The "friendly family" project. Project "my friendly family"

Project Manager:

primary school teacher

MBOU SOSH №3, Ardon

Kalaeva S.S.

students of 1 "A" grade



Project passport

Project implementation model

Project results

Project defense

Project portfolio


Family is a source of inspiration

Where are adults and children nearby,

In the family, salvation from all adversity,

Here, everyone is responsible for each other.

Family is the most important thing for a person. Family traditions are the usual norms, manners of behavior, customs, attitudes, accepted in the family, which are passed on from generation to generation. " If you close your eyes and mentally say the word "childhood", then something comes to mind that is unique to your family. It is this “something” that can be called a family tradition. Family traditions are the spiritual atmosphere of the home.

The family occupies a very large place in a person's life. And if a person does not have a family, does not know his grandfathers and great-grandfathers, he is deprived of the most important thing on earth - warmth and attention. Ignorance of one's roots leads to ignorance of the history of one's country, one's people. It is not without reason that a lot of proverbs and sayings about the family have survived in Russia since ancient times.

"Parent's heart in children"

"Genus goes to genus",

"A Russian person does not live without relatives",

"A native side is a mother, a stranger is a stepmother",

"The native bush and the hare are roads",

"From the native side and the dog is cute."

From time immemorial in Russia the basis of society, its support is the family. Families, as a rule, were large, they lived, albeit closely, but amicably: parents were honored, the younger were not given offense. Time passed, the usual way of family changed, children tried to live separately from their parents, people's interests and their attitudes to life changed.

The state of the modern family differs sharply from the family structures of past centuries: if the financial situation has improved significantly, then the nature of family relations is clearly not developing for the better. Some researchers even talk about the weakening of the family's ability to perform educational functions.

However, research data show that, first of all, the family is able to raise a sufficient person. And these are not only the closest ones - mom, dad. The grandmother and grandfather have a certain influence on the child. Their relationship with their children, are they a role model? It is the knowledge of the history of the family, the knowledge of their ancestors, the upbringing in the child of respect for the present and past of their loved ones, which will help in the future to “get” honest, sincere, loving, decent members of society.

Methodical passport of the project.

Supervisor project: primary school teacher Kalaeva S.S.

Students age: 6-7 years old - 1st grade.

The composition of the project team: 19 people.

Name project: " My family".

Project type: socially significant with elements of research activities.

Hypothesis: There are happy children in a happy family.

Problematic issues: Do modern children know their roots, their grandparents, the history and traditions of their families? What are the relationships in the families of the pupils? Answers to these questions can be obtained during the implementation of the "My Family" project.

Objective of the project:

    Introduce the author of the project to the friendly family. Education and development of a free talented individual, enriched with scientific knowledge, ready for conscious labor activity and moral behavior. Collection of information by students about the activities and hobbies of their family members. Organizing the collected data.

Project objectives:

    Develop students' need to learn about their family history;

    To foster respect for the father and mother, relatives, a sense of responsibility for their family;

    Form an understanding of the value of the family;

    Expand the horizons and enrich the vocabulary of children with terms of kinship, develop coherent speech.

    Contribute to the strengthening of parent-child relations, which is inevitable with active joint activities.

End results : After completing the project, the student will learn how to extract information.

Project product:

    Album "My Family"; genealogical tree.

Items : the world around, visual arts and artistic work.

Terms of project implementation:

Dates: 13.11.2012 - 30.11.2012

Organization of a photo exhibition "In the family circle";

Collecting information about the hobbies and activities of your family members;

Compilation of a family tree;

Drawing competition "My Family";

Class hour "My family".

Stages of work on the project:

    Preparatory stage (13.11.12)

"Let's get acquainted"

2. Start of the project ( 14.11.2012)

3. Design and research work ( 14.11–30.11)

    Meeting with parents, involving them in joint activities (discussing the upcoming work, searching for necessary photographs from the family archive, interviewing children, talking with parents);

    search for proverbs, sayings, poems and stories about the family;

    Creation of the album "My family", execution of the application (family tree)

    Analytical stage. Reflection. Analysis of activities. Discussion of preliminary results and introduction of changes (28.11).

    Prospects for the development of the project. Submission of work in educational networks, for participation in a distance competition.

    The final stage. Present the product of a creative project at an educational event in front of classmates.

"Project defense" (30.11)

Project implementation model

p / p


The timing


Development of attitudes for students.

"Let's get acquainted!"

Start of the project.

19 class students are taking part in the project.

Preparatory stage

At this stage, a survey of children was prepared and conducted, which made it possible to draw conclusions regarding the level of knowledge of children about their own family.

Pupils of the second grade find it difficult to give names and patronymics of their parents. Many do not know the names of grandmothers and grandfathers, not to mention their patronymics.

It is difficult to name the parents' full names - 33%

Did not provide the names of younger brothers - 22%

Do not know first names or patronymics, surnames - 55%

Based on the results of the survey, a parent meeting was held, where the goals and objectives of the project were announced to the parents. Parents enthusiastically joined the work on the project, realizing how important it is for every child to have information about their family.

13 .11



Teacher, students

Design and research work

"Activities of children, teachers and parents"

Exhibitions of children's drawings on the theme "My family", "My beloved mother", "Kissing grandmother's hands", "Dad is the best friend."

The children were asked to come up with a theme for the drawing. At the next lesson, the topics proposed by the children were discussed, and verbal drawings were made. After some adjustment, the most recurring interesting themes were selected, each chose the one that was closer to him and began to draw. Designed a stand: "My family".

The composition "My family ..." The compositions were written at home on their own. The result is very interesting and informative work that gives a visual idea of ​​how a child sees the structure and hierarchy of his family, as well as how he perceives relationships within it.


Teacher, students, parents

Creative activity of students

Creation of the album "My Family", the implementation of the application (genealogical tree with signed names of ancestors.)


Pupils, parents

Consulting and coordinating activities



Analytical stage. Reflection.

Analysis of activities. Discussion of preliminary results and changes.


Teacher, students

Presentation of the results of activities.

Each student presents his own project.



Summarizing. Analysis of the project.

What happened? Do the projects meet the requirements?


Teacher, at the cheniki

The result of work on the project was:

    reports of researchers, presentation of albums "My family".

    Conducting the final complex lesson “Family. Family tree of my family ”. Parents were invited to the final lesson. The guys and I designed the class: in the foreground we placed prepared family trees, which were made on dense sheets of different sizes. On one stand, essays were placed, on the other - drawings concerning the family. The words of the proverbs were affixed to the wall in a chaotic manner. The flowers cut out by the guys adorned the interior of the class.

· A tree with strong roots does not blow.

· A tree, although it grows in several trunks, has one root.

· When trouble falls on your head, you recognize a relative.

· Ignorance of one's ancestry up to the seventh generation is a sign of orphanhood.

· Those who do not know their country are ignorant, those who do not know their genealogy are sinful.


Work in this direction contributed to the active rallying of the class team, the team of parents, and the rallying of families.

Children learned to search for their ancestors (their family ties, occupations, years of life, first names), to work with dictionaries, photographs. To design special albums "My family", mastered the ways of depicting a family tree.

We learned and will continue family traditions.

Parents received advice on helping their children build pedigrees. They realized the importance of this work and their responsibility to children.

As a result of studying the pedigree tree of the family, a closer relationship was established between children and their parents.

Project defense

We are from school # 3 in the city of Ardon. We study in class 1 "A". The defense of the project was organized as an extracurricular event, parents and teachers were invited to it. During the defense, each participant presents his album, answers questions. Evaluation is carried out using the developed criteria. The defense of projects allows you to give an answer to the fundamental question, to formulate general conclusions based on the results of the work.

Students 1 "A" class MBOU secondary school №3

Project manager: S. S. Kalaeva


on the theme :

« My family ».

Performed :

pupil one " A » class MBOU 4

Surovenko A . E .

Klintsy 2014

    Introduction ……………………………………………………………… 3

    My family coat of arms ……………. …………………………………. …… 4 - 5

    Genealogical tree of my family …………………………. ……. 5 - 6

    My family ………………………………………………………. …… 7 - 8

5. Conclusion ………………………………………………………… ..8


My project is about what unites us all - about the family. Each person has his own family, his own home. And wherever we are, we always remember him, he attracts us with his warmth. A house is not only a roof over your head, it is your family and people close to you: parents, sisters, brothers, grandfathers, grandmothers.

Family is sacred, this is your strength, this is your protection and hopes, this is your faith and aspiration, this is your fortress. These are the people who will be with you throughout your life, will walk beside you, hold your hand, and will lend a shoulder.

The guarantee of family happiness is in kindness, frankness, responsiveness. Any person dreams of a happy family, of a home where they are waiting for you and love you. Many people see happiness primarily in the family. Our first ideas about peace, love, care are associated with the concept of home and family. Home is the main component of human life. Home is, first of all, a family, it is a small homeland, from which love for the native country, for the Fatherland begins. The family plays an important role in the life of every person. According to the writer L. Zhukhovitsky, a person who grew up in a kind family thanks her all his life for joy. A person who grew up in a difficult family thanks her for science all his life. The family is the dearest and closest people. For me, the family starts with my mother. Mom's affection, tenderness, warmth surround me from the first days of my life.

There is a proverb: "Happiness is not a bird, it will not fly by itself." It is created by those who have peace, respect and love in their families. The family is the seven “I's”. The family is the continuation of our kind. Its beginning goes back to the distant past. In it, in the past, there are faces of people close and dear to the family.

Until the beginning of the twentieth century, the family consisted of more than one generation. There were grandfathers, grandmothers, mothers, fathers, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren in it. We lived together and helped each other. Some kept up with the housework, others worked in the field, older brothers and sisters defended the younger ones. They lived merrily, respected old age, protected the young. The families were big and strong.

Many fairy tales, stories, and poems have been written about the family. Many proverbs and sayings have been created.

The goal of my project is to find out (biography) the history of my family, about family members, about their interests, profession, about household chores.

The coat of arms of my family.

Coat of arms- a symbolic image, a sign belonging to any noble family, region, city or state. State emblems appeared from the founding of Rome, and generic ones from the time of the Crusades. Often the coat of arms was depicted on a shield or armor.

Coats of arms are depicted on banners, seals, coins, placed as a sign of ownership, on architectural structures, household utensils, weapons, works of art.

A certain science is engaged in the study of coats of arms - heraldry.

Heraldry (translated from later Latin - herald) - coat of arms, an auxiliary historical discipline, the main subject of research of which is the coat of arms - a symbolic insignia for persons, surnames and families, states.

It is believed that the coats of arms appeared in the 10th century, but it is difficult to find out the exact date. The first coats of arms are depicted on the seals attached to the documents. It should be borne in mind that in the era of universal illiteracy, the use of the coat of arms for signatures and for designating property was for many the only way to certify a document with their name. Such an identification mark was understandable to an illiterate person.

The first English king to have a personal coat of arms was Richard I the Lionheart (1157-1199). His three golden leopards have been used since then by all the royal dynasties of England.

During military campaigns, the coats of arms placed on the shields of the knights became their main distinguishing feature, since the armor was covered and the faces of the knights were hidden by visors. The distinctive marks of the knights were generic and inherited. The popularity of knightly tournaments led to the appearance of heralds - heralds, whose task was to describe the coats of arms and determine their affiliations. The heralds were very influential.

With the formation of estate monarchies, practical heraldry takes on a state character: the right to grant and approve coats of arms becomes the exclusive privilege of kings, a deed of arms is introduced - an official certificate for the right to use the coat of arms depicted and described in it, a certain price is established for the approval of the coat of arms, a fine is charged for the use of an unapproved coat of arms.

Thus, the coat of arms was a distinctive feature of the genus called the family.

A distinctive feature of my family is the coat of arms in the form of a seven-colored rainbow, enclosed in a circle, inside which there are bright rays of the sun streaming from behind the lush green cap of a tree located on the globe, held by human palms.

Depicted, on the coat of arms:

    the rainbow symbolizes the fleetingness of the events of our life and our attitude to everything that happens, even in the negative we are looking for the positive; we value even the insignificant and fleeting, because it will never be repeated;

    a tree with rays of the sun streaming from behind it, symbolizes the desire for prosperity;

    folded hands, raising the globe, symbolize the unity of the dissimilar.

The design of the coat of arms reflects the motivation that we try to adhere to while traveling through life: “Search, find and not lose!”.

Summing up, I would like to conclude: my family has its own distinctive (one might say identification) symbols (coat of arms and motivation - a life motto), which makes it different, special, different from other families, but dear, dear and close to my soul.

Genealogical tree of my family.

Between living people nameless

nobody happens at all;

At the moment of birth, everyone, both low and

noble name from his parents in

receives a sweet gift.

(Homer "Odyssey")

A family tree is a list of related people, built according to the order of family ties. For example, in this hierarchy, records for father and mother would be linked to records for children and grandchildren. The name “tree” or “tree” was given to this genealogical scheme because initially family ties were depicted as a spreading tree with “descendant leaves”.

There are several types of family trees. The classic version is built from ancestors to descendants. Usually, a married couple is distinguished - the founders of the clan, information from which is recorded at the bottom of the diagram. Above the trunk of the tree are the children, and even higher are the grandchildren. In this scheme, not only relatives, but also cousins ​​are on the same line, that is, in the same generation. The convenience of building a classic tree is that it can be supplemented in the event of the birth of a new family member.

The classical family tree is most often built in a patriarchal form, that is, ancestors in the male line are indicated. At the same time, the offspring of daughters may not appear in the scheme at all, especially if it bears someone else's surname. At the same time, you can safely build a matriarchal tree in which descendants on the female line will appear.

The second main type is a tree, built from descendant to ancestors. In this case, one person becomes the center of the tree, and his parents are indicated below or above, then grandparents. Such a tree will be difficult to supplement, but its plus is that it takes into account all the ancestors of an individual, and not only relatives on the paternal or maternal side.

The content of the records, as well as the shape of the tree, can vary. The minimum information is given name, surname and preferably dates of birth and death. In addition, you can indicate the main events of the person's biography, for example, the date of graduation, profession, place of residence, as well as the main family events - marriages and divorces with the names of husbands or wives. If there were several spouses, in the texts dedicated to children, it is advisable to indicate from the marriage or relationship with whom they were born.

The family tree itself is good in that it helps in a simple and concise form to preserve the memory of the main events in the family and long-dead ancestors. A beautifully designed family tree can become an original interior decoration or complement a family album.

My family.

Family is sacred, this is your strength, this is your protection and hopes, this is your faith and aspiration, this is your fortress. These are the people who will be with you throughout your life, will walk beside you, hold your hand, and will lend a shoulder. For me, my family is the most important thing in life. Family for everyone is those loved ones and dear people who have been with him since childhood.

For me, the family starts with my mother. Her name is Natalya Vitalievna. She works as an investigator of the Klintsovsky SDM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Mom is the dearest and closest person. She will always support and help, give good advice. Mom can do a lot. She is a very good cook, knows how to sew and knit. Our house is always clean and comfortable, and this is her merit. I love talking to her, and from each conversation I learn a lot of new and interesting things for myself.

I have a younger brother Artem. He is naughty, playful, but I still love him very much. He likes to play with me.

Our grandmother Tamara Vasilievna is a respected person. Granny is an excellent cook, as the dishes cooked by her hands are very tasty. My grandmother teaches me how to cook, passes on the secrets of her craft, which will be useful to me in the future. On weekends in the evenings, I ask my grandmother to tell funny and interesting stories from her childhood. They had a completely different - a kind, sincere and not easy life. My grandmother always helps me with kind advice and words, you can rely on her in difficult times.

I, of course, understand that the family is a collective, and the climate in the family must be created by all its members. Mutual help, care for everyone, kindness create warmth, comfort and prosperity in our family.

Each family should have their own traditions, their own family holidays. We in the family often remember the funny events that happened to us. These memories create a warm and cordial atmosphere. We love to spend our home holidays. For us, these are, first of all, smiles, laughter, gifts, friends, close people with whom you want to meet and communicate. We are all preparing for family holidays together and are looking forward to them. All this brings us together and brings joy. Holidays are unforgettable experiences for our family. We celebrate family holidays at home, on an interesting trip, in nature.

Family is the most important thing that each of us has. It rests on mutual understanding, trust, caring for each other, joy from joint actions. Here we can hear about ourselves what people from the outside will never dare to tell us, but here they will never stop loving us. And no matter what happens, we can always count on the understanding and support of our relatives. A person cannot live without a family.

For me, family is a place where I will always look forward to returning. My family and friends are always waiting for me and love me. My family is my support. My family is my fortress.


Becoming successful in the modern world does not always mean having a good car, real estate, or climbing the career ladder. Family plays a huge role in the success of any person. And in most cases, it becomes the most valuable gift of fate for each of us. As members of our family, we, as a rule, value and listen to their advice. Many books have been written about what family happiness is and how to achieve that very harmony. But in order to create a solid foundation in the family, you need to work on yourself and develop the necessary qualities. They will help you survive both ups and downs. Thus, in order to build family happiness, you need to have understanding, respect and self-sacrifice. There are no "I" s in the family, only "we".

Municipal preschool educational institution Kindergarten "Sun" Pedagogical project My family 2 younger group - "Berries"

Objective of the project : the formation of ideas about the family, the education of love and respect for loved ones.


Educational tasks

  • To form an idea of ​​the family as people who live together, teach to build elementary family ties; (social and communicative development)
  • Help the child to become aware of the remarkable characteristics of each family member; (cognitive development)
  • To activate the children's vocabulary based on deepening knowledge about their family. (Speech development)
  • To develop the perception of shape and size, the eye and fine motor skills; (hood-aesthetic development)
  • To develop physical activity of children; (physical development)

Developmental tasks:

  • To develop constructive interaction with the families of pupils in the formation of the moral qualities of children.

Educational tasks:

  • Foster a loving, caring attitude towards your family members, a sense of pride in your family.

  • Relevance

The family is a source that gives strength for spiritual development, helping a child to adapt in society, to find himself in life.

At the stage of a child's visit to a preschool educational institution, the family should not fade into the background, transferring all the priorities of social adaptation and development of children to teachers.

For a successful entry into the world of social relations, it is necessary to integrate the efforts of the kindergarten and the family and significantly increase the role of the family as a vehicle for socialization.


  • Project participants: children 3-4 years old, parents, educators ************************************************
  • Implementation period: two weeks (short term)

Stages of work


formulation of the problem .

Organizational: develop long-term planning in areas of educational activity, select visual material


(project implementation)

Final: photo exhibition "My Family", "Family Tree", presentation of the presentation.

Project implementation - practical part

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the project is implemented through various types of children's activities: play,



cognitive research,



musical and artistic,

reading fiction.

Play activity

"Family-meeting guests"

"At the doctor"

Play activity

"House for nesting dolls

Play activity

С / р .: "Daughters-mothers"

Play activity

"Game-situation" Dad is a good boss "

Play activity


Play activity

С / и: "Bus driver"

Motor activity

Pantomime game "Mom"

Game "Kittens"

Motor activity

Game "Kittens and Daddy Cat"

Motor activity

N / a : « Chicken and Chickens "

Communication activities

Stories from pictures.

Communication activities

"Animals and Cubs"

communicative activity

D / i .: "Mom's helpers"

"D / i .:" Who is busy with what "

Drawing up a story from a photograph: "Tell me about your family", "My dad is the best"

Conversations: "What is your name at home?" , "How did you help your mom?" , "Do animals have a family?"

"Finger games"


This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother

This finger is a daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is I

That's my whole family.

Productive activity Painting coloring pages "Friendly family"

Productive activity Application "Gift for Dad"

Painting: "Flower for Mom"

Labor activity

"We're setting the table"

"Watering the flowers"

Labor activity

"We wash the dishes"

reading works of art, learning poetry; showing the fairy tale "The Turnip" and the table theater "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" on the flannelgraph;

  • theatrical, story games;

Speech situations, situational conversations,

making riddles;

- attraction of children

to restore order in the game

corner "House", assistance

each other.

The article "The influence of the family

to raise a child "

Interaction with parents: information for parents on the topic of the project

Folder - slide

"We play finger games"

The effectiveness of the project:

for kids:

  • Knowledge of information by children about their family;
  • Development of the ability to develop role-playing games based on existing ideas about the family;
  • Demonstration of benevolence, emotional responsiveness towards family members, a desire to help them;
  • Expansion of horizons, vocabulary of children.

for a preschool educational institution:

  • Cooperation with parents has expanded;
  • The subject-developing environment has been enriched: developed and created

didactic game "Let's help mom set the table",

made a selection of finger games on the theme "Family"

Prospects for the development of the project :

  • Reflection of the theme "My family"

in the thematic week "Mom -

the word is dear ";

  • Further cooperation

with families of pupils

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family is a summer trip to the country.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

Having children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good, excitement and awe.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family is a lot of homework.

Family is important!

Family is difficult!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Always be together, take care of love,

I want friends to talk about you:

What a good family you are!

Project type: information and research, with the participation of children and adults.

The problem of studying the history of one's family in the modern situation is one of the most significant. Therefore, there was a need to study this topic. Children should know the answers to the questions: Who am I? Who are my ancestors?

The family tree has always been studied, but acquaintance with it took place in high school. This problem has not been investigated at the primary school age level.

Objective of the project:

Contribute to the consolidation of interest in the history of your family, to foster love and respect for parents and ancestors, to realize the role of the family in a person's life.

Object of research: 4th grade students.

Objectives: to study the history of your family (pedigree), the occupation of family members, to select photographs reflecting the pedigree and important moments in the life of the family, as well as impressions of family travel, work and leisure, to create a small family album.

Course of the lesson

Leading ( student): Dear guests! We, students of the 4th "B" grade, bring to your attention the creative project "My Family". Today we will talk about the families in which we live. The ancient Chinese thinker Confucius has this saying: "A state is a big family, and a family is a small state." Indeed, guys, the state and the family have a lot in common. how they are alike, we learn by making a trip to a state called the Family.

- Guys, let's get to know your families.

Imagine a journalist interviewing you today. (A journalist from among students in the same class.)

  1. Is your family big or small? How many people are there in the family?
  2. What's your mom's name?
  3. What's daddy's name?
  4. How many children are there in the family?
  5. Do your grandparents live with you?
  6. What do family members have in common?

- You are right, family members have a lot in common: house, things, furniture, dishes, holidays, interests, concerns.

“But the family has something else in common. You will know about it if you guess the riddle.

Mom has, and dad has,
And I have and you have
To recognize you, you must aloud name (surname)

Each person has their own "roots". There is a science that studies the family ties of a person. This science is called "genealogy".

Genealogy - (translated from Greek - genealogy), a special historical discipline that studies the emergence and development of family relationships.

Gulsum Kirasirova prepared a family tree.

- Pyataev Ilnur, winner of the regional essay competition about mom, will read you his work.

Pyataev Ilnur

Essay about mom.

Mom ... When you say this word, you get the feeling that a warm wind is blowing on you from somewhere. This wind brings the most fragrant smells: pies, hot cabbage soup, fresh milk that smells like summer. This is probably not in vain. These are the smells of my mother, because she knows how to skillfully cook food, knit, sew, grow roses. When she is at home, her soul is light and joyful, as if the sun is entering the house .. I would like to do something special so that Mom would praise and say: My clever girl. How you do everything neatly.

My mom is the smartest. She taught me to speak correctly, read many fairy tales and stories, from which I learned about good and evil, about the life of animals and plants. And how many verses we learned with my mother! Together we watch the TV show "The smartest"

My mom is beautiful. She has smooth black hair, gathered in a bun, brown eyes, kind, straight nose, lips are always scarlet. She dresses neatly and teaches me this.

Let my mother live in the world for a long, long time, because I cannot imagine life on Earth without a mother.

- Now our guys will tell you about their families

The Bikmaev family

Our Bikmaev family is very friendly. Parents devote a lot of time to ensuring that we have a happy childhood. From early childhood, they play with us, we relax in the fresh air with our family. I really like it when my parents are with me. Every summer, during the summer holidays, we go to camp to rest, we play there, arrange competitions, I love it when we rest in the camp.

Kirasirova Gulsum

I have a grandmother, her name is Gulzhagrya. She is 84 years old. When I was little and didn't go to school yet, she always played with me. We played different games. My grandmother has grown very old lately. I always help her go to the pharmacy for medicines. After all, the old need to be respected, they need it.

- Interesting data will be provided by Isyanayeva Dina for your attention

- I have always wondered where they get money in our family. One day I asked my mother about this and she said that every family has a budget - a list of income and expenses. The budget can be calculated for a month or a year.

Now we will visit our family and see what family income and what expenses.

1) dad's salary - 5000 rubles.
2) mom's salary - 3500 rubles.
3) grandmother's pension - 6,000 rubles.

Total: family income - 14,500 rubles / month

Utilities - 2000 r.
phone (mobile) - 400 rubles.
Food - 1500 (7500) rub.
Clothes - 2000 rub.
Medicines - 1000 rub.
Miscellaneous - 1000 RUB
So, income and expense are almost the same.
Total: family expense - 14,000 rubles.

If there are more expenses than income, then they talk about a budget deficit, then you need to save on something so as not to get into debt.

Conclusion: guys, we got to know your families, you presented interesting episodes from the life of families, studied the history of your family (compiled a family tree - 4 generations), I propose to study the history of your families up to the seventh generation.

Purpose: instilling in preschoolers a sense of love and respect for their parents, pride in their family;


  • the formation of beliefs about the importance and role of the family in a person's life
  • rallying the team of children and parents
  • development of family creativity, cooperation between family and kindergarten
  • to form the ability to make contact and conduct a dialogue with adults and peers: listen, ask, answer, object, explain.
  • develop the sound side of speech, form the grammatical structure.

Problem: Guys, do you all love your parents, are you always obedient? What do you do if you upset your mom? (children's answers)... Today I met our boy friend Dunno, he was very upset because he offended his mother in the morning and does not know what to do now. Do you think we can help him with something? (lead children to the desire to help Dunno).

Stages of work

1. Conversation: "Our friendly family" .

Purpose: to get to know the families of the pupils through their eyes. To cultivate love and respect for the closest people.

2. Drawing a family on the palm of your hand.

Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to trace their palm. To develop creativity, imagination, the desire to endow each finger with the image of a loved one, to paint.

3. Modeling a charm for the family "Ladybug"

Purpose: to acquaint children with the legend about the significance of the ladybug in the life of people. Learn to sculpt an insect using junk material. Exercise in smoothing plasticine. Develop fine motor skills. To bring up accuracy, the desire to give a gift to loved ones.

4. Role-playing game "Family" .

Purpose: to form children's ideas about family responsibilities. Form friendships.

5. Hall decoration:

Posters with proverbs and sayings: "The porridge is thicker in the family",

"There is no need for treasure, if the family is in a good way", "Every mother has her own child", "A family in a heap - a cloud is not scary."

6. Project defense: "Our friendly family" .

Our project

What do we want to do?

To foster in preschoolers a sense of love and respect for parents, pride in their family, to form beliefs about the importance and role of the family in human life; unite a team of children and parents; to promote the development of family creativity, family and kindergarten cooperation;

Our project is informative, short-term.

To solve the set tasks, we need to work very closely with the parents, to involve them in the joint implementation of the project, holidays, the design of albums, newspapers ...

Organize an exhibition of joint activities.

Introduce children to the hero who upset his mother. Lead children to the desire to help him.

What will be the name of our project?

After consulting with the children, we decided to name our project "Our friendly family" .

Our route to the goal:


Topic: "Our friendly family" .

Purpose: instilling in preschoolers a sense of love and respect for their parents, pride in their family.

Who will we go to for advice?

We really hope for the help of our parents.

  1. A. Lopatina, M. Skrebitskaya "" Conversations and Tales about the Family "
  2. G. Zaitsev "Bon Appetit" .
  3. G. Hoffman "Stepka-rash" .
  4. N. Kochergin "Mountain of the Sun" .
  5. N. Nosov "Cucumbers" , "Living Hat" .
  6. V. Dragunsky "Deniskin's stories" .

The main part of the project is the home stretch.

Stages of work:

  1. Organization of an exhibition of joint works of children and parents: wall newspapers, posters, albums.
  2. Conversation: "I love my dear mom" , "My dad is the strongest" , "Delicious pancakes at the beloved grandmother's" .
  3. Class "My family" .
  4. Experienced activity: We are summer residents - "Planting cucumbers" .
  5. Role-playing game "Family" .
  6. Didactic game: "Let's make the guest drink tea" .
  7. Productive activity; family symbol modeling "Ladybug" , Painting "Family in the palm of your hand" , portrait "My mommy" .
  8. Project defense "Our friendly family" .

Project defense

Reader. In a family circle, you and I grow up,

In the family circle, all your roots are
And in life you leave the family.

In the family circle, we create life,
The basis of the basics is the parental home.

Leading. Hello Family! What a beautiful word! Family. How this word warms the soul! It reminds of the gentle voice of the mother, of the caring severity of the father. You are a welcome child in the family. Here you were named. And how many mysteries and instructive discoveries are in the word "family"! For example: the word "family" can be divided into two words - "seven" and "me". And then it seems to tell us: "The family is seven people like me." And, it is true, in the family, everyone is somewhat similar to each other: in face, voice, look, disposition and character. There may be common hobbies and activities. And when was Her Majesty's family born? It turns out a long time ago.

Once upon a time the earth did not hear about her, but ...
Adam said to Eve before the wedding:
"Now I will ask you seven questions.
Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess? "

And Eve quietly replied: "Me!"
"Who will bring them up, my queen?"
And Eve quietly replied: "Me!"
"Who will prepare the food, my joy?"

And Eve quietly replied: "Me!"
"Who will sew the dress? Washer the linen?"
Will it make me sick? Will decorate your home? "
"I, I - Eve echoed again, - I, I ..."

From that time on, a family was born!

I congratulate you, family! You have long and deep roots. You have a high crown, looking to the future.

Leading. To honor parents means: in childhood - to listen to them, in youth - to consult with them, in adulthood - to take care of them. If this commandment is fulfilled, then we can say that the seed was not sown in vain. Delicate flowers have borne fruit! It happens that the whole family is judged by one person. You need to cherish the good word of your family.

(Now the children will ask riddles, and you will help them to guess)

Riddles about the most dear people

Who is serious, not joking
Will the nail teach us how to hammer?
Who will teach the courage to be?
Having fallen from a height, do not whine,

And scratching my knee,
Don't cry? Of course ... dad (song about dad)
Who came to me in the morning?
Who said: "It's time to get up" ?

Who managed to cook the porridge?
Tea - pour into a bowl?
Who braided my braids?
Did you sweep the whole house alone?

Who picked flowers in the garden?
Who kissed me?
Who kiddies love to laugh?
Who is the best in the world? Mum (song about mom)

Fragrant jam,
Treat pies
Delicious pancakes
At the beloved ... grandmother (song about grandma)

He did not work out of boredom,
He has calluses in his hands
And now he is old and gray
My dear, beloved ... (grandfather)

Where a friendly family is
The head is spinning with happiness!
Where a friendly family is
Faces shine with a smile

Like stars are burning!
Where a friendly family is
Everything is arguing perfectly!
Where a friendly family is

Good luck on the path!

Leading. Friendship, peace and tranquility in the family are the most precious thing. As the saying goes, there is no need for treasure, if there is a harmony in the family.

Story "Turnip"

VED: My grandfather lived in one village
Together with my grandmother for many years.
Somehow my grandfather wanted
Steamed turnips for dinner ...

The grandmother was angry:


Eat porridge! Well, there is no turnip!
If you want a turnip - so go.
Plant in the garden!

The grandfather planted a turnip,
He tried his best.
The turnip has grown wonderfully!
So delicious and so beautiful.

We need to rip the turnip,
Granny should be called.
Come on, grandma, don't be lazy
And follow me.

There are many ridges in the garden:
There are both turnips and salad.
There are beets and peas.
Are potatoes bad?

Our green garden
We will be fed for a whole year

They pull like this, pull like this,
Yes, they won't stretch it in any way ...


I should call my granddaughter
So we can't rip off the turnip!
Grew very big,
And what a heavy one!

They began to call the granddaughter together
And then pull again ...
Here are all three that have strength
They pull it like this, pull it like this -

But it will not be stretched in any way.


No, we can't do it again
We must call our Bug.
Come on, bug, do not be lazy,
Grab the hem as soon as possible.

The bug ran up to the granddaughter
And I began to pull the skirt
Only the turnip is all in place,
No, do not pull them together!


Woof - woof - woof, what's the trouble?
We need to call Murka then!
Murka! Cat!
Help us a little

Quickly, sissy, run,
Help me to pull the turnip!

Then Murka arrived in time,
And they got down to business!
They pull nicely, but the trouble.
Neither this nor that!


It didn't hurt to click the mouse,

I just ran here!

Mouse, mouse, don't be lazy

Work together with us!


I would be glad to work hard

What's the reward?


Turnip small piece

You will get it, my friend.

Let's get together, say "Uh"
They pulled out the turnip suddenly.
To your health, eat, grandfather,
Your long-awaited lunch!

Treats and grandma with her granddaughter ...
Treat the Bug with a bone,
Give a bowl of milk to the cat
Give a little grains to the mouse

And let's throw a whole feast
Cheerful to the whole world!

Host: Yes, peace in the family is the most precious thing.

But we have another family. This is our group. But how we live and play together in it, our girls and boys will show.

The teacher invites children to play "Family" ... Children choose from dolls "Daughters" and "Sons" and show what they will do in the role "Mom" and "Dad" ... Then take the required attributes (strollers, pots, iron, etc.) and stage a poem by V. Orlov "I have a lot of trouble" .

1st girl.

Doll Masha is a daughter,
Mom Tanya is me.
On me from under the handkerchief
My Mashenka is looking.

2nd girl.

I have a lot of trouble:
I need to cook compote
Masha needs to wash
And feed them with compote.

3rd girl.

She needs to tell fairy tales
Take her for a ride in a stroller.
Bathe, change,
Milk is hard to miss!

4th girl.

I need to be in time everywhere:
Wash, wash dishes,
Need to iron, need to sew
We need to put Masha down.

5th girl.

How stubborn she is -
He never wants to sleep!
It's hard to be a mom in the world
If you don't help her.

Sleep - ko, Masha-sun,
Sleep, grainy grain.
Sleep, my dear, golden fish.
Sleep - to, Masha-friend,

You have a soft pillow.
And in the crib it is white,
My berry is warm.

Sleep, dear baby, little blue dove, (sings a lullaby)

The teacher says that the children fell asleep. It's about time "For moms" and "Dads" get to work. You need to make the bed, wash the floor, cook porridge, make a stool. Everyone has a job.

Cleaning the bedroom
We'll shake the sheet
Lay it on the mattress.
Let's fluff up the pillows

Everyone can do it.
Blanket on the bed
We'll put the soft.
And to my big family

Let's do something nice.
We make a stool
A hammer is needed on the farm,
He is very friendly with nails.

I hammer the nails (Children make imitation movements.)
I help the whole family.
I take out my tape measure
And, where necessary, I put a mark.

An eye won't help
I need the exact size
I drank around the house
It helped a lot.

I sawed the planks
Made a stool. S. Chertko
We wash the floors
We will pour water into a bucket

And soak the rag.
Mop the floor diligently,
So it got hot. (Children make imitation movements.)
There is no dust and no dirt,

It became very clean.
With a mess as always
We did it quickly.
Cooking porridge

I put rice in a bowl
And filled it with water. (Children make imitation movements)
Rice rose, boiled,
Breathes - breathes as if alive.

Steam surges from under the lid.
The lid jumps, clinking.
Come all learn
Cook with me! G. Lyushnin

These are the mother's helpers who live in our group.

Yes, family is home. This is sacred. The family is mom and dad, grandparents, children. These are love and care, work and joy, habits and traditions.

Writing "Our family"

Exhibition "Family-palm" .

Amulet gift for the family.

This concludes our presentation, and the children of the middle group presented their project to you "A"

Amulet for the family.

Everyone knows the ladybirds.

They are known for more than a thousand species and they are common in all parts of the world.

It is simply impossible not to notice them, because they are so bright that the mood immediately improves.

In Ukraine, ladybirds are called "sun". If the "sun" has settled on you, then you will definitely be lucky, and you can also ask him what the weather will be like.

The ladybug is approached with questions about life and death, about the weather and harvest, about marriage. And ladybugs are also the oldest symbol of happiness and good luck. Finding a ladybug has always been considered a good omen. This is probably why children all over the world, putting a ladybug on their finger, say rhymes:

Fly to the sky ...

The name itself "Ladybug" speaks about the role this insect played in the life of our ancestors. It was believed that the ladybug lives in heaven and only from time to time descends from heaven to convey the will of God to man.

Mascot (or amulet) with the image of ladybirds has always brought good luck. And the more black spots on the back of this insect, the stronger the talisman was.

One speck - a ladybug will help in any new endeavor;

Two spots are a symbol of inner and outer harmony;

Three - a person will learn to be reasonable and be able to make the right decisions;

Four - protection from robbers and bandits (a talisman with such a ladybug is good to take on long trips);

Five - will increase the ability to creative work;

Six - will help in learning;

Seven is a divine sign, a ladybug with seven spots will bring its owner good luck in all matters and happiness.

Let a ladybug, made by your child's hands, settle in your house, dear parents. She will definitely bring happiness and good luck to the family.

Interesting fact!

The Indian state of Mizoram is home to the largest family in the world, with one husband, 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren, for a total of 167 people. At the head is her husband, Zion Khan, who is not only the head of the family, but also the head of the sect, whose main idea is "A man can have as many wives as he wants" .

MBDOU Kindergarten №7 "Ivushka" Middle group "A" Educator: Khimochkina L.P. Mineral water