Major church holidays. Orthodox holidays and fasts

In Orthodoxy, there are twelve most significant holidays - this is a dozen especially important events of the church calendar, in addition to the dominant holiday - the great event of Easter. Find out which feasts are called the Twelve and are most solemnly celebrated by believers.

Twelfth rolling holidays

There are non-permanent holidays in the church calendar, which turn out to be different every year, like the date Easter . It is with her that the transition of an important event to another number is connected.

  • Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Orthodox most often call this event Palm Sunday and celebrate when there is a week left until Easter. It is connected with the coming of Jesus to the holy city.
  • Ascension of the Lord. Celebrated 40 days after Easter ends. It falls annually on the fourth day of the week. It is believed that at this moment Jesus in the flesh appeared to his heavenly Father, our Lord.
  • Day of the Holy Trinity. It falls on the 50th day after the end of Easter. After 50 days from the resurrection of the Savior, the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles.

Twelfth fixed holidays

Some of the most important days in the church calendar remain fixed and are celebrated at the same time every year. Regardless of Easter, these celebrations always fall on the same date.

  • Birth of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God. The holiday is celebrated on September 21 and is dedicated to the birth of the earthly mother of Jesus Christ. The Church is convinced that the birth of the Mother of God was not an accident, She was originally assigned a special mission to save human souls. The parents of the Heavenly Queen, Anna and Joachim, who could not conceive a child for a long time, were sent providence from Heaven, where the angels themselves blessed them to conceive.
  • Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary . Orthodox Christians celebrate the day of the ascension of the Virgin Mary into heaven on September 28. The Assumption Fast is timed to this event, which ends exactly on the 28th. Until her death, the Mother of God spent time in constant prayer and observed the strictest abstinence.
  • Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Christians celebrate this event, connected with the acquisition of the Life-Giving Cross, on September 27th. In the 4th century, the Palestinian queen Helena went in search of the Cross. Three crosses were dug near the tomb of the Lord. They truly determined the one on which the Savior was crucified, with the help of a sick woman who received healing from one of them.
  • Entrance to the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos, celebrated on December 4th. It was at this time that her parents made a vow to dedicate their child to God, so that when their daughter was three years old, they would take her to the Temple in Jerusalem, where she stayed until she was reunited with Joseph.
  • Nativity . Orthodox celebrate this charitable event on January 7th. The day is associated with the earthly birth of the Savior in the flesh, from his mother the Virgin Mary.

  • Epiphany. The event falls annually on January 19th. On that very day, John the Baptist bathed the Savior in the waters of the Jordan and pointed to the special mission that was destined for him. For which, in consequence, the righteous paid with his head. In another way, the holiday is called Epiphany.
  • Meeting of the Lord. The holiday takes place on February 15th. Then the parents of the future Savior brought the divine baby to the Jerusalem Temple. The child was received from the hands of the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph by the righteous Simeon the God-bearer. From the Old Slavonic language, the word "candlemas" is translated as "meeting".
  • Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos. It is celebrated on April 7 and is timed to coincide with the appearance of the Archangel Gabriel to the Mother of God. It was he who announced to her the imminent birth of a son who would have to perform a great deed.
  • Transfiguration . The day falls on August 19th. Jesus Christ read a prayer on Mount Tabor together with his closest disciples: Peter, Paul and James. At that moment, two prophets Elijah and Moses appeared to them and informed the Savior that he would have to accept martyrdom, but he would rise again after three days. And they heard the voice of God, which indicated that Jesus had been chosen for a great work. This twelfth Orthodox holiday is connected with such an event.

Each of the 12 holidays is an important event in Christian history and is especially revered among believers. These days it is worth turning to God and visiting the church.

Righteous Joachim and Anna lived in the city of Nazareth. Both of them lived to old age, but had no children. They fervently prayed that the Lord would give them a son or a daughter, and made a promise - if a child was born to them, to dedicate him to the service of God at the temple. The Lord heard their prayer: they had a daughter, whom they named Mary.
The Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated on September 21 (8).

Troparion, voice 4th:
Your Nativity, Virgin Mary,
bring joy to the whole universe:
For out of Thee has risen the Sun of righteousness, Christ our God,
and breaking the oath, giving a blessing,
and abolishing death, giving us eternal life.

Kondak, voice 4th:
Joachim and Anna reproaches of childlessness,
and Adam and Eve are freed from mortal aphids,
Most pure, in thy holy birth.
This is what your people celebrate,
rid of the guilt of sins, always call Ty:
barren fruits gives birth to the Mother of God and the nurse of our life.

2. Entry into the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary

(Introduction). When the Virgin Mary was three years old, Joachim and Anna fulfilled their promise and brought Her to the Temple in Jerusalem. The High Priest met the Virgin Mary at the entrance and, at the instigation of the Holy Spirit, led Her into a special place, into the holy of holies, where he himself could enter only once a year. The Virgin Mary remained to live at the temple and spent most of her time in prayer and reading sacred books.
The Blessed Virgin Mary lived at the temple until the age of 14. After that, according to the law, She had to return to her parents or get married. But Joachim and Anna had already died by that time, but the Virgin Mary did not want to get married, as she had promised to remain a virgin. Then the priests betrothed Her to a distant relative, the eighty-year-old Elder Joseph, to take care of Her as if they were his daughter. Joseph lived in Nazareth: he was a poor man and was engaged in carpentry.
The Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated on December 4 (November 21).

Troparion, voice 4th:
The day of God's favor is prefiguration
and man's salvation preaching:
in the temple of God the Virgin appears clearly,
and proclaims Christ to all,
That and we will loudly cry out:
Rejoice, watching the Builder's fulfillment.

Kondak, voice 4th:
Holy Church of the Savior,
precious palace and the Virgin,
sacred treasure of the glory of God,
today he is brought into the house of the Lord,
grace co-leading, even in the Divine Spirit,
The angels of God sing to the south:
This is a heavenly village.

3. Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Luke 1:26-38)

(Annunciation). When the Virgin Mary lived with Joseph, the Archangel Gabriel was sent to Her from God to tell the good news about the birth of the Savior of the world from Her. He appeared to her with the following words: "Rejoice, full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women." The Virgin Mary was embarrassed and thought: what does this greeting mean? The archangel continued: “Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found grace with God; You will give birth to a Son and call Him Jesus." The Virgin Mary asked in bewilderment: “How can this be when I am not married”? The Archangel answered Her: “The Holy Spirit will find upon You and the power of the Most High will overshadow You, therefore the Holy One being born will be called the Son of God.” The Virgin Mary humbly said: "I am the servant of the Lord, let it be for me according to your word." And the angel departed from her.
The Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated on April 7 (March 25).

Troparion, voice 4th:
The day of our salvation is the main thing,
and a hedgehog from the age of mystery is a phenomenon,
The Son of God The Son of the Virgin happens,
and Gabriel proclaims grace.
At the same time, we will cry out to the Mother of God with him:
rejoice, blessed one, the Lord is with you.

Kondak, voice 8:
Chosen Governor is victorious,
like getting rid of the evil ones,
thanksgiving, let us describe Thy servants, Mother of God:
but as if having an invincible power,
free us from all troubles,
Let's call Thee: Rejoice, Bride Unbetrothed.

4. Christmas (Luke 2:1-21)

(Christmas). The Roman Emperor Augustus ordered that a national census be made in the Judean land subordinate to him. To do this, every Jew had to go to register in the city where his ancestors lived. Joseph and Mary went to the city of Bethlehem to record. Here they could not find a place in the house, because on the occasion of the census a lot of people gathered in Bethlehem, and stopped outside the city in a cave where the shepherds drove their cattle into a bad pagoda. Here at night the Blessed Virgin gave birth to the Baby, swaddled Him and laid Him in a manger.
On the night of the Nativity of Christ, the shepherds of Bethlehem grazed their flocks in the field. Suddenly an angel appeared to them. The shepherds were afraid. But the angel said to them, “Don't be afraid! I proclaim to you great joy: on this night the Savior of the world was born and here is a sign for you: you will find the Infant in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. At this time, many angels appeared in heaven, who praised God and sang: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men.”
When the angels disappeared, the shepherds began to say: "Let's go to Bethlehem and see what the Lord has announced to us." They came to the cave and found Mary, Joseph and the Child lying in the manger. They bowed to Him and told Joseph and Mary what they had seen and heard from the angels. On the eighth day after his birth, he was given the name Jesus.
Christmas is celebrated on January 7 (December 25).

Troparion, voice 4th:
Your Christmas, Christ our God,
Ascension of the world, the light of reason,
serving the stars in it
learning from a star
You bow to the Sun of Truth
and lead you from the height of the East:
Lord, glory to You!

Kondak, voice 3:
The Virgin today gives birth to the Substantial,
and the earth brings a den to the Unapproachable:
Angels with shepherds glorify
the wolves travel with the star:
for us, for the sake of being born a Young Child, the eternal God.

5. Meeting of the Lord (Luke 2:22-39)

(Candlemas). The Jews had a law that the first son on the fortieth day after his birth should be brought to the temple for consecration to God. In this case, they sacrificed: the rich - a lamb and a dove, and the poor - two pigeon chicks. When Jesus Christ was forty days old, the Virgin Mary and Joseph brought Him to the Temple in Jerusalem, and since they were poor, they sacrificed two doves. On the same day, Elder Simeon came to the temple, to whom it was predicted that he would not die until he saw Christ the Savior. He met Mary with the Child and, taking Him in his arms, said: "Now I can die in peace, because my eyes have seen the Savior of the world."
In the temple there was a widow Anna the prophetess, 84 years old, who told those present that this Infant is the Savior of the world.
The Presentation of the Lord is celebrated on February 15 (2).

Prayer of St. Simeon the God-bearer,(sung at Vespers, 1st part of the Vespers):
Now you release your servant, Lord,
according to thy word in peace;
as my eyes have seen your salvation,
hedgehog prepared before the face of all people,
light into the revelation of tongues
and the glory of your people Israel. (Luke 2:29-32).

6. Baptism of the Lord (Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22; John 1:32-34)

(Baptism). When Jesus Christ was 30 years old, He went to the Jordan River to John the Baptist to be baptized by him. John at first refused, saying, "I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me?" But Jesus said to him in answer, "Leave it, we need to fulfill all righteousness." Then John baptized Him. When Jesus Christ came out of the water, the heavens suddenly opened over Him and the Spirit of God descended on Him in the form of a dove, and the voice of God the Father was heard from heaven: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
Since the Holy Trinity appeared during the Baptism of the Lord, this feast is also called Theophany.
The Baptism of the Lord is celebrated on January 19 (6). On this holiday, in the church, water is consecrated twice. The first time after the Liturgy, which is served on the day before the feast. This water is called "Evening Water". The second time on the day of the holiday after the Liturgy, the procession is performed, which is called the "Journey to the Jordan." During this procession, water is consecrated, which is called "Epiphany Water".

Troparion, voice 1:
I am baptized in the Jordan, O Lord,
Trinity appearing worship:
The voice of your parents testifies to you,
calling Thy beloved son:
and the Spirit, in the form of a dove,
know your verbal statement:
appear Christ God,
and the world is enlightened, glory to Thee.

Kondak, voice 4th:
Thou hast appeared today to the universe,
and your light, O Lord, shines upon us,
in the mind of those who sing you:
Thou hast come, and Thou hast appeared, the unapproachable Light.

7. Transfiguration of the Lord (Matthew 17:1-13; Mark 9:2-13; Luke 9:28-36)

(Transformation). Shortly before His suffering, Jesus Christ took with Him three of His disciples: Peter, James and John, and went up with them to Mount Tabor to pray. While He was praying, the disciples fell asleep. When they woke up, they saw that Jesus Christ was transformed: His face shone like the sun, and his clothes were white as snow, and Moses and Elijah appeared to Him in glory and talked with Him about the suffering and death that He had to endure in Jerusalem . When Moses and Elijah were leaving Jesus Christ, Peter exclaimed, “Lord! good for us here; Let's make three tents: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah." Suddenly a bright cloud overshadowed them, and they heard a voice from the cloud: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; Listen to him." The disciples rushed to the ground in fear. Jesus Christ came up to them, touched them and said, "Get up, don't be afraid"! The disciples stood up and saw Jesus Christ in his usual form.
The Transfiguration of the Lord is celebrated on August 19 (6).

Troparion, voice 7:
Thou hast been transfigured on the mountain, Christ God,
showing your disciples your glory, as if I could:
May Your eternal light shine on us sinners,
through the prayers of the Mother of God, Giver of Light, glory to Thee.

Kondak, voice 7:
Thou hast changed on the mountain,
and like a container for your disciples,
Your glory, O Christ God, I saw:
Yes, when they see Thee crucified,
ubo understand suffering freely,
the world is preaching
for you are truly the Father's radiance.

8. Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-17; Mark 11:1-19; Luke 19:29-48; John 12:12-19)

(Palm Sunday). Six days before Easter, Jesus Christ left Bethany for Jerusalem. Halfway along the road, at his request, the disciples brought a donkey with a colt to him so that He could ride on them. They covered them with their clothes and Jesus Christ sat down and went to Jerusalem. And as He rode, a multitude of people came out of Jerusalem to meet them. Some took off their clothes and spread them along the road; others cut palm branches, carried them in their hands or threw them along the road, and all exclaimed loudly: “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the Highest! Especially the children zealously and joyfully greeted the Savior and even in the temple shouted to Him: “Hosanna to the Son of David!”
The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem is celebrated Sunday, the week before Easter. During the service, a willow is blessed and distributed (instead of palm branches). This happens during Lent, before Holy Week. On this day, students usually take communion with their parents and teachers.

8a. Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:1-15; Mark 16:1-11; Luke 24:1-12) (John 20:1-18; Corinthians 15:3-5)

(The Resurrection of Christ. Resurrection. Easter of Christ). On the first day after Saturday, early in the morning, Jesus Christ rose from the dead. At the same time, there was a strong earthquake. An angel of the Lord came down from heaven; his appearance was like lightning, and his robe was white as snow. He rolled away a stone from the door of the tomb and sat on it. The warriors standing on guard fell to the ground from fear and became as dead, and then, having come to their senses, fled. Some of them came to the chief priests and told what had happened. The high priests gave them money and taught them to say that at night, when they were sleeping, the disciples of Jesus Christ came and stole His body.
Feast of Feasts, Resurrection of Christ, Easter, celebrated on the first Sunday after the first spring full moon between April 4 (March 22) and May 8 (April 25). At midnight (Saturday to Sunday) the Easter Matins are served, followed by the Liturgy. After these services, Great Lent ends and you can break the fast (there is a modest, non-lenten one). Easter is celebrated for seven days.

Stichera at the beginning of Matins, voice 6:
Your Resurrection, Christ the Savior,
Angels sing in heaven:
and vouchsafe us to the earth
Praise Thee with a pure heart.

Christ is risen from the dead
correct death by death,
and those who are in the tombs, belly-gifts.

9. Ascension of the Lord (Mark 16:15-19; Luke 24:46-53; Acts 1:2;4-26)

(Ascension). On the fortieth day after the resurrection from the dead, the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to His disciples and told them to stay in Jerusalem until they received the Holy Spirit. Then He led them out of the city to the Mount of Olives, and, raising His hands, blessed, and when He blessed, He began to ascend into heaven. Finally, a light cloud hid Jesus Christ from the sight of the disciples. They looked at the sky for a long time. Suddenly two angels in white robes appeared to them and said: “Men of Galilee! why are you standing and looking at the sky? This Jesus who ascended into heaven will come in the same way as you saw Him ascend into heaven.” The disciples bowed to the ascended Lord and joyfully returned to Jerusalem.
Ascension of the Lord is celebrated in fortieth day after Easter, always Thursday.

Troparion, voice 4th:
Thou hast ascended in glory, Christ our God,
joy he created by the disciple,
the promise of the Holy Spirit,
the former blessing announced to him:
for you are the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world.

Kondak, voice 6:
Even after us, having fulfilled the look,
and even on earth uniting the heavenly,
Thou hast ascended in glory, Christ our God,
no way away, but staying relentless,
and cry out to those who love You:
I am with you, and no one is with you.

10. Descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles (Acts 2;14:23)

(Holy Trinity. Trinity. Pentecost). On the fiftieth day after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the apostles with the Mother of God and other believers were together and prayed. At the third hour from the beginning of the day, a noise was suddenly heard from the sky, as if from a strong wind, and filled the whole house where they were, and fiery tongues appeared and rested on each of them. Everyone was filled with the Holy Spirit and began to praise God in different languages, which they did not know before.
In Jerusalem at that time there were many Jews who came from different countries on the occasion of the feast of Pentecost. Hearing the noise, they gathered near the house where the apostles were, and were surprised that simple, unlearned people speak different languages. Then the apostle Peter spoke and explained to the people that they had received the Holy Spirit from Jesus Christ, who was crucified but rose from the dead. Those who heard this sermon were touched in their hearts and asked Peter: “What shall we do”? Peter answered them, “Repent and be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. And that day about three thousand people were baptized.
The descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles signifies the end of the New Testament and the beginning of the apostolic preaching and the history of the Christian Church. Incidents before the Descent of the Holy Spirit are described in the Gospel, and the Descent itself and after in the book of the Apostle.
The descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles is celebrated on fiftieth day after Easter and is called the day of the Holy Trinity or Pentecost. The Holy Trinity always happens on Sunday and is celebrated for three days. During the whole week there is no fast, that is, Wednesday and Friday are not fast; therefore it is called "solid".

Troparion, voice 8:
Blessed are you, Christ our God,
Even wise are the fishermen of the manifestations,
sending down on them the Holy Spirit,
and by those catch the universe,
Lover of mankind, glory to Thee.

Kondak, voice 8:
Whenever the languages ​​\u200b\u200bof the fusion,
dividing the tongues of the Most High:
when you give out tongues of fire,
in connection the whole vocation:
and in accordance we glorify the All-Holy Spirit.

11. Assumption of the Mother of God

(Dormition). After the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Mother of God lived in Jerusalem in the house of the holy Apostle John the Theologian. She was informed of her dormition three days in advance by the archangel Gabriel. Then, according to Her desire, all the apostles, except for Thomas, were miraculously gathered to Jerusalem by the power of God. At the hour of her death, an extraordinary light shone in the room where the Mother of God was; The Lord Jesus Christ Himself appeared and received Her most pure soul, and the Apostles buried Her body in the Garden of Gethsemane, in the cave where the bodies of Her parents and righteous Joseph were buried. Three days later, the Apostle Thomas arrived and wished to bow to the body of the Mother of God. But when they opened the cave, they did not find a body there. The apostles were perplexed. Suddenly, the Mother of God Herself appeared to them and said: “Rejoice! I will always be your prayer book before God.”
The Assumption of the Mother of God is celebrated on August 28 (15).

Troparion, voice 1:
At Christmas, you kept your virginity,
in the dormition of the world did not leave you, Mother of God,
Thou hast reposed to the stomach, Mother of the essence of the Belly,
and by your prayers you deliver our souls from death.

Kondak, voice 2:
In prayers, the unsleeping Mother of God,
and in intercession immutable hope,
coffin and mortification will not hold back:
as if it were Mother Belly,
to the Belly, transcend into the womb, inhabiting the ever-virgin.

12. Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord

(Exaltation). The first Christians were ancient Jews and experienced great persecution from Jewish leaders who did not follow Jesus Christ. The first Christian martyr, the holy Protomartyr Stephen, was stoned to death for preaching a Christian. After the fall of Jerusalem began, many times worse, the persecution of Christians by the pagan Romans. The Romans were against Christians, since the Christian teaching was the exact opposite of the customs, mores and views of the pagans. Instead of selfishness, it preached love, put humility in place of pride, instead of luxury, taught abstinence and fasting, eradicated polygamy, contributed to the emancipation of slaves, and instead of cruelty called for mercy and charity. Christianity morally elevates and purifies man and directs all his activities towards good. Christianity was forbidden, severely punished, Christians were brutally tortured and then killed. So it was until 313, when Emperor Constantine not only freed Christians, but also made Christianity the state faith.
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross is celebrated on September 27 (14).

The Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, the last of the twelfth feasts, is described in the textbook of the Law of God as follows:
Exaltation of the Holy Cross. The persecution of Christians continued for about three hundred years, and ended only under the emperor Constantine the Great, who himself accepted the Christian faith. His mother, the pious Queen Elena, went to Jerusalem to find the cross on which the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified.
The queen was told that the cross of Christ was buried in the ground, and a pagan temple was built on that spot. When, by order of Elena, they broke down the building and began to dig the ground, they found three crosses and near them a plaque with the inscription: “Jesus Christ of Nazarene, King of the Jews.”
To find out which of the three Crosses of the Lord, they began to lay them on the deceased. No miracle happened from two crosses, but when they laid the third cross, the dead one was resurrected, and thus they recognized the cross of the Lord.
Everyone who was at the same time wanted to see the holy cross. Then the Patriarch of Jerusalem Macarius and Empress Elena stood on an elevated place and erected a cross, and the people bowed to him and exclaimed: “Lord, have mercy!”

Troparion(Voice 1)
Save the Lord, Your people,
and bless thy inheritance,
Orthodox Christian victory
bestowing on the resistance,
and Thy keeping by Thy Cross domicile.

In Russian(translated by AMN)
Save the Lord, your people,
and bless thy inheritance,
victory for orthodox christians
bestow on enemies
and Thy keeping by Thy Cross domicile.

Kontakion(Voice 4)
Ascended to the Cross by will,

rejoice in your power Orthodox Christians,
giving them victories for comparisons,
aid to those who have, Your weapon of peace,
invincible victory.

In Russian(translated by AMN)
Ascended to the Cross by will,
to your namesake your new residence
grant Thy bounties, O Christ God:
rejoice with your power Orthodox Christians,
give them victory against their enemies,
aid to those who have Your weapon of peace,
invincible victory.

Great Orthodox holidays: a list with dates, explanations and traditions.

In addition to Easter as the dominant Christian holiday, in our culture there are 12 more great Orthodox holidays, called the Twelfth. What are these holidays and how are they traditionally celebrated? You will learn about this from this article.

Hierarchy of holidays in orthodox Christianity

Easter - a sign of the eternal victory of life over death - is one step above the rest in this hierarchy of holidays. This is the most important holiday of the Christian tradition. Further along the hierarchy are the non-twelfth great and twelfth Orthodox holidays. In total, 17 holidays fall into the category of great holidays. The non-twelfth great dates include the following:

  1. The Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos is a holiday that falls on October 14 in the orthodox world. Associated with the vision of St. Andrew the Fool of Constantinople. At the hour when Constantinople was under siege, the Mother of God appeared to Andrew, stretching a veil over the city from her head, the city was saved.
  2. Circumcision of the Lord - while we celebrate the last New Year holidays on January 14, a service is being held in the church in memory of this event, as well as in honor of Basil the Great, one of the so-called Fathers of the Church.
  3. The Orthodox Church celebrates the Nativity of John the Baptist (Baptist) on July 7 - this is the day that we know as Ivan Kupala. It is associated with the miraculous birth of John the Baptist six months before Jesus.
  4. The day of the holy supreme apostles Peter and Paul, which is popularly known simply as Peter's Day, is celebrated on July 12. Officially, on the Day of Peter and Paul, the memory of the acceptance of martyrdom by the apostles is honored, and for the common people this day symbolizes the full transition to summer.
  5. The beheading of John the Baptist in Russian tradition is celebrated on September 11th. On this day, they remember the martyrdom of John the Baptist, and also commemorate the soldiers who fell in the battle for the fatherland.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

In orthodox tradition, the birth of the Virgin Mother is celebrated on September 21st. Her parents, Joachim and Anna, have already come to terms with the idea of ​​not leaving offspring - it is believed that both were already over 70 when Maria was born. Her birth is associated with Joachim's stay in the desert, where he retired to ask the Lord for procreation. In a dream, an angel appeared to him and announced that he would soon have a daughter. And it's true - returning to the city, Joachim met Anna, hurrying to meet him with good news.

This holiday is called to glorify the Mother of God as the protector and intercessor of all people before God. In the folk calendar, it is associated with the arrival of autumn, harvesting and the end of all summer work.

Exaltation of the Holy Cross

This holiday is associated with one of the main Christian symbols - with the cross on which the Son of God passed the test of death. And its appearance was facilitated by the Byzantine Empress Elena in the middle of the 4th century. Already at a rather advanced age (according to historians, she was about 80 years old), the mother of Emperor Constantine decides to go to Jerusalem in search of lost Christian relics. As a result of excavations on Mount Golgotha, they found not only a cross, but also a cave in which Christ was buried.

The date of the celebration was set in September 335 - after the Church of the Resurrection of Christ was consecrated in Jerusalem. The Orthodox world celebrates on September 27th by observing a strict fast and not doing hard work. People also believe that it is from this day that birds begin to fly south, and snakes crawl into burrows for the winter.

Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Orthodox Feast of the Entry into the Temple is celebrated on December 4th. It is dedicated to an episode from the life of the Virgin Mary - at the age of three, pious parents brought her to the Temple in Jerusalem to fulfill God's covenant - to dedicate her daughter's life to God. In all interpretations of this story, they say that little Mary entered the temple with unusual confidence, as if she already knew that she would play a great role in this religion. Maria did not return home to her parents - she lived in the temple until the age of 12, until the angel Gabriel brought her news of the extraordinary fate that was bestowed on her.

In folk tradition, this holiday is called Introduction. It was associated with the arrival of winter - it was from this day that winter festivities and sleigh rides began. It was also worth forgetting about field work until spring - the peasants believed that it was better not to disturb the land after the Introduction.


Of all the twelve great Orthodox holidays, Christmas is considered the most significant. In the Western tradition, it is customary to celebrate it on December 25, and in our country it is on January 7.

The birth of Jesus took place in the city of Bethlehem, the hometown of Joseph. He arrived here with the pregnant Maria, but there was no room for them in the hotel. The travelers had to settle down in a cave. When Mary felt the approach of childbirth, Joseph hurried in search of a midwife. He managed to find a woman named Salome, together they went back to the cave. The first thing they saw in the cave was a bright light flooding the entire space. Gradually, the light faded away - and Mary appeared with a baby sitting in her arms. At this time, a star of extraordinary brightness rose over Bethlehem, announcing the world about the arrival of the Son of God.

It is believed that every great Orthodox holiday gives birth to kindness in the heart, but especially Christmas. On Christmas Eve, it is customary for the whole family to gather at the festive table - according to folk tradition, twelve dishes should be on it.

Historians believe that it is not known for certain what time of year Jesus was born. It is believed that the date of the great Orthodox holiday of Christmas is associated with more ancient holidays dedicated to the winter solstice (December 21 or 22). This holiday is preceded by a forty-day fast, starting on November 27th.


The second most important holiday of the Orthodox Church after Christmas is the Baptism of the Lord. It is celebrated on January 19 - we all know about the folk tradition of swimming in the hole on this day. However, the church and historians unanimously argue that this tradition is not as ancient and primordial as it seems, but only acquired a mass character in the 80s - as a symbol of the country's return to religion.

This feast is associated with an episode in the life of Christ, which is traditionally considered the beginning of his ministry. At the age of 30, Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River. The person who baptized the Son of God was John the Baptist. When Christ came ashore, the Holy Spirit descended on him in the guise of a dove, and from heaven came the voice of God the Father, announcing the appearance of God the Son. Thus, the Lord manifested himself in his trinity. Therefore, Baptism among the great holidays of the Orthodox Church is also known as the Epiphany. In the Catholic tradition, the Epiphany is associated with Christmas and the offering of the Magi.

Meeting of the Lord

From the Old Slavonic language, the Meeting can be interpreted as the word “meeting” - the church believes that it was on this day that mankind met with Jesus Christ. This great Orthodox holiday is celebrated on February 15 - forty days after Christmas. On this day, Mary and Joseph brought baby Jesus to the temple for the first time, where he was received by St. Simeon the God-bearer. There is a separate legend about Simeon - he was one of the seventy scholars who translated Holy Scripture from Hebrew into Greek. The entry about the Virgin, who should conceive and give birth to a son, embarrassed Simeon, he decided to correct the mistake of an unknown scribe: it was the Wife who should give birth, and not the Virgin. But at that moment, an angel appeared in the room and said that this would indeed happen one day. The Lord will not let the old man die until he sees this miracle with his own eyes. When the day finally came to meet the baby Jesus, Simeon was already about 360 years old - all his life the righteous old man was waiting for a meeting with the human incarnation of God.

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Feast of the Annunciation is a symbol of hope and expectation. On this day, April 7, they celebrate the appearance of the Archangel Gabriel by Mary, who brought her good news with the words: “Rejoice, Blessed One! The Lord is with you; Blessed are You among women, ”this line subsequently entered many prayers dedicated to the Mother of God. As a moving feast, the Annunciation is often included in the number of Orthodox holidays during Lent. In this case, those who fast are incredibly lucky - in honor of the holiday, a slight indulgence in the form of animal food is allowed (only not meat, but fish).

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem

There is still a week left until Easter, and the world is already beginning to celebrate and honor the memory of the deeds of Christ in this week. This date is popularly known as Palm Sunday - a great Orthodox holiday. On this day, Jesus solemnly entered Jerusalem, choosing a donkey as a riding animal - as a sign that he had arrived in peace. The people met him as the Messiah, laying palm branches on the road - later they became the main symbol of this holiday. Since palm trees do not grow in our latitudes, the branches were replaced with willow ones.

Many folk traditions are associated with this day. It was customary to sanctify willow branches in the church, and then keep them in the house all year long so that good luck and prosperity would not leave it. They also lightly hit each other with a willow, saying: “I don’t beat - the willow beats.” Since this Orthodox holiday is celebrated modestly during Great Lent, the main meal of the feast could be fish, but not meat.

Ascension of the Lord

When Easter is over and another forty days have passed, Orthodox Christians celebrate Ascension. This day is one of the great twelfth holidays of the Orthodox Church. The image of Christ ascended to heaven recalls the predominance of the ideal divine nature over the imperfect human. Until this day, you can congratulate all Orthodox on the holiday of Great Easter with the words "Christ is Risen!", But after the end of the Ascension holiday, the church already forbids Christ.

Having resurrected, Jesus Christ preached for another forty days, and then gathered his apostle disciples and ascended to heaven, bequeathing that he would appear a second time (this is considered a promise of the second coming) and that the Holy Spirit would also descend on the apostles - this happened ten days later.

Day of the Holy Trinity

Another ten days pass after Ascension and fifty after Easter, when the orthodox world celebrates the next great Orthodox holiday. In a simple way, it is also called the Trinity, Pentecost. The event that led to the appearance of this holiday is the indulgence of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. When all twelve were assembled, a gust of wind suddenly came up and enveloped the apostles in flames. The Holy Spirit spoke so brightly. From that day on, the disciples of Jesus gained the ability to understand hitherto unknown languages ​​and dialects, and most importantly, to speak them. This blessing was given to them in order to spread the word of God throughout the world, so the apostles went to preach in the countries.

In the folk tradition, the Trinity completed the series of spring holidays - after it the summer season already began. They prepared thoroughly for this holiday - a few days before it, the housewives cleaned the house, trying to get rid of unnecessary things, and the garden and vegetable garden were cleared of weeds. They tried to decorate their homes with bunches of herbs and flowers, as well as tree branches - it was believed that this would bring good luck and prosperity to all its inhabitants. In the morning we went to the church for the service, and in the evening the festivities began. Young people were ordered to be careful these days - after all, mermaids and mavkas came out of the forests and fields to lure guys into their networks.


The Feast of the Transfiguration is associated with a small episode in the life of Christ. Taking with him three disciples - James, John and Peter - Jesus ascended Mount Tabor for the sake of conversations and prayers. But as soon as they reached the top, a miracle happened - Jesus ascended above the earth, his clothes became white, and his face shone like the sun. Next to him appeared the images of the Old Testament prophets Moses and Elijah, and from heaven came the voice of God, announcing the son.

The Transfiguration is celebrated on August 19. This great Orthodox holiday in the folk tradition is called the Apple Savior (the second after the Honey). It was believed that from this day autumn begins to come into its own. Many of the customs of this day are associated with the harvest of apples and fruits in general - before the Savior, the fruits were considered immature. Ideally, the harvest should have been blessed in a church. Then apples could be consumed without restrictions.

Assumption of the Virgin

The feast of the Assumption of the Virgin is associated with the end of the earthly life of the Virgin Mary and the ascension of her soul and body to heaven. The word “assumption” can be interpreted more like “sleep” than “death” - in this regard, the name of the holiday reflects the attitude of Christianity to death as a transition to another world and testifies to the divine nature of Mary herself.

This great Orthodox holiday is celebrated on August 28, although it is not known exactly in which year and on which day the Virgin Mary passed away. In folk tradition, this day is called Obzhinki - it is associated with the end of the harvest.

Today we will talk about all the main Christian and Orthodox church holidays for the entire calendar year, as well as briefly about their history, rules and traditions. After all, the traditions of Christianity have long existed for working days and days of rest, as well as church and religious days intended to glorify God, or to commemorate the events of the Holy History of Christianity. Such days in Russian are called "holiday".

Usually, during a festive service, believing Christians offer up prayers to the Lord and at the same time join in the saving meaning of this celebration. Therefore, we want to talk about the main Christian holidays in the calendar in a little more detail. And specifically, what kind of holidays are they, what are they dedicated to, how and when are they celebrated.

History of Christian holidays

The first Christians were Jews who accepted the new faith. As it was earlier, in Old Testament times, the people of Israel honored the obligatory day of rest on the seventh day of the week - Saturday(other Heb. Shabbat - relaxation).

On this day, the Jews remembered the creation of the world (God rested from His works on the 7th day of creation - cf. the Book of Genesis, ch. 1-2). And also another holiday - Easter, a symbol of the covenant or union of Israel with God - the remembrance of the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt.

For a long time to come, Jewish Christians will honor the Sabbath and, along with new holidays, will celebrate their ancient Jewish celebrations. Gradually, the connection between Christianity and the Jewish cult weakened. But the general features of the Jewish consecration of time can also be traced in the present Christian reckoning of time.

Mark 16:2 says that the day corresponding to the beginning of the creation of the world was eighth day of the week or "day of the Lord". The same day for Christians began to mean the beginning of a new creation. In Russian, the name of this day speaks of an event that happened on that day - Sunday, the first day of the week.

Therefore, now it is among Orthodox Christians that every Sunday is considered a holiday and is revered by Christians as a “small Easter”.

Gradually, Christians began to especially honor Sunday. And they spent it reading the word of God, prayers and the Eucharist. Gradually, the significance of the Sabbath, which announced the first creation, fades into the background. And Sunday is becoming more and more significant for believing Christians, telling about the resurrection of Christ from the dead.

Already in the 4th century in the Roman Empire, Sunday was officially declared a day off, because most of the population adopted the Christian faith.

The most important calendar Orthodox holiday

Another holiday, and it is also the most important holiday in the Christian calendar, was celebrated almost at the same time by Jews and Christians, this is Easter. The time when the sufferings of Christ and his miraculous Resurrection are remembered.

There were practically no other holidays in the ancient Church. And only since the acquisition of the status of the state religion by the Christian religion, the number of holidays has increased. Holidays such as Christmas and Epiphany (Epiphany), as well as Easter and Ascension, are becoming traditional.

By the 6th century, the number of church holidays was replenished with the celebration of various events from the life of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and the saints, as well as the dates of significant events from the history of the church.

Hierarchy and types of Orthodox holidays

All church holidays can be divided by type into four large groups.

But a separate line is the celebration of Easter, that is, the Bright Sunday of Christ and all six subsequent days, that is, Easter week.

Following Easter, all Christians honor the holidays, dedicated to special events from the life on earth and the glory in heaven of Jesus Christ, they are called twelfth holidays.

Calendar of Twelfth Holidays

Today in the Orthodox Church there are 12 great twelfth holidays.

In turn, they are divided into Lord's, dedicated to Jesus Christ, as well as on Mother of Goddedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Here are the holidays:

1) Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos;

2) Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord;

3) Entry into the temple of the Most Holy Theotokos;

4) Christmas;

5) Baptism (Theophany) of the Lord;

6) Meeting of the Lord;

7) Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos;

8) Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem;

9) Ascension of the Lord;

10) Trinity (Pentecost);

11) Transfiguration of the Lord;

12) Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Great non-twelfth holidays

Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos;

Circumcision of the Lord;

Nativity of John the Baptist;

Day of the holy supreme apostles Peter and Paul;

The beheading of John the Baptist.

The fourth category of holidays includes the days of especially revered saints, as well as icons. Holidays are especially revered in the Russian Orthodox Church Nicholas the Wonderworker, Kazan Icon of the Mother of God and some others.

What are the movable and "fixed" Twelfth Feasts?

The great twelfth holidays are divided into two groups, one of them is " mobile" and the second " motionless" holidays.

According to the lunisolar calendar, "mobile holidays" are determined. These holidays are Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, the Ascension of the Lord and the Trinity(Pentecost).

Consequently, " motionless”those dates that fall only on the solar calendar are considered. That is, these holidays are celebrated on specific days and months of the year. And the dates of their celebration depend on the day of the celebration of Easter.

The main church holiday of the year

Easter this year is April 12, 2015.
Easter is one of the most revered spring holidays among Jews and Christians. The Jews have the idea of ​​waiting for the coming of the Messiah on this holiday. And also Easter symbolizes the beginning of the "exodus" of the Jews from Egypt. For Christians, this holiday is associated with the teaching of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The dates of the celebration of Easter among Christians fall by the period from March 22 to April 23. First Sunday after the vernal equinox and full moon - a great day for Christians, Easter. , so we will not stop, read about the most famous and important Easter holiday, about the Easter table, and much more separately.

Calendar of major Christian holidays ( great twelfth holidays)

Nativity of Christ January 7 is not a rolling holiday

This holiday is celebrated in birthday of jesus christ in bethlehem. The feast of the Incarnation and the coming into the world of the Son of God, born in the flesh, is one of the most significant days of the liturgical year and one of the most important holidays in most Christian concessions.

According to the new style, Christians around the world celebrate Christmas on January 7th. The only exceptions are the Christians of the Armenian Church.

The history of this holiday can be traced only to the 4th century. Yes, and the very date of the birth of Jesus Christ, according to the early texts of church authors, is approximately called May 20.

But on the day of December 25 (according to the old style) ancient pagan Slavic holiday "Birth of the Invincible Sun", during the heyday of Christianity in Rome, this holiday was filled with new content. And the birth of Jesus Christ began to be called as "Birth of the Sun of Truth".

The feast of the Nativity of the Lord begins to be celebrated according to the Christian tradition from December 20 to 24 (according to the old style), and these days are called prefeast. Next come 6 days of feasting, and ends with the Feast of the Circumcision of the Lord.

The day before the Feast of the Circumcision of the Lord called Christmas Eve, and it is held in strict fasting.

Epiphany (Baptism)

Orthodox Christians call this day - Epiphany. In other nations, this day has several names, one of the names: "Feast of the Three Kings". This holiday is meaningful. about the first revelation to the pagan peoples of the light of the truth of God.

The Baptism of the Lord January 19 is not a moving holiday

Christian holiday Epiphany (Epiphany) reminder of Baptism of Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan. In the Orthodox Church, this holiday is celebrated on January 6 (19). And also everyone who wants to bathe usually in cold waters in the open air, and the water on this day has healing powers and remains fresh all year round.

Another name for this holiday, as I said, is Epiphany. Since at the time of Baptism the Divine Trinity appeared to the Lord: God the Father(talking about the Son) Son of God(baptized by John and witnessed by God the Father) and Holy Spirit(who descended upon the Son in the form of a dove).

Meeting of the Lord February 15 is a non-transferable holiday

On this day, all Christians remember the events that happened to Christ on the fortieth day of his earthly life. The Gospel of Luke 2:22-39 says that Jesus met with two Old Testament righteous people - Simeon the God-Receiver and Anna the Prophetess.

This meeting took place in the Jerusalem Temple on February 2 (15). This holiday, according to the canons of the Orthodox Church, is the Lord's and the Mother of God at the same time, as well as the twelfth holiday.

History of the holiday. The Virgin Mary came to the temple, as required by the law of Moses, on the fortieth day after the birth of a male baby. With the firstborn, the mother in the temple must offer sacrifices for her purification, as well as present the baby to God and make a “ransom”.

A fixed fee, five shekels, was fixed by law. Due to her poverty, Mary could only sacrifice two turtledoves. The baby was met in the temple by the righteous Simeon the God-bearer and Anna the Prophetess. This holiday completes the cycle of all Christmas holidays.

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin on April 7, non-transferable holiday

This is one of the most ancient Christian holidays, it is mentioned in the teachings of the Church Fathers: John Chrysostom, Augustine and others in the 3rd-4th centuries.

The celebration of the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin takes place on March 25 ( April 7, new style). This feast is the Twelfth of the Theotokos feasts of the Orthodox Church.

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem April 5, 2015 moving feast

This Lord's twelfth holiday Christians celebrated a week before Easter. They remember Entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem when the people hailed Him as King.

Ascension of the Lord May 21, 2015 movable holiday

This is the day memories of the ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven on the fortieth day after Easter. The Feast of the Ascension is one of the Lord's Twelfth Feasts of the Orthodox Church.

As follows from history, in the 4th century St. Helena built a basilica in honor of the Ascension. And this holiday was called "40 days after Easter." Saint John Chrysostom and Saint Augustine attributed the establishment of the Feast of the Ascension to the apostles. The feast of the ascension of the Lord lasts seven days.

Trinity (Pentecost) May 31, 2015 rolling feast

Great Twelfth Feast of Trinity celebrated on the 50th day of Easter. On this day, Christians praise the Holy Trinity and remember the Holy Spirit who descended on the apostles.

On the 50th day after Easter, all Jews celebrated the Old Testament feast of Pentecost. This holiday marked the end of the harvest and the gathering of fruits. Jews came to temples and brought fruits with them as a sacrifice. It was on this fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ that his disciples the Apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different languages ​​(Acts of the Apostles 2:1-47).

Transfiguration of the Lord August 19 is not a moving holiday

The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ in the Orthodox Church is celebrated on August 6 (19). This Twelfth Feast of the Lord can be found in the writings of Matthew 17:1; Mark 9:2; Luke 9:28. After Jesus revealed to his disciples "that he must suffer, be killed, and rise on the third day" he ascended with the apostles Peter, James and John to Mount Tabor and was transfigured before them.

“His face shone like the sun, his clothes became white as snow” - during the Transfiguration of Christ, the Old Testament prophets Moses and Elijah appeared to them. They informed Jesus of His imminent departure.

The Orthodox Church during this holiday (transfiguration) professes "the union in Christ of two natures - human and Divine".

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary August 28 is not a moving holiday

The end of the earthly life of the Most Holy Theotokos celebrated on August 15 (28). Information about this Twelfth Feast of the Theotokos has reached us since the 4th century. Although the data are the most contradictory about how and where the Virgin Mary lived after the death of the Savior, the texts clearly state that

"The Blessed Virgin Mary was bodily raptured (taken) from earth to heaven".

The Blessed Virgin, according to the command of her Son, was left in the care of the holy Apostle John the Theologian (John 19:25-27). She was in the exploits of fasting and prayer, before her death Mary lived in Jerusalem.

On the day of the end of her earthly life, the apostles from different countries witnessed Her peaceful presentation. And after three days after the burial, the Apostle Thomas wished to open the grave of Mary. But only the shroud lay in the coffin as an indisputable evidence of Her death. Resurrected on the third day, the Lord resurrected on the third day the Ever-Virgin Mary.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary September 21, non-movable holiday

The annual circle of Christian church holidays begins on September 8 (21) with the Theotokos Twelfth Feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos.

According to the Protoevangelium of James, Mary's homeland is the small city of Nazareth. Her parents were childless. Righteous Mother Anna and Father Joachim spent more than one year praying for a child. They had to endure a lot of humiliation and ridicule because of their childlessness.

In deep old age God, in gratitude for their humility, gave them a daughter, Mary. The name Mary in Hebrew means "high", "superior".

The first mention of this holiday is found in documents dated to the 5th century. It is difficult to call this information reliable. Because in different churches this holiday arose at different times.

Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord September 27 is a non-transferable holiday

This holiday in Christianity is the only one that began to be celebrated from the moment the event took place - the acquisition, by the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Empress Elena, of the genuine cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified, and its erection for general honoring and worship.

Orthodox Christians celebrate this day on September 14 (27). According to legend, the mother of Emperor Constantine the Great, Elena, went to Jerusalem in order to find the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified.

On the site of the temple of Venus during excavations, three crosses were found. And in order to recognize the cross on which the Savior was crucified, they began to apply crosses to the body of a dead person. When the cross was placed on the body, on which Christ was crucified, the dead man came to life.

People began to flock to the life-giving Cross, there were so many of them that not everyone could venerate and kiss it. Therefore, Patriarch Macarius of Jerusalem ascended to an elevated place and erected the Cross so that the people could see it.

It was this event that served as the beginning of the liturgical rite of the Exaltation of the Cross. During this holiday, it is customary to decorate churches in the same way as on Easter and Epiphany.

This Christian holiday is based on an event from the early childhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

In gratitude for giving them a daughter in extreme old age, Mary's parents Joachim and Anna made a vow to dedicate their daughter to the Lord. That's why, when the girl was three years old, they gave her up for education and service in the temple.

In Orthodoxy, this Twelfth Feast of the Theotokos is celebrated on November 21 (December 4). The mention of the holiday appears in the 8th-9th centuries. Holidays in the Orthodox Church traditionally last 6 days.