The procedure for obtaining citizenship of the Russian Federation in a year. The procedure and procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship for citizens of Kazakhstan. Obtaining Russian citizenship for Ukrainians according to the general procedure

As of now, Ukrainians can obtain Russian citizenship in the following way:
1. In accordance with the general procedure established in 2006.
2. By a simplified method.
3. Due to the recognition of the citizenship of the Russian Federation and the admission to the citizenship of individuals.
4. On the basis of international treaties.
In order to choose the most the best option, you should take a closer look at the ins and outs of each of them, taking into account the fact that the first two points are the most popular in practice. Plus, in connection with the latest events in the country fast track obtaining Russian citizenship for Ukrainians makes it possible to approve their powers much faster.

Obtaining Russian citizenship for Ukrainians according to the general procedure

This method is optimal when it is impossible to arrange the procedure in an accelerated mode. The whole process is divided into several stages:
Stage 1. When crossing the border, during border control, a visa document is issued, that is, a migration card with an entry stamp.
Stage 2. Upon arrival, within seven days, the migrant is obliged to declare his arrival to the FMS. At this stage, the citizen has legal right to stay in the Russian Federation for 90 days.
Stage 3. A person must obtain a temporary residence permit (abbreviated TRP). This will allow the migrant to extend his legal stay by another three years. But the law does not provide for its extension. For the same period, registration at the place of residence must be issued with the condition of a personal visit of the applicant. This request must be accompanied by:
1) Passport document.
2) Photo in quantity 4 pcs.
3) Migration card with arrival stamp.
4) A check confirming the payment of the state duty in the amount of one thousand rubles.
5) Medical certificate confirming the absence of dangerous diseases.
6) Optionally - a document on registration with the tax office.
7) Documents for children, if they are included in the application.
Stage 4. A residence permit is issued. It gives the right of legal residence of a citizen in the Russian Federation with all the responsibilities and, as they say, the consequences. The list of documents is as follows:
- Application - 2 copies.
- Photo.
- The passport.
- RWP.
— Evidence of availability enough financial resources.
- Medical certificate confirming the absence of bad diseases.
- Proof of housing.
- Payment of state duty (2 thousand rubles).
Stage 5. Obtaining the status of a citizen. One of the main conditions is knowledge of the Russian language. Further - the presence of an official source of income, the renunciation of Ukrainian citizenship and the payment of state duty.
1. Application in two copies.
2. Photo 4 pcs.
3. A notarized copy of the residence permit.
4. Notarized copies of birth and marriage certificates.
5. Documents on the availability of education (notarized and with translation).
6. Renunciation of citizenship in 2 copies.
7. For children over 14 years of age - their consent, for children under 14 years of age - the consent of the other parent.
8. Medical certificate.
9. If necessary, a notarized and translated pension certificate.
10 Payment of duty.
11. Russian language testing certificate (depending on the circumstances).

Obtaining citizenship of the Russian Federation under a simplified procedure

A simplified scheme for obtaining citizenship of the Russian Federation for Ukrainians reduces the time it takes to acquire citizenship by several times. Putting aside recent events, this procedure can count on:
- Persons born in the USSR, or those who had citizenship there;
– Persons who have been trained in the Russian Federation or the republics of the Union;
- Persons who have family ties with citizens (nin) of the Russian Federation.
For refugee migrants, one of the conditions is to obtain refugee status. At the same time, in order to use the "acceleration" it is necessary to submit an application within three days after arriving to receive temporary asylum.
To apply to the FMS, a Ukrainian citizen must have with him:
– Passport of Ukraine,
- Photo in 35x45 format.

Unique anti-crisis offer! Citizenship of the Russian Federation from 6 months for only 100 thousand rubles with installment payment!

Full legality is guaranteed, all documents are submitted and received by the migrant in the bodies of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia personally!

The program accepts citizens:
Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, as well as other states that speak Russian.

Payment mode:

1. At the conclusion of the contract -25 thousand rubles.
2. When submitting documents for a temporary residence permit to the bodies of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia -25 thousand rubles.
3. When submitting documents for obtaining a Participant Certificate state program assistance in the voluntary resettlement of compatriots in Russia -25 thousand rubles.
4. When submitting documents for citizenship of the Russian Federation to the bodies of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; - 25 thousand rubles.

The migrant will need:
Passport, birth certificate, document of education (diploma or certificate), employment record (if any), military ID (if any), certificate of marriage, divorce, name change (if any).

Our company has been a licensee of the Federal Migration Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia since 2000, has an impeccable reputation and specializes in providing services in the field of migration. The company in writing of the contract guarantees the legality of all documents drawn up with our help, the exact and strict observance of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Use the services of professionals from the age of 18 summer experience work in the migration field and obtain Russian citizenship legally, without problems, delays and queues in as soon as possible! The contract can be concluded either directly in our office or remotely, if you are not in Moscow.

This is useful to read:

Coming to Russian Federation, many migrants from the CIS countries have as their goal to stay to work, and, possibly, to obtain Russian citizenship, but how to do this correctly without violating laws and without having problems in the future?
A little math...

Feedback from our clients:

"They applied for citizenship under the program of resettlement of compatriots in 8 months. They submitted documents through the Russian consulate in Kharkov, they received a response very quickly and with a positive decision in their hands (certificate of a participant in the state program) they applied for a temporary residence permit and citizenship"...

MOSCOW, January 1 - RIA Novosti. Last year, several well-known athletes changed their citizenship and received Russian passports; Hollywood actor Robert De Niro and Limp Bizkit lead singer Fred Durst may follow suit in 2016.

In 2015, the world-famous American boxer Roy Jones, mixed martial arts fighter Jeff Monson, Brazilian footballer Marinato Guilherme, 100-year-old Baroness Irina von Dreyer became Russians.

Moscow registration and dacha in Crimea

In December, Monson had already fought his first fight under the Russian flag and was defeated by Cameroonian Donald Njatah.

Monson said he wanted Russian citizenship back in 2013. He even got a tattoo with the image of the sculpture "The Motherland Calls!" Installed on the Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd, and later another one with the image of Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and Friedrich Engels.

Monson plans to live in Russia, intends to learn Russian, and has already stated that he is not opposed to passing the TRP standards.

94 years of waiting

The fate of Irene: do the children of white emigrants have the right to Russian citizenshipThe fates of white émigré families are closely connected with the history of Russia. And if Lenin's mausoleum is normal, then why not give citizenship to the descendants of Russian officers, notes Anastasia Melnikova.

In November, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on granting Russian citizenship to the daughter of the white emigrant Vladimir von Dreyer, the Baroness, living in France. "Finally, after 94 years of waiting, my mother again - Slava Bogu! - became Russian," the son of the Baroness, Baron Thomas von Dreyer, told RIA Novosti.

Irina von Dreyer was born on December 15, 1915 in Moscow in the family of Major General Vladimir von Dreyer. On November 11, 1920, she left Russia with her family and was left stateless. On December 15, 2015, on her 100th birthday, Baroness Irina von Dreyer, who received a Russian passport, arrived in Russia. She visited Red Square, went to the Bolshoi Theater to see The Nutcracker and met Valentina Tereshkova and Anatoly Karpov.

"Conscious choice"

In November, the Brazilian goalkeeper of the Moscow football club Lokomotiv Marinato Guilherme, who has been playing for the club since 2007, received a Russian passport.

"Over the years I have settled down in Russia, I live here with my family and have long felt at home. The decision to become a Russian citizen is a conscious choice that I did not make yesterday. I am glad to become part of a great country," said Guilherme, who was quoted by the official website " Locomotive".

The goalkeeper admitted that he has long felt himself Russian, and said that he had passed the exam for knowledge of the Russian language.

"Nice house in the Crimea"

The frontman of the American band Fred Durst, during a tour of Russia, said that he likes to visit Moscow and would not mind getting a Russian passport. "If you have connections in the relevant authorities that could help with obtaining it, share," Durst said. The musician added that the image of Russia in the media is "far from reality" and with his tour of 20 Russian cities, he "wants to prove to everyone that it's really great here."

Despite the fact that Durst has not yet applied for Russian citizenship, he has already written an appeal to the Crimean administration, in which he spoke about his desire to live on the peninsula. The musician wrote that he would be glad to have a "nice house" in the Crimea. The Crimean authorities promised him to assist in the arrangement.

"We need to work together"

The Hollywood actor and co-owner of the Nobu restaurant chain, opening a new restaurant in Moscow in November, told reporters that he might want to get Russian citizenship following the example of boxer Roy Jones, but it’s too early to talk about it.

Responding to questions from reporters, De Niro said that "we all need to come together to stop the disputes, we need to work together."

The Hollywood actor has already been to Moscow: in 2009 he came to the opening ceremony of the first Nobu restaurant in the Russian capital.

Addition in Russian sports

Several athletes have already received Russian citizenship this year. Many have just announced their desire to obtain Russian passports or are in the process of naturalization and plan to play for Russian teams in the future.

Anatoly Wasserman did not rule out that he would take Russian citizenshipA Ukrainian journalist, a multiple winner of intellectual television games, noted that after the coup d'état he did not attempt to enter Ukraine due to fear of being arrested.

Donetsk boxer Stanislav Kashtanov received a license from the Russian Professional Boxing Federation in March and began to compete under the Russian flag. At the same time, Kashtanov applied for Russian citizenship. In August, he took part in a boxing match with Dominican Felix Valera as part of the bike show of the Night Wolves motorcycle club in Crimea.

Champion Olympic Games and former undisputed heavyweight boxing world champion Lennox Lewis is considering obtaining Russian citizenship, vice president of the Russian Professional Boxing Federation (FPBR) said in November.

Although political relations between Russia and Ukraine are currently quite complicated, this does not prevent people from wanting to change the citizenship of one of these countries to another.

This procedure is quite typical, it takes place in several stages, which are regulated by law.

If these steps are followed correctly, then a citizen of Ukraine can receive both refugee status and, which can be followed by obtaining citizenship.

We will figure out how to obtain Russian citizenship for a citizen of Ukraine.

First steps

As soon as a Ukrainian crosses the border of the Russian Federation, he must go through the procedure for ensuring temporary registration, which gives the right to a non-permanent residence permit. The law allows not to register a visit to the country within ninety days from the moment of arrival, but if you do not carry out this registration, then you will not be able to apply for citizenship in the future.

To start registration, just contact any one that is located at the place of residence of the person. If we are talking about refugees who are in specialized camps, then their registration is handled by the local administration. If we are talking about living with relatives, then the person who owns the apartment in which Ukrainians live should initiate the registration procedure.

Obtaining temporary residence

is the next step towards citizenship. When the TRP is received, then the Ukrainian, like the citizen of the Russian Federation, has social guarantees and the opportunity to work without a permit.

RVP is issued under special quotas in the first half of the year. But some categories of citizens can get it even without quotas. This is for example:

  • born in the RSFSR - a person born in the SSR, namely in this part of it, does not need a quota;
  • people unable to work with able-bodied children in the Russian Federation;
  • minor Ukrainians whose parents/guardians have Russian citizenship;
  • under 18 years of age;
  • Ukrainians whose parents or children (from birth, or adults not from birth) have Russian citizenship;
  • Ukrainians directly married to Russian citizens;
  • people investing in the Russian Federation.


A special simplified system for obtaining citizenship was introduced for Ukrainians. If, in the usual case, residence in the country is required for at least five years, knowledge of the national language, a permanent place of work and income reporting, then Ukrainians do not need all this.

First of all, the simplified system applies to refugees.

They must first obtain a residence permit (the application is considered within 3 months), then a request for citizenship is already drawn up.

Is a waiver necessary?

Although, in connection with the annexation of Crimea, the FMS has ceased in many cases to require the renunciation of citizenship, you still need to sign a document that guarantees the renunciation of citizenship. It is necessary to sign a petition, which is further considered by a special commission of Ukraine.

As soon as the President issues an appropriate decree, the person is considered to have lost his original citizenship. Ukrainians who are on the territory of the Russian Federation write to the consulate of the Russian Federation. It is also necessary to notify the FMS about the performance of this action.


But then it will be possible in the future, as a refugee, to apply for citizenship under a simplified scheme.

The demand for Russian citizenship in the CIS republics is traditionally high. It is noteworthy, however, that Ukraine has been holding the lead in terms of the number of Russian passports received for the second year. This is evidenced by the data provided by the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to RT.

According to these figures, in 2016, 100,696 Ukrainians became holders of a passport with a double-headed eagle on the cover. This is 49% more than in 2015 (67,400 people). On the second line - Kazakhstan, 37,837 inhabitants of which received Russian citizenship last year (in 2015 - 32,070). Also in 2016, a Russian passport was handed to 23,216 citizens of Uzbekistan (in 2015 - 22,557). By this indicator, Armenia lost a little to him - 22,264 Armenians received the right to live and work in Russia (in 2015, there were 18,653 such people).

In total, 265,319 people received Russian citizenship in 2016, while in 2015 - 209,799.

Supply creates demand

The observed increase in the issuance of Russian passports to CIS citizens is mainly due to the expansion of the state program to assist voluntary resettlement to the Russian Federation of compatriots living abroad.

The demand for a burgundy passport is associated primarily with the relatively good economic climate in Russia. Ukrainians, like many others, are moving to the Russian Federation in the hope of a prosperous life, Leonid Kozak, a court lawyer for the Ukrainian diaspora in Moscow, is sure.

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In an interview with RT, he stressed that they were moving not only from the war-torn Donbass, but also from the central part of Ukraine - Kiev, Vinnitsa, and also from the Kharkov region.

“Mostly those who want to work here go to Russia,” Kozak explains. - They, as a rule, no longer connect their prospects with a subsequent return to Ukraine. The reason is the socio-economic situation in Ukraine. This is the lack of an opportunity to earn money, corruption, as well as fear for one’s life and health.”

Kozak is convinced that for the same socio-economic reasons, by 2019 we should expect an increase in the dynamics of Ukrainians moving to Russia, and then it will stabilize.

From economics to politics

Main Researcher Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Sociological Sciences Vladimir Mukomel believes that the increase in the number of Ukrainians with a Russian passport is partly due to political reasons.

“In 2014-2015, Ukrainians were given certain preferences for granting temporary residence permits, which played a role. But some of them already had it, and therefore they could quickly get a residence permit and then citizenship, ”Mukomel explained.

The scientist said that before the events of 2014, about 1.6 million Ukrainian citizens were constantly on the territory of Russia. Later, this figure grew to 2.1 million, and in 2016 reached about 2.3 million people.

He added that mainly residents of the South-East of Ukraine are interested in Russian citizenship. And if her government starts to implement the Minsk agreements, and the situation in the Donbass stabilizes, the number of Ukrainians interested in moving to Russia will decrease.

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Other shores

Mukomel also noted completely different reasons for the resettlement of citizens of Kazakhstan to Russia.

“The bulk of those citizens of Kazakhstan who are in Russia are the Russian-speaking population,” the sociologist explains. - Including a significant part of those who receive higher education in Russia. And for them, already practically integrated into Russian society, there are certain preferences (for obtaining citizenship . — RT) according to the law,” Mukomel emphasized.

He also noted that the desire of the citizens of Armenia and Kazakhstan to emigrate to Russia could be influenced by the membership of these countries in the EAEU.

According to Mukomel, the number of citizens of Kazakhstan and Armenia who have received Russian citizenship may continue to increase, but in one or two years it will decline, since "the contingent of those wishing to obtain Russian citizenship is not unlimited."