, special ointments, creams and patches.

Corns are the most difficult and it is impossible to effectively get rid of them on your own at home. To avoid complications, the removal of such formations is carried out in a medical institution by a specialist with experience in this field.

Important: Before starting the treatment of corns, you need to consult a doctor, since the keratinized skin on the feet may not be a corn, but a completely different formation, such as a wart.

Folk remedies for corns and dry corns

From folk remedies, baths with herbal decoctions are used to get rid of corns, sea ​​salt and soda, masks and compresses with vegetable oils, medicinal plants, pulp of vegetables and fruits. For getting good results and the complete disappearance of coarsened skin layers may take a long time.

Bath with baking soda and liquid soap

Water - 3 l
Soda - 3 tbsp. l.
Liquid soap - 1 tbsp. l.

Pour warm water into a bowl, add soda and liquid soap, mix. Soak your feet in the resulting bath for 20-30 minutes. After the rough skin softens, use a pumice stone, a special brush or file to try to remove it as much as possible. Then rinse your feet, dry with a towel and massage your feet with a moisturizing or softening cream.

Potato compress

Pre-steam the legs in a bath with salt and iodine. To prepare it for 2 liters of water, you need to take 3 tbsp. l. salt and 2 tsp. iodine. Peel raw potatoes, grate and apply to the corn, fix on top with a film and a bandage or a wide band-aid, leave overnight. In the morning, remove the softened skin layer with a pumice stone, wash your feet and apply a nourishing cream.

Remedy for dry corns and prevention of cracked heels

Glycerin - 50 ml
Ammonia - 10 drops

Add to glycerin ammonia and mix thoroughly. Before going to bed, apply the mixture on the feet, put on cotton socks and go to bed. In the morning, wash your feet with soap and water to remove glycerine residue and scrub with a pumice stone.

Dandelion juice for corns

Dandelion juice, collected during the flowering period, is an effective remedy for getting rid of dry corns. It must be applied in the following way. An incision is made on the stem of the plant, the resulting juice is applied to the rough skin until it dries up, with a lack of juice, cuts on the dandelion stem are made in other places.

Callus mask with blue clay

Blue clay - 4 tbsp. l.
Castor oil - 50 ml

Mix clay with castor oil. Heat the mixture in a water bath with constant stirring until the mass acquires the consistency of sour cream. In a warm form, apply the mask only to the problem areas of the feet, wrap the legs with a tight natural fabric and leave for 15 minutes. Then remove the rest of the mask with a tissue and wash your feet with warm water. This procedure should be repeated 2-3 times a week.

Ivy leaf remedy

Rinse fresh ivy leaves with running water and grind with a blender to a gruel state. Apply the mass on the corn, wrap it on top cling film and a bandage. Perform for 3-5 days before bed.

Propolis for painful calluses

In the evening, soak your feet in a warm bath. Knead a piece of propolis suitable for the size of the corn with your hands and attach it to the problem area, fix it with a band-aid. In the morning, remove propolis and scrape softened skin with a pumice stone. The procedure must be repeated several times until the corn is completely eliminated.

Dry fruit compress

Prunes or figs are slightly boiled. Before going to bed, on the steamed legs to the calluses, attach the fruits cut in half with the inside and secure them with a bandage. Repeat daily for a week or longer until the callus is completely removed with a pumice stone.

Oatmeal mask for corns

Pour boiling water over oatmeal. Apply the resulting swollen mass at night in a thick layer on the area of ​​​​the skin of the feet with calluses, wrap with cling film. Wear cotton socks over the top. In the morning, wash your feet with warm water, rub with a pumice stone and apply a moisturizer.

Aloe compress

After taking a hot bath or taking a foot bath, apply a piece of aloe leaf, cut in half lengthwise, to the calluses with the inside. Fix it with a band-aid and leave overnight. In the morning, remove the already softened keratinized skin with a pumice stone.

Pharmacy funds

To eliminate corns and dry calluses, you can use special products sold in pharmacies. They are available in the form of a patch, solutions, creams or ointments. Main active ingredients These drugs are salicylic and lactic acids, which have a pronounced keratolytic effect. They help soften the calluses and facilitate their separation. Additionally, these products may contain sulfur, urea, oils, plant extracts. The most famous and used of them for removing corns are:

  • solution "Collomak";
  • patch "Salipod";
  • cream "Namozol";
  • plaster "Compid";
  • liquid "Stopmozol";
  • cream "Super Antimozolin" and others.

Important: When applied pharmaceutical products from corns, you should strictly follow the instructions attached to them and avoid getting them on healthy areas of the skin, as they cause inflammation and burns there.

Professional callus removal methods

from dry and calluses on the legs can be removed with hardware pedicure V beauty salon. The essence of the method is to remove rough skin by drilling with a special device equipped with nozzles of various diameters. advantage this method is the absence pain and damage to surrounding tissues. In the case of callus, an anti-inflammatory agent is placed in the hole formed after drilling, which promotes rapid tissue regeneration.

You can also get rid of calluses with a rod using cryodestruction. During the procedure trouble spot several times for 20–30 seconds are processed liquid nitrogen, duration and frequency of exposure depends on the depth of the rod. As a result of cryodestruction, the treated area of ​​the skin becomes unviable, turns white and is rejected after a few days, and healthy skin appears under it. All the time until complete healing skin, the wound must be carefully cared for and treated with antiseptics to prevent infection.

by the most effective way laser therapy is considered to get rid of dry and core calluses. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia. When exposed to the corn, the laser beam heats it up and evaporates pathologically altered tissues or causes them to coagulate, without touching the healthy ones. At the end of the process, a small wound remains on the skin, which quickly heals without a trace.

Video: Tips for the prevention and treatment of corns from a pedicure master

A beautiful figure, long and slender legs, beautiful - isn't it? But we would like to focus your attention on the shoes worn on these very nice legs. In order to wear these shoes, your feet must be in perfect order. But if you have even the slightest chafing or callus, wearing turns into hellish torture. In order to get rid of corns, there are very simple, but effective:

How to deal with corns:

  • First of all, remember that you can not cut off the corns in any case. Dry corns (with an already formed root) are preferably removed in the cabin, and small surface ones can be removed with a pumice stone or corn patch.
  • After removing the corn, tender skin appears in its place, which must be protected from external influence. For this, a protective patch is suitable. For the fastest healing apply a compress from steamed marigold flowers or baked onion.
  • Castor oil . Whatever trouble happened to your legs - corns, calluses, chafing from tight shoes, heel spurs - rub every evening Castor oil and wear over socks. By the morning your legs will feel better, and in a month you will forget about any problems with your legs.
  • To remove a callus, do the following: steam your feet in hot soapy water, then apply on the corn a mass of raw grated potatoes. Keep the potato mask until the callus turns white, then once again lower your legs into the water. After that, the corn can be painlessly removed with a pumice stone. To enhance the effect, you can mix grated potatoes with chopped tomato slices in a 1: 1 ratio.
  • Every housewife has such a banal thing in the kitchen - how soda. And it is a very good remedy for corns. Dissolve a handful of baking soda in a basin of hot water and dip your feet into it. Hold for 15 minutes, and then treat with a pumice stone. To enhance the effect, you can add a little soap and a couple of drops of ammonia.
  • One of the most reliable folk remedies for getting rid of corns is next remedy: steam the legs, wipe dry and apply to the callus lemon peel with little pulp on it. It is advisable to bandage the crust, and put on a sock on top and leave it overnight. The corn should be gone within a week.
  • If you rubbed a blister, attach to it soaked in cold milk cotton wool. This will help get rid of the painful burning sensation.
  • Get rid of keratinized skin on the soles of the feet, you can use the following folk remedy: knead a leaf into porridge aloe, wrap the resulting mass in gauze and apply to keratinized skin. Leave overnight, and in the morning carefully remove the softened stratum corneum with a pumice stone. Lubricate the skin nourishing cream.
  • Excellent folk remedy calluses and "corns" are salt baths for feet: dilute 1 tablespoon of salt in 1 liter. cold water and hold your feet in it for 5-15 minutes.
  • Similar effect of lemon peel has figs: steam out the legs, then put a cut (or pounded into porridge) fig fruit on the corn.
  • For callus removal crush a fresh slice garlic, mix with lard and apply to calluses at night.
  • In order to get rid of calluses, use the following folk remedy: take a piece propolis(bee glue), warm up and apply thin layer on pre-steamed corn. Fix with a bandage and keep for 5 days. After removing the bandage, the softened callus can be removed with a pumice stone.

Don't let your calluses force you to switch from beautiful and elegant shoes to slippers that are shapeless and do not paint you. Use our folk remedies for corns and always stay on top. Be beautiful and healthy!

Recall that the treatment dry calluses on toes we have already written. But since this topic is so interesting to our readers, we decided to return to it again. The feet must be kept in perfect condition. But many do not even wonder how to take care of their feet and how regularly, because special skills are required to treat dry calluses on the feet and eliminate corns.

Calluses are the most common disease of the skin of the feet. They usually appear on the feet as rough patches of skin. They can stay for years and are often painful.

The occurrence of corns occurs due to wearing tight shoes with an uncomfortable block. If you wear shoes for quite high heels, then the formation of corns occurs on the foot at the base of the fingers. Calluses indicate the development of the disease flat feet, so you need to pay a visit to the orthopedist and use orthopedic insoles. However, you can get rid of these defects at home. Read more about how to deal with corns Here .

How to cure dry corns

Skin thickening often appears on the heels and toes. As a result, over time, the heels crack. Calluses, in comparison with corns, have a small area and somewhat rounded outlines. Calluses on the feet are divided into dry and wet.

Wet calluses are treated with an antibacterial solution that can be used to treat minor wounds and cuts. But over time wet calluses may go dry. Healing dry calluses on the feet is a laborious and lengthy process, and it is best to use pharmacy products for this.

Calluses and dry calluses are effectively removed in the clinic or in the salon using a laser beam, which is used to polish, soften and freeze the keratinized areas with liquid nitrogen. Fresh calluses or corns can be removed at home.

Pharmacy remedies for corns on the legs

In a pharmacy, you can buy a 10% salicylic ointment or cream, where salicylic acid is combined with benzoic acid. These acids have a softening effect. However, these ointments and creams must be used very carefully so that contact with healthy skin does not occur.

First, the corn or corns must be steamed out using an antibacterial aromatic foot bath, which includes oil tea tree and apple cider vinegar. Next, a patch with a cut out hole is applied to the steamed corn. Thus, it turns out that the corn is not covered with a plaster. A healing ointment is applied, and a second layer of patch is used on top. Leave the ointment and patch on the skin for 8 hours. Next, use a pumice stone to scrape off the softened tissue. If necessary, the procedures can be repeated until the corns disappear completely.

Vegetable oil

You can use flaxseed, corn or olive oil capable of deeply softening the skin. Oils are often present in callus removers. For daily care behind the legs, you can use a cream with vegetable oils, which make it effective prophylactic. In the store or pharmacy you can buy natural vegetable oils. These may not be flavored virgin oils, not refined. A cotton sock is impregnated with this oil, put on, wrapped in polyethylene, and a second sock is put on top and left overnight. In the morning, the leg is washed with soap, the place where the dry callus was was scraped off. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

You can make a compress from equal parts of glycerin and castor oil, which is impregnated with a sock, put on, wrapped in polyethylene, and a second sock is put on top. Leave overnight.

Simple and effective remedy to remove calluses

You can regularly make baths of soda and soap. To do this, you need to take 1 liter of water, plan into it 1 tbsp. l. laundry soap and 3 tsp. drinking soda. Dip your feet in the bath for 40 minutes, then scrape off the softened skin, wipe dry and apply a nourishing cream. In the presence of painful corns, potassium permanganate should be added to the bath, which is diluted in warm water so that the water acquires pink color, with the addition of a small amount table salt. In such a bath, the legs are kept for 20 minutes, they do not wipe, the pain passes quickly enough.

salt bath

Cold salt bath helps to get rid of keratinized areas of the skin. To do this, dilute 1 tbsp in 1 liter of water. l. table salt, the duration of the event is 30 minutes. The bath allows you to make the skin softer, relieve pain and burning.

Take baths as many times as needed for the final cure. Various recipes foot baths can be viewed Here .

Lotions that promote the resorption of dry corns

1. Boil prunes in milk, remove the seeds. Apply it to the calluses hot, and change the cooled prunes to hot ones. The duration of the event is 30 minutes. After that, the corns go off fairly quickly.

2. Steam your leg before going to bed hot water, wipe dry and tie a small lemon peel with pulp to the corn. The event is repeated for 5 days. Then the softened callus is carefully removed from the steamed leg.

3. Peel the potatoes and grate. Spread the resulting potato mass on several layers of gauze and bandage it to the corn overnight. Wash your feet thoroughly in the morning and repeat the lotion in the evening.

4. Apply a crushed aloe leaf to the corn and tie it, put on a sock. In the morning, the corn will become soft and then it is easily and without pain scraped off with a pumice stone.

5. Also, for the treatment of dry calluses on the soles of the feet, you can use onions. To do this, the onion is rubbed on a grater and the resulting onion gruel is applied to the feet, wrapped with an elastic bandage or polyethylene. Put socks on top and leave overnight. In the morning, the feet are washed well, the softened skin is removed and wiped dry.

Dry callus, better known as corns, is a fairly common formation on the feet due to prolonged friction or high blood pressure on the skin. Outwardly, the corns looks like a seal on the plantar part of the foot with a thickening in the middle, which is actually an accumulation of dead cells - hyperkeratosis. The disease is not infectious in nature and is not contagious to others.

Causes of dry calluses on the feet

They are formed for a long time due to constant increased pressure on a certain area of ​​​​the skin or friction. May occur on any part of the plantar surface of the foot that is exposed to mechanical impact: on the fingers, metatarsus, heel (see). Very rarely, corns appear on the arch of the foot.

Internal reasons: External reasons:
  • Age-related changes in the body: excessive loss of moisture, loss of skin elasticity and a tendency to damage
  • Posture disorders, flat feet
  • Gastrointestinal dysfunction
  • Diabetes
  • Circulatory disorders of the lower extremities
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Neurological pathologies
  • Overweight
  • Tight and uncomfortable shoes, rubbing the feet, shoes with heels. This is the most common cause corns
  • Wearing shoes without socks
  • Wearing synthetic socks and stockings
  • Class certain types sports: running, gymnastics, ballet
  • Walking barefoot on gravel

Varieties of dry corn

The corn on the leg can be: soft, hard and pivotal.

Solid is a dense closed growth that does not cause discomfort when walking. slight pain can only be felt when pressing on the corn. More often localized on the plantar and lateral surfaces of the feet, heels.

Soft is a seal on the skin with an open surface (similar to a wound) or in the form of a bubble with liquid inside. It hurts when pressed. Typical for interdigital spaces.

Corn with stem has a root that goes deep into the skin in the form of a cone. In its center there is a central translucent zone increased density or dry corn kernel. Causes discomfort and pain when walking. Most often it is formed on the toe: the lateral surface of 2-5 toes and the back surface of the interphalangeal joints.

Vascular and fibrous— more rare species. With vascular callus, there are blood vessels in the core part, fibrous callus is a very dense hyperkeratosis that looks like a honeycomb.


  • Appearance - they have a yellowish-white or grey colour, rough (more often) or smooth (less often) surface. The shape of the corn is oval or round. They can be convex and flat.
  • Surrounding tissue- often swollen and inflamed.
  • Pain - most often occurs with targeted pressure on it, but can also be when walking.
  • Desensitization- at light touch sensitivity to the affected skin is reduced.


Very often, corns are complicated bacterial infection and that's when the pain and inflammatory process make walking on your feet painful and even impossible. The growths are prone to progression, i.e. growth with the capture of new areas of healthy skin and it is very difficult to cure them.


You can diagnose dry corn yourself, based on the characteristic external signs, but it is better to visit a dermatologist who will make the correct diagnosis (differentiates with articular pads, keratoderma, psoriatic calluses) and tell you how to treat this formation.


There is an opinion that if the corn does not cause pain, it does not need to be treated. However, this is not true: the aesthetic appearance of such feet is far from perfect, and the absence of pain and discomfort is not a guarantee that these symptoms will not appear in a month or two. All therapeutic methods are aimed at removing the dead layer of cells.

Medical treatment

Creams and ointments based on salicylic acid

Action: Regular use of such funds leads to the gradual burning out of the build-up from its bed.
Salicylic ointment superimposed on the corn after the bath, on dry skin, a protective patch is glued on top. So that the drug does not affect the surrounding tissues, a patch is glued to the skin with a hole cut out in it according to the size of the corn. The procedure is repeated once or twice a day, the maximum duration of treatment is 28 days. You can use salicylic acid in solution, wetting a piece of cotton wool with it and applying it to the site of the growth.
Callus patch is glued and removed already together with the keratinized dead tissue after a while.

Salicylic ointment 3%, 5% or salicylic acid (solution) 20-30 rubles. Bottega Verde cream, 350 -450 rubles "Stoletnik" cream for heels from corns and corns, manufacturer KorolevFarm LLC, price 80 rubles. Nemosol 70 rub.

Cream Namozol 911, price 110 rubles. Kollomak, 300-370 rubles (pharmacy) Pasta "5 days", price 60 rubles. (pharmacy) Plaster Salipod 50-100 rubles (pharmacy)

Creams and ointments based on lactic acid

Action: They soften the horny tissue, less aggressive in action than salicylic.
Apply a thick layer on the corn (after the bath, on dry feet), cover with waxed paper on top and put on woolen socks. After 2 hours, the softened skin is gently scraped off with a special nail file, and the remaining cream is washed off with warm water. The procedure is repeated after 1-2 days.

Super Anti-corn, price 100 rubles. The effect of Svoboda OJSC (in Auchan) is effective against corns, 50 rubles. Lactic acid solution Green pharmacy (lactic and salicylic acid, plantain extract, etc.) 170 rubles.

Preparations based on celandine

Balm "Mountain celandine", 50-100 rubles. Callus Ka, 70 rubles. Celandine juice Stopmozol with celandine, 80 rubles

Products based on sodium hydroxide

Action: This is an aggressive alkali that corrodes horny cells.
The agent is applied on a previously cleaned and steamed corn very carefully so as not to hurt healthy skin. There is a special applicator for this. At correct application the growth darkens, but there is no pain and burning. Within 1-2 days, dead tissue gradually disappears. If necessary, repeat the application of the product.

Super Celandine, 30 rubles. Super Celandine 20-30 rub. Super Celandine 20-30 rub. Antipapillom gel, 130 rubles (pharmacy)

Propellene-based products (refrigerants)

Action: This new word in pharmacology is otherwise called home cryotherapy, more used for the treatment of warts, but also used for dry growths - Wartner callus removal pen (500 rubles), CryoPharma (700 rubles).
Use : A special applicator is applied to the site, the skin turns pale and a water bubble is formed, under which there is healthy tissue. The bubble dries up and gradually disappears.

Phenol based products

Action: Cauterize and mummify the fabric - Kondilin (700 rubles), Vartek, Verrukacid (220 rubles).
Application: The corn is very carefully treated with a solution and dried in the air. Gradually, it dries up and disappears. If necessary, the processing is repeated.


Removal of old dry callus, when other independent measures do not lead to an effect, is carried out in a cosmetology or surgical room:

  • Liquid nitrogen or cryodestruction- A skin area treated with an applicator or a special device with liquid nitrogen, i.e. the corn itself is frozen for 20-30 seconds, if necessary, the procedure is repeated several times. After the procedure, the growth turns white and disappears after a few days. During the recovery period, it is very important to treat the skin with an antiseptic and protect with a plaster. delicate skin under the former callus from friction, so that a new skin defect does not form.
  • Laser - Exposure to a laser beam leads to heating and layer-by-layer evaporation of keratinized cells of the formation from the focus. Recovery period at laser removal calluses are shorter than after cryodexturction, however, the same restrictive measures as described above are necessary after the procedure.

In no case should you cut, cut or peel the corn yourself. This is a direct path to infection of the soft tissues of the foot and getting into the surgical department.

Foot baths

Can act as the main treatment, and preparation before application medicinal product. General principle bath uses:

  • water should be hot, but not scalding
  • acceptance time - 15 minutes
  • after the bath, the corn is carefully processed with a special nail file or pumice stone.

You can use the following compositions:

  • A decoction of pine and spruce buds- perfectly softens and disinfects the skin. Boil 1 tsp in 1 liter of water. kidneys within 2-3 minutes.
  • Soap and soda solution- disinfects and softens horny seals. For 1 liter of water take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soda and liquid soap.
  • Potassium permanganate solution- prepare a saturated pink solution.
  • Saline solution - add 1 tbsp to 1 liter of water. sea ​​salt.

Folk remedies

How to get rid of dry corns without surgical intervention And pharmaceutical preparations? There are methods that have been proven over the years to correct application very efficient.

onion peel

The husk is poured with 9% vinegar and placed in a jar with a lid for 2 weeks. The place is smeared with petroleum jelly and onion peel is placed on it, a bandage bandage is applied over it and left overnight. In the morning, the leg is steamed in water and part of the callus should already fall off. Repeat procedure 2 days later complete removal growth.

Garlic ointment

Garlic is baked in the oven, mixed in half with butter and impose on the corn, covering the top with a bandage. After 2 hours, the ointment is removed already with part of the growth. Repeat after 1-2 days.

Compress of calendula flowers

Helps only with fresh corns. Fresh flowers are crushed and hot water is added to them until a slurry is formed, from which a compress is made. Repeat for 10 consecutive days.

lemon peel

Fresh lemon peel is glued with the yellow side to the growth, after steaming the leg. Leave the bandage on for 1-2 days. Repeat after 2 days.

Alcohol solution of propolis

Helps well with calluses on the little finger. A piece of propolis is dissolved in a small volume of alcohol and a third of the volume is added. salicylic acid, stir until smooth. Apply daily and cover with a bandage. For 5-7 procedures, the growth will completely soften and fall off.

Fresh sour tomato pulp

The tomato is crushed into gruel and applied in the form of an ointment to the corn, a bandage is made on top. This natural ointment can be used daily at night.


1 egg is poured with vinegar and left for 8 days until completely dissolved. The resulting composition is treated as follows: soaked in liquid tissue paper and apply it to the callus, cover it with cellophane and wrap it up. Apply as parts of the build-up fall off.

Aloe juice

Lubricate every day at night until the complete removal of the horny formation.


Dried prunes are boiled in milk and applied hot to the place, kept until cool, removed and the next hot prunes are applied. The procedure lasts 30 minutes, repeat daily.

Celandine juice

This classic way treatment - every day the corn is cauterized with a freshly cut cutting of celandine. This method will clear the feet in a few weeks.

Garlic flatbread

A clove of garlic is crushed into a pulp, 1 tsp is added. vinegar essence and flour until a cake is obtained. In a piece of plaster, a hole is cut out the size of a corn, glued to the leg, and a cake is placed in the hole. The top is covered with a bandage and sealed with a plaster. Removed after 2-3 days, the growth will be removed along with the bandage. If necessary, repeat after a few days, but 1 procedure is usually enough.

How to prevent callus on the foot

If you are prone to the formation of corns, you should carefully monitor the hygiene of your feet, socks and shoes, protect the area of ​​​​the former corn from injury and maceration so that the formation does not re-form.

Shoes should be of good quality, proportionate and not compress the legs. Do not wear high heels all the time. If there orthopedic problems- should be worn orthopedic shoes or special orthopedic insoles.

To protect the skin from friction, commercially available special gaskets which are inserted between the foot and the sock or shoe. Exist various variations- under the fingers, between the thumb and other fingers, under the heel, etc.

When performing a pedicure, you should carefully examine the plantar part of the foot for the presence of corns - finding them at the very beginning of formation allows you to quickly solve this aesthetic and medical problem!

Calluses or corns can be wet or dry. Regardless of the pathology that has appeared, this ugly phenomenon causes discomfort when walking, causes pain. We offer options for the treatment of dry corns at home so that the legs are healthy and beautiful.

To get rid of dry corns without a constant visit to an expensive specialist, you will have to try. You need to have up-to-date and correct information, endurance, attention, regularity are important. After dry corns have been successfully eliminated, you should take care of your feet every day. This is the prevention of the appearance of formations in the future.

What to see in a pharmacy

You can successfully treat dry corns at home with the help of various pharmaceutical products that have a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory effect. But, if you do not want to spend money, then trust folk wisdom. Use folk remedies for treatment.

Wartner gel

Before using the Wartner (applicator pen soaked in gel), soak the part of the body with the formed callus in warm water for 5 minutes. Then rub it with a nail file, wash the skin and wipe it dry. Apply cream to a healthy area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin around the formation. Treat areas with gel that are free of cracks and wounds.

Corn plaster

Before applying the corn patch, the skin must be washed, dried and degreased. In the palms, you need to warm the plate of the medical patch, and then fix it on the problem area. Salicylic acid patches are suitable for removing dry corns. They are released in various forms, which is important for ease of fastening and wearing. It is important to follow the instructions clearly and you will be able to get rid of dry growth and keratinized skin.


Ointment from the resulting corns can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared at home. Pharmacy funds:

  • Super Antimozolin;
  • Frisonel;
  • Stop Callus;
  • Bensalitin.

Ointment recipe:

  • in proportions 1: 1 mix castor oil and glycerin;
  • in equal proportions mix olive, corn and linseed oil;
  • grind the onion peel with a coffee grinder and pour apple cider vinegar for 14 days, then filter and add castor oil.

Remedy for dry corns

Salipod patch is effective and easy to use. Also exists a large number of ointments and creams developed on the basis of salicylic acid (Bensalitin, Super Antimozolin, Nemozol). Most of them include oils, vitamins, petroleum jelly, herbs, dairy, benzoic and glycolic acid.

Folk recipes for treatment

How to remove dry corn stem? The most effective way, which will not bring harm, is used in a cosmetology or medical institution. The callus core is drilled out and an antiviral drug is applied to this place. At running forms often use a laser, after which the wound is processed special tool. Common and painless method to remove the rod - cryotherapy, using liquid nitrogen.

But at home, you can use folk remedies.

Important! Getting rid of dry corns is much more difficult than getting rid of the wet form of education. But for them, too, there are effective folk recipes.

Apple cider vinegar and salicylic ointment

In order for the ingredients to work, you need to ensure maximum penetration under the skin. In the evenings, steam baths should be taken. skin. Keep your feet in hot water with the addition of a couple of tablespoons of 6% of a tablespoon apple cider vinegar. The procedure must be carried out until the water cools down.

Dry the feet, wipe, apply a layer on the area with corns salicylic ointment 10%. This ointment can be bought at a pharmacy. Attach a napkin, secure with a bandage and put on a sock. Carry out the procedure every day for 10-15 days.


Take an ordinary onion. It must be cleaned in the usual way, sent to the oven. The onion should be baked until soft. Then cut the fruit into two parts. Attach the cut piece to problem area, fasten with a bandage and put on a sock. Leave the onion overnight. It can take up to 7 days to completely get rid of dry corn.


Soak the foot with corns in the bath, wipe it dry. Knead propolis in your hands and apply to a dry formation, fix with a plaster on top. It is necessary to wear the application for 3 days. Every day you should remove the adhesive plaster and steam it again, wipe it so that the skin is dry and gradually peel off (you can rub with a file or pumice stone) the already softened corn.

Lemon zest and pulp

You need to take a meat grinder, scroll through the peel of a lemon and a small amount of pulp. You get a slurry that fits on the part of the foot where the dry growth is concerned. Make a gauze bandage, leave overnight. In the morning, the callus will be softened enough to be removed. The procedure is carried out up to five times to completely cut it off.


There are two common ways in which iodine is used to treat corns.

Iodine and potassium permanganate:

  • dilute potassium permanganate in water, achieve a brown color;
  • lower the part of the body on which the corn is located;
  • steam a quarter of an hour;
  • after the time has elapsed, wipe the skin and smear with iodine.

Iodine and potatoes:

  • make a bath (dilute 3 tablespoons of salt with 2 tsp of iodine in water);
  • hold the area of ​​​​the body with corn in the solution for 30 minutes;
  • then grated on a coarse grater raw potatoes apply to the corn and stick a patch or secure with a bandage.

onion peel

In this embodiment, you can make a tincture based on onion peel and 9% table vinegar. Pour the husk with a solution, close and put in a dark place for 15 days. When the time is up, make compresses based on the liquid received. Soak the tissue in tincture, apply to the sore spot, fix and leave overnight.

Fresh meat

Helps to cope with dry, old calluses fresh fresh meat. You need to cut off a piece from it and simply attach it to the affected area of ​​​​the foot, fix gauze bandage. The compress is left overnight, in order to be completely cured, 10 procedures are required. This treatment may not be cheap, but it is extremely effective.

Treatment depending on the location of the corn

Between the toes

Dry callus between the fingers leads to "shoots" in the leg, causes a lot of inconvenience and pain. discomfort, so you need to get rid of it. If the corn is recent, you can purchase the Salipod pharmacy patch, developed on the basis of salicylic acid. Before sticking, it is necessary to steam the corn and wipe the skin thoroughly. Wear the patch for 2 days. Then remove and make a bath for corns, after which rub the remains of keratinized skin with a file.

Alternative medicine proposes to remove dry corn with the help of propolis application, which is attached with adhesive tape.

On the little toe

It is quite difficult to remove dry corn on your own, it is likely to leave the root. In clinics, this procedure is performed with a laser. At home, you need to start with baths:

  • mix salt with pine oil, take 2 tbsp. l. prepared concentrate and add the same amount of salt, stir the mixture in 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. dilute soda in 2 liters of water.

Start treatment:

  • twist the onion in a meat grinder and mix with lemon juice, soak the tampon with this gruel and fix it on the little finger (perform for three days overnight);
  • soak a napkin with vodka and attach it to the little finger, warm it with polyethylene and a woolen sock on top (perform the procedure before going to bed, remove the bandage in the morning).

On the foot

Specialized clinics offer several ways to remove calluses on the foot: cryotherapy, laser therapy. If for some reason you are unable to seek help from medical institution, then try to get rid of the corn at home with the help of improvised means:

  • prepare a bath (2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide add to 1 liter of warm water), keep your feet for half an hour;
  • apply a pre-prepared ointment on the steamed corn (pour 1 egg with vinegar and leave for a week), the course of treatment is two procedures.

On the heel

The procedure for removing corns from the heel does not require special hardware intervention, you can get rid of the formation yourself:

  • prepare a solution for steaming (from salt, soda or ammonia);
  • lower your legs for 15-20 minutes;
  • after the time has elapsed, rub the corn with a pumice stone;
  • apply to treated area tomato paste, put on polyethylene and secure with a bandage, it is recommended to put on a sock on top.

Perform the procedure until the callus on the heel disappears.

On the hand

The easiest way to get rid of corns is to get pharmacy creams, ointments and adhesive tape to remove them. At home, an effective way is to steam your hands in a warm soda solution with liquid soap(for 1 liter of water 50 ml of soap and 1 tsp of soda). After fifteen minutes, apply a cut of an aloe leaf to the corn.

The child has

To save the baby from discomfort, it is necessary to steam the body area with dry corn in the bath for several days (mix soap with soda and dilute warm water). The procedure takes 15 minutes. Then you need to carefully wipe the skin and apply baby cream. After it is absorbed (after 10 minutes), apply a compress from natural bee propolis. Change the application every evening.

How to properly care for your feet

So that the treatment of dry corns at home is no longer needed, you need to properly care for your feet. It is enough to lubricate clean feet with a nourishing cream every evening. On the heels, if they are very hard, you need to additionally apply olive or linseed oil. After the procedure, socks should be worn on the feet for several hours.