Persistent colds during pregnancy what to do. Soda anesthetic solution. What you need to know about the common cold by trimester

No one is immune from seasonal colds, especially pregnant women, since their immunity is weakened and the body is more susceptible to viruses and infectious diseases. The course of a cold is manifested by fever, headache, cough, sore throat. How and what to treat for colds and viral diseases during pregnancy at different periods, so as not to harm the unborn baby and how to protect yourself from viruses during the cold season?

Gynecologists warn expectant mothers against viral colds, especially in the first months of pregnancy, and for good reason. The danger of a viral infection is that it can cause complications that are dangerous to the health of both mom and baby. Influenza of any form and ARVI are especially dangerous in the first trimester.

Cold during pregnancy 1 trimester: what is the danger for the child

The most threatening consequences are borne by a cold in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, when the laying and development of the vital organs of the future man takes place. It is especially necessary to take care of yourself during pregnancy at 5-6 weeks. This is the period when the embryo is actively developing, and the weakened immune system of the mother is not able to fight viruses.

  • The consequences of a severe cold at this time can be disastrous: lead to a disruption in the functioning of the placenta and a failure of the process of intrauterine nutrition of the embryo.
  • Damage to the brain, nervous system and heart occurs, and pregnancy can result in miscarriage. Therefore, it is so important not to get sick at an early stage of pregnancy, to guard against possible infection and to increase immunity.

If, nevertheless, it was not possible to avoid infection with viruses, and you get sick - do not panic! According to statistics, 80% of pregnant women suffer a cold exactly at the beginning of bearing a baby and they have absolutely healthy children. After undergoing an ultrasound scan, prescribed by a gynecologist after treatment and recovery, if pathologies are not identified, you can calm down and enjoy a happy and prosperous further course of pregnancy.

Cold during pregnancy 2 trimester

In the 2nd trimester, young mothers can relax and calm down, because at this time of bearing a baby, a small cold, accompanied by a runny nose or cough, is not so dangerous for her unborn child. The baby is reliably protected by the placenta, which is a kind of shield for infections and the negative influence of external factors. But, if a pregnant woman has a viral disease or ARVI, proceeding in a complex form with complications, this invisible shield can be disrupted and cause placental insufficiency. Its danger is that the fetus will not receive the oxygen and nutrients it needs.

In addition, taking antibiotics, antipyretics for a viral disease can be unsafe for the fetus and lead to undesirable consequences.

Cold during pregnancy 3 trimester

It is highly undesirable for the expectant mother to get sick at a later date, just before childbirth. In addition to the fact that it becomes more difficult to endure all the symptoms of a cold, there is still a risk of contracting the virus or infection of the newborn from the mother. A sick young mother will most likely have to be isolated from the crumbs until she recovers, and she will lose the first exciting moments of communication with her baby. During childbirth, difficulties and complications are also possible, especially if the woman in labor is weakened from the ongoing illness, she will have a fever, cough, nasal congestion.

In the third trimester, it is dangerous to carry a viral disease on the legs. At this time, treatment should be as safe as possible for the fetus and mother. At the slightest ailment, adherence to bed rest is a prerequisite for treatment.

In this period of pregnancy, doctors recommend folk remedies for the treatment of herbs, teas, herbal preparations and preparations. Acceptance of any medication must always be coordinated with the attending physician who is pregnant. Remember that complications from a previous illness can lead to a delay in fetal development, cause hypoxia, or premature birth. During the high season of viral diseases, limit contact with people, avoid crowded public places where sick people may be.

Preventing colds during pregnancy

The best way to deal with colds is to avoid them and take steps to strengthen your immune system. The following recommendations will strengthen the immune system of the expectant mother and avoid infection with viruses:

  1. One of the simplest, but very effective recommendations for expectant mothers is to saturate the body with oxygen while walking in the fresh air.
  2. A good diet rich in vitamins will strengthen the immune system. Herbal infusions rich in vitamin C (rose hips) are useful.
  3. If possible, avoid crowded places, limit your communication with sick people, and if you have to visit places where infection with viruses is possible, wear a gauze bandage, it must be changed every 2 hours. When leaving their home, lubricate the nose with Oxolinic ointment. After returning home, rinse your nose with a sea salt solution.
  4. Do not overcool, do not get caught in the rain, dress for the weather.
  5. Airing and wet cleaning the room and bedroom more often. It is useful to spread chopped onions or garlic in the room to disinfect the room. You can also use aromatic oils (lavender, eucalyptus) for these purposes.

If, nevertheless, you failed to protect yourself from the insidious virus and you fell ill, follow these recommendations:

  1. It is not advisable to endure colds on your feet; if you work, take sick leave. Reduce physical activity and activity, spend time in bed, and treat.
  2. Taking medications, especially antibiotics, is not possible without a doctor's agreement!
  3. Drink more liquid in the form of vitamin teas, herbal infusions, compotes, fruit drinks. Tea with the addition of lemon, raspberry, linden honey is useful.

In case of a cold, reduce the consumption of fatty, salty, smoked food - excessive consumption of it leads to fluid retention in the body and swelling, thereby increasing nasal congestion.

How to treat a cold during pregnancy

As soon as you notice the first symptoms of the disease: body aches, general malaise, a cough or runny nose, a sore throat, it becomes painful to swallow, it is necessary to start treating a cold. It is imperative to visit a doctor as soon as possible. Remember that pregnant women are absolutely not allowed to self-medicate and endanger the life of the unborn child. When diagnosed by a qualified doctor, it will help to avoid complications that can result in a common cold.

What to do with the first symptoms of a cold during pregnancy?

  • At the first symptoms of the disease, when you feel weak, fatigued, sleepy, sometimes irritable, stay in bed and start drinking plenty of fluids. This is the surest way to start treatment.
  • Rest more, drink warm teas with raspberries, chamomile infusions, linden blossom, rosehip decoction is useful, which quickly restores strength.
  • For sore throat, warm milk with honey or ghee is helpful. All these simple recommendations will significantly alleviate the condition.
  • Working expectant mothers need to take a day off and get sick leave, it is highly undesirable to endure colds on their feet.
  • Sleep is a great way to recuperate.
  • During a flu epidemic, it is advisable to call a general practitioner at home so as not to visit the clinic.
  • The body is weakened during a cold, there is a high probability of contracting infections or viruses.

Pregnancy cold. How to treat a throat

Throat treatment should begin with frequent rinsing, and should be done every hour. As a rinse solution, you can choose the following options:

  • insist a decoction of herbs (chamomile, calendula, oak bark, sage, eucalyptus) and add sea salt to it;
  • add 1 teaspoon of soda, sea salt and a few drops of iodine to a glass of warm water;
  • dilute in a glass of water 1 tsp of alcoholic propolis tincture, which is sold in a pharmacy.

Cold during pregnancy. How to treat a cough

The following folk recipes help to get rid of cough:

  • to soften a dry suffocating cough, drink warm milk with a spoonful of goose fat or butter with honey;
  • warm tea with honey or raspberries is useful;
  • very effectively fight cough inhalation with essential oils. Add a few drops of eucalyptus, sage, or St. John's wort to a pot of boiling water. Cover your head with a towel and inhale the healing scent deeply through your mouth. After the procedure, be sure to go to bed under the covers;
  • another folk remedy is inhalation over the steam of potatoes boiled in their uniforms. Essential oils of eucalyptus, chamomile, sage are added to potatoes.

Cold during pregnancy. How to treat a runny nose

Sneezing, runny nose brings discomfort and inconvenience to the expectant mother. A stuffy nose does not allow breathing normally, so it is necessary to cure a runny nose as soon as possible, we suggest using such folk recipes:

  • Everyone knows about the benefits of onions and garlic for colds, which have a strong antiviral effect. The phytoncides contained in them kill influenza and ARVI viruses. Cut the onion or garlic into several pieces and spread them indoors or inhale the onion or garlic scent for 10 minutes a day.
  • It is useful to bury it in the nose soda-tannin drops that you can easily make at home. Brew 1 teaspoon of tea leaves in boiling water (for 1 glass of water) and, stirring, evaporate it over low heat. Then strain and add 1 tsp of soda to the tea broth. Place the product in the nose several times a day using a pipette. After using such drops, mucus from the nose is better secreted and breathing is easier.
  • Aloe juice, a herbal solution from fresh apple or carrot juice can be instilled into the nose.
  • Flush your nose with saline or baking soda often, especially after visiting crowded places.
  • A cake made from flour and honey can cope with nasal congestion. Apply it to the maxillary sinuses.

How to treat headache and fever

  1. Wet wraps are excellent for knocking down high body temperature wet sheet made of natural fabric. Wrap yourself up with a warm blanket. Due to heavy sweating, the temperature will drop quickly.
  2. Acetic rubbing of the body helps to fight high temperatures, vinegar is diluted with water (1: 2).
  3. During an illness accompanied by a high fever, drink plenty of fluids (herbal teas, linden infusion, cranberry juice).
  4. If you suffer from a headache, apply white cabbage leaves to your temples and forehead.

What not recommended for pregnant women during a cold

  • Do not take hot baths, you also cannot steam your legs, visit steam rooms, saunas, or a bathhouse.
  • Before using medicinal medicinal herbs, be sure to read the instructions.
  • Pregnant women are prohibited from taking immunomodulators, alcohol tinctures.
  • Take vitamin C with extreme caution, as it thinns the blood in excess.
  • It is forbidden to take antibiotics without consulting a doctor.
  • The drugs Aspirin and its analogues Coldrex, Efferalgan are prohibited.

Cold medicines during pregnancy

Before using any medication, be sure to consult your doctor and read the instructions. It should be remembered that it is strictly forbidden to take medications that are not intended for pregnant women.

Throat medications

  • With a sore throat, inflammation of the mucous membrane, aerosol preparations Ingalipt, Hexoral, which have an antiseptic effect and are safe for the life of the fetus, effectively fight.
  • With perspiration, painful swallowing, prolonged redness of the throat mucosa, Faringosept is used.
  • You can gargle with a solution of Furacilin.
  • Bioparox in the form of a spray helps to relieve inflammation and reduce soreness in the throat.

Cough medicines

It is necessary to start the treatment of cough immediately, since a cough during gestation, especially dry and paroxysmal, is very dangerous for the fetus, as it prevents the flow of oxygen. Cough treatment also depends on the length of the pregnancy.

  • At the beginning of pregnancy, Sinekod, Stodal, Bronchikum will be effective for the treatment of dry cough.
  • In the second half of bearing a baby, Stoptussin syrup, Coldrex, Falimint, Libeksin preparations are used.
  • For a wet cough, the doctor may prescribe pullet root syrup, Mukaltin, Herbion, Doctor Mom, or a herbal breast collection.

Medicines for the treatment of the common cold

A runny nose, accompanied by nasal congestion, is especially dangerous for the baby and interferes with the mother's normal life. Shortness of breath leads to oxygen starvation of the fetus.

  • It is not recommended to treat a runny nose and nasal congestion during pregnancy with vasoconstrictor drugs.
  • Rinse the nose and moisturize the nasal mucosa with Aquamaris.
  • Pinosol and Nazivin help to relieve inflammation and fight microbes.

Medicines at a temperature

High fever, headaches are frequent companions of acute respiratory viral infections and flu, in the fight against which antipyretic drugs are used. The drugs used to lower the temperature during childbearing should be made on the basis of paracetamol, for example, Panadol. But, not all paracetamol-based medicines can be taken by pregnant women. If they contain caffeine, phenylephrine, pheniramine maleate, such medications are prohibited for pregnant women, so read the instructions carefully to avoid side effects.

If a woman has an intolerance to paracetamol or it is ineffective for combating high fever, the doctor may prescribe Ibuprofen. This drug should be taken with extreme caution and only as directed by the attending physician, since it is not approved for pregnant women in the 1st trimester. Taking Ibuprfen can cause miscarriage. In the second and third trimester, he is taken as prescribed by a doctor and does not bear any danger to the fetus.

Antipyretic drugs prohibited during pregnancy

  • acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and all drugs based on it (Coldrex, Efferalgan);
  • nimesulide (nimesil, nisit);
  • analgin;
  • various biologically active additives (dietary supplements).

All of these antipyretic drugs are contraindicated in women carrying a baby. Taking them can have a negative effect on the intrauterine development of the fetus, provoke the development of abnormalities, and also cause bleeding in the mother. It should be noted that these drugs are also prohibited during lactation.

During the carrying of a baby, when pregnancy occurs in the autumn-winter period - the season of colds and viruses, it is very difficult to avoid the disease. The task of the expectant mother is to overcome the cold as quickly as possible, recuperate and at the same time not harm the unborn child.

By choosing the correct and effective treatment with your doctor, as well as the use of time-tested home methods and folk remedies for treating colds, you can quickly get back on your feet.

But still, it should be remembered that it is easier to prevent a cold, and not to treat, so use preventive measures and strengthen the immune system. Be more attentive to your health and listen to the recommendations and advice of doctors.

In our climate, practically all pregnant women have a cold during pregnancy, this is the only reason why you should not perceive it as a complete disaster if you are sick.

A cold during pregnancy is usually caused by contact with pathogens of ARVI, acute respiratory viral infections. However, it is not uncommon when other diseases are understood by this word, for example, herpes or bronchitis, sinusitis and pneumonia caused by bacterial infections. And for these diseases, the consequences can be completely different.

First trimester of pregnancy and colds

A cold in the early stages of pregnancy is highly undesirable for the reason that meeting with some infections can lead to impaired fetal development. It is especially dangerous to get sick for the first time with such a viral infection as rubella, which proceeds with a cough, runny nose, swollen lymph nodes and a rash (the rash is sometimes so imperceptible and weakly expressed that even a doctor can only see it in bright light).

A cold in the first trimester of pregnancy is also dangerous because it is extremely difficult to treat, you will not be able to take most medications, which means that only traditional medicine and herbs will come to the rescue (some of them are also dangerous). It is clear that the very beginning of pregnancy and a cold is an extremely undesirable combination and every effort must be made not to get sick.

There is a myth among the people according to which a cold is regarded as a sign of pregnancy. Fatigue, fatigue, nasal congestion, characteristic of the first weeks after conception, are really similar to ARVI. Of course, this is not a real cold, this "first sign of pregnancy" is due only to a sharp change in the hormonal background of a woman, progesterone causes a tendency to fluid retention, and a stuffy nose can accompany a pregnant woman until childbirth.

And yet, a real cold at the beginning of pregnancy can be obtained very easily due to a sharp decrease in immunity in the expectant mother. This immunodeficiency is justified from the point of view of the development of the child, since it protects him from the reactions of rejection by the mother's body, but - can cause an easy incidence of infectious diseases.

A cold in the first weeks of pregnancy is dangerous for its complications, if a mild runny nose turns into sinusitis, real bronchitis begins, or even pneumonia - the consequences for the baby can be deplorable due to the need to take a large number of medications and are far from the best conditions for development. The onset of a cold in the first week of pregnancy, when the mother does not yet know about conception, can lead to termination of pregnancy even before the delay in menstruation; in the first days of pregnancy, the embryo is very vulnerable. When we get sick, we thoughtlessly take medications to bring down the temperature, get rid of coughs, drip everything into our nose that can get rid of a runny nose, and this is all destructive for the embryo. The high temperature itself can pose a threat to the baby.

A cold in the first month of pregnancy is dangerous, therefore, it is most correct to prevent it by planning a pregnancy for a time outside of ARVI outbreaks, for example, in early autumn, when the state of the immune system is optimal, you are full of strength, and viral infections are not yet so common.

Colds in the second trimester of pregnancy

Unlike the common cold early in pregnancy, viral infections in the second trimester are less dangerous. This is not to say that they cannot affect the child at all, the transferred ARVI can cause feto-placental insufficiency, when the placenta does not cope well with the functions of providing the child with oxygen and nutrients.

If you have a cold, the second trimester of pregnancy, you still need to take it seriously and approach treatment with extreme caution. Malformations in a child are no longer possible, but his nervous system may suffer, since it is in the second trimester that its active maturation takes place, the baby may be born with a low weight and ahead of time if you are ill or take medication thoughtlessly.

Colds in the third trimester of pregnancy

By the end of pregnancy, the risk of disease is again higher. A cold in late pregnancy is especially dangerous on the eve of childbirth, because immediately after birth, the baby will encounter a viral infection, inevitably infected from the mother, and will have to fight it.

A cold at 9 months of pregnancy means that you will not be hospitalized for childbirth in the physiological department, but in the department where unexamined women who have not been registered for pregnancy and childbirth lie. After giving birth, the baby is isolated from you, which will reduce the risk of getting sick, but deprive you of your first beautiful moments together.

A cold in the last month of pregnancy can cause a complicated course of labor, you will be weakened, giving birth with a high temperature is not a pleasure for the faint of heart.

If we are talking about an infection such as herpes, the infection of a child immediately after childbirth does pose a deadly threat to him.

Cold symptoms

The common cold and flu during pregnancy run like a normal, non-pregnant state. The temperature may rise, which is very high with the flu, worries about nasal congestion, runny nose and cough, there may be headaches, aching joints, weakness. All of these symptoms, typical of ARVI, are painful, since they cannot be alleviated with conventional medications.

If you have a pregnancy, colds, fever, be prepared to fight this only with folk methods, drugs only as a last resort. Symptoms of a cold during pregnancy, such as sore throat and cough, are treated with gargles and inhalations, not syrups and pills. Even a runny nose during pregnancy can only be treated with sprays containing salt, such as Aquamaris.

The most important thing is to start treatment on time and prevent complications that require medication, especially antibiotics. You should not prescribe pills to yourself, the same drugs for temperature, for example, aspirin, affect prostaglandins, which are also involved in all processes associated with pregnancy.

Having caught the first signs of a cold during pregnancy, you need to immediately take action.

Some of the symptoms that we habitually refer to as a common cold can actually be dangerous. Herpes blisters popping up in the nose, on the lips, are not just a cold. This is a herpes virus that is dangerous for a child. Dangerous primary contact and dangerous infection with a virus of the genital organs, if there is an exacerbation for childbirth, herpes of the genital organs will become an indication for a cesarean section in the interests of the fetus. Other symptoms are not colds at all, although they are very similar to it.

For many women, nasal breathing is impaired for almost all 9 months, such a constant "cold" during pregnancy is not dangerous, since this edema is caused only by hormones. There is no need to treat this, give birth - everything will pass by itself.

Danger of colds

Why is a cold during pregnancy dangerous? Having become ill, most women begin to worry about how this will affect the child, and whether there will be serious consequences for him. In part, this concern is well founded, especially in the early stages and before childbirth.

Consider the threat of a cold during pregnancy at different times.

Cold during pregnancy, 1 trimester

A cold suffered before pregnancy does not significantly affect the conception and bearing of the fetus, but it is worth remembering that after the illness the body is weakened, for this reason, if possible, it is worth refraining from conception for a couple of months if you have had the flu or other acute respiratory viral infections.

A cold in the first month of pregnancy is dangerous because it can lead to interruption, developmental abnormalities in the child, and congenital malformations. All this is not 100% guaranteed, but the risk increases. If gross malformations do occur, they are easily detected at the first screening ultrasound of the fetus at 10-11 weeks, having been ill in the early stages, do not miss this examination, it is important for you.

The danger of a cold during early pregnancy is also that expectant mothers have a sharply reduced immunity, which means that the disease can be more severe than usual. Bacterial complications occur more often, the disease is more difficult to treat.

Nevertheless, the influence of a cold on pregnancy is not so serious as to think that the baby will necessarily be born incomplete. Secretly, almost every woman is sick, or at least contacts with sick people, and almost all give birth to normal healthy children. Don't panic if you get sick.

Cold during pregnancy, 2nd trimester

The second trimester is characterized by a decrease in the risk of any consequences for the child with ARVI in the mother. The placenta is formed and protects the baby by taking the blow. However, she herself suffers to one degree or another, so it is often not desirable to get sick. Frequent colds during pregnancy can cause circulatory disorders in the placenta, the appearance of calcifications and its premature aging, and this can cause fetal-placental insufficiency, intrauterine fetal hypoxia and fetal malnutrition. How a cold affects pregnancy depends on how often, what specific infections you have, and how you were treated.

Cold during pregnancy, 3rd trimester

Having fallen ill in the 3rd trimester, especially in the last weeks, a woman is at great risk. She herself has not yet developed immunity to this infection, and if the baby is born, she will not be able to protect him, the child can easily become infected from the mother immediately after birth. For this reason, expectant mothers who come to the hospital with ARVI symptoms, fever, are hospitalized not in the usual department, but where all the "dubious" women in labor are lying, and after giving birth, the baby may even be isolated from you.

You must understand that a cold in the last weeks of pregnancy is highly undesirable and be doubly careful, do not visit crowded places shortly before giving birth, do not use public transport, do not go shopping. Excess contacts before childbirth are not needed by any expectant mother.

Cold treatment

No matter how you were careful, it still happened, a cold during pregnancy, what to do? First of all, do not panic, but take action immediately.

If you are working, not yet on maternity leave, remember, it is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women to carry ARVI on their feet, take a sick leave without hesitation, even if you just have a runny nose.

Treatment of colds during pregnancy should be carried out, avoiding medications as much as possible.

If you have a cough, we are treated with the help of decoctions of herbs with an expectorant effect. Regarding herbs, not all of them can be used by pregnant women, and coughs are different, you need to be careful with the choice and the most correct decision is to be made with the help of a doctor.

Runny nose. A runny nose is dangerous because with it you do not have enough oxygen, and the baby suffers from this. At the same time, you should not use vasoconstrictor drops, there are excellent absolutely safe means, for example, saline drops.

Heat. We do not knock down to 38 degrees, above 38 degrees, we first try to cope with folk remedies, if neither tea with raspberries nor a decoction of mother-and-stepmother helps, we will have to take medications. Let's say paracetamol, under the supervision of a physician.

Herbs and soda will come to the rescue.

In general, all medicines for colds during pregnancy should be prescribed by a doctor. You yourself cannot know for sure what you got sick with, but if it is sore throat? Sinusitis? Pneumonia? Without timely antibiotic therapy, these diseases end sadly, so if you find that you are sick, call a doctor at home without hesitation. All means, drugs, pills must be approved by your therapist, the most important thing is not to harm the baby and prevent possible complications.

Decide how to be treated with a doctor, experiments are now contraindicated. You just need to cure the disease, without losses and consequences, and believe me. Any therapist knows much better than you how to treat a cold during pregnancy.

Preventing colds

It is much easier to prevent the disease than to fight it later; prevention of colds during pregnancy should be constant. How not to get sick?

If you have just been ill, planning your pregnancy should be postponed for at least a month, let yourself get stronger.
- dress for the weather, do not overheat or overcool, choose natural fabrics.
- avoid crowded places and unnecessary contacts.
- if someone is ill at home, he needs to wear a mask (for the patient, not for you), and you often wash your hands and do not use the same dishes with the patient.
- eat right, use natural phytoncides in food (onions and garlic).
- take prescribed prenatal vitamins.
- Temper moderately. Walks in the woods, contrasting baths for feet and hands are very useful.

Prevention of colds during pregnancy should begin before conception, it would be nice to maximize your health before conception, for example, having a good rest in the south.

Now you know what is dangerous to be sick during pregnancy, what the consequences can be, and what kind of treatment you need for a cold. It does not affect pregnancy in the best way, it is not an easy task to cure it, which means that you just need to try not to get sick.

Is it possible for pregnant women to soar their legs with a cold, drip vasoconstrictor drops, take antibiotics? How to bring down the temperature so as not to damage the baby? The expectant mother has many questions and fears in her head. Avoiding colds during pregnancy is no easy task. After all, ladies "in position" are more susceptible to colds due to a physiological decrease in immunity.

All the secrets of treating colds during pregnancy were scouted out by the experienced doctor Jadwiga Miksha.

Jadwiga Miksha

Associate Professor, Department of Polyclinic Therapy, Belarusian State Medical University, Candidate of Medical Sciences

What can be dangerous for a cold during pregnancy?

Trouble for mom

The danger of a cold mom for a baby

  • Formation of fetal malformations.
  • Delayed intrauterine development of the fetus.
  • Oxygen starvation of the fetus due to the development of a complex of disorders on the part of the fetus and the placenta (fetoplacetal insufficiency).
  • Intrauterine infection (septic condition, congenital pneumonia, etc.) and fetal death.
  • Deviations in the physical and mental development of the baby.

If you see signs of a cold (general weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, headache, fever, sore throat and sore throat, cough, runny nose), be sure to consult a doctor! Do not self-medicate! Own treatments and lingering colds can actually affect the fetus.

We adopt folk remedies

With a mild course, you can treat a cold during pregnancy, starting not with medicines, but with the use of folk remedies.


Warm and abundant drink is recommended. As with a common cold, pregnant women can and should drink green tea with lemon, raspberry jam, honey, lingonberry and cranberry fruit drinks, infusion of chamomile flowers, linden, berries and black currant leaves.

The source of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is rose hips and black currants. Rosehip drink effectively helps in the treatment of colds during pregnancy.

It is prepared from a proportion of 5 tablespoons of crushed dry fruits per 1 liter of boiling water. The mixture is infused in a thermos for 8-12 hours. Warm infusion is consumed in 1 glass 3-4 times a day.

Drinking plenty of fluids in late pregnancy can cause swelling.


During a cold, the nutrition of pregnant women should be high-calorie and easily digestible (carbohydrates are preferred). The diet should include cereals (semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat, etc.), mashed potatoes and vegetables, honey, jam, jam, fruits (kiwi, oranges, bananas, etc.). Spicy, fried, salty foods are excluded. Fresh onions and garlic can be useful additions to meals.

Onions and garlic should be used at the first sign of illness. If for some reason it is impossible to eat these vegetables inside, it is enough to decompose these fragrant products in the room finely chopped into pieces and inhale the vapors that contain phytoncides that have a detrimental effect on viruses and bacteria.


If there is no allergy, then for the treatment of colds, pregnant women are recommended to use essential oils, the vapors of which kill pathogens, freshen breath, and reduce swelling of the mucous membrane.

Stimulation of immunity

Horseradish is well suited as a herbal immunostimulant. Its root can be grated on a fine grater, mixed in equal proportions with sugar. Put the mixture in a warm place for 12 hours, squeeze out the released juice and take in the first 2 days of illness, 1 tablespoon every hour.

Hand bath

In the fight against colds during pregnancy, a warm hand bath helps, it acts on the receptors in the palms. In this case, the woman inhales water vapor, thereby moisturizing the respiratory tract. To heighten the effect, it is recommended to add sea salt, herbal infusions to the water. After taking a bath, you must put on mittens and woolen socks.


For sore throat, nasal congestion and coughing, it is useful to prescribe inhalations with Borjomi, soda solution, with an infusion of chamomile flowers, calendula, sage leaves, eucalyptus, etc. using a nebulizer or wide containers. Inhalation is recommended to be done 2-3 times a day for 7-10 minutes.


If a cold is accompanied by a sore throat and sore throat, it is recommended to rinse with an infusion of herbs (chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula, oak bark), a solution of soda, salt and iodine (1 teaspoon of salt or soda and 2-3 drops of iodine in a glass of warm water).


With a runny nose, it is necessary to regularly ventilate and humidify the room, rinse the nose with saline sodium chloride solution, which you can prepare yourself (dissolve half a teaspoon of kitchen or sea salt in a glass of warm boiled water) or buy at a pharmacy. During pregnancy, to treat colds, you can use medications made from sea salt and water, such as Salin, Aqua Maris, Humer, Dolphin, etc. Washing must be repeated 4-6 times a day.

When the temperature rises above 38 °, cool water compresses on the forehead, rubbing the areas of the armpits and popliteal cavities, wrists, elbows with a solution of vinegar will help (three parts of water are taken for one part of vinegar).

Be sure to consider the presence of allergic reactions to medicinal herbs, honey, lemon, etc.

What is prohibited during a cold for a pregnant woman?

Remember that pregnant women cannot:

  • soar feet,
  • apply mustard plasters,
  • visit baths and saunas,
  • take hot baths,
  • use licorice root when coughing (licorice (licorice) causes swelling and a rise in blood pressure).

Active treatment with honey and raspberries is not encouraged. This can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus, to the development of allergies in the child.

What pills can pregnant women have for colds?

If treatment with folk remedies was ineffective, you can use some medications that are allowed during pregnancy. But only with the permission of the doctor! What medications can be used by pregnant women for colds?

Symptom Treatment
HeatFor this, paracetomol is suitable, aspirin, complex medicines (coldrex, fervex, teraflu, etc.), ibuprofen, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are contraindicated.
Runny noseVasoconstrictor nasal drops are contraindicated for pregnant women. They cause vasoconstriction of the placenta, increase blood pressure. For the treatment of a cold in pregnant women, you can use pinosol if the patient is not allergic to essential oils, as well as sinupret in the form of pills and tablets.
CoughWhen coughing, it is allowed to use mucaltin; from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, ambroxol is indicated.
Sore throatFor sore throat in pregnant women, throat sprays and rinsing solutions are safe: Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Ingalipt, Argento Sept, Lugol, Strepsils Plus, Tantum Verde, Stopangin (allowed from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy).
Weakened immunityFor the treatment and prevention of colds throughout pregnancy, you can take Oscillococcinum. It is necessary to start taking this drug at the first symptoms of the disease. From the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, you can use Viferon suppositories, during pregnancy, you can take Grippferon (nasal spray and nasal drops).

We remind you once again: before prescribing self-medication with pills (even if it is written that they are allowed during pregnancy), consult a specialist!

Can antibiotics be taken?

The doctor decides on the appointment of antibiotics for pregnant women for colds. During pregnancy, antibacterial agents of the penicillin and cephalosporin series, as well as macrolides, are allowed for administration.

Tetracyclines (doxycycline), fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin), co-trimoxazole, sulfonamides, aminoglycosides (kanamycin, gentamicin, amikacin) are contraindicated in pregnancy.

A cold during pregnancy is an unpleasant reality that many pregnant women will have to face due to a decrease in immunity. Despite the danger of the condition for the mother and child, the symptoms of a cold are well removed by both folk remedies and medications permitted during pregnancy. The main thing to remember is that you need to deal with the treatment of colds and taking medications only under the supervision of a doctor. Seemingly insignificant nuances can lead to the most serious consequences dangerous for the mother and child.

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A woman expecting a baby needs to be careful not to get sick. After all, the treatment method for expectant mothers differs from that which is used in other cases. If the pregnant woman still did not manage to avoid ARVI, in this case it is important to know how to treat a cold during pregnancy so as not to harm her health and fetus.

For the treatment of colds, it is effective to use traditional medicine, but only after the permission of the doctor. Here they are:

  • The most effective way to fight colds is to use horseradish root. You will need to take one horseradish root, chop it, then mix with the same amount of honey. Move the resulting composition to a warm place for a day, then strain it through cheesecloth and take the medicine every hour, 1 small spoon.
  • If you have a cough, it is recommended to carry out inhalations, which include chamomile and sage. These herbs can help reduce the runny nose and soreness of the sore throat.
  • In case of sore throat, gargle with calendula, sage, chamomile herbs. Prepare decoctions from these herbs, with which to gargle. The broth should be warm.
  • In most cases, natural honey helps to get rid of all the symptoms of a cold. It can be consumed alone or added to lemon tea. If desired, honey can be added to the rosehip and lemon tincture. You should not abuse honey in the last months of pregnancy, as it can cause allergies in the child, and the pregnant woman herself will develop diabetes.
  • In case of severe rhinitis, it is not recommended to use vasoconstrictor drops. If you cannot refuse them, then strictly follow the instructions for the drug. After all, the composition of the drops can have a negative effect on the blood supply to the placenta, which in the future can cause a delay in the development of the child in the womb.
  • Nasal drops should be used on rare occasions and only with strong nasal discharge.
  • In case of a cold, it is advisable to rinse the nose with saline. To prepare it, you need half a small spoonful of salt in a glass of water. Also in the pharmacy you can buy special drops based on sea salt.
  • If you have an agave, you can use it to treat a common cold. To do this, you need the juice of the plant, which must be dripped into the nose in 2 drops.
  • To quickly get rid of the disease, observe bed rest, refuse to visit crowded places until you are fully recovered.

By the way, it is useful to take, because it treats many diseases.

What you need to know about the common cold by trimester

In the cold season, the question of how to treat a cold during pregnancy becomes relevant. But before treatment, it would not hurt to know what a common runny nose or a sore throat can lead to, depending on the trimester of pregnancy.

If, before conception, the fairer sex is not particularly worried about how to treat a particular disease, then during pregnancy the situation changes.

The first trimester is considered the most dangerous, since at this time any ailment can negatively affect not only the fetus itself, but also the woman. A cold in the first 10 weeks after conception can cause severe harm to the fetus, since it is at this time that the internal organs of the fetus are formed. In this case, a viral infection disrupts the normal course of pregnancy.

It is important to properly treat in the first trimester, since many women are not aware of their interesting situation, and begin to take medications that are contraindicated during pregnancy. Self-medication is not worth it, it is best to consult a specialist.

In the second trimester, the fetus is more protected, but colds in a pregnant woman are still undesirable. A cold in the period from 12 to 24 weeks can cause the formation of FNP, which negatively affects the development of the baby. With FNP, the fetus in the womb does not receive a certain amount of trace elements necessary for proper life support, and also suffers from a lack of oxygen.

Also, diseases at this time can affect the development of the fetal nervous system. In some cases, colds can contribute to miscarriage. At this time, the treatment of the disease is desirable with folk remedies.

During the third trimester, a cold can cause complications during childbirth. If the pregnant woman does not have time to recover, then the child immediately after birth can catch an infectious disease from the mother. Also, women who fall ill at a later date are sent to the hospital for treatment.

If a woman has a cold during childbirth, then the child is isolated from her after birth until the mother is completely cured. In addition, an increased temperature in the later stages affects the well-being of a woman, she feels tired, therefore, during childbirth, she does not find the strength to push. It is worth noting that if the placenta at this time has already finally matured or began to age, then it will not be able to provide any protective functions for the baby.

Video: How to treat snot, throat during pregnancy

During pregnancy, significant physiological and hormonal changes occur in a woman's body, and immune protective functions are sharply reduced. This is the main reason for vulnerability to various viral colds (ARVI, influenza, tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, etc.).

How to treat a cold during pregnancy

The treatment of a pregnant woman is complicated by the strict prohibition of taking most medications, so it is quite difficult for a future mother to cope with colds that occur in the spring-autumn period of a sharp surge in the spread of viruses.

  • Viral colds, especially in early pregnancy, must be treated in order to prevent complications that are dangerous for the mother and fetus.
  • Pay the main attention to the recommendations of the attending physician and taking only natural natural remedies that will not harm the development of the fetus.
  • Observe bed rest. Any illness of the expectant mother can negatively affect the development of the fetus, therefore, it is necessary to ensure complete rest of the pregnant woman.

Knocking down the temperature for a cold during pregnancy

The most common symptom in colds is an increase in body temperature. Pregnant women are contraindicated in taking aspirin, analgin, soluble antipyretics (Fervex, Coldrex, Teraflu, etc.).

If the temperature does not rise above 38º, you shouldn't bring it down at all. The body itself triggers defense mechanisms and tries to cope with the influence of the virus.

  • Drink warm tea with raspberries, honey, or lime blossom and apply a cold compress to your forehead.
  • With chills, wrapping, hot baths and steaming legs are not recommended.

If the thermometer reads more than 38º, there is redness and heat of the skin, you can do the following:

  • Take Paracetamol (analogues Efferalgan, Panadol), which is acceptable at any gestational age, as the main antipyretic agent. Monitor the dose of the medicine - no more than 3 tablets per day for 1-3 days.
  • Apply a vinegar rub. Take a 5% vinegar solution, dilute in half with water and lightly rub the body on the arms, chest, and legs. Also dampen a linen napkin or small towel and place it on your forehead.

How to treat a cold during pregnancy

Local vasoconstrictor drugs such as Oxymetazoline, Naphthyzin, Nazol are contraindicated in pregnant women. This is due to the possible influence of these funds on the baby's cardiac activity. With a severe cold, the following methods are used:

  • Rinse the nasal passages with salt water (1 tsp salt in a glass of warm boiled water) or sea salt-based pharmaceutical preparations (Aquamaris, Dolphin).
  • For heavy bedding, prepare a more concentrated saline solution (2 tsp). This will help remove accumulated water from the nasal cavity and open up the breathing passages.

How to relieve a cold cough during pregnancy

Cough is one of the most severe symptoms of colds. The expectant mother needs to consult a doctor, since a cough can be of a different nature and is caused by many reasons. To help relieve coughing fits:

  • observe bed rest;
  • try not to be in cold air;
  • do not go barefoot;
  • do not eat cold food and drinks;
  • drink as much warm liquid as possible;
  • rub your chest and back with warming balms;
  • brew tea with the addition of the medicinal herb parmelia;
  • before bed, drink warm milk with the addition of 1 tsp. butter.

By appointment and under the supervision of a therapist, you can take the following drugs:

  • Coldrex broncho;
  • Lazolvan (in the second half of pregnancy), best of all in the form of inhalation using a nebulizer;
  • ACTS (for any period) in the dosage indicated by the attending physician.

How to treat sore throat during pregnancy

Sore throat can be caused by a variety of colds. Prohibited medicines include sore throat sprays, alcohol-containing drugs and tinctures, antibiotics. Among the drugs that are allowed and safe for the expectant mother and child are:

  • Chlorhexidine, Miramistin are rinsing solutions, the active ingredients of which do not penetrate into the blood and the placenta, therefore, do not harm the fetus.
  • Lugol is a solution based on iodine and glycerin. Effective for sore throat of varying severity.
  • Natural remedies for sore throat can be rinsed with tea tree or eucalyptus oil (2 drops of essential oil in a glass of warm boiled water). Such procedures have a pronounced antibacterial effect. Tea or warm milk with honey, chamomile broth will also be useful.