Confess to my mom that I'm pregnant. Themed dinner party. Video: an expert on how to prepare a husband for the news of a new addition to the family

Pregnancy is a fertile time for every girl. A priori. This is not always true. The question of how to tell mom that she is pregnant arises mainly in young girls. When a girl lives with a permanent partner, but they are not scheduled, it doesn’t matter. Worse if the girl just "flew".

Many factors influence decision making:

  1. Age category. The younger the girl, the worse her situation. At 13-14 you need to study, not give birth. Therefore, in this case, there is only one way out - abortion or regulation.
  2. Social status. It takes into account the position of a pregnant girl in society: profession, the presence of a permanent partner.
  3. Financial opportunities. Will the expectant mother be able to raise the baby? Can a girl or couple afford to have a baby?

In any case, it is simply necessary for mom to tell. She will help you make the right decision.

How can I tell my mom? Simply, three words are enough: "Mom, I'm pregnant."

  1. The girl must realize her pregnancy. Decide for herself what she wants: give birth to a child or terminate the pregnancy. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the financial possibilities: how will the mother support her child, how will she raise him. Everyone needs to think about this in advance. Upon learning of an unexpected pregnancy, parents literally bombard with questions about the near future. Calmness and validity of the arguments will help calm them down and restore judgment.
  2. It is also necessary to think about what awaits the expectant mother in our not quite mature society. Questions such as "What will people say about you?" or “Who will marry you?” will undoubtedly sound during a conversation with parents. Well, in some ways they are right. Our society, indeed, has not yet been ill with old prejudices. In modern European society, women who raise their children alone are not considered flawed or somehow insufficient. Many of them initially decide to give birth for themselves.
  3. You need to think about your future. How to continue your studies in order to find a good job later? Will the child have enough strength to study? Will the parents agree to help?
  4. You need to speak calmly. Mutual attacks will not lead to anything, except that they will kindle a fire of discord in the family.
  5. First, you need to tell the family member you trust the most. It's usually mom.
  6. It must be remembered that your parents are not your enemies. They raised you, put you on your feet and will always support you.

Pregnancy is not a step into adulthood and is not a reason to take away adolescence and youth. One miss can cost a lifetime. The birth of a child will not make a woman out of a girl. A girl should grow up with her mind, not her body. In the modern world, acceleration is obvious. Therefore, girls mature early. At thirteen or fourteen years old, they look like young women, but they remain infantile. Therefore, before engaging in sexual relations with your partner (if you can call that a teenage boy), you need to think about the consequences and the upcoming conversation with parents in that case, and not hope "at random."

One way or another, but in any case, it is necessary to notify parents about your pregnancy. And then it is already together to decide whether you can raise a child.

And what about the father?

Many boys, upon hearing that they will become fathers, simply panic and immediately predict an abortion. The licentiousness of the morals of modern youth does not prohibit guys from simply abandoning a child, accusing the girl of indecent behavior.

It is not uncommon that the boy still agrees to help the expectant mother, recognizing the child as his own. One way or another, but you, together with his parents and yours, must decide what to do next. In addition, time plays against you in this case, so the sooner you tell your parents about what happened, the better.

In a young family

When you are married and you are doing well, communicating the good news is much easier. A young family by itself presupposes the appearance of offspring soon, so it is pleasant to report on the conception of a baby. What is the best way to do this? It is enough to buy a cake and invite relatives for lunch or dinner and tell them that the family is expected to be replenished. Undoubtedly, everyone will be only happy, and grandparents will look forward to their grandson or granddaughter to babysit him or her for hours on end.

In any case, pregnancy is a responsibility that needs to be carried through most of your life. Therefore, it is simply necessary to notify the parents. They have already gone through this and can help not only with advice, but also with deeds. It should be remembered that the conversation must be conducted in a calm and balanced state, not paying attention to offensive words and bitter promises of the near future. Remember that your parents are your friends.

Seeing for the first time two stripes on the test in the event of a desired and, especially, long-awaited pregnancy, girls forget about everything that is possible with happiness, and fly, as if on wings, to tell their beloved the good news. However, this moment can be made more romantic and memorable - just use a little fantasy.

Like many others, I told my husband about the first pregnancy in the most banal way. In the second, I wanted to be original. And in the third - I tried thoroughly. So, the first thing to do is to calm down and try not to give out your feelings, so that the surprise is really unexpected. And then you can resort to one of the methods I have described.

30 ways to report pregnancy:

1) After learning about pregnancy, I calculated how long I was in weeks and looked into the diary of pregnancy development. And at exactly 5 weeks she asked: "Dear, do you know what day it is?" He, of course, convulsively begins to sort out all the dates in his memory: when did you meet, when you got married, when is your birthday ... And when his "search engine" returns the line: "Nothing was found for your query," you smile slyly and say : "Today our baby's heart beat!"

2) At 10 weeks old, I took an ultrasound picture of the baby. After calculating the PDR (Approximate Date of Birth), I tell my relatives: “What do you think will happen on May 9, 2012? Not guessing! " I hand them a picture: "There will be one more person in our family!" Dads, however, can stretch a picture from the 6th week of pregnancy, saying: “I didn't guess right! On this day we will become the mom and dad of this little pea! "

3) In the third pregnancy, I specifically prepared! Having photographed the very first positive test (to wait until the second strip becomes brighter, alas, there was no patience), I made a collage in Photoshop. I placed the postcard on my computer desktop. She hid the camera nearby. When my husband came home from work and sat down at the computer, I photographed his reaction. And then on the first page of the baby's photo album I made a comic about how dad found out about pregnancy.

4) For relatives, I corrected the postcard by photographing the test with already bold stripes near the dummy, and adding romantic photos of families with three children. I printed the postcard in large format and put it in a large white envelope. They handed them over with the words: "You have a letter!"

5) Another option with a postcard: send it by mail or MMS to your phone, or send it as a message on a social network. But it is important at the time of receiving the postcard to be near to see the reaction.

6) In a special program (this can be found on the Internet) online, combine your photos and your husband's and print the resulting portrait of the unborn child. Paste in Photoshop to your joint photo, print and put in an envelope labeled "Letter from the Future." And toss it into your mailbox. And then ask my husband to look at the mail after work. Or insert a photo into a frame and put it in the evening at his cell phone or alarm clock so that he can see it in the morning. Or stick it to the bathroom mirror in the evening and write with lipstick: this is us in 1.5 years! If you are not friends with photo editors, you can resort to the help of specialists in a photo studio.

7) Put a huge head of cabbage in the fridge in the evening on the most prominent shelf with a pasted inscription: "Take me out of here in 8 months." You can also put a positive test in cabbage leaves.

8) A slightly different option with a refrigerator: put cabbage, a can of pickled cucumbers, several packs of white chalk and a note on the shelf: “Dad, finally buy your mom vitamins for pregnant women! I don’t want to eat cucumbers and chalk for 8 months ”.

9) “Dear, I have 2 news for you - good and bad. Bad - you will no longer see me in the morning…. A good one: I will be in the toilet at this time! " The information will go into his head and will diligently search for brains, but it's worth it!

10) Honey, I have 2 news for you: good and bad. Bad - soon there will be no wedding ring on my finger ... (he starts to panic) Good - I will have to take it off. pregnant women have swollen fingers! "

11) Put ultrasound from 5-6 weeks in a package of cabbage seeds. Give it to her husband with the words: "Well, my gardener, let's go grow cabbage?" With surprised eyes, he takes a package of seeds and looks inside. You: “And here is our seed! Harvest in 8 months! " Or: “And here is the one we will find in the cabbage! Harvesting in 8 months "

12) Make a video of photos about your acquaintance, wedding with gentle music, with text comments from you that pop up. At the end of the video, the inscription "... And soon there will be more of us!" with a photo of your baby or your ultrasound and test. It won't take long to make such a video in the usual standard Windows Life Film Studio program.

So, these methods for you were from me. And here are the ways other moms suggest:

13) Put the test in a gift box with flowers, a pacifier and booties.

14) Present a box with the junior sergeant's shoulder straps (with two stripes) and children's buttons sewn to them.

15) Play 12 little notes with him. Each note tells you where to look for the next one. And in the last note, news or "treasure" (paragraph 13, 14)

16) Rename your number in his phone to the name "Stork" and send him an SMS: "I'm already flying! I will be there in 8 months. "

17) Arrange the cabbage heads around the room in the most prominent places.

18) write on the stomach: daddy, I will come out to you in 8 months.

19) Present a chameleon mug. When heated, news will appear on it in the form of text or a photo.

20) Attach a note to the surprise kinder.

21) Order a T-shirt with the inscription "Best Dad!" and bring to the mirror

22) Order a cake with dough, storks, pacifiers.

23) Bake the cake itself and put a note inside.

24) Glue the stork on the ceiling above its head. He will wake up and see.

25) Put in a row in the corridor: his pair of shoes, yours and small booties.

26) Order dinner at a restaurant for three. The guest is late, and the waitress brings a letter from him: “Sorry for being late, there are traffic jams in the sky. I'll be there in 8 months. Stork"

27) Take a camera, gather the whole family, and instead of "CHIZ!" shout "I'm pregnant!"

29) Write with crayons on the asphalt under the window

30) And the last thing I can advise is to do a sex determination test (there have been such ones since 8 weeks) and give it to my husband: “Congratulations! You will become the daughter's dad! "

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The candy-bouquet period suddenly ended with a positive pregnancy test. And before coming of age - oh, how far! And mom is a fair person, but harsh. And there is no need to talk about dad: he finds out - he won't pat him on the head.

How to be? Tell the truth and be what happens? Lie? Or ... No, it's scary to think about abortion.

The candy-bouquet period suddenly ended with a positive pregnancy test. The first, especially teenage pregnancy, is very important. If you are a minor, then before checking or, you will have to tell your parents about your pregnancy.

Mom is a kind, but harsh person. And dad will not even have to say, he will find out - he will not pat him on the head. How do you tell your parents that you are pregnant? Tell the truth and be what happens, or lie? Or ... No, it's scary to think about. What to do in this situation, how to tell a minor's mother about pregnancy, read the article.

Teenage Pregnancy: Confused? You are not alone

If you are a minor and have just found out that you are pregnant, you are not alone.

You may feel confused, scared, or shocked thinking, "This is not true, this is a dream." You promise yourself to be a lot more careful in the future. But you know one thing for sure - you will have to tell your parents about pregnancy.

No matter how close your relationship with your parents is, you still don't fully know what their reaction to the news will be. It's one thing if your parents know that you are sexually active and are calm about it. It's a completely different matter when you are forbidden from dating guys, and sex before marriage is a spit on their values ​​and principles.

Most parents fall into the intermediate category. For example, they may have quite liberal views on relationships in general, but nevertheless, the news that their teenage child is having sex will shock them. Even those who know and accept the fact that a child is sexually active do not stop worrying about his future.

The character of the parents also plays a role. There are parents with whom it is easier to talk, and they more calmly accept some "hot" news. And there are more emotional, more hot-tempered, more ready to start screaming, crying, swearing, etc.

Most parents will be eager to provide all possible support for a pregnant underage daughter (or a son whose girlfriend becomes pregnant), despite anger or frustration. But there are those who let anger take over. If you suspect that your parents might lose their temper, read to the “How to protect yourself” section.

There are parents who don't show what they feel at all at first. It takes them time to "digest" the news. Others, on the contrary, quickly understand what's what, and their reaction speaks for itself. Some will listen and empathize, others will take action.

Think about how your parents would react to this situation, try to imagine their answer, but remember - you can never know for sure. This can be presented in different forms: to sit down and talk calmly, or it is cool to talk about it in order to lighten the impression of the parents. The choice depends on the situation and the nature of the parents. e

Conversation: How to tell mom about pregnancy

First, find the right words. You can say, “I have some tough news. I found out I was pregnant. " Give your parents time to understand what is being said.

Be prepared for your parents' reaction when you say you are pregnant.

What's going to happen? Will they get angry, upset, or start lecturing, rude, or asking a million questions?

It is better to think in advance how to behave and cope with emotions. For example, if your parents start screaming, prepare to hold back in order to continue the conversation rather than shouting back.

Of course, not everyone starts screaming. Even if the first reaction to the news of teenage pregnancy was extremely negative, in the end, any parent will certainly help and support the child.

It will not be superfluous to say that you understand their feelings and point of view. For example, the phrase “I know that you are angry, this is not what you wanted for me” can lead to greater understanding. The main thing is to be honest and sincere, because prepared phrases for reassurance can seem fake and make you even more angry.

Give them time to speak without interfering

Listen to what they tell you. Even if it is emotional.

Then tell your parents how you feel

It is important. If you know you have disappointed them and you are ashamed, tell them. Let them know that you are disappointed in yourself.

It is difficult to express in words everything you think, so do not worry if it comes out sloppy or you sob after each word. If you can't speak up, it might be worth writing.

If necessary, ask for support from an adult before announcing the pregnancy news to your parents.

A visit to a doctor is necessary not only to resolve the health issue, but also to obtain information on the current situation. The doctor or nurse can help prepare you to share the news with your parents and, if necessary, support you by attending the family meeting. Perhaps you can get moral support from another adult you trust.

How to talk to your parents about your decision

Once you break the news to your parents, there are several important decisions to make. Your parents and your boyfriend's parents can offer help and solutions to problems that arise, so don't be afraid to open up.

Pregnancy and adolescent motherhood calls into question future education, work, and financial stability - and often both yours and your boyfriend's. Some adolescents choose childbirth, some young parents leave the child, others give up for adoption. Some cases end in miscarriage, another part - in abortion.

Of course, the choice is difficult, especially if none of it was included in your plans. There are families who seek the help of psychologists in order to weigh the pros and cons with the help of a specialist.

"Mom, I'm pregnant" is more than just news

The question of pregnancy does not end with one conversation with parents. Over the coming months, you will experience a whole palette of feelings: from shock, fear, anger, guilt, mistrust and disappointment to unexpected joy and happiness.

Sometimes you will feel that you are ready for what will happen. And sometimes - completely helpless and frightened. You have to deal with yourself, and it will take time. So don't be afraid to talk to your parents and ask for help and support.

How to protect yourself if you are afraid of overreacting to news of pregnancy

There are parents for whom the news of the pregnancy of a child can be a tragedy. Cultural, religious, or simply personal principles cause them to perceive such statements differently.

You, like no one else, know your parents, and what may threaten you. If you are afraid of aggression, ask someone to be with you at this moment. If you are concerned about your safety, ask for advice and help at the clinic, at various help centers or on the hotline.

It is finished! Several days of suspiciously new sensations, malaise and guesses ended with two stripes on the test. Whether this pregnancy was long-awaited, or fell like a bolt from the blue, in any case it will be a shock for any woman. And the relatives will experience even greater shock. This is where the hardest part begins. How to tell parents about pregnancy? What will be their reaction? Fear, panic and disbelief in what is happening are emotions that sometimes very much interfere with taking the first step towards a conversation. But you need to do it anyway. How and when? Let's try to answer these questions and give valuable advice.

How to inform mom and dad about pregnancy?

Before puzzling over how to tell your parents that you are pregnant, you need to understand yourself. Age plays absolutely no role here. The main thing is to make a decision to be a child or not to be. Everyone knows perfectly well that abortion is a great sin. In addition, if the pregnancy is the first, there is a great risk of not having children at all later. Therefore, the primary task is to decide for yourself how you yourself feel about your situation. Are you ready to become a mother? What will change with the advent of a child and are you ready to forever forget about some plans for life for the sake of the health of the unborn baby? Unfortunately, most often it happens that, due to his youth and his own stupidity, the child's dad very quickly disappears behind the horizon, putting all the troubles on the shoulders of the future mother. And many girls are afraid of this very fact. How to tell your relatives about pregnancy in this case? First of all, you need to draw up a clear plan of your actions, do not panic, but try to reasonably compare everything. No matter how long you delay the moment of the conversation, it will still take place. And in order to somehow relieve your head from heavy thoughts, listen to some advice:

  1. To understand how to tell your parents about pregnancy, you must decide for yourself whether to keep the pregnancy or not. It is this fact that will play a decisive role in your conversation. Try to clearly describe to yourself how you will receive an education, raise a child, work, etc. Remember that the most difficult are the first two years of a baby's life. Then he goes to kindergarten, and most of the problems will be solved by themselves.
  2. Remember that the first reaction to the news you give will be shocking anyway. Don't rush your parents to conclusions and decisions. If you live with them, it will be a separate conversation, with finding out if they can feed you with your baby.
  3. When considering how to tell your mom about pregnancy, do not be afraid. Only she can understand you as a woman. In whatever relationship you are, she will always support you and will be on your side. In the event that the relationship with the mother is not very good, it will be quite expected that she will send you to have an abortion. But the last decision will still be yours. In practice, it has been proven that as soon as a child is born, he becomes a universal favorite, and any quarrels subside by themselves.
  4. Since informing your parents that you are pregnant is not an easy task, set yourself up for the fact that any shock associated with such news is caused, first of all, by the fact that they are worried about you and your future. Not a single person will ever become closer to your parents. Therefore, it is better to listen to their advice, not to be stubborn and realize that they only want the best. Put yourself in their shoes and you will quickly see how they feel.
  5. For a conversation, you need to choose the right moment. It is best to say about your position when peace and harmony reign in the family, and not after another scandal. Since it is a little easier to tell your mother about pregnancy than to both parents at once, try inviting her, for example, for a walk, or wait until the two of you are together. Say that you have a serious conversation and ask you to listen. You need to speak calmly and confidently. Remember that before talking, you must already decide how you will live next. Be frank and honest, tell the whole truth and all the details. Please be patient as the conversation still cannot be avoided and the best way out is to behave with dignity.

Remember that your worries about telling mom and dad that you are pregnant negatively affect your baby's well-being. Your parents are not your enemies, and when deciding to talk with them, ask them to trust you. Let them know that you trust them completely. Then the conversation will turn out to be full and positive. If you are overwhelmed by the fear that your news will be received negatively, prepare arguments and vivid descriptions of what a beautiful and wonderful person your baby will grow up to be. Another indisputable plus will be the fact that your parents will see their great-grandchildren before others, and maybe the next generation. And most importantly, children change a person's life only for the better. Say thank you to fate for giving you such a great opportunity to become a mother. Children are not unplanned. They come at the time when they are supposed to come. Accept your position with joy and patience. And your parents will always support you and help you not to be afraid of anything.

Children are a great miracle given to us from above. The birth of a child is a sacrament that, alas, not everyone can know. Therefore, if you still have the happiness of motherhood, take this news with joy!

But sometimes the decision regarding the birth of a child is largely influenced by external factors on which the girl depends to one degree or another: parents, society, age, work and study. For young girls, often for schoolgirls, one of the important problems is the question of how to tell parents about pregnancy?

The whole difficulty of the situation lies in the fact that the outcome of the upcoming conversation will directly affect the subsequent relationship between the daughter and the parents, and the fate of the child himself directly depends on this. A girl at a specified age cannot provide for a child herself if she is not married, so she is completely dependent on those who raised her and is currently responsible for her.

Therefore, it is necessary to think in advance and very thoroughly about how to inform parents about pregnancy. As a rule, initially you need to assess the degree of complexity of the situation. If the child is desired, you and your young man or your husband agree to give birth and raise him in love and tenderness, possessing certain material benefits, then there should be no problems with future grandparents.

A completely different situation may arise when a girl and a child are raised alone. How to tell parents about pregnancy when the situation of being a single mother initially sets up a negative perception? Of course, if the parents are against the birth of a baby, you can insist on your own, give birth to a child and, against their will, try to raise him. But here it is important to understand if you can educate him, provide proper care and everything that he needs. After all, a young mother's age implies a lack of education and prospects for finding a normal job, provided that there is someone to look after the baby at this time.

Remember that resolving the issue with your parents largely depends on what kind of relationship you have with them and between them. If mutual respect and love reign in the family, then the problem of adding will not be acute. If there is some kind of internal discord in the family, some difficulties may arise. The main thing is not to be afraid! Trust them, then they will trust you!

For some girls, it is much easier to tell about pregnancy to one of the parents, to the one with whom they have developed a more trusting relationship. The girl usually does not really worry about how to tell her mother about pregnancy, if she is such a person. If mom is a friend in every sense, then who will understand and support her better? But it is the mother who knows all the features of motherhood, all the nuances of carrying a child, giving birth and caring for him and can give as arguments many "pros" and "cons" of early pregnancy.

As a rule, psychologists are asked about how to tell parents about, hoping to receive full and effective recommendations. However, no one can date you one hundred percent positive advice. Only you know your parents, and only you know how to find the right approach to them.

It is important to remember that you never need to be afraid of them, they are your comrades and those dear people who love and understand better than anyone else. If not they, then who will understand and support you, who will find the optimal solution? You need to talk to them without hiding or hiding anything. It is frankness that will help them understand the situation the way they need it. Don't be afraid to tell everything, even if you feel ashamed or uncomfortable. The people who gave birth to you and raised you will never judge you and will always understand. Show your mother and father that you respect them and their opinions, and ask questions if you cannot relate constantly. Only mutual respect will lead to mutual understanding! You should think for yourself how to tell your parents about pregnancy, what words to choose, but remember: talking is much better than keeping silent! Anyway, in this situation.