Gifted children psychological problems of development. Gifted children: Psychological problems of development, training and education. " Problems of gifted children

Mishina Elena Vyacheslavovna

GBOU SOSH №1108 Moscow

Primary school teacher

Psychological problems of gifted children

Strengthening attention to working with gifted children in the present conditions when innovative processes in all leading areas of people's lives are defining, quite explained and very relevant. However, there are unresolved key problems for working with gifted children. These problems act as leading directions in working with children showing special qualities in intellectual activity.

The problem is difficult to upbringing and learning gifted children on a general "educational conveyor", so experts pay great attention to the development of new educational models. The task of supporting intellectual development becomes very relevant. Such children require differentiated curricula and special pedagogical support.

Problems arising from this, are reduced not only to the mechanical selection of gifted children from the total mass of schoolchildren, but also to issues of optimal load, assessment systems, additional classes, development and consolidation of a high level of motivation of training, social protection. The learning process of gifted children requires the creation of a special educational environment.

In modern psychology, there is no general definition of the concept of "gifts". This phenomenon is not only pedagogical and psychological, but also social. Made a great contribution to the development of this problem at different stages: Leitehes N.S., B.M.Plovlov, S.L. Rubinshtein, A.M. Matyushkin, V.D.Shadrikov, A. Alizade, A. Baires, in .. Golubeva and d.

They are alarming the relationship of gifted children with a group of students and, even, teachers. On the other hand, the level of confidence of gifted children, often incurred in self-confidence can significantly adversely affect their further development.

Among the first studies of abilities, talent, the talent can be called work related to the emergence and active use of diagnostics, empirical methods of research Rossolymato G.I., Galton F., Pearson, C., Kettella R., Allowed by E. The fact that the characteristics studied by them were far from the modern understanding of the structure and the main components of the rod, the work of these researchers have made a noticeable contribution to the formation of the concept of "intelligence" and the appearance of the first "mental tests" for its measurement.

Consider the main conceptual elements of the problem of rigging.

Giftedness is the quality of the psyche, which determines the possibility of achieving a person with high results in various activities. The concept of "giftedness" was first formulated by the English psychologist F. Galton in Ser. XIX century In modern studies, gifts are presented as a systemic, developing a personality property.

It should be noted that scientific research problems of rigging in history had a complex character. From the philosophical position, the gifts were considered within the framework of the general problems of realizing the abilities of the individual. With a biological position, the problem of gifted was studied as part of genetics, emphasizing the primacy of the natural scientific components of the development of a gifted person. From a psychological position in studies, focus on analyzing the creative abilities of a person, his psyche. Pedagogical concepts

bind the manifestation and development of giftedness with individual developing

conditions of the sociocultural and educational environment. Thus, the giftedness is a multilateral, but holistic phenomenon. A gifted child is called one that is allocated by outstanding achievements in any form of activity. For example, F. Galton, according to his biographical data, showed gifts even at an early age: from one and a half years he knew all the letters of the alphabet, he independently read from two and a half years, wrote from three years. In 1869, F. Galton in his scientific work "Hereditary genius" analyzed the extensive material on "outstanding people."

Many researchers note that the level, high-quality peculiarity and nature of the development of gifting is always the result of the complex interaction of heredity (natural deposits) and the social environment mediated by the activities of the child (gaming, educational, labor). Always relevant will be the problem of preparing pedagogical personnel for working with gifted children. Unfortunately, modern education is enormously carrying out the "print" of working with an average child. Yes, and the genesis of the lesson himself, his dominant traditional five-element structure (Orgmoment → Survey → Explanation of the new → Fastening → homework) fully contributes to the equalization of children, their note to the "average". So convenient to work as a teacher. But there is no need to prove the fact that it is really to notice (reveal) todarenity from a child, and even more so to develop it, to create adequate conditions for the educational and educational residence of a gifted child can be the corresponding professional level teacher. Other words - a gifted teacher.

Domestic psychologists A. N. Leontyev and B. M. Thermalov were engaged in studying abilities from different points of view. For example, in the center of attention B.M. Teplov were individually - psychologicalbackgrounds of unequal successful development of certain functions and skills. A.N. Leontyev interested, mainly, how from natural prerequisites based on structures of human activity there are qualitative mental functions and processes (in the spirit of the concept of higher mental functions, by L.S. Vygotsky).

The first level of students' toddares. The student freely owns the recommended summary actions to fulfill the training tasks. Successfully, without difficulty performs all traditional software tasks. Initiatives for obtaining an enhanced level tasks does not show. The manifestations of interest in the non-program content of training subject courses is not observed even when it is initiated by the teacher (parents). In 20% of cases, a positive result is obtained when performing the tasks of an unconventional (olympiad) character. Personal, own approaches to solving problems are rarely observed.

Second level of students' talent. The student is always successful when performing traditional software tasks, while often the desire to fulfill the tasks of increased difficulty.

When performing non-traditional tasks (Olympiad character) comes to a positive result in 50% of cases. When solving certain problems, well-known action algorithms are mainly used, although in rare cases their own approaches are manifested. The non-program content of training subject courses is of interest if it is initiated by the teacher (parents). On the recommendation of the teacher can participate in school scientific and practical conferences.

Third level of students' toddares. The student constantly exhibits the desire to fulfill the practical tasks of increased difficulty, and the practical tasks of the program level are given to it easily, without causing difficulties and as a result of this interest for him do not imagine. At the same time, mastering the theoretical content of the subject within the framework of the standard is carried out without ahead and without deepening. When performing non-traditional practical tasks to the successful result comes in 80% of cases. Along with the well-known algorithms of action, almost 30% of cases use its own approaches to a successful problem solving. Interest in non-printable material is manifested not only at the initiative of teachers (parents), but also to the same extent on its own initiative. In student studies, elements of project activities and independent systematization of the material are manifested, which makes it possible to successfully speak at school and district scientific and practical conferences. Fourth level of students' toddares.

Program theoretical material The student absorbs with some advance, deepening and expanding it. Unconventional practical tasks (oxyady character) The student performs almost 95% of cases, using at least half of the cases its own approaches to a successful problem solving. Integrated material interest, mainly exhibits on its own initiative. Owning project activities, I am pleased to study the most difficult problems based on school curriculum, gets interesting results, is an active participant

scientific and practical conferences of students of the regional (regional, regional) character.

Fifth level of adaratence of students. The student easily develops the program of the university level within the framework of the Magistracy, having the potential opportunities for early completion of university education. The content of the school program for it is a consequence of higher education programs. When performing the tasks of an olympiad nature, almost always comes to a positive result. Conducts scientific research at the dissertation level representing an objective novelty ..

With the gifting of a child at school, a psychologist is found in two cases: prosperous gifting and giftedness as a problem for a child and others. Giftedness can coexist productively in different types of vital activity, and there may be a lot of socio-psychological problems and intrapersonal contradictions. The "prosperous" gifted child knows about his characteristics, takes them in himself, relies on them in the process of its development and self-realization. Quality, data from nature, is the subject of its self-esteem, but this is not reflected in a negative way to relate to people, they do not possess. In his family, he did not become a "white knight", but also did not create his loved on serious problems because of his uniqueness. He manages to create and maintain an equal relationship with others, managed to adapt to the data of the educational conditions, removing the maximum benefit from them for himself, he actively moves forward. To this position, the child must first of all its parents chosen by their style of upbringing and communicating, as well as those adults who participated in the upbringing one way or another. He is obliged to itself, the properties of his nervous dynamic organization, which gave him an activity initial organizedness of mental activity, stability resistance. However, the most common version of the development of a capable child in a mass school is distressed. In his behavior, training, internal psychological state, a gifted child is approaching a dedapted. Giftedness takes the point of failure, social nestness, deviant, etc. Giftedness as a problem becomes a holistic state of personality affecting all aspects of its being. But the problem can be localized in learning, communication, behavior, intrapersonal state. One of the manifestations of psychological difficulties or problems in teenage learning is to experience anxiety. Mass school often slows cognitive development, entering into conflict with the need of a schoolboy in self-development, this leads to devastating consequences. Training on a regular program that does not create intellectual problems, situations of overcoming the material and the concentration of its capabilities may result in the fact that it does not form certain skills of the organization of training activities, an effective educational style is not produced. Hence the problem with preparing homework. Such children successfully cope with creative tasks, but fail when the routine tasks are fulfilled. The behavioral socio-psychological problems of gifted children are manifested very often in asocial, aggressive behavior. The child's protest against the current practice of attributes to Him peers and adults, dissatisfaction with relations, long-term suppression of its important needs, in activity, demonstration of its capabilities, leading and others can take in the behavior of the form of demonstrative asocialism, protective aggression. Such a schoolboy behaves defiantly, violently and unfriendly responds to the actions and assessments of others, it allows themselves to be abnormative actions. There are also cases of the opposite reaction: care of themselves, depression.

Gifted teenagers are characterized higher, compared with the "ordinary" schoolchildren, anxiety level, due to the specific characteristics arising in the system of interaction "Teacher - Student" and "Teacher - Student".

In the initial years of learning a child at school parents significantly

successful than teachers, identify the gifting of their children. It was in the early years of life that cognitive development occurs the fastest pace. It is not surprising that parents are more successful than teachers, in recognition of adarability in early years. By the time of the meeting with secondary school and teachers‐ subscribers related to the development of children are smoothed, less expressive

Giftedness is not a word from children's consciousness. A talented child is aware rather than its giftedness, but its exceptions from others, which develops into alienation and generates serious personal conflicts.

According to sociological data, gifted children from the total number of 20-30%. "Prosperous" of them are only 5%, the rest in the state of the large risk of social isolation and rejection from their peers. Giftedness can organically fit into the vital activity of the child, and may cause many complex socio-psychological contradictions. Unfortunately, the last option is more common.

In the younger school age, such children have high anxiety, uncertainty, neurosis. In adolescence, problems can grow into psychological breakdowns.

For a teacher, as for any adult, the adoption of the child's giftedness means the recognition of his championship in a particular area. If this sphere is important for the teacher in terms of self-realization, to recognize the advantage of the student is difficult. In addition, the recognition of gifting will require a teacher of certain professional efforts to create the necessary conditions for development. The problem in working with a gifted student arises from a teacher who does not own the appropriate professional funds by the arsenal. At the same time, the teacher is quite aware of the need for a special approach to the child.

As all children are gifted to face a number of vital difficulties, and also experience their characteristic problems. Among these problems, such as misunderstanding by their peers, teachers, parents; Difficulties in the formulation of learning goals and in choosing a profession. If these difficulties are not allowed, a sense of own closer appears, a negative me-concept is formed, the relationship with others is sharpened, achievements in studies disappear. One successful method of solving such problems that do not require large material costs is a library-treatment of a book. Blitterpia is particularly effective in work due to the fact that they are early to read and are interested in books, books provide the opportunity to communicate with the talented people of all the times and peoples that have passed and overcoming such problems. In the works of a gifted child can find the key to a better understanding of what happens to him and the world. Through identifying himself with heroes encountered with familiar conflicts that tormented by the same issues, gifted find ways to resolve their problems.

In modern psychology, a significant amount of data on the features of the development of gifted children and those difficulties (problems) are accumulated, which they may experience in the school learning process. However, the psychological difficulties of gifted adolescents arising in the learning process in a secondary school, as well as the reasons for their normalization remain not yet sufficiently studied. At the same time, the analysis of work in the field of development psychology shows that these problems are most acute and manifested during the periodteenager.

During the adolescent crisis "odarity "Subjected to deep perestroika and is formed either in adultery, or completely fades. The process of school learning, imposing a constant interaction of the subjects of the educational process, potentially contains many external sources that can cause the occurrence of psychological problems in gifted adolescents, which lead to a sustainable developmentanxiety . The psychological problems arising from gifted adolescents in the process of school learning are directly related to the prospects for the further development of their giftedness.

This is exactly what the special relevance of appeal to the problem of studying the psychological problems of gifted adolescents arising during school learning is due to. Gifted adolescents are characterized higher, compared with "ordinary" schoolchildren, level of anxiety, due to the specific nature of psychological difficulties (problems) arising in the system of interaction "Teacher - Student", "Student's student".


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Summer Hollingurat made a great contribution to understanding the problems of adaptation facing gifted children.

    Dislike for school . This attitude often appears because the curriculum is boring and uninteresting for gifted children. Violations in behavior may appear because the curriculum does not correspond to their abilities.

    Gaming interests . Gifted children like complex games and uninteresting those who are fond of their peers. As a result, the gifted child is insulation, goes into itself.

    Conformability . Gifted children, rejecting standard requirements, are not inclined to conform, especially if these standards are contrary to their interests.

    Immersion in philosophical problems . For gifted children, it is characteristic of thinking about such phenomena as death, afterlife, religious beliefs and philosophical problems.

    Discrepancy between physical, intellectual and social development . Gifted children often prefer to communicate with older children. Because of this, it is sometimes difficult to become leaders.

    The pursuit of excellence . For gifted children, the internal need for excellence is characteristic. Hence the feeling of dissatisfaction, its own inadequacy and low self-esteem.

    Need for adults . By virtue of the desire for knowledge, gifted children are often monopolized by teachers, parents and other adults. This causes friction in relations with other children. Often gifted children intolerant belong to children below them in intellectual development. They can repel the surrounding remarks expressing contempt or impatience.

    The problem of tolerance surrounding to a gifted person. Gifted people are usually bright individuality, and most people recognize the right after another person to be "others" is very difficult. But even a gifted person is sometimes difficult to accept that there are other people around, not similar to it.

Question number 9 Social adaptation of children with exceptional intelligence.

Gifted children experience socialization difficulties, adapting, which causes their high neuropsychiatric tension, neurotic, leads to disadaptation. Not accidentally gifted children refer to the "risk group". The more developed abilities, the more vulnerable the identity of the gifted child. Daily communication difficulties that do not hurt a regular child are capable of hurting the child gifted. A person, whose perception is chronically ahead of his age, is often in a state of stress.

Obragrats on the path of intellectual gifting of social character:

Conformism . The desire of the child to be like others. A similar feeling arises in childhood. The reason is not understanding that arises from adults.

Internal censorship . It is a fear of a child before his own ideas. This fear leads to the fact that the child begins to passively react to what is happening around and does not try to solve emerging problems. Increased level of guilt. Parents of gifted children nourish unreasonably high hopes that their child will reach the same high results in almost all areas of their activities. And, of course, they are sure that the son or daughter must be honored. As a result, the child appears "Complex of Excellent", in which any decline in marks is perceived in the family, and the child himself like drama. Parents most often demonstrate to the child discontent (perhaps on conscious, and at the unconscious level). This parental pressure is very distorting the concept of a gifted child.

Unstable, understated self-esteem. What affects the formation of self-assessment of a gifted child?

Illuminated standards for evaluating their activities, which sometimes coincide with insufficiently high results. This is the result of parental education: parents connect the successes of their child with the realization of their own claims. Failures do not fit into that vital idea, which was prescribed to a gifted child with his parents. But a person tend to endure failure, so a gifted child must be ready for them.

Response response to failure in school learning. In children with highly developed intelligence, there may be an academic problem. Such cases in modern school are not rare. For a gifted child, it is not a form, but the point. Under the influence of a quickly mastered boring for a gifted child, his efforts are spent in idle.

One of the tasks of school learning remains the formation of a versatile personality. And the special areas of interest of gifted children are not taken into account. In terms of gifted children, at the usual level of intelligence, a special predisposition to any one subject is detected.

Lack of adult attention. Most teachers simply have no time to take care of the lesson about the gifted child, and sometimes they even interfere with students with affecting knowledge and not always understandable mental activity. Teachers do not always adequately understand the personal features and patterns of development of a gifted child.

Relationships with peers. In school, gifted children often get offensive nicknames. Each person is needed by identification. A gifted child primarily links himself using his abilities he can surprise classmates. Of course, a gifted child will demonstrate its superiority. However, instead of recognition, it comes to alienation, envy, misunderstanding of peers. Exceptional progress isolate child from friends. For girls, the choice is my abilities or friends - even more painful. Internal conflict "Seapt-identification" is formed.

The acute sense of justice. Such a child strive to always be right. For gifted to be wrong, it is simply painful. Therefore, he thinks that it is unpleasantly unpleasant to be in such a position. He sincerely wants to help. As soon as someone makes a gifted baby, a gifted child immediately strive to help him. This rush is regarded not always adequately and causes the anger of classmates.

It is important that such children should develop, aware of not their exclusivity, compared to other children, and experienceing a sense of responsibility, tolerance to others.

The rigidity of the educational system. Traditional school methods help consolidate knowledge taken to date, but do not allow learning to put and solve new problems, improve solutions.

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Specificity of the emotional sphere of gifted children


1. The concept of gifting

1.1 What is giftedness

1.2 Typology of gifting

3.1 Research program

3.2 Research results

3.3 Discussion of results




gifted psychological person

"Each child is unique and unique, everyone, assure psychology, oodar," - T. Galkovskaya.

Relevance of the research topic. Gifted children are a special and very fragile part of our society, one of its most important resources. It can be said that this cultural and scientific potential of Russian society, on which it depends, how culture, technique and science will develop in the future.

Previously, it existed that all children are equal in intellectual and emotional plan. It is necessary only to teach them to think, empathize, solve complex logical tasks. All children were considered gifted, but the experience of modern education shows that there are still differences. Children stand out with more developed intelligence than peers, with high cognitive activity, with abilities for creativity, with the ability to classify, summarize, find relationships.

Gifted children often face difficulties in choosing a future profession, since the election of one way naturally excludes all the others. But the child should make the choice itself. Parents should not be overly actively influenced by the direction of this choice. Perhaps making an independent choice, the child will later come close to the sphere of interests of their parents. But it will be his own choice.

A deferred solution does not give rise to big problems, but there are areas where the achievement of vertices require an early start and narrow specification.

The purpose and objectives of the study. Compare the emotional and personal sphere of gifted and inadeny children.

Object of study:

Subject of study:

Psychological features of the development of the personality of intellectually gifted children.

1. The concept of gifting

1.1 What is giftedness

Gilford began to practice for the first time. After the 2nd World War, he worked in the Pentagon, developed a program for the identification of gifted children (mental gifts). Since then, in the United States, the fact of the need for working with gifted children meant recognizing the state importance of this problem. Purpose: to identify children who could become engines of progress and give them development. In the USSR in 1975 The All-Union Council on Gifted and Talented Children, which began to coordinate the work on learning, learning and upbringing gifted children.

In Soviet psychology - B.M. Teplov, A.N. Leontyev and S.L. Rubinstein - the understanding of the fact that the giftedness is something more than the amount of abilities, but it becomes not only a quantitative, but also a qualitative component. But this approach was neither proof conceptually nor the methodologically provided.

So B.M. The heat suggests the following definition: "... Godhood is understood as a qualitative and peculiar combination of abilities, which depends on the possibility of achieving greater or less success in performing a particular activity." At the same time, the author believes: "... It is impossible to talk about gifts at all. You can talk about giftedness to anything, to any activity. "

Psychologists and teachers involved in children's best practices are mainly adhere to the definitions of giftedness, which was proposed by the US Education Committee. Its essence is that the child's gifold can be established by professionally trained people, considering the following parameters: outstanding abilities, potential opportunities in achieving high results and already demonstrated achievements in one or more areas (intellectual abilities, specific learning abilities, creative or productive thinking , ability to visual and performing art).

1.2 Typology of gifting

Understanding the typology of giftedness is the first and necessary step towards specific work with gifted students, effective assistance in the development, strengthening and implementing their outstanding opportunities. In the extensive psychological and pedagogical literature devoted to the problems of gifting, consider some of them.

Giftedness Total and Special

The researchers traditionally argued about whether the so-called "total gifting" as a universal ability or gift is always concrete and manifests itself only in one or more spheres.

Most of the scientists is inclined to the fact that the giftedness is an integral (total general) personal property. In other words, if a person is like, he is able to achieve success in many activities.

But also traditionally there is another point of view. Supporters believed that the types of gifts exist as much as the points of the application of human activity could be found. According to this approach, the gifts are always concrete, and it is impossible to talk about gifted at all, you need to talk about the giftedness of musical, mathematical, etc.

However, studies of specialists convincingly testify in favor of the fact that the giftedness of the integral property of the individual.

Specialized gifts in nature are rare.

This question must be considered in the age aspect. Gifolds on different age stages (senior preschool and junior school age) are less differentiated and must be mainly treated as universal (general) ability. But with age on the genetic background, the influence of environmental factors is imposed. As a result, the giftedness acquires the subject orientation implemented in any form of activity. During this period, most children are far from indifferent than to do.

There is a division of gifted by four groups:

· Children with high indicators on special intelligence tests;

· Children with a high level of creative abilities;

· Children who have achieved success in any areas of activity (young musicians, artists, mathematics, chess players, etc.) this category is more often called talented;

· Children, well-study at school (academic gifting).

Creative and intellectual gifts.

It was experimentally revealed that a high level of development of convergent thinking, determined by the tests of intelligence, can be combined with a low level of divergent thinking. In this case, a person can be successful in teaching, but helpless in independent activities, in creativity. In contrast to this, high level of creativity is usually impossible without a high level of development of intellectual abilities (ability to convergent, logical thinking).

This phenomenon and age aspect. In psychology there is the concept of "naive creativity". Still hp Vygotsky noted that the manifestations of fantasy in the child are bright and unexpected than an adult, due to the fact that the child trusts the products of his imagination more and less control. In the early age stages (preschool, junior school age) a high level of creativity can be combined with a low level of development of intelligence. And without intensive work on the development of the last ability to work (creativity) in the future, it is quickly reduced.

2. Study of the characteristics of the emotional and personal sphere of gifted children

2.1 Development of the identity of a gifted child and his problem

Psychological research and social observations show that gifted children are more prosperous than other children. They do not have problems in training, they are better communicating with peers, they adapt faster to a new environment.

Their fundamental interests and inclinations developed from childhood serve as a good basis for successful personal professional self-determination.

The unusual abilities of children are inseparable from age, they are due to the heat of the organism ripening and its age-related changes. In general, the ability and gifts are individual identity features.

From nature, the child is endowed with general abilities based on special abilities.

Preschool childhood (3-7 years old) is a sensitive period for the development of the creative potential of the child. Many well-known scientists, musicians, artists and writers showed their outstanding abilities at an early age. Everyone knows the brilliant achievements of the little A. Mozart, outstanding successes in childhood F. Galton, I.I. Mechnikova, K. Gauss, V. Gyu, F. Schubert.

Gifted children often become outstanding adults, but can be the opposite: people who have not manifested themselves in childhood reach outstanding results in adulthood. Often outstanding mental potential, as the biographies of many famous people show, remained unnoticed for a long time.

A prerequisite for the development of abilities is the corresponding activity of students (musical, visual, cognitive, in the field of mathematics, physics, etc.). For the most successful manifestation of abilities in one way or another, a certain combination of qualities is necessary - a positive attitude to relevant activities, interest in it, the presence of organization, concentration, independence, purposefulness, perseverance.

Good knowledge of the features of the development of gifted children is the key to the knowledge of the capabilities of gifted children and the base for the development of special programs for them.

Each child has one inherent features, properties that make up his individuality.

A fundamentally different situation is developing in children with exceptional gifting.

Thus, by virtue of the above-described uneven development and part of children with sharply increased intellectual and artistic and aesthetic capabilities, there are often problems of communication, there are no sufficiently formed and effective skills of social behavior.

This can manifest itself in excessive conflict and / or in a kind of alienation of a gifted child from a group of peers and leads to the fact that a gifted child begins to look for other niche for communication: Society of more junior or, on the contrary, significantly older children or communicates only with adults and T ..

Often, such children have problems in emotional development. So, in difficult situations, they explicitly show the infantile reaction: for example, critical comments cause immediate tears, and any failure leads to despair.

Many particularly gifted children are noticeable of problems associated with their physical development, some of them clearly avoid everything that requires physical efforts, physical education lessons.

Special, very difficult, in terms of helping these children, is the problem of volitional skills or wider - self-regulation.

For especially gifted children, the development situation often develops in such a way that they are engaged only to activities, quite interesting and easy for them, that is, the essence of their giftedness.

Any other activity that is not included in the scope of their inconsistencies, many gifted children avoid, using a condescending attitude towards adults.

Ultimately, there is a specific situation when especially gifted children, being in a special relationship of "workaholics", that is, showing an obvious tendency to his beloved work, still do not know how to work in cases where pronounced volitional efforts are required.

To a much lesser extent, this refers to children with psychomotor (sports) giftedness and is significantly more to children with increased intellectual abilities.

Another serious problem of some of the intellectually gifted children is the lack of creative manifestations. Judging by the existing empirical and literary data, it arises from these children, rather, as a personal problem, as a consequence of a special orientation only to master knowledge.

This is especially often happening with children who have an accelerated pace of mental and total age development. From early childhood, they receive the approval of the importance of knowledge around others and the strength of knowledge, which becomes subsequently the leading motivation of their mental activity.

There is no doubt that with the relevant system of training and education, with a clearly thought out system of development of motivation, this problem of intellectually gifted children can be quite successfully overcome (which is confirmed by the data of psychogenetics on a very significant, much more pronounced role of environmental factors in the development of creative abilities compared with intelligence).

At the same time, the system of development of the child's gifting should be thoroughly built, strictly individualized and its implementation should be at a fairly favorable age period.

Based on the foregoing, all forms of working with gifted children (educational games, training, counseling, training, etc.) must fully take into account the personal features of the gifted child and focus on effective assistance in solving his problems.

2.2 Psychological Features of gifted children

The most important characteristic of the identity of children with a manifestation of gifting is a special system of values, that is, a system of life priorities, the most important place in which occupies the activity corresponding to the content of giftedness. In gifted children, there is a biased, personal attitude to the activities that make up the sphere of their interests. With all changes in the training of these children and adolescents, this fundamental feature should be taken into account and plan classes in such a way that they remain sufficiently time for free, non-elected employment.

For a significant part of gifted children, the so-called perfectionism is characterized, that is, the desire to achieve perfection in the performance of activities. Sometimes a child climbs the clock with the already completed work, seeking one of him well-known perfection. Although, in general, this characteristic is positive in nature, in the future, turning to a pledge of a high level of professional achievements, from a teacher and a psychologist, however, it is required to introduce such demands in a reasonable framework. Otherwise, this quality will turn into "Selfhood", in the impossibility of bringing work to the end.

His features in gifted children have self-esteem, which characterizes the presentation of a child about their forces and opportunities. It is quite natural that self-esteem from these children and adolescents is very high, but sometimes, in particularly emotional children, self-esteem is distinguished by the well-known contradiability, instability - sometimes from very high self-esteem, the child rushes into another extreme, believing that he can't .

An important feature of a child showing signs of gifted is the so-called internal locus of control, that is, the adoption of responsibility for the results of its activities (and in the future for everything that happens to him). As a rule, such a child believes that it is in him that the reason for his success and failure becomes itself. This feature of a gifted child, on the one hand, helps him cope with possible periods of failure and is the most important factor in the progressive development of its outstanding abilities. On the other hand, the same feature leads to a not always reasonable sense of guilt, self-vacation, sometimes even to depressive states.

Many gifted children have an increased impressionability and its associated special emotional sensitivity, which manifests itself in a variety of forms: events, not too significant for more ordinary children, become the source of the brightest, sometimes even changing the whole life of the child's experiences.

Increased emotionality in some cases is manifested in the inclination towards stormy affects. In other cases, she is hidden, revealing themselves in excessive shyness in communicating, falling asleep difficulties, and sometimes in some psychosomatic diseases.

For the teacher it is especially important to know the features of the identity of gifted children with creative manifestations, since it is this option that it is most difficult for him to see. Let's say intellectual gifts in your classic, cognitive-analytical version (all the more learning as one of its feats) can be detected by the teacher easy enough.

Another thing is creative manifestations of giftedness. Very often, teachers for creative abilities accept the independence of the student when performing tasks (he himself found the material, he analyzed him and wrote an abstract) or the foundation of his intellectual analysis. The very same breaking of established opinion, and from here what is called non-standard of thinking or a way of activity is not always evaluated as a creative result, rather as "chief", irresponsibility, sometimes even conscious disrespect for the teacher. In the same way, some personality features of students with creative manifestations are not quite adequately evaluated.

One of the main personal characteristics of children and teenager with elevated creative possibilities is independence (autonomy, that is, the inability to act, think and do the same as the majority). Children with creativity, in whatever field of activity, their gifts manifested themselves, in comparison with other people little oriented on a common opinion, for the established principle, for established rules. Although this personal characteristic helps them in activities and even in a certain sense forms creative opportunities, however, it is it that makes them uncomfortable for others. Gifted children of this type behave less predictably than they would like others, which sometimes leads to conflicts. The teacher should always take into account this psychological feature of creative children, correctly, assessing and understanding.

The identity of the gifted child carries the explicit testimony of its uncommonness. Understanding the personal features of a gifted child is especially important in cases of the so-called hidden gifting, not manifested until a certain time in the success of the activity. It is a kind of personality features, as a rule, is organically connected with gifting, make a teacher or school psychologist assume that a child have increased opportunities.

Before switching to the direct characteristic of the personal features of a gifted child, consider some facts, to one way or another affecting the formation of his personality.

The idea of \u200b\u200ba gifted child as a sickness, weak and socially ridiculous being is far from always true. The so-called harmonious development is possible, which is confirmed by a number of studies. However, some of the gifted children are primarily exclusively gifted in any one area, there is indeed disharmonious development, which directly affects the person during its formation and is the source of many problems of an unusual child.

It was above indicated that a number of gifted children there is a significant advance, say, in mental or artistic and aesthetic development, which is sometimes reaching 5-6 years. It is clear that all other areas of development are emotional, social and physical - being quite common in their level, do not always sleep for such a rapid growth, which leads to pronounced uneven development.

Another cause of unevenness is a special system of basic interests, fundamentally different in gifted children in comparison with other children: the main place in it is occupied by activities corresponding to their outstanding abilities. Therefore, often special cognitive development is in some sense at the expense of other areas of development. So, until a certain time, communication with peers in the field of personal interests occupies a much less place in some gifted children than other children of the same age (this, of course, is not about schoolchildren gifted by leadership abilities).

A number of psychological research and social observations shows that gifted children are generally more prosperous than other children: do not have learning problems, they are better communicated with peers, they adapt faster to a new environment. Their rooting interests and inclinations, developed from childhood, serve as a good basis for successful personal and professional self-determination.

True, these children may have problems in the event that their increased opportunities are not taken into account: training becomes too easy or there are no conditions for the development of their creative potencies.

A fundamentally different situation is developing in children with exceptional gifting. Thus, due to the above-described unevenness of development and in some children with sharply increased intellectual and artistic and aesthetic capabilities, there are often problems of communication, there are no sufficiently formed and effective skills of social behavior. This can manifest itself in excessive conflict or in a peculiar alienation of a gifted child from a group of peers and leads to the fact that a gifted child begins to look for other niches to communicate: Society is more younger or, on the contrary, significantly older children or communicate only with adults, etc. .

Often, such children have problems in emotional development. So, in difficult situations, they show an infantile reaction: for example, critical comments cause immediate tears, and any failure leads to despair.

Many particularly gifted children are noticeable to the problems associated with their physical development. Some of them clearly avoid everything that requires physical efforts, physical education lessons.

Another common problem of many gifted children is the difficulty of professional orientation. It often happens that even by the end of the teenage period, the gifted young man or a girl is hampered with the choice of his vocation.

In general, there is a situation of some deadaption of a particularly gifted child, which can take a rather serious nature, at times quite justifying the classification of this group of gifted children into a group of increased risk.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that all forms of working with gifted children (educational games, training, counseling, training, etc.) must fully take into account the personal features of the gifted child and focus on effective assistance in solving his problems.

3. Comparison of the emotional and personal sphere of gifted and non-study children

3.1 Research program

Purpose of the study:

To identify the specifics of the development of an intellectually gifted child.

Research tasks:

1. Put forward the hypothesis about the possible difference in the severity of aggression in gifted and unmarried children;

2. put forward the hypothesis about the possible difference in the level of adaptation in gifted and non-acute children;

3. To the hypotheses put forward to choose the techniques and develop a test procedure;

4. Calculate data;

5. Analyze the results obtained;

6. To analyze the results by methods of mathematical statistics;

7. Discuss the results and draw conclusions relative to the hypotheses extended.

Object of study:

Intellectually gifted children.

Subject of study:

Psychological features of the development of the personality of intellectually gifted children.

Hypothesis Research:

1. Intellectually gifted children are generally more aggressive compared to children who do not belong to intellectually gifted.

2. Intellectually gifted children are generally more disadnant in society compared to children who are not attributed to intellectually gifted.

1. Pupils of the boarding school for gifted children "Intellectual" - 23 students of grade 8, of which 10 girls and 13 boys (average age - 13-14 years old).

2. Students of secondary school, 27 class students, of which 15 girls and 12 boys (average age - 13-14 years old).

Methodical tools:

The determination of the child can be attributed to intellectually gifted children, and what no, was carried out on the basis of a survey method of the class teacher 8 class "in" a secondary school. Since the teacher can adequately evaluate the intellectual abilities of students, he was asked to diagnose the level of development of intellectual abilities using a special questionnaire composed on the basis of Renzull-Hartman rating scales. (See applications p. 63-64) During the expert assessment, two gifted student were allocated.

To study the severity of aggression in adolescents of the general education class and pupils of the Intellectual boarding school, we used the questionnaire "diagnosis of indicators and forms of aggression" A. Bass and A. Darka. This technique is aimed at identifying the peculiarities of mental states based on different forms of aggression and hostile reactions. These mental states can be described using eight scales:

1. The use of physical force against another person is physical aggression.

2. The expression of negative feelings both through the form (quarrel, cry, screech), and through the content of verbal appeals to other persons (threat, curse, swearing) - verbal aggression.

3. Using nearly directed against other persons gossip, jokes and manifestation of non-directional, disordered explosions of rage (in screaming, tramples, etc.) - indirect aggression.

4. The opposition form of behavior is usually aimed against the authority and manual, which can increase from passive resistance to active actions against the requirements, rules, laws - negativity.

5. The tendency to irritation, readiness at the slightest excitation to fill in hot spirits, sharpness, rudeness - irritation.

6. A tendency to distrust and cautious attitude towards people arising from the belief that others intend to cause harm - suspicion.

7. The manifestation of envy and hate to others, due to the feeling of anger, discontent with someone or the world for real or imaginary suffering, is a resentment.

8. Attitudes and actions towards themselves and others, resulting from the possible belief of the most surveyed in the fact that it is a bad person, it does not come out: harmful, viciously or shamelessly, - autoagression or guilt feeling.

To study the level of adaptation in adolescents of the general education class and adolescents boarding schools for gifted children, we used a multi-level personal questionnaire "Adaptability". This questionnaire has several structural levels, which allows you to obtain information of various volumes and character.

The questionnaire includes 4 scales:

1. The scale of behavioral regulation characterizes the tendency to neuropsychic breakdowns, the adequacy of self-esteem and the adequacy of the perception of reality.

2. The scale of communicative potential characterizes the level of communication abilities, aggressiveness, conflict and ability to establish contacts with others.

3. Scale of moral and moral regulation characterizes the level of socialization, compliance with generally accepted behaviors and adequate assessment of its place and role in the team.

4. Scale of the personal potential of socio-psychological adaptation (the sum of the 3rd scale listed) defines three groups of adaptation: good, satisfactory and unsatisfactory.

Using the method of statistical processing of experimental data, it is directly checked, and hypotheses associated with the experiment are proved or refuted.

In our case, we will consider the comparison method of two elementary statistics (medium) relating to different samples.

To compare selective averages belonging to two sets of data, and to solve the question of whether the average values \u200b\u200bare distinguished statistically reliably from each other, we will use the T-criterion of Student. Its main formula is as follows:

t \u003d x 1 cp - x 2 cf: (M 1 2 + m 2 2) 1/2

where x 1 cf is the average value of the variable by one data sample;

x 2 cf - the average value of the variable for another data sample;

m 1 and M 2 - integrated indicators of deviations of private values \u200b\u200bfrom two compared samples from the corresponding average values.

m 1 and M 2 in turn are calculated according to the following formulas:

m 1 2 \u003d s 1 2 cp / n 1; m 2 2 \u003d s 2 2 cp / n 2,

where S 1 2 CP - selective dispersion of the first variable (on the first sample);

S 2 2 CP - selective dispersion of the second variable (by second sample);

n 1 - the number of private values \u200b\u200bof the variable in the first sample;

n 2 - the number of private values \u200b\u200bof the variable in the second sample.

After using the above formula, the indicator T is calculated, according to the table of the critical values \u200b\u200bof the Student T-criterion for a given number of freedom of freedom (N 1 + N 2 - 2) and the probabilities of permissible errors, the desired table value T is compared with the calculated value T . If the calculated T value is greater than or equal to the table, it is concluded that the compared average values \u200b\u200bof the two samples are truly statistically significantly different with the probability of a valid error less than or equal to the elected.

3.2 Research results

To obtain results, we found it necessary to analyze which differences in the manifestation of the forms of aggression between gifted (non-study) girls and boys.

Below are tables that reflect the differences in average values \u200b\u200bfor each form of aggression.

Table 1. Comparison of average values \u200b\u200bof the severity of aggression of gifted and unmarried girls according to the method of A. Bass and A. Darka.

Forms of aggression

Gifted girls

Unmarried girls

Physical aggression

Verbal aggression

Indirect aggression





From tabular data, it is clearly seen that, in general, the indicators of the average values \u200b\u200bof the level of aggression of gifted girls are higher. The exception is verbal aggression and irritation.

Table 2. Comparison of the average values \u200b\u200bof the severity of aggression of gifted and unmarried boys according to the method of A. Bass and A. Darka.

Forms of aggression

Gifted boys

Unmarried boys

Difference between average values

Physical aggression

Verbal aggression

Indirect aggression





From tabular data, it is clearly seen that, in general, the indicators of the average values \u200b\u200bof the level of aggression of gifted boys are higher than that of unrear. Average indicators of physical, verbal aggression and irritation are lower than in unmarried boys.

Table 3. Comparison of average values \u200b\u200bof the severity of aggression of gifted girls and boys according to the method of A. Bass and A. Darka

Forms of aggression

Gifted girls

Gifted boys

Difference between average values

Physical aggression

Verbal aggression

Indirect aggression





The level of aggression in boys is higher than girls, except verbal, autoadagression and suspicion.

Table 4. Comparison of the average values \u200b\u200bof the severity of aggression of gifted and non-acute adolescents according to the method of A. Bass and A. Darka.

Forms of aggression

Gifted teens

Unmarried teens

Difference between average values

Physical aggression

Verbal aggression

Indirect aggression





From tabular data, it is clearly seen that, in general, the indicators of the average values \u200b\u200bof the level of aggression of gifted adolescents are higher than that of in-expired. The average indicators of physical, verbal aggression and irritation are lower than in unrear teenagers.

Conduct a comparative analysis among the average values \u200b\u200bof the forms of adaptation of gifted and unmarried children.

Table 5. Comparison of average values \u200b\u200bof indicators forms of adaptation of gifted and unmarried girls according to the "Adaptability" technique

The indicators of the average values \u200b\u200bof adaptation forms in gifted girls are generally higher than that of inacted, which characterizes the low level of adaptation.

Table 6. Comparison of average values \u200b\u200bof indicators forms of adaptation of gifted and unmarried boys according to the technique "Adaptability"

The indicators of the average values \u200b\u200bof adaptation forms in gifted boys are generally higher than that of in-expired, which characterizes the low level of adaptation.

Table 7. Comparison of average values \u200b\u200bof indicators forms of adaptation of gifted and non-academic adolescents according to the "Adaptability" technique

For all tables, it can be seen that gifted children have a low level of adaptation.

Table 8. Results of empirical values \u200b\u200bfor the T-criterion of Student

Forms of aggression and adaptation

Gifted children

Unmarried children

t-criterion Student

The level of significance of differences

Physical aggression

Not significant

Verbal aggression

Not significant

Indirect aggression





Total adaptation

3.3 Discussion of results

If we talk about differences in aggression, it can be seen that in gifted adolescents the greatest difference in average indicators is autocression - 11.64 points. This suggests that the actions towards themselves and others result from the possible belief of gifted children in the fact that they are bad, it is not good: harmful, wickedly or shamelessly, often feel guilty and take someone else's blame for themselves. Suspiciousness is 10.04 points, which characterizes a gifted teenager as an incredulous, careful to people, he believes that the surroundings intend to hurt him. Negatavism is 8.72 points. This indicator confirms the fact that the opposition form of behavior is characterized to gifted children aimed against the requirements, rules, laws.

As for the lower average in such forms of aggression, as physical, verbal and irritation, this suggests that the gifted children of the adolescent maximalism phase have experienced earlier due to its advanced development and conflict situations use other forms of interaction.

As for the average indicators of social and psychological adaptation, then in this sample there is a tendency to a low level, which is characterized by neuropsychiatric disruptions, engine disorders of a functional state, a mental state can be described as a border, the adaptation process is hard.

3.4 Analysis of the results by the method of mathematical statistics

Physical aggression

Basic hypothesis

Alternative -

The average values \u200b\u200bin two samples are respectively 55.88 and 57.56. Difference - 1, 68. It is required to check how much time it is reliably. To do this, we use the criterion of T-Student.

First, we define selective dispersions for two compared samples of values: 40.82 and 29.84, respectively.

We will put the found values \u200b\u200bof the dispersions in the formula for the calculation M and T and calculate the indicator T Emp.:

As you can see an empirical significance below the critical, consequently, the hypothesis (H 0) that selective averages are statistically significantly different from each other, not confirmed with the level of significance of 5%, therefore the level of physical aggression of gifted children can be considered either higher or the same as in unreared.

Verbal aggression

H 0: The difference between average values \u200b\u200bis significant;

H 1: The difference between average values \u200b\u200bis not significant.

The average values \u200b\u200bin two samples are equal to 56.88 and 59.24. Difference - 2.36. Next, check how statistically reliably this is the difference.

Selective dispersions for two compared samples of values: 26 and 11.7, respectively

t cr. \u003d 2.01 (with a level of significance of 5% and with the number of degrees of freedom: 25 + 25 - 2 \u003d 48)

The empirical significance is lower than the critical, therefore, the hypothesis (H 0) that the difference between selective averages is statistically reliable, rejected with a level of significance of 5% and an alternative HAP hypothesis is adopted, which means that the level of verbal aggression of gifted children is higher or coincided with non-study.

Indirect aggression

H 0: The difference between average values \u200b\u200bis significant;

H 1: The difference between average values \u200b\u200bis not significant.

The average values \u200b\u200bin two samples are respectively 80.04 and 74.88. Difference - 5,16. Check how much statistically reliably is the difference.

Selective dispersions for two compared samples of values: 24.36 and 12.98, respectively

t cr. \u003d 2.01 (with a level of significance of 5% and with the number of degrees of freedom: 25 + 25 - 2 \u003d 48)

The empirical significance is higher than the critical, therefore, the hypothesis (H 0) that selective averages are statistically significantly different from each other, it is accepted with a level of significance 0.05, therefore, the difference is 5.16 - meaningful, we can talk about that in this form Aggression gifted children are more aggressive compared to uncontrolled.


H 0: The difference between average values \u200b\u200bis significant;

H 1: The difference between average values \u200b\u200bis not significant.

The average values \u200b\u200bin two samples are respectively 68.08 and 59.36. Difference - 8.72. Check how much statistically reliably is the difference.

Selective dispersions for two compared samples of values: 32.4 and 17.09, respectively

t cr. \u003d 2.01 (with a level of significance of 5% and with the number of degrees of freedom: 25 + 25 - 2 \u003d 48)

The empirical significance is higher than the critical, therefore, the hypothesis (H 0) that the selective averages are statistically significantly different from each other, it is accepted with a level of significance 0.05, therefore the difference is 8.72 - meaningful, we can say that in this form Aggression gifted children are more aggressive compared to uncontrolled.


H 0: The difference between average values \u200b\u200bis significant;

H 1: The difference between average values \u200b\u200bis not significant.

The average values \u200b\u200bin two samples are respectively equal to 44.16 and 50.2. Difference - 6.04. Check how much statistically reliably is the difference.

Selective dispersions for two compared samples of values: 11.38 and 14.24, respectively

t cr. \u003d 2.01 (with a level of significance of 5% and with the number of degrees of freedom: 25 + 25 - 2 \u003d 48)

The empirical significance is higher than the critical, therefore, the hypothesis (H 0) that selective averages are statistically significantly different from each other, it is accepted with a level of significance 0.05, therefore, the difference is 5.16 - meaningful, we can talk about that in this form Aggression gifted children are less aggressive compared to non-unaren.


H 0: The difference between average values \u200b\u200bis significant;

H 1: The difference between average values \u200b\u200bis not significant.

The average values \u200b\u200bin two samples are respectively 71.8 and 61.76. Difference - 10.04. Check how much statistically reliably is the difference.

Selective dispersions for two compared samples of values: 30.25 and 22,19, respectively

t cr. \u003d 2.01 (with a level of significance of 5% and with the number of degrees of freedom: 25 + 25 - 2 \u003d 48)

The empirical significance is higher than the critical, therefore, the hypothesis (H 0) that selective averages are statistically significantly different from each other, it is accepted with a level of importance 0.05, therefore, the difference is 10.04 - meaningful, we can talk about that in this form Aggression gifted children are more aggressive compared to uncontrolled.

H 0: The difference between average values \u200b\u200bis significant;

H 1: The difference between average values \u200b\u200bis not significant.

The average values \u200b\u200bin two samples are respectively equal to 36.56 and 30.76. The difference is 5.8. Check how much statistically reliably is the difference.

Selective dispersions for two compared samples of values: 20,81 and 13.54, respectively

t cr. \u003d 2.01 (with a level of significance of 5% and with the number of degrees of freedom: 25 + 25 - 2 \u003d 48)

The empirical significance is higher than the critical, therefore, the hypothesis (H 0) that the selective average is statistically significantly different from each other, it is accepted with a level of significance 0.05, therefore the difference is 5.8 - meaningful, we can talk about that in this form Aggression gifted children are more aggressive compared to uncontrolled.


H 0: The difference between average values \u200b\u200bis significant;

H 1: The difference between average values \u200b\u200bis not significant.

The average values \u200b\u200bin two samples are respectively 51.52 and 39.88. The difference is 11.64. Check how much statistically reliably is the difference.

Selective dispersions for two compared samples of values: 16,89 and 15.18, respectively

t cr. \u003d 2.01 (with a level of significance of 5% and with the number of degrees of freedom: 25 + 25 - 2 \u003d 48)

The empirical significance is higher than the critical, therefore, the hypothesis (H 0) that selective averages are statistically significantly different from each other, it is accepted with a level of importance 0.05, therefore, the difference of 10.3 units is considered significant, so it can be argued that gifted children More aggressive compared to non-unaren, if we consider autoagression.

From the questionnaire "Adaptability" for statistical processing, choose the scale of the personal potential of socio-psychological adaptation, as it is the main to determine the level of adaptation (good and normal, satisfactory and unsatisfactory).

We put forward two hypotheses: the main and alternative:

H 0: The difference between average values \u200b\u200bis significant;

H 1: The difference between average values \u200b\u200bis not significant.

The average values \u200b\u200bin two samples are appropriately equal to 74.4 and 34.84. Difference - 39,56. Check how much statistically reliably is the difference.

Selective dispersions for two compared samples of values: 52.02 and 29.57, respectively

t EMF \u003d 12,13

t cr. \u003d 2.01 (with a level of significance of 5% and with the number of degrees of freedom: 25 + 25 - 2 \u003d 48)

The empirical significance is higher than the critical, therefore, the hypothesis (H 0) that the selective averages are statistically significantly different from each other, it is accepted with a level of significance 0.05, therefore, it can be said that gifted children are deadapted in society compared to conventional children. .

We carried out statistical studies suggest that intellectually gifted children are generally more aggressive compared to children who are not intellectually gifted, and that intellectually gifted children are generally more disadvantaged in society compared to children who do not belong to intellectual Gifted.

Using the questionnaire A. Bass and A. Darka, we made a comparison of the features of the forms of aggression of gifted and unmarried children. Analysis of the results allows us to conclude that the irritability indicator and the level of verbal aggression are lower in gifted children, which is associated with their advanced development; The level of indirect and autoagression, on the contrary, is higher, which once again confirms the fact that childbirth is difficult to establish relations in microsocium, the violation of emotional relations leads to the manifestation of disordered explosions of rage, also to feel guilty to other people and take someone else's guilt to myself.

With the help of the personal questionnaire, "Adaptability" also differed differences in the adaptation level. In gifted children, the adaptation indicator corresponds to the low level, i.e. They have signs of obvious character accentuations, mental state can be described as a border, the adaptation process takes place hard and neuropsychiatric disruptions are possible.

The analysis of the results with the T-criterion of Student confirmed the results of psychological tests, which, in turn, means: Intellectually gifted children are generally more aggressive compared to non-internal, and that gifted children are generally more disadnant in society.

The hypotheses nominated by us were confirmed.

Recommendations for the use of the results obtained in practice. The creation of a favorable psychological climate in a class that promotes the manifestation of intellectual and creative initiative by students in both cognitive and social spheres. Thus, it is possible to overcome the existing negativity in relation to gifted children both from the teachers and from students.

In the course of working with gifted children, teachers need to take into account the specifics of the development of the identity of a gifted child.

It is necessary to lead a directional work on the correction of the level of claims, self-esteem of the gifted child, its assessment of the results of activities by other people, primarily by his classmates.

Parents must carefully listen to the questions of the child, note what a child prefers to do, follow his natural interests; Try to identify such interests that the parent and child can coincide. It is desirable that the child has a place for his collections, experiments and favorite activities. Classification, categorization, system search and connections brings intelligent satisfaction with a gifted child.

Parents and teachers should avoid creating an "effect of the halo", to know that the child needs to face situations from an early age with the situations in which it does not shine, does not reach the vertices. The child can take part and enjoy classes in which it does not succeed. Failure is a normal thing happening to everyone.

Taking participation in the training of emotional sustainability.


Certain attention in our work was paid to the peculiarities of the identity of the personality of an intellectually gifted child, since it is these features that interfere with normal adaptation in a social environment. As a result of the theoretical and practical research, hypotheses of the diploma were confirmed.

The course of research has led us to the following conclusions and results.

The results obtained confirm the theoretically indicated personal features of gifted children. It should also be noted that it is the presence of these personal features that is often a significant prerequisite for the emergence of various problems of gifted children related and with study, and with peer relations. Such personal properties as insufficient emotional despusting, low stress resistance, some impulsiveness, softness and, at the same time independence, ...

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Researchers of children's gifts (D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya, N.S. Leithes, A.I. Savenkov, etc.) consider it necessary to create such psychological and pedagogical conditions under which the development of gifted schoolchildren of motivational, intellectual and creative possibilities for their self-realization is possible. in creative activity and self-actualization in professional activities.

Modern education as its priority goal is the recognition of the student's personality by the main subject of education. Such a statement of the goal is relevant when it comes to gifted children, which are of particular value to society.

Researchers of the development of modern education B. M. Bim-Bad, B. S. Gershyshnsky, V.I. Pozmenhansky, V. A. Karakovsky, M. M. Potashnik, and others. Fairly believed that there was a problem before teachers Education of a whole moral personality in agreement with the world and with me. Moreover, the dependence of the very existence of life on Earth from the human mind is becoming increasingly.

In general, it can be argued that the issues of learning, development and education of gifted children acquire particular importance for modern school. Today, the problem of learning such children is directly related to the new conditions and requirements of a rapidly changing world, which has breeding the idea of \u200b\u200borganizing targeted education of people who have pronounced abilities in a particular area of \u200b\u200bactivity.

By decision of the World Health Organization, gifted children enter the "risk group" along with young offenders, children of alcoholics. They need special customized programs, specially trained teachers, special schools (schools where they know and take into account the features and problems of the gifted child, where it will develop according to its deposit and abilities).

Giftedness can be represented as a special combination of three characteristics:

  • Integrative Personal: curiosity (cognitive need) - the more likely the child, the more pronounced by his desire to know the new, unknown and manifests itself in the search for new information, new knowledge, in a constant desire to ask many questions, in the restless study, creative activity (desire to disassemble toys, explore animal behavior); Superxistence of problems - the ability to see the problem where others do not notice anything unusual - this is an important characteristic of a creative-minded person. Another Plato said that knowledge begins with surprise what was ordinary.
  • Characteristics of the sphere of mental development: the originality of thinking is the ability to put forward new, unexpected ideas that differ from widely known, generally accepted. Manifests itself in the thinking and behavior of the child, in communicating with peers and adults, in all kinds of its activities (pronounced in the nature and theme of independence of drawings, essays, stories, design); Thinking flexibility - the ability to quickly and easily move from the phenomena of one class to another, often far from content.
  • Characteristics of the sphere of personal development: Maintenance of the content of the problem is the leading characteristics of the giftedness. The activity then acts as an effective means of developing abilities when it is stimulated by not a sense of debt, not the desire to obtain a reward, but, first of all, interest in the content. Manifests itself in the activities and behavior of the child; Nonconformism - the desire by all means to withstand the opinion of the majority is characterized by its independence and independence. Manifests itself in readiness to defend its own point of view, even if it contradicts the opinion of the majority, in the desire to act, and do not traditionally do; Leadership - domination in interpersonal relationships. These characteristics are easily observed and must be seen by the teacher.

Following the researchers of schoolchildren's gifting, we allocate three groups of such students at school.

  • Schoolchildren with a very high overall level of intellectual abilitiesexplicitly exceeding the average level; Creative approach and perseverance in achieving the goal. These children have a strong sense of justice and very broad personal valuables systems.
  • Schoolchildren with signs of special mental giftedness in a certain field of knowledge, With preference to engage in some kind of specific activity, but with emergency susceptibility to not speech manifestations of feelings surrounding, often with asocial behavior.
  • Schoolchildren who do not reach success for success in the teachings, but possessing bright cognitive activity, the originality of the mental warehouse, outstanding mental reserves, creativity, productivity of thinking, the ability to leadership.

Giftedness at the present stage of the development of psychological and pedagogical thought can be viewed as a kind deviationThat is, gifted children are presented in many cases by carriers of deviations, which creates a lot of problems when working with them.

Why are gifted children - children "with deviations"?

Consider the range of problem points due to the overall gentleness of the child and being the opposite side of the undoubtedly present positive qualities of the original developing personality.

The first group of currently existing problems is associated with the negative personal behavioral aspects of a gifted child, among which the following can be noted:

  • egocentrism and inability to get up to the point of view of another person, especially if it is intellectually weaker;
  • dislike for school if the curriculum is boring and uninteresting;
  • lagging in physical development compared to peers, since the gifted child prefers intellectual classes;
  • the lack of a culture of the dialogue and the desire to complete the thought of the interlocutor, since from the first words the essence of the problem has grabbing;
  • the desire to interrupt and correct the interlocutor during a conversation, if he makes logical errors or incorrectly puts in words;
  • the desire to always be right in the dispute due to the lack of conformism and the ability to compromise;
  • the desire to command peers - otherwise he becomes bored with them.

These problems, or, speaking in other words, the low-attractive personal features of a gifted child entail a complex of complexities of a socio-psychological nature, which makes it difficult to work as a teacher with such a child, leading often to disadaptive symptoms. Socio-psychological, communicative difficulties can be typed as follows.

Socio-psychological problems of gifted children are manifested very often in well-known educators and school psychologists forms of deadaptive behavior, such as, for example, Assacial and aggressive. The child's protest against the practices of the relationship of peers and adults, dissatisfaction with relations, long-term suppression of its important needs - in activity, demonstration of their capabilities, leading, etc. - can take in the behavior of the form of demonstrative asocialism, protective aggression. Such a child behaves defiantly, violently and unfriendly responds to the actions and assessments of others, it allows themselves to be abnormative, even pronounced asocial deeds: spoils things, obscenely sculpts, fights, etc.

Frequently often in school practice, you can meet the opposite socio-psychological response of a gifted child to the situation of suppressing its natural manifestations and needs: care of yourself, in the world of their fantasies and dreams, apathetic, lethargy, disinterest in contacts. Depressive behavior can take and demonstrative features.

One of the serious causes of such socio-psychological manifestations is long-term deprivation (suppression, dissatisfaction) by the nearest social environment of the child, its important psychological needs.

Another reason for socio-psychological problems is a non-formation of a child to communicate. Gifted children are more often faced with her. Its origins are often lying in the preschool past of children, the special gentle environment that loving parents created for them was created.

One of the problems is that everything is more realized by the contradiction between the need for the development and training of gifted children and the insufficient theoretical and practical training of pedagogical frames to work with gifted children. Based on this contradiction, a problem arises in the definition of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development and training of gifted children in a secondary school.

Given all the above, we will highlight the most frequent features of the deadaption of gifted children. It:

  • difficulties in finding close to the spirit of friends;
  • problems of participation in the games and entertainment of peers;
  • problems of conformity, i.e. The effort to adapt to others seems to be such as everyone, the refusal of their individuality;
  • very early interest in the problems of the universe and fate;
  • dissinchromy development as a cause of loss of motivation to study.

Of all this, it can be created the impression that children's gifts - the abnormal process and it always accompanies various difficulties. This is not true. A gifted child is a child who develops differently, it requires a change in the established norms of relationships, other curricula, which is the content of the main problem field when working with this category of students.

Especially difficult to "notice" such a child in a timely manner. Identify the child as "gifted" or as "inextricated" at the moment - it means to artificially intervene in his fate, in advance, predetermining his subjective expectations. It should be remembered that the gifts in different children can be expressed in a more or less obvious form. Analyzing the peculiarities of the child's behavior, the teacher should keep in mind that there are children whose talent they have not been able to see. It is also important to take into account that the signs of gifted, manifested in childhood, even under the most favorable conditions may gradually disappear. In child psychology exists the term "attenuation of giftedness"The attenuation may be due to different reasons. One of them is the absence of a creative component in the structure of the talent structure. Another possible reason is associated with changes in external conditions, to which the child was not prepared in a timely manner. Most often, this is due to the inconsistency of the needs of the further development of a gifted child to the conditions of training and education in the so-called mixed class. The school with its leveling training system prevents the development of gifted children if there is no benevolent developing approach from parents and teachers. If the child did not help to work out the ability to learn, "attenuation" becomes more likely, generating numerous problems, among which you can call: dislike for school, reducing academic academic achievement, unrealistic goals, intolerance, etc. .

However, if in relation to all ordinary children in their studies in their studies, behavior, communication, teacher, psychologist and parents are looking for ways to help and correction through identifying their reasons, it is fundamentally different about the affair.

In order for working with gifted children to be effective, the analysis and identification of genuine mechanisms generating these problems, and an understanding that gifted is not just the result of the high abilities of the child, but first of all this is the problem of becoming his personality.

For problems in behavior, communication and training, accompanying the phenomenon of children's gifts, there are various factors. This may be a consequence: violations in ontogenetic development - delay or inversion (sequence disturbances) in the passage of certain genetic programs, functional immaturity in the development of higher mental functions (PPE), as well as inadequate residence of age-related stages and non-recognition of cognitive motivation.

In general, the main circle of problems in working with gifted children in the average school can be formulated as follows:

  • Inability to diagnose gifts.
  • Lack of methodical literature.
  • Lack of time to work with such children.
  • Great student loading.
  • Iconfiguring students in the extension of knowledge on the subject.

All designated problems determine the need to develop programs in working with non-standard, gifted students. In this regard, you can designate the following points. The modern education system in Russia is experiencing a clear deficit of teachers prepared for working with gifted and talented children. The subject orientation of the professional training of teachers, the reduction in the volume of hours drawn to the study of psychological and pedagogical disciplines in universities, of course, does not contribute to the formation of the future teachers of the skills to competently differentiate the educational process and build individual plans for the development of children with various abilities. At the same time, the solution to the problem of escorting is associated with an increase in the intellectual and creative potential of the country.

From the 60s Xx in. In our country, there are specialized classes and schools where children are selected based on their inclinations and a higher level of abilities. In our country there are only 4 special boarding schools for gifted children: in Moscow, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg. All institutions arose at a special decree of the government Back in 1963, the teaching staff form not only teachers, and professors of universities, scientists.

Domestic teachers N.S. Leietes, A.M. Matyushkin, V.I. Panov, V.P. Lebedeva, Yu.d. Babeva, S.D. Dryabo, V.A. Orlov, V.S. Yurkevich, E.L. Yakovleva, V.A. Yasvin, A.I. Savenkov and others have been conducted a number of studies on identifying, learning and developing gifted children under the Program of Personally Oriented and Practical Oriented Education, in accordance with the School and Additional Education; Developing educational technologies have been developed that changed the attitude to this category of students; A strategy to create a new model of education that promotes the versatile development of each student is determined.

  • Create a plan of classes with a child, taking into account the theme of his self-education, a tendency (humanitarian, mathematical, natural-scientific, musical, etc.), the mental features of the child.
  • Determine the topics of consultations on the most difficult and confusing issues.
  • Choose a child's report form (tests, questions, etc.) for certain periods of time.
  • To the child to provide: the name of the topic, the study plan, the main questions, concepts and terms, which he must learn; Practical works, a list of necessary literature, forms of control, tasks for self-test.
  • To analyze the results of work, issue a table:
    • thing;
    • date and time of consultation;
    • the main issues under consideration;
    • working time with the topic of the program;
    • actual time spent;
    • additional issues not provided for by the program;
    • unclear questions;
    • causes of deviations from the timing.
  • The teacher needs to be benevolent and sensitive, take into account the psychological features of the child, to encourage his creative and productive thinking, strive for the deep elaboration of the chosen topic.

Given all the above-mentioned features of gifted children, it is necessary to properly organize an educational process, to develop an individual route of integrated accompaniment of such a child. And for this requires a high professional competence of a teacher working with a gifted child.

Teachers can help develop the specified personal and professional qualities in three ways:

  • with the help of trainings - in achieving an understanding of themselves and others;
  • providing knowledge about the processes of training, development and features of different types of gifts;
  • training of the skills necessary in order to train effectively and create individual programs.

Teaching technique has a special training of teachers for gifted and ordinary teachers about the same: a noticeable difference lies in the distribution of time on the types of activity.

In general, practical reality highlights the fact that the School is experiencing special needs for textbooks and programs that would take into account individual requests and interests of gifted children. Programs are not laid alternative ways to promote a talented child beyond the course. And therefore, the system of additional education is played in the development of a gifted child. Out-of-school mugs, studios, creative workshops (here, maybe a major role belongs to cultural institutions) make it possible to implement interests that go beyond the school program.

The work of the teacher with gifted children is a complex and never stopping process. It requires teachers and educators of personal growth, good, constantly updated knowledge in the field of psychology and their learning, as well as close cooperation with psychologists, other teachers, administration and necessarily with parents gifted.

List of used literature

  1. Bogujavlenskaya D.B., Brouslinsky A.V., Babayev, and others. "The working concept of giftedness" edited by V.D. Shadrikova, - M., 2002.
  2. Bogoyavlenskaya, D.B. Psychology of creative abilities. / DB Bogoyavlenskaya. - M., 2002.
  3. Bogoyavlenskaya, M.E. Nature "Problems" Gifted: Methodological manual / Electronic resource. Access mode: /
  4. Levy V. Non-standard child - 2nd publication., Supplepeted and recycled - M.: Knowledge, 1988.
  5. Matyushkin A.M., Yakovlev E.L. Teacher for gifted [Text] / A.M. Matyushkin, E.L. Yakovleva. - M., 1991.
  6. Molokov D.S. Training teachers to work with gifted children abroad / electronic resource. Access mode:
  7. Gifted children at school (from experience) // "Teacher at School" No. 3, 2010 // Electronic resource. Access mode:
  8. Problems of gifted children and ways of their permission within the framework of socio-pedagogical activities // Electronic resource. Access mode: .
  9. Psychology of the gifting of children and adolescents [Text] / Ed. N.S. Leitehes, - M., 1996.
  10. Yurkevich V.S. Gifted child: illusions and reality: a book for teachers and parents. - M.: "Enlightenment", educational literature, 1996.


When they talk about human abilities, they mean its possibilities in a particular activity. These features lead both significant successes in mastering activities and to high labor indicators. All other things being equal (level of preparedness, knowledge, skills, skills, spent time, mental and physical effort) A capable person receives maximum results compared to less capable people.

(General psychology / edited by V.V. Bogoslovsky, A.G. Kovaleva, A.A. Stepanova - M: Education, 2001. - from 361-362.)

Watching disciples at school, the teacher does not reveal students without reason, more capable of studying. It happens that the student is easier to solve complex examples and tasks, rather than the expression of their thoughts when writing or retelling text.

The abilities are called such mental qualities, thanks to which the person relatively easily acquires knowledge, skills and skills and successfully deals with any activity. The abilities do not reduce knowledge, skills and skills, although they manifest themselves and develop on them. Therefore, it is necessary to be very careful and tactical in determining the abilities of students in order not to adopt the poor knowledge of the child for the absence of his abilities. Such errors were sometimes accomplished even for future major scientists who for some reason poorly studied at school. For the same reason, illegal conclusions about the abilities only on the basis of some properties that prove not low abilities, but a lack of knowledge.

Gonobolin F.N. Psychology - M: Education, 1998. - from 139-140.

The developing personality has an influence of both external and internal factors. Smoothing their negative and strengthening positive effects, you can achieve maximum development of natural deposits, disclosing the potential of a developing personality. For each child, such an area of \u200b\u200bactivity should be found, such methods of education and training, such an approach to interaction under which the positive aspects of its individual abilities will be found.

In psychology, the following classification of the levels of development of abilities is most common: ability, gifts, talent, genius.

"A person, whose perception is chronically

ahead of his capabilities, always

is under stress "

Summer Hollingzort

Personality and inflammatory child

Be gifted - not easy nosha. And the understanding of the personal features of a gifted child by teachers and parents is becoming particularly important in the case of the so-called "hidden gifting"

The identity of the gifted child carries the explicit testimony of its uncommonness, as the level, and the individual peculiarity of the child's activities is determined primarily to a certain extent of the "managing" activity. Understanding the personal features of a gifted child is especially important in cases of the so-called "hidden" giftedness, not manifested until a certain time in the success of the activity. It is a kind of personality features, as a rule, closely soldered with gifting, make a teacher or school psychologist assume that a child have increased opportunities.

Features of the personality of a high-flowed child.

1. Attentiveness, collens, constant readiness for tense work.

2. The irrepressible need to work without tired, term and recreation.

3. Features of thinking: the speed of mental processes, a high level of analytical synthetic activity, the productivity of mental work.

4. A wide range of cognitive interests, protruding a constant incentive of the mental activity of the child.

In the aggregate, all these features form the structure of mental gifts, which manifest themselves from the overwhelming majority of guys and differ only in the severity of each of these abilities taken separately.

Family of the gifted child

The family of a gifted child in all cases is directly related to the development of his personality and giftedness. Even outwardly, it would seem that the unfavorable conditions of development (bad living conditions, insufficient material security, incomplete family) are more or less indifferent to the development of abilities, and especially important characteristics for their development, primarily increased attention of parents, are in full (sometimes even exaggerated) volume. No matter how we regard the role of natural factors or the impact of targeted training and education (schools) on the development of the personality and rigging of the child, in all cases the value of the family remains very significant.

The experience of observing the family of gifted children makes it possible to allocate the following features that are of fundamental importance for the development of giftedness.

1. In families of gifted parents, the high value of education is clearly traced, while parents themselves are often very educated. This circumstance is a very favorable factor, to a large extent determining the development of increased abilities of the child.

2. The main, almost mandatory feature of the family of any gifted child is elevated, significantly increased relatively with ordinary families, attention to the child, when the whole life of the family is concentrated on it. Although such attention to the child may later become a brake for its mental autonomy, however, it is undoubtedly one of the most important factors for the development of outstanding abilities.

Very often, highly gifted children are older parents, for whom the child is the only meaning of life. Even more often, especially gifted children are the only children in the family or at least actually the only one (the elder child has already grown and does not require attention), and the attention of the parents only is aimed at this child.

3. In many cases, it is the parents who begin to teach a gifted child, and quite often, although not always, one of them is becoming a genuine mentor (mentor) of his child in various activities: in the artistic and aesthetic, in sports and Of course, in one or another form of scientific knowledge. This circumstance is one of the reasons for "rooting" or other cognitive or any other interests of the child.

4. A particular childcake of the familiar child's family, the fanatic desire of the parents to develop the child's ability to have their own negative sides in some cases. Thus, in these families there is a certain consolidating position in relation to a number of social and especially household skills. We know cases when a gifted child is 10 years old, while studying in the 9th grade and being physically and mentally well healthy, nevertheless did not learn how to tie the laces on shoes or independently warm up his food.

5. There is nothing surprising that the parents of these children show special attention to the child's school learning, choosing textbooks or additional literature and advancing with the teacher, how best to study it. True, sometimes it has the negative sides when they interfere with the educational process and in some cases even provoke a conflict with administration and teachers.

Relationship of a gifted child with peers

Peers belong to gifted children in different ways, depending on the nature of their giftedness and on the degree of non-standard of its manifestations. By virtue of greater trainee, including social and household skills, many gifted children enjoy more popular in the team of peers than ordinary children. In particular, this refers to children with elevated physical abilities and, of course, to the leaders' children.

It is much more difficult to the situation with the so-called exceptional gifting. In many cases, this giftedness is accompanied by an unusual behavior and oddities, which causes a perplexity or mockery from their classmates. Sometimes the life of such a child in the team develops the most dramatic manner (the child is beaten, they come up with offensive nicknames for him, arrange humiliating draws). To some extent, precisely as a result of these relationships with peers, children with such development fall into the risk group.

True, in the latter case, much depends on the age of children and from the value system adopted in a separate children's community. In specialized schools, much higher than the likelihood that intellectual or even curriculies of a particularly gifted child or adolescent will be appreciated and, accordingly, its relationship with peers will be folded more favorable.

Personality of a gifted child

Although all gifted children are different - in temperament, interests, upbringing and, accordingly, according to personal manifestations, nevertheless there are common features of the individual characterizing the majority of children and adolescents with elevated capabilities.

The most important characteristic of the identity of children with manifestations of giftedness is a special system of values, that is, a system of personal priorities, the most important place in which is occupied by the activity corresponding to the content of giftedness. In such children there is a pre-personal-emotional, personal attitude to the activities that make up their sphere of interest. Interests and inclinations that make up the content of their abilities occupy not only time, but also the soul of such a child. With all changes in learning such children and adolescents, this particular principal feature should be taken into account and plan classes so that they remain sufficient time for free, non-elected activities to their favorite activities.

Many gifted children have an elevated emotional sensitivity associated with it, which is manifested in various forms. Events not too significant for ordinary children become the source of the brightest, sometimes even changing the whole life of a child, experiences.

For a significant part of gifted children, the so-called perfectionism is characterized, that is, the desire to achieve perfection in the performance of activities. Sometimes a child is redoing the clock by the already completed work (an essay, drawing, model), achieving one of his well-known perfection. Although, in general, this characteristic is very positive in nature, in the future, turning into a pledge of a high level of professional achievements, nevertheless, a reasonable framework for such a demand for themselves is required to introduce a reasonable framework from a teacher and psychologist. Otherwise, this quality turns into a kind of "self-called", in the inability to bring work to the end.

Special character in gifted children has self-esteem, that is, the presentation of a child about their forces and opportunities. It is quite natural that self-esteem in these children and adolescents is very high, but sometimes, in particularly emotional children, self-esteem is distinguished by certain contradictory, instability - from very high self-esteem in some cases, the child rushes to another extreme in others, believing that he is nothing can't and can not. If children with consistently high self-esteem need sometimes in some "sobering", then children with unstable self-esteem, on the contrary, in psychological support.

A very important feature of the person's personality showing signs of giftedness is the so-called internal control locus, that is, the adoption of responsibility for the results of its activities (and in the future and for everything that happens to him). As a rule, a child with such elevated capabilities believes that it is in him that the reason for his success and failure becomes itself. This feature of a gifted child, on the one hand, helps him cope with possible periods of failure and is the most important factor in the progressive development of its outstanding abilities. On the other hand, the same feature leads to a not always reasonable sense of guilt, self-vacation, sometimes even to depressive states. So, for example, we know cases when such a child is all responsibility, let's say, for the divorce of the parents takes on himself, considering that it was not good enough, he failed to do something needed for dad or mom.

One of the main personal characteristics of children and adolescents with elevated creative possibilities is autonomy, difficulty, and sometimes the inability to act in the group, think and act as the majority. Children with creativity, in whatever field of activity, their gifts would have been manifested, little, relatively with other people, are focused on a common opinion, for the established principle, on established rules. Although this personal characteristic helps them in activities and even in a certain sense forms the creative opportunities themselves, nevertheless it makes them uncomfortable for others. Gifted children of this type behave less predictable than that I would like others, which sometimes leads to conflicts. The teacher should always take into account this constitutional feature of creative children, correctly evaluating it and understanding.

Problems of gifted children

A number of psychological research and special observations show that gifted children are generally much more prosperous than ordinary children: do not have problems in learning, it is better to communicate with peers, they adapt faster to a new environment, and the interests and inclinations developed in the person Childhood, serve as a good basis for successful professional self-determination and respective achievements.

True, these children may have problems in the event that their increased opportunities and training becomes too easy or there are no conditions for the development of their creative potencies.

A fundamentally different situation is developing in children with exceptional gifting. Thus, due to the above-described uneven development of development, some children with sharply elevated, say, intellectual and artistic and aesthetic capabilities often arise communication problems, there are no enough formed and effective skills of social behavior. This can manifest itself in excessive conflict and / or in a kind of alienation of a gifted child from a group of peers and leads to the fact that a gifted child begins to look for other niches for communication: Society of more junior or, on the contrary, significantly older children, communication only with adults and so Further. Often, such children have emotional development problems, when in difficult situations, they explicitly show the infantile reaction: for example, critical remark causes immediate tears, and any failure leads to despair.

Many particularly gifted children are noticeable to the problems associated with their physical development. Some such children clearly avoid everything that requires physical efforts, the physical education lessons are clearly.

Another major problem of some part of gifted children is the lack of need for them, and sometimes the abilities for creative activity. Like a paradoxically, a significant part of particularly gifted children, showing bright intellectual and training abilities, come to the extreme difficulty when they are offered activities requiring a non-standard approach, exit to the limits of established experience - that is, creative activity. Judging by the existing empirical and literary data, the problem of creativity arises from these children rather as a personal problem, as a consequence of a special focus on learning knowledge. Especially often this happens with children who have an accelerated pace of mental and even more general age development. From early childhood, they receive the approval of the surrounding volume of all the volume, the depth and strength of the learning of knowledge, which becomes subsequently the leading motivation of their mental activity.

Another common problem of many gifted children is the difficulty of professional orientation. It often happens that even by the end of the adolescence, a gifted young man is hampered with the choice of his vocation, and his wide mental capabilities only complicate this problem.

In general, there is a situation of some deadaption of an exclusively gifted child, which can be quite serious, sometimes quite justifying the assignment of this group of gifted children into a group of increased risk.

Problems of gifted children

1. Dislike for school

2. Gaming interests

3. Conformability

4. Immersion in philosophical problems

5. Missing between physical, intellectual and social development

6. The desire for excellence (perfectionism)

7. The feeling of dissatisfaction

8. Unrealistic goals

9. Superxistence

10. The need for adults

11. Intolerance

Dislike for school. This attitude often appears because the curriculum is boring and uninteresting for a gifted child. Violations in the behavior of gifted children can appear because the curriculum does not correspond to their abilities.

Gaming interests. Gifted children like complex games and are not interested in those who are fascinated by their peers of medium abilities. As a result, the gifted child is insulation, goes into itself.

Conformity. Gifted children, rejecting standard requirements, are not inclined, thus, to a conform, especially if these standards are contrary to their interests or seem meaningless.

Immersion in philosophical problems. For gifted children, it is characteristic of thinking about such phenomena as death, afterlife, religious beliefs and philosophical problems, to a much larger extent than for a middle child.

Discrepancy between physical, intellectual and social development. Gifted children often prefer to communicate and play with older children. Because of this, it is sometimes difficult to become leaders, as they are inferior in physical development.

The desire for perfection (perfectionism). For gifted children, the internal need for excellence is characteristic. They do not calm down without reaching the highest level. Property This manifests itself very early.

The feeling of dissatisfaction. Such an attitude towards themselves is associated with the desire for gifted children to achieve perfection in everything they do. They are very critically referred to their achievements, often not satisfied, from here - the feeling of their own inadequacy and low self-esteem.

Unrealistic goals. Gifted children often pose overestimated targets. Without opportunities to achieve them, they begin to worry. On the other hand, the desire for perfection is the power that leads to high achievements.

High heel. Since gifted children are more susceptible to sensory incentives and better understand relationships and communications, they are prone to a critical attitude not only to themselves, but also to others. A gifted child is more vulnerable, he often perceives words or non-verbal signals as a manifestation of rejection of themselves. As a result, such a child is often considered to be hyperactive and distracting, because it constantly reacts to various kinds of stimuli and incentives.

The need for adults. By virtue of natural curiosity and desire for knowledge, gifted children are often monopolized by teachers, parents and other adults. This causes friction in relations with other children who are annoying thirst for such attention.

Intolerance. Gifted children often with insufficient tolerance belong to children below them in intellectual development. They can repel the surrounding remarks expressing contempt or impatience.

Giftedness is a complex phenomenon, it has its own positive and negative consequences. The positive manifestations of gifts include good verbal abilities, constancy, independence, creative abilities, a variety of interests, a sense of value, good memory, perseverance, abstractness of thinking, etc. To negative - individualism, different speed of thinking and writing, instability of interest, manifestation of dictatorship, increased demand and intolerance.

All forms of working with gifted children (educational games, training, counseling, training, etc.) must fully take into account the personal features of the gifted child and focus on effective assistance to him in solving problems.

I had a small sociological study of children aged 9-10 years old, grade 3.

A small sociological study of children aged 9-10 years in grade 3 was carried out. In class 20 students. 8 students - creative abilities. 7 students - training. 11 students have no ability

Abilities cannot exist differently as in a constant development process. The ability that does not develop, which in practice the person ceases to use, is lost over time. Only due to constant exercises associated with systematic classes such as complex types of human activity, like music, technical and artistic creativity, mathematics, sports, abilities are supported and developed.

Signatures for slides:

Psychology abilities. The problem of gifting. Presentation prepared Voevodina L. A.

The ability when they talk about human abilities, then they mean its possibilities in a particular activity. These features lead both significant successes in mastering activities and to high labor indicators.

Abilities are not found in knowledge, skills and skills, but in the dynamics of their acquisition. As far as other things being equal, the process of mastering knowledge and skills is fast and firmly carried out.

Personality and problems of a gifted child "Man, whose perception chronically ahead of his capabilities is always under stress" Summer Hollingzort

Features of the personality of a high-flowed child. 1. Attentiveness, collens, constant readiness for tense work. 2. The irrepressible need to work without tired, term and recreation. 3. Features of thinking: the speed of mental processes, a high level of analytical synthetic activity, the productivity of mental work. 4. A wide range of cognitive interests, protruding a constant incentive of the mental activity of the child.

Family of a gifted child 1. Value of education 2. Increased attention to the child 3. Mentor parent 4. Metrocentrich 5. Warning to school children

Relationship of a gifted child with peers

The identity of the gifted child is the most important characteristic of the identity of children with manifestations of gifting is a special system of values.

Many gifted children have an elevated impressionability and its associated increased emotional sensitivity.

A very important feature of the person's personality showing signs of gifted is the so-called internal control locus, that is, the adoption of responsibility for the results of its activities. Special character in gifted children has self-esteem, that is, the presentation of a child about their forces and opportunities.

One of the main personal characteristics of children and adolescents with elevated creative possibilities is autonomy, difficulty, and sometimes the inability to act in the group, think and act as the majority.

Problems of gifted children problems Communication problems of emotional development Problems related to their physical development The problem of creativity The difficulty of professional orientation is a child's deadaptation

Problems of gifted children

The study conducted a small sociological study of children aged 9-10 years in grade 3. In class 20 students. 8 students are creative abilities. 7 students - training. 11 students have no ability

Abilities cannot exist differently as in a constant development process. Only due to constant exercises associated with systematic classes such as complex types of human activity, like music, technical and artistic creativity, mathematics, sports, abilities are supported and developed.

Thanks for attention!

List of references: Internet resources General psychology / edited by V.V. Bogoslovsky, A.G. Kovaleva, A.A. Stepanova - M: Education, 2001. - from 361-362. Victoria Solomonovna Yurkevich Gifted child. Illusions and reality Golubva E.A. Abilities and individuality. M., 1993 Gonobolin F.N. Psychology - M: Education, 1998. - from 139-140. Maclakov A. G. Psychology. - SPb.: Peter, 2001.