Irregular arrows. How to draw arrows on the eyes: photo, pencil step by step, eyeliner step by step, shadows, felt-tip pen. How to learn to draw thin classic arrows step by step

Beautiful and charming arrows on women's eyes have always been and will be fashionable, because they make the eyes of any girl much more expressive. Such a fashion was still in ancient Egypt and at that time the arrows were made on religious grounds. And all because they resembled the cut of a cat's eyes, and the Egyptians loved and worshiped cats very much. Therefore, the ancient Egyptian priests, and the pharaohs and rich ladies sought to repeat the magical gaze of a cat. The arrows will initially seem simple to execute, but they may come out too low or uneven. Therefore, every beauty should know how to draw arrows in front of her eyes, be patient and not give up on the first unsuccessful attempt.

Immediately, we note that there are different types of arrows and what will suit one beauty, then the other may not fit. Therefore, it is imperative to take into account the cuts of the eyes, their color and the type of woman's appearance. And if you find exactly your own version, you can create an unsurpassed image.

Varieties of arrows

The types of arrows for the eyes are as follows:

  • popular classics... Here the arrow goes all over the century, it can originate from the middle and reach the outer corner. It can also start from the inner corner, and its end will be in the middle of the century;
  • "cat's eyes"... They are original and attractive, starting from the middle, and then thin lines are drawn along the lower and upper eyelids and they thicken a little. The lines in the corner of the eye do not connect - it is better to paint over the space created between them with light shadows;
  • sharp thin arrows... They are always popular and are best applied from one edge of the eyelid to the other. In advance, light shadows should be shaded on the eyelids. Many are interested in how to paint thin arrows in front of our eyes and what needs to be prepared for this? A mechanical pencil is used to create such arrows;
  • arrows-color block double... They also do not lose their relevance. The best thing is to make the first arrow with a bold black eyeliner, and put bright contrasting shades on the top - raspberry, yellow and salad;
  • makeup arrows on the eyes in the style of smoky eye... When creating such a make-up, it is advisable not to use bright lipstick, because all attention should be on your beautiful eyes, and bright lipstick can ruin the whole thing and there will be too much makeup.

Arrows tattoo

Every woman does makeup every day, but the more complex it is, the more time you have to spend in front of the mirror. But modern women simply do not have enough time and therefore tattooing arrows on the eyes are very popular. Just one procedure is enough and for a long period of time you can forget about pencil and eyeliner. This procedure is also called permanent makeup.

Benefits of tattooing

First of all, it is durability, the arrows applied by this method will last from four to ten years, but sometimes correction is required after a couple of years, everything is individual here. The arrows will not blur and will always look beautiful. But there are also contraindications for this procedure:

  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • if scars appear on the skin;
  • poor regeneration.

Varieties of arrows for tattooing

If the color of the tattoo of the arrows on the eyes will depend directly on the shade of the eyes, then the variety of the arrows themselves relies on the size and shape of the eye. The most commonly used types of arrows are:

  • start from the inner corner and go to the outer;
  • start from the middle of the eye and extend to the outer corner;
  • the arrows are "eastern", they protrude beyond the eye area and bend upward.

Also, this type of arrows for the eyes may differ in both the sharpness of the outline and the thickness:

  • wide arrows look beautiful on wide almond-shaped eyes. And here it does not depend on whether they are performed along the entire length or only until the middle of the century. A wide line will visually press down narrow eyes, and the eyes will seem even narrower;
  • a neat thin arrow looks good on small eyes. If the eye is round, then the arrow will fit, which goes beyond its limits and bends upward;
  • if a woman has heavy eyelids, a shaded tattoo is recommended, shading adds the effect of soft lines on the eyelid.

If you choose a tattoo, then the question of how to draw arrows in front of your eyes disappears in the future, but not every beauty will decide on such a procedure. After all, such a procedure will limit the ability to experiment and further change your style, and if the tattoo is unsuccessful, then it is almost impossible to fix it.

Choosing the arrows for the shape of the eyes

There are no universal arrows, some will be able to emphasize the beauty of slanted eyes, others will narrow too large eyes. But before wondering how to draw arrows correctly in front of your eyes, think about what is right for you and what kind of eyes you have.

It is imperative to take into account the following nuances:

  1. small eyes... The black color of the arrows, which are drawn along the lower eyelid, does not suit you - the eyes will seem even smaller. But the silvery or golden line going to the top visually enlarges the eyes;
  2. narrow eyes... Here it is not recommended to make arrows in the eye corners, you need to make a wide line in the center, it also goes along the lower eyelids with the upper eyelids;
  3. round eyes... A wide arrow of a dark shade will do;
  4. close-set eyes... If you are interested in how to draw arrows in front of your eyes with such an arrangement, then it is recommended to start performing the eyeliner line from the middle of the century and gradually make it thicker and thicker;
  5. wide-set eyes... The eyeliner line should be drawn with a thin line along the entire upper eyelid.

Choice of arrows to match the color of the eyes

Each girl has a variety of eyes in color, and therefore you need to make certain arrows for brown eyes, for blue eyes, and so on. Here you need to select the correct color shade of the eyeliner so that the arrows highlight your eyes favorably and therefore follow the following rules:

  • black eyes (or other dark color). Owners of this eye color are just lucky - they will go with any eyeliner color, however, purple and blue shades look the most profitable;
  • gray and blue eyes. Copper with bronze shades of eyeliner work well. If you want a more original solution, choose a purple shade eyeliner;
  • brown eyes. The brown color is actually dark orange, sometimes it is golden or even red in color. Therefore, for brown eyes, the arrows are best done with blue eyeliner. Greenish and warm plum shades will do. The color of the deep sea or cobalt also beautifully emphasizes the beauty of such eyes;
  • hazel and green eyes. Amber pigment gives these eyes their unique shade, so plum, burgundy and purple shades are ideal for them. Gold, turquoise, and copper are also good options.

Choosing a tool

Before you draw arrows in front of your eyes, you need to prepare everything you need for this procedure. The quality of the arrows will depend on the right tool, and it is best to buy everything in specialized stores, which guarantee the brand and quality of the product.

Liquid eyeliner

With its help, you can create the highest quality arrows, but for beginners in this business, it will be difficult with it. The eyeliner dries instantly, so you will need to apply the arrows very clearly from the very first time, otherwise you will wash off all the makeup. You will need an iron endurance, patience and dexterity, but the result is worth it.


It is the most popular with shooter enthusiasts and comes in both regular and waterproof effects. The arrows drawn in pencil are sharper than the shadow ones, but they also have a number of disadvantages, namely:

  • you will have to work hard with a pencil to get the desired thickness of the arrows;
  • to get the perfect symmetry of the pencil arrows, you will have to work thoroughly;
  • a soft pencil tends to shade very quickly and can lose the contours of the drawing. Therefore, it is best to buy a hard pencil and practice with it on a piece of paper.

Gel eyeliner

With it, very beautiful arrows on the eyes are obtained and it is the gel eyeliner that many stylists use. It allows you to carry out the most daring and unexpected experiments with the shape and color of the arrows, and only a gel eyeliner can create an original smoky effect that suits very well under daytime makeup. It is applied using a beveled brush.

Eyeliner pen

It has a soft texture and water resistance and has a thin and flexible tip. With this eyeliner, you can draw arrows in one stroke and accurately. It is convenient in that you do not need to dose the paint, and this will save time.

Dry eyeliner

It is also easy to apply using a brush or applicator. If you want to get a bright arrow - soak a brush in water, lower it in the shade and run it over the eyelid. For muted tones, you just need to cover the entire eyelid with shadow. And then you will learn how to paint the arrows in front of your eyes.

Learn to draw arrows

To make your arrows look beautiful and neat, first practice on a piece of paper, and then on the eyelids, you will fill your hand, and in the future you will easily draw any arrows.

Drawing rules

If you want to get an even and not smeared line of arrows - fill your hand, your movements should be clear and confident. Place a mirror in front of your eyes and the elbow of the hand that will create the arrow, rest on something solid.

While applying the eyeliner, slightly open your eyes, do not open them wide, but do not close them at all. You need to look at what comes out, and at the same time keep the eyelid half-closed, relaxing it to the maximum.

If you want to know how to make arrows in front of your eyes, then do not immediately apply a thick arrow. It is better to first make a thin line and then gradually thicken it to the required thickness. You shouldn't even try to draw a continuous long line in one motion. It will not work smoothly, so it is better to create a long arrow in two stages: first from the inner corner, and then create it from the middle and lead it to the outer corner.

Try to make the arrows symmetrical. If you want to draw arrows correctly in front of your eyes, then know that even a small deviation can significantly spoil the entire makeup. In the case of using shadows, apply arrows to the shadows themselves and after them.

We use liquid eyeliner

When using liquid eyeliner, some girls in one free movement lead a line along the growth of eyelashes from the inner corner of the eye to its outer corner. But if the hand is not yet full, this will not work right away, and therefore the procedure can be performed in stages:

Do you want something interesting?

  1. accentuate the outside of the eye. Draw a line from the middle of the lash line to the outer corner;
  2. now draw a line from the inner corner of the eye to its middle.

To create very beautiful eyeliner eyes using liquid eyeliner, you need confidence in movement and at least some experience. But such arrows will make the eyes larger and the eyelashes thicker.

Before applying the eyeliner, all makeup must be washed off, the eyelids must be without makeup.

Take a small eyeliner applicator and put dots with it in the space between the roots of the eyelashes.

Of course, the line will not come out too clear, but the eyelashes look thicker and thicker. At the end of the process, paint your eyelashes with mascara.

How to draw the usual classic arrows

Now you will learn how to draw the most ordinary arrows before our eyes - the classic ones. This is a great way to highlight the beauty and expressiveness of your eyes without resorting to a lot of makeup. You can change the black eyeliner for a rich brown eyeliner, this is especially true for blonde beauties.

Your actions are as follows:

  1. tighten the skin of the upper eyelid. Draw a line along the growth of the cilia from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner. Use a pencil, you can also use shadows in dark shades in the form of a pencil. The outer part of the completed line will always be slightly thicker, and it should go beyond the area of \u200b\u200bthe outline of the eyes;
  2. highlight the line with a bold eyeliner. Makeup will come out more stable. Next, over the line should be applied eye shadow;
  3. highlight the outline of the lower eyelashes. Use a pencil or eyeshadow, you can use a black pencil or another shade that matches your eye color. If your eyes are not wide on your face, then it is best not to highlight the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe lower cilia with eyeliner, in this case, draw a line from the middle of the eyelid of the lower to the outer corner of the eye. Blend the line that was applied with a pencil a little and then the makeup will look natural. So you learned how to make arrows in front of your eyes and, moreover, this is the most common classic version.

Smoky eye arrows

This beautiful makeup will not go out of fashion in the future and will always be popular. To create this trendy eyeliner makeup, you will have to follow these steps:

  1. tighten the skin on the upper eyelid slightly. Make a clear line along the entire contour from the inner corner of the eye to its outer corner. The middle part of the line should always be made thicker than its ends;
  2. now the eyeliner line needs to be shaded. You can use cotton pads or just use your fingertips;
  3. apply dark shadows over the eyeliner line. It is this combination that makes smoky eye makeup the most expressive. Shade the resulting line;
  4. on the upper part of the eyelid, apply lighter shadows. Makeup in this style involves using the most saturated shadows of dark shades along the line of the eyelashes, and along the crease of the eyelid, the shadows always take light ones.

Arrows "double mystery"

You will probably be interested in learning how to make double arrows in front of your eyes, which will give your gaze a mystery and originality.

The technique of their application is very simple:

  1. draw a clear arrow on the upper eyelid along the lash line;
  2. the thickness of the drawn line in the inner eye area is always minimal, and by the middle of the pupil it should be doubled. And to the outer corner, it narrows again. But if you know how to draw arrows correctly in front of your eyes, this stage of drawing them will not be a problem for you;
  3. pay particular attention to the end of the arrow. It should not touch the outer area of \u200b\u200bthe corner of the eye, but always directed upward;
  4. now take care of the lower eyelid. If on the upper one you can draw lines with a hard pencil, then for the lower one you need to take it softer. Liquid shadows or eyeliner will also come in handy. Lead the arrow in the opposite direction - first from the outside, then to the middle and slowly narrow it. To the inner corner of the eye, the arrow can only be held by girls with large expressive eyes.

So you learned how to make arrows in front of your eyes and our tips will help you create real beauty. Most importantly, try to always make the arrows symmetrical, otherwise you will be a lady with different eyes. But you will certainly succeed, use all the secrets of this business and always remain beautiful!

There are many ways to draw arrows in front of your eyes.

The choice of style depends on what effect you want to achieve and, of course, what tools you have.

As you know, they are depicted either with liquid eyeliner, or with a pencil, or with shadows.
With eyeliner, the make-up is clearer, the pencil allows you to achieve a "smoky" effect when shading and create a more natural look, draw blurred lines. For evening make-up, pair with a pencil pearlescent eyeshadow applied with a damp brush for greater brightness, for daytime - more delicate matte shades that match your skin tone. For example, peach, pale pink and salmon colors make the look fresher and more moist.

What cosmetics should I use to draw arrows?

Eye shadow

It is convenient to draw arrows using shadows. Now that baked eyeshadows have appeared on sale, the popularity of such an eyeliner has grown exponentially: when you can cover the entire eyelid with a light shade, and draw an arrow with a more saturated (wet application). It is the possibility of using such shadows in a wet way that allows you to create "makeup masterpieces". This requires a fine brush and a clean applicator. The brush must first be moistened with water, then type shadows of the selected color on it and draw a neat line along the eyelid.
By the way, many ordinary pressed shadows give the same dense arrow when painted with a wet brush.

An arrow made with shadows looks soft and is great for day makeup... You can draw a thin arrow with a brush, but if you need a wide contour, you can draw a wider one over the thin line with the edge of the applicator. If you want the arrow to be brighter, then a strip of shadows on the eyelid is applied with a wet applicator, if you need an arrow of a muted color, then the applicator must be dry.

  • When using the eyeshadow, the softest smoky effect is obtained, which is most appropriate for daytime makeup and is most suitable for large, round eyes.
  • To create "arrows" you need compact dry shadows of dark shades and a thin brush with a pointed tip.
  • It makes no sense to talk about the variety of colors and types of shadows - everyone knows how large their number is.

Eye pencil

Due to its ease of use, the pencil is considered one of the most convenient eyeliner tools. At the moment, there are a huge number of color solutions, ranging from multi-colored pearlescent to multi-colored matte shades.

You can draw an arrow with a hard or soft pencil. Soft pencil is suitable for beginners in visage, and professionals prefer to draw arrows with a hard pencil.
To draw a more saturated line, or, for example, tint the inner side of the eyelid, a soft pencil is needed. A harder pencil gives a sharper line and lasts longer.

  • Any beginner can handle a pencil, as long as the pencil is soft, but not too bold. But you will have to choose this by brute force, because they are made according to the same formula as lipstick, but with different contents of hardeners. Only a lead made of natural wax and vegetable oils will be soft and elastic. By the way, it is the oil consistency that is the key to easy sliding and accurate drawing of arrows.
    The pencil also has a minus: the oil lead works too softly. That is why they will not be able to draw an elegant thin line.
  • It should lie down easily and shade well, be stable. The pencil should not scratch the eye, so that even the inner side of the lower eyelid can be drawn with it.
    Using a pencil when drawing arrows is convenient because you can shade them and create the effect of smoky eyes. It is with pencils that make-up artists draw arrows, creating
  • Pencil "arrows" look brighter than those made with shadows and will suit any type of eyes. The pencil is ideal for those who are not sure that they can draw two perfectly straight lines, because possible flaws can then be easily corrected with a cotton swab, so for training you can start by drawing "arrows" with a pencil.
  • If the line is not neat enough, you can correct it with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol-free tonic. The main thing is that the tonic does not contain an oily base, because it will be problematic to draw a repeated arrow on the remaining oil.
  • If you have already filled your hand, then for drawing the "arrows" you need hard enough pencils; It is better not to use soft kayal pencils for eyeliner on the upper eyelid, as they quickly smear.
  • But for makeup with arrows that are applied to the inner lash line, you need a kayal-type pencil. Look for pencils with this mark in the store. This is a very greasy and soft pencil that will not harm the delicate mucous membrane of the eye. Most often, when you hover the arrows, you need to paint over the inner part of the eyelid to make the makeup look neater. Choose quality cosmetics that contain vitamins and skin-friendly substances.
  • Undoubtedly, the pencil is the hardest tool for creating arrows, however, it is thanks to this characteristic that it is ideal for beginners. After all, eyeliners do not flow during application, do not smudge, and the arrows drawn with their help can be easily corrected.

Compact eyeliner (cake eyeliner)

There is also a dry eyeliner that is mainly used by professionals. To use it, you need a certain skill. Make-up masters mention the extreme precision and accuracy of applying such an eyeliner.

  • Lines drawn with cream or gel liners are practically not inferior in shade intensity to those obtained using liquid eyeliner. However, these types of liners are much more convenient to use: thanks to the texture of the products, the brush literally glides over the eyelid, allowing you to create “arrows” of the desired width. In addition, possible irregularities are easily corrected, it is only important to correct mistakes quickly, before the product dries.
  • To apply cream or gel eyeliner, flat brushes with an asymmetrical edge (preferably synthetic) are required.
  • This product is most often sold in glass jars. Face cream is sold in about the same packages.
  • Creamy eyeliner fits very well on the eyelid, but it does not always last long. To prolong its "life" apply eyeliner to the eyelid, which is already painted with shadows.
  • Creamy eyeliner is more suitable for cases when makeup needs to be done not for yourself, but, for example, for a friend. To most skillfully paint your eyes with a creamy eyeliner, you need to properly fill your hand.

By the way, the creamy eyeliner was most vividly advertised under the brand name Clinique, and before that, no manufacturer announced such a product. Gel eyeliners, as can be judged from the shop windows, have not received such wide distribution. Unfortunately, when choosing a gel eyeliner, you will have to rely only on the experience of friends and acquaintances - professional makeup artists talk about such eyeliners except in advertisingpromising rich, fading colors.

Liquid eyeliner

It is not inferior in popularity to pencils, and its color palette is just as diverse. Liquid eyeliner is sold in tubes that look like mascara packaging.

Liquid eyeliner is more durable than pencil and also gives a more intense color. The most important detail in a liquid eyeliner is the brush. It can be in the form of a thin brush up to 1 cm long, or in the form of a hard tip resembling a felt-tip pen. The brush can be very thin, or maybe a little larger. When selecting, you should be guided by how wide you want the arrows to be. The last option - a felt-tip pen - is especially convenient for those who have just started to master liquid eyeliner - with a felt-tip pen applicator it is easier to draw a straight line, and it is also much easier to adjust the width of the arrow.

Many girls, dreaming of bright arrows, immediately get liquid eyeliner. Of course, eyeliner arrows look great, and they last a long time on any skin of the eyelids. But liquid eyeliner should be used only by those who already know how to draw arrows well, who can confidently draw a line and not get lost in the middle, ruining the whole effect. For those who are just learning eye makeup, it is better to draw an arrow using a pencil or shadows.

Liquid eyeliner is divided into two subtypes - liner and dipliner.
Liner is a jar of liquid coloring matter, into which a thin synthetic brush or felt tip is dipped. Using a synthetic brush, carefully monitor the amount of paint on it, check for lumps and excess substance. If the eyeliner begins to thicken, it is better to buy a new bottle, experts do not advise saving on skin health. Liners with a felt brush are more convenient - it is easier to draw a straight line with them without blotting, the shape of the tip allows you to apply paint with strokes.

The eyeliner-liner in the form of a felt-tip pen is very popular today, and it is very convenient for them to draw a clear line that turns out to be soft. And if the arrow did not turn out perfect the first time, then it is easy to remove it with a cotton swab dipped in water. Its main convenience is that you do not need to dose the amount of eyeliner on the brush yourself, and this way the makeup turns out faster. But in a tube, the eyeliner-marker dries up pretty quickly

  • The clearest, brightest and most graphically thin "arrows" are obtained when using liquid eyeliners. But they are also the most difficult to apply, because such an eyeliner dries up almost instantly, so the resulting irregularities are almost impossible to fix.
  • Liquid eyeliner is available in special bottles with built-in thinnest brushes or in the form of felt-tip pens, so no additional tools are required to apply it.
  • The obvious advantages of such an eyeliner include saturation and durability.
  • Although liquid eyeliner has a drawback: it dries quickly in a tube

Beauty test for liquid eyeliners

Yves rocher

Eyeliner with felt tip Felt-Tip Eyeliner 12H, Yves Rocher, is a convenient option to get your hands on, learning to draw arrows. She has perhaps the thinnest tip of the felt-tipped eyeliner - it maintains a precise, thin line across the eyelid. Black turns out to be unsaturated, which is good for daytime makeup. Unless the durability is different from the declared one - the eyeliner may not last until the evening.


Creamy eyeliner Fluidline Eye-liner Geland the Precise Eye Liner brush from by MAC - a classic version for those who need perfect arrows and who received fives in drawing in childhood. The brush is very thin, with a pointed end, and allows you to create almost works of art before your eyes. In combination with a creamy eyeliner, it gives a very clear, thin, rich line. A little training - and now the tip of the arrow, going up, begins to work out without problems. The color gamut of creamy eyeliner is wide, very original shades appear in MAC collections

Bobbi brown
Gel eyeliner Long-Wear Gel Eyeliner by Bobbi Brown in combination with their own Eye Liner brush is one of the most convenient options for drawing arrows or just eyeliner. The eyeliner lasts a long time (excellent durability!), While when applied, it is flexible enough to draw an arrow easily. The flat brush has a stiff bristle for perfect eyeliner. The best thing with the Long-Wear Gel Eyeliner is to make a wide end at the arrow - but who's capable of what. Unlike eyeliner, MAC does not give such a clear line, therefore it is more suitable for everyday make-up. Pleased with a wide range of colors of eyeliner.

Estee lauder

Liquid eyeliner Pure Color Liquid Eyeliner by Estee Lauder, - for those who love glossy hands. Try to remove excess drops from the tip of the eyeliner before applying, the eyeliner has a very liquid texture and can be overdone. The arrow comes out with a flickering glow thanks to the smallest shimmer, very bright; Pure Color Liquid Eyeliner is the choice for evening makeup. A pleasant bonus - according to its formula, the eyeliner resembles thermal touches: you cannot smear it with your finger, it firmly withstands ordinary water, and when you remove make-up it comes off in pieces.

Jane Iredale

Creamy eyeliner Cream to Powder Eyeliner, Jewel Box, Jane Iredale, conquers with beautiful saturated colors. It is applied, like any eyeliner in such a package, using a special thin brush. The color in the box is deceiving: over the centuries it comes out much less saturated, almost translucent. According to the rule of makeup artists, eyeliner should not be lighter than your eyes, so Jewel Box can be tried for those with light eyes.
Clarins Long-lasting liquid eyeliner Instant Liner, firm Сlarins, - brand new. An excellent choice for beginners: the felt tip is very comfortable to wield, and the texture of the eyeliner is not so fluid as to cause problems. Lays down in a dense layer of matte black, very saturated color; with the Instant Liner, you can draw a perfectly thin, crisp arrow. Probably the blackest eyeliner we've tested.


Eyeliner Parad "Eyes Liner, shade 2, by Givenchy, - liquid, has a thin brush in the cap. When applied, it gives a very clear, saturated shade line, a dense radiant color, through which the texture of the skin is not visible. But you will have to get used to the brush, it is not for beginners - not tough enough for beginners, it can bend unsuccessfully when drawing. If you get used to it, it will be difficult to stop loving Parad "Eyes Liner!


Liquid eyeliner Automatic Fine Eyeliner, Shiseido, - another one, created like a felt-tip pen-pencil. But unlike its counterparts, it does not have a felt tip as a tip, but still a pointed brush with a bristle. The density of the black color and the clarity of the application are medium. It is important to shake the eyeliner a little before use so that the right amount of the product flows to the tip.


Eyeliner Artliner Eyeliner Trace Dense, from Lancome, has a felt tip - and it is wide enough. With skillful handling, it allows you to draw thin arrows, but it is better for a beginner to fill his hand first. The color is saturated black of medium density, the clarity of the line also comes out medium.


Eyeliner Eye Liner Tecnico Blu, Collistar - for those who miss bright colors! An amazingly convenient tool. The short brush allows you to draw arrows with amazing precision and accuracy. Luxurious aqua color that changes its shade from dark blue to turquoise depending on the lighting makes the eyes bright and expressive without additional effort. The eyeliner does not flow, does not smudge throughout the day, while it is easily washed off during the evening make-up removal.

By Terry

Eyeliner Ligne Blackstar, By Terry, works like a felt-tip pen with a sharp tip. Gives a dense matte clear arrow, which is characterized by increased durability - if you need to go to the pool with arrows, then this is your choice. For the same reason, it is recommended for use by professionals in drawing arrows - it will not be easy to erase an unsuccessful option without leaving a trace.

Giorgio armani

Eyeliner Maestro Eye Liner by Giorgio Armani, very convenient to use. From the second time, you can already draw arrows with it in the dark and without an elbow rest. Simple arrows, for every day, without frills, are obtained easily and naturally - it's like drawing with a pencil. Among the shortcomings: it does not stand up to dancing until you drop, but just right for the office. The finish is not the blackest - perfect with shadows. In this version it holds up very well, beautifully emphasizes the eyes.

Rouge Bunny Rouge

Eyeliner "Arabesque Parfiria", Rouge Bunny Rouge, - liquid and with a very thin stiff brush in the bottle cap. It can also be called one of the most liquid eyeliners. The peculiarity of all shades of the Rouge Bunny Rouge contour is a lot of small sparkles, which should be taken into account - perhaps this is not necessary for every day, but it is good for an evening out. The shade of "Parfiria Arabesque", although it promises to be black with silver sparkles, is actually closer to dark gray. The coverage is sparse, and the line definition is average. Holds up well throughout the day.

Eyes are a mirror of the soul, and if, first of all, when looking at a woman, men look at her figure, then they must pay attention to her eyes, which should captivate from the first second. Mascara and correctly applied shadows, of course, are capable of drawing attention to themselves, but the arrows make a seductive beauty out of a woman, before which more than one man cannot resist. But even if you are not looking for a life partner, you will still need a guide on drawing arrows, because everyone loves to look beautiful!

Become a master of classic, graphic and shaded arrows

How to draw classic arrows

These arrows are suitable for almost every face type and eye shape. The makeup will not be overloaded, just the eyes will become larger, and the look will be more expressive.

You will need

    Pencil (better - kayal) or eyeliner. If this is your first time drawing arrows, use a pencil. It is much easier to work with him. As for the color, make-up artists still recommend black, as it is versatile and as expressive as possible.

    Cotton buds.

    Micellar water.

Step 1. Paint the space between the eyelashes

Keep the instrument as close to the lash line as possible and do not go to the mucous membrane, otherwise the color will be imprinted on the lower eyelid.

Start drawing from the middle of the eyelid and move to the outer corner. Stop where the eyelashes end: we will draw the tail of the arrow a little later.

Go to the inner corner and paint over again only the lash line. Be especially careful here: the line in this area should be the thinnest.

Step 2. Draw the tail of the arrow

Bring your pencil or paintbrush to the outer corner of your eye. Draw a line in your mind. It should stretch to your temple and be an extension of your lower eyelid. Another strong point is the middle part of the eyebrow (up to the break and tail). The line should be a repetition of it.

Draw the tail of your arrow with a slight pulling motion.

Now connect the tip with a line drawn along the upper eyelid. The transition should be smooth.

Step 3. Adjust the arrow

The most common mistake that immediately catches the eye is the chopped off tip of the arrow. To avoid this, there is a cunning trick.

Take a cotton swab, put it under the tail of the arrow and pull it up to the temple. It will remove the excess and at the same time stretch the line, making it thinner.

If you have a little dirt on your eyelid, use a cotton swab and micellar water to remove all the dirt.

Repeat the same on the other eye and apply mascara on your lashes.

How to draw graphic arrows

These arrows are more expressive and more suitable for the evening. Depending on the occasion, the line can be lengthened and thickened, but let's start with the basics.

You will need

    Base under the shade.

    Paper tape or plastic card.

    Black pencil.

    Liquid eyeliner.

    Cotton buds.

    Micellar water.

Step 1. Prepare the eyelid

You can add some shadows to the eye. Darken the outer corner and highlight the inner corner.

Step 2. Paint over the space between the eyelashes

As in the first method, thinly draw the lash line.

Step 3. Draw the tail of the arrow

The ponytail in this technique is the main part. The perfect line can only be drawn by a professional, but for beginners and amateurs it is better to use a stencil.

To do this, take paper tape. Attach a small piece from the outer corner of your eye to your temple. And now, using the eyeliner, draw a line of the desired length. The tape will serve as your ruler. You can use a plastic card in the same way.

The base of the ponytail is ready. Now, in both eyes, determine the middle of the eyelid and put small marks there using the eyeliner.

Connect the tip to the middle of the eyelid. The line should be exactly horizontal and the movement should be light.

For ease of application, pull the skin a little towards the temple.

Now use the eyeliner to fill in the space between the two lines.

Step 4. Draw the arrow

It remains with the help of eyeliner to lower the line from the middle of the eyelid to the inner corner of the eye. Move clearly along the lash line. Add some dark shadows to the crease of the eyelid. For an evening or a holiday, false eyelashes or mascara with a volume effect are suitable for such arrows.

How to draw feathery arrows

These soft arrows are suitable for both daytime and evening make-up. The technique of application here changes: to get away from clear lines, we use feathering.

You will need

    Base under the shade.

    Dark matte shadows.

    At least two brushes: hard beveled and thin soft.


    Concealer or corrector.

Step 1. Prepare the eyelid

Apply the base under the eyeshadow to the eyelid. It will facilitate blending and prolong the wear of the makeup. Then, as in the previous methods, draw the space between the eyelashes with a black pencil. At this stage, you can allow yourself a little carelessness: this is only the basis, in the final it will be overlapped by shadows.

Step 2. Blend the pencil

Now take a clean brush. Solid beveled is best. Start feathering with the ponytail. With the help of a brush, take the arrow to the temple. Do not take any additional color, use only the pigment that you already have.

It's important to start shading as soon as possible. This will make the pencil easier to follow your movements.

Step 3. Apply and blend the eyeshadow

Now you need dark matte shadows. The firm and the price are not important here, the main thing is that they should be well shaded.

Draw the shadows on a thin, soft brush and use light strokes (in no case hammering in) to go over the entire arrow. You can go beyond the main line, because we are achieving a haze effect.

Using the same brush, drag the color upward with light movements. Before that, you moved horizontally, now - vertically.

Take a clean, soft brush (or wipe off the one you've already used) and paint in some eyeshadow of the same color. Shake off the excess; very little product should remain on the brush.

Lightly traverse the entire arrow and blend the layers. After that, there should be no clear boundaries for the century.

Step 4. Repeat the first layer

Take a black pencil and go over the edge of the eyelid. This will enhance the color and give a deeper look.

To complete the makeup, brush in black eyeshadow and apply it to the base of the arrow. Blend them again with a clean brush.

Step 5. Adjust the arrow

Take a concealer or concealer. These products are similar, differ in their density. The first one is intended for the area around the eyes, the second one points out imperfections on the skin.

So, apply one of these products to a cotton swab and remove all the dirt under the arrow. Remember: only its lower border should remain clear.

The arrows on the eyelids are an ingenious invention. The means and technique of application, the palette and bending - up to the most daring, can change, but they are always relevant, because they give the look and the whole image a special chic. How to draw the arrows in front of your eyes depends too much to be taken lightly.

The arrow can pass both through the entire upper eyelid, and through the entire lower eyelid, it can start from its middle, and end with a daring ray almost at the temple, or calmly but confidently outline the growth line of the eyelashes or the mucous membrane above them.

There are three main types of tools for forming arrows: pencil, shadow, eyeliner. The choice depends on the purpose of the makeup and the level of your skill, which is honed in this sequence. It is better to be patient and step by step to develop your skills if you intend to master this skill to perfection.

Drawing arrows with a pencil

This is where to start if you have little experience in drawing arrows or don't have enough time for a more elegant work with eyeliner or shadows. Using a hard lead you get a clear line, using a soft - slightly blurred, suitable for Smokey Ice makeup. A soft contour can ideally fill the space between the eyelashes, as well as the line of the mucous membrane - this will give the eyelashes density and additional volume.

This tool is also convenient to use for shading lines, especially since the choice of colors is very large. And if the black outline is not your theme, multi-colored leads are ready to help.

A pencil arrow is drawn from the middle of the eyelid towards the outer corner.

If the experience with a pencil was successful, you can move on to a more complex version - eyeliner. It can be liquid, gel and highlighter - the latter is just for beginners. Liquid eyeliner, unlike pencil, requires skill and slowness.

Thin arrows

They accentuate the shape of the eye in a casual and weightless manner and are very good for daytime makeup. A perfectly thin arrow will turn out to be achieved with a high-quality liquid eyeliner. With the very tip of the brush, a line is led from the inner corner to the outer corner, laying it as close as possible to the eyelashes. Depending on the shape of the eye, the tip of the thin arrow may be slightly raised towards the temple or close the natural shape.

Wide arrows

They give the look a special energy and some drama. They are more appropriate for an evening out, however, in a daytime make-up, they are acceptable if they are made in a dull color scheme and are slightly shaded. A spectacular wide eyeliner is drawn in several stages.

  1. Outline the outline. The easiest way to do this is with a pencil, by drawing a check mark at the outer corner and connecting it to the crease of the eyelid.
  2. Draw a thick line above the lashes, which gets thinner as we get closer to the inner corner.
  3. Combine the first element with the second and draw another confident line on top.
  4. Fill the inner part of the arrow with color.

This technique creates a light smoky flair, making the eyes mesmerizingly delicate and more open. In addition, it does not require such scrupulousness as drawing with eyeliner. Another important advantage of painting with shadows: imperfections in shape can be easily corrected with a damp brush. The main thing is that their shade is in harmony with the color of the eyes.

  1. A brush with a beveled edge should be slightly moistened with water and lowered into dry shade.
  2. Shake off the excess powder so that later it does not crumble right before our eyes.
  3. The arrow goes from the inner corner to the outer corner along the lash line and rises slightly. To make the corner of the correct shape, you can use a strip of tape or a plastic card attached along the drawing path.

Features of arrows for eyes of different shapes

This makeup element is able not only to draw attention to the eyes, making them more expressive, but also to improve their shape, and even give the missing harmony to the entire face. Therefore, it is so important to choose an application technique in accordance with the type of eyes and their natural characteristics.

They seem to be intended for shooters: they have an elongated shape and raised outer corners. In such eyes, it will be enough to outline the natural border of the eyelashes with a smooth thickening from the middle of the century to the end of the arrow that goes up.

In general, it is believed that almond-shaped outlines are in harmony with arrows of any shape. Including with the contours returned to fashion in the style of the 60s of the XX century.

To shine with such makeup, in addition to the line extended to the outer corner, a carefully traced tail is needed, which, as it were, continues the lower eyelash and connects to the main line of the arrow.

Widely spaced eyes

To visually reduce the unwanted distance (which, by definition, exceeds the width of one eye), draw arrows in front of the eyes, leaving the inner corners unpainted. At the same time, we extend the line towards the bridge of the nose, and on the back side we do not go beyond the border of the outer corner.

In this case, the distance between the eyes is less than the width of one of them. Arrows starting closer to the center of the eyelid and going beyond the outer corner will help to make their arrangement more harmonious. At the same time, the tail of the arrow is elongated and directed upwards.

Round eyes

It is better to give such a calmer shape by visual lengthening. To do this, it is better to increase the thickness of the arrow in the central part of the eyelid, and to narrow it towards the corners. The “smoky” makeup perfectly copes with this task.

Small eyes

I really want to increase them, and arrows can help with this. Makeup artists advise you to start drawing, stepping back a little from the inner corner. The outer corner should also remain open. For greater effect, the lines are best shaded slightly with a pencil. It is better to bring the lower eyelid slightly from the outer edge.

Downcast eyes

Eyes of this shape usually give a sad expression to the face. Correct arrows can correct the situation. To do this, draw them from the middle of the upper eyelid and bring them up before the end of the strip of mucous membrane, visually lifting the corners. The inner corners are left without drawing.

The overhang makes the usual arrow invisible, moreover, the paint quickly spreads in such conditions. For the owners of this form, it is important to know how to draw arrows correctly, which will visually facilitate the look and maintain a clear outline throughout the day.

In this case, it is recommended to cover the entire outer corner of the eye with a horizontally rotated V pattern. It is better to draw thin and light lines. And to prevent smearing on the overhanging eyelid, it is advisable to choose an eyeliner with a waterproof property.

When painting over the overhanging eyelid, the eye should be completely open, this is the only way to predict the result.

Narrow eyes

This form is inherent mainly in persons of the Asian type. She is perfectly suited for wide arrows, which seem to open up the eyes - we discussed above how to create them. It is best to choose a liquid eyeliner for this.

As in the case of small eyes, soft shaded lines are recommended here, as well as a very light, to white, outline on the inner eyelid.

Deep set eyes

Without the right makeup, they can look dull. They will be made more noticeable by arrows made as follows: a thin line along the contour of eyelash growth, as it approaches the outer edge, goes up and ends with a refined tail.

A pronounced growth line of the lower eyelashes will successfully complement the upper arrow.

Experienced makeup artists know a lot about how to make eyelashes in order to provide them not only with stunning looks, but also excellent durability. A few professional tips will help you to achieve excellence in this matter.

  1. The pencil should be well sharpened to create a clear outline and not scratch the eyelid. To do this, before sharpening, it is enough to hold it for half a minute in the freezer.
  2. To prevent the eyeliner from smearing during the day, before applying it, you need to degrease the skin of the eyelid with lotion or powder.
  3. When applying, it is not necessary to tighten the eyelid too much, otherwise the arrow will be deformed. Direct your gaze downward, while the eye is half-open - this way you can control the situation.
  4. For the line to be perfectly straight, the hand that applies it needs a fulcrum: the elbow should be on the table, and not hang in the air. Vanity can ruin everything.
  5. If at the stage of mastering the technique you cannot get a straight line, you can start drawing it from dots or light intermittent contours, connecting which, you get a solid line.
  6. Watch for symmetry. The slightest deviation in the drawing of the arrows can give a strange expression to the face. Irregularities are corrected with a cotton swab and makeup remover.
  7. An emphasis on the face in the form of arrows requires impeccable eye makeup: a sufficient amount of mascara on the eyelashes and eyebrows, an even skin tone, and careful selection of shadows. Just do not draw the lower eyelid with liquid eyeliner - such a line gives vulgarity and adds age. The bottom contour should be light or shaded.

How to draw arrows in front of your eyes and what kind of arrows in your eyes do you like? You can emphasize the beauty of the eyes with thick or thin arrows of the same or different color. Experienced girls in applying makeup know that the most successful and beautiful arrows are obtained when, before drawing, you take into account your eye shape and do everything in stages. Listen to the recommendations of the professionals.

Always with you

Several correctly applied strokes on the eyelids and the face changes significantly. Knowing this, women of fashion carry a pencil or liquid eyeliner in their purses. The look will be different. The eyes will look beautiful and more expressive.

Which is better to use a pencil (black, brown, gray, etc.) or eyeliner, similarly different colors? It is correct to give preference to a pencil. The line he drew comes out softer. It is easy to shade and add mystery and depth to the eyes. Liquid eyeliner will highlight your eyes and the overall impression of your face will be that you are a confident, determined girl and even somewhat aggressive.

What color to choose

What are the girls guided by when choosing the color of the arrows? Do they match a particular outfit or eye color, is this a favorite color? Try to put on blue or gray, silver or gold arrows and you will find that they look even more gorgeous than black ones. Yes, those are classic, but no one bothers you to freely express your preferences. Correctly paint just the way you like it.

The multicolored arrows on the eyes look great during the day. Visually it seems that the eyes are more open with a somewhat naive, childish expression. If you have a relatively narrow eye shape, this is the option for you. The lighter shades will make you look younger, with a fresh complexion.

Open gaze

How to achieve a “wide open” pleasant look? Correctly bring the upper eyelid with a darker blue pencil, and the lower one is 2 tones lighter and you will achieve this effect in stages. If you are planning to draw a gray eyeliner, then apply it to both the outer and inner eyelids. Eyes will appear brighter in color, both in daylight and in the evening in semi-darkness.

There are some nuances when drawing black arrows. This color will visually narrow your eyes. If you have a middle cut, then make a thin line. You can also draw thick arrows in front of the eyes if they are large. The main thing is that you like it. The general pattern is that the smaller and narrower the eyes, the thinner the arrow should be drawn.

Read also: Problem skin makeup and face care

How best to draw arrows

Sit down at the kitchen or desk, place a mirror opposite. Do everything in stages. Lean your elbows on the table surface. It is more comfortable. Take a pencil and begin to draw a line on the eyelid from the middle.
Draw this line where the eyelashes grow and pull it from the center towards the outer corner. Stop 2 or 3 mm before the end of the eyelid. As you paint, you can use your fingers to lift the skin under your eyebrow. This will make it easier to draw the line.
Now, in stages, draw a line from the middle of the eyelid to the corner (inner) of the eye.
If you want to make arrows and draw as evenly as possible, take a piece of cardboard or a ruler. Apply from the beginning of the arrow (outer corner) to the end of this brow. Sticking to this line and aiming the arrow.

Popular arrows

There are different lengths with the width of the arrow on the eyes. Each of the girls will choose the ones that she likes, needs, and suits a certain image and makeup. There are many types of arrows. Let's talk about the most popular ones:


In this case, thin lines are made. A line is drawn with a pencil, starting from the inner corner of the eyelid and continuing to the outer. At the very end, the line goes up a little. Don't forget this. Experts recommend drawing a fine line. Make sure that it is uniform along the entire length.

Double line

The look will be bright and very expressive. If you naturally have pain
attractive eyes, they will become even more beautiful. A line is applied to the upper eyelid, starting from the inner corner and along the way to the outer. As you approach the edge of the outer corner, lift the line up and make it thicker. When you draw a line along the inner eyelid, start from the outer corner and continue to the inner corner. Try to draw the arrows as similar as possible on the eyes. It is important that they rise smoothly at the end and have a similar slope. And here artistic talent is important. If you want your lashes to appear thicker, thicken them. Any girl, after training, will be able to beautifully conduct them. How wide to draw? Each girl decides to her taste. From the corner of the eye, draw a line to the outer edge.

Read also: Eyebrow tattooing with the hair method - useful tips before choosing

Cat's eye

Young beauties love the arrows on the eyes under the "cat's eyes".
Thanks to them, the depth of the eyes is emphasized. The look becomes lively, mischievous. In the end, both features in this makeup go to the temples. If you want to look special today, this make-up is for you.


Cosmetologists have developed rules. If you stick to them, the arrows will come out before our eyes, almost perfect. Consider them:

  • When pointing the arrows, do it in front of the mirror. Look directly at yourself, not from the right or left side. Many perform them, as if from the side. Then, with a direct glance, it turns out that the lines are not drawn perfectly.
  • There are several points of view from where to start drawing lines. Some say that from a row of eyelashes, others from the corner. If you start leading from the corner, then you can draw a line of uneven thickness and not quite repeat the shape of your eye. Therefore, start exercising by swiping with a row of cilia.
  • Draw an arrow along the mucosa. Thus, it will closely follow the shape of the eye and the outer corner will appear raised. At the same time, the look will become childishly open and playful with a sparkle. This is exactly the effect that each of the girls achieves.
    How to draw so that in the course of the growth of the eyelashes, when you draw the lines, there are no gaps? First, apply dark shades to those areas, and then proceed with a pencil. The result will be excellent. No gaps, bright and precise features.
  • Consider what shape your eyes are. If a